Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby carnagie » Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:59 am

Oh hey, found a nice reference for a Charizard.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby oscer191 » Sun Mar 08, 2015 7:41 am

This is probably a question you get alot, But are you going to release a new version of the game soon? I've noticed on your website and the forum that your active on this game again, which is great since I love this game. I was curious to know when the new version will be released. =)
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More vectors

Postby ValturNaa » Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:13 am

So, I started looking through the pokemorph list again and didn't see any colored squirtle. Since they're already in game, I decided to have a go at it. And while I was there, I built a headband for all three poses. Only one colored object (and a few lines) to every headband, so it's easy enough to recolor, and I built the head independently. Should cover all varieties of squirtle in the game thus far on a consistent body and location. Hopefully I interpreted the sketches right ... it's hard to tell sometimes what the artist meant to put in. But I'll be happy to tweak the svgs if needed. Personally, I don't see the armor wrapping under her legs, and I think the back pose would be better if it didn't cover her ass either. I'll post the svg as soon as I know if it needs any changes.

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front.png (18.75 KiB) Viewed 2054 times
horny.png (16.9 KiB) Viewed 2054 times
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Re: Horny vectors misspelling their shadows

Postby ValturNaa » Sun Mar 08, 2015 8:39 am

humbird0 Wrote:I actually prefer the 2-stage horniness since it creates tense battle strategies. Also, I don't want each battle to drag on too long.

I can certainly abide by that. The main reason I suggested more stages is because whether you're fighting at level one or level ten, it's the same difficulty in getting a poke horny ... and if you weren't depending on a limited resource for ending it, you could win every non-trainer enemy in three to five moves. Especially once you get an omanyte so you aren't just dependent on clicking. Whereas, with more levels and touches moving up to three stages a piece but dropping off at higher levels/harder pokes (or with growing resistance to touching?) the difficulty rises.

humbird0 Wrote:It's ironic that you mention Pikachu since her front pose was the very first pokemon I shaded, so it actually uses a somewhat simpler monochromatic shading than what I've been using lately...

The back is actually the one I was thinking about copying, but I may find I need to do all three for the practice. The tail shading is strange in all three poses, but the back one is the most obvious. It'll be interesting to compare the colors of the two poses as I do them.

Yeah, I'll see if I can find the dialog and send you a text file with corrections. It's mostly little things like being in the "dessert," which is something you eat after dinner, rather than "desert," a hot dry region. Definitely a lot better than some of the free games I've seen around, but I'm just fussy :lol:
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Re: Just put it in the internet box

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Sun Mar 08, 2015 3:53 pm

humbird0 Wrote:
www.porncritique.lol Wrote:Well, apparently my links don't work, maybe it's because I used the url for the pictures as an attachment and it can't show the pictures because the url doesn't exist... I feel so dumb, but anyways I'll attach them separately for now. Any suggestions for a website I could use?

I just use Dropbox.
It's a program that creates a special folder on your computer, and anything you put inside of the "Public" folder can be posted online.
After you copy a file into that folder, you right-click on it and choose "Copy public link"
This puts a URL into your clipboard that you can paste online so people can see that file.
The file will be online until you remove it from that folder.

Dang it, I uninstalled drop box right before going to check these posts, because I couldn't figure out how and there didn't seem to be any guides on it either. I'm pretty sure "copy public link" is what gave you guys a download link, so either I'm doing something wrong, or drop box is being really dumb.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Sun Mar 08, 2015 3:59 pm

oscer191 Wrote:This is probably a question you get alot, But are you going to release a new version of the game soon? I've noticed on your website and the forum that your active on this game again, which is great since I love this game. I was curious to know when the new version will be released. =)

A release date is never really solidified, Humbird0 prefers big updates over small ones, or at least that's what I've heard. If you can contribute it will speed up the development for the next update, and chances are Humbird0 will give us a notice when the next update will come out if he thinks it's ready, until then nobody really knows.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:03 pm

I'm doing this as a test, sorry for taking up space on the forum, but I don't know where else I could try it.

