PIkachu is overrated, honestly i don't like pikachu... its' popularity is a hoax, other pokemon are way more popular check out Let's go Eevee vs Let's go Pikachu. Eevee got 6 special moves pikachu got like 3.
I'm not a pikachu fan I want eevee's and vulpixes.
Honestly if i had the knowledge and skills to make flash games i'd make my own ,but alas i don't

But on the otherhand i really hope this is actually finished i was really sadden when i found out that the hentai version and pink were incomplete.... I loved Humbird0's design and feel Gen 2 was my favorite not too many pokemon and 2 whole regions to have fun in. Aside from leafeon, Glaceon, and maybe Sylveon and the alola vulpix and ninetails Gen 2 is i think in my opinion the best.