First, you need to fix the run function, try making R the run button be run so the thing doesnt glitch every time your accedently triple tap.
Second, you need a gallary sort of like they did with AngelGirlX. you can have a small room with three drop down menus to select characters and just have them go at it with infinate life and make ti so you can manually move the domination slider to be dominate or dominated like say this
Clicks main charater select menu *drops down displaying the differnet player characters* clicks K Fox *K Fox appers in the room* Clicks partener 1 menu *drops down menu of different NPCs you have encountered in the game* clicks pirate boss *pirate boss appears next to K Fox* clicks sex *K Fox and pirate boss begin fucking* clicks partener menu 2 *a second menu drops down showing npcs youve encontered in the game* click pirate grunt *pirate grunt appears* clicks sex *pirate grunt joins pirate boss and K Fox in theresome* Clicks and drags the domination meter over to K Fox favored side *K Fox assumes dominate position over the other two*
This is just an expample giving deatials on the basic controls, there can also be armor slider which instantly change the amount of armor she is wearing and next to it a drop down menu that has armor that you have found in game, and a backgrond menu that changes the background to ones seen in game. there can be also a masturbating one like say instead of bring the two others in to the room you can just click sex while it is only your character or only one of the parteners and they will masturbait by themself. having all these being unlock by encountering in game also pushes them to want to finish and happens to be and excellent reward for playing. of course you could also make cheats to unlock the whole gallery without completing the game and have every option avialable. im sure i could shoot off a few more if i think about it long enough but for now ill let someone else come up something brilliant to add.
P.S. Great start by the way, this has the potentital to be a much hotter, story based game than most others. i would estimate it could rival LOK itself if dealt with right!
totalolness Wrote:im sure i could shoot off a few more if i think about it long enough