Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.38 (June 28/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu Jul 06, 2017 5:45 am

I am now fixing some bugs.

Tovi Wrote:The entrance to the sky section of Cuddly Skies seems to be broken. I reached a cloudy room with a pipe in the ceiling, and what I presume is a '!' block that spawns a vine. Problem was that I couldn't seem to find a way to trigger the vineblock. So instead I just bypassed the puzzle with Leaf.

I just want more information. Thats because I activated that vineblock and the princess could climb on it.
I added up a 'cloud object' in the floor (Peach is over it). Is this area you mentioned? If so, I'll update the game with that cloud that makes her touch the block nearer.

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue Jul 11, 2017 4:54 am

Update 3.39 (11th July 2017)
- Please reload an external XML (english or other) to refresh the language of the game! Use the ones in my GITHUB (https://github.com/ivanaedler/MIMPUT/). Or you can just click RESET SAVES in the first screen if you dont have saved games and you dont want to mess around the XML files (English only!)
- NEW: Luma scene 3 by Blargh! Also, added all the three Lumas scenes to 'Friends' Gallery.
- NEW: A REAL ponytail for Peachy! (like when Peach is playing in a tennis court). You can change her ponytail style (normal or ponytail) in her drawer next to her bathroom (you will see a 'MAKEUP' text in the drawer). If ponytail was selected, this hair state will only change back to normal if you get a Shadow Queen outfit.
- NEW: You can change other princesses' NPC belly and boobs in the Options (below Boobies/Belly header)! Daisy, Rosalina, Shygirl, Mona and Pauline are there (only Daisy and Shygirl is available so far).
- IMPROVED classic masturbation. No more 'two masturbation types' at random. Now, every time you press the masturbation key or if she does it automatically when a nymph, she will engage on it by those rules: If NOT a nymph, or NOT horny enough, she will start by looking left/right (as she is embarrassed). If she is Daisy, or already a nymph, but not horny enough, she will tenderly touch her insides, touching/rubbing them a bit, then sniffing it. If horny enough (say, 50%), she will engage in a more directly masturbation (the classic one we know since the early versions), until falling while cumming. No more 'dumb/slow sniffing alternative pose', where the player used to get annoyed because she did it slow in order to cum, and with just two repetitive loops. Before, we needed to press the masturbation button again and again until getting the classic masturbation action.
- Rule Change: when taking a new powerup, the princess wont have her (erhm) little perverted asshole back to normal anymore (if swollen due to sex). You have to lose a life to get it back.
- Rule Change: instead of 'Fart Sounds' in the options, we have 'Allow Farting': ON/OFF. OFF as default. If ON, fart sounds will also be enabled. Also, the farting will only happen if she is stopped (that is, just standing up).
- Rule Change: tail attacks (as a leaf or pure raccoon) wont lock you anymore. If you do the attack, she will do the move, but you can interrupt her just by pressing any key.
- Glitch FIX: the vineblock of 7-1 level (cloud area) was not so easily activated depending on the princess restriction to jumping (like when pregnant), making the player use a leaf to get to the green pipe.
- Glitch FIX: a bit of wrong color tone in the new Peach character (Peachy)
- Glitch FIX: the princess was not 'changing her belly' in certain scenes. Strangely, the belly only 'updated' itself later.
- Glitch FIX: Rosalina without a 'front hand' in certain scenes, like when she falls down (when losing a life)

-CANT REPRODUCE the 'difficulty to jump while in descending logs', like in 3-1 level
-CANT REPRODUCE (anymore?) the 'masturbating next to the skull door in 6-6 to trespass it!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Tue Jul 11, 2017 9:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby TV2101 » Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:32 pm

