Toyloli Wrote:Where to begin;
Firsty; Regarding me as a voice actress. Let me be clear and consize that I never expected anything from the whole 'volunteering' and that I only make myself known. Since my original audition (loose term) for roles I have scored two more voice acting roles, oddly both of them in my little pony videos or sketches. If and when public releases become available I will make them known to you. Suffice to say that while I agree that I may not be the best voice for Peach - all I wanted was for you to know I'm here IF I'm needed. Plus I can do a CRAPLOAD of accents and characture voices which may become relevent later.
One,voice acting is an art that requires a lot of training to get things right. Finding someone suitable is important, but that does mean the voice has to sound fitting. I felt that for Peach your voice was too low and too bored. Everything seemed to be said with a little sigh. But you can improve upon that, I know you can. And I like the fact that we can have an actual female voicing a female, not a guy that changes his voice or something like that. Please, keep on practising and try out for Rosalina.
Toyloli Wrote:b) Water levels - I have to say this CLEARLY... Considering MOST of the people harrassing Ivan seam not to care so long as there is MORE SEX SCENES... I would say this to you... You could include one per world. or three per world! IF there were enough monsters to make in interesting each time you entered a water designed level.... IF you can't provide at least one if not two new water monsters per level in your designs, then don't include them. If you can - The Rock On !
Whatever came after one, I already posted a whole list of water enemies (all of them pretty much) a while back and most were unusable for this game. So we simply won't be able to make six underwater levels. Also, underwater levels are usually somewhat the same and making more than half of world 5 underwater would ruin the world. Isle Delfino can be so much more than that. Ivan just doesn't know yet.
Toyloli Wrote:iii) I think Morton looks okay, your right in that the splooginess needs work, but I could easily see him running back and forth withing in screen, occasionally flailing at the player and the map would have a couple of blocks at reasonable heights that were indestructable so that peach could get the high ground... If the player wanted. Remember - he isn't Bowser so he doesn't have to be as badass. Just keep his dialog and movement in character (wish I had played more games so I could comment better)
Threesome, the fights against Morton is mostly the same in most games as he was in SMB3. Just walking and jumping around and in SMB3 occasionally firing a shot out of the wand. In SMW the fight is quite different. Morton walks up a wall (yes, he can do that), then up the ceiling and once he is above Mario he drops himself down. You can only hit him when he is on the ground. Oh, and he speeds up with every hit.
Toyloli Wrote:4) Endings.... So far this series has kept a relative balance of plot, humour and (thanks to blarg turning up) sex scenes... [Being a little pre-emptive here] but the one thing that is missing from this is a binding plot. Now personally yes, I would like to see a comic scene somewhere regarding the "Oh my God - Peach is Pregnant" (especially if we plan to include pregnancy in the bylist) but I have no intention of telling people what they can or can't do.
-- -- IF it sounds like I am! Then tell me to shut up. I promise I won't be Offended.
Having said that, dialog or no dialog (And a comment in the other thread was right, Mario games tend to be low on exposition) usually have Clear Goals where the player has to accomplish certain tasks, find certain objects or people and resolve them. At the moment this game has none of that. When it DOES get some of that - I hope it's both funny AND sexy... That's ALL I ask for!
and finally
X) don't tell me I missed numbers, I'll ignore you. I personally agree that the x-naught level seams completely out of place for the game. I mean, yeah it's fine to claim that it will be made part of the whole E-Gadds map but Mario games do not normally send you to a world without a good reason. Such as a kickass weapon, a plot device or chekov's shirtcoat (No, I did not mess up that pun). If you can't find a coherent plot (necessary) that requires them going to the moon or wherever that base is, then you should consider moving it to that other game that was mentioned.
It is in the works. There will be a reason for Peach having to go through all the worlds in order to get to Bowser and Mario's disappearance will also be explained. Space is a special world and will be a separate thing Peach can do. Gadd will simply ask Peach if she can find all missing pieces of a blueprint he needs. These can be found in the levels in the various worlds, presumably one per level.
Toyloli Wrote:Alright, all said, thankyou for your time
*Hugs back*. I'm sorry if I made you feel bad about yourself. Keep practising voice acting and responding to this thread.
Actually, now that I think about it, there is something I still want to know. In the MiM DO thread I asked you if you know WHY women like MiM PUT so much. Is it because the game is more 'female friendly' (Peach isn't a cumslut, but actually a character who can choose not to have sex)? Please respond to this. We want to make this game enjoyable for everyone of legal age.