Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.43 (Oct 30/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Wed Nov 01, 2017 2:57 am

Ciaobyecimer Wrote:Have question.Why when I call to toad in this 2 scens he not come ?

It needs one more toad seated in that table. There is 3, it needs 4.

Ciaobyecimer Wrote:Message

As for the message in the bed, its a feature yet to come (in the future)

Ciaobyecimer Wrote:another bug report.in the first moment from the scene freez her pussy whit the ennemie: fluzzy. if you replay the scene in a moment the ballon is empty

CANT REPRODUCE. Did you take the latest version? I've updated it yesteday (day 30)
You can check if your XML is like this for this scene(click to unhide).

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

<scenes scene="flurry5">
<p i="1">\nOh don't be shy!</p>
<p i="2">\nYou must be lonely, let me help. Hehehe</p>
<p i="3">\nDon\'t go! I was just getting started...</p>
<p i="4">\nThat\'s bett..er!</p>
<p i="5">\nOh no! That\'s my ass! But... it\'s so good!</p>
<p i="6">*Gasp* I didn\'t think...you both had...so much in you!</p>
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Bug report

Postby Nhynx » Wed Nov 01, 2017 8:48 pm

i'am getting an infinite loop on the kitchen scene when aunt says "You're not mixing fast enough".
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.43 (Oct 28/17)

Postby fenwick » Thu Nov 02, 2017 4:03 pm

Another major bug!
In gallery under "Princess", all of the scenes for throne and toilet have no action (they only function the "zoom effect")
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.43 (Oct 30/17)

Postby Ciaobyecimer » Thu Nov 02, 2017 7:35 pm

this is same when i have in my xml look
ps:i have translate oll of the option :all at the bottom
(473.17 KiB) Downloaded 38 times
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.43 (Oct 28/17)

Postby SerketCity » Sat Nov 04, 2017 3:29 am

Is there perhaps a walkthrough somewhere I could get? I have been stuck on this one particular level for months, and can't progress through the game without beating it...
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.43 (Oct 28/17)

Postby LArcEnL1 » Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:23 am

Hi Ivan, I follow this game progress since it's early builds but stayed in the shadows until now. But since I have the feeling that we are approaching the end of this wonderful project I thought to show some appreciation. ;)
At this point you probably already guessed, but I really love this little marvel of a game, and we all have to thank you for that, (and some other members of this community to be fair, who also helped).
The fact that you always kept this game free is really a remarkable thing these days. You, sir are a truly a noble soul!
But enough with this panegyric speech. Since I'm finally make a post I want to say a few things about the game itself:
- I know the game is still in development and the design is bound to change, but I think that the layout at character selection screen would be better if only the main 3 princesses took the spotlight and the other extra models like Krystal and Mona being in a subcategory on the same screen maybe.
- Like MPLDAM9919 I don't particularly like the new peachy model. I mean: the body is good, in some parts even better than the old one, and I absolutely love her new hair, But i can't stand the face... it's really silly. In particular: the extra big lips plus the mouth often open, the thick black eyebrows, and the eyes very round, often watching up for no reason... (probably there is something else that my eyes peek, but I cannot isolate and explain it).

I also look forward for your future projects! I hear you have a few in mind. I a little sad you postponed the Alice game in favor of the wonderful pink one, but I will certainly keep supporting you.
Lastly I hope you well and excuse my weak english capabilities but it's not my native language.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.43 (Oct 28/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Nov 05, 2017 7:53 pm

Nhynx Wrote:i'am getting an infinite loop on the kitchen scene when aunt says "You're not mixing fast enough".

EDIT: FIXED in 3.44!

fenwick Wrote:Another major bug!In gallery under "Princess", all of the scenes for throne and toilet have no action (they only function the "zoom effect")

EDIT: FIXED in 3.44!

Ciaobyecimer Wrote:this is same when i have in my xml look
ps:i have translate oll of the option :all at the bottom

Thank you! As for the bug, cant reproduce anymore!