I back to play the game after a few weeks, and I have some bugs to report. I have some complaints to, that are not exactly bugs, but after the Tovi's post, I noticed they will be welcome. So, here's the list:
-When you jump, the camera goes with you. But, in some parts, it is hard to jump because of it. The camera goes with you, and then you are not able to see the platform below you. I think that the camera should not follow you, or maybe it should be the zoom "more out" option.
-If you are using the "Swing Suit" and you bra shred, you lose all outfit and start naked. I think it will be better if we still have some clothes on belly.
-About farts and belly: if you get a bigger belly, it's hard to decrease. I think it should be an option to fart (or just decrease belly) in situations that you can take a shower.
-Same at Fire Peach. It's cool to get "on fire" if you take Fire Flower or get burned, but it's hard to comeback to normal. Maybe I have a choice on shower too, or other solution ... I can not think of nothing. But is boring if you get burned and never eats back to normal.
-If you get the Raccon powerup when you have other power up, you will start naked, just with Raccon tail. It's bad. I think you should get the outfit selectioned at "normal outfit", but with the Raccon tail.
-I like to adjust the max boobs size and the shred bra size. But, sometimes, it just does not shred. I do not now how you gave more details. But sometimes shred, sometimes do not.
-I had configured the "Brawl Dress" for "Fire powerup". But in random situations, the clothes on her belly just disappear, making looks like the "Fire Dress". It comes back after a while. Usually happens when you end a phase.
-The animation of Peach kicking a Koopa shell is too slow. This way, is useless. Until the animation complete, the enemy is already on you, making damage or sex.
-The cheat code session is great not only for unlock galerry, but for testing bugs. So, you should put so many resources at it as possible. For example, change character, to test some bug that happens with a specific princess. Or get powerups (not only outfits). Or rare outfits (like Mario's Outfit). Maybe get a star. This way, report bugs will be more easier.
-Currently you have to lost a life to get you asshole back to normal. Can't it happen over time? Using the day system that is already in game? Like, after 2 days without anal sex, it's go back to normal.
-Like we have "Striker Outfit" and "Daisy Striker Outfit", can we have this outfit for another princess, and outfit for every princess for "Peach Racer", "Swin Suit", "Cat Suit" and "Sling Bikini"? I think it's just change the color pallet, so it's not that hard (or is?). Maybe this color variance could be a sub-option for that outfits?
-Will we have ponytails for other Peach models? I do not like much Peachy, but I love that new resource, and want to use it! And about Tanned Peach? We will have for Peach PS and Peachy?
I'm playing the game right now, and I will posting it as soon as I see a problem (or editing this post). If I do not post in time, I will not remember everything, so I think it's better that way. Sorry if looks like spam.
E uma pergunta cara... ce fala portugues? Seria incrivel se você fosse brasileiro, ehuheuheue
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2017 2:28 am

Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Wed Jul 12, 2017 4:58 am

TV2101 Wrote:I back to play the game after a few weeks, and I have some bugs to report. I have some complaints to, that are not exactly bugs, but after the Tovi's post, I noticed they will be welcome. So, here's the list:
-When you jump, the camera goes with you. But, in some parts, it is hard to jump because of it. The camera goes with you, and then you are not able to see the platform below you. I think that the camera should not follow you, or maybe it should be the zoom "more out" option.

The camera is a new one, since AS3 code. It just works like this, but I will see if I can kind of move the camera further down if the princess falls down

TV2101 Wrote:-If you are using the "Swing Suit" and you bra shred, you lose all outfit and start naked. I think it will be better if we still have some clothes on belly.

The Swimsuit? It's a 'one suit' piece. The bra is actually part of it. I can think about a exception ('um truque'), but I cant promise anything.

TV2101 Wrote:-About farts and belly: if you get a bigger belly, it's hard to decrease. I think it should be an option to fart (or just decrease belly) in situations that you can take a shower.

Hmmmm...If I do it, it will be so easy to decrease the belly that people will not give much value to it anymore. But the option to fart during bathing/taking a shower is a nice idea! I'll add to my todo list!
EDIT: DONE in 3.40!

TV2101 Wrote:-Same at Fire Peach. It's cool to get "on fire" if you take Fire Flower or get burned, but it's hard to comeback to normal. Maybe I have a choice on shower too, or other solution ... I can not think of nothing. But is boring if you get burned and never eats back to normal.

Hmmmmm, nice idea to add a button to the showers, it might work well for this case!
EDIT: DONE in 3.40!

TV2101 Wrote:-If you get the Raccon powerup when you have other power up, you will start naked, just with Raccon tail. It's bad. I think you should get the outfit selectioned at "normal outfit", but with the Raccon tail.

Actually there are two 'furry' powerups: only the tail (Leaf) and the full Tanuki (Raccoon suit). When the game engine detects the princess took the Leaf powerup, it's actually a tail and ears, but she becomes stark naked (its not START naked, but STARK naked). This happen in outfits or powerups with other features, like fireballs (Fire Peach), Tigeress, Penguim, Yoshi, Frog, CatSuit and Hammer Bro.
But hmmmmmmmm....... Perhaps she could have a tail in all outfits without a tail, then force her to fly (but lose the ability to throw fireballs). So the only exceptions would be Tigeress, Penguim and CatSuit. In those outfits, she would lose the outfit and be stark naked..

TV2101 Wrote:-I like to adjust the max boobs size and the shred bra size. But, sometimes, it just does not shred. I do not now how you gave more details. But sometimes shred, sometimes do not.

Might be a hard to find glitch. I'll take a look playing a bit along the levels.

TV2101 Wrote:-I had configured the "Brawl Dress" for "Fire powerup". But in random situations, the clothes on her belly just disappear, making looks like the "Fire Dress". It comes back after a while. Usually happens when you end a phase.

Perhaps a small glitch in her belly area. CHECKING!

TV2101 Wrote:-The animation of Peach kicking a Koopa shell is too slow. This way, is useless. Until the animation complete, the enemy is already on you, making damage or sex.

Ok, I'll increase the animation speed at 50%!
EDIT: DONE in 3.40!

