SteelJesus Wrote:Hey Ivan love the updates! Will Ass size adjustment be in the next update or so? Just wondering!
Randomguy11111 Wrote:Hi ! This update looks great ! But I already found a glitch :
When Peach is jumping, her hand is blue for some reason
Gizmo1206 Wrote:yeah new update,now i can play as Krystal againNow if you dont mind me asking is she able to get knocked up by all things she can have sex with? and i think i found a bug: at dry dry land at daisy's palace instead of daisy its krystal wearing daisy's dress.Testing it further during sex with daisy and maybe the other princesses they copy the player character and the breast/belly size
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:SteelJesus Wrote:Hey Ivan love the updates! Will Ass size adjustment be in the next update or so? Just wondering!
Once I start making 8-3 level, and with more good breezes (winds) blowing, yes!Randomguy11111 Wrote:Hi ! This update looks great ! But I already found a glitch :
When Peach is jumping, her hand is blue for some reason
I havent touched that hand..... go away, blueish hand!![]()
Gizmo1206 Wrote:yeah new update,now i can play as Krystal againNow if you dont mind me asking is she able to get knocked up by all things she can have sex with? and i think i found a bug: at dry dry land at daisy's palace instead of daisy its krystal wearing daisy's dress.Testing it further during sex with daisy and maybe the other princesses they copy the player character and the breast/belly size
What's about getting knocked down? Pregnant? Yes, just like Peach!
Hmmm as for Dry Dry land, no character should appear there. This bug occurs because if you're playing Daisy, no other Daisy can exist! Krystal clone, you're fired! FIXING IT!
Gizmo1206 Wrote:i was playing as Krystal and i was wondering if the player character can get pregnant from other creatures other than goomba's
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:Hey I'm happy taht there is a new version online!![]()
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:Here are some things I noticed: -The "Princess Lesbian Achievement" should be unlocked after the new scene on the princess bed and not after defeating Wendy (as it was)
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-To get the new "Prison Gangbang Achievement" I had to die like a 100 times on purpose. This should be unlocked earlyer. Like the second time in Prison with maybe an unique scene...
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-In the Princess Dresser there is only one dress. In earlier versions the Princess dress won't disappear after taking it the first time. It would be nice to dress up again after ending a world.
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-In Shytown, the shygirl behind the lemonade stand looks like the princess in shygirl outfit. She has no green hair as before.
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-The princess can gain limitless lifes, when u loop the animation at Boss 3 at the right scene (when he comes in her)
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-At some points at the game there should be more consequences :
a)in lvl 1-2 you can tell the toad to fuck the goomba to get the key, but if you kill him instead, nothing bad happens
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:b)if peach is really horny and wants to remove clothes and you say "no", nothing bad happens
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:c)there is an orgasm counter in each level, but it makes no difference if she has one or not
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:d)you can talk to or kill the Bobomb Buddy in the bunker without consequences
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-There should be more enemys wich can get the princess pregnant. Especially bosses. Peach mentions to get pregnant from Ludwig as he comes inside her, but nothing...
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:When Peach wears the Ponytail, there are more things: -When she is stuck on the pole or slides it down (faceing away from player) there is a gap between Head and body (see picture)
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:and who is the girl on the right next to evil luigi? Is she an Mario-Universe-character? She is not animated and seems to not fit to the other content of the game.
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:At the end I want to mention two things that I dislike, but thats only a personal opinion (others may see it different): 1) When she has Ponytail an tits are big or more, the they are very deep, when peach looks into the screen. Compared to the side view the seem to be at the height of the naval (like an old woman) (see in picture below) Is it possible to move them a bit up?
Peterpeterpeter Wrote: 2) I like the new Peachy model with one exception. The mouth seems to be permanent open. Even in Idle animation. It's worse if she looks directly into the camera. If this would be a real life behavior, this would be very unattracive to me. Just imagine a woman with always her mouth open...![]()
<- but as I said this is only my perception.
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:But nevertheless Mimput is still the best adult game on the internet. You put so much passion in it and this makes it great. Looking forward to new updates!
Samus85aran Wrote:Thanks ivan good job it's an excelente update
Now i have a old bug ...... The return of the reverse boobs xD
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:Just tested version 3.41. Stop me if I'm too detailed, but I made a new picture of what I meant with the boobs too deep/low/near ground... (english is not my native language)
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:In Game the ladder (& background) stay sill, BUT The Peach models are differently tall. As she turns, the crown keeps it's height but the distance between crown and feet gets smaller.(see Break in picture)
The boobs don't do this translation in height so they seem to be to low attached to her body. Like they would touch the naval...
You just have to put them a little up in backward position.
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-Sucking the dick for lieing at the toad in 12 would be a good punishment. So If You want a pure Playthrough you have to be honest.