SerketCity Wrote:Is there perhaps a walkthrough somewhere I could get? I have been stuck on this one particular level for months, and can't progress through the game without beating it...

Which level? It might be a bug!
As for a walkthrough, I don't have any time left to work on it (there are 70 levels with dozens of items to be got, and hundreds of creatures!). Perhaps a 'where to go' walkthrough with possible bugs (if any) and how to get over it. You can try searching for 'MIM PUT walthrough' in google.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Thu Nov 09, 2017 2:40 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.43 (Oct 28/17)

Postby SerketCity » Mon Nov 06, 2017 5:49 am

Tried looking up the walkthrough, no dice. I don't think it's a bug, considering it's....I believe World 4-4? The one where you can't exit without using the toilet first? I cannot find the toilet anywhere, no matter where I look....is that a bug that anyone else has encountered?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.43 (Oct 28/17)

Postby Peterpeterpeter » Tue Nov 07, 2017 8:31 pm

Walkthrough In Level 4-4: talk to get help to pass the little door. go one screen right. (here you can see two bubbles going up). Jump down (dont hit the bubbles). Go 1 screen left. There you can see a brown bowl (the toilet). use it and pee. then go one screen right (back to the bubbles). Take the pipe or the bubbles to go on the upper floor. go right and use the green pipe. then go left (where the sitting mushroom is). (to get the blueprint follow "b)" ) take the horizontal pipe in the background. Go right (piranhaplants and luigi) Go further right to finish level

b) go one screen left. take the pipe. two screens left. the bluescreen is hidden (I always have to push downbutton to collect it). go back

sorrx for bad english. its late...

a hint for ivan: every level goes from left to right. maybe in wordl 8 ther could be a level from right to left?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby branw3n » Sat Nov 11, 2017 8:15 am

Ivan, could you please finish a description and caption for the "You're Pregnant" scene in the Achievements? It's been filler text for a while now.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Rikuhino » Sat Nov 11, 2017 8:46 pm

Hello good sir! I love your work I've been keeping up with you for a while. I was wondering if you were planing on putting any Mario Odyssey costumes or characters in this game? Your doing god's work.
Thank you!
Your fan, Luke
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.43 (Oct 28/17)

Postby fenwick » Sat Nov 11, 2017 9:53 pm

fenwick Wrote:Another major bug!In gallery under "Princess", all of the scenes for throne and toilet have no action (they only function the "zoom effect")

EDIT: FIXED in 3.44!

Thank you for fixing the throne part under Princess in gallery....but still none of the "toilet" buttons work :)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Nov 12, 2017 3:36 am

branw3n Wrote:Ivan, could you please finish a description and caption for the "You're Pregnant" scene in the Achievements? It's been filler text for a while now.

I'll check!

fenwick Wrote:Thank you for fixing the throne part under Princess in gallery....but still none of the "toilet" buttons work :)

What? But I've tested them. Perhaps I forgot a line of code. RECHECKING!

Rikuhino Wrote:Hello good sir! I love your work I've been keeping up with you for a while. I was wondering if you were planing on putting any Mario Odyssey costumes or characters in this game? Your doing god's work.
Thank you!
Your fan, Luke

Thanks for the feedback! As for Mario Odyssey (I have to admit I havent played it yet, the game is AWESOME, much better than Paper Mario 2 in graphics), I dont have any plan to put something from there.
I am 'stuck' in the 'nostalgic wonderland' of the past: Super Mario Bros 1,2,3, Super Mario RPG, Super Mario World and Paper Mario.

However, I 'jumped' to nintendo site so I could check the outfits Mario can have. 10 total. I then took 8 (the ones that has a proper meaning) because the others are 'invisible Mario' and 'Mario 64'...)

super mario odyssey costumes.jpg

From those, perhaps a 'bottomless Poncho for Peach' (could be amazing and embarrassing for her, as she will be practically naked, only with the 'top' and the 'hat'). The 'bridal' is already in the game (Wedding Dress). The 'Swimwear' is already in the game (swimsuit), WITH the innertube (that's actually in the game, in some areas of delfino levels) but not useable (its a plan to make the princess wear it), so you can use it while naked, or with any other outfit. Yet to be made.