TV2101 Wrote:-The cheat code session is great not only for unlock galerry, but for testing bugs. So, you should put so many resources at it as possible. For example, change character, to test some bug that happens with a specific princess. Or get powerups (not only outfits). Or rare outfits (like Mario's Outfit). Maybe get a star. This way, report bugs will be more easier.

You can already do it! In page 1, in 'Cheat Codes', you see that you can change her character in her outfit room (it will have a blue button: Character. Just click on it). You can also change outfits right in the game (just press 1 and LEFT or 1 and RIGHT in the level).
As for quickly getting powerups, I dont have any idea. Perhaps 'press 5 and 6 to change powerups', and then rotate them all, sequentially? Like 'press 5 and 6: you got Fire Peach. Press 5 and 6 again. You got Frog. etc'

TV2101 Wrote:-Currently you have to lost a life to get you asshole back to normal. Can't it happen over time? Using the day system that is already in game? Like, after 2 days without anal sex, it's go back to normal.

This feature was made recently (last couple of weeks). Okay, I'll make it return to normal between 3 and 5 days after the occurrence. The problem if people complain like 'I dont want the asshole to be normal after X days'. I would end up adding a button with the next day on it (like 1,2,3,5,10,20 and NEVER...), that changes if you click on it in the options. If the user selects '3', the asshole will be normal after 3 days. If OFF, it will be there unti losing a life.
EDIT: DONE in 3.40 version!

TV2101 Wrote:-Like we have "Striker Outfit" and "Daisy Striker Outfit", can we have this outfit for another princess, and outfit for every princess for "Peach Racer", "Swin Suit", "Cat Suit" and "Sling Bikini"? I think it's just change the color pallet, so it's not that hard (or is?). Maybe this color variance could be a sub-option for that outfits?

I want to make 'Tennis skirt' , 'White and Red classic Fire Peach (like 'Classic Dress'), the Krystal space suit and even Alice outfit. If I have time left (if the game has all the 8 worlds), I can see if I can make those variety for Daisy and Rosalina. I just want not to lose too much time here :/ The problem of color pallet change is that the way I make the outfits work is based on new frames, so even if a recolor, I would need to add it in a new frame, in all 50 outfit pieces.

TV2101 Wrote:-Will we have ponytails for other Peach models? I do not like much Peachy, but I love that new resource, and want to use it! And about Tanned Peach? We will have for Peach PS and Peachy?

I'm playing the game right now, and I will posting it as soon as I see a problem (or editing this post). If I do not post in time, I will not remember everything, so I think it's better that way. Sorry if looks like spam.

TV2101 Wrote:E uma pergunta cara... ce fala portugues? Seria incrivel se você fosse brasileiro, ehuheuheue

Well I dont understand what you're saying but...
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Pior que sou mesmo opsakkoakokpoakpoaha!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Oct 29, 2017 6:57 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby TV2101 » Wed Jul 12, 2017 5:36 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
TV2101 Wrote:-If you are using the "Swing Suit" and you bra shred, you lose all outfit and start naked. I think it will be better if we still have some clothes on belly.

The Swimsuit? It's a 'one suit' piece. The bra is actually part of it. I can think about a exception ('um truque'), but I cant promise anything.

It's funny cause when it shred, for a few frames, only the "bra part" shred, and your belly is still dressed.

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
TV2101 Wrote:-If you get the Raccon powerup when you have other power up, you will start naked, just with Raccon tail. It's bad. I think you should get the outfit selectioned at "normal outfit", but with the Raccon tail.

Actually there are two 'furry' powerups: only the tail (Leaf) and the full Tanuki (Raccoon suit). When the game engine detects the princess took the Leaf powerup (translating: 'aquela pena caindo'), its actually a tail and ears, but she becomes stark naked (its not START naked, but STARK naked, that is, 'nua em pêlo'). This happen in outfits or powerups with other features, like fireballs (Fire Peach), Tigeress, Penguim, Yoshi, Frog, CatSuit and Hammer Bro.
But hmmmmmmmm....... Perhaps she could have a tail in all outfits without a tail, then force her to fly (but lose the ability to throw fireballs). So the only exceptions would be Tigeress, Penguim and CatSuit. In those outfits, she would lose the outfit and be stark naked. (Translating: o jogo entende que a princesa não pode ter duas magias ao mesmo tempo, como jogar fogo e voar, daí ela fica nua e só com o rabo. Seguindo essa ideia, de repente eu poderia fazer ela perder o poder atual e só poder voar, daí poderia manter a roupa atual. Mas teria que evitar a outfit de Tigresa, Pinguim e Gata, senão ela terá dois rabos e orelhas diferentes! Só nessas, ela ficaria nua).

I can't think in nothing for these cases of suits that already have a tail. If I thing something, I tell you. For now, I think stark naked for these is a good solution (and thanks for correction!)

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
TV2101 Wrote:-I like to adjust the max boobs size and the shred bra size. But, sometimes, it just does not shred. I do not now how you gave more details. But sometimes shred, sometimes do not.

