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Yu-Gi-Oh!: Poker Face(OOC)

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 10:37 pm
by RandomRoninKitten
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Poker Face


In another universe, the world has taken up Dueling in a cardgame that was made for children by a flamboyant guy as the go-to method for solving conflict. It all started when he traveled to Egypt on an archeological dig, and discovered ancient stone tablets which had been made for summoning powerful creatures called “Ka” which were sealed within. These creatures were used for battle, sport, and most importantly for settling disputes. After this dig, he went back home and created the cardgame known as Duel Monsters. Eventually, Industrial Illusions was created, as in combination with Kaiba Corp, Duel Monsters became a major success. Over the years, Kaiba Corp created Solid Vision technology, resulting in the game gradually becoming more real. Now, with the Sunglasses-like Duel Gazer 2.0, Augmented Reality technology, as well as Duel Disks which deliver sensations through the nervous system with electric shocks, dueling has become more versatile as a sport, where the duelist can feel the holographic monsters attacking them, although dampened by limiters on the Duel Disk System. While pain is dampened, typically losing a duel will leave the loser in a helpless state for a time

With the rise of Duel Monsters came academies which are dedicated to training more youth to become successful gladiators. One such academy is Domino Academy, a prestigious Dueling Academy that’s located on an island. Students which have graduated from the academy are so proficient at dueling that many academies now model their teaching methods after those developed by Domino Academy.

In Domino Academy, a duelist must always make a set wagers for a serious duel, and all wagers are taken extremely seriously. This set-up is to teach a duelist treat every duel with the utmost importance, pulling no punches at any time.

Those who wish to be accepted into Domino Academy only need to show up for a proctored exam, where they duel a proctor with a test deck. Upon winning the duel, they are given a grade which determines which Dorm they’ll be staying in.

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Phantasm Dorm: Those in the Phantasm Dorm are the top students at the academy, having passed their exam in a way that drastically exceeded expectations, as such having the most expensive dorm, with a personal chef who makes feasts, soft beds, and personal rooms for each. The Phantasm Dorm students get black and purple uniforms to wear.

Thunder Dorm: Those in the Thunder Dorms are students who are mid-level, having surpassed the worst of the worst, but still being unable to hold their own amongst those in the Phantasm Dorm. The Thunder Dorm has decent quality rooms, with only somewhat comfortable beds and a decent chef to serve them in a medium-sized dining room, rather than the fancy dining room of the Phantasm Dorm. Thunder Dorm students get black and gold uniforms to wear.

Flame Dorm: Those in the Flame Dorm are the students who barely passed the entrance exam, and live in a series of tool shed-like structures that are scattered along the nearby woods around the academy’s main building. In the center of the scattered sheds that the students bunk in is a small building that the students gather at for their cheap meals, primarily rice. Flame Dorm students wear black and red uniforms.

Character Sheet:
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Name: (Character’s first and last name)
Player: (Your username)
Appearance: (Picture for the character, and a description if necessary)
Gender: (Are you a boy or a girl?)(Female recommended)
Background: (A comprehensive backstory for your character. Note: New Domino City and the Satellites from YuGiOh 5Ds will exist in this universe, so feel free to incorporate aspects from those in your backstory. Also keep in mind that this exists in the same timeline as the events of the original YuGiOh, so you can incorporate ideas from that series. Note that your character has not yet passed their exam, but will be taking the exam at the start of the RP.)
Personality: (A description of your character’s personality)
Skills: (Three things your character is good at)
Deck Archtype: (The Archtype can be any Anime, TCG, or OCG Archetype.)

Level: 1(EXP required starts at 4 and increases by 4 each level. After each serious duel, the player gains 1 EXP for every 1000 Lifepoints that they had remaining at the end of the duel.)

HP: 10(This stat starts at a base of 10 and each point added to it is treated as 2. This stat is reduced from events that harm your character.)
SP: 10(This is used during the day for performing actions which use physical stats, such as Agility, Dexterity, or Strength, and is reduced by hunger. This stat is also used when your character uses their personal card. Increases by 1 every two levels.)

Agility: 1(Used for dodging, moving quickly, etc)
Strength: 1(Used for performing acts like lifting, breaking objects, or physically striking)
Dexterity: 1(Used for performing complex actions, accuracy of movement, etc)
Constitution: 1(Used for withstanding acts which would hurt the character)
Intelligence: 1(Used for gathering information, using complex devices, gaining effects on hits)
Wisdom: 1(Used for resisting special effects, knowing details about subjects, etc)
Perception: 1(Used for detection, observation, and searching)
Charisma: 1(Used for interaction with NPCs)

Stat Points: (Players may allocate 50 Stat Points, and gain 1 stat point every level, as well as an additional stat point every week for the stat that was used the most that week.)

