Corta's Flash Edits - Exclusive Supporter Bootleg [25/Oct]

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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Mon Mar 28, 2016 10:01 am

ok, new scenes are done, sans cumshot.
..I can hear the comments now if I dont have the cum on ze feet zemselves AND re-use the same belly shots again..

anyways, main anims are done and it's gonna be a little bit longer for the end of the scene.
plus, I've got to trace down a trace for the feet mess.
you might as well get a peek now then, huh?

and.. new champs. it looks like it's gonna be zyra and soraka.

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

Fuck Your Champion v1.6.75.swf [ 6.87 MiB | Viewed 3548 times ]

lady-wang stuff

not saying I'll make it or anything.. but IF I wanted to .. I'd probably use that healthbar in the corner for her excitement gauge..
but, I'm still not sure if you're all serious enough.. :roll:

billiglob Wrote:Glad to see you're moving up in the world Corta, and getting some followers. Why is that you may wonder? It's cause you're awesome. :P


Nelom Wrote:hope that in 1.7 you will add some shared clothes for all girls like stockings, etc

Diana have no clothes ;_; damn even simple black stockings would make her look better

b- but muh lore.

if I did make a few stocking/lingerie/bikini sets, they'd all get lost in the hud and nobody would ever see them.
..and them people would yell at me for wasting time.. :(

if there's a demand for generic costumes, I'll start workshopping ideas for showcasing them.. but I dont think it'll going to pay off.
so, sorry for now. :cry:

stz223 Wrote:can't wait for 1.7 and more grills.

dey hot

Apalapan Wrote:I don't really want to talk about something unrelated to this thread, but I agree with Lucky about your other game.

The Splatformer is what brought me to this forum ^^

But hey, you gotta work in what you are interested and brings interest from the public.
Keep up the good work :D

it's funny how usually I only get comments on the projects I'm not working on. (it's been different while I've been more active this last week)
so, thanks for bumping the active thread! :D

I'll be back to the template after I'm done animating for FYC.
then, next, I'm thinking of making an 'animation template' so we can all skip the boring part of making/playing an H game.
it's gonna be fun. :)
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.6.75 playable preview [28th

Postby slr819 » Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:25 am

hi it's me again :D
good progress there! i see that you have fixed the stuff i mentioned. thanks! i tried looking around for new features and issues, and found out that something is wrong with the boobjob cumming. you can't cum on the right (left?) side of the face. and the champ will let go of her boobs when you press the cum button. is that intentional? i'm sure it's not. i also found the new stuff interesting. finally i can cum outside! yay :D gj Corta
btw, i didn't get what the new scene with the cougar icon is. is it a cowgirl position or something? because if it is, then hell yea bro 8-)
one thing that just came to my mind: what if, there was a button that made the champ hold her boobs close (like the boobjob mode) while in other positions? either with her arms or her hands (new animation mmm). i mean, who wouldn't want to see that? *cough*Taric*cough**cough*
ehem anyway nice work! still waiting on that Cass thing we discussed earlier lol. sorry for the long-ass replies.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.6.75 playable preview [28th

Postby slr819 » Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:31 pm

something i just noticed: the eye color seems to randomly change to blue for some reason. probably will go unnoticed and/or not be given shits about, but you better check it out.

i don't want to be pushy or anything (tbh i think you might wanna give FYC a break after v1.7 to tend your other projects) but i REALLY need you to add the following at some point in the future, preferably in that order: Quinn, Elise, Rek'Sai (yea that's right, i'm weird like that :D)
i mean, c'mon. i just lost an ez game and i really felt like raping Quinn, but then i remembered: dammit FYC don't have Quinn ffffffuuuuuu... jk i didn't do any of that. i just wanted to make a point :lol: :) :|
so, yea. that's about it for now :D l8er m8! again thanks for everything
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Fri Apr 01, 2016 1:23 pm

sorry about the lack of updates -- some -almost- problems happened.

..and here comes the boring technical stuff.. (warning: boring)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

on my hard drive, there's been a bad sector over my FYC .fla for a while.
it never used to be that bad, it just meant that the first save and play took WAY longer than it needed to.

annoying, but livable.
a few days ago, though.. flash decided to crash in the 5-mins or so that that first save takes.
I lost the file, but luckily I had my backup from a few days ago.

anyways, it was a few days of lock-out while I ran recovery on the disk, and it's all better now.
I've even gone out to get a real backup drive now, too!

good news though. seeing as I was going to have to re-making the fix for stripping and nipples.. I took the opportunity to re-build the system.
viola, the nipple stuff that all one of you were waiting for.

FYC 1.7 Nipples.jpg

slr819 Wrote:something i just noticed: the eye color seems to randomly change to blue for some reason. probably will go unnoticed and/or not be given shits about, but you better check it out.

I've noticed it happening, too.
happens when half a script runs then gets cut off.
I could have fixed it ages ago, but it's pretty inconsistent and by the time I finish what I was doing, I forget all about it.

