Tina and the Tentacle

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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:07 am

I didn't get to much done last weekend. Made another demon though.

I'm going to concentrate on coding exclusively. I'll see about making next update playable it's likely going to be 2-3 weeks or more.
TimTheTestDemon.gif (237.78 KiB) Viewed 3363 times

NotGoingToFit.gif (191.68 KiB) Viewed 3358 times

I code really slowly.
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Mr.vis2013 » Fri Jul 31, 2015 7:00 am

Wow, very nice.
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Biles » Fri Jul 31, 2015 5:02 pm

Kinda looks odd you have that big grey demon approach Tina in one go. I'd imagine he'd first squat, then kneel before leaning over her body.
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Fri Jul 31, 2015 6:20 pm

Thanks Vis.

I like the pounce, but I see what your saying Biles. Honestly, I did it that way to save time on animation.
The rotation of the demon's feet are my biggest annoyance with the animation.

I might just have the screen flash, and go straight to the sex pose with no transition animation to save time.
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby musical74 » Sat Aug 01, 2015 2:25 am

Honestly, that might be better in this case: when I see the rotation of the demon's feet it throws me off and I forget briefly that he's going to be having a little fun!

Not sure how feasible this is, but is it possible to have a *friendly monster* that won't hurt Tina at all? I can't help thinking the little dark dog is almost like Tina wants to fuck it and it acts like a buffer against all the other creatures that want to fuck her silly and she doesn't want them to... maybe that's just because I think the little dark dog's adorable though...
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Sat Aug 01, 2015 4:47 am

I like the idea. Friendly and neutral monsters are a possibility, but aren't a priority at the moment. Later on I may adjust the dark dogs to look more sinister, and change the current model to a neutral more neutral variety.
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Mr.vis2013 » Sun Aug 09, 2015 12:06 pm

Check your mail, please. I send more material.
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Sun Aug 09, 2015 5:21 pm

Wow, very sexy. Here is one of the poses I've been working on.
DoggyStyleTina.gif (281.43 KiB) Viewed 3228 times

It's a more completed version of one of the ones I showed you earlier.

I'm still working on Scripting. One of my scripts for controlling the player got too large, so i decided to brake it into several smaller scripts. Now I've broken all sorts of scripts that depended on other scripts, and realized i should have been commenting more of my code for later reference.

Testing Fuck... not properly setup.
TinaDemonTestPosing.gif (677.1 KiB) Viewed 3215 times

Basic monster position looks like it could work maybe?
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:34 am

I've decided to go with Unity, for the game engine for now. I finished doing some basic player staging, and got the menu's working. There is no really GUI, aside for the start menu, and pause menu when you hit ESC, atm.

Temporary Tina is unable to attack, due to some changes in coding. She's got attacks, and will be able to preform them in the next update. She's currently able to move with the arrow keys, and jump, and double jump with the space bar. You can make her move faster with the left Ctrl, button. Keys are all programmable in the configuration menu, if you go to Input.

Nothing to fancy yet, as I'm still trying to make sure I get the physics working right. Health, and attacks will definitely be in in the next update.

https://mega.nz/#!JwwmkZaD!mA7mRjfqrmQS ... TTY1GI-VP8

This weekend, I'll have and more complete demo level. Instead to a player staging test.
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Thu Sep 03, 2015 9:17 am

I've managed to complete the health system for the character, and the enemies, and got her kick attack working. I created collection system I decided to go for gems, like Zelda, instead of coins.

It's not to interesting play yet, so I'm not going to upload the game, till the sex system coded.

AwwFuck.gif (875.07 KiB) Viewed 3033 times

I do a bit of work on this pretty much every weekend, but will do monthly updates. As it's a hassle uploading semi-weekly.

If I get the sex system finished this month I'll upload the alpha this month, it's a 50% chance right now.
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Wed Sep 30, 2015 9:04 pm

Wow end of the month already.
HoundFucking.gif (784.81 KiB) Viewed 2882 times

I'm still plugging away at it.

