Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby Troopage » Thu Jan 08, 2015 8:03 am

Gah! I refuse to let this game be off the front page. I came here for Krystal games and this is one of the few treads around that still delivers. Hopefully we can expect something from Ivan before the new Star Fox comes out this year...
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby Pram » Thu Jan 08, 2015 3:00 pm

Troopage Wrote:Gah! I refuse to let this game be off the front page. I came here for Krystal games and this is one of the few treads around that still delivers. Hopefully we can expect something from Ivan before the new Star Fox comes out this year...

There are buttloads of Krystal games. She is probably the most popular furry thing ever. Ivan will get to this when he feels like it.
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby Troopage » Fri Jan 09, 2015 5:44 am

Pram Wrote:There are buttloads of Krystal games. She is probably the most popular furry thing ever. Ivan will get to this when he feels like it.

I understand, I'm not trying to put pressure on Ivan, I'm just bumping the thread to show that there is continued interest . Why does it seem like everyone is defensive on this forum?
Oh, and I know there are buttloads of Krystal games, but they aren't all good and most are just slight modifications to Playshapes' original game, which is why I said this is one of the few games that delivers quality material. If its fine with you, can you PM a list of some good Krystal games to go through just in case I missed some?
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby Pram » Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:00 pm

Just look up Krystal on e6 or something.
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby Zeus Kabob » Sun Jan 11, 2015 12:11 pm

Troopage Wrote:
Pram Wrote:There are buttloads of Krystal games. She is probably the most popular furry thing ever. Ivan will get to this when he feels like it.

I understand, I'm not trying to put pressure on Ivan, I'm just bumping the thread to show that there is continued interest . Why does it seem like everyone is defensive on this forum?
Oh, and I know there are buttloads of Krystal games, but they aren't all good and most are just slight modifications to Playshapes' original game, which is why I said this is one of the few games that delivers quality material. If its fine with you, can you PM a list of some good Krystal games to go through just in case I missed some?

The defensiveness comes from the fact that a good portion of the forum's posts are "is X still alive?". Before I knew this was the case, I'd become annoyed whenever a much awaited thread came back to the top only to contain "when's the next update to pokemon rpg". I suspect this same feeling is the motivation for people responding with hostility to status requests.
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Jan 11, 2015 7:48 pm

I am alive! This project too!

Zeus Kabob Wrote:The defensiveness comes from the fact that a good portion of the forum's posts are "is X still alive?". Before I knew this was the case, I'd become annoyed whenever a much awaited thread came back to the top only to contain "when's the next update to pokemon rpg". I suspect this same feeling is the motivation for people responding with hostility to status requests.

I am also annoyed. People dont understand that, when there is something new, I update this thread myself.
I am 101% working in MIM PUT right now. The game is huge, there were some badass bugs in those last weeks, and I haven't a REAL vacation since april 2012. Sure, I can count 45 days, but 5 days here, 10 days there... But this is the way I got in order to be more focused. I work as a contributor, sometimes I earn nothing for months and months (not a single cent), so If I am here, is to use some of my freedom to make something for the posteriority : )

As I am a 'methodical', a workaholic myself, I use to read former posts, and I can even talk to people in page 4 of this thread, for example, like he/she asked the question today. Then I review it again and again, in order not to lose any detail or anything I could use to improve the game. So I will be doing that soon.

I'll be returning to Krystal AE as a part time job of PUT, which is also a part time free job from my real job in RL, but for sure, 100% dedication will only happen if I finish PUT first (all 8 worlds, and more than 50 sex scenes to come there).

Pram Wrote:Ivan will get to this when he feels like it.

I need more vitamins. Brain vitamins too. Something I can cope with extra work during a few time I have lately.
Well, I hope I can have more time in the next weeks of months of 2015.
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Jan 11, 2015 8:05 pm

VintageBass Wrote:I think he means "New" game plus. It's amazing how one word changes everything. But yeah, since he's the only one that is talking about New Game +, it's kinda just clicking things together. Looking out for ya, man.

This will be made after I make the dozens of scenes the game needs to have! Like the possibilty to wander with our innocent/nasty/slut/nymph Krystal then play with people along the forest, the hut and everything ;)

sinhunter Wrote:I hope you find the inspiration to continue the game. Until then finish what you need to complete in your life first before losing anything to time spent on developing this game.

