Another Tail ( News Update April 10, 2014 )

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Re: Another Tail ( Updated on 2/28/2013 )

Postby wintercoat » Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:54 am

In regards to Elene's new armor, I personally prefer the old style's breastplate over the new design, but like the new design's color scheme much better than the old design. In my opinion, the less provocative the armor is, the more compelling the nudity in the sex scenes will be. I like the simplified boots. They work better with the new color scheme than the old ones would due to the lower use of gold trim.

The third model looks nicer as well with her arm down by her side rather than held up awkwardly. I'm assuming she's supposed to be brandishing a weapon of some type, presumably a sword. Having the arm down while holding a weapon is better, as it lets the whole arm carry the weight instead of just the wrist. It also looks more natural.
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated on 2/28/2013 )

Postby Tovi » Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:06 am

Awesome! Then we can finally stop this constant blabbering about combat styles and move on with it! :D
I look forward to seeing updates on what you have in mind, and I see that Thae is considering giving you full access to the folder with all their characters
*Le gasp*

Keep it up, looking good so far now that you've made up your mind! :D
I make art sometimes! ^^
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated on 2/28/2013 )

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:34 pm

I like the idea of this project and that finnaly on the legend of Krystal forums it is a game about Krystal :mrgreen:
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated on 2/28/2013 )

Postby AnotherArrow » Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:33 pm

wintercoat Wrote:In regards to Elene's new armor, I personally prefer the old style's breastplate over the new design, but like the new design's color scheme much better than the old design. In my opinion, the less provocative the armor is, the more compelling the nudity in the sex scenes will be. I like the simplified boots. They work better with the new color scheme than the old ones would due to the lower use of gold trim.

The third model looks nicer as well with her arm down by her side rather than held up awkwardly. I'm assuming she's supposed to be brandishing a weapon of some type, presumably a sword. Having the arm down while holding a weapon is better, as it lets the whole arm carry the weight instead of just the wrist. It also looks more natural.

Opps... forgot to unhide the underwear for Elene in the yesterday's update... The new armor wasn't suppose to be that provocative.
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated on 2/28/2013 )

Postby demi » Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:48 pm

Just chiming in to say that I agree with wintercoat- I like the like the single boobplate over the armor bikini. The exposed midriff is debatable- it looks good in both versions.
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated on 2/28/2013 )

Postby AnotherArrow » Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:14 pm

demi Wrote:Just chiming in to say that I agree with wintercoat- I like the like the single boobplate over the armor bikini. The exposed midriff is debatable- it looks good in both versions.
Guess I'll add the old armor as another set players can get later. I changed to the new armor because some portions would require me to restructure / re-order certain body parts to ensure there wasn't problems (example: the knee joints... which is why I changed the boots.) I can't remember the exact reason why I decided to change the breastplate from a single piece to a bikini style... may have been story related... or I wanted something easier to draw in all 3 view points. Anyway... when I get time, I'll add the old breastplate back in as another outfit for Elene.

wintercoat Wrote:The third model looks nicer as well with her arm down by her side rather than held up awkwardly. I'm assuming she's supposed to be brandishing a weapon of some type, presumably a sword. Having the arm down while holding a weapon is better, as it lets the whole arm carry the weight instead of just the wrist. It also looks more natural.
Third model? Are we taking about the 3 viewpoints of the Characters? The Characters are positioned to show a Side View -> Front(ish) View -> Rear(ish) View. The postures are test poses to make sure elements of the character will work when animating... they will change randomly as I test things.
And yes. She will be wielding a sword ( and no shield ). I haven't decided though if it should be a big-ass buster sword, a rapier, or claymore.... I smell a new poll coming...hmm.
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated on 2/28/2013 )

Postby trunks2585 » Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:12 am

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:I like the idea of this project and that finnaly on the legend of Krystal forums it is a game about Krystal :mrgreen:

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Re: Another Tail ( Updated on 2/28/2013 )

Postby Lucky777 » Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:26 am

AnotherArrow Wrote:[claymore

As a Claymorefag*, I know what my vote will be.

*The manga of that name, though the chicks look far better in the animu.
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated on 3/02/2013 )

Postby str8soldier11 » Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:18 pm

Sir I would like to suggest adding the original Krystal back and try adding more lesbian scenes
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated on 3/02/2013 )

Postby Tovi » Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:34 pm

I am highly against this with adding back regular Krystal. The one that AA made is first of all much more accurate and is in my opinion at least as good as any versions playshapes ever did. Secondly, why remove something that brings out elements of variety and makes the game more unique in comparison to those merely sticking to playshapes' default? I am highly in favor of sticking to the ones you have, AA, and judging from your actions so far I do believe that I did not even need to type this for you, so why am I even bothering? XD
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Re: Another Tail ( Updated on 2/28/2013 )

Postby wintercoat » Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:04 pm

AnotherArrow Wrote:
demi Wrote:Just chiming in to say that I agree with wintercoat- I like the like the single boobplate over the armor bikini. The exposed midriff is debatable- it looks good in both versions.
Guess I'll add the old armor as another set players can get later. I changed to the new armor because some portions would require me to restructure / re-order certain body parts to ensure there wasn't problems (example: the knee joints... which is why I changed the boots.) I can't remember the exact reason why I decided to change the breastplate from a single piece to a bikini style... may have been story related... or I wanted something easier to draw in all 3 view points. Anyway... when I get time, I'll add the old breastplate back in as another outfit for Elene.

wintercoat Wrote:The third model looks nicer as well with her arm down by her side rather than held up awkwardly. I'm assuming she's supposed to be brandishing a weapon of some type, presumably a sword. Having the arm down while holding a weapon is better, as it lets the whole arm carry the weight instead of just the wrist. It also looks more natural.
Third model? Are we taking about the 3 viewpoints of the Characters? The Characters are positioned to show a Side View -> Front(ish) View -> Rear(ish) View. The postures are test poses to make sure elements of the character will work when animating... they will change randomly as I test things.
And yes. She will be wielding a sword ( and no shield ). I haven't decided though if it should be a big-ass buster sword, a rapier, or claymore.... I smell a new poll coming...hmm.

