by Xannn » Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:16 pm
Hey hi there.
I have been following this forum for a long time, and I wanted to post about this game and what would make it be much more awesome, at least in my opinion (If the original author still looking at this topic xD).
The games has great combat scenes, and the gameplay mechanics are great in some way. But for the guys that want to test all the things inside the game, I mean, sex animations and stuff, the "survival" mode isn't enough even with the trainer, since it allows you to customize your char, yes, but at game's stability cost some times. Also, it doesn't allow you to create an empty place and spawn just the monsters you wanna fight, and using the horde mode just make you see random guy near you grab scenes, while your FPS keep decreasing thanks to the continous spawn of new enemies.
And then, I thought that a kind of "sandbox" mode would be great for testing pruposes for those who seek to see the intricate of grab scenes that are possible, different clothes, weapons and stat combinations and so on, without having to worry about stability decrease that the trainer gives to the game. All this was inspired by another h-game, this time a "commercial" one, that is called shinobi girl, and it allows you to enter in a sandbox mode after beating the game. It is really well done, but it isn't want I wanted for this game. What I think that would fit better in this game (maybe putting both modes would be great too, for those who seek less interactive scenes and just want to see what scenes has the game to offer, but also would make the author lose more time in it, and I don't want him to waste his time in something that people may don't want, maybe a poll would make things clear in this aspect) is a kind of "dev" mode that the game I mentioned before has, and which I discovered toying with the flash options.
It was the normal corridor, but with several and interesting options added. No enemies spawned automatically, instead, you were able to choose the monster you wanted to spawn, you could change how many "armor you had left" and even start the end game wall whenever you wanted to (The wall spawned anyway if you kept playing that dev mode long enought, but I think that was more a bug that other thing, to be honest). So what I though that the sandbox mode (if made) should have is something like that, but adapted to this game. Something like "usable items" spawn buttoms (weapons and armors, whatever you can use in fights, since the other items are just for the history mode, and would be stupid to add them in this mode, imho) and chooseable sides monster spawn buttoms, maybe with infinite health/armor buttoms and stat modifier menu.
Other things that would be nice to see inside this gamemode would be a PC/NPC damage multiplier/divisor so you could adjust it to make the enemy/yourself, last long enough to be able to cicle from all grab positions. This could also be archieved with something that gives enemies infinite health, but the it would be almost imposible to escape if the enemy reached the last level of grab (maybe a kind of "cum" key could solve that, and also would make seeing all "cum" scenes for each grab much more easier to see).
I hope I have explained myself well enough, and I hope you like my thoughs. Have fun!
PD: I will copy paste this long post so I can recover what I exposed easy in case some Moderator confuses this post with spam (Too long for a first normal post in an account without even a description or picture xD)
PD2: Also sorry for my crappy English and my horrorific Grammar errors in advance, also if you guys want, I can provide an screenshot of that "dev mode" from shinobi girl game I said before, so you can figure better what I wanted to say.