ValturNaa Wrote:I did activate the phone call scene and I did run back ahead of the crook. The man in pink attacked me. The only possible explanation I can see is that the crook you have to race was almost at the yard entrance when I activated the man in pink.
humbird0 Wrote:Actually, if you're on the sidewalk when he sees you, you can get his stash.
ValturNaa Wrote:Can you? I tried that and couldn't get him to chase me until I reached the road. In fact, the first time I encountered this guy, he wouldn't come out until I was on his side of the road. Also, is it intentional that the roof overlap the road and prevent you walking on the bottom of the road way?
ValturNaa Wrote:Well, I'm noticing a LOT less lag now. Still a little bit laggy in pallet but less so than it was before (did not get to pewter yet, had some random CTD in viridian when I tried to save). I'm wondering if that particle effect you mentioned earlier is what caused the lag.
Bunnyav Wrote:To Humbird0. After reloading my save before sleeping on the SS Anne, I can confirm Pikachu is working properly now. However, the Deep water outside the Mess hall (after the first dive) was not working for Ash and Misty. I could not dive to encounter the sunken tenatcools and items. Have not checked if Jesse could do it or whether it works post Jesse (I.e, was this your intentional fix to prevent escaping without Team Rocket).
Zio-san Wrote:I assigned both of the check marks to the space bar but it still doesn't activate the swimming lesson. Is there a certain set of steps after the "rescue" cut scene? I'm starting to think that it might be my save that's the problem so I'll just stash it in the spoilers...
jummjumm Wrote:oh yeah,almost forgot, will every pokemon be available in the wilderness or are there pokemon,which you can only get through stealing from trainers?
surothedeath Wrote:i have a questian what is that song comting from then you fight the with the squertels agenst the team rockets i know it somwere
m3rchant Wrote:... I think an interesting nod to that would be to have some kids scattered about the world who have some of the more rare pokemon and would like to trade, but thanks to the new rules of this world you can just battle and steal them instead.
An interesting extension to this would be that if you do this enough times, the kid would bring his/her big sister/mother next time to beat you up... At which point you could steal the mother/big sister as well, in exactly the same way!
Kolos Wrote:When can we expect a revised version of the game? Stuck on SS Anne...
humbird0 Wrote:Kolos Wrote:When can we expect a revised version of the game? Stuck on SS Anne...
Here you go: (uploaded on
And the editor if anybody wants that:
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