Corta's Flash Edits - Exclusive Supporter Bootleg [25/Oct]

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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH v0.9 patreon demo [1st Aug]

Postby palandus » Tue Aug 02, 2016 7:59 am

Fair enough.

EDIT: After thinking about it for a while I thought I should clarify some points (as I didn't really clarify anything):

1) It is completely fair that you want to make a job out of this. You've moved from the "hobbyist quality level" to the "professional quality level" and want to be treated as such; as a professional worthy of being paid for their work. You've worked hard to get to this point and thus you should be rewarded as fitting for your improved level of quality. After all, other people who move from hobbyist to professional desire to be paid, so why shouldn't you get paid; you should get paid, and I hope this does work out for you. Just need to work out the bugs as you go along and things will fall into place and it will be commercially viable. Good luck!

2) I don't personally like the monthly subscription model which is why I don't get into it. I've been burned three times, where I thought I was getting something real good and got pretty much nothing for my monthly investment (if wanted to know it was for HentaiKey, 3D Ashley, and 3DXChat), and it took a lot of effort to cancel my subscription, so I'm reticient in trying out Patreon's system. The only monthly subscription model that I was okay with was World of Warcrafts $15/month system... however the only reason I liked that was due to constant maintenance, frequent updates and playing with my friends. Trying to do the same for a small company (or company of 1) would be very difficult, hence why I've never reinvested into 3DXChat, despite about 3 years of updates since last time I did invest in them.

3) Even if I could get the Patreon system to work, I'm dedicated to making a commercial RTS in UE4 and all my monies are going towards it and thus, I understand how money can be tight for you, as it certainly is for me. 3-4$ per month can stack up over time; hence why I don't have a cellphone right now either. All my monies are going towards game development so its unlikely that I will have money free to do much else with for the time being, at least until I am sure its commercially viable.

Which one has the hotfix in it?

The one in the post that says 07-18-2016 still has the lip glitch.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:34 pm

alright, votes are in.. and it looks like I'm drawing quarian .. everything.
meaning, next release is gonna get pushed back a bit.. (plus, found out today that I gotta work weekend-overtime, too.. :( )

can't give a solid date anymore, but things are on-track!
in the near (unspecified) future I will deliver: quarians + costumes, a clothes shop, full rep system, a day/session system, all map backgrounds drawn and animate the 3 poses I aint done yet.
(I've gotta keep saying it, so I dont stray off and waste time on other stuff .. feel free to yell at me if I do, though. :? )

anyways, here's a look at the slums for anyone who didnt catch the primo-release.
more detail on the way, this was a pretty quick effort.

BHGH slums.jpg
BHGH slums.jpg (65.54 KiB) Viewed 2534 times

palandus Wrote:Which one has the hotfix in it?
The one in the post that says 07-18-2016 still has the lip glitch.

the glitch used to be on all the center-poses and was caused by two different problems.
one was an easy fix, and the other (the one you see) took me a while longer to track down.

by the time it was taken care of, I'd already broken apart something else as I was coding the menus, so the game was actually unplayable 'till that's done.
in hindsight, though.. I should focus on fixes before I steam ahead, to make sure the game that's up actually works.
so, I will strive to do that, from now on. :)

palandus Wrote:I don't personally like the monthly subscription model which is why I don't get into it. I've been burned three times, where I thought I was getting something real good and got pretty much nothing for my monthly investment

from what I've seen, there's plenty of people who pledge and just decline payment every month.. and they still get to keep everything. (unless they get blocked)
not sure what it's like on the supporter end, but it looks pretty easy to opt out if you're not happy. s-.. some of mine do.. :cry:

but, anyway, I'm not gonna try and guilt you into trusting me with yo' green-green mo-nay..
just go by what you see.. and if you dont think it's good enough, then I don't deserve a thing from you.

palandus Wrote:Even if I could get the Patreon system to work, I'm dedicated to making a commercial RTS in UE4 and all my monies are going towards it

flash pornoz and feeding strangers are a luxury.
they're your priorities and that's the way it ought to be. ;)
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH v0.9 patreon demo [1st Aug]

Postby palandus » Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:31 pm

In my experience, unless you are totally omniscient (I'm certainly not) and totally understand the complexities of an issue (I generally don't), giving a specific deadline is often a recipe for disaster and burnout as you attempt to accomplish an impossible to achieve goal. Approximates works just fine Corta; as long as they are in the pipeline and will come in at some point, its all good. Just don't promise something and then not deliver it (I'm looking at you Todd Howard, Peter Molyneux, and John Romero).

