An exclamation point? The hell. That's weird. I just did the Fuck-O-Saucer fight yesterday and it worked fine. Any chance your game is still saved on that day so you could take a screenshot? Or do you remember, say, what the background looked like, or if the exclamation mark was drawn or part of a legit font?musical74 Wrote:I noticed something odd, maybe you know what happened (or how to fix it)
Went to club the king, slaughtered him the first time, once he claimed he was going to win with the *fuck-o-saucer 9000* it went like it was going to have the fight...but then there's just an exclamation point, like that fight was removed and winning that way was no longer an option, any idea what happened?
Sew spanking Soo? I approve!
musical74 Wrote:And now it works fine...MAYBE it was just *speeding through the dialogue* or something?
When it glitched it was like the screen wouldn't load and there was just an exclamation point on the center of the screen, with a circle around it. Background was *white only* and the exclamation mark and circle were grey, if that tells you anything. (not sure what the legit font looks like)
I like that you find *mystical frog* elsewhere than just the store now!
I am aware, yes. Most people don't seem to know about it so I keep pushing the fix to the backburner. After I'm done with the 'good' ending (hopefully this week, which means two weeks from now for the public) I plan on going back to the sewers and race track in particular and polishing their mechanics.Hound Archon Wrote:Maybe you're already aware of this, but there is a glitch where if you spam-click the bonuses after completing the easy or medium difficulty sewers a second time, you'll keep getting the rewards until the screen finishes switching back to main. Somehow I doubt that was intended.
iwbtg9544 Wrote:What version of the game is up,Because it says you last updated it on October 14.Yet in the titile you put August 14th.Was that an accident or intended?
Nomad Wrote:Really cool game, i think i found almost everything so far. One ending of the 11 available still eludes me though:
I am missing the one between the tentacles and the hellhounds and the two at the end.
I was also only able to get 6 keys, no clue where to get the seventh one (with the eye looking thing at the top).
It took me way too long to unlock amelia, though. Never thought too look there for some reason.
Is there anything going on with the date mechanic? I've had successfull dates with all the npcs and nothing happened.
Sexums Wrote:... not to mention more endings period. There are two on there which cannot be unlocked yet (they're 'good' ending endings) so don't worry about it. Right now you can unlock... eleven, off the top of my head...? Pretty sure it's eleven. Will probably try and fill in the entire last row before I finish with Soo Cubus, bringing the total up to eighteen.
Hrm. I'll look into that. I've heard scattered reports that the game gets a touch buggy when restarting, and I'm not surprised - there's no complete wipe of the variables available in Stencyl, and I need to manually reset each one via the Restart button. I don't think it works as well as I'd like. I'll give the variable list another look over and see if that's the problem... sigh...envyuria Wrote:There seems to be something off in the sewers, my first playthrough ended with the doggy ending everything was fine.
Afterwards I wanted to defeat Big D and with the bonus from the doggy ending I got my stats up faster (obviously).
I just did the Medium sewers before day 25 so I don't have to pay the rent.
Easily got my stats up went for the hard sewer 50% already finished then the game freezes and i had to restart the game.
In the end i just did the easy sewer and afterwards i coul proceed with the hard sewer because in the middle is a cut scene which seems to require the completion of the easy sewer.
The two at the end don't exist yet. I'm working on them right now, and so long as I don't die of exhaustion they will be available via Patreon by Friday, and in the public in two weeks. The ending in the middle has to do with Sew.Nomad Wrote:Really cool game, i think i found almost everything so far. One ending of the 11 available still eludes me though:
I am missing the one between the tentacles and the hellhounds and the two at the end.
I was also only able to get 6 keys, no clue where to get the seventh one (with the eye looking thing at the top).
It took me way too long to unlock amelia, though. Never thought too look there for some reason.
Is there anything going on with the date mechanic? I've had successfull dates with all the npcs and nothing happened.
Fenixdan Wrote:What now?... I got ten endings, there are more to unlock?
Can i get more endings? jaja, i really love this game and i'm thinking about support you!
Fenris Wrote:What a great and funny game!
Fenixdan Wrote:What now?... I got ten endings, there are more to unlock?
Can i get more endings? jaja, i really love this game and i'm thinking about support you!
@Fenixdan: Can you tell me how you got Ending 3?(The other 9 so far I got).
Thank you!
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