Clothing: (Your character’s starting outfit, it adds +1 to a stat of your choice. After, the player obtains a uniform to wear, and can buy their own outfits from the shop in New Domino City on weekends.)
Duel Gazer: (Image or Description)
Belts: (Each Belt grants your character an ability, and the character can wear a total of 5. Can be bought from the shop on the weekends, in New Domino City. Player may start with one of their own design.)
Belt 1:
Belt 2:
Belt 3:
Belt 4:
Belt 5:
Choker: (A character’s Choker is what grants them their unique Trait, and each player can message me with their ideas to finalize that unique Trait for their sheet. Each character starts with one. Effects can affect the duel OR work outside of duels.)

Cawks: (The currency used in this RP, the player starts with 2d8)

Deck Building:
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Each character gets an Archtype of cards that is exclusive to that character. Other Archtypes, when building your starting deck, are off-limits aside from cards which search(Add from Deck, Graveyard, or Banishment, or send from Deck to Graveyard or Banish) members of your character’s Archtype, or allow you to draw. Boss cards of any Archtype(NOMI Monsters/Monsters which can only be special summoned a certain way) are limited to 1, and each Extra Deck card is limited to 1 unless it Searches members of your Character’s Archtype. Chain Burn, FTK, and instant win are off-limits. Players are allowed to work with the Dungeon Master to create semi-custom cards out of existing cards, and/or create custom cards out of anime cards which have yet to be created, if they’re up to par for the RP.

In addition to a character’s deck, each player character may have a completely custom card. A custom card may have up to two effects, as well as a summoning condition and a cost. At the start of each duel, the player character sends their custom card to the top of their Extra Deck, then during a duel, the player may spend 2 SP to add that card to their hand. If the player character forms a relationship with other player characters and/or NPCs, they may add copies of their personal cards to their deck(Only one of these personal cards can be added to the player’s hand, or played, per-turn. Only three can be in the player’s deck at one time). Excluding Personal Character Cards, decks are a maximum of 40 cards.

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Stat Checks:
Players can perform checks at any time to see if their character has certain knowledge, to perform difficult actions, or to perceive objects or actions. Any check is 1d20+[associated stat=check, which is then put up against the difficulty which is set based on the action OR the opposing character’s check.
Duels will be conducted on Dueling Book, which can be Tag Duels if the player character is accompanied by a companion or standard duels. Upon winning a duel, the player can select any non-archtype card to add to their inventory. Winning a duel results in gaining 1 EXP for every 1000 Lifepoints the player had remaining at the end of the duel. Each time a character loses a duel, the pain transmitted from the Duel Disk will incapacitate the losing character, and the character is obligated by the Academy to fulfill their end of the wager.

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Duels and custom cards will be kept track of in the Discord Server, as well as Diceroll results:
Anime cards can be found here, and their effects can be found on the wiki:
DuelingBook can be found here, and scrolling down on the menu will reveal the custom card creator tab:

Re: Yu-Gi-Oh!: Poker Face

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 3:39 am
by Mark3000
Name: Morgana Avalon
Player: (Mark3000)
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__nanai_highcastle_sword_girls__4fadd6de3542a771b69396dfaa9ea40f.png (264.84 KiB) Viewed 1465 times

Gender: Female

Background: Morgana learned from a young age that to get ahead in life, she had to be willing to play dirty. Her and her parents all lived in the Satellite. Originally, they worked as plant workers like most inhabitants of the Satellite. However, when they caught wind of their fellow workers trying to organize a Union, they saw it as an opportunity. Joining the unionization effort, Mr. and Mrs Avalon sold information on their activities to the plant owner in New Domino City. Morgana was often used as a mule transporting information to their contacts and bringing back the promised Cawks.

When the union dissolved and the offending parties were properly punished, the Avalon family left the plant and used their Cawks to go into money lending. Tricking the residents into taking Ultra-High Interest loans, the Avalon family made a comfortable life for themselves in the Satellite. With no formal schooling, Morgana learned by watching her parents work over the people of Satellite for every last bit of Cawk they had.

Many disgruntled customers would attempt to clear their debts by dueling, and that’s where Morgana came in. If they beat Morgana in a duel their Debt would be cleared, but if they lost the interest rate would double. In these matches, Morgana had a near perfect record. Though to any outside observer these duels were rigged. Opponents complained of missing powerful cards in their deck on the day of the duels. Others had to drop out mid match due to a malfunction in the pain limiters of their duel disks. It didn’t help that Morgana’s own deck possessed cards not easily obtained in the Satellite.

Then one day, Morgana went on an unexplained losing streak. The two elder Avalons looked on in dismay as whatever Cawk they had accumulated disappeared covering these now cleared debts. Their business soon closed and the Avalon family were left destitute. All of them except Morgana. For you see, a few weeks prior a wealthy financier from New Domino City had contacted her. He didn’t seem to appreciate her family muscling in on his business. Sensing a chance to make a profit, Morgana was more than willing to betray her parents and throw just enough matches to bring their dreams to ruin. Her reward was a mountain of Cawks which she used to attend the illustrious Dueling Academy. Everything she needed for her true goal, living in New Domino City.

