loshi bug report & improvement suggestions #2:
1st bug
at around and past day 5 it is possible to have an infinite day by constantly releasing girls who have worked and depleted their stamina then buying new girls and repeating the process...
suggested fix
after day 1 girl(s) is/are bought all other girls start at 0 stamina from day 2 on.... kinda don't like this fix personnaly.... but hey even if it slows the progress of the player early game this is the best fix for this bug. >_<
2nd bug
undefined keeps appearing when clicking the <-- direction button when inside the brothel where the customers come to you.
3rd bug
undefined once again appeared once or twice in the daily reports... >_> around day 3 and day 6 I think...
4th bug
when a girl with the job of trainer is released the teacher somehow becomes the new trainer and the teaching position is now an open position... I've yet to test if it does this with the secretary and chef positions too but I'm thinking it will... might wanna look into that..
5th bug
paid to work at the bar for a week at the office and opened the street for above warehouse district and once again it gave me the usual response of you must pay the bar owner first. tried it again the next day and got the same result too...
6th bug?
no stat increases when working in your own brothel? shouldn't that be the easiest way for their stats to increase?
7th bug?
hidden character have yet to show up for me at all... on day 31 now with over 150 rep, 100,000 gold, and have bought pretty much everything I can in the game... and no hidden characters have come my way... >_> kinda sucks now that the release feature has been implemented... >_<
lower the requirements to unlock them?
1st improvement suggestion
change the chef's meal selection to a weekly basis instead of daily? and make it a mandatory selection when the new week starts?
naturally you'd be able to change the meal choice at any point in time for improvements sake.
soo~ many times did I accidently not select a meal choice at all many times out of sheer forgetfulness. >_<
2nd improvement suggestion
option in the office to unlock a high end slave market that costs an unbelievable amount of gold?
hove developer made super slaves with extreme stats & hidden character sold only if you don't already have them?
cost of yearly membership to this super slave market be above 100k gold? 0.5 mil? 2.5 mil? idk about the price you might want to choose... heck maybe even have different levels of this super slave market? like silver, gold, platinum, ect?
3rd improvement suggestion
buy the police off completely forever? insane price for this of course too...
4th improvement suggestion
choice between selling off the girls and releasing them? price depends on stats? and stats other than strength and intelligence are easier to improve?
dang good game thus far keep up the good/great work~!