ValturNaa Wrote:I'll be trying the newest version...saw a lot of what I would consider bugs in the last one. Like the bandit in the alley in Viridian City no longer coming out far enough to grab his stuff.
ValturNaa Wrote:I'm not even sure restarting is going to help. A lot of the trainers I've been seeing have had their sight distances altered. For instance, the guy in the alley in Viridian no longer comes far enough out to actually reach his hidden stash. I'd go with the save editing thing. Seems like the best alternative.
Actually, if you're on the sidewalk when he sees you, you can get his stash.
ValturNaa Wrote:Pewter City Gym I had lag so bad I could count seconds between character steps. Not even going to name the pokemon that got disconnected from their art because that was an easy fix. And was it on purpose that the man in the pink suit no longer gives away a storage key?
I wasn't aware of any real slow-down in the dark pewter gym. And testing it now in a virtual machine set to 1.8 Ghz, the pewter gym still seems to run smoothly.
But if you're referring to the milking base, then I'm afraid I haven't figured out any additional ways to improve the performance of that area. I already optimized the way that flash draws conveyor belts to use shared synchronized bitmap-caching so that having a ton of them doesn't affect performance. Testing in the virtual machine, the milk base only has some minor slowdown.
From my testing, I consider a 1.8 Ghz CPU to be pretty much the minimum required for this game. Anything less can get pretty painful. This is because Flash relies heavily on the CPU and very little on the GPU. Later versions of Flash could use the GPU more, but they use a different version of ActionScript and would require reprogramming everything from scratch.