Personality: Morgana is duplicitous by nature. She wears the veil of a studious young lady oblivious to the ways of the world. But in reality she is always plotting in order to get ahead in life. If it would benefit her, she’s willing to lie, cheat and blackmail whoever she needs to. She can be rather prideful and arrogant. But if backed into a corner she can be rather cowardly. She will forget about shame or convictions and do whatever it takes to survive.

Skills:Lying, Spying, Deal-Making
Deck Archetype: Shaddoll

Level: 1(EXP required starts at 4 and increases by 4 each level. After each serious duel, the player gains 1 EXP for every 1000 Lifepoints that they had remaining at the end of the duel.)

HP: 10
SP: 10

Agility: 6(Used for dodging, moving quickly, etc)
Strength: 3(Used for performing acts like lifting, breaking objects, or physically striking)
Dexterity: 5(Used for performing complex actions, accuracy of movement, etc)
Constitution: 3(Used for withstanding acts which would hurt the character)
Intelligence: 10(Used for gathering information, using complex devices, gaining effects on hits)
Wisdom: 10(Used for resisting special effects, knowing details about subjects, etc)
Perception: 10(Used for detection, observation, and searching)
Charisma: 11(Used for interaction with NPCs)

Stat Points: 50/50

Clothing: Top: White Dress Shirt
Bottom: Plaid Skirt
Feet: Black Dress Shoes
Underclothes: Pink bra and panties
Jacket: Red Blazer
Duel Gazer: (Image or Description)
Belts: (Each Belt grants your character an ability, and the character can wear a total of 5. Can be bought from the shop on the weekends, in New Domino City. Player may start with one of their own design.)
Belt 1: Black Leather Belt
Belt 2:
Belt 3:
Belt 4:
Belt 5:
Choker: Black Lace Choker (Effect to be discussed)

Cawks: 11

Re: Yu-Gi-Oh!: Poker Face

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2020 11:26 pm
by Soru
Oh cool, you're going to try another Yugioh RP again? Count me in. I'll probably try to reuse my last character but will need some time to fill out the CS.

Re: Yu-Gi-Oh!: Poker Face

PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 6:00 pm
by Embers
Name: Adalene Frixell
Player: Embers
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Gender: Female
Background: Adalene was drafted into an elite Dueling Force when she defeated one of the prominent members to settle an argument over the last serving of a Tapioca Tea. Dragged into the ranks of the Dimensional Stability Theory she now travels from one dimension to the next as part of the Mel Senshir division of Turbo Duelist. Soon after arriving in this universe her squad learned that the threat to Dimensional Stability had been dealt with by the the indigenous life of the region. As her squad members left this universe one by one, Adalene took a detour to try out this world's take on her favorite drink.

Whether by sheer luck or a fate's mockery, Adalene soon finds herself dueling over a serving of Tea once again. Although she won the duel, her Duel Runner was damaged during the encounter and she could no longer communicate with mission control or return to her home dimension. Deciding to follow her most recent orders, Adalene makes way to Domino Academy to try and learn more about what the Dimensional Stability threat was and how it was handled while attempting to manually repair the damages to her Duel Runner in the background.

Personality: Quiet and reserved, Adalene puts on the air of a timid and vulnerable duelist. As the encounter progresses and her carnivorous plants overtake the field, her mannerism shifts as the sight of her long-time friends boosts her confidence into a more talkative mood. Outside of duels Adalene is easily distracted by snacks and drinks to a fault, her lifelong goal to taste every sweet treat of all the known dimensions has just started and the list is long.

Skills: Persuasion, hardware tinkering, and language comprehension
Deck Archtype: Traptrix

Level: 1

HP: 10
SP: 10

Agility: 11
Strength: 6
Dexterity: 11
Constitution: 3
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 8
Perception: 9
Charisma: 10

Stat Points Left: 0/50

Clothing: Personalized Dimensional Stability Jacket
Top: Plain Black Tank Top
Bottom: Dark Brown Miniskirt
Feet: Black socks with red and white sneakers
Underclothes: Plain pink bra and panties.
Jacket: Standard Issue Dimensional Stability Jacket (L)
Duel Gazer: [TBD]
Belt 1: Rugged Belt: Your EARTH monsters gain 200 DEF.
Belt 2:
Belt 3:
Belt 4:
Belt 5:
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Black and Gold Lace Choker:
Duel Effect: before the Duel Starts play Speed World 2 from anywhere.

Out of Duel Effect: once per-day if Adalene is presented with a skill check for attributes other than Dexterity or Agility, she can change the check to use those attributes instead. If Adalene is presented with a Dexterity or Agility check, her roll is increased by 5.