Might be a hard to find glitch. I'll take a look playing a bit along the levels.


If it help, thats the configurations then I use. Playing a little more, I noticed that if I open the menu (with ctrl) and close, usually shred when I close. Maybe is just a delay glitch?

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
TV2101 Wrote:-The cheat code session is great not only for unlock galerry, but for testing bugs. So, you should put so many resources at it as possible. For example, change character, to test some bug that happens with a specific princess. Or get powerups (not only outfits). Or rare outfits (like Mario's Outfit). Maybe get a star. This way, report bugs will be more easier.

You can already do it! In page 1, in 'Cheat Codes', you see that you can change her character in her outfit room (it will have a blue button: Character. Just click on it). You can also change outfits right in the game (just press 1 and LEFT or 1 and RIGHT in the level).
As for quickly getting powerups, I dont have any idea. Perhaps 'press 5 and 6 to change powerups', and then rotate them all, sequentially? Like 'press 5 and 6: you got Fire Peach. Press 5 and 6 again. You got Frog. etc'

Sounds good for me. I think I suggested the exchange of characters myself a few pages ago, lol. Thats embarrassing

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
TV2101 Wrote:-Currently you have to lost a life to get you asshole back to normal. Can't it happen over time? Using the day system that is already in game? Like, after 2 days without anal sex, it's go back to normal.

This feature was made recently (last couple of weeks). Okay, I'll make it return to normal between 3 and 5 days after the occurrence. The problem if people complain like 'I dont want the asshole to be normal after X days'. I would end up adding a button with the next day on it (like 1,2,3,4,5 and OFF....), that changes if you click on it in the options. If the user selects '3', the asshole will be normal after 3 days. If OFF, it will be there unti losing a life.

More bottons on options, then!

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
TV2101 Wrote:-Like we have "Striker Outfit" and "Daisy Striker Outfit", can we have this outfit for another princess, and outfit for every princess for "Peach Racer", "Swin Suit", "Cat Suit" and "Sling Bikini"? I think it's just change the color pallet, so it's not that hard (or is?). Maybe this color variance could be a sub-option for that outfits?

I want to make 'Tennis skirt' , 'White and Red classic Fire Peach (like 'Classic Dress'), the Krystal space suit and even Alice outfit. If I have time left (if the game has all the 8 worlds), I can see if I can make those variety for Daisy and Rosalina. I just want not to lose too much time here :/ The problem of color pallet change is that the way I make the outfits work is based on new frames, so even if a recolor, I would need to add it in a new frame, in all 50 outfit pieces.

Oh boy... sounds hard. Get it, no problems. Is just a small sugestion, after all.

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
TV2101 Wrote:-Will we have ponytails for other Peach models? I do not like much Peachy, but I love that new resource, and want to use it! And about Tanned Peach? We will have for Peach PS and Peachy?

I'm playing the game right now, and I will posting it as soon as I see a problem (or editing this post). If I do not post in time, I will not remember everything, so I think it's better that way. Sorry if looks like spam.

You didn't answered that :P

A few more things...
-I use the "single left hand" control configuration. When I am running, sometimes Peach make interactions that she shouldn't do. Like grab objects (what I think it's because the bottom for grab and for running is the same, in case the shift) and do over-sex in sleeping goombas or other enemys (translate: os inimigos deitados no chão que aparece a opção pra você começar uma cena com eles, que dá pra escolher a cena e pá, não sei explicar direito nem em portugues imagina em ingles heuheueh) (what is awkward, since neither is the same button). Usually occours when Peach is speeding up, not when she is already in maximum speed.
-In game we have a killed enemy count. There is, or will be, some use for it? Maybe a killer end?
-And I think that I got a idea for futanari scenes question... it will give you work, and maybe is better do latter (maybe latter then ass size, which is so awaited), but is better talk now before I forget :P
You could put a expansive potion for get futanari powers. When I said expansive, I want to say a value that is not impossible to get, but you only get in very end of game, like 1500 or 2000 coins. Once purchased, the player unlocks futanari scenes with some female characters that is already in game but dont have any scenes, like Toadella (thats special!), Rinni, Myuu and the other shy girl dancing on shy village, female toads, some enemy without gender, like boo and piranha plant, masturbation scenes and maybe a bonus scene with Daisy, Wendy and Birdo? These scenes could have a special space on galery, and a special achievements, and do not interfere with get all scenes achievement (that achievement exists?). This way, would be a bonus, for extend the game life. If someone ask, you could even put a female dominance futanari with some male, like maybe Luidgi? (I don't like it, but for sure there is someone who like!). In this case, the dick would only grow during the scene, and Peach would stay "normal" most of time.

