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RWBY: Daylight Dies (OOC/Sign-Ups)

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 9:57 pm
by RandomRoninKitten
RWBY: Daylight Dies



In the world of Remnant, there exists soulless creatures known only as the Grimm. These creatures are the harbingers of destruction, and they have been the enemy of mankind for as long as history has recorded. For reasons unknown, they would hunt down and terrorize man, killing and destroying with nothing but hatred no one could dare to understand. These creatures are powerful, come in many different shapes and sizes, and are legion.

But humanity was not defenseless. In time, powerful warriors rose up to challenge them. They learned the ways of their Aura, and used Dust and their combat abilities to hunt the strongest of the Grimm and obliterate the weakest. They became a symbol of hope for Remnant. They were the Huntsmen and Huntresses. More of these warriors are trained every day to produce new defenders of humanity who would battle the Grimm to keep the kingdoms safe. You are just one of these hopefuls who attend Ixion Academy in the Kingdom of Cirrus. You will learn the ways of Aura and how to fight terrible threats.

However, in these newer days, the threats Huntsmen combat are not just the Grimm. Sometimes, other humans seem more dangerous than the hunters of man ever could be...

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Cirrus is one of the five kingdoms of Remnant, located on the continent of Caritas to the west of Vale and north of Vacuo. The kingdom is perched on top of several mountaintops, with massive and intricate stone walls gilded with gold surrounding the kingdom within. Due to the height at which it was built, most people travel to cirrus via Bullethead instead of taking the long (and dangerous) walkway up to the gates.

Cirrus's culture is built on the themes of inspiration, spirit, and originality. The kingdom's technology is second only to atlas, with cutting edge and intricate machinery that works on common and sometimes poorer resources, yet the end result is no less beautiful. The entire kingdom seems to run on steam engines and dust instead of electricity, making it seem a bit traditional or medieval at times, and the people are known to all be rather handy with a gadget or two.

Cirrus is ruled chiefly by a noble council rather than a king. The kingdom was founded by the richest merchants in remnant, and thus, its economy is the largest of the five kingdoms. The four noble families who rule cirrus are the Goldwin, Rubear, Gates, and Eden families.

Cirrus's laws are... seen as pretty questionable by the other kingdoms. It's the only kingdom where slavery is still legal and widely employed, but it has slave protection laws and terms of slavery. Slaves are typically put to work to pay off a debt or as severe punishment and, depending on their contract, they may be permitted to refuse some orders. Their rights are protected by the National Slavers' Association (NSA). Furthermore; honorable duels are also commonplace among huntsmen and huntresses within Cirrus. These duels allow the victor one favor of whichever they wish of the loser. It's a tradition that has been hammered deep into the culture.

Combat System:
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Melee+Bow Physical Attacks:
Step 1:
Attack Dice:
[Dexterity]+[Modifiers influencing hit chance]+[1d20]

Defense Dice:
[Agility]+[Modifiers influencing hit chance]+[1d20]

If Attack Dice is higher than Defense Dice, the attack is successful, move to step 2. If Attack Dice is lower than Defense Dice, the attack missed.
Step 2:
Attack damage is equal to [Strength]+[Weapon Dice]-[Target Constitution]=Damage

Gun Physical Attacks:
Step 1:
Attack Dice:
[Dexterity]+[Modifiers influencing hit chance]+[1d20]

Defense Dice:
[Agility]+[Modifiers influencing hit chance]+[1d20]

If Attack Dice is higher than Defense Dice, the attack is successful, move to step 2. If Attack Dice is lower than Defense Dice, the attack missed.
Step 2:
Attack damage is equal to [Precision]+[Weapon Dice]-[Target Constitution]=Damage

Dust Checks:
Step 1:
Attack Dice:
[Intelligence]+[Modifiers influencing hit chance]+[1d20]

Defense Dice:
[Agility]+[Modifiers influencing hit chance]+[1d20]

If Attack Dice is higher than Defense Dice, the attack is successful, move to step 2. If Attack Dice is lower than Defense Dice, the attack missed.
Step 2:
Attack damage is equal to [Intelligence]+[1d20]-[Target Wisdom]=Damage

If the attack has a status, move to Step 3.
Step 3:
[Intelligence]+[1d20]=Status Roll

[Wisdom]+[1d20]=Status Resistance Roll

Stat Check Mechanics:
[Initiator’s Associated Stat]+[1d20]=Stat Roll

[Target’s Associated Stat]+[1d20]=Defense Roll

If Stat Roll is higher than Defense Roll, the check is successful. If the Defense Roll is higher, the check is failed.

Glancing Blow:
In an instance in which defense dice and attack dice are equal, the attacker rolls a 1d4 to determine damage. 1-2 results in 50% damage, and 3-4 results in 75% damage.
Each time a physical attack misses the target, the character which missed their physical attack gains a stack of Determination. Each stack of Determination grants +1 Dexterity. Upon landing a successful attack, all Determination stacks are consumed.
Chain Attacks:
When a character lands a successful physical attack, that character may attack again. If a character misses a physical attack, the enemy that the character missed may counter-attack. If a character blocks an attack, that character may counter-attack the enemy whose attack was blocked.
Chain Attacks are limited to 1 additional attack for every 10 Dexterity a character has, to a minimum of 1.

Once per-turn, after attacking once with their weapon, a character may transform that weapon and move one distance, then attack again(This does not count towards a character’s Chain Attack limit).

Universal Actions:

Universal actions are a few standard actions characters can take in battle. Most of them are designed to open up an advantage and allow for any strategizing.

