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Re: Escape!

Postby axmanjack » Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:44 pm

I don't know if anyone has noticed this, but if you rapidly click the "change boobs" button fast enough her tits look like they're galloping.
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Re: Escape!

Postby bigdick69 » Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:59 pm

i just cant pass the door i fix the swith but when i get the shinny thing in the plumbing. i need elp fast.
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Re: Escape!

Postby alfaBonk » Wed Apr 04, 2012 3:59 pm

Thanks for a surprisingly fun game... and I don't mind the quality of the art at all :D

Once I figured out how the inventory worked (and that did take some time, mind you), everything else seemed pretty straight forward. Except for the basement... and others seem to be having the same problem. Everything else in the game is discernible with an eye for detail; but the basement I didn't discover until I saw a mention of it on this forum. I would suggest putting in at least a little wrinkle in the carpet -- just some little detail that might draw the eye. 'Cause without that, it's just a freakin' pixel-hunt.

...and I really hate pixel-hunting :(

Anyhow -- congratulations on the what you've accomplished so far -- I'm looking forward to more.
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Re: Escape!

Postby OmegaScales » Thu Apr 05, 2012 9:22 pm

Bob, could you make the "custom-made outfit" a different color or make some pattern/texture on it? It's just kinda boring

There are a few things I'm thinking about:
"Mr. Not-Such-a-Bad-Guy" said "they" need a test subject. Is this a typo or is it implying that the tests aren't over yet? He also said "I'm already done with my experiments on you," which could imply that he is not the only one who has/will perform(ed) experiments on her, correct?
The two people in the room with her don't seem worried about much anything, and they seem to know more than they say. Also, if they have been there for a while, then that must mean someone brings food, or that they aren't actually test subjects. The guy did say the basement was a SECRET, but how could the girl NOT know about it when they are in the same room and can see the entire room from the top bunk? I can only assume he means a secret from US (come to thnk of it, she doesn't really have a name, does she?).
I may just be overthinking this, and you just didn't think this all the way through; I just want to get it off my chest.
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Re: Escape!

Postby bigdick69 » Sun Apr 08, 2012 6:11 pm

can someone helpme i cant pass i am dumb.
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Re: Escape!

Postby TheIdeaGuy » Fri Apr 13, 2012 5:42 am

BrosephMG Wrote:Was bored so I went through the thread again and found the quote:

bob12321 Wrote:
BlueLight Wrote:Personally i find that questionable practice. Are you trying to punish people because they can't get past one part of your game?

I'm not punishing anyone I just dont want to make it to easy. Besides eventually someone will make a walkthrough for my game or spill the beans about how to get through the game. If at least one person can figure it out with cheating then I'm happy.

Fuck this kid is a tool - he thinks a game being bad is better than it being "to easy."

The shithead WANTS people to have to consult a walkthrough instead of fixing his own fucking broken shit and having the game be solvable in itself. He might as well put in a puzzle that makes zero sense; if it makes sense it's "to easy," right? I swear, some people are just fucking stupid IRL, and this kid is one of them.

A couple things:
1) Unless Bob has trained to make games, this is a new experience and is unlikely to be perfect: cussing won't make it better.
2) I had absolutely no problem with it from the beginning. When stuck, I just cycled through the walls looking for differences, which is how I found the room IN THE FIRST UPDATE THAT IT EXISTED, BEFORE THE HINT. Frickin' whiners...
3) The boobs in this update are much better, but there's still that line: in a skintight suit, the breasts would be pressed flat, or at least closer, to the chest, with a smooth gradient to the rest of the body. The only defining line should be in front, to define the mounds, not around and to the back. Unless the suit is also under the boobs, which would require tailoring and would be very uncomfortable. If you're interested in keeping them big, perhaps when she loses the suit massive tits would pop out and she'd say something like "WOW that suit was tight!". I think it'd be funny.
4) I'm definitely liking your improvements to the body: this might even be a good stopping point for it. Good job.

Bob, don't listen to the haters, especially the ones that are incapable of writing a sentence without 'Fuck' in it or providing a plausible solution to their problems, like that dickweed Broseph. Everyone else likes what you've got and looks forward to improvements.
I'm always checking in online if you want any kind of help, ideas, or criticism: fling a PM my way!
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Re: Escape!

