Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.48 (Nov 2/18) - HIATUS

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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby LarsR » Mon Oct 31, 2016 1:28 pm

NWLCJonSnow Wrote:Hey Ivan!

When Peach gets a costume, it says: "You is... now".

Also I often notice Peach saying feel when it should be fell and vice versa.

I've spotted the "You is ..." error too, and I've already made a pull request at https://github.com/ivanaedler/MIMPUT
Ivan will probably merge that pull request and the fix will be in some next update of the game.
I'm actually going through all the text in the game to remove these small errors (I'll keep an eye out for "feel" and "fell").
It's a lot of dialog, so I'll need some time to go through it all. Anyone can join me on this quest off course, it's all on github :-)

Seeing the amount of text in the game makes me appreciate the scope of Ivan's work even more!
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby Kumokumo » Tue Nov 01, 2016 4:14 am

yea, if you're willing to do that he'd REALLY appreciate it, it would help out his team a lot and they could focus their grammar/spellchecking more on future releases with the past ones dealt with. And yes, the game is quite impressive, calling it a project simply doesn't do it justice. The fact he does it all for free is even more incredible. :)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby furius34 » Wed Nov 02, 2016 1:44 am

can you add to the game the option of birth please ?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby Kumokumo » Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:21 am

He has. But it's a rather new addition so there's only a few enemies it works for, like goombas.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby furius34 » Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:31 pm

birth option
Birth is implemented ?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby VintageBass » Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:18 pm

furius34 Wrote:birth option
Birth is implemented ?

Yes, there is birth in the game, only it's relatively new and only works with Goombas at the moment.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby Shardoom » Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:29 pm

Really? I've only ever seen it work with Koopa's myself...
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby furius34 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 12:28 am

how to activate the birth ?
How to know if pregnant and peach for giving birth
thanks and sorry for my bad english
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby Shardoom » Thu Nov 03, 2016 3:36 am

Basically you just fuck a lot of things, obviously has to be vaginal. Peach won't get magically impregnated from her bum...
Her belly will grow if she's pregnant after a while, her pregnancy status is also listed in the pause menu, next to where her sluttyness is shown.

After a while she'll be ready to deliver and you just press down. (iirc correctly, haven't done it in ages)
From getting pregnant to getting ready to pop doesn't take very long, but it's not instant. You'll be able to tell though.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby HugelDude » Thu Nov 03, 2016 7:32 am

Is there a way to have Peach strip during a level? and if not, it'd be a nice feature, maybe if Peach's horny bar is up high she could feel a little daring and you could press a button to have her strip stark naked, of course this would make her lose her current power up. And I'm sure if she was a nympho in the game she'd do it without question.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby noscoper » Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:48 am

once ass enlargement/change is in, thus'll be a pretty solid game
great job (i've said this before but you know)
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby VintageBass » Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:10 am

noscoper Wrote:once ass enlargement/change is in, thus'll be a pretty solid game
great job (i've said this before but you know)

As if it's not already a solid game to begin with...
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby Kumokumo » Fri Nov 04, 2016 3:43 am

VintageBass Wrote:
noscoper Wrote:once ass enlargement/change is in, thus'll be a pretty solid game
great job (i've said this before but you know)

As if it's not already a solid game to begin with...

Phrasing Matters!! (>^.^)>
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat Nov 05, 2016 9:56 pm

Just to inform I am busy making Levels 8-1 and Bowser Castle. I dont know which will come first.
Version 3.22 will be uploaded perhaps today with some fixes, like the Blueprint cheat not working. There is also a new Achievement Art from TripFlip (Peach, Daisy, Rosalina and Wendy)! That's it! But it will appear only if your current playable Princess gets fucked by all of those, so the achievement art will appear in the end of the scene.

I also fixed up my computer. It was crashing often.

BigBrianIsLarge Wrote:keep up the good work homeslice

I hopelly will ;)

Doctor93 Wrote:I haven't played this game in a while lol. I just got back on this site to test it out again and noticed you fixed all the bugs I was running into before. Keep up the excellent work, Ivan! :D

I hope no more bugs! If they exist, I need more clues to fix them!

Kumokumo Wrote:He was quite methodical about the bug smashing too i might add. Fast and efficient, nothing like it. ;D

Just doing my work ;)

night22 Wrote:Anyone else having issues with the character select screen? It seems like it's zoomed in just a bit and there's no "continue" button. Clicking full screen toggle doesn't help either.