The user attempts to grab onto the target. Must pass an Agility Vs Agility contest weighed in the initiator’s favor ((1d20+AGI)-(1d12+AGI).
Effects: Target is grappled and unable to move, and they may not be able to attack. Must pass a Strength Vs Strength OR Strength Vs Agility contest in order to escape.
Extra: User can disarm the target, or damage their equipment for 1 HP, with the disarm requiring a Dexterity check.
Extra 2: User can attempt to molest the target and drain 25% of their aura. Must pass a Spirit contest.
Extra 3: User can throw the target a certain amount of distance away, with the amount being 1 range for every 4 points in Strength. Must pass a Strength check.

Targeted Attacks:
The user attacks a specific part of the target’s body.
Effects: Enemy may take extra damage or receive a status effect depending on where they’re hit.
Head: Attack’s Critical Window is increased from 20 to 18-20
Arms: Apply -25% Strength to the target
Legs: Apply -25% Agility to the target
The user attempts to sneak around the target. Must pass an Agility Vs Agility contest weighed in the defender’s favor ((1d12+AGI)-(1d20+AGI).
Effects: All attacks’ critical windows are increased from 20 to 16-20.
Extra: Grapple attempts automatically pass the check.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Dust is a consumable item that can cause a variety of effects, from status effects, to area effect damage, to healing, to buffing. Dust can only be used once per-turn, and has effects and accuracy that are augmented by character intelligence. Dust Checks are made easier by integrating it into the character’s weapon.

Currency and Leveling:
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Lien is a universal currency that’s exchanged all across Remnant. Lien can be obtained by completing missions and defeating Grimm, among other methods.

Shops can be located within cities, where Lien can be spent on Equipment, Dust, Items, and weapon components. Various other services may also be available.

Experience and Leveling:

Experience required to level up: x^3+9

Experience received: Sum of enemy’s stats

Each time a character levels up, they recover 1d4 HP and Aura for every 10 Max HP or Aura that the character has.

Each level, characters gain 1 stat point which can be freely allocated.

Weapon Construction:
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Weapon Construction:
Huntsmen weapons are typically composed of two modes and capable of transformation. Due to the unique nature of their weapons, all huntsmen are expected to make and maintain their weapons themselves. How that weapon is made and what is used to make it all depends on the weapon’s Type.

While parts typically belong to a specific type of weapon, players are not limited to building specific weapons. A player’s weapon is instead a name, and any weapon built from any parts will instead be attached to that name, regardless of how many parts are replaced on that weapon. Thus, your weapon can be formed with any parts. Keep in mind that its Type may change depending

Bladed Weapon Components:
Handle: The part of the weapon that you hold.
Blade: The part of the weapon that you hit things with.
Dust Chamber: A component that can be added to the weapon to allow the usage of Dust through that weapon.
Accessory: Some accessories can be attached to the weapon.

Gun Weapon Components:
Grip: The part of the weapon that you hold.
Barrel: The part of the weapon that the ammunition exits through.
Body: The part of the weapon that houses the operating parts.
Stock: The part of the weapon that the barrel and firing mechanism are attached to.
Dust Chamber: A component that can be added to the weapon to allow the usage of Dust through that weapon.
Accessory: Some accessories can be attached to the weapon.

Bow Weapon Components:
Grip: The part of the weapon that you hold.
Limbs: The part of the weapon that holds the string.
Bowstring: The part of the weapon that’s used to fire arrows.
Dust Chamber: A component that can be added to the weapon to allow the usage of Dust through that weapon.
Accessory: Some accessories can be attached to the weapon.
Accessory 2: Some accessories can be attached to the weapon.

Shield Weapon Components:
Grip: The part of the weapon that you hold.
Boss: The part of the weapon used to block.
Dust Chamber: A component that can be added to the weapon to allow the usage of Dust through that weapon.
Accessory: Some accessories can be attached to the weapon.
Accessory 2: Some accessories can be attached to the weapon.

Polearm Weapon Components:
Pole: The part of the weapon that you hold.
Head: The part of the weapon that you hit things with.
Dust Chamber: A component that can be added to the weapon to allow the usage of Dust through that weapon.
Accessory: Some accessories can be attached to the weapon.
Accessory 2: Some accessories can be attached to the weapon.

Whip Weapon Components:
Handle: The part of the weapon that you hold.
Thong: The part of the weapon that hits things.
Dust Chamber: A component that can be added to the weapon to allow the usage of Dust through that weapon.
Accessory: Some accessories can be attached to the weapon.

Glove Weapon Components:
Body: The part of the weapon that covers your palm and the back of your hand.
Fingers: The part of the weapon that covers your fingers.
Dust Chamber: A component that can be added to the weapon to allow the usage of Dust through that weapon.
Accessory: Some accessories can be attached to the weapon.

Boot Weapon Components:
Body: The part of the weapon that covers most of your foot.
Fingers: The part of the weapon that covers your toes.
Dust Chamber: A component that can be added to the weapon to allow the usage of Dust through that weapon.
Accessory: Some accessories can be attached to the weapon.

Dust-Based Weapon Components:
Body: The base of the item that’s been altered/infused with Dust.
Dust Chamber: A component that can be added to the item to allow the usage of Dust to weaponize it.

The components used to build a weapon are what determines its stats and range, as well as whether or not Dust can be used through said weapon. The type of components also determine the weight of the weapon. Heavier weapons will add certain benefits, while causing the user to suffer certain drawbacks, while smaller weapons may grant different benefits. Once the weapon is fully assembled from