Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby coolness32 » Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:24 pm

QuizmasterBos Wrote:
Darthan Wrote:A few questions and a bug I found:

Second, Maybe I am just blind but I cannot seem to find the coin for the X-naut level. It is still in the game right?

The X-naut coin is
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hidden in level 7. Try exploring higher.

I had an idea for the castle level, me and AsianP3rsuas10n were discussing this a while back, in "New Super Mario Bros Wii" the first stage has a menu where you can use currency to buy "hints and videos". I was thinking that the castle level could have a room where you could buy the hint that was just given about the x-naut level, I understand that at some point in the future this could just be a normal level but this kind of system can you let you give hints about other Easter eggs.

Also, another room could be a spot for purchasing gallery scenes. After you see a seen with an enemy, it unlocks it for purchase in the scene viewing room(the story could be that a few Toads are stalking Peach and recording the scenes and are making coins for themselves...or something like that.).

I know this could be a lot of work and of course isn't super important but I am of course glad that the castle will be it's own level.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:33 pm

coolness32 Wrote:I had an idea for the castle level, me and AsianP3rsuas10n were discussing this a while back, in "New Super Mario Bros Wii" the first stage has a menu where you can use currency to buy "hints and videos". I was thinking that the castle level could have a room where you could buy the hint that was just given about the x-naut level, I understand that at some point in the future this could just be a normal level but this kind of system can you let you give hints about other Easter eggs.

It could be! I will add this to the features list.

coolness32 Wrote:Also, another room could be a spot for purchasing gallery scenes. After you see a seen with an enemy, it unlocks it for purchase in the scene viewing room(the story could be that a few Toads are stalking Peach and recording the scenes and are making coins for themselves...or something like that.).

Now, this requires more brainstorming. I may not prefer Toads following her. It must be a game where Peach hides herself or are ashamed, but not so 'voyeur camera' elements. Actually, the gallery should be Peach remembering the scenes herself. Also, if the player unlocked a given scene, its not wise to force him buy that scene.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby QuizmasterBos » Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:44 pm

ivanaedler Wrote:
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Speaking of PS, can't you reuse the scenes from Mario is Missing 2 for your own game? They're already scripted out for you and they're pretty good.

I can reuse it for another level. Maybe before Bowser Castle (World 8). I still need to play and optimize his shapes though (that's not pun intended).

QuizmasterBos Wrote:EDIT: I got a glitch. After beating stage 2, level 3 and 5 opened up, but not 4.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm cannot reproduce. Maybe you've had an old save :/ As I've explained, Flash keeps older saves, even if a given player hasn't updated from version 1.0a.

That's probably it. Let's hope the glitch resolved itself, so that is doesn't turn up after the game's initial completion.

Ivan, my man, we need to talk about level 5: The Platty.
That stage features a LOT of blind jumps. I find myself forced to take the upper route, but I can't see what's ahead. There is this one part where there is a coin trail, which is supposed to safely lead you onto a platform, but I keep grazing past it.
The last jump, just before you hit land is rather difficult! I kept missing the end platform, maybe make it a little wider towards the left (This is world 1 we're talking about). I usually have One mushroom powerup and the firedress.

Here's some pics pertaining to this:
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Here's a koopa that fucked me up. If you jump on him and then kick his shell, he immediatly bounces off the brick and hits you.
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Here's a fun one: I made a screenshot that shows that if you choose not to jump on the block in front of you, but instead try leaping to the other side, you hit the blocks for some reason and Peach plummets down into the abyss.
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But then this happens no more than a second later:
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The koopa woke up while I was in the menu and then teleported to Peach and started doing her.

This level is pretty hard for a world 1 porn level.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:10 pm

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Ivan, my man, we need to talk about level 5: The Platty. That stage features a LOT of blind jumps. I find myself forced to take the upper route, but I can't see what's ahead. There is this one part where there is a coin trail, which is supposed to safely lead you onto a platform, but I keep grazing past it. The last jump, just before you hit land is rather difficult! I kept missing the end platform, maybe make it a little wider towards the left (This is world 1 we're talking about). I usually have One mushroom powerup and the firedress.

