bubba91 Wrote:I see a problem, Shredder is a villain of the caliber of Giovanni and I don't think they'll fit really well in the same organisation.
The solution is to split Shredder into two characters - one is Giovanni's command pokemon and has Shredder's looks (either a nidoking with metal plates on face and shoulders or a rhydon with a violet cape - so actually the pokemon would be a more competent Rocksteady - his demise or capture would also help explain why Giovanni needs Mewtwo) - the other is Giovanni himself, adding a few of Shredder's background characteristics to him (this would alternately be a good excuse for Giovanni in a Shredder costume - he needs to hide his identity when commanding his troops in the field).
bubba91 Wrote:So we a have a few tasks to discuss about this characters:
-origins of Splinter(rename) and the squritles
Kamaitachi (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamaitachi ) could have the same origin as Splinter - she used to be the pokemon of some guy Giovanni killed - maybe the father of Youngster Joey (
http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/youngster-joey )
bubba91 Wrote:-motivations (why did she taught them martial arts, do they fight the crime or just steal pizzas?)
Kamaitachi wants revenge on Giovanni - and she has aspirations to become a pokemon trainer. She sees it as the ultimate testament to her late master's skill that she can beat human trainers with her own pokemon group.
She found the squirtles while searching for something edible in the sewers. Maybe they were abandoned by their a trainer, like the squirtle gang in the anime.
As for whether they fight crime or just steal pizzas - it could actually be funnier if they really just steal pizzas.
bubba91 Wrote:-the team rocket(why the organisation should be interested about them, and what are they doing to anger the squirtles)
writing the topics I had an idea we can develop:
Team Rocket is using the sewers to move their smuggling and this anger the squirtles for some reason. They ask you to demolish the tunnel
Kamaitachi could send them against Team Rocket to get the squirtles used to their tactics, as a means of preparation for the final attack against Giovanni. Maybe they also specifically intercept deliveries to the Rocket base, including the pizzas
Your sewer smuggling is also a good idea, and as for why it angers the squirtes, Team Rocked did not ask nicely, gives them no cut of the proceeds, and probably tries to catch them when they encounter them. Giovanni may even have sent grunts with explicit orders to catch them, to forcibly recruit the squirtles for their own army or breeding progam - after all, they are good stock.
They also could try to steal the smuggled goods for themselves, after all the goods in question could for example be military-grade steroids that can not legally be sold on the civilian market (the Top Four are technically military).
Depending on how well your standing is with Team Rocket, Jessie could also give you the mission to catch the turtles.