I would like to comment that your drawing abilities have really improved significantly over the past few months and look forward to what other stuff you'll push out later. The backgrounds in particular have improved a lot.

Fair enough on the hotfix. Didn't know there was two issues, and that the issue I'm seeing is only one of the two issues, with one being fixed already. Thanks for the clarification.

Interesting. I'll have to look into the Patreon system then. I didn't know it is easy to back out and cancel, as I assumed it would be like most monthly subscriptions. Question, does Patreon support one-off donations, instead of a monthly donation?

Not quite sure what you mean by:
"flash pornoz and feeding strangers are a luxury. ... they're your priorities and that's the way it ought to be."
Could you clarify that?
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH v0.9 patreon demo [1st Aug]

Postby fuckdoiknow » Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:13 am

corta if you made a patreon i would totally pledge you do some awesome edits love your work!
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH v0.9 patreon demo [1st Aug]

Postby VintageBass » Fri Aug 05, 2016 4:01 am

fuckdoiknow Wrote:corta if you made a patreon i would totally pledge you do some awesome edits love your work!

Even though he already has one.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Mon Aug 08, 2016 5:22 pm

whoop. it's past update time.. ran out of time last night. :(
some stuff happened. and, while most of it aint worth looking at just yet. these'll do!

new poses, yay!

BHGH bioticPoses.jpg

they are: new low-hole footjob pose + new sex 4 upper (both on request) and all-new biotic handies!

fuckdoiknow Wrote:corta if you made a patreon i would totally pledge you do some awesome edits love your work!


palandus Wrote:Just don't promise something and then not deliver it

from a distance, is sounds so easy.. but when you're getting caught-up trying to keep everybody happy.. you feel the need to force yourself to get things done.
the real problem is that "I'm late" and "I wanted this last week" are actually excellent motivators.

sure, I can force myself to get a month's work done in two weeks by saying "one week from now" .. but I never really thought of the consequences..
the lies arent fully-intentional, but it's a crutch that I've got to grow out of. :|

palandus Wrote:your drawing abilities have really improved

because I'm cheating with gradients over traditional shading.
..which might make these technically worse. :?

palandus Wrote:I'll have to look into the Patreon system then.

there's a relief.. I've got no info to give because I dont see that much on my end..

palandus Wrote:Not quite sure what you mean by:
"flash pornoz and feeding strangers are a luxury. ... they're your priorities and that's the way it ought to be."
Could you clarify that?

kind-of a general "it's your money, do what you like." ;)
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH biotic pose teaser [9th Aug]

Postby palandus » Tue Aug 09, 2016 1:33 am

Nice, new poses. Question:

Will there be an option later to fully strip down any character or choose their clothes? (I seem to recall something about a shop thing but cant be sure)

The rule of life is you can't please everybody though. The rule of business though, is trying to please your major stakeholders, to ensure continued business. I'd suggest leaning more towards pleasing your stakeholders rather than everybody, even if that means you won't listen to me :P

That crutch works for a time, but well, burnout is a slow creeping death, and by the time you notice it, it is usually too late. I'd hate what happened to Josh Parnell, to happen to you. [If that name is unfamiliar, he is a developer of Limit Theory a highly successful kickstarted game (went looking for 50k and got like 180k) and in Jan of 2015, he burned himself out completely. It was three months from then that the community even found out that he had burnt out; many thought he took the money and ran as there was no communication between him or the community not even via emails or his wordpress. However, since that burnout, he hasn't released a single content / video update for over 1.5 years now. Before his burnout he was uploading monthly huge 20-30minute video updates each month and often daily updates. Since his burnout almost no updates at all. He overworked himself almost to death and now most people don't think the game will ever release. Though it may have also been a contributing factor that he was using lucid dreaming with no control mechanism and near the burnout period he started hallucinating and hearing voices to the point where he couldn't tell reality from fantasy. Burnout is some CRAZY SCARY SHIT, CORTA!]

