VintageBass Wrote:Left model looks better with her fluff pointing down.
Enkidu Wrote:Re: White screen. You need a preloader. There is a pretty good one on newgrounds that can provide you with a base code template or be used as is. If you have a large file, you ideally want to set up your file structure so that the preloader is a separate file which initializes the loader and then includes the larger file(s).
Enkidu Wrote:If you cannot break your project up into multiple files and still upload it correctly here, you will have to make the preloader the initial part of your file. You may still get a second or two of whitescreen in this case, but it will be much less than previous. If you use the first technique, there will not ever be whitescreen.
Biles Wrote:The game looks good so far though I'm more of a platformer type of guy. In anycase, those female lizards you see jabbering in the background, their bottom jaws should be yapping, not their heads.
dark441 Wrote:in the bar event23 what is this red thing in her mouth
dark441 Wrote:http://oi60.tinypic.com/2eklz07.jpg here^^
dark441 Wrote:http://oi60.tinypic.com/2eklz07.jpg here^^
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:How about now?
dark441 Wrote:http://oi60.tinypic.com/2eklz07.jpg here^^
Biles Wrote:dark441 Wrote:http://oi60.tinypic.com/2eklz07.jpg here^^
I'm guessing that's probably the glans.
Kurushimi Wrote:Looks like it's supposed to be a tongue, actually.
dark441 Wrote:link, link, link, and 3 other links hours later
dark441 Wrote:And the fixes works Good awesome work.![]()
nemoudeis Wrote:Hey, great work so far! I noticed a little bug: while in town, when you mute the music, it's not muted anymore as soon as you move to another zone.
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