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
TV2101 Wrote:E uma pergunta cara... ce fala portugues? Seria incrivel se você fosse brasileiro, ehuheuheue

Well I dont understand what you're saying but...
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Pior que sou mesmo opsakkoakokpoakpoaha! Nasci e ainda moro no BR. Brazuka na veia! Programo este jogo desde 2012. Estou pelos meus 30 anos já, e trabalho com TI, 9h ou mais por dia (daí só tenho à noite para 'atacar' esse jogo complexo). É bom frisar que a maior galera q faz Peach hentai como tekuhonohabo, minus8, acredito serem BR também, mas eles não querem contato :/. Tentei contato com outros artistas brasileiros, só para conversar mesmo, e nada :/ E tinha um cara que me ajudava (morava no RS) e ele que fez a cena footjob deste jogo, quando dá gameover e a princesa vai para a prisão, mas ele se casou :/ Acho que só solteiro ferrado tem tempo para chegar tão longe (sei lá) hehe (brincando, claro). Mas tem q arrumar tempo, é verdade. Sempre tive uma tara pela Peach. Não havia um jogo hentai como este, tipo Mario, com toda a jogabilidade, a trama do jogo, os toads, etc...e com várias fases e cenas, mas para adultos. Só tinha um DEMO feito pelo Playshapes. Falei 'por quê não fazer 'saporra' e ver até onde vai?' Playshapes me deixou usar o demo dele e alguns artistas aqui do forum ajudaram nas artes. O código foi 100% feito por mim. Cheguei a aprender AS3 do zero (O jogo era em As2) e cheguei ao ponto de gerar XML de tradução de idioma (vc sabe, dá para trocar o idioma no começo do jogo!) O português foi um dos que em um raio de luz foi completado 100% huehuehue. Os caras vão atrás das traduções e tem lá: English 100%, Portuguese BR 100%. Daí atualizo umas 20 linhas e English e Portuguese já ficam atualizados. Os caras ficam 'q porra eh essa' :twisted: Veja que já tem 6300 linhas no XML (claro, contando algumas linhas em branco e tags de fechamento xml). Mas tem alemão, francês, espanhol e russo fazendo há meses e não acabou para fazer up lá no github! :mrgreen: Abraços por aí! Há muita coisa que fazer no jogo, é foco total. Espero estar curtindo o jogo! Seja bem vindo à Lenda da Krystal! Tem mto jogo maneiro por aqui, tem que fuçar o site. E é melhor voltarmos ao inglês ou a galera vai chiar. Ou envie mensagem privada pelo LOK. Se não puder, é que tem um limite de 10 (ou são 20) postagens pelo fórum, 'para mostrar que participa' (regra deles), daí ativa as mensagens.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Sabia! Vi seu fuso horario, vi que a tradução pra PTBR saiu rapido, e você falando que ingles não era sua lingua nativa!!! Bom cara, eu queria poder te ajudar mais, mas acho dificil eu fazer algo alem de reportar bugs igual já tenho feito acho que desde maio. As vezes eu tenho umas boas ideias (eu acho), e vou começar a te passar elas no privado assim que eu desbloquear esse recurso, porque ficar digitando em inglês é um saco euhehueuhehu eu sei que ainda to esquecendo alguns muitas coisas dessa jogatina que to fazendo agora, eu quero ter um save pra "cada final", tipo um pra virgem ninfo, um pra não virgem e ninfo, um pra nao virgem e pura e um pra virgem e pura, dai vou jogar bastante e vou ter muito pra falar. Eu lembro de ter dado um bug em algum XML de não aparecer o texto corretamente, mas não to mais conseguindo lembrar onde era. Quando eu lembrar, posto aqui. Mas cara, é isso aí, parabens pelo trabalho, orgulho de saber que é isso que nossa nação exporta UHEHUEHUEHUEUHEHUHUE mas já tá melhor que mineirinho, cara!
e eu não to conseguindo testar se a formatação tá certa então espero que esteja heuheuheue
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2017 2:28 am

Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu Jul 13, 2017 5:06 am

TV2101 Wrote:It's funny cause when it shred, for a few frames, only the "bra part" shred, and your belly is still dressed.

Hmm then its just a small glitch with a delay. Actually those are separated (a bra and the rest) but the engine sees as one. So I cant just split them up without a trick, thats why I said the possibility. But better not to lose time here. I can make like 3 scenes per day (like in the golden times in 2014, when I've had more free time), than days and days thinking about a solution for this case.

TV2101 Wrote:I can't think in nothing for these cases of suits that already have a tail. If I thing something, I tell you. For now, I think stark naked for these is a good solution (and thanks for correction!)

Nevermind ;) Well, no problem then, as I can just make her gets stark naked for those 'tail outfits'.

TV2101 Wrote:If it help, thats the configurations then I use. Playing a little more, I noticed that if I open the menu (with ctrl) and close, usually shred when I close. Maybe is just a delay glitch?

Hmm I got it. Its not only a glitch, but a sound glitch (when you leave that screen). Actually, the princess must appear already shred, but the code thinks you are changing the options, so you leave that screen and it says: 'Oh i have to reapply the shredding'. I need to make a way for the code to understand its already shred, or at least not make any sound.