I meant the third angle. In the original, her arm is slightly raised, a sis Krystals. In Krystals case, it's easy to picture her holding her pistol, ready to bring it up to shoot at a moments notice. But with Elene, whit her arm raised like that, the only weapons I could picture her wielding are a dagger or rapier. As she looks like a knight type character, her overall appearance gives the impression that she wields a greatsword, or possibly a lance, both of which would be painful to wield with her arm in that position. With how her arm is now in the updated model, it would look more natural while wielding those two types of weapons.

Shame about the armor. It does look nicer with the gown added though.

And personally, I would vote claymore. Elene looks like the type to carry a big, badass sword into battle.

Also, don't listen to the haters. I love this version of Krystal! :D
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Re: Another Tail ( Minor Update on 3/13/2013 )

Postby Haru » Mon Mar 18, 2013 7:00 pm

i cant wait to test out more of it :3 i like how you did Krystal, and the fighting looks nice as well. good luck :3
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Re: Another Tail ( CS Update on 3/20/2013 )

Postby blackcore11 » Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:22 am

everything is so sooth, animation, controls, and screen motion. fantastic job man, it'll be really good game when it's done.
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Re: Another Tail ( CS Update on 3/20/2013 )

Postby blackcore11 » Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:22 am

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Re: Another Tail ( CS Update on 3/26/2013 )

Postby wintercoat » Fri Mar 29, 2013 12:24 am

I think the original Iris head looks better. The shorter beak looks fine when the head is separate from the body, but looks weird on the body, like it's too short. Something in between the two, leaning more towards the original, would probably look the best. Oh, and I like her new pants. The design is much nicer than the solid black, and the yellow compliments the yellow of her chest and lower legs, so she's an overal pleasing character to look at..
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Re: Another Tail ( CS Update on 3/26/2013 )

Postby Artezz » Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:27 am

Hello there, beloved guy (I suppose).
I was just curious about why you decided to delete the other few demos of AT3 from this forum or topic?
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Re: Another Tail ( CS Update on 3/26/2013 )

Postby AnotherArrow » Fri Apr 12, 2013 6:47 am

Other Demo's?
If your taking about my previous releases of AT3 when I was ninja updating... I simply removed them because:
a) they clutter up the front page
b) they are just steps toward what I'm currently working on ( and therefore no longer relevant )
c) they are no longer functional with the new code I've created ( thus I can no longer compile them )

If your referring to my old character sheets demos... see list above... pretty much the same reasons.

If your referring to my game play demo's... I'm still working on them and haven't posted them yet. I should hopefully have a new demo up by then end of this month, may be sooner (or maybe later...). A little busy with work ATM.

Hmmm... I don't know, I prefer the short beak vs the longer one... maybe I made her head to small by shortening it... I'll fool around with it later when I have more time. I'm a bit more focused now on getting the game play demo's working. Just fair warning to all, the animations are going to be shitty / half baked just so I can test code and such. :twisted:
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Re: Another Tail ( CS Update on 3/26/2013 )

Postby Artezz » Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:44 pm

Thank you for your reply.
I was talking about those little tests, where you could walk around a bit, and out the movement and the controls at all.
Mainly I asked because I allways like to see how things changed, and how different your work was some months ago, just to have some kind of archive or something^^.
Just let me tell you that you are doing a great job, and I really look forward to any progress.
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Re: Another Tail ( CS Update on 3/26/2013 )

Postby AnotherArrow » Thu May 02, 2013 3:37 am

Well... bad news... ran into some FPS issues that have me doing my best to optimize the current models. So, next update is going to be awhile I figure out what to do.

In the RPG style game, having three "main characters" on the scene with a few badies was causing some lag. When I upped it to 5 characters.... ugh.
I haven't worked on the fighter in-depth yet, so...

Anyway, I used a previous demo to test the point at which it starts degrading. Here is an example. Just imagine the other krystals are other game characters in their own animation.
Note: The game should be running at 24 fps. (I'm getting 17 fps in this demo).
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AnotherTail - Version 3 (2013-05-01) - FPS TESTING.swf [ 280.57 KiB | Viewed 6363 times ]

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Re: Another Tail ( CS Update on 3/26/2013 )

Postby himanhi19 » Tue May 07, 2013 3:15 am

AnotherArrow Wrote:Anyway, I used a previous demo to test the point at which it starts degrading. Here is an example. Just imagine the other krystals are other game characters in their own animation.
Note: The game should be running at 24 fps. (I'm getting 17 fps in this demo).

Hey, I don't post much, but I felt compelled to log in for this. I just want to say the game looks amazing. I am getting a solid 24 to 25 fps on that demo btw.
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