Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.26 (Jan 15/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue Jan 24, 2017 5:01 am

JohnyElSucio Wrote:Thanks Ivan you are the man...

Nevermind ;) But erhm..... we may have a BIGGER change still this year, or earlier this year! TripFlip is making a plan to.....improve the princesses (the playable characters!)

So...is it about the evolution?

Battletoads - AAAAAAAAAAH!.jpg

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Peach frontside evolution.jpg

Shivster000 Wrote:Hey, I love your work by the way, I was just wondering how to get the Toads to join you at the dinner table in Peach's castle, it keeps saying that none of them are hungry :(

Its required to have 4 seated toads in that table.

PetonchioSpataponchio Wrote:Yes, I meant her dress, her belly status and everything. And I did leave the Flash Player itself.

Ok it might be a problem with the way files are might saved to wrong Config side. I need time to test this closely.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.26 (Jan 15/17)

Postby Trando » Tue Jan 24, 2017 7:50 pm

hey, great job dude , I was just wondering when the next update will be down ?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.26 (Jan 15/17)

Postby Shardoom » Wed Jan 25, 2017 9:24 am

Ah, good call Ivan putting the link to my Xpadder profile on page 1.

Might be an idea to reword it so that it says it does't 'need' a mouse, since that was the point of me posting my profile. :P
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.26 (Jan 15/17)

Postby razelfark » Fri Jan 27, 2017 9:30 am

What about using Booster as the king of the ice lands? I don't recall you posting any plans for him. He is all about playing around around, passion for trying new things that could be turned into something deviant, and has been referenced within the game already. His level was previously a tower with a lot of up and down movement, which you already have in your level although split out. You can even make him try to marry Peach again with him realizing that he didn't perform a proper marriage from last time and how he missed out on what is suppose to happen after the ceremony, if you get what I mean. ;)

If you already have a plan for him somewhere then don't worry about it. If not I would think he would make a good character to make use of since he is not really a villain. You could even make a small fight or mini game out of him to avoid being taken as a bride again if you go that route. Thinking lots of unused potential when you have time of course.

A reminder of who booster is:
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.26 (Jan 15/17)

Postby JetStar212 » Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:06 am

I love the Ice King idea, Ivan ^-^ but would any of his penguins also be in the level?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.26 (Jan 15/17)

Postby HugelDude » Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:11 pm

Is Ivan gone?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.26 (Jan 15/17)

Postby tripflip » Sun Jan 29, 2017 12:38 am

HugelDude Wrote:Is Ivan gone?

Ivan's internet was down for several days. Just got the word that it's finally back up.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.26 (Jan 15/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Jan 29, 2017 4:17 pm

My internet is back!
It was great after all, as I could be more focused in the game in my offline times.

The next update will have:
- NEW! Bowser Castle (level 8-7) complete! There is a toad inside a cage (dialogue + scene). If Blargh finishes on time the end scenes will also be there (Bowser and Peach, Mario and Shadow Queen final scene)
- NEW: Krystal and Peach PS models in 'Frontside Dialogue' by TripFlip! The Playshapes PS that is currently in the game (3.26), with only one expression, is removed. Krystal expressions still to be made (so she is kind of 'imobile' yet).
- NEW: The princess can SLIDE DOWN/SLIP along slopes and ladders! Just press DOWN key right next the beginning of the slope or ladder. She can do that when facing the slope or the opposite (a butt slide!) She will pop out/kill any enemy that she touches when sliding. But beware! The princess will also do this if you position her to the edge of two or more blocks in a ledge (right next to pitfalls)! Thats because it will be considered a ladder! The math code is not perfect, the idea is always a faster/optimized code for us to enjoy the feature! So be careful when pressing DOWN key to loop down in certain edges!

Trando Wrote:hey, great job dude , I was just wondering when the next update will be down ?

I am trying to increase the time between updates, in order for me to put more content.