Some games get away just fine without shading. I don't think HK5 could be pulled off without any shading, but it seems to work fine here with BHGH.

Well taking a look at Patreon there is a way to offer a one-off donation, but the caveat is that the donator gets nothing in return. So if someone donated $15, they wouldn't get into the $15 dollar tier for rewards, you'd just get a one-off donation of $15 and they'd get nothing... not even a heartfelt thanks, that one can get with the $1 / month option. They (Patreon) definitely, appear to want people to do monthly subscriptions rather than one-off donations. Not sure on the difficulties of cancelling a subscription or retaining any rewards from that subscription though. In theory, you'd lose the rewards the moment the subscription stops. At least that's how Hentai Key and 3DXChat worked when I cancelled their subscriptions, which is what I'm basing my theory on.

Ahh. Thanks for the clarification.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby Nobudi » Tue Aug 09, 2016 5:35 am

corta Wrote:biotic handies

corta, stop! The Universe is not ready for this!

Really, though, that's actually a concept I hadn't thought of before, kudos. Can't wait to see what this flash will be like when it's done.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH biotic pose teaser [9th Aug]

Postby Biles » Tue Aug 09, 2016 9:56 pm

It's been ages since I visited this forum and I'm liking this game development so far. What are the chances of creating a body template for those of us wanting to create custom clothing? Cause I myself am incline to design some.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Fri Aug 12, 2016 7:41 pm

alright, it's late and here's a quick little update. ;)

BHGH factionMaps.jpg

this week, I got the new maps and the clothes menu done.
sure, weekend's a comin.. but I'll be breaking stuff apart to make day timers & quarian/stripping stuff
SO, now (well, in the morning..) is a pretty good time for a half-way update. :)

~stay tuned! :P

Biles Wrote:What are the chances of creating a body template for those of us wanting to create custom clothing?

it's .. possible. if you'll settle for a special credit and free demos, anyhoo. :P

and what'cha fancy makin'?

Nobudi Wrote:The Universe is not ready for this!
Really, though, that's actually a concept I hadn't thought of before, kudos.

I spent ages looking for 'inspirational material' and I couldnt find a single thing.. c'mon, 34!

palandus Wrote:Will there be an option later to fully strip down any character or choose their clothes? (I seem to recall something about a shop thing but cant be sure)

[that's weird, I thought I replied to you already, sorry for the wait.. :| ]
stripping soon. clothes picking was last update. (the one that goes free on the 15th)

palandus Wrote:That crutch works for a time, but well, burnout is a slow creeping death, and by the time you notice it, it is usually too late.

I've been there before. (not nearly as bad as mister anecdote, but still..)
I'm lucky that I can cut back on work hours if I can already afford to eat.
so, that's a nice little cushion to keep me from getting stressed out. ;)
..unless something bad happens, anyways.. :shock:

palandus Wrote:Well taking a look at Patreon there is a way to offer a one-off donation, but the caveat is that the donator gets nothing in return. So if someone donated $15, they wouldn't get into the $15 dollar tier for rewards, you'd just get a one-off donation of $15 and they'd get nothing... not even a heartfelt thanks

my understanding is that it's actually the opposite.
when you pledge, you get the reward tier for free until pay time (at the end of the month) and even if you decline to pay, you still keep the tier unless you get blocked.

there's a few people I've seen that turbo-paywall their stuff because of this and only post in mails when they receive payment.

but again, I dont know for sure because I havent done it. :?
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby Biles » Sat Aug 13, 2016 3:28 am

corta Wrote:it's .. possible. if you'll settle for a special credit and free demos, anyhoo. :P

and what'cha fancy makin'?