I hope too ;) I need time, money and a fresh mind. Money is not that a problem, but time and mind are. Thank you to understand that PUT is really my 'pure love' game, a game I put too much work on it, and I fight off bugs like this guy here!


dragonking9746 Wrote:do you think you can allow the players to have krystal marry the lizard guy who falls in love with her

Everything is possible in a game. Multiple endings and scenes too. But priorities are priorities.

matriks Wrote:Over three months without any update. Its not fair. When will be next update?

Answered above. I also let a notice in page 1 that 'I am alive'.

Troopage Wrote:I would like to suggest adding the outfit from SF: Command, too.

Do you have a quick link of this clothing? My internet is bad.

matriks Wrote:Maybe also add Darkwolve females.

I've put in my todo list, but in a lower level.

silverfang mooncrest Wrote: oorrr he could always ask for help to get the game running o.o. from personal experience , takes more then one person to make and publish a game =/

Dont worry, I will be in duty sooner or later.

MirceaKitsune Wrote:I've been away from the forum for over two years. After playing LoK vG on Newgrounds, I was summoned back from my long journey :) I noticed the official thread for it got closed, so I looked around in hopes of finding someone who forked the project. Lovely to see that the community didn't let the concept die off :mrgreen: Since I just spent 4 hours straight to find all of the base endings in the G version, I don't have time for the AE version tonight. I'm already saluting the addition of sound effects and music, as well as the improved bedroom scene. But ugh, this game attempts to "justify" itself even more on the loading screen :roll: It would be nice if such games simply had a "porn" label without complex moral / legal stuff all over.

We live in a world people complain too much, and any lack of info can bring problems. I prefer to be as descriptive as possible.

MirceaKitsune Wrote:Otherwise, may I ask if this will also be open-source? I don't have any Flash development tools, but was still curious.

Like Gorepete himself, I prefer to work in 'closed' mode until its finished. I cant just deliver the incomplete code because I have to prepare it in order to be decently enough to be opensource. Sure, I can publish the sources, but if developers start to mix/fork/merge them, when I come back, I'll lose my own track :/ There were cases in this own forum, of projects that ended up a mess (in regard to many crossover resources, old art mixes with new art). I want to avoid that.

I plan making it opensource, maybe in 2016 or 2017. My 'fear' is to lose pace, and to return back with a code that were improved, changed, and the story even more changed, in a way I cant know which is where anymore.
I hope you understand.

MirceaKitsune Wrote:One more thing for the time being: Is the author of the image on the loading screen and in the painting (with Krystal's arms tied up by a rope) okay with it being used here? It's a really gorgeous picture... just wouldn't want the game upsetting its author, nor ruining the game's freely licensed nature.

Of course! I always ask for permission, because I can ask a great artists to do it ;) I hope he likes my ideas, you know that joining forces are better when we all know where we're going. However, I havent found any info about this author. This picture was taken from former Krystal versions in LOK site.

MirceaKitsune Wrote:Gameplay wise, it's a little funny to see it there also. Given that Krystal is recovered by the villagers from a crashed ship, and it's weird to imagine that before she even wakes up, someone already drew a lewd picture of her and hung it above her bed :D

Who knows ;)
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby matriks » Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:43 pm

Maybe in future this type of job. Like prostitute-whore-nymphomenic.
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby ronofar » Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:03 pm

matriks Wrote:Maybe in future this type of job. Like prostitute-whore-nymphomenic.

Good idea matriks. I agree with you. It will be good add this type of job in future.
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby Enkide » Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:50 pm

So glad this thread got back up even if he's still on hiatus, Shame we can't all buy a perminant copy of flash or I'd buy one to help if I could. :D

But I would love to see more of krystals outfits being locked to use or at least having cheat codes included in the future XD but that's me.
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby Troopage » Mon Jan 12, 2015 6:41 am

Pram Wrote:Just look up Krystal on e6 or something.

I did this and I definitely didn't find anything that interested me. Oh well! Lol
Zeus Kabob Wrote:The defensiveness comes from the fact that a good portion of the forum's posts are "is X still alive?". Before I knew this was the case, I'd become annoyed whenever a much awaited thread came back to the top only to contain "when's the next update to pokemon rpg". I suspect this same feeling is the motivation for people responding with hostility to status requests.

