Pokemon Hentai Game update (Jan 31, 2016)

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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby rjhorton90000 » Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:34 am

I don't know if you are looking for ideas to put in the game but while I was looking at so pokedex entries I saw that Pidgeotto's entry says it claims a large area as its territory and if anyone enters its area it will punish it with out mercy and I thought that maybe Misty or Pikachu could run into a Pidgeotto's territory and get caught and punished resulting in ash having to find and save them giving you a chance to get a pidgeotto
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby VintageBass » Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:38 pm

rjhorton90000 Wrote:I don't know if you are looking for ideas to put in the game but while I was looking at so pokedex entries I saw that Pidgeotto's entry says it claims a large area as its territory and if anyone enters its area it will punish it with out mercy and I thought that maybe Misty or Pikachu could run into a Pidgeotto's territory and get caught and punished resulting in ash having to find and save them giving you a chance to get a pidgeotto

Usually when it comes to Pokedex entries, those are always flavor texts and those do not match up what the Pokemon actually do in the game. Like with Pokemon with Speed-based entries? Or how about some that could use a natural function, but can't learn moves based on these functions.

... Not saying they can't be done, just saying that flavor text is just flavor text.
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The best stories emerge when things don't go as planned

Postby humbird0 » Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:22 am

Actually, I really like ideas like these. I've been trying to come up with detailed lore for each of the pokemorphs, and it would be ideal if each one had a scene in the game demonstrating things like this. It would probably be way too ambitious to make scenes and stories for all of them, but this is definitely one of things the official pokemon games seriously overlook. There's potential for so many interesting situations and stories... and the games just make you level-grind and challenge gym leaders. That's kind of why I've been trying to integrate the TV show into this game somewhat. The anime at least attempted to explore some of these things.
Last edited by humbird0 on Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
Every Pokemorph created for the game
Every cutscene picture in the game
Reference material gallery (characters, poses, outfits, expressions, personalities)
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Postby humbird0 » Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:39 am

Wouldn't this be an amazing psychic pokemon trainer?

There's a LOT more where that came from...
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Pidgeotto claims large territories... but SHE claims the Pidgeotto

Fuschia City... a place so ninja, even this kids are zen-masters

...And then there's the fake ninja's

Safari Zone tourist?

Best babysitter ever?

A certain Brock-stalker from Vermillion city

If Hugh Hefner was a pokemon trainer...

Okay, seriously... I've stumbled on a goldmine here. This artist rocks at drawing personalities.
Very VERY good inspiration and reference material here.
We don't have to copy his characters or rip-off his artwork. Just the facial expressions alone would make awesome pokemon trainers.
You could draw any character and use facial expressions like these to give them amazing levels of personality.
I'm definitely adding some of his stuff to the reference material gallery of personalities. (Why do I keep mis-spelling that as "personalitities?")
There's a lot more in the gallery.
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
Every Pokemorph created for the game
Every cutscene picture in the game
Reference material gallery (characters, poses, outfits, expressions, personalities)
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby dragonmaster121989 » Sat Feb 28, 2015 8:30 am

Those look pretty cool. I'm sure we could make good use of the expressions some how.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update

Postby ValturNaa » Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:54 am

So, I realize it's been a while since the last update, but I had to ask if there's still any activity on this project. I just found this site about a week ago, stumbled across this project, and fell in love with the concept. And with most of the graphics (the items that are finished especially). I've never played a pokemon game before, and I doubt I'll ever play any other than this one.

Point is, it really bothered me playing with pokes whose art was unfinished, so I started a little personal project converting the images into .svg with inkscape. Just a simple trace it and add color but what I've seen above (just passing glimpses) led me to believe that might be a needed function. If work is still progressing on this, would you like the images and/or .svg files to improve on my work? I'm no artist so I didn't get to the shading, and I'll admit as quick as anyone my hand work needs help, but I have developed a fairly straightforward conversion process for the line sketches.

Also if you need any assistance with writing, I'd be glad to help whenever I can. I write a lot of furry, paranormal/werewolf, and high fantasy pieces, and world building is a particular hobby of mine. I've had an idea knocking around my head for a brand new twist on this story (starting from the very beginning) but I don't know that my programming skills are advanced enough yet to build my own version of this even if I copied all the artwork.

Attachment is just to show a sample of what I've done. I've only worked at this for a couple of days but I've colored Caterpie, Diglett, and Tauros so far. You may notice with Tauros I changed the mane to make her more like a bison, and the colors follow that theme.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby dragonmaster121989 » Tue Mar 03, 2015 8:11 am

This thread is indeed very active with lists of stuff still being finished and worked on. The game is still getting updated it's just been awhile and of ok correct humbird0 prefers larger updates to small ones. Also as much as I'm happy your working on coloring some of the Pokemon I think most of the ones you did have already been colored.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby senor_pink » Tue Mar 03, 2015 11:15 am

Hey got me registered here and there would have few questions to the pokemon hentai game :)
I'm stuck in front of the ship and wanted to ask when the next update will come?
Can the pokemon evulution after the update?
And how far will then go after the update?
Will there be further updates?