I was thinking along the line of making a Hooters outfit, or perhaps an Anime schoolgirl outfit, or maybe a flashdance outfit... An array of sexy cosplay outfit. Of course the girl would be partially nude.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Sat Aug 13, 2016 9:39 am

new patreon demo for BHGH v0.95 is up

BHGH demoPic Aug13.jpg
BHGH demoPic Aug13.jpg (95.3 KiB) Viewed 2378 times

What's new?

New clothes, Character menu, four shiney-new poses, more music and map backgrounds!

Still to go:

day + reputation system, map unlocks & quarian stuff.

Biles Wrote:I was thinking along the line of making a Hooters outfit, or perhaps an Anime schoolgirl outfit, or maybe a flashdance outfit... An array of sexy cosplay outfit.

sit tight, I'll cut up a little template for you to have a play with. ;)
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH v0.95 patreon demo [13th Aug]

Postby Biles » Sat Aug 13, 2016 4:08 pm

Thanks, I downloaded it and looking forward to it :3
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Sun Aug 14, 2016 6:20 pm

Freebie time!

Black Hole GloryHole v0.9

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

BlackHole GloryHole [2016-08-01].swf [ 9.84 MiB | Viewed 2335 times ]

What'cha get?
a basic costume picker + new costumes, new bikinis & actual naked option,
gallery mode & shadow-clone technique (see cheats)
maps & upgrades are done -- money now does stuff! (rep counts up, but doesnt actually do anything yet.)
+ new vorcha slums map! (was drawing faction maps[done now])
all males drawn for all holes
plus, regular fixes and other stuff that I've forgotten all about.

And, in the newest patreon version.. (v0.95)
New clothes, Character menu, four shiney-new poses, more music and map backgrounds!

Still to come -
day + reputation system, map unlocks, stripping & quarian stuff.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Head-start: my patreon url (copy from the start screen)
Gallery: type "gallery" ..that'll work.
Shadow-clone aka 'cluster-fuck mode': "jutsu" or "naruto"

And thanks again to the backers of BHGH:

Alexander Randolph
Eirika Nightshade
Ryan Palmer

we doin' it, bay-bay!

Biles Wrote:Thanks, I downloaded it and looking forward to it :3

:mrgreen: have fun! IT'S MANDATORY.

~~ and anyone else who wants in on the "I send you a template and you work for free :lol: " deal.. send me some mail, huh?
[ONLY if you know what to do with an .fla -- It's useless to you if you're not a creator]
(..I gotta say it, these days, cus' playing tech-support aint no fun. :| )
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH v0.9 FREE demo [15th Aug]

Postby palandus » Sun Aug 14, 2016 8:09 pm

Cool, thanks Corta.

Took a look at the gallery mode. Noticed that some of the visual bugs in the last version weren't fixed, so maybe that got missed, so I'll report on them. Best way is to go to Gallery mode (as it has symbols for clarity):

Gallery Notes:
- Clicking on clothes in different orders leads to different results. Can get quarian helm on human or asari body, as an example.
- Also if you click on some, it does nothing until you click on something several buttons away. ie If you click the top Black N7, and click the bottom Black N7, nothing happens. But if you click say, the top Black N7 first, then click the top Brown N7, then click the bottom Black N7, then the bottom Black N7 works properly. Hope that is understandable.

Pose Problem #1 = Symbol (^), Row 2, Column 5
- First you'll notice the hands in midair to the left
- Second, if you click it fast enough, the penis appears to go near vertical and then back to normal angle; only this pose does this in gallery. Not sure in game though.

Pose Problem #2 = Symbol (>), Row 1, Column 2
- Appears she is holding the balls, but no balls are present.
- Some variations has her holding balls, but others lack the balls so she is holding thin air.

