So I finished the game yesterday (reached the "end of demo" message). I'll start off by saying, this was frigging awesome! I did not expect the game to be so well made, and had a ton of fun playing it during the last week

Here is my list of things I liked and disliked... it's a bit long since I wanted to dive into many aspects so please bare with me.
Things I liked:
[*] It was much more lengthy, detailed, and of quality than I initially expected. I thought it would be a short parody at first, yet found myself playing a Pokemon RPG of nearly the same length and complexity as the old originals! There are 5 functional towns, with houses you can enter and NPC's you can interact with. Many NPC's you must battle to get through each hostile area. Not to mention tons of secret entrances, several mini-games, and more. Since I understand there will be even more content in the future, this only gets better!
[*] I loved the hilarious dialogues, references and mini-scenes. Stuff like the Misty cloth hunting sequence really makes you fall off your chair

As a disclaimer, I of course consider things like rape very evil in reality... ironically it doesn't bother me here since the characters are seemingly designed to not mind, and of course it's just fiction. Lastly, I loved the clever satire and puns on behalf of some real life subjects as well.
[*] I like the battle system in Pokemon Hentai more than the one in the original Pokemon games! For one thing, walking through tall grass doesn't randomly trigger a battle, instead you see the grass moving where a Pokemon is located. I also love how trainers partake in battles, and if you defeat a trainer you no longer have to fight their remaining Pokemon either. And although I hated this at first, it's smarter to only gain experience when defeating a foe of equal or greater level than you, while in exchange you only have two slots in the exp bar so farming doesn't become tedious (an annoyance in nearly all RPG games).
[*] If I understand correctly, you put effort into creating the engine from scratch, which makes this even more impressive. While I love tools like RPG Maker, and generally consider Flash outdated over HTML5 + JavaScript, this should ultimately allow the game to run in a browser, and I also don't have to go through the torment of making Windows games run on Linux through Wine.
[*] A less important thing, but letting it out as well: I'm glad the splash screen isn't cluttered with disclaimers that make it look like a tragedy to play a porn game, or police you for your real life age. Most NSFW games and websites do this, and it never ceases to annoy me due to how primitive and old that's gotten. It's nice to see a developer who doesn't care and lives in the 21th century

Things I disliked:
[*] The art style isn't entirely consistent yet, which is understandable since this is a work in progress. The biggest problem that stands out is that some Pokemon are rectangular black & white sketches instead of real sprites.
[*] There aren't enough random and / or repeatable battles in some areas. This is an issue because at some points in the game, if you catch new Pokemon, it's harder to level them up after you've already beaten the one-time trainers there. I think this problem exists in Pewter town and Cerulean town, where there are nearly no random repeatable battles that can be triggered. Pallet town and Viridian town have tall grass, whereas Vermillion has the military base where soldiers can always be battled in the yard, so the gap is filled there.
[*] I wish the party (the characters following Ash in the world) was a bit more customizable and flexible, since the current way is a bit confusing. You have two characters (Misty and Brock) who follow you, although they can't partake in any battles. Oppositely, you have only one Pokemon (Pikachu) that's also visible in-world and cannot be deposited in a computer. I understand this might be impossible to change however, since the visible characters are also related to dialogues and cinematics. I think it would be ideal if you could have every Pokemon in your party follow you around as well, for added eye candy if anything.
[*] This one might be a matter of personal preference as well as the direction of the story. But the one thing I found to be lacking are more Pokemon action scenes... action as in the naughty type. I'm a furry so don't blame me for suggesting this

There are a few such scenes already, like the kid babysitted by a spearow in Cerulean town... but usually it's just human on human stuff, like the hookery class and really most else. If that's the intended direction I am okay with it of course... just that seeing a hentai game with anthro Pokemon gave me hope there would be more "yiffy" content as well. One idea that comes to mind, as perhaps a secret in more obscure areas (houses included), is the player uncovering secret relationships between people and Pokemon... the stranger the better

Let me know what you think if you wish. In any case, I'll eagerly wait for the next update! Thank you for creating this great game Humbird.