TV2101 Wrote:Sounds good for me. I think I suggested the exchange of characters myself a few pages ago, lol. Thats embarrassing

Dont worry ;) And yes, more options in that pink screen then! I like on/off options, as it makes the game much more customizable.
I noticed you use the english version in the game. I also use the default!
If you find the XML glitch you said, just tell me. Before, it even locked the game up. But I fixed those. But XML problems might appear as 'ERROR in XML'. At least the game will keep working, and you can notice there is something missing. Then you can just take a screenshot. In small areas, this text may come incomplete (like 'ERR', or 'ERROR i'....). But at least it doesnt crashes the game.

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Oh boy... sounds hard. Get it, no problems. Is just a small sugestion, after all.

I'll try. All is possible in this game. But man, I am gathering all my 'left over energies' to finish it up. So my next goal is level 8-3, and perhaps I start the ass size option (a so awaited feature), as well as 'Peach selling herself for services', as I promised in Patreon.

TV2101 Wrote:-Will we have ponytails for other Peach models? I do not like much Peachy, but I love that new resource, and want to use it! And about Tanned Peach? We will have for Peach PS and Peachy?
You didn't answered that :P

Oh sorry, I missed that!
Yes, it's planned to have ponytails to other Peach models. Actually we already have it, but its just the default 'back hair' in smaller form. The 'pure ponytail' hair model might be made later.
Oh, I may not add it for Daisy, Rosalina and Krystal because of the work involved. Also, the ponytail is more directed to Peach (is a Peach game after all).
Dont worry about looking like spam. I like answering 'wall of texts' (os famosos textões hehe). Mostly if it's regarding the game features. Provided I have enough time to answer in the same day. If not, I answer days later.

TV2101 Wrote:A few more things...-I use the "single left hand" control configuration. When I am running, sometimes Peach make interactions that she shouldn't do. Like grab objects (what I think it's because the bottom for grab and for running is the same, in case the shift) and do over-sex in sleeping goombas or other enemys. Usually occours when Peach is speeding up, not when she is already in maximum speed.

Hmmmm It might be due to the fewer keys of the single left hand mode. The problem is that there is no unicque keys for some movements. As for grabbing objects interering with running, it also happens with default right and left hands (the other options), since the beginning of the game development. So its just a thing people have to cope with (to get used to). Even original Mario games are like that (Super Mario Bros 2). As nintendo had only 2 buttons, we got this same problem. But I can at least see if I can find another key for DO OVERs in single left hand (it might be a glitch). CHECKING!
EDIT: 25th JULY: CANT REPRODUCE DO OVER being activated SO FAR! For that, you need to press R key next to a laid creature. When Peach runs here, even pressing SPACE, SHIFT, A, D, W, E keys and others than R, she didnt go to a do over scene!

TV2101 Wrote:In game we have a killed enemy count. There is, or will be, some use for it? Maybe a killer end?

Since the beginning, Playshapes counted the 'enemies done' in the current level, in the end of it. So I retained that. But I havent thought about the TOTAL number of enemies laid.
Perhaps I can think about an achievement art, or a bonus when Peach returns to her castle (keep playing), like a room full of restrained enemies in cages.
It must not be a sex scene (if an achievement is made) because she just killed many of them. It should be a kind of 'victory art' (perhaps her naked or with a few clothes over them, maybe in a domination pose, with her heels over a goomba dick.

TV2101 Wrote:-And I think that I got a idea for futanari scenes question... it will give you work, and maybe is better do latter (maybe latter then ass size, which is so awaited), but is better talk now before I forget :P

The idea of expansive potion (to enlarge the dick and unlock female scenes, so the princess can fuck them) is interesting. It will give a replay value when you return to former levels or you keep playing after saving Mario. But we need to think about another way to unlock it, like the need of a nymph princess + 2000 coins. And it must be 'told' by someone in the game, as I dont want this to be very hard to find. For example, a toad giving that clue in the Castle, if Peach is nymph enough and she talks to some of them.
I can retain that idea in my todo list. But yes, first we need to have the 'futa princess' feature. For now, she will only walk around with it (fabbled or erect mode), banging around. And with no balls (it will be a true futanari). I may not add balls until much later, as it will be yet more work to do. I can think about a new gallery button (futa scenes) which would be unlocked if 'Futa Princess is ON in the options and if she finds all the female scenes. But I may not promise a new achievement art area, as these are very hard to do, and I have only one artist, TripFlip. He is doing wonders with everything. I simply can't congratulate and thank him enough. I find myself looking at each achievement art for minutes and minutes.....They're special!

TV2101 Wrote:If someone ask, you could even put a female dominance futanari with some male, like maybe Luidgi? (I don't like it, but for sure there is someone who like!). In this case, the dick would only grow during the scene, and Peach would stay "normal" most of time.