But until now, like I"m curious what will come next, it may even not wait for more
: D

sry for my English is Google translator: P
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Dead2112man » Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:26 pm

Ok I got this, Senor_pink, the update will arrive when it arrives, The pokemon can already evolve, but currently only in the test room at level 10, The length of the next update will be the length of the next update, And considering how big the project is, yes there will be multiple updates, Heck I would be amazed if the game is 100% made by 2020 for how big

Trust me and the rest people that post here often, the wait will be worth it.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby ValturNaa » Tue Mar 03, 2015 6:01 pm

Dragonmaster: yes, I noticed some colored versions on his list of morphs. Personally I prefer a bit more color than I was seeing ... bicolor at least instead of basically monochromatic ... but primarily this is a project I've undertaken because for whatever reason, he hasn't seen fit to include the colored versions in the latest game update. Diglett for instance still covers half the screen in white when you play her with the included graphics (no longer for me because I fixed it in my version). I've been focused on the ones actually seen in the game as it plays now, particularly the ones I see frequently and/or like to play. I'm simply offering these graphics if anyone wants them. However, if there are morphs and/or trainers that it would be more helpful for me to work on, just let me know which ones or tell me where I can find out.

Since I posted yesterday I've also done omanyte, bi-colored with a kind of seaweed green for hair and the underside of tentacles. Took about an hour each on the front and rear views, almost two hours for the horny just because of the complexity introduced by the tentacles. But I think it turned out all right.
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Re: The best stories emerge when things don't go as planned

Postby Dapper Gent » Wed Mar 04, 2015 1:14 am

humbird0 Wrote:Actually, I really like ideas like these. I've been trying to come up with detailed lore for each of the pokemorphs, and it would be ideal if each one had a scene in the game demonstrating things like this. It would probably be way too ambitious to make scenes and stories for all of them, but this is definitely one of things the official pokemon games seriously overlook. There's potential for so many interesting situations and stories... and the games just make you level-grind and challenge gym leaders. That's kind of why I've been trying to integrate the TV show into this game somewhat. The anime at least attempted to explore some of these things.

You are an inspiration, Humbirdo. (Seriously, I even put a tribute to you in my own game. :D I wonder if anyone's found it yet...) But the above is what I'm aiming to do with Pokemon Pink. Though I did the traditional Pokemon game thing (new trainer and team, new rivals, new issues, etc) I'm also trying to keep it right behind the events from the series while also putting a unique, Humbirdo inspired twist on them. Like the Pokecenter explosion in Vermillion resulting in the release of the Pokemorph virus. Then there's going to be the blue bandanna Squirtle's hunt for her leader (the one that went off with Ash) and occasionally seeing Ash and company just slightly ahead of Pink's team and so many other things.

Speaking of which and while I have you here, you wouldn't happen to have a tutorial for your program, would you? I'm having difficulties doing both basic stuff (like having NPCs move/turn towards the character) and having text scroll through multiple boxes (ex. not limiting speaking to one box) as well as larger events (like your little Team Rocket events). Programming is all Greek to me, but I'm trying!
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Dead2112man » Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:18 am

ValturNaa Wrote:Since I posted yesterday I've also done omanyte, bi-colored with a kind of seaweed green for hair and the underside of tentacles. Took about an hour each on the front and rear views, almost two hours for the horny just because of the complexity introduced by the tentacles. But I think it turned out all right.

I really like the way this looks, Only way I think the picture can be improved is with maybe some shading. If shading is not your kind of thing, I am pretty sure many of the people here or even Humbird0 him self could shade it.
But that is all up to you, just suggestion to throw out there, either way great job, can't wait to see what you have next.
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby ValturNaa » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:03 am

Dead2112man Wrote:I really like the way this looks, Only way I think the picture can be improved is with maybe some shading. If shading is not your kind of thing, I am pretty sure many of the people here or even Humbird0 him self could shade it.
But that is all up to you, just suggestion to throw out there, either way great job, can't wait to see what you have next.