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Cawks: 10

Re: Yu-Gi-Oh!: Poker Face

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 7:26 am
by MiscChaos
Name: Abigail “Abby” Athena
Player: MiscChaos
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Gender: Female

Background: Abby is the oldest of a group of 6 siblings, 4 girls and 2 boys. To this day, she has no idea why her folks had so many kids unless they were milking them for welfare money, but she doesn’t really care enough to ask. All she knows is she loves her siblings fiercely and will go to great lengths to keep them protected. When her parents prioritized fancy handbags, bourgeois clothes, and caviar, she hit the streets and picked up a deck. She started taking part in probably illegal duels for Cawk in order to feed everyone and keep them in clothes that fit. She lost a lot more than she won in the beginning, so she figured out ways to up her chances. She figured out how to put a good deck together where she could (Guardian Baou being her first), tried to play up her childish qualities to the point she was either underestimated or, if she lost, the victor was reluctant to take anything from her (few people want to take Cawk from a child, after all). She figured out how to pickpocket and plan routes to lose people with if she got caught at it. Slowly, she collected enough cards to be a somewhat credible threat and she could discard the child act more often. With a better deck came more Cawk and with more Cawk, came better living for her and her siblings. While school just wasn’t in the cards for her, her siblings never had to worry about where lunch or uniforms would come from since she had a handle on it.

So naturally that’s where things began to go wrong. Her amateur dueling efforts attracted the attention of some group called Doma. Someone very obviously simply a grunt in the organization made her an offer: Take a card called the Seal of Orichalcos and continue to duel people using its power. In exchange, she would earn more Cawk than she could handle. Something about it seemed shady to her and they refused to tell her what the card actually did, so she turned it down. She put the incident out of her mind and continued on with her life like normal for about 6 months. During this time, she continued her habit of dueling people for Cawk and actually got to the point where she took part in minor tournaments for prizes. From a more obscure tournament, she came across the Millennium Shield. It looked gaudy as fuck to her, but she figured she could probably sell it for some Cawk. The tournament organizer convinced her not to though, claiming it was an ancient item with the power to protect those she held dear. She was skeptical, but figured she could give it a while to grow on her before selling it for Cawk. The instant she picked it up, she started feeling a twinge at the edge of her consciousness, but since nothing else happened she wrote it off. The Shield came with a small strap, so she began wearing it on her back like an insignia. If nothing else, she thought the idea of being recognized by the design of the Shield would be kind of cool so she kept it around.

She was coming home from taking 3rd in another tournament when she noticed the house was being robbed. A group of 5 armed thieves had already broken in, killed her father, her brothers, and 1 of her sisters, and were either raping or about to rape the remainder. Seeing how she so utterly failed in her mission to protect her siblings, something in her snapped and the twinge in her mind became a baying roar in her mind, demanding the blood of those who would dare harm her precious people. Under the bloodlust was a whispering voice that told her to grab the Millennium Shield. She doesn’t remember much after that. All she knows is that when she came to, her Shield was dimming from a bright glow, her family was unconscious and any wounds they’d taken had disappeared, and all the thieves before her were catatonic with new injuries. There were cards next to them with their terrified faces on it, but she has no idea how the two were related. Picking up a card caused her to imagine she could hear their screams, as if something terrible was happening to them. It made her smile to imagine it and she has all 5 cards on her nightstand. She likes to cheer herself up by imagining they’re suffering endlessly for harming her siblings.

Now paranoid about the safety of those left, she abandoned her childhood home and brought everyone to a new home that was easier to secure. She didn’t invite her mother, but the woman showed up anyway and she didn’t have the heart to turn her away while her sisters were clinging to all the family they could. She did pull the woman to the side and let her know in no uncertain terms that if she tried to put herself before the family again, Abby would find a way to make her help the household and it wouldn’t be pleasant. While she was out earning prize money after a lengthy absence, she was once again approached by Doma. They attempted to use her rage and fear for her family to recruit them to their cause. While before she gave them a solid no, now she wavered. The idea of having others to look out for her family was tempting and the ability to give them enough Cawk for everyone was infinitely appealing. Even with her mother now humbled and helping with the family’s finances, she had to think about the future. She asked for a bit of time to think about it.

In the meantime, she found her skills stagnanting. She needed something to bring her to the next tier of Duelist where she could draw in more Cawk. Her usual sources of dueling intel told her about Domino Academy where she could be built from the ground up to become a better Duelist. She figures either this place will teach her enough to make her independently wealthy or give her the skills needed to become a better employee under Doma. Either way, she thought it was worth trying, so she put her family with someone she trusted and headed to Domino.

Personality: Despite her background, Abby is a fairly easy going person. She figures she could be serious and pessimistic all the time, but that sounds like a fairly miserable way to live and does less to reassure her siblings that everything’s OK. Seeing Abby cracking terrible jokes lets them know it’s safe while Abby with her eyebrows down and a scowl on her face lets them know it’s time to get out of the way. Abby has a large protective streak and threatening anyone she calls a good friend or any of her remaining siblings will cause her to relentlessly hunt down the offender to make sure they never get another opportunity. Before “The Incident”, it would have merely been using her intel to gather blackmail or figuring out how to trick the law into doing it. After “The Incident”... well, she doesn’t remember it happening, but a lot of cards with people screaming on them have been appearing near her.