Pose Problem #3 = Symbol (>), Row 2, Column 2
- Appears she is holding the balls, but no balls are present.
- Some variations has her holding balls, but others lack the balls so she is holding thin air

Pose Problem #4 = Symbol (>), Row 2, Column 5
- Visible penis clipping through jaw and/or head.
- Some you can barely see clip through jaw, while others are extremely visible and noticeable, especially as no other pose does this.

Pose Problem #5 = Symbol (<), Row 2, Column 1
- With certain penises, there will be some clipping into the back, but only does it for specific penises; most don't clip.

Pose Problem #6 = Symbol (inverted ^; there is no symbol for the arrow pointing downwards on my keyboard), Row 1, Column 2
- With one penis, there is an occasional clipping. I think its the Vorcha penis; the one with that spike that curves upwards on the end of the penis.

Pose Problem #7 = Symbol (inverted ^; there is no symbol for the arrow pointing downwards on my keyboard), Row 2, Column 1
- Same issue as #6; occasional clipping with I think the Vorcha penis.

Pose Problem #8 = Symbol (>), Row 2, Column 4
- The shoulder twitches wierdly for some reason.
- Most penises clip at the start of the animation.

Otherwise, looking good Corta. Keep up the great work!
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits

Postby corta » Mon Aug 15, 2016 3:13 pm

pointless teasers are fun, right?

BHGH analNew.jpg
BHGH analNew.jpg (19.53 KiB) Viewed 2300 times

thought I might as well make this pose look a little more unique.

palandus Wrote:Can get quarian helm on human or asari body, as an example.

I've explained this one two weeks ago, but short story: that's how it's meant to work.
masks are part of the costumes and I just havent made the rest yet.

palandus Wrote:Row 2, Column 5

hand-job 5 poses were greyed out for a reason. they wernt done at that point.

palandus Wrote:she is holding the balls, but no balls are present.

problem only happens on some male models, so not worth doing a full re-work. not to mention that this anim was from the base game (so, I didnt even make it :? )
let's call it a 'legacy feature' .. *shrug* .. I aint fussed. :P

palandus Wrote:clipping

up till 0.95 I only masked wangs when I needed to..
but, pretty much an hour after releasing that, I noticed more that needed it and masked 'em all up.
tl;dr: wont happen in next (1.0) release.

palandus Wrote:Symbol (>), Row 2, Column 4
- The shoulder twitches wierdly for some reason.

another 'legacy' pose, but this time it looks like a common decompiler trace-error.
that's an easy re-anim fix. ;)

palandus Wrote:Otherwise, looking good Corta. Keep up the great work!

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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH v0.9 FREE demo [15th Aug]

Postby Gidshri » Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:13 pm

Eh, it's very cool, but ... eh, I hope Corta will make any action game after or something like that. Redesigned flash games look cool, but I would like to see something new... :oops:
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH v0.9 FREE demo [15th Aug]

Postby palandus » Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:26 pm

*cough* splatformer *cough*

@Corta; okay fair enough, just pointing them out in case they were missed. Though, a simple fix for the ballless dicks are well to give dem balls.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH v0.9 FREE demo [15th Aug]

Postby Nobudi » Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:32 pm

corta, heads up. If you pick quarian then another character fast enough, then pick quarian again, we get mask less quarian. Not sure if intentional or not. Definitely like this option.
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Re: Corta's Flash Edits - BHGH v0.9 FREE demo [15th Aug]

Postby N_Yah » Wed Aug 17, 2016 9:29 am

For anyone paying attention, I'd HIGHLY reccommend using AutoHotKey for this game, rather than destroying your mouse trying to click through it (yes, you can hold it down, but that's far slower).

There's almost certainly a better way to do it, but this is the script I used, took about 2mins to setup and fires anytime I have the AHK script going and press Ctrl-J. Acts as if I'm constantly clicking every 50ms for 5,000 iterations. Makes the game FAR more palatable. Ctrl-K will then stop it if you need to buy/levelup/etc

Loop 5000
Send {LButton} ; Auto-repeat consists of consecutive down-events (with no up-events).
Sleep 50 ; The number of milliseconds between keystrokes (or use SetKeyDelay).

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