You have to play around the options, like 'keep 16:9 while maximized' option. You can try to press the second button in the loader (FUllScreen ON/OFF) Before setting the '16:9' option in the OPTIONS screen.

Matniz Wrote:I found a strange thing. I have the 3.21 version and i am using flash 17. When i eneter the game and go to the menu with the controls, at the bottom it says programmen by Ivan adlear 3.17. Just wanna know if that is just a graficall bug or something.

It might be the fact you have an old XML loaded file. The game will always start with the latest XML you put into it. You can fix it in two ways:
1 - Just download the latest XML of the language you want, in the first post of this thread (my github link)
2 - Just click RESET SAVES in the first screen.

JJPG Wrote:The blueprint cheat doesnt work

I noticed Peach was being pregnant instead of the blueprint cheat.
This was FIXED some days ago, but I'll upload the fix today! Remenber you have to press the main cheat (1,9,0) before activating the blueprint one!

Kumokumo Wrote:activating cheat mode is tricky, you have to hit all three buttons at exactly the same time (hitting any of them sooner seems to keep it from working) and often times it seems like holding the buttons down briefly may help. Also there's a restriction to it, but i forget where. I think you can only do it either: in a Level or in World Map (not sure about the world with toad town/peach castle though) and you also need to be Peach (any kind). If you want to see galley scenes with krystal or roselina, you can change character once you enter gallery.

Thats it. Also, there is some problems with certain keyboards and even operating systems (Windows Vista?) which dont only activates 2 keys at a time. Just test another keyboard or another operating system.

SonicExTc Wrote:Amazing game!,. now that I did my 2 cents of comments., back to the shadows :D

Hey, wait!! Where is Sonic? Thanks for the feedback!

realbro Wrote:Ivan-Aedler, you brilliant motherfucker! I love you. I've registered just so I could tell you that. I love your game, it's a frickn masterpiece of absurdity and kinkiness.

Geee, thank you, really!! So I am in the right direction (I hope so)! I need to keep working!

realbro Wrote:That being said, let me ask you kinda like a personal question, if you don't mind answering, I'd be very glad. I take you for a "fart" fetish lover, am I wrong (no need to explain again that Peach's farts are actually perfumed and clean)? I got the impression from some of your posts in this very same thread. I have to tell you that we are kindred spirits, I'm into Peach's farts too, (if you can call that a thing). Could you be so kind and tell me if there is a chance or do you plan to add more scenes or stuff related to this kind of kink into the game? Thank you again and hello board!

Well, I dont like farts so much (its not really my fetish) but I kind of accept it (because it makes the princess even more embarrassed and makes us see she is a normal human like us). I've also seen in certain hentai pictures and small stories (it made me aroused due to the consequences of it). I just find it cute (the way the lady becomes shy due to it).

I want to make more scenes with fart (again I dont have any problem with it) but I need ideas. Thats the main problem (I am low on creativity those days). You can use the Ragdoll program for ideas (my first post of this thread) or just make a 'ball and stick' examples with text, so I can check if its feasible to make ;)

NWLCJonSnow Wrote:Hey Ivan! Everything works fine for me now. I could change the settings after I resetted the saves. I dont know what the problems was. Also I want to tell you that I really like how the game looks. It looks more cleaner if thats the right word or smoother?

Yes, we can say its cleaner.

NWLCJonSnow Wrote:It would be nice if the "Peach lost her virginity" entry could be adjusted to the npc whom she lost her virginity too. After she loses her virginity to Toadsworth and says something like: "I lost my virginity to someone who could be my grampa... For someone that old, he is in pretty good shape! Or when she lost her virginity to a Koopa, she says something like: "Oh these poor fellows. Always being stamped down. Letting them fuck me should be an adequate compensation. Letting them fuck me, is the least I should do."

A nice idea! I'll put in my todo list!

NWLCJonSnow Wrote:Hey Ivan! When Peach gets a costume, it says: "You is... now".


NWLCJonSnow Wrote:Also I often notice Peach saying feel when it should be fell and vice versa.

Three great fellows are updating the XML in my github link, correcting typos like that already. Version 3.22 will have those fixes.

NWLCJonSnow Wrote:Ok! As I thought. Where is he from, if I am grant an answer?

Brazil! ;)

LarsR Wrote:Seeing the amount of text in the game makes me appreciate the scope of Ivan's work even more!