Shardoom Wrote:Ah, good call Ivan putting the link to my Xpadder profile on page 1. Might be an idea to reword it so that it says it does't 'need' a mouse, since that was the point of me posting my profile. :P

DONE! ;)

razelfark Wrote:What about using Booster as the king of the ice lands? He is all about playing around around, passion for trying new things that could be turned into something deviant, and has been referenced within the game already. His level was previously a tower with a lot of up and down movement, which you already have in your level although split out. You can even make him try to marry Peach again with him realizing that he didn't perform a proper marriage from last time and how he missed out on what is suppose to happen after the ceremony, if you get what I mean.

GREAT! Although he is an enemy, he is not THAT enemy, as he wanted to marry and protect the princess.
What I can do is put him in the palace of world 5 (ice land), then make the princess get frightened by him. Something like:
- Princess (thinking): what?? Booster as a king? Oh no, if he is, I need to be loyal to him in his land!

I can also make a side scene where they marry in Marryland (with all the XXX on it) :oops: :mrgreen:
As for the 'ladder level' (Booster Tower), It might be made, yes, just like the palace of world 7 (Nimbus land), as we need to wander around a bigger palace.

razelfark Wrote:If you already have a plan for him somewhere then don't worry about it. If not I would think he would make a good character to make use of since he is not really a villain. You could even make a small fight or mini game out of him to avoid being taken as a bride again if you go that route. Thinking lots of unused potential when you have time of course.

I've thought about Pennington being the king, but its better to just make his house in the worldmap (so the princess can visit him often), perhaps to find more clues about Mario and bonuses!

JetStar212 Wrote:I love the Ice King idea, Ivan ^-^ but would any of his penguins also be in the level?

I still may put him, but as a cameo. I could make the princess talk to him like:
- Wha??? I havent seen people like you in my lands... You're like......an ICE king!'
- But I AM the Ice king! Now bring me princess bubblegum! Or I'll freeze Finn again!

HugelDude Wrote:Is Ivan gone?

When I 'disappear', its generally one of those:
- I am on vacation or resting for some days (I generally put this info in the first post of this thread)
- I am without internet, or LOK site is down.
- I am sick or something happenend (accident/incident/urgent travel). Then I dont have time to update page 1.

The worst it could happen (I avoid the word 'death' as no one here wants it), is when I am burdened out and I need some days to rest. Of If my HD blows up and my backups too :shock:
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.27 (Jan 31/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue Jan 31, 2017 6:13 am

Update 3.27 (31th January 2017) - IN PROGRESS
- Please reload an external XML (english or other) to refresh the language of the game! Use the ones in my GITHUB (https://github.com/ivanaedler/MIMPUT/). Or you can just click RESET SAVES in the first screen if you want to stay in English.
- NEW! Bowser Castle level (8-7) complete (in regard to structures and rooms)! There is also a toad in a cage (with a dialogue and a scene)! The final scene with Bowser still being made by Blargh.
- NEW: Krystal and Peach PS models in 'Frontside Dialogue' by TripFlip! The Playshapes PS face that was currently in version 3.26, with only one expression, was removed. Krystal expressions still to be made (she has only one expression).
- NEW: Added a descriptive tale for E.gadd Achievement Art by TripFlip (English)! Also translated to Portuguese (my Github site). Finally, I added it correctly if you use the cheats (it was not appearing that way!)
- NEW: The princess can SLIDE DOWN/SLIP along slopes and ladders! Just press DOWN key right next the beginning of the slope or ladder. She can do that when facing the slope or the opposite (a butt slide!) She will pop out/kill any enemy that she touches when sliding. But beware! The princess will also do this if you position her to the edge of two or more blocks in a ledge (right next to pitfalls)! Thats because it will be considered a ladder! The math code is not perfect, the idea is always a faster/optimized code for us to enjoy the feature! So be careful when pressing DOWN key to loop down in certain edges!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.27 (Jan 31/17)

Postby MasterLantern » Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:40 pm

I dont know if anybody as this problem but i cant get in the Cheatmode
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.27 (Jan 31/17)

Postby Biles » Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:38 am

MasterLantern Wrote:I dont know if anybody as this problem but i cant get in the Cheatmode

The cheatmode has been limited to Peach. So if you play as any other characters, it won't work at all.