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Re: Just put it in the internet box

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:10 pm

New Dropbox users Don't get public folder I am using dropbox but you have to partly hack it by changing the img link form http:www. to http.dl.

Well, that didn't work... this is so frustrating.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:11 pm

Wait a minute...

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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:12 pm

Nope, still no dice. Ugh... I think I'm going to forget drop box and put my pictures on deviant art or something, drop box refuses to function.
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Re: Deliriant used mad skillz... it's super effective!

Postby deliriant » Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:27 pm

humbird0 Wrote:Okay, those are outstanding!
Their cell-shading looks great, but I'll probably have to re-do the shading to match this game's style.
Flat-colors would be ideal.
Your inked lines are beautiful.

am glad u like em :)

when u say flat colors, i assume u'r referrin to without shadin/highlightin, correct? cause if so would there b ny way i can send u the original PSDs? they contain all the individual layers of color, ink lines n shapes/masks to make it easier for u shade them (mind u, they'r nywhere between 5 n 15mb)

let me know, n i'll set u up with em
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby DevriiLegacy » Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:51 pm

www.porncritique.lol Wrote:Nope, still no dice. Ugh... I think I'm going to forget drop box and put my pictures on deviant art or something, drop box refuses to function.

are you using URL or IMG i use the IMG to upload without url at all spoiler then img inside spoiler then you add sharelink and change www to dl Like {spoiler}{img}{/img}{/spoiler} with brackets

This is my current rework on Gastly front I have been working on
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Re: Dropbox Issues

Postby DevriiLegacy » Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:58 pm

www.porncritique.lol Wrote:Nope, still no dice. Ugh... I think I'm going to forget drop box and put my pictures on deviant art or something, drop box refuses to function.

Oh when you are testing things you don't need to actually post there is a preview button you click and above the post your typing will be your post as it will look to everyone else, plus you can do multiple spoilers on one post by hitting enter and adding new spoiler thanks to a Mod showing me that.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby loshi1505 » Sun Mar 08, 2015 6:48 pm

yo, I finally made an account after lurkin' for over 3 years now. :P (you made me do it... now take responsibility! :lol: )

1st bug
character switching and items being transferred over.... or maybe not... either way though when I catch a PKMN or "catch" them to my side they'll usually join that party instead of going straight to PC or something..... I'm horrible at explaining this aren't I. >_>

well for an example when the events happen (like playing as misty, Jessie, or even the one-shot battle as the squritle squad against the usual rocket trio) you are able to capture the enemies PKMN still... and worse yet is their party is not full then the captured or "captured" PKMN are stuck in the party.... unless your able to get to a PC before the switch back to ash those PKMN are essentially lost.... (referring mostly to the squritle squad event)

personally I like the idea of items and stuff transferring over when characters switch... so I'd like it if that stayed in the game regardless of its obvious logic flaw... however to prevent PKMN from being lost in an event one-shot's party I suggest that their party be locked and that all captured and "captured" PKMN go straight to storage regardless of party being full or not. ;)

also if you stay with the idea of items transferring over when character switching might I also throw the idea of the TM skill set also going over to the party leader? (at least provided they're human.)

2nd bug
with the level test thingie.... I was actually able to go back to the normal game.... not sure you want to fix this one as it seemed intentional.... but yeah... I think it glitched a few things in the game for me that would work normally otherwise... like the rocket team in that taros milk factory never leaving despite completing the events.... (probably my fault for bringing play test stuff over to normal game but still.... >_> )

3rd bug
with getting in and out of the water when character switching... on occasion it'll auto switch to ash (just in sprite appearance) until you get into a battle... then it somehow auto fixes itself.... though I'm sure you'll fix this one with the next update. ;) (also half sure it's my fault for bring play test stuff over into the main game)

4th bug
once again after I left the level test area and went over to the main game I was pretty much unable to access pallet town... due to gary.... and his thousand cheerleaders blocking the way and no way around it... I'm thinking this is due to not finishing the professor oak event(s) and not "properly" getting Pikachu.... thus the later Pikachu sprite glitches.... >_> (definitely my fault for this one.... though I also point the finger at those play test levels. :roll: )