Remember I'm making levels first ('rush time') then fixing / improving them. Hmmmm I may add more golden bricks. But!! Remember that Peach will able soon to crouch (down key). I will change masturbation key to another one. Then she will be able to look below her. I cant give you the exact day I'll be making this feature. But TAIL ATTACK is already done (I just need to polish it a bit and enable it in the game) and even ground pound! (which will require the player to press JUMP button again in the right time, when Peach is already jumping).

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Here's a fun one: I made a screenshot that shows that if you choose not to jump on the block in front of you, but instead try leaping to the other side, you hit the blocks for some reason and Peach plummets down into the abyss. The koopa woke up while I was in the menu and then teleported to Peach and started doing her.

I'll see if I can improve this area and turn this level easier.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby QuizmasterBos » Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:23 pm

ivanaedler Wrote:
QuizmasterBos Wrote:Ivan, my man, we need to talk about level 5: The Platty. That stage features a LOT of blind jumps. I find myself forced to take the upper route, but I can't see what's ahead. There is this one part where there is a coin trail, which is supposed to safely lead you onto a platform, but I keep grazing past it. The last jump, just before you hit land is rather difficult! I kept missing the end platform, maybe make it a little wider towards the left (This is world 1 we're talking about). I usually have One mushroom powerup and the firedress.

Remember I'm making levels first ('rush time') then fixing / improving them. Hmmmm I may add more golden bricks. But!! Remember that Peach will able soon to crouch (down key). I will change masturbation key to another one. Then she will be able to look below her. I cant give you the exact day I'll be making this feature. But TAIL ATTACK is already done (I just need to polish it a bit and enable it in the game) and even ground pound! (which will require the player to press JUMP button again in the right time, when Peach is already jumping).

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Here's a fun one: I made a screenshot that shows that if you choose not to jump on the block in front of you, but instead try leaping to the other side, you hit the blocks for some reason and Peach plummets down into the abyss. The koopa woke up while I was in the menu and then teleported to Peach and started doing her.

I'll see if I can improve this area and turn this level easier.

Yes, thank you for making it easier. I already went and played through all stages but stage 8 and made screenshots of all bricks that could use some better spacing.

I can already say that stage 3: THE WATERY is incredibly well made. This is how a World 1 level in MiM AE should be. Length is good, enemies are placed well and no badplaced bricks. Aside from the difficult jumping from a down-slope and the inability to kill/stun enemies with the tail/fireballs, it's good.

Level 4 is much of the same, but it's a bit slow because of the swimming. At the end of the stage when I came out the pipe, both the underwater and abovewater songs were playing.

Level 6 is pretty cool. Only one area where a brick can be placed differently. The top ones should be placed higher until at optimal height (as I showed you earlier).
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Extra area has three blocks that are placed TOO high. Just a bit lower until either max height or optimal height.
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I experienced a glitch documented quite a ways back in level 5. After getting a game over there and restarting, level 1 was autoscrolling.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Eumel2 » Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:28 pm

another bug: after beating lvl 5 and saving i died at lvl 6 and when loading got thrown back to start lvl 5 (tried several times)
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:33 pm

QuizmasterBos Wrote:I can already say that stage 3: THE WATERY is incredibly well made. This is how a World 1 level in MiM AE should be. Length is good, enemies are placed well and no badplaced bricks. Aside from the difficult jumping from a down-slope and the inability to kill/stun enemies with the tail/fireballs, it's good.

Thanks. For about the difficulty jumping, its a collision limitation that I dont want to code until I make other priorities.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Level 4 is much of the same, but it's a bit slow because of the swimming. At the end of the stage when I came out the pipe, both the underwater and abovewater songs were playing.

????? Swimming? Only Level 3 has that. If it's level 3, I will check the both songs BUG.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Level 6 is pretty cool. Only one area where a brick can be placed differently. The top ones should be placed higher until at optimal height (as I showed you earlier).
Extra area has three blocks that are placed TOO high. Just a bit lower until either max height or optimal height.

