cboy123 Wrote:How can I get other types of the simulations , other than the desert one
Alasar Wrote:When does the next update come?
Curiousben Wrote:Version .9a : Female Main character still doesn't get paid if she chooses the "trick -> talk his ears off" option. Which is really annoying when you can still get robbed if they figure it out.
Side note: Any chance that we could have the security room interfere with the customer in the case that he catches on to your game of "talk his ears off"?
Curiousben Wrote:Version 1.2: Female Main character still doesn't get paid if she chooses the "trick -> talk his ears off" option.
On the plus side, it doesn't appear that the client actually takes your money when it says that he does.
Skads Wrote:v1.2 You can access the Bar as a Female Character.
[Sleep] => [City Map] => [Bank] (Has to be before 9 am or after 6 pm) => You will get the message "Bank is working from 9 AM to 6 PM" [Close] -> [Bar].
You can even take girls home But you will be a Male(non permanent).
Curiousben Wrote:Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Marune Wrote:]v1.2 You can access the Bar as a Female Character.
Marune Wrote:Just updated the first post
Takauri Wrote:is there anyway to copy my data over from a previous save file?
ElPresidente Wrote:Marune Wrote:]v1.2 You can access the Bar as a Female Character.
You call that a bug?
A female character already has less content.
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