5th bug
evee and how it seems to naturally evolve to jolteon without the usage of thunder stone.... pretty sure it's a bug.... either that or I have no clue why you put that in there. >_> (again discovered while in play test)

6th bug
enemy trainers and PKMN leveling up as they KO you and your PKMN.... all I have to say is though the use and abuse of this I was able to get all my PKMN above level 10 just before going into the thunder gym by grinding my levels in the hotel battling the "maid". 8-)
i'm actually not sure about this one even being a bug... but I'd like it if it is never fixed. 8-) (seriously keep this bug. :lol: )

might I also ask for something like an event reset or something where you could reset the story of the game to a certain point like say back to misty being captured and "interrogated" at the thunder gym and squritle squad event and so forth? and hopefully with all current items and PKMN in both party and storage kept intact.... well unless it's game breaking things like strength, cut, swim before their normally discovered..... oh-and trainer reset when resetting events too. :D

other than all those bugs and my event reset suggestion I REALLY like the game! keep up the excellent work. ;) and I'll continue to support you by finding and addressing bugs and glitches and maybe toss some story suggestions if I can think of any. :P

and yes while in the test levels you made I caught sebrina.... :oops: (like the whole teen witch thing your gunnin' for too. ;) )
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby ValturNaa » Sun Mar 08, 2015 11:30 pm

Loshi, to my knowledge, evee here is supposed to evolve randomly at a specified level, or into a specific poke when exposed to a stone before leveling. I've also noticed the thing about the maids and leveling enemy pokes. I used that glitch (plus a lot of traveling to the PC) to get my main pokes up to six before I even reached Vermillion city ... and then I used the maids to level up more pokes to 6/7. It's especially interesting when not only can the maids be instantly re-battled (I pick the ones who use omanytes as they're easier to weaken and defeat when I want to) but also the Vermillion inn is the only one that lets you sleep as many times as you want without paying extra. The only other -repeatable- enemies I'm aware of in current build are the soldiers in the electric gym, and they do ridiculous amounts of damage for their level.

I also consider paralysis and plural-strike attacks to be glitched in current build. While paralysis most of the time doesn't even give me a one turn respite, sometimes it keeps the enemy stunned until they die. Because of this unpredictability, my Pikachu sadly doesn't come out much. And my Tauros can stampede the same enemy up to seven or eight times in one turn, which is insanely powerful when she's been taunted and/or used her taunt power. Or she can go six turns with just one hit each. To balance these powers, I think both would need a stacking effect that makes it increasingly less likely to trigger (or hold) again. A paralysis recovery chance of 20/40/60/80/100% would almost guarantee one turn, likely two of paralyze, and couldn't go for five turns. A similar effect on multiple strike hits would make them most likely to hit 2-3 times, sometimes 4, rarely 1 or 5. It's also annoying when Tauros finishes an enemy in the first hit or two and then needlessly stampedes four more times. Just a thought.

Humbird, I've been going through your poke lore. Eliminated the ones with good descriptions in the current editor, and erased the ones submitted earlier. Now writing them in mostly alphabetical order (aside from following evolutions). I think I'm maybe halfway through the list now. Trying to look at your notes, bulbapedia, and the pokemorph sketches for inspiration. If I keep at it, I may finish the list to submit by tomorrow.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Dapper Gent » Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:53 am

Heeeereeee's Clefairy!

::insert the Shining reference picture here::

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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Dapper Gent » Mon Mar 09, 2015 4:52 pm

And here's a random Metapod. This took me forever to do. >.<

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MetapodF.png (171.67 KiB) Viewed 1902 times

MetapodFSketch.png (194.24 KiB) Viewed 1902 times

MetapodH.png (206.33 KiB) Viewed 1902 times

MetapodHSketch.png (198.64 KiB) Viewed 1902 times



deliriant Wrote:
humbird0 Wrote:Okay, those are outstanding!
Their cell-shading looks great, but I'll probably have to re-do the shading to match this game's style.
Flat-colors would be ideal.
Your inked lines are beautiful.