Skills: Protection, Trickery, Brawling
Deck Archtype: Guardian

Level: 1 (Requires 4 EXP)

HP: 10
SP: 12

Agility: 8
Strength: 7
Dexterity: 7
Constitution: 8
Intelligence: 5
Wisdom: 7
Perception: 7
Charisma: 7

Stat Points:

Clothing: +1 Constitution
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Top: White sleeveless shirt
Bottom: Purple shorts
Feet: Thigh High Leggings and Ankle High Shoes
Underclothes: Strapless Purple Bra and Boy shorts
Jacket: Black Flowing ¾ Sleeved Jacket

Duel Gazer: Shown in her appearance image.

Belt 1: WIP
Belt 2:
Belt 3:
Belt 4:
Belt 5:

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Normal Abigail Duel Ability:
At the start of the Duel, you can Banish "The Seal of Orichalcos" from your Deck, and treat it as if it doesn't exist in the duel. Once per-day, you can move "The Seal of Orichalcos" to the field and activate it. If you win a duel while "The Seal of Orichalcos" is active, you can imprison your opponent's soul in a card.
Once per-day, if a monster you control would be destroyed by battle or by card effect, it is not destroyed, then you can equip 1 Equip Spell with that monster's name in its own name to that monster, from the Deck, if applicable.

Normal Abigail Out of Duel Ability:
Once per-day, if a character, including Abigail, would take an instance of damage, Abigail can roll a 1d4(1-2=Halve incoming damage, 3-4=Nullify incoming damage) to instantly successfully intercept and block that damage without a skill check.

Dark Abigail Duel Ability:
Once per-day, before a duel takes place, Abigail can transform into Dark Abigail, then declare a Shadow Game. When a Shadow Game is declared, the player can declare special rules which both duelists must follow, as well as a Penalty Game for the duelist who loses. If a Penalty Game is won, Dark Abigail gains DEXP. Each level that Dark Abigail gains is a permanent level over Normal Abigail.

Dark Abigail Non-Duel Ability:
Abigail can transform into Dark Abigail, and gains a special skill for every 3 levels that Dark Abigail has over Normal Abigail. While in Dark Abigail form, Skills cost DS(Dark Abigail's Stamina), which only recovers at the end of each week, and after Dark Abigail wins a Shadow Game(1 DS for every 1000 Life Points Dark Abigail won with.)

Cawks: 11

Re: Yu-Gi-Oh!: Poker Face

PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2020 9:09 pm
by Littlemankitten
Name: Regallia Silva
Player: Littlemankitten
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Gender: Female
Background: Regallia started her life in a cold and sterile place. Free from the loving embrace of any living soul. She was not born into the arms of a mother, in fact the very act of her 'birth' was quite painful. Strands of organically based machines writhing and connecting to organs 'donated' by unwilling volunteers, the nerves hooked up onto a synthetic brain designed around that of a human infant. The flesh forcefully molded and formed into the shape that the basic starting function dictated. The process of existence was excruciating because of this. However when it was all done with, the scientists in charge of the extremely unethical experimentation were met with the sight of their first successful attempt to create a bio-synthetic hybrid android. A wailing infant composed of almost entirely synthetic materials that are fueled by the still organic human organs and encased in a shell of a synthetic skin replica. The scientists begun their work immediately. They needed to find out the true capabilities of this newfound marvel of science. Thus a life of constant testing and guided education began. The first test of being able to sustain the body and grow as a organic being did was the easiest, despite her synthetic nature she grew as any normal human would, and learn as any normal human would. The next tests would investigate her problem solving skills and perception of the world. Various others came after this, ranging from combative to test physical capabilities, reflexes, pure intelligence, and even sexual capability. An odd quirk being the presence of male and female reproductive organs that can be morphed and 'hidden' at will. However all of this was very secondary compared to the real question of capability. Dueling ability. As soon as she demonstrated an ability to comprehend things outside her immediate perception and could problem solve, she was taught the basics of the universal card game Duel Monsters. She was thrown against A.I. of varying levels of complexity, then against actual humans. While losing meant little at first, the price grew more and more as she aged, until losing became a very painful and ardous experience.

Finally though, she reached the biologically equivalent of roughly 18 years of age and was sent for her final task. The real world. She would attend Domino Academy then report back to them so they could extract all of the data directly from her brain. Regallia though, was aware of what would happen if that were to actually occur. The scientists never really considered the idea of her having the ability to disobey them, and they wouldn't until she finished academy. Regallia wasn't quite sure what she'd do afterwards, but in what little free time she had she had researched the world outside, and while technically she shouldn't have access to such information being mostly synthetic had its advantages when interfacing with technology. One of the few things she enjoyed in her life was problem solving. She always enjoyed those kinds of tests the most, the ones were she was given a limited set of information and had to solve the problem at hand from there. So she figured she could learn the most about the outside world and enjoy herself if she became a private investigator. That was sure to open up quite a few doors for her, but before she could start anything like that she had to pass the exam first.