Someone else asked for 'domination' princess scenes. But it will end up cumbersome to make. I dont need to just remake all enemy scenes (I can just recreated one or two animated loops that shows the princess 'domainating' them, like putting her foot over his dick, if he has one), but its still too much work. As for women/futas fucking man, I dont have problems with those scenes, I may make one like that for Luigi. But the priority is to make the princess has different ass sizes, then the futa option, then the way to 'fuck' some creatures (not all of them) like a given goomba, then a given koopa, then some females like Toadella... Finally, one or two scenes with males (even if someone complain, many scenes will require us to select YES or NO in the dialogue with them, so just press NO).
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Oct 29, 2017 7:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.38 (June 28/17)

Postby HappyGoomba » Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:54 pm

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
Tovi Wrote:Enemies without clear indication will remove peach's outfits. I don't like being randomly hurt by enemies that don't display spikes or other hurt-inducing things. Jumping into enemies that would normally just initiate a scene, will in the air just damage Peach, something that I find a bit strange and kind of out of place, considering you'd never get hurt by them on the ground. It's hard enough to hold onto your clothes as it is, and in this latest version I've found it even harder to the point that it can barely even be done.

You can tell this to some players that wanted this feature.

CHANGELOG (31th May 2017):
- Rule Change: If the princess touches a grounded creature that is jumping or falling (e.g. goomba), she will be hurt. Just beware when you walk around areas where creatures might fall from platforms above you.

This was made because when she was touching a creature while falling, she was being locked up and falling right in a scene.
What I can do is: in normal game, not damage Peach (and not initiate a scene) while in the air.
In hard game, damage Peach. Or another idea.

Something I've noticed about this when I've been playing is the threshold for what constitutes falling or jumping seems to be set too low. I've seen Peach damaged by goombas walking down a slope or pokeys walking on what appears to be level sand. I don't know how movement is calculated internally, but it looks like damage occurs if there's any downward component in the movement of the creature. I think moving this to hard mode or making it an option would be a great idea. I play in "make love not war" mode. I consider it a minor failure when Peach accidentally stomps on one of her lovers or when one walks off a cliff before she can get to him. So to have her get damaged just walking along is really disconcerting.

I also agree on not letting the fart scene interrupt movement, so thanks for letting us switch that off.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby Endor51 » Sun Jul 16, 2017 3:30 pm

Hello !
I'm new in this forum, so sorry, I didn't read everything (more than 700 pages is really long to read...).

I discovered your project some times ago but it was on a previous version, and I discovered the new version a few days ago and I loved it.
I'm french so... I can make the french traduction if you accept, for free, etc obviously.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu Jul 20, 2017 2:26 am

Soooo... I entered in one of my most stressing month in my job. I am still at control, but I may access less often until 20th august, where I'll have my vacation (Horray!)
As people know, in vacations I work even more on PUT game.

Currently, the team is doing:
- Level 8-3 (yes, I have finally started it).
- Improvements and Bug Fixes (the red text I usually put in my answers above mean 'to be done or fixed') - when done, they turn blue.
- A new scene by me (I hope it will be in the game) and a new scene by Blargh (princess x princess lesbian scene). So two full scenes to come.
- Pointey scene 1 by me.
- Options: increase Belly when (single button that changes its text): none, eating, pregnancy, creatures, all
- The final Bowser scene by Blargh (I know, its taking weeks), due to the complexity involved.
- New Art: 'Peach in the Prison' By TripFlip
- Peach 'lewd scene' in the bar by me (I paused this one because Peachy was the priority)
- MIPS in another area like Toad Town (in the queue). He might be next to a hole (his home). The princess cant go inside, but she can say something like 'where are you doing?', and he can fuck her like in the sewers
- Red Bumpty scene (in the queue)

Ass sizes in on the queue, because as I've said before, I really need to make one or more levels of world 8. They are the most difficult to make, so I deal with them better when I am 'calibrated' and working on them more frequently. If I delay them, instead of making a level in less than a week, I will make in two or three weeks.

HappyGoomba Wrote:Something I've noticed about this when I've been playing is the threshold for what constitutes falling or jumping seems to be set too low. I've seen Peach damaged by goombas walking down a slope or pokeys walking on what appears to be level sand. I don't know how movement is calculated internally, but it looks like damage occurs if there's any downward component in the movement of the creature.

Actually this can be improved, as I use a variable that calculates acceleration in gravity. Its as simply as it sounds, as I add like +1 each frame. First frame (on ground = 0). Second frame, he loses ground (even from slopes). So Y=1. Then, if still off ground, Y=Y+2, then Y=Y+3.. Until, say, 10 (a limit). So the y of the creature will be added 10 each frame (fixed value), in order to avoid 'unlimited values' like Y+100, Y+101, Y+102, making the creature skip platforms and such. I call it 'grav'. I guess its detecting 'off gravity' then hurting the princess when its 2. I'll test values like 3 or 4.

HappyGoomba Wrote:I think moving this to hard mode or making it an option would be a great idea.