Postby Thaedael » Fri Apr 13, 2012 8:49 pm

The guy was banned for a month just for making an account to flame, no more need to react to what he said. Idiots will be idiots, especially when they sign binding contracts saying they won't behave the way it did. The game is also not that difficult, at least for me.

Re: Escape!

Postby Lucky777 » Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:26 pm

The carpet thing is obtuse.
Wanting people to have to consult a walkthrough instead of being able to solve the game on its own merits is terrible design.
If you're starting to ban people for talking the truth you can resign, but I suppose the guy was unnecessarily personal.
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Re: Escape!

Postby TheEnclave33 » Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:59 pm

btw if you right click and click no play you start out side this might be a but you might what to fix sooner then later
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1Lift and pull lid Immediately slice fingertip
2Throw lid very hard into garbage can so it knows what it's done
3Dump cold glob into microwave bowl
4Microwave until scalding on edges and freezing in middle
5Ignore soup-coated walls forever
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Re: Escape!

Postby Sync » Fri Apr 13, 2012 11:29 pm

I gotta agree that the carpet puzzle is not an instinctive thing to solve. When trying to find a way out of a room you don't automatically go looking at the carpet in the corner of the room to see if it might lift to reveal a trapdoor.

Now that I know it's there I won't be caught out by it...but it did take me a large number of attempts to find it, and even then I had to trawl through this thread to discover that I was supposed to be looking at the carpet...

//EDIT - now that I've just voted on the new seems I'm very much in the minority, in that I like my lady to have smaller boobs that are perky and sit high(er) on the chest...
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Re: Escape!

Postby bob12321 » Sat Apr 14, 2012 1:37 am

I actually wasn't even going to bother to respond to him because of how he acted, but I thank those who stuck up for me and are looking forward to my next update. (It should be a big one)
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Re: Escape!

Postby Thaedael » Sat Apr 14, 2012 3:51 am

Truth is not what is at issue here, blatantly breaking the binding contract saying " I will not flame people, I will pursue discourse in a proper and constructive manner" is what at play here. He posted twice, the first one being a lot more derogatory throwing slurs and the like, as well as punctuating with foul language. If anything you should know I tolerate different opinions, but there are ways to present things. If you want to appeal in his favor, feel free to contact me or the other moderators, or big man Renara.

Side note; since I been here only 10 bans have been issued, most for bots advertising, as well as Smoogy accounts. First time banning for blatantly making an attack on someone, after a warning was issued as well. It was also a one month ban.

Re: Escape!

Postby Lucky777 » Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:01 am


Well, without being able to see his first post, I can't make much of a judgement, but if it was even more inflammatory than the second one was, then I can surely see where you were coming from.

Besides, even for the sake of the principle of the thing, who'd appeal on behalf of such an angry fellow?
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Re: Escape!

Postby killzone1012 » Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:04 am

this borse dude got banned?
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Re: Escape!

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Sat Apr 14, 2012 5:55 am

killzone1012 Wrote:this borse dude got banned?

For a month apparently. Honestly, he had it coming. Going into a new community and then just trying to piss everybody off isnt an ideal way to get accepted.
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Re: Escape!

Postby killzone1012 » Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:20 pm

and no idea who this borse dude is and i dont really care for this guy who pisses people off
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Re: Escape!

Postby ByHisBillowingBeard » Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:47 am

I find people like him entertaining. Not for nice reasons though.

I did find the carpet thing inCREDIBLy infuriating but once I found it :D

...oh the satisfaction. As someone who found it, eventually, I say leave it.
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Re: Escape!

Postby bob12321 » Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:54 am

TheIdeaGuy Wrote:3) The boobs in this update are much better, but there's still that line: in a skintight suit, the breasts would be pressed flat, or at least closer, to the chest, with a smooth gradient to the rest of the body. The only defining line should be in front, to define the mounds, not around and to the back. Unless the suit is also under the boobs, which would require tailoring and would be very uncomfortable. If you're interested in keeping them big, perhaps when she loses the suit massive tits would pop out and she'd say something like "WOW that suit was tight!". I think it'd be funny.

You might have to post a pic of what your talking about because I'm not sure I fully understand what your talking about.
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Re: Escape!

Postby nmgoron » Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:43 am

it looks like a good game
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Re: Escape!

Postby Red.Sheer » Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:31 am

Last edited by Red.Sheer on Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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