Personality: Regallia is quite stoic and reserved. She doesn't say much, however when she does its always exactly whats on her mind. She doesn't believe in beating around the bush. This often makes her come off as cold and bitchy, and to an extent that is very true. Regallia isn't one to care about other's feelings as much compared to finding out the truth, and figuring out what makes something tick.
Skills: Investigation, Abstract thinking, tenacity
Deck Archtype: Constellar

Level: 1(EXP required starts at 4 and increases by 4 each level. After each serious duel, the player gains 1 EXP for every 1000 Lifepoints that they had remaining at the end of the duel.)

HP: 12
SP: 10

Agility: 7
Strength: 5
Dexterity: 6
Constitution: 6
Intelligence: 10(+1)
Wisdom: 10
Perception: 7
Charisma: 6

Stat Points: 0

Top: Black button up shirt
Bottom: Black Dress Pants
Feet: Black Leather thigh high boots
Underclothes: Black Bra and panties with gold trim
Jacket: Black Trench coat
Duel Gazer: WIP
Belt 1: WIP
Belt 2:
Belt 3:
Belt 4:
Belt 5:
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Duel Effect: Once per-day, during either player's turn(Quick effect), Regallia can declare a card. If that card is in the opponent's hand, it must be shuffled into the Deck. Alternatively, Regallia can instead declare a card, and if that card is on top of her deck, she can draw it immediately.

Out of Duel Effect: Once per-day, Regallia can make her next Perception Check a natural 20.

Cawks: 14

Re: Yu-Gi-Oh!: Poker Face

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 7:13 am
by whiteknot
Name: Mircalla Le Fanu
Player: (whiteknot)
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Gender: female
Background: The Le Fanu are an ancient family of vampires and Mircalla’s family is part of it, her parents being much older than their appearance would suggest. Through bribery and other favors their vampirism was kept a secret and they got to live a life of luxury in Neo Domino.
Unlike rumors and tales would suggest, they do not feed on blood. They can eat regular food but what gives them their extended lifespan and abilities is the energy released during duels. This is linked to the ancient rituals used in egypt to summon monsters and modern duels are a continuation of these. The vampires are able to consume the magic released during duels, but they can get the most of it only if they participate themselves, which is why everyone in the clan can play the game. Everyone in the clan also possesses a duel spirit and they can see other spirits as well.
Milarcis enjoys her leisure life in the city but her parents want her to attend Domino academy, as it is overflowing with energy which will only help her grow in her young age. Milarcis enjoys dueling fine enough, but doesn’t care about winning or losing as she gets the energy either way. Excitement in general is foreign to her and she often acts like she is above everything, not taking other people and their opinions seriously, to the point that her tone of voice shows how disinterested she can be. Her deck doesn’t have too much thought put into it, she just enjoys the theming, many of the cards being old and originally belonging to her elder sisters.She has yet to summon a duel spirit from her deck.
She has the aptitude to have superhuman skills, but is a bit too unmotivated or lazy to make full use of her abilities (And she still is growing and needs to get used to them).
She enjoys red drinks and naps during the day (standing in sunlight makes her drowsy).

Skills:Vampirism, Heightened smell and hearing, balancing
Deck Archetype: Vampire

Level: 1(EXP required starts at 4 and increases by 4 each level. After each serious duel, the player gains 1 EXP for every 1000 Lifepoints that they had remaining at the end of the duel.)

HP: 10
SP: 10

Agility: 4(Used for dodging, moving quickly, etc)
Strength: 5(Used for performing acts like lifting, breaking objects, or physically striking)
Dexterity: 6(Used for performing complex actions, accuracy of movement, etc)
Constitution: 12(Used for withstanding acts which would hurt the character)
Intelligence: 8(Used for gathering information, using complex devices, gaining effects on hits)
Wisdom: 8(Used for resisting special effects, knowing details about subjects, etc)
Perception: 6(Used for detection, observation, and searching)
Charisma: 2(Used for interaction with NPCs)

Clothing: +1 charisma
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Image note: no stripes on thigh highs

Top: Short skirted shirt dress with long sleeves
Bottom: black thigh highs connected to a garter belt.
Feet: Black boots
Underclothes: black panties, garter belt
Duel Gazer: Gazer Tattoo that forms around her left eye in the form of fangs
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Belts: TBD
Belt 1:
Belt 2:
Belt 3:
Belt 4:
Belt 5:
Choker: A black lace choker with a bat symbol in the front.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

In-Duel effect: Once per-day, if an opponent uses their Choker Ability, you can negate that ability, then draw 1 card.
Out of Duel Effect: Once per-day, you can boost Charisma by 50% for a single check. If this check is used to sleep with another character, you may bite them, then increase all stats by 50% for the day.