Fixed and fixed (next version soon).

QuizmasterBos Wrote:I experienced a glitch documented quite a ways back in level 5. After getting a game over there and restarting, level 1 was autoscrolling.

I suppose Its already fixed since version 1.7.2, I think.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby coolness32 » Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:46 pm

ivanaedler Wrote:
coolness32 Wrote:Also, another room could be a spot for purchasing gallery scenes. After you see a seen with an enemy, it unlocks it for purchase in the scene viewing room(the story could be that a few Toads are stalking Peach and recording the scenes and are making coins for themselves...or something like that.).

Now, this requires more brainstorming. I may not prefer Toads following her. It must be a game where Peach hides herself or are ashamed, but not so 'voyeur camera' elements. Actually, the gallery should be Peach remembering the scenes herself. Also, if the player unlocked a given scene, its not wise to force him buy that scene.

Maybe a diary room? She has a diary, I can't remember if her sex scenes were supposed to written in her diary the room could be the place where she recollects them?

The toad following was because for some reason, the room I imagined had a TV in it. I was trying to think of ways to spend coins, right now there's not really any reason to collect coins. Maybe they could buy the scenes without having to find the enemy and scene in game? Dunno.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby QuizmasterBos » Mon Nov 05, 2012 11:49 pm

ivanaedler Wrote:
QuizmasterBos Wrote:I can already say that stage 3: THE WATERY is incredibly well made. This is how a World 1 level in MiM AE should be. Length is good, enemies are placed well and no badplaced bricks. Aside from the difficult jumping from a down-slope and the inability to kill/stun enemies with the tail/fireballs, it's good.

Thanks. For about the difficulty jumping, its a collision limitation that I dont want to code until I make other priorities.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Level 4 is much of the same, but it's a bit slow because of the swimming. At the end of the stage when I came out the pipe, both the underwater and abovewater songs were playing.

????? Swimming? Only Level 3 has that. If it's level 3, I will check the both songs BUG.

QuizmasterBos Wrote:Level 6 is pretty cool. Only one area where a brick can be placed differently. The top ones should be placed higher until at optimal height (as I showed you earlier).
Extra area has three blocks that are placed TOO high. Just a bit lower until either max height or optimal height.

Fixed and fixed (next version soon).

QuizmasterBos Wrote:I experienced a glitch documented quite a ways back in level 5. After getting a game over there and restarting, level 1 was autoscrolling.

I suppose Its already fixed since version 1.7.2, I think.

Okay, I'm stupid. Level 4: THE GRASSLAND is the perfect stage and level 3 is the much of the same. I accidentally swapped them :oops:

The double song bug is therefore in level 3, not 4.

I think I got confused after I played the Airship, because that level is still really hard.
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That cannonball you see is flying up, meaning that if you climb the pole there, you are going to get hit by it. The screen is moving too, so both these factors make you jump.
But getting onto the pole is hard so by the time you are on and you jump, you jump too high and you hit that propellor every single time.
The propellor shouldn't damage Peach, as it did not damage Mario. There is no need for added difficulty. I'll try to make areas that are too easy harder and areas that are too difficult easier. Hopefully I can help making this a game that is both decently difficult and non-frustrating to get maximum enjoyment out of this already great game.

Truth be told, I forgot I was searching for brick heights every so often and I was just enjoying the game. That's the kind of experience this whole game should give.

EDIT: Before I forget, when making the first picture in this post, I experienced a glitch.
About 2-3 seconds after pausing the game right after the screenshot, I heard the soundeffect of Peach jumping off of something. I unpause and Peach is falling from the air. It seems the game still continues after pausing, koopas wake up and bullets travel though they shouldn't. Very odd.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Biles » Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:17 am

Holy shit, if I blink on more time the game will end up going to version 2.0 before I know :P

Anyways, so much progress, not enough time to catch up LOL
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Residentlover2 » Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:21 am

the game is full of bugs @_@ i cant jump :( and i lose on the world 5
English is not my main language :P
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:45 am

Way to make it obvious where the coin is!! Way to go!!! >_>

Welcome back Biles hows that injury?

