ValturNaa Wrote:Okay, another quick question for you guys. What do you think about the isolated use of second person present tense in the pikachu scene? Does that feel awkward to you or does it make sense in the context? Lurker and I have been debating on that particular point since just after release.
blazebird3 Wrote:i haven't played much of it so far but am impressed, your "sequel"/"spin off" fixes a few things i had a problem in "pokemon hentai version" like the fact there was like no grass any where after like the first town. second biggest things is the story of pokemon become pokemorphs or at least that where i think your story is hinting toward, i hope this project keeps updating and become complete.
Draga Wrote:Like your game so far, but there are a lot bugs around.
Got stuck in the Cave at the beginning after i re-entered it. In some buildings you can enter the black "nothing", so you can leave outside the room interior. I did a rest at a campfire and it got night, then i did another rest and it was still night.
Would also be nice if you could skip the text or make it appear faster if you press space.
lukazil Wrote:Really enjoyed this, so keep up the good work!
as for what i enjoyed, the art looks good, esp if it keeps going the way of cosplay pikachu
and I took a peek at all the equipment that was planned for the game (or maybe it was a holdover from Humbird0?) but I liked them, add a bit more strategy.
Some bugs I found that I didn't really see mentioned were:
1) when you get an equipment, you get the menu area to put it on a pokemorph, but when you do, the menu dissappears til you get another piece, so you cant unequip it til then.
2) You get trapped in the forest, after the scene with the saplings, it will always retrigger the scene when you try to go back, keeping you in the forest.
and finally some non gen-1 poke's I'd personally like to see are: (original I know -.-)
Dat Ex-Lurker Wrote:Updated the Pokemorph list with Onix *which I'm rather proud of) and Graveler.
Dat Ex-Lurker Wrote: Any specific form or should I just do all of them? :p
Dat Ex-Lurker Wrote:Are you talking about the artwork for Cosplay Pikachu? If so I've finished updating all but Eevee to match that style. I'm trying to find better poses for her. If you look at the list on the first page you can see what I've done so far and not the old art.
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