I dont like the other outfits, although a WaLuigi one could be interesting, HOWEVER. There are outfits in my priority list already.
As for the characters, Mona and Pauline are expected. Mona first. I dont know the end date yet, they might be made only in 2018.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby HugelDude » Sun Nov 12, 2017 4:44 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
branw3n Wrote:Ivan, could you please finish a description and caption for the "You're Pregnant" scene in the Achievements? It's been filler text for a while now.

I'll check!

fenwick Wrote:Thank you for fixing the throne part under Princess in gallery....but still none of the "toilet" buttons work :)

What? But I've tested them. Perhaps I forgot a line of code. RECHECKING!

Rikuhino Wrote:Hello good sir! I love your work I've been keeping up with you for a while. I was wondering if you were planing on putting any Mario Odyssey costumes or characters in this game? Your doing god's work.
Thank you!
Your fan, Luke

Thanks for the feedback! As for Mario Odyssey (I have to admit I havent played it yet, the game is AWESOME, much better than Paper Mario 2 in graphics), I dont have any plan to put something from there.
I am 'stuck' in the 'nostalgic wonderland' of the past: Super Mario Bros 1,2,3, Super Mario RPG, Super Mario World and Paper Mario.

However, I 'jumped' to nintendo site so I could check the outfits Mario can have. 10 total. I then took 8 (the ones that has a proper meaning) because the others are 'invisible Mario' and 'Mario 64'...)

super mario odyssey costumes.jpg

From those, perhaps a 'bottomless Poncho for Peach' (could be amazing and embarrassing for her, as she will be practically naked, only with the 'top' and the 'hat'). The 'bridal' is already in the game (Wedding Dress). The 'Swimwear' is already in the game (swimsuit), WITH the innertube (that's actually in the game, in some areas of delfino levels) but not useable (its a plan to make the princess wear it), so you can use it while naked, or with any other outfit. Yet to be made.

I dont like the other outfits, although a WaLuigi one could be interesting, HOWEVER. There are outfits in my priority list already.
As for the characters, Mona and Pauline are expected. Mona first. I dont know the end date yet, they might be made only in 2018.

Well actually there are other outfits that Peach herself wears (that I think are adorable) I also think some of them could be in this game I won't post them here but here's a video with all of them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFQfoKU7h8I
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby SerketCity » Sun Nov 12, 2017 7:37 am

Ah, thanks for the walkthrough. I just have one more question. What days do the Shyguy Village appear on?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Sun Nov 12, 2017 8:19 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Thanks for the feedback! As for Mario Odyssey (I have to admit I havent played it yet, the game is AWESOME, much better than Paper Mario 2 in graphics), I dont have any plan to put something from there.
I am 'stuck' in the 'nostalgic wonderland' of the past: Super Mario Bros 1,2,3, Super Mario RPG, Super Mario World and Paper Mario.

However, I 'jumped' to nintendo site so I could check the outfits Mario can have. 10 total. I then took 8 (the ones that has a proper meaning) because the others are 'invisible Mario' and 'Mario 64'...)

From those, perhaps a 'bottomless Poncho for Peach' (could be amazing and embarrassing for her, as she will be practically naked, only with the 'top' and the 'hat'). The 'bridal' is already in the game (Wedding Dress). The 'Swimwear' is already in the game (swimsuit), WITH the innertube (that's actually in the game, in some areas of delfino levels) but not useable (its a plan to make the princess wear it), so you can use it while naked, or with any other outfit. Yet to be made.

I dont like the other outfits, although a WaLuigi one could be interesting, HOWEVER. There are outfits in my priority list already.
As for the characters, Mona and Pauline are expected. Mona first. I dont know the end date yet, they might be made only in 2018.