Thank you for the feedback! I just imagine games with that amount of text and scenes, so we can play it feeling it has no end ;) But yes, its a ton of work :/

furius34 Wrote:can you add to the game the option of birth please ?

You say an option to skip the 'Days to Deliver'? So we dont need to wait for many days? If you just want the princess to be pregnant, just have some vaginal scenes with some creatures like goombas and koopas.

HugelDude Wrote:Is there a way to have Peach strip during a level? and if not, it'd be a nice feature, maybe if Peach's horny bar is up high she could feel a little daring and you could press a button to have her strip stark naked, of course this would make her lose her current power up. And I'm sure if she was a nympho in the game she'd do it without question.

Just press the HUD icon in the left. A dialogue will ask you to confirm. Then the princess will be naked ;) But I plan reusing a 'getting undressed' animation.
EDIT: FIXED! I've also made a way for the dialogue to appear is the horny bar is near max (and she is standing, that is, not moving, so the dialogue wont interrupt us). It will appear once, until the horny bar is zeroed and then refilled.

noscoper Wrote:once ass enlargement/change is in, thus'll be a pretty solid game
great job (i've said this before but you know)

Thank you! I'll surely go to Ass sizes when I make some levels of World 8!
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Sun Nov 06, 2016 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby Shardoom » Sat Nov 05, 2016 10:52 pm

You already have a 'getting undressed' animation Ivan... Just use the same one as when she showers?
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby BrassKnux » Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:21 am

Shardoom Wrote:You already have a 'getting undressed' animation Ivan... Just use the same one as when she showers?

It Needs polishing though, There's gotta be some reluctance or excitement depending on her current state of mind. as a Innocent, or as a nymph.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby Kumokumo » Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:26 am

think he means a "stripping" animation, though either option is fine with me
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.21 (Oct 22/16)

Postby Shardoom » Sun Nov 06, 2016 5:37 am

BrassKnux Wrote:
Shardoom Wrote:You already have a 'getting undressed' animation Ivan... Just use the same one as when she showers?

It Needs polishing though, There's gotta be some reluctance or excitement depending on her current state of mind. as a Innocent, or as a nymph.

So shower undress anim followed by either her embarrassed pose or horny pose. It doesn't need to be extra special though, it's only for when you unequip a powerup after all...
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.22 (Nov 5/16)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sun Nov 06, 2016 5:54 pm

Update 3.22 (5th November 2016) - IN PROGRESS
- NEW: Achievement Art from TripFlip (Gangbang between Peach, Daisy, Rosalina and Wendy)! But it will appear only if you are playing as Peach (Normal, PS Peach, Tanned Peach or Fire Peach) and she gets fucked by all of those (for Daisy, you need 4 or more scenes with her), so the achievement art will be unlocked after those are met. For now, Rosalina is not in the game as a friend in the game, so you just need to fuck Daisy and Wendy.
- NEW: If the horny bar is near max or if you click in the current powerup in the HUD, a dialogue to remove powerup/outfit will be shown. If you confirm, the princess will remove her clothes slowly (instead of being naked immediatelly), except if she is using a 'mutant' powerup like racoon or yoshi (a 'pouf' cloud animation will happen instead). The princess needs to be standing (not moving, flying or swimming) and not engaged in a scene.
- Now, a coin sound will also be heard if an achievement is unlocked.
- Improvement to default game language (English). The changes are also in the XML (github link). HUGE thanks for *larsrand* and all the others who helped!
- (In progress): Level 8-1 and 'Rawk Hawk' achievement picture
- Glitch FIX: 'Blueprint cheating' not working
- Glitch FIX: When clicking in the powerup icon in the hud to remove clothes, if you went to Pause screen (by pressing CTRL), then returned, you couldt select any number (the dialogue locked up).
- Some small fixes

Shardoom Wrote:You already have a 'getting undressed' animation Ivan... Just use the same one as when she showers?

Of course! Well, I reused it (DONE!) as said above ;)

BrassKnux Wrote:It Needs polishing though, There's gotta be some reluctance or excitement depending on her current state of mind. as a Innocent, or as a nymph.

Shardoom Wrote:So shower undress anim followed by either her embarrassed pose or horny pose. It doesn't need to be extra special though, it's only for when you unequip a powerup after all...