Thanks. I agree, I think shading would really make this, but it's a little beyond me at the moment. I'll try copying one or two of the shaded pieces to see if it helps me learn how. And just for you, my first pose of Staryu. I'm going through the morphs in the order that they appear in game. This is a little different interpretation to the one on his list, and a first experiment in simple shading. I think the shader really brings out the sharp shape of the limb armor.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby Fly88xx » Wed Mar 04, 2015 7:54 pm

I respect the effort you put into your work, but I personally find your colors too bright, too toonish. The ones we already have colored are more muted, and I like that more.
Although the shading really makes them look sharper, but stil too bright
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby VintageBass » Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:10 pm

Fly88xx Wrote:I respect the effort you put into your work, but I personally find your colors too bright, too toonish. The ones we already have colored are more muted, and I like that more.
Although the shading really makes them look sharper, but stil too bright

At yet this doesn't seem all out of place compared to the rest of the games, where a good majority of Pokemon are, in fact, colorful and bright. Although the pink the Staryu could be changed to something more brownish... Then again, haven't these been done yet, or just haven't gotten colored yet?
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby ValturNaa » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:06 pm

VintageBass Wrote:At yet this doesn't seem all out of place compared to the rest of the games, where a good majority of Pokemon are, in fact, colorful and bright. Although the pink the Staryu could be changed to something more brownish... Then again, haven't these been done yet, or just haven't gotten colored yet?

Yes, many of them have been done but the colors have not been included in the game download, and yes I can tweak colors. I interpret the pokes a little differently than the coloring I've seen thus far and if you look at the pokemorph list (find one of HumBird0's comments; it has a link) you'll notice that many morphs have multiple color interpretations already, which HumBird can choose between in final production. Staryu has a coloration already that makes the limbs and body both a yellow-brown, which doesn't fit my interpretation of the character as sketched. To me, it looks like a woman in armor, not a starfish as in the original pokemon games (yes, I like to look up the pokes I work on). And the hair? I realize hair like this is often seen in anime but this stands out so much that this looks like a helmet. Personally, I think the sketches need a little tweaking to resemble the original Staryu, and I'll work on this to try and get something presentable that looks more like a humanoid starfish.

Fly, I respect your opinion. Personally, I'm of the opinion that we should be able to see games the way we like them to look. I like mine colorful like the original games; in fact my version of Diglett bothers me because the rear view is basically monochromatic. Since HumBird has created an extremely easy way to customize graphics, I see no reason why I can't make my game (or anyone else make theirs) colorful while you make yours muted if you wish. With this particular morph, I actually copied the colors of the original staryu as closely as I could (see http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Staryu_%28Pok%C3%A9mon%29) and then gave the humanoid body a humanoid color. I typically color by examining the original pokemon art, examining the creatures they're based on, and then interpreting the two into a humanoid figure.
If you'd like to tweak the colors and you have inkscape or any other program that handles .svg files, I can post the file and you can make it muted to your heart's content. It's a simple matter of mixing colors on the color palette, which is out of sight above the three poses and then applying those colors to the various objects from which the staryu shape is made. I can show you how if you aren't familiar with inkscape. Or I can always mix more colors myself and submit them as options. It only takes a few minutes once the shapes are made and like I said, no reason not to customize graphics when it's a simple copy-and-paste operation. I've even started working the pokemorphs I've done into a set of simple zip files. Extract the contents (the swf folder) into your game folder, and it will overwrite current graphics. This even works during gameplay and will update as soon as it changes pokes or poses. Only posting the omanyte for now to let people see how easy it can be.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby ValturNaa » Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:38 pm

Tried making staryu's body a little browner (still not monotone with the armor) and I think I like this even a little better than my first version. If anyone has any other color suggestions, I'm all ears.

Also, fly, got your message and I'd love to chat further in pm but sadly it appears I'm not yet allowed to use this feature. So I'll just edit a quick response into this post. I wholeheartedly agree that lighting and shading bring the pictures to life, and I'll work on developing that skill set. Meanwhile, I'm simply adding color to a game I rather enjoy playing but which enjoys an abundance of unfinished art.
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:10 am

Well, after a bunch of work and some frustration, I finally finished the front pose! It was a lot more difficult than I expected because of the perspective, shading was made quite difficult because of how her arm is extended torwards the screen, but I managed. I ended up re-doing her shading 3 or 4 times after doing her lower body, I wanted it to look as much like Birdo's shading as possible, and it's a definite improvement over the back pose, but I'm not too sure if it's good enough to go in the game. In any case it took me longer than exoected, I got quite distracted with Hearthstone and Smite among other games, so I forgot about it for a while, and then I went and did all the shading on the front pose at once.

Now you guys can also see the back pose as it was meant to be seen as well, and both poses come in a shaded and colored version, in case my shading job isn't satisfactory. Enjoy, hopefully I'll have Meowth's horny pose done by the end of the weekend, but I can't promise anything.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Back Colored:
Back Shaded:
Front Colored:
Front Shaded:
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:16 am

Why didn't my pictures show up? What the heck?! Let me try that again...

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Meowth Back Colored.png
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Re: Pokemon Hentai Game update (03/18/2014)

Postby www.porncritique.lol » Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:18 am

Well, apparently my links don't work, maybe it's because I used the url for the pictures as an attachment and it can't show the pictures because the url doesn't exist... I feel so dumb, but anyways I'll attach them separately for now. Any suggestions for a website I could use?

Back Pose, Shaded:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

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