Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:23 pm

KingKaor Wrote:More music options (select what music track plays instead of random choice)

I particularly prefer each level having its own music, because it gives the level unicqueness ;) Its like the Command and Conquer game. Some levels are memorable until today.

I also wanted to see this game having up to 15 levels ;) I think it could be very interesting and challenging. Level 11,12,13 could have like three paths where the waves can come, so it would be harder.
Then level 14 and 15 could be set with the girl in the MIDDLE of the map ;) And like 5 paths where the waves can come.

As for enemies art, I can help, making like those Renamons (in the game!) those small enemies. But you have to show me what you need.
Which pokemon style? Girls only? I imagine males too, even pokemon itself hehe (adult one), so the girl could play with his big balls if we win the level ;)
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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby Biles » Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:39 am

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:And unfortunatly not many people are interested in it - so there are no to much ideas what to add. So i do not think that i will transform this game to some thing big - like big tower defense games. May be add some new cannons (if i find ideas and arts for them), may be change enemyes - if (if i find ideas and arts for them) - remove bugs and change design. About levels - it is hard to make some thing differently new - so it is no purpose to make many levels. I want the game to be easy enough and not big - 20 - 30 may be 40-60 minutes to play maximum :mrgreen: Now my best run is 21 minutes. So it is very good time for the game i think. For example my favorite game on Nes platform - Contra - have only 10 minutes game time - but it was interesting so I play it so many times :mrgreen: that spend hours on it :roll:

Well, that's fine, when you're at an end and are no longer in continuing developing this game, at least put it up for a download like you did before so that others who may take an interest in this kind of game may want to develop it themselves.
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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Wed Feb 12, 2014 10:07 am

Ivan-Aedler Wrote:
KingKaor Wrote:More music options (select what music track plays instead of random choice)

I particularly prefer each level having its own music, because it gives the level unicqueness ;) Its like the Command and Conquer game. Some levels are memorable until today.

I also wanted to see this game having up to 15 levels ;) I think it could be very interesting and challenging. Level 11,12,13 could have like three paths where the waves can come, so it would be harder.
Then level 14 and 15 could be set with the girl in the MIDDLE of the map ;) And like 5 paths where the waves can come.

As for enemies art, I can help, making like those Renamons (in the game!) those small enemies. But you have to show me what you need.
Which pokemon style? Girls only? I imagine males too, even pokemon itself hehe (adult one), so the girl could play with his big balls if we win the level ;)

May be 11 levels :lol: :roll: 15 is too much. Even with your ideas we have obly 11 levels - 3 * three wasy and 2* five ways.

Now we have 1 ways and 2 ways. I already do not know what form of the road to put in the game :roll: :lol:

For 3 roads have some ideas - but for five roads :shock: Ok i will try it :mrgreen: Where to take so much sounds for the game :lol: ?

All enemy arts are acceptable :mrgreen: But it will be better if it will be side view of that creatures too - like for renas i can make sex scenes with them. So if it will be some creatures that we have on LoK forum it will be easy :mrgreen: For example some green lizards - becouse we have lizards side arts or some body else :mrgreen: .

Now i convert all renas (small walking creatures) to png images - it makes game work faster. And as i can see player do not see the difference between vector one and png.

Biles Wrote:Well, that's fine, when you're at an end and are no longer in continuing developing this game, at least put it up for a download like you did before so that others who may take an interest in this kind of game may want to develop it themselves.

Ok - the only reason why i stopped to put fla files is there size becouse of music (66 mb) - so it will be possible to put them with out music - but make it each time take some time so i am not putting it there for now.

*** *** *** *** *** ***

Who create renamon model by the way ? Do some body remember his nickname ?
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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:26 pm

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:Now we have 1 ways and 2 ways. I already do not know what form of the road to put in the game :roll: :lol: For 3 roads have some ideas - but for five roads :shock: Ok i will try it :mrgreen:

Check your PM ;)

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:Where to take so much sounds for the game :lol: ?

Then you can search for 'groan', 'hit', 'slip', 'mud' (for cumming sounds), 'bell' (alarms), 'flap' (for tail movement)...
OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:All enemy arts are acceptable :mrgreen: But it will be better if it will be side view of that creatures too - like for renas i can make sex scenes with them.

Yes but I still need names. Maybe another female enemy, and a male enemy. Ok we can use the green lizard from LOK version 1 ;)

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:Now i convert all renas (small walking creatures) to png images - it makes game work faster. And as i can see player do not see the difference between vector one and png.

But the game is already fast! I can optimize them for you (less points). But lets retain them vectors because they have more quality ;)

OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:Ok - the only reason why i stopped to put fla files is there size becouse of music (66 mb) - so it will be possible to put them with out music - but make it each time take some time so i am not putting it there for now.

Yes, just put them without music.
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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby FMC » Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:17 pm

Maybe it's just me, but perhaps as you get later in the game, the more forceful / gangbangy the Renamon become if they win? Just an idea, so you feel like you still got something, even if you lost, if you played well enough to get far in the game.
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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby KingKaor » Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:56 pm

FMC Wrote:Maybe it's just me, but perhaps as you get later in the game, the more forceful / gangbangy the Renamon become if they win? Just an idea, so you feel like you still got something, even if you lost, if you played well enough to get far in the game.