Okay then! So in hard mode, they will hurt her in 'correct off ground' situations (not in slopes) and in normal mode, they wont hurt her.

HappyGoomba Wrote:I also agree on not letting the fart scene interrupt movement, so thanks for letting us switch that off.

Nevermind ;)

Endor51 Wrote:Hello! I'm new in this forum, so sorry, I didn't read everything (more than 700 pages is really long to read...).

This is preposterous! People usually read all the pages in order to get an incredible depth of the game, along with that golden info in the 11th post of page 391 and cute pictures between page 404 and 409.
(I am kidding) :mrgreen:

Endor51 Wrote:I discovered your project some times ago but it was on a previous version, and I discovered the new version a few days ago and I loved it. I'm french so... I can make the french traduction if you accept, for free, etc obviously.

Thank you for any help in French. You can just go to my GITHUB site Here!, then download the current French translation - XMLLanguage_fr.xml. The current contributors are Here! Just click on KumaKuma205 and just ask him if possible. He started the FR translation but he stopped working for some time, just for you to check if he is making any new translation, to avoid double work.

If you just want to 'take the current one and fly', you can just take the most current one in the first link above, then work on it GITHUB itself. I'll then inform people you are already working in a FR translation. Then, once done, you need to make a Pull request. If I am not mistaken, you dont need a GIT client because its just one file.

You can even create a new file, or tell me you created one, like XMLLanguage_fr_classic.xml, in case you want to improve it by a more traditional slang or culture in your French region in France.
Remember to make pull requests, so I can add new files or update current ones.

Merci Beaucoup!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Tue Jul 25, 2017 9:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby Endor51 » Thu Jul 20, 2017 11:51 pm

Thank you :)

I can't contact him so I guess I'll just go for the translation.
I've plenty of time this week so I do the job really fast (at least, I'll try to).

But I don't want KumaKuma to be mad at me if he want to be alone in the translation :(

En tout cas, c'est du super travail que tu as fais ;)
I would love to create a game like this but for now, I just know how to write a little platformer (or other 2D game witch basic physic) in python (and without animations) :(
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby branw3n » Fri Jul 21, 2017 7:17 am


Please make the final Bowser scene one where he gets Peach pregnant!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby envyuria » Fri Jul 21, 2017 4:37 pm

In Stage 2-3 [The Pyramid] You're able to jump through the roof of the Pyramid while standing on one of the Urns/Pots ending up being stuck there.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby Khaos1911 » Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:57 am

Can you fix toadsworth's dialogue in XML? Some of the interactions with peach in his room have an XML error. Same with Osama when peach is horny. Thanks. Love the game by the way.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby Gengu » Wed Jul 26, 2017 9:17 am

Wonky boob and her missing pussy :lol:
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby Firedevil » Thu Jul 27, 2017 6:29 pm

Hello everyone,
After I found this great game I wanted to translate it into German and did some tests with the menus.
There I discovered that that the sections Nice, Naughty and General are only translated in the pause menu when the controls are QWERTY and righthanded. At all other controls they are not translated.

Best regards from germany;
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby HugelDude » Fri Jul 28, 2017 4:04 am

So when you're done with the new levels and other features you'd like to implement, would we be able to get new costumes or power ups for the game? Maybe costumes based on other Nintendo characters that Peach could wear, like maybe a Breath of the Wild Zelda costume or a Zero suit Samus one. And I suppose we don't have to limit to just female characters, we could probably have Link's Tunic or a Pokémon costume. Maybe some of these costume could have special abilities? Maybe not. Whatever works for you. Also if you're ever thinking about adding any bonus levels just for fun, I think a Smash Bros area level would be cool, it could have special cameo appearances of some Nintendo characters and maybe some scenes. These are all just suggestions of course, I love the game regardless.

I'd also like to say excellent work on the game by the way!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby sploogemaster » Fri Jul 28, 2017 4:45 am

Sometimes the game zooms in too much to see the menus. In the SMB2 ending animation, Toad is facing backwards. He is cumming on Mario.
2017-07-27 (3).png
2017-07-27 (4).png
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby LOKmaster24 » Mon Jul 31, 2017 11:49 pm

Some strange glitch with krystal's leg is occuring, might have been caused by the addition of the new model for peach?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby chrisx » Thu Aug 03, 2017 7:58 pm

trying to get a day 6 while in world map to go to the shy guy village in world 3, but can only have odd numbers so far, even numbers after i enter a lvl :( >_<
edit: nvm it seems its not when every single digit is 6 but for every 6 days so the total number added up to a number of 6s for any1 else who didnt know and i was somehow able to get it back to even by beating the airship, ig it counted as 3 or something :) :P
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.39 (July 11/17)

Postby Gengu » Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:44 am

sploogemaster Wrote:Sometimes the game zooms in too much to see the menus. In the SMB2 ending animation, Toad is facing backwards. He is cumming on Mario.

Lmfao Mario getting bukkake by toads :lol:
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