am glad u like em :)

when u say flat colors, i assume u'r referrin to without shadin/highlightin, correct? cause if so would there b ny way i can send u the original PSDs? they contain all the individual layers of color, ink lines n shapes/masks to make it easier for u shade them (mind u, they'r nywhere between 5 n 15mb)

let me know, n i'll set u up with em

Hey Deliriant, did you get the message I sent you?
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Dead2112man » Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:10 pm

loshi1505, Seeing how your one of the few people to due the test to main game glitch, I will explain the glitches you found.
Starting with your first ""glitch"", that is in the game for the reason that you will be going back and forth from playing as Misty and Ash, while yes it is a little annoying when in comes to the Squrtle Squad battle and possible future battles. The any trainers, like Rocket's, that fight neither Ash or Misty will be fought more than once so you will have more chances to get them .... I believe.
Glitches 2-4, yea, that is just some thing in the game that I don't really know if Humbird0 put that in for us to test things or not out side the test chamber. The Torus will leave the area, you just need to re go into the rocket hide out for it will re-activate the team rocket event (you might want to just go back to pallet and go from there). The swim thing is due to the fact that Ash is the main focus and Humbird0 does not have the followers with a swim animation when following yet. With not being able to entering pallet completely, yea that will not be fixed, the only way you can get back into pallet is by getting Humbird0 level creator and adding a teleport in pallet some where, I would suggest Ash's moms room for no cut scene happen there unless you already had access to pallet with misty.
Glitch 5, yea, Eevee evolving into any of the three evolutions was just an idea that humbird0 had, I don't believe he is keeping that for ... reasons, (Hint get Pikachu to level 10)
Glitch 6, yea, you nailed that one on the head, and I don't know if he is going to fix that or not, And if he does keep that, I believe that he wouldn't want us to abuse it.
Yea, I have doubt that he will implement any kind of event reset for the reason that it would remove some of the replay ability of the game, Like, would you like a reset in the let say the Gen one, you would be over powering every thing, while yes, that can be fun once, it breaks the point of loving and nuturing a new team.
On a Side note, I have gone further than catching just Sabrina once by capturing every trainer/pokemon possible once (messed with the game code for that to be possible) trained them all to level 8 or ten if I could get them in the test zone, yea, I am hoping for more moves for the humans, like Boy or man having more than fail at some point to make the battles more interesting. I believe I talked to Humbird0 about that.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
Official bug tester of Dark Impulses, creators of pokemorph:Pink
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby ValturNaa » Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:03 pm

So, I finished going through the list of lore. I tried to integrate possible mating habits as well as some interesting facts gleaned from bulbapedia about each pokemon. I also rewrote a few of the pokes already described in-game, hopefully more completely, concisely, and correctly (the missing words in Cubone's description for instance bothered me).
I found it interesting that many of the pokemon were described as being invincible or unstoppable but then another pokemon can break them. Cloyster, for instance, surviving a bomb or missile and its armor can't be opened from the outside but apparently it's regular prey for the kingler. I think someone on the poke dev crew (or possibly just someone on bulbapedia) got a little too excited with his descriptions. Tried to keep that to a minimum here.
pokemorph lore_val.rtf
(37.98 KiB) Downloaded 370 times
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby loshi1505 » Mon Mar 09, 2015 9:24 pm

Dead2112man Wrote:*snip*

yeah I somewhat figured a good number of these glitches are ones already know... but figured it'd be better to re-iterate them then let the chance of them go into the next update. ;)

as for the taros milk factory.... well the taros left.... and I rounded them all up and gave them back to the rancher too... and the rocket members still didn't leave even though the taros and milk containers are gone... >_<

and yes I did get Pikachu to level 10. 8-) and I think that should be an event with the choice of evolve or not (kinda like the cartoon) with both pros and cons to both choices... but that's just me. ;)

as mentioned with the trainer switching I think it'd be 10000 times easier to just lock their party and any captured to go to PC.... well unless it's misty or someone you can basically switch to whenever you want by going to the first inn... :roll:

and the main reason I suggested the reset is that PKMN is too long to re-play everything. >_<
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