Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Ciaobyecimer » Sat Dec 16, 2017 2:31 pm

Hi Alan
I wanted to wish you good luck for your move ( I hope it will be fine )
I also thank you for answering me
know that I'll be here to translate the new game ( if i have time ) and I will be happy to follow the progress of the project.
if I could do without money I'll do it but I do not have a lot of them just for me.
I wish you good luck
Ps :know that I read from time to time the forum and I will work on the translation when I have my computer :D
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby he30ra » Mon Dec 18, 2017 4:54 pm

he30ra Wrote:some Toad scens are too fast,no pressing space look scens like : toad audience one her , or fucking the princess
and wait too end scene

If I understand, you are saying that those two scenes are too fast when you configure 'DURING SCENES' as 'LOOP 2x' or 'NO LOOP', isn't it?
Or are you saying that, in normal (default) options mode, 'SPACE' (the NEXT KEY configured in the keyboard options) sometimes doesnt work?

is normal (default) options and not work as say up post :some Toad scens are too fast,no pressing space look scens like : toad audience one her , or fucking the princess
and wait too end scene

is no work even default options
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Project_Thanatos » Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:17 am


I really enjoyed the game and I think you've done a great job fixing it and adding more stuff to it. I'm having trouble downloading it, as when I download it, it doesn't come open up as a program and instead says there is no program running it... also the download button for EXE leads to a Spanish error page.

Thanks and keep up the good work!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Ciaobyecimer » Fri Dec 22, 2017 7:38 pm

informasion: I took over the French translation ;)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Ciaobyecimer » Sat Dec 23, 2017 1:04 pm

Bug report
for the jinx the texte is reversed in all scene and dor the flurry there is written "Default texte Default texte Default texte ..." and we can't pass de scene
Thanks Alan to resolve this problem
Ps : i have translated maybe 35 - 40 % of the game
texte reversed training 3 jinx.PNG
texte reversed training 3 jinx.PNG (111.21 KiB) Viewed 3493 times
texte reversed training 2 jinx.PNG
texte reversed training 2 jinx.PNG (103.13 KiB) Viewed 3493 times
teste reversed trainnig 1 jinx.PNG
teste reversed trainnig 1 jinx.PNG (110.75 KiB) Viewed 3493 times
freez her pussy flurry.PNG
freez her pussy flurry.PNG (109.05 KiB) Viewed 3493 times
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Ciaobyecimer » Sun Dec 24, 2017 5:01 pm

Bug repport
on the first image (gif jabbi) we can see that there are no text (its normal?)
and in the secondary and the last we can't pass de scene (jabbi and yux)
Thanks to resolv the problem Alan
lick her bumhole yux.PNG
lick her bumhole yux.PNG (112.51 KiB) Viewed 3482 times
inoculate her ass jabbi.PNG
inoculate her ass jabbi.PNG (107.43 KiB) Viewed 3483 times
inoculate her ass jabbi.gif
inoculate her ass jabbi.gif (377.38 KiB) Viewed 3483 times
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Ciaobyecimer » Mon Dec 25, 2017 1:57 pm

Bug repport
problem texte reversed
falling right in duck banana CATAQUACKs text reversed .PNG
falling right in duck banana CATAQUACKs text reversed .PNG (114.95 KiB) Viewed 3470 times
be carresed text reversed.PNG
be carresed text reversed.PNG (113.49 KiB) Viewed 3470 times
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Malemört » Wed Dec 27, 2017 4:41 pm

Hello. I'm an another french and I have translated the rest of the drybone speaches, the xnault, phanto and Birdo. I can help if you need. (Si tu as besoin de répartir le travail, n'hésite pas. ;) )
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Ciaobyecimer » Wed Dec 27, 2017 9:06 pm

Bug report
First dialog baloon is not display whit iggy
koopaling iggy first dialog .PNG
koopaling iggy first dialog .PNG (117.48 KiB) Viewed 3459 times
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Ciaobyecimer » Thu Dec 28, 2017 12:52 pm

Salue Malemört
Je suie contant de savoire que je ne suie pas le seul a faire ca.Malheuresement ca fais pas mal de temps que j'ai fini les mobs (ennemie comme alier) j'aurai du le dire x)
Oui se serai bien que l'on puisse se repartire les tache on devrai en parler.je t'invite a m’envoyer ta progression pour que je puisse voire.Moi je suie actuellement en train de faire les bosses.
j'ai aussi fais le menue et les option (tous en bas)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Malemört » Thu Dec 28, 2017 1:15 pm

