- drinking-moonshine.gif (1.95 MiB) Viewed 3656 times

okay this game is going to cause some Missing people if someone doesn't help me in the next 24 hours....

- boa-hancock_depress.gif (362.54 KiB) Viewed 3656 times
Okay I'm sorry about that outburst Iv been working on the game and using a tutorial on making a platformed i was just using it for 2 parts but still it missed up the whole game I did the stupid thing and saved over the main file because it was working so fine the 1st time and then when i tryed getting her to stay on the F*cking

okay got to calm my self down so getting me some green tea tomorrow any way the hit-test doesn't want to work on the floor now only when the player is near the trees so I put a bunch of trees to her and they don't work so I'm about to the point of trashing the whole thing because of a few bits of code so I'm going to just take a breath tomorrow and enjoy my day any way down below the link to the tutorial part 3 and 9 plus 2 cause it ties to 3 are what I am using if a coder wants to look at it and tell me how to fix the floor tell me or if there intrusted in the game main file ill let them look at it and see if they can fix it but mind you if I see someone ask for the game file then come out with a game like it

lets just say don't try it when I'm in this mood
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