..but now it's been reported and that means I've got to do it.
-- coder's code. :geek:

slr819 Wrote:Quinn

I like her, but nobody really makes good art of her.
I've been on the lookout for a good shot of her with her helmet off that I can use.
I was thinking maybe of jumping straight into corsair quinn (because it's better) but even less people draw that. :|

slr819 Wrote:Elise


slr819 Wrote:Rek'Sai

I've considered r63 characters like mistress yi and vei(jayjay)gar.. (th- .. they seem popular)
can't say I've thought of that, though. :roll: :lol:

slr819 Wrote: you can't cum on the right (left?) side of the face.

that's it, I'm afraid. there's no layers for full face-painting. :(

slr819 Wrote:what if, there was a button that made the champ hold her boobs close (like the boobjob mode) while in other positions? either with her arms or her hands

there's a reason why her arms are always out of shot.. it's because only nami has hands.
if I wanted to get creative, I could maybe tweak the squeeze pose into a doggy/dp scene, but things probably wont look -that- great.

I dont think I'll actually make it, though.. because I've just come up with a great new idea for swarm (or whatever I'll rename it to) that I really want to get around to making.

.. short answer: nah.

slr819 Wrote:Cass

later on down the line.
..if I don't forget. ..or move on.. :?
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 nipple teaser :D [1st Apr]

Postby Juba » Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:04 pm

Hey, just dropping by to thank you for your awesome work with FYC. Generally when you hear no comments everything is going well - so you might have more fans than you realise. Read the thread through and it seems few people already requested the female orgasm. 1+, it'd nice but I'm happy with current version too. I understand it takes hell of a lot effort to do these things so up to you. ;)

There are no moans with angry moods but I guess this is intentional since those moans wouldn't fit with the expressions...?

Once again, big thanks.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 nipple teaser :D [1st Apr]

Postby nzlsnowfox » Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:06 pm

Hey, decided to make an account just because of this, i'm sure theres a lot of people who really appreciate your work yet never bother giving any praise nor feedback. As seeing its been a topic of discussion recently, i'm also a fan of the whole futa idea, and would love to see it implemented in one form or another if possible. Also, would the idea of having a trans/futa 'him' model work? I feel as if the boobs wouldnt get in the way (if at all?)
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:08 pm

welp.. more forced downtime.

lost my file AGAIN. and it's taking ages to copy back because of my new drive that's already backing things up. which can't be paused, apparently. ..also, it's been 2 days and it's still at 30% :evil:
I'm gonna have to re-do all the new stuff, but hopefully I can get most of the actual work back by hacking my own .swf

my soraka is a gonner, though. she never made it to the 'play' stage. :cry:

nzlsnowfox Wrote:Hey, decided to make an account just because of this, i'm sure theres a lot of people who really appreciate your work yet never bother giving any praise nor feedback.

Juba Wrote:Hey, just dropping by to thank you for your awesome work with FYC. Generally when you hear no comments everything is going well - so you might have more fans than you realise.

lookie there.. I think you two just fixed my mood. ;)

nzlsnowfox Wrote:futa

Juba Wrote:female orgasm

down the track, probably. along with the x-ray idea from the pat-thread.

but, after 1.7 is done.. I think I'll take a little break and try to make some demos for my own game.

Juba Wrote:There are no moans with angry moods but I guess this is intentional since those moans wouldn't fit with the expressions...?

as planned. yup.
was gonna replace the sounds, but I think the silence opens up more options in role-play. was either that or build a whole voice system. :?
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 nipple teaser :D [1st Apr]

Postby thedoubleyew » Sun Apr 03, 2016 7:33 am

Sorry to hear about soraka's fate, always sucks when the hard drives go bad. 2 days for backup? How much stuff do you have? And I thought 30 hours was a lot of time for ~2.5TB.

lols about the "only cass has hands"!

If you really want to redo voice stuff, you could always put out a help wanted ad on some tumblrs and the fenoxo site. I'm sure you could get either new voice or links to existing works. How much more are you doing with 1.7 anyway?
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Sun Apr 03, 2016 3:49 pm

thedoubleyew Wrote:Sorry to hear about soraka's fate, always sucks when the hard drives go bad. 2 days for backup? How much stuff do you have?

problem is, there's a whole bunch of corrupted files (fyc being one of them) that tie the whole system up..
so, I've canned the backup while I run the sector repair a few more times. ..which will probably cut into my read/write cycles.

and it doesnt help that the drive all my actual work sits on is about seven years old. :?

hey, more fun stuff now that I've reverted my .fla a few too many times.. I can crash flash on-demand by copying certain layers.. so now I guess I've got to avoid those forever.. :roll:
omens be large. all signs are pointing to 'get this done and move on' :|

thedoubleyew Wrote:If you really want to redo voice stuff, you could always put out a help wanted ad on some tumblrs and the fenoxo site. I'm sure you could get either new voice or links to existing works.

I never wanted to go ahead with voices.. because I knew I'd get stuck clipping sounds from the game for every champ.
"cool but a waste of time" is something I'm trying to avoid, these days.

thedoubleyew Wrote:How much more are you doing with 1.7 anyway?

not that much.
I'mma finish off the FJ scenes, cumshot and all, go for an x-ray tryout and then do some fixes here and there.
hopefully I can get all that done this week.
I don't want this to drag on for too much longer.
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby porne » Sun Apr 03, 2016 5:28 pm

corta Wrote:problem is, there's a whole bunch of corrupted files (fyc being one of them) that tie the whole system up..
so, I've canned the backup while I run the sector repair a few more times. ..which will probably cut into my read/write cycles.

and it doesnt help that the drive all my actual work sits on is about seven years old. :?

Ouch, sounds like it's time for a SSD. You'll be surprised how much you can get for the price after seven years though.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby thedoubleyew » Mon Apr 04, 2016 4:30 am

porne Wrote:
corta Wrote:problem is, there's a whole bunch of corrupted files (fyc being one of them) that tie the whole system up..
so, I've canned the backup while I run the sector repair a few more times. ..which will probably cut into my read/write cycles.

and it doesnt help that the drive all my actual work sits on is about seven years old. :?

Ouch, sounds like it's time for a SSD. You'll be surprised how much you can get for the price after seven years though.

yeah its like 200 quid for a semi decent 1TB SSD these days. Guess that patreon may come in handy after all. 7 years is a long time for one drive...
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Mon Apr 04, 2016 5:25 pm

thedoubleyew Wrote:
porne Wrote:Ouch, sounds like it's time for a SSD. You'll be surprised how much you can get for the price after seven years though.

yeah its like 200 quid for a semi decent 1TB SSD these days. Guess that patreon may come in handy after all. 7 years is a long time for one drive...

relax.. I've got 5 other drives connected, one of which is a solid state that I've had for about 2 years.
problem was just that all my personal stuff stayed on the same drive 'cause re-locating a music library sucks. :roll:

..this'll happen all over again down the line. but at least I've learned to keep all my hand-made backups on separate drives. ;)

hmm.. there's usually more to talk about, here..

uhh. x-rays are in and working. :)

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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 nipple teaser :D [1st Apr]

Postby Freeze » Wed Apr 06, 2016 1:18 am

Any way to see handjob in the project?
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Fri Apr 08, 2016 7:05 pm

alright. FINALLY (pretty much) moved onto my new archive.
sorry about the lack of updates, maxed H/D usage kept crashing flash every few minutes. ..and corrupting my saves. :roll:

anyways. there's a tiny bit of new stuff. AND HERE IT IS.

x-rays and a look at the new mess layers!

FYC 1.7 X+Mess.png
FYC 1.7 X+Mess.png (170.03 KiB) Viewed 3236 times

Freeze Wrote:Any way to see handjob in the project?

corta Wrote:there's a reason why her arms are always out of shot.. it's because only nami has hands.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby BlueVixen » Fri Apr 08, 2016 7:16 pm

corta Wrote:x-rays and a look at the new mess layers!

Looks kinkier and kinkier by the second! Good work, Corta. :)
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 nipple teaser :D [1st Apr]

Postby slr819 » Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:36 pm

x-rays lookin' good! and cum layers, too. i just love them cum layers (no homo) i wanna see the champ drown in cum like every inch of her skin... man. now that i imagined it, changed my mind. forget what i just said. that is not what i want to see. that would be too gross. but cum is good. there can never be too much cum. actually there can be but whatever.

so the cum on the right side of the face is gone for good? pls no. :cry: WHYYYY?? tell me it was just an error or something
and about that thing with futa. can't say i'm a fan but can't say i'm against it either. if there is demand (which i think there is) you should probably consider it. i might actually find it interesting after you did it. as i found footjobs interesting. wasn't into them before, but i kinda like them now.

anyway i rant too much. i watch as this game evolves into something OP and i can't help but get excited and say thank you corta!
and one more thing (last one i promise!) if the champs have no hands why not just add them? just imagine the possibilities...
k i'll shut up and submit now. :|
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 nipple teaser :D [1st Apr]

Postby astromormy » Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:20 pm

Nice x-ray. Is it done or will you be adding more to the x-ray visual like the womb and ovaries?
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 nipple teaser :D [1st Apr]

Postby astromormy » Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:46 pm

What game will you be doing next? Because if you don't have one yet, you could try editing linemarvels Jungle Girl. You could add a few new monsters and such to make the game bigger. Aside from that, there's actually a few graphical errors in the current Jungle girl that you could fix easily.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 nipple teaser :D [1st Apr]

Postby Biles » Sun Apr 10, 2016 4:37 am

Jungle Girl. I haven't played that game in ages. IMO the game could use an entire graphic overhaul.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - FYC 1.7 nipple teaser :D [1st Apr]

Postby VintageBass » Sun Apr 10, 2016 5:10 am

Biles Wrote:Jungle Girl. I haven't played that game in ages. IMO the game could use an entire graphic overhaul.

Why not throw in Hell Girl while you're at it... or is that a little too much?
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