Pas de problème... J'ai fait des études littéraire donc si tu as besoin d'aide dans l'orthographe des mots tu peux toujours me demander ou aller sur bonpatron : http://bonpatron.com/ n'hésite pas si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit. ^^ I'm sorry for people who do not speak French but we are talking about the translation of Peach's Untold Tales. If I can help... tell me.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby GlennQ » Thu Dec 28, 2017 5:31 pm

Hello Ivan, i'm brazillian too and long long time lurker (since 2013 if i'm not mistaken), me and my friend are thinking in doing flash games and wanted a insight from a master veteran like you, we made some research and heard that flash is dying and actionscript is not worthy it, what do you think about that? Thank for the amazing games you do by the way.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Ciaobyecimer » Sat Dec 30, 2017 2:20 pm

je te remercie pour ton aide x)
je t'envoit la ou j'en suie.Si tu veut m'aider a traduire et que ca ne te derenge pas il faudrais que l'on se repartisse les tache si ca ne te derenge pas je te propose de commencer le "AVULSE DIALOGUES and DETACHED SCENES" ligne 3176 pendant que je fini de faire les bosse.Ensuite nous verron x).Apres c'est sellement si tu as envie de traduire sinon je peut tous aussi le finire seul tkt ;)
(478.45 KiB) Downloaded 37 times
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Malemört » Sun Dec 31, 2017 1:55 pm

Je vais essayer de m'en chargez. Je vais faire ce que je peux... I will try to take care of it. I will do what I can ...
(480.27 KiB) Downloaded 28 times
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Dec 31, 2017 9:59 pm

Thank you for all the help and feedback!

I am still moving to my target city.
I'll be back to duty in day 3rd January

DarkDawgYT Wrote:In relation to the koopalings suggestion and the pregnancy, I think it would be pretty cool to see what you came up with there, but how about instead of an ending, it can happen after a longer pregnancy period and a different animation to differentiate it from other birth scenes. Maybe as an ending, she gets fucked by all the children she had by the koopalings when her children become adults(I don't know if this is too taboo for you).

Let's organize the ideas:
1 - If a Koopaling, longer pregnancy period (say, 30 days or more) and different animations.
2 - An extra ending: fucked by all the children she had (that one is not so straightforward to make because I would need to make a complex scene with all combinations of 7x6 Koopalings (combination) = 49 scenes.
But I can kind of make each children fuck her (a kind of smaller scene than the full father Koopaling scene), so she is fucked by Morton' children (now appears like Morton himself), then the other comes in (Larry's chidren), etc.
I dont care about incest as its fantasy anyway. : )

Ciaobyecimer Wrote:Hi Alan
I wanted to wish you good luck for your move ( I hope it will be fine ). I also thank you for answering me
know that I'll be here to translate the new game ( if i have time ) and I will be happy to follow the progress of the project.

Thank you! For sure I'll tell people when the demo of Wonderful Sonja is out (I'll also raise the github site for it).

Ciaobyecimer Wrote:if I could do without money I'll do it but I do not have a lot of them just for me.
I wish you good luck

We here use to contribute with everything we can, in our free time. Thats how games like PUT, Krystal, Pokemon (RPG game), Gorepeat' games and tons of others exist today.

Ciaobyecimer Wrote:Ps :know that I read from time to time the forum and I will work on the translation when I have my computer :D

Good luck with your new computer!

he30ra Wrote:is normal (default) options and not work as say up post :some Toad scens are too fast,no pressing space look scens like : toad audience one her , or fucking the princess
and wait to end scene.
Is no work even default options

Trying to Understand...

You need to explain me better, perhaps you can write in your native language, so I can try to translante.
But as you're saying it's failing even with default options, perhaps its a bug, so I need more information, like which level.

Project_Thanatos Wrote:Hi, I really enjoyed the game and I think you've done a great job fixing it and adding more stuff to it. I'm having trouble downloading it, as when I download it, it doesn't come open up as a program and instead says there is no program running it... also the download button for EXE leads to a Spanish error page.
Thanks and keep up the good work!