Cawks: (The currency used in this RP, the player starts with 2d8)

Re: Yu-Gi-Oh!: Poker Face

PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 3:20 pm
by Soru
Name: Mina Rossi
Player: Soru
Gender: Female

Background: For the most part Mina has lived a relatively normal life with a nice family, two loving parents and a little brother she loves to spoil, and lives in a comfortable house in the suburbs of New Domino while going to nice schools all her life. Her life was pretty normal... except for one thing. All her life she always felt... a bit different from the others around her, as if there was something about her that set her apart from the others. For example ever since she was little she sometimes she thought she heard voices or saw things that weren't there. At first she and everyone else thought it was just her imagination, she was young child and kids often have big imaginations. However as she got older the voices she heard and the things she saw that weren't there didn't stop; in fact it seemed like they got more vivid. When she was little the things she saw were blurs, the voices barely a whisper and completely incoherent. But as she got older the things she saw started getting more detailed, more real, and she could start to hear coherent words in those whispers. The only thing that didn't make her over paranoid about this is that the whispers never sounded... evil or menacing, rather calm and kind usually. Any time she did hear a frightening voice or a scary image something would make it disappear and calm her. However not knowing what this was still did make Mina worry about it...

Eventually one day though as she was walking home from school she was assaulted by some of her school's bullies. Before anything bad could happen to her someone, or something, threw them off of her. They couldn't see what, but she could and she saw something blast them into the wall knocking them out. What she saw was some girl wearing some sort of pink and blue outfit who winked at her before disappearing. Just as Mina was wondering what had just happened a mysterious person wearing strange robes that gave off an Egyptian look and told her that she has the gift of being able to see Duel Spirits, the spirits that the Duel Monsters card game is based off and apparently can inhabit the cards as well. However it seems that Mina hasn't gotten much control of this gift yet and thus can only sometimes see and hear them but with her gift she should be able to communicate and create bonds with these spirits. The stranger gave her a card and on it was the same being that saved her, Dark Magician Girl, and the stranger said that this spirit is very connected with her it seems and perhaps has been protecting her from evil spirits. Mina had never really gotten too into Duel Monsters, having only played it a bit as a hobby, though she does recall those voices and images were stronger when she played. Before the stranger left they told Mina that she should be aware as due to her gift other spirits will be drawn to her, and perhaps other people seeking such a gift as well, and that if she wants to defend herself she better get serious about Duel Monsters and if she wants to get stronger she will need to attend a prestigious Dueling Academy.

With that Mina was left rather confused and unsure about the events. However that a few nights later the spirit that had protected her appeared and told her that the stranger was right and that she will be here to help her every step of the way if possible. After some consideration Mina decided to seriously get into Duel Monsters and began working on her deck, basing it around Dark Magician Girl due to their connection. With the help of her family and friends, who at first were surprised by her sudden decision but were supportive, helped her create her deck and getting her the cards she needed. It took time but eventually she managed to create a deck that was good enough to beat most of the duelists at her school and figured it was finally time to try to gain entry to Domino Academy

Personality: Mina is a happy and cheerful girl and is a bit of a shy person though she isn't against going to and participating in social events. She tries to be nice when she can and be tolerant of everyone within reason and will sometimes try to help defuse fights and arguments. Because of her personality she can sometimes come off as naïve or too trusting of others and won't see bad intentions right away since she believes in giving people the benefit of the doubt. However claims of her being naïve is justified as she has yet to truly experience the cruelties of the world first hand due to her more sheltered life so she is ignorant of how cruel some people can be. She does have a desire to become a bit tougher now, especially after that attempted assault and her gift that will apparently draw danger to her.

Skills: Athletics, Flexibility, Basic Slight of Hand
Deck Archtype: Magician Girls

Level: 1

HP: 10 (This stat starts at a base of 10 and each point added to it is treated as 2. This stat is reduced from events that harm your character.)
SP: 10 (This is used during the day for performing actions which use physical stats, such as Agility, Dexterity, or Strength, and is reduced by hunger. This stat is also used when your character uses their personal card. Increases by 1 every two levels.)

Agility: 9 (Used for dodging, moving quickly, etc)
Strength: 4 (Used for performing acts like lifting, breaking objects, or physically striking)
Dexterity: 9 (Used for performing complex actions, accuracy of movement, etc)
Constitution: 5 (Used for withstanding acts which would hurt the character)
Intelligence: 6 (Used for gathering information, using complex devices, gaining effects on hits)
Wisdom: 7 (Used for resisting special effects, knowing details about subjects, etc)
Perception: 9 (Used for detection, observation, and searching)
Charisma: 9 (Used for interaction with NPCs)

Stat Points: (Players may allocate 50 Stat Points, and gain 1 stat point every level, as well as an additional stat point every week for the stat that was used the most that week.)