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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:43 pm

Working on it. But it is hard to make too much animation with binded girl. So they repeat a little.
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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby FMC » Thu Feb 13, 2014 7:28 pm

I don't *mind* a little repeat, but if it's possible, you could give each level a selection of things to do (like 1-4 for first level, 1-6 for second, 2-4 for third, etc) so you can give the illusion that you're gettting new, better stuff as you go along. Then again, that might make it too random, too.
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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby chijon72 » Sun Feb 16, 2014 5:42 pm

Well, I'm still banging my head against level 3. I got to the last 2 enemies in wave 9, but they got me with like 10% health each. So... why can't you retry the level when you lose? I don't need to slog through 1 and 2 each time... I'm just trying to get past 3! Otherwise, I'm really impressed with this game!
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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:15 pm

To pass 3 rd level you have to put cannons like this (just example combination - freezing cannons have to stand like this):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


I try to restart level after losing it starts from level 3 all works or it does not ? :?: If there are some bugs tell me i will fix it. Do you restart after losing frome level 3 or from first ? If you say about saving the game - this function is now added. Now you can start new game or play from the last stage you lose.

FMC Wrote:I don't *mind* a little repeat, but if it's possible, you could give each level a selection of things to do (like 1-4 for first level, 1-6 for second, 2-4 for third, etc) so you can give the illusion that you're gettting new, better stuff as you go along. Then again, that might make it too random, too.

I removed random - now there are 6 win animations and 8 losing animation if i do not mistake.
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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby chijon72 » Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:44 am

Immediately after saying I couldn't beat 3, I got it. Yeah, I wasn't putting freeze cannons on the lower area. Anyway, the fix worked fine for me. Thanks!
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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby oneeyezero » Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:42 am

Love the game! Just had a thought, remember your “A little prank project” from a few months back? I was thinking what if you incorporated that game into this one as a boss stage!
Say every 4/5th rounds it would switch to the “Prank” style of game play where the goal was to defeat a certain number of foes before having to face the enemy controlling the hordes.
It’s Just a thought to add a bit more variety to the game and make it more unique.
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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby Jrhonen » Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:59 am

Honestly, I thought this game was ridiculously hard. It took me: 2 hours 37 minutes 47 seconds to beat, and I got no reward other than a black screen. It's really good I believe though. It was actually challenging, unlike most games I ever play anymore. GG bro. GG. I think I found a bug though, when you pause (on any level it appeared) you will not be able to un-pause the game and it will be stuck like that, so you have to refresh the page. Which brings me to my next point: Thanks for adding the option to continue! Every good game needs that. I however also believe that a change in tower range and damage is in order, and an addition of more towers. Perhaps powers or something that cost a lot of money? Like a power like a nuke or something that would cost 50 or 100 to use and it would deal massive damage to all enemies over a moderate range, perhaps 2 different versions, like a weak one and a strong one, or an EMP (or stun bomb of sorts) that would cost less than the nuke, and when used it would completely stun or at least slow down all enemies in its range. And perhaps reduce the damage that the red and especially the purple do to you. It's really frustrating when a purple with probably 25% hp left does over 50 damage. In any case, if you need ideas on towers or powers of any sort, just tell me and I could shoot you some ideas. I've played many a TD game and could easily modify various different tower ideas to fit.
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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby corta » Sun Feb 23, 2014 7:03 pm

neat game, oos :D

I must've played for... well, way too long.

good stuff! <3

and ooh, an idea for sharper difficulty curves in the later waves -- cash to cut down trees.
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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:23 pm

Thank you :mrgreen:

I start this project to make a little game with 20-30 minutes game play and to train before one big another project i start or better to say restart again.

I little stopped on this project - I like how it is now. If some body needs its latest .fla you can always PM me.

For now this project is temporatly closed. I am working now with one big other project. If all will be good i will post about it soon.
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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby Biles » Mon Feb 29, 2016 3:25 am

I know I'm gravedigging this topic, but do you have the flash workfile that matches the game in the first post? I think the one you have available for download might be an older version or something. And if you do update the flash file, can you also attach fonts that go with it?
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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby OwnerOfSuccuby » Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:41 am

Hello ;) I can try to look for it (but may be it has to much size). (I think i have some kind of 100Gigobytes of different unfinisht projects on PC :lol:

If i am right the last version of this project was 41 or 45 - i will try to look for it (it was than mutaded to Rising Contra project) - so it will be hard to find.

It is more simple to post some elements - for example what do you need fonts (I mean how the text looks like :shock: ) ? How to take it from flash ? :shock: :oops:
Or i did not understand you correct ?
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Re: Small tower defense game. (Hentai Adding)

Postby Biles » Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:44 am

In regards to the fonts, the reason I asked is because flash file will scan your computer for corresponding fonts and if you don't have it, it will then prompt you to use an alternative font. All of this happens before the actual flash file gets opened up.
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