Greetings! Thank you for your feedback.
As for the SWF problem, perhaps your browser is those new updated ones that refuses to run Flash. You can try to run it with a STANDALONE FLASH PROJECTOR player in Adobe's site.
The addresses are in my MIM PUT site. Just click in 'Click here to see the REQUIREMENTS' button to see the versions of Flash Player you can download (some people feels the game faster with default Flash Player 12 version).

Ciaobyecimer Wrote:informasion: I took over the French translation ;)

Thank you!

Ciaobyecimer Wrote:Bug report: for the jinx the texte is reversed in all scene and dor the flurry there is written "Default texte Default texte Default texte ..." and we can't pass de scene.
Thanks Alan to resolve this problem. Ps : i have translated maybe 35 - 40 % of the game

ALL MARKED TO FIX after day 3rd of January 2018.
This might happened after the optimization with the Gallery, in that version:
Update 3.41 (17th October 2017)
- Improvement to gallery code (tech info: instances of scene main casted dynamically)

GlennQ Wrote:Hello Ivan, i'm brazillian too and long long time lurker (since 2013 if i'm not mistaken), me and my friend are thinking in doing flash games and wanted a insight from a master veteran like you, we made some research and heard that flash is dying and actionscript is not worthy it, what do you think about that? Thank for the amazing games you do by the way.

Hello there! Seja bem vindo, rapá! Hehe.
2013? Wow!

Man, I am so sad about that 'dying' news, but actually, it will just happen like Windows XP! Flash will be always living, but in a more 'side away' situation.
Which insight could I help?

I told people here that I'll be releasing this game source code (without the hentai art that was made from other artists), so people can see how I did the game and they can extend it or recreate other games. But I really prefer to finish the game first. I'll be working with another Flash game, and I even want to make a Toejam & Earl remake in Flash. But I am already looking at Unity (with the SVG plugin, that would support shapes, so we can zoom it without pixelated pictures). I wont be converting PUT to Unity.

Happy 2018!

Malemört Wrote:Hello. I'm an another french and I have translated the rest of the drybone speaches, the xnault, phanto and Birdo. I can help if you need. (Si tu as besoin de répartir le travail, n'hésite pas. ;) )

Please talk with Alan, so you two wont be making double work! I would be sad to see your guys translating the same phrases!
As about the XML above, is the Malemort one the most updated one?
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Mon Jan 01, 2018 2:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Ciaobyecimer » Mon Jan 01, 2018 12:08 am

happy New Year everyone.
Thanks Alan for your answers and good luck. Everyone is waiting for you for your return.
Je te remercie Malemört c'est gentille de ta part.Nesite pas a voire si il y a des faute sur mon torchon (je sait que pour cetain mot comme "jouir" je les ecrti avec "ll" mais il etais tros tard pour corriger ducou j'ai cotinuer x).Je conte sur toi.Fais comme tu le sens surtout (comme moi quand j'ai pas envie de traduire je traduit pas xD )
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Jan 01, 2018 2:23 am

French XML already in GitHub. I updated it.
I analysed it, it's practically 100% done!

Good job everyone!
I'll be fixing bugs (mentioned above) in order for all texts to be correctly aligned.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Malemört » Mon Jan 01, 2018 3:19 pm

Bon, on dirais que j'arrive trop tard. je vais me lancer dans un autre projet de traduction... ^^ Ivan forget what I send to you Alan just did ALL the job and doesn't sends updates of his translation work. So Happy new years to you, Ivan and see you next time, if one day you need a french translation on your next project. I'm a bit too late at this translation work. Si tu as quand même besoin de moi, "Allan" n'ésite pas à te manifester ^^.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Ciaobyecimer » Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:26 am

100% you exaggerate a little xD
I still have most of the work to do (Diary for exemple).
But I have good hope that I finish it.
Malmort tu fais reference a qui en disant “Alan” ? xD
En tous cas je te souette bonne chance pour ton projet :D
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby DarkDawgYT » Mon Jan 08, 2018 2:55 am

Okay to reply to your reply, I'd say:

1- yes of course, I'd like that
2- that's fine, and maybe if there's enough kids you can do different scenes like threesomes, double, only bj, etc and just swap them depending on the amount of kids she has, then make it an option like the gallery to choose which scenes play with which kids.

PS: it's a tiny bit disappointing how you aren't into scat/piss play but oh well, keep up the great work
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