Yeah, I hear you. I should have worded my initial reply better, but I was flustered at the time. Also, the thread doesn't have to stay quiet just because the game is on hiatus, so I'm glad my stupid reply got more people to reply too. :mrgreen:
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:I am also annoyed. People dont understand that, when there is something new, I update this thread myself.
I am 101% working in MIM PUT right now. The game is huge, there were some badass bugs in those last weeks, and I haven't a REAL vacation since april 2012. Sure, I can count 45 days, but 5 days here, 10 days there... But this is the way I got in order to be more focused. I work as a contributor, sometimes I earn nothing for months and months (not a single cent), so If I am here, is to use some of my freedom to make something for the posteriority : )
As I am a 'methodical', a workaholic myself, I use to read former posts, and I can even talk to people in page 4 of this thread, for example, like he/she asked the question today. Then I review it again and again, in order not to lose any detail or anything I could use to improve the game. So I will be doing that soon.
I'll be returning to Krystal AE as a part time job of PUT, which is also a part time free job from my real job in RL, but for sure, 100% dedication will only happen if I finish PUT first (all 8 worlds, and more than 50 sex scenes to come there).

Okay, thanks for clearing up the air a bit. I wasn't asking if there was an update though, I was just trying to get people to reply in the thread and show that people like me still care.
Btw I really do appreciate your work, and thank you for the little status update. :D
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
Troopage Wrote:I would like to suggest adding the outfit from SF: Command, too.

Do you have a quick link of this clothing? My internet is bad.

Sure, here you go!
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


I know it may not look that great, but I'm sure that if it was added, that it will look better than the silly Nintendo DS Promo art makes it appear.
Maybe a Kursed outfit for the game as well?
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Enkide Wrote:So glad this thread got back up even if he's still on hiatus, Shame we can't all buy a perminant copy of flash or I'd buy one to help if I could. :D

Yeah, at this point I would literally devote my life to helping Ivan out. I've been told I have really good writing abilities, so maybe he'd be interested, idk. (I'm a huge Star Fox nerd, so that helps. :P)
Pram Wrote:But I would love to see more of krystals outfits being locked to use or at least having cheat codes included in the future XD but that's me.

Nope, not just you. :)
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby Enkide » Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:54 am

Troopage Wrote:Yeah, at this point I would literally devote my life to helping Ivan out. I've been told I have really good writing abilities, so maybe he'd be interested, idk. (I'm a huge Star Fox nerd, so that helps. :P)

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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby Kurokawa Kazunari » Tue Jan 20, 2015 2:47 pm

Liked LoK vG (one of the best played LoK game other than PUT) and am happy to hear that this version is being worked on (even if it is a different version so to speak). But what gets me is the innocent/nasty/slut/nymph. Being called one of those will obviously be varied on the amount of sex you have, but what about adding a sub/dom one to. Most of the scenes invlove her getting plowed and if she is being dominate then she is either possessed or no sex at all. I'm not saying add whips or chains but add something to show that she is in control or... well something. You can even add a little thing that shows what she gets more pleasure from, being dominate or submissive.
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby rebelseal » Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:19 am

Ivan doesn't dissappoint
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby chilargar » Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:10 pm

ik this games currently on hiatus ivan, but i just wanted to point out a bug i found, after getting to fall of the second year i believe it is, the game "freezes" i cant move krystal, cant click the arrows, i cant do anything, but the characters are still moving and everything
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby spitfyre » Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:13 pm

Love this game so far and have played it over and over :D. Cant wait till you add more features like not being rescued till you want so I can get ALL the endings <3
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby dissix123 » Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:05 am

How do we save our in game progress for this version?
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby Troopage » Fri Feb 13, 2015 11:14 pm

dissix123 Wrote:How do we save our in game progress for this version?

It's automatically saved.
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby Narokathecerinian352 » Tue May 26, 2015 6:57 pm

i wish i could play it
and to make it must be a hard thang to do
yet....how do you make stuff like this!!!!
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Re: Legend of Krystal AE (from G) - 1.02 ALPHA (ON HIATUS)

Postby SpryGin » Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:41 pm

Hey. Aяe U playing Space Station 13?
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