Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Hmmmmmm I was thinking here...
Why not keeping the money from the last level?
Then it would be nice because people will be trying to spare money for more cannons in harder levels
Its not a cheat, on the contrary, its a way for us to think strategically
moonblack Wrote:Bug: After losing the fifth level (the one that has tents on the upper part of the map) and choosing to play again I was sent to the previous level instead of restarting the current one.
OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:I little do not understand the idea. Then they can just sell all cannons at the end of the level and get more money.![]()
Some Players are cheaters after all(like me for example
OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:In 5 level i sell last cannon - the idea is that 4 cannon stop all enemys on the up way to the castle. But it can not stop 9 wave. So i sell it on the 8 wave and build 3 cannons there. Why not to sell all cannons then on the 9 wave when cannon already can not hit the enemy![]()
OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:Changed the sound of the first cannon. What sound was better first one or second one ? (It is a little quiet for now - please mute sound to check it)
Biles Wrote:Looks like the game is improving so far. Despite the red blocks you were using to indicate where I can and cannot build, I have a suggestion to improve it. Why not break up the red boxes into even smaller sizes, and also include having the red blocks appear on terrains that you can't build on, not just on other cannons. There's a glitch I happened to find, it seems the music has its seams overlapping one another for some reason.
There's a glitch I happened to find, it seems the music has its seams overlapping one another for some reason.
OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:Biles Wrote:There's a glitch I happened to find, it seems the music has its seams overlapping one another for some reason.
Can you please tell more in detail - what the bug is ? I little do not understand it.
Biles Wrote:Well, now that you've gone and edited the music to include a secondary track, it seems the bug have disappeared. Anyways, if you're planning to draw more graphical elements, I highly recommend you try editing the vector lines and reduce as many anchor points as possible. Believe it or not, the more anchor points you have the heavier the flash size become, and obviously the more it will lag in performance.
IxFa Wrote:Well god damn that was painful. I was happy to see a mute button, I thought about how nice it is to play a bit while listening to my own music or talking to someone. Unfortunately I can't mute the cannons, which are way way louder than I expected.
Biles Wrote:Major disastrous bug! I cannot place any cannons at all whatsoever! I don't know what you did, but the game is rendered useless for now. Aside from this major bug, I suggest you try to limit using a number of fonts in this game to increase optimal performance.
KingKaor Wrote:Well, after playing it for a short while (got to level 3, wave 7, in case you were wondering), I can say that this definitely has potential. The graphics are pretty good, but the differing art styles of the enemies, backgrounds, and other miscellaneous objects serves as a weird disconnect. Overall gameplay is good, but nothing really new. It's a tower defense game, that's it. I did like the various different towers and how they looked and how their attacks functioned (besides tower #1, which is glitched as I previously stated), but so far it's hard to really tell how powerful each tower is, and overall they feel kinda "samey". The three (or more) enemies were pretty neat looking, but they basically are all the same, but with more health and a swapped color palette. Also, new waves started almost immediately after the last enemy of the current wave died. I did like the end level/ game over sex scenes involving the randomly generated woman and the numerous Renamons (Renamons? Renai? Rena-people? What's the plural for it?)
Now, I do know that more of this is coming, so this is sort of my "first impressions" of it. There are maaaaany more things that can or do need to be done, which are:Spoiler (click to show/hide):
(Listed in spoiler to take up less reading space)
Overall, it's fairly good so far, and it definitely could be much better if you put work into it.
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