LePasseur Wrote:Hi, the best way to implement your art in flash is to make vector graphics that can be imported into flash. CoyoteLounge and I used Inkscape (a free software) to make the art. To save a lot of time, you should use a different layer for each part that is going to be animated. I thought nobody was interested in the project but your art is pretty good and I could work with you or send you all CoyoteLounge work if you want. I have recently drop flash and switch to a visual novel engine for my works. I can go back to flash for a more animated game or adapt this project for a more visual novel style. You can send me a private message on this forum or reply to this post if you are interested or have question.
Sorry for my bad English, I'm better in french.
i cant seem to do personal messages on this site although having some help with this would be nice even just a little however i have had an art block for awhile so i have been dragging my feet lately