Clothing: +1 Charisma
Top: White Blouse
Bottom: Green Skirt
Feet: White Sneakers with Thigh High white leggings
Underclothes: Lacy pink bra and panties
Jacket: Yellow Sweater Jacket, usually tied around her waist.
Duel Gazer: WIP
Belts: (Each Belt grants your character an ability, and the character can wear a total of 5. Can be bought from the shop on the weekends, in New Domino City. Player may start with one of their own design.)
Belt 1: Pink leather belt (Passive: Spellcaster monsters gain 100 ATK Points)
Belt 2:
Belt 3:
Belt 4:
Belt 5:
Choker: A pink and light blue choker with a red gem at the center.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

In-Duel effect: Once per-day, you can Special Summon a "Magician Girl" card from your GY, then increase its level to 6 and treat its name as "Dark Magician Girl".
Out of Duel Effect: Once per-day, if you would fail an Agility or Strength check, you can re-roll that check.

Cawks: 12

Re: Yu-Gi-Oh!: Poker Face

PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2020 12:05 am
by Blue56
Name: Nova Maxwell
Player: Blue56
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Hero Disguise

Gender: Female
Background: The eldest of three children, Nova was born and raised in the slums of Satellite. Her mother died giving birth to Nova's youngest brother, leaving their father to care for the three on his own. Being the oldest, Nova had to take on the role of both an older sister and a mother to her two brothers, taking care of them while their father worked two jobs to support them. She had to learn cooking, cleaning, and helping out with their schoolwork as well. Satellite was a difficult place to live, but through hard work and determination, Nova was able to make sure her siblings lived in relative peace and happiness, and in her spare time she read about the exploits of heroic duelists like Yugi Moto and their very own Yusei Fudo. She dreamt of becoming a strong hero just like them, and trained both her body and her card skills. It was because of this, that as Nova grew older, it became harder to overlook the everyday injustices she saw around her. Sure, it was mostly caused by the poverty they all lived in, but that didn't make it okay to steal and hurt others. One day, on her way home, Nova witnessed a mugging and couldn't stop herself from stepping in. She beat the thug in a fair duel, and then a fist fight after when he refused to accept his loss. The adrenaline rush and sense of fulfillment was like nothing Nova had ever felt before, and she found herself taking to the streets to dispense justice at every opportunity.

While the thugs of Satellite couldn't beat Nova, in cards or otherwise, there was one glaring weakness that they could exploit. The next night Nova returned home from a successful night of crime fighting, she found that some punks looking for revenge waiting for her, her brothers as their hostage. With no way to fight back without putting them at risk, Nova was helpless. Their father came home from work that night to find his daughter beaten and raped on the floor while his sons huddled together, sobbing in the corner. The next day, their things were packed and they were moving to Domino City, regardless of the fact that they couldn't afford to live there. They lived on the streets for a time until they could find a one bedroom apartment to cram themselves into, and their father went back to working tirelessly. Nova was despondent, going through the motions of cooking and cleaning like a zombie, not just because of what she had suffered, but because her carelessness had almost cost her her brothers. Domino City was far more peaceful than Satellite, but not without its share of criminals. Every night, Nova heard the cries of those in danger, real or imagined, and forced herself to ignore them. It was too dangerous, and she was so tired... She had suffered so much already to help others, so why wasn't that enough? Why did her heart cry out for her to get back out there and do it all again? In the end, Nova couldn't ignore the call. She signed up to enter Domino Academy to hone her skills, and resumed her nightly patrols. This time, she was much smarter about it though. She wore a simple mask to hide her face and a baggy sweatshirt to help conceal her figure, and patrolled the city far from her home. So long as she kept winning, Nova was free to dispense justice, now safe in the knowledge that her actions couldn't lead back to her family.

Personality: True to her name, Nova has a fiery personality, and is never afraid to stand up for what she believes to be right. Despite her ordeal, she's still more than willing to cast herself head first into danger, though she has become more cautious about when or how she goes about it since then. To those she cares about, she has a nurturing, almost motherly side. She's not afraid to dole out some tough love, but she'll also protect them with everything she has, bordering on being a bit over protective at times. When in "hero mode" she becomes even more bold and boisterous, striking poses and shouting heroic lines that even she might find far too embarrassing otherwise.
Skills: Brawling, Housekeeping, Never giving up
Deck Archtype: Elemental Heroes

Level: 1

HP: 16
SP: 10

Agility: 6
Strength: 10 +1
Dexterity: 8
Constitution: 9
Intelligence: 4
Wisdom: 5
Perception: 6
Charisma: 7

Stat Points: (Players may allocate 50 Stat Points, and gain 1 stat point every level, as well as an additional stat point every week for the stat that was used the most that week.)

Clothing: Strength +1
Top: Black Skintight Long Sleeve Shirt
Bottom: Dark Red Skirt
Feet: Black Combat Boots
Underclothes: Red Sports Bra and Panties
Jacket: Dark Red Jacket
Duel Gazer:
Belt 1:
Belt 2:
Belt 3:
Belt 4:
Belt 5:
Choker: (A character’s Choker is what grants them their unique Trait, and each player can message me with their ideas to finalize that unique Trait for their sheet. Each character starts with one. Effects can affect the duel OR work outside of duels.)

Cawks: 9