SuperDodoman12 Wrote:the game is full of bugs @_@ i cant jump :( and i lose on the world 5

Thanks for the great explanation and description. Helps us out a lot!
Tell us what you did to make it so you are unable jump.

P.S losing on world 5 isnt a bug, it's just you keep dying...

coolness32 Wrote:Maybe a diary room? She has a diary, I can't remember if her sex scenes were supposed to written in her diary the room could be the place where she recollects them?

The toad following was because for some reason, the room I imagined had a TV in it. I was trying to think of ways to spend coins, right now there's not really any reason to collect coins. Maybe they could buy the scenes without having to find the enemy and scene in game? Dunno.

Coins will be used in the Market when it is made. Dont worry! ;)
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Residentlover2 » Tue Nov 06, 2012 12:48 am

on the world 5 happened to me after i lost all my lifes and i cant jump anymore

im using single left hand
English is not my main language :P
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:04 am

Eumel2 Wrote:another bug: after beating lvl 5 and saving i died at lvl 6 and when loading got thrown back to start lvl 5 (tried several times)

Hmmmm I will check this one with caution.

coolness32 Wrote:Maybe a diary room? She has a diary, I can't remember if her sex scenes were supposed to written in her diary the room could be the place where she recollects them?
The toad following was because for some reason, the room I imagined had a TV in it. I was trying to think of ways to spend coins, right now there's not really any reason to collect coins. Maybe they could buy the scenes without having to find the enemy and scene in game? Dunno.

Yes yes, it will be written on her diary soon. As for buying scenes before finding the enemy (like a future sightseeing)....hmmm...maybe ;)

QuizmasterBos Wrote:About 2-3 seconds after pausing the game right after the screenshot, I heard the soundeffect of Peach jumping off of something. I unpause and Peach is falling from the air. It seems the game still continues after pausing, koopas wake up and bullets travel though they shouldn't. Very odd.

Man, that code is not yet completed, sorry, really. I'm doing all pace by pace. Yes, pausing should 'pause' enemies too. Some pauses, others not. (yet).

Biles Wrote:Holy shit, if I blink on more time the game will end up going to version 2.0 before I know :P
Anyways, so much progress, not enough time to catch up LOL

Yes, things are ...hmmm....a bit speeding up. How are you, man? All is fine with the muscles?

SuperDodoman12 Wrote:the game is full of bugs @_@ i cant jump :( and i lose on the world 5. Happened to me after i lost all my lifes and i cant jump anymore
im using single left hand
Its something to do with A FEW glitches while pausing or when going into doors at the same time an enemy gets her... Hmm for about the jump button, its working well with left hand button. Also, please remember: I'm an 'army of only one' in regard to development and bug tests. It's people like you that can improve this game. I'm fixing all bugs I find.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:44 am

Hey Ivan, do you know how you can move objects around with the arrow keys? Is it possible to use that feature with the rotation? I'm trying to animate something and I want to carefully rotate it.


Heres what I made! hahaha super terrible but I like the eerie feeling a swaying light gives. Especially in dark rooms.
Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

Light_Scene 1.swf [ 5.19 KiB | Viewed 11352 times ]

Heres the actual light bulb FLA. Fix the shading or "detail" if you can it sucks.
(569.71 KiB) Downloaded 28 times
Last edited by AsianP3rsuas10n on Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:22 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Residentlover2 » Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:45 am

i know that you can do this this game is transforming on the best at the forum
English is not my main language :P
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Biles » Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:24 am

Well, I got a nasty plum colored bruise mark on my shoulder -_- but much of the pain is pretty much gone. Anywho, bugs and issues I encountered:

