On Sept 13th I decide I was going to rework the guide so that it's easier to read and so that our team has a better structure to work with. I figured it would only take me a few hours to update it. Five days later I finally finished it. The previous 21 page guide is now sitting at 55 pages. Although I won't give any spoilers I wanted to share with everyone what exactly it is we have planned in the long road ahead.
Aside from more pokemorph art, here's what you can expect to see by the end of the game (and beyond!):
9 chapters of gameplay goodness
Post Game Events
A new cast of 11+ characters, plus well known faces
151+ pokemorph sprites
453 pokemorph pcitures (including front, back, horny poses)
14+ special pokemorphs (like Cosplay Pikachu) with accommodating pictures, sprites and events
100+ custom trainer sprites
190 event scenes
3 main story arcs
4 main side quests
25 optional side quests, most major, some not so much.
Custom Endings (+1 canon ending)
And more to come!
Now, what we currently need (and I've stated this a few times recently) is another action /event artist or two. They'll be ones that do the line art for events like Cosplay Pikachu's dressing room. No coloring involved! Perks include a custom sprite, a pokemorph dream team and a place in game. Not to mention becoming an official part of our team.
We could also use a Sketch artist. Although the sketch moments haven't been planned, it's something we'd really like to add in the game. Without this artist we won't be doing the sketched scenes. Fortunately it's not a set back, just bonus content. And who doesn't like bonus content?
Those interested should send me a PM!
And now that all of that is finally done, I need to get back to my own art.