I see we can surely have a more 'savage stripping' animation when she's horny enough or a nymph, shredding her clothes. I'll ask someone to help me on that.
Last edited by Ivan-Aedler on Thu Nov 17, 2016 2:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hentai: Peach's Untold Tale 3.22 (Nov 5/16)

Postby Kumokumo » Mon Nov 07, 2016 4:54 am

Looks good! Also i like the fact that raccoon and yoshi suits "poof" rather than being stripped, since it wouldn't make much sense for them to be removable. I only had time to take a 3 minute peek at the new features though. Sadly i just don't have enough free time today to devote to playing around with the feature, so that's the best i can do for now, though tomorrow will be another story as i've got nothing at all then. ;)

I also have to apologize to you guys. Until now, i never took the time to admire the undressing feature when bathing. To me it had always been a transitional animation (I really wanted an excuse to use the word "segue" but it just doesn't apply here XD) when cleaning off. But after watching it play on x3 game zoom (and x150 browser zoom) so that i could see the new feature at its best, i actually WATCHED it carefully and realized how well it was done. I just never payed much attention to it before, so i didn't take the time to appreciate how well executed it was. So again, sorry for ignoring that animation. For someone who actually takes the time to stop and admire EVERYTHING ELSE (and i mean that literally. I've been known to play CoD online and randomly stop to admire how well made the fucking WINDOWS are, resulting in me eating bullets lol), i find it personally insulting that i didn't take the time to admire that. :oops: :?

Also Ivan, you and Brass have a good point. While the Undress animation is great for an innocent peach to use when shedding her clothes, that animation just doesn't quite fit a nymph peach. So a "savage strip" (assuming you meant Savage, as salvage means to retrieve/save. No worries, English it a bitch lol) as you called it, is a nice idea. I think somewhere along the many games i've played on this site, there's one that has a "tearing" feature. I could look around and see if i can rediscover it and let you decide if you're interested in it (maybe doing a brief collab with whoever made it if needed). :roll:

Oh and this last part is directed at everyone EXCEPT Ivan. I wanted to put this up but it bumped the page, which means a lot of people will miss his most recent update listings. Since that's incredibly douchey and insensitive of me, i've decided to throw you all a bone and make it easier to see what Ivan said (Though i want it ON RECORD, that i DID postpone this post 10 hours to give you all a chance to read it, so i wasn't THAT insensitive). ;)
So here's my little fix to that problem, Enjoy! :mrgreen:

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:Update 3.22 (5th November 2016) - IN PROGRESS
- NEW: Achievement Art from TripFlip (Gangbang between Peach, Daisy, Rosalina and Wendy)! But it will appear only if you are playing as Peach (Normal, PS Peach, Tanned Peach or Fire Peach) and she gets fucked by all of those (for Daisy, you need 3 or more scenes with her), so the achievement art will be unlocked after those are met. For now, Rosalina is not in the game as a friend in the game, so you just need to fuck Daisy and Wendy.
- NEW: If the horny bar is near max or if you click in the current powerup in the HUD, a dialogue to remove powerup/outfit will be shown. If you confirm, the princess will remove her clothes slowly (instead of being naked immediatelly), except if she is using a 'mutant' powerup like racoon or yoshi (a 'pouf' cloud animation will happen instead). The princess needs to be standing (not moving, flying or swimming) and not engaged in a scene.
- Now, a coin sound will also be heard if an achievement is unlocked.
- Improvement to default game language (English). The changes are also in the XML (github link). HUGE thanks for *larsrand* and all the others who helped!
- (In progress): Level 8-1 and 'Rawk Hawk' achievement picture
- Glitch FIX: 'Blueprint cheating' not working
- Glitch FIX: When clicking in the powerup icon in the hud to remove clothes, if you went to Pause screen (by pressing CTRL), then returned, you couldt select any number (the dialogue locked up).
- Some small fixes

Shardoom Wrote:You already have a 'getting undressed' animation Ivan... Just use the same one as when she showers?

Of course! Well, I reused it (DONE!) as said above ;)

BrassKnux Wrote:It Needs polishing though, There's gotta be some reluctance or excitement depending on her current state of mind. as a Innocent, or as a nymph.

Shardoom Wrote:So shower undress anim followed by either her embarrassed pose or horny pose. It doesn't need to be extra special though, it's only for when you unequip a powerup after all...

I see we can surely have a more 'salvage stripping' animation when she's horny enough or a nymph, shredding her clothes. I'll ask someone to help me on that.
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