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-Negative consequences for not undresseing when arused (or in other situations):
a)decrease the time you have to finish the level
b)an enemy is spawn nearby (but with a distance to have a chance to avoid it)
d)a higher aggro range for the enemys or increasing their speed
e) the princes slown down (but not too slow to be able to comlete the jumping parts of the level)
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-The frog outfit should get a speed bonus under water to have a better chance to avoid bloopers
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-I once mentioned a bonus for finishing the space level like an chastity belt as a shield. An other idea would be an addition invisibility Potion for the inventory. This doesn't work for bosses/cannonballs/fire/falling off level, wich makes you visible again or you die. And because you only get it after world 7 (because of the blueprints) you still have to beat most of the game without it. Or you can put a 17th blueprint in world 8 so peach has to go back first. But maybe this would be too overpowered.
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-the time till she closes her mouth could be faster
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:I hope I don't annoy you with my posts
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Samus85aran Wrote:Thanks ivan good job it's an excelente update
Now i have a old bug ...... The return of the reverse boobs xD
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-Sucking the dick for lieing at the toad in 12 would be a good punishment. So If You want a pure Playthrough you have to be honest.
But is he going to give the key after she sucks his dick, or does she have to ask him again, so she needs to catch another goomba with the key?
Peterpeterpeter Wrote:-Negative consequences for not undresseing when arused (or in other situations):
a)decrease the time you have to finish the level
b)an enemy is spawn nearby (but with a distance to have a chance to avoid it)
d)a higher aggro range for the enemys or increasing their speed
e) the princes slown down (but not too slow to be able to comlete the jumping parts of the level)
What is AGGRO range?
Samus85aran Wrote:Sorry Ivanheres the image again
Samus85aran Wrote:And i have another one but i don't know if this is a bug. Some time peach make some strange expresions with her eyes like squinting
Samus85aran Wrote:And one last in options, Bigger Belly. I have noticed if you have the option all you can have a lot sex with inside cums but belly don't increase
Samus85aran Wrote:"You lied to me! Suck my dick!" after that "Ok you can have the key anyways."
Samus85aran Wrote:The "aggro range" is the distance in wich an enemy notices the player and switches from Idle to an aggresiv behavior.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Samus85aran Wrote:"You lied to me! Suck my dick!" after that "Ok you can have the key anyways."
Okay! But I prefer a better dialogue. How about this?
The toad will stop Peach from walking if he kills the goomba, then say something like: 'I SAW IT! You killed him!!! Oh I am sooooo sad!' (he would be crying),
Peach could say: 'oh I... I am sorry...Please give me another chance'. (He will spawn another goomba).'
If she says no: "You are lying to me! I feel it! You will suck my dick or I'll tell Toadsworth!"
After the fucking, he will give a key copy and say: 'I have a copy. Be sure not to do that again, please, Princess'.
Gizmo1206 Wrote:so i got 3.41 and now Daisy is Daisy in dry dry land but she has Krystals tail and then when accepting her offer for sex she turns back into Krystal with the same boob/belly size as what i have
HappyGoomba Wrote:You can also go the other way. If she says she wants to kill him, but ends up fucking him, the Toad can call her a slut, and initiate a scene with her.
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Sup Ivan? How's the project going? Sorry for disappearing on you all the sudden but I was incredibly busy (and lazy)
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Sup Ivan? How's the project going? Sorry for disappearing on you all the sudden but I was incredibly busy (and lazy)
It's going on hopefully! I understand we need to refresh ourselves or we will end up crazy(too much energy spent on PUT).
I am making 8-3 so far:
The problem is that the 8-4 level (the next one) was thought to be also in the desert, but underground (in order to resemble a bit of valley of bowser of Super Mario World).Spoiler (click to show/hide):
But I dont know... I need more ideas...perhaps I could mix the two levels above with one (8-3) and then make 8-4 as a 'dawn' in a rotten land (like twilight), with a 'fire' environment (some lava, etc) before 8-5 (it will be a 'grey castle catacomb' level).
I prefer more rich levels than SMB3 and SMW, because, for example, the valley of bowser level 2 of SMW is almost 100% underground (its like 8-4 level image above, without any different areas)
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Btw, I got the chance to test out the new version yesterday. I just want to say the new Peach model looks kinda ugly but I'm glad the old one is still available.
MPLDAM9919 Wrote:And I encountered a weird bug yesterday involving the Daisy scene which I personally call "the Selfcest Glitch". Basically Daisy transform into what character you have (being the new Peach, the old Peach or Rosalina. I haven't tested Krystal but I think that might apply too).
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:MPLDAM9919 Wrote:Btw, I got the chance to test out the new version yesterday. I just want to say the new Peach model looks kinda ugly but I'm glad the old one is still available.
I got surprised by your feedback about feeling her ugly. Well, there are people who loved the new one (a pure revamp), but yes, there are some that prefer the ol' Peach. We may not call her 'old' but classicMPLDAM9919 Wrote:And I encountered a weird bug yesterday involving the Daisy scene which I personally call "the Selfcest Glitch". Basically Daisy transform into what character you have (being the new Peach, the old Peach or Rosalina. I haven't tested Krystal but I think that might apply too).
Gizmo1206 already discovered it when playing as Krystal, as said in the posts above. I am still fixing it.
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