Actually, Peach has some of her own outfits in post game you might want to use.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


What do you think Ivan?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Nov 13, 2017 1:29 am

SerketCity Wrote:Ah, thanks for the walkthrough. I just have one more question. What days do the Shyguy Village appear on?

When the day number ends with '6', like day 56, day 16, day 26...

HugelDude Wrote:Well actually there are other outfits that Peach herself wears (that I think are adorable) I also think some of them could be in this game I won't post them here but here's a video with all of them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFQfoKU7h8I

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Actually, Peach has some of her own outfits in post game you might want to use. What do you think Ivan?

Thank you, I've seen then all. Ohh, it's me or Princess Peach is getting a smaller and smaller butt in each new Mario game? Her legs is also...thinner! :(
As for the outfits, they're all cute, but I dont see any having a juice in PUT game because of the different themes. Perhaps I dont find them appealing enough (most outfits have 'too many clothing').
The ones I liked a bit more: the 'black detective-like dress', and the 'bikini with the towel'. We could then have a bottomless towel and a towel with a thong under it :oops: :mrgreen:
But again, the ones I prefer to make first (form my TODO list, I dont promise them all):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

[ ] OUTFIT:Classic fire peach (white with red dress)
[ ] OUTFIT:Classic fire rosalina (red with white dress)
[ ] OUTFIT:Lakitu outfit (actually only moving clouds covering her shameless areas, with a Lakitu helmet and green boots)
[ ] OUTFIT:Alice(body, skirt, bra, apron). If she loses 'vest', she will also lose 'body'.
[ ] OUTFIT:Band-aid only
[ ] OUTFIT:Tennis outfit
[ ] OUTFIT:Black Leather/corset dress (with a whip) and fishnet stockings
[ ] OUTFIT: Poncho (from Super Mario Odyssey)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:36 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Actually, Peach has some of her own outfits in post game you might want to use. What do you think Ivan?

Thank you, I've seen then all. Ohh, it's me or Princess Peach is getting a smaller and smaller butt in each new Mario game? Her legs is also...thinner! :(
As for the outfits, they're all cute, but I dont see any having a juice in PUT game because of the different themes. Perhaps I dont find them appealing enough (most outfits have 'too many clothing').
The ones I liked a bit more: the 'black detective-like dress', and the 'bikini with the towel'. We could then have a bottomless towel and a towel with a thong under it :oops: :mrgreen:
But again, the ones I prefer to make first (form my TODO list, I dont promise them all):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

[ ] OUTFIT:Classic fire peach (white with red dress)
[ ] OUTFIT:Classic fire rosalina (red with white dress)
[ ] OUTFIT:Lakitu outfit (actually only moving clouds covering her shameless areas, with a Lakitu helmet and green boots)
[ ] OUTFIT:Alice(body, skirt, bra, apron). If she loses 'vest', she will also lose 'body'.
[ ] OUTFIT:Band-aid only
[ ] OUTFIT:Tennis outfit
[ ] OUTFIT:Black Leather/corset dress (with a whip) and fishnet stockings
[ ] OUTFIT: Poncho (from Super Mario Odyssey)

I thought you would of like the kimono dress alot. Maybe without the Boo mask.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:44 am

MPLDAM9919 Wrote:I thought you would of like the kimono dress alot. Maybe without the Boo mask.

I am just with many outfits on my plate already :/
But.... Blargh made a new secret outfit! As the outfit IS somewhat akin to the Krystal slave outfit, as well as Playshapes used it in one of his demos, I'll add to the game (next version 3.45!)

Things would be better for me to add outfits it people could help making them (of course I prefer Mario Universe ones)
I added this info in the first post of this thread.
=>I need someone that can make new outfits. Instructions HERE! Thank you!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.44 (Nov 8/17)

Postby RoscoPT » Wed Nov 15, 2017 5:19 pm

Im having difficulties downloading the game, when I attempt to save it, it saves has swf which is cool but I cant run it? :/ Im still on 3.21 version :/
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