I'll upload the game "as is" this weekend. It's almost at a point I feel comfortable calling it Alpha.
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Thu Oct 01, 2015 5:54 am

Current working version of the game.

https://mega.nz/#!5khECRRQ!wQFv8yRT6ht- ... syk_zH8FKc

Next update October 29 or November 1st.
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby musical74 » Sun Oct 18, 2015 12:24 am

Will the fact that your motherboard died slow down the updates? I'm guessing you replaced it already, but did that slow things down a bit?

Love that Tina seems OK with the hound fucking her :P
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:58 pm

Ha ha yeah, it's a little strange. I'm going to make multiple expressions later, but for now I just went with the one she was making.

As to the game, I'll try to get something worthwhile out by the end of October, start of November; as I plan to be partying on Halloween. Motherboard is ordered, but I'm still waiting on delivery which should be Tuesday unless tracking is messed up. Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash are all deactivated ATM. On the plus I still got Sketchbook pro, and Unity. So unless I get totally sick of coding, which is a total possibility, Nov 1 is still a go.

I'll upload what I have then anyhow, and try to make sure the current code isn't totally breaking everything. :lol:

Update: There will be a slight delay, but 've got a sex scene in game and mostly working.
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Thu Nov 26, 2015 8:39 pm

Game update, a little late.

https://mega.nz/#!pwcUCJyK!oF2yLRlZGazz ... ZQ7kESBU1U

Coding is a Bitch.

Happy Thanksgiving. :D
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Ayeka » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:07 pm

Honestly, I not get it. By trying I get kicking and jumping, but killing these "dogs" or dying is kinda strange. Not get what is my goal. going in -> direction? Garther these cups? And character reactions are not immediately. Mayby adding something as explanation can made game more enjoyable.
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:19 pm


https://mega.nz/#!IpcgmbTS!XLTLnjEEXIG5 ... szoToo9yPg

It's still alpha, but it's got more slightly functionality now. :D

* Save System added. - it's not needed yet, but data now persists scene to scene now, and game can save.

* Moved the Attack button to Q for now. - attack is getting a rework but I’m keeping the working one for now.

* A Sex scene finally working. - It's only accessible through the blue button labeled "Test Sex", and very basic still. The scene does not have a transition, so you need to hit the Esc key can go back to the main menu. These scenes will replace the character blowing-up once i hook them into the game.

* Knockback - monsters now knock you back, I'll give you the ability to knock them as well soon. I'll also add invulnerability for .5 seconds after the character is hit. So the character isn't just knock around by monster the whole time.

* Added level borders - to prevent you falling of the map randomly.

* Added character - There is an animated model which will be used in the "Character sheet" when i make it, right now its just hanging out in the main menu.

My next update will look larger. This update was mostly code..., now that the code is mostly out of the way I can add art. :D
Last edited by Digitally-Deviant on Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Dead2112man » Mon Feb 01, 2016 12:55 pm

I think you last update is buged, everytime I try to run it it says that I don't have the application to run the game, but the past version have worked.
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:08 pm

Ok I think it's fixed. It should work on All Windows computers now at least.

https://mega.nz/#!IpcgmbTS!XLTLnjEEXIG5 ... szoToo9yPg

Actually had a whole bunch of extra unused stuff on the last build, so this one is a lot smaller like the original. It's also been compressed of course :ugeek: I've tested it on Windows 7, 8.1, 10 and it seems to work.
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Re: Tina and the Tentacle

Postby Digitally-Deviant » Mon Mar 07, 2016 6:57 am

Still working on an update. Planned to have something released at the beginning of the month, but it didn't work out :(

RedDemonDogging.gif (502.51 KiB) Viewed 2121 times
- Anyhow another sex scene, I'm working on.

Main problem with from behind scene, as there is too much monster, and almost no girl visible. Maybe I'll reposition the monster's cock, putting it in her other hole to improve the view of her ass :|
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