BTW, I wonder if we should've used Lara Croft's voice to help supplement Krystal's voices.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.27 (Jan 31/17)

Postby Biles » Thu Feb 02, 2017 1:40 am

MasterLantern Wrote:I dont know if anybody as this problem but i cant get in the Cheatmode

The cheatmode has been limited to Peach. So if you play as any other characters, it won't work at all.

BTW, I wonder if we should've used Lara Croft's voice to help supplement Krystal's voices.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.27 (Jan 31/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:19 am

MasterLantern Wrote:I dont know if anybody as this problem but i cant get in the Cheatmode

The cheatmode works for all princesses. Remember to:

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In a given level, like Peach's castle, PRESS 1, 9 and 0, all at the same time! A message will be shown that you unlocked it. All the other cheats depends on this main cheat, and its listed in my first post of this thread!
Certain keyboard brands dont support 'three buttons at the same time'. It may register only two buttons!

As for ACHIEVEMENTS, they are only shown if you're playing a Peach character (Peach, Fire Peach, Ps Peach, Tanned Peach).

Biles Wrote:BTW, I wonder if we should've used Lara Croft's voice to help supplement Krystal's voices.

If you have the sound pack for me to check and test, I can add up the appropriate ones ;)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.27 (Jan 31/17)

Postby Mori369 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:45 pm

Hey there, I´ve been playing this game pretty long so far, but since it doesnt save anything for me, would it be possible to actualise the .exe download?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.27 (Jan 31/17)

Postby benj2903 » Thu Feb 02, 2017 7:10 pm

Hej, i think there is something wrong. ive tried on many different diveces and when you play as peach and you get to the desert, at the 5 level and you have to get to the key undernearth all the sandblocks, you cant go through the door
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.27 (Jan 31/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Fri Feb 03, 2017 10:23 am

Some people told me there are small glitches regarding the 'princess sliding down' feature. E.g. Right after she was taken in a scene while sliding down, certain creatures that touches her are being popped out.

benj2903 Wrote:Hej, i think there is something wrong. ive tried on many different diveces and when you play as peach and you get to the desert, at the 5 level and you have to get to the key undernearth all the sandblocks, you cant go through the door

Which door? The white one? But you just need to press UP when in front of it.

Mori369 Wrote:Hey there, I´ve been playing this game pretty long so far, but since it doesnt save anything for me, would it be possible to actualise the .exe download?

I'll try to find time to do it. The problem is that the program which does that got corrupted. I'll try a backup.
EDIT: DONE! EXE updated on page 1!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.27 (Jan 31/17)

Postby JJPG » Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:13 pm

toad scene 'anal quickie please' freezes
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.27 (Jan 31/17)

Postby envyuria » Fri Feb 03, 2017 11:49 pm

I don't know if it's intended but in World 3 in the Stage with the leaf ground at some point where one of the blueprints is, you actually can slide through the leaf ground with the new feature.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.27 (Jan 31/17)

Postby Shardoom » Sat Feb 04, 2017 9:16 am

Ivan if you're going to optimise this game for Flash 12 then could you please provide a link for the version 12 projector?

I've searched for a lot longer than I'd care to admit for it and came up with nothing. The whole adobe site is fucking useless.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.27 (Jan 31/17)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Feb 04, 2017 3:04 pm

JJPG Wrote:toad scene 'anal quickie please' freezes

Darn! The new toad scene I made in Bowser Castle got a better code (but that interferes with this toad scene).

envyuria Wrote:I don't know if it's intended but in World 3 in the Stage with the leaf ground at some point where one of the blueprints is, you actually can slide through the leaf ground with the new feature.

I went to that level and tried the sliding. I could only slide if I press 'down key' in the 'edge' of that leaf ground. Then the princess fell down. Did you do something different? Were the princess RUNNING before you pressed down? I may not reproduce your poblem.

Shardoom Wrote:Ivan if you're going to optimise this game for Flash 12 then could you please provide a link for the version 12 projector? I've searched for a lot longer than I'd care to admit for it and came up with nothing. The whole adobe site is fucking useless.

Yes, the game is already optimized to Flash 12, but I noticed people are having difficulties to find this version in the WEB.
EDITED 10th february 2017: I've provided a ZIP LINK of it in the first post of this thread.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Fri Feb 10, 2017 4:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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