  1. Toad Streaking
    Spoiler (click to show/hide):

    streakingtoad.png (55.99 KiB) Viewed 11345 times

    Apparently, this particular toad definitely is making himself feel at home.
  2. Pass Through Vines
    Spoiler (click to show/hide):

    vinepass.png (55.85 KiB) Viewed 11345 times

    How long was this possible to pass through the pink vine this whole time? O.o
  3. Pipe Perspective
    Spoiler (click to show/hide):

    pipeperspective.png (17.21 KiB) Viewed 11345 times

    I don't think cutting corners like that would make upside down pipes look decent.
  4. Infinite Coins
    Spoiler (click to show/hide):

    infinitebox.png (34.74 KiB) Viewed 11345 times

    Maybe it was a one-time fluke. But I was able to pound away at the coins endlessly even though the block itself wasn't bouncing at all. However when I stopped so I could get a screenshot and then resumed, I only got out 2 more coins before it ran out.
  5. Horizontal Blocks
    Spoiler (click to show/hide):

    horizontalbricks.png (55.84 KiB) Viewed 11345 times

  6. Typo In Title
    Spoiler (click to show/hide):

    Saara.png (30.63 KiB) Viewed 11343 times
    I assume you meant "Sahara" right? In anycase wouldn't it make more sense to title it "Koopahari Desert" instead?
  7. Did you forget to reapply red pupils Burn Peach's eyes?
  8. Her earrings and belly piercing continues to flash blue and red for some reason when she's Burn Peach
  9. Before completing the first world, I've noticed that if you replay levels you beaten and then exit out before completing that said level, for some odd reason, the level that proceeds it will revert to "un-played" status.
  10. In the Subcon level in World 1, if Peach hits the P button and dies while its enabled, when she respawns, the P button mode will continue on until she either finishes the level or exits it by force.
  11. I've been meaning to tell you this for quite some time now. I think you should use the Desert world theme for World 2. After all, you did use the Grassland theme for World 1, right?
  12. And my nipples are stiff! >:O
Last edited by Biles on Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:31 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Biles » Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:28 am

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Hey Ivan, do you know how you can move objects around with the arrow keys? Is it possible to use that feature with the rotation? I'm trying to animate something and I want to carefully rotate it.

What you do is select the object you wanna animate via rotation by pressing q, it should surround the object with a number of squares. Then you notice the dot in the middle. That's the transformation point, it's a point of an object to which all transformational modes extends outwards. For the case of rotation, that's where it will pivot. So, assuming that line is tethered to that lamp as part of the symbol, move the transformational point to the top of that tethered line, then you should be able to animate the swinging effect easily.
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:04 am

AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Hey Ivan, do you know how you can move objects around with the arrow keys? Is it possible to use that feature with the rotation? I'm trying to animate something and I want to carefully rotate it. EDIT (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ WHY DO CLASSIC TWEENS RUIN MY ANIMATION!!!!! EDIT2
Heres what I made! hahaha super terrible but I like the eerie feeling a swaying light gives. Especially in dark rooms.

MAN you're fast! What a nice animation!!! But hmmm where do I use it? In the toad houses? Could it be used in a lit place?

It definitelly does not suck. I will analyse it, thanks!!

SuperDodoman12 Wrote:i know that you can do this this game is transforming on the best at the forum

Thanks, but more and more challenges ahead! :o
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Re: MiM 'Mim AE' (XXX) 1.8 (nov 03/12)

Postby AsianP3rsuas10n » Tue Nov 06, 2012 3:14 am

ivanaedler Wrote:
AsianP3rsuas10n Wrote:Hey Ivan, do you know how you can move objects around with the arrow keys? Is it possible to use that feature with the rotation? I'm trying to animate something and I want to carefully rotate it. EDIT (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ WHY DO CLASSIC TWEENS RUIN MY ANIMATION!!!!! EDIT2
Heres what I made! hahaha super terrible but I like the eerie feeling a swaying light gives. Especially in dark rooms.

MAN you're fast! What a nice animation!!! But hmmm where do I use it? In the toad houses? Could it be used in a lit place?

Actually you dont even have to use the light beams. You can put really whereever you want. You dont even have to use it! It's good for dark rooms like I said. Secret rooms sorta like the roof or someplace that needs an eerie swaying light that hides a vicious enemy with a huge DICK! Lolol imagination going out of control. If you do decide to use it, you should fix it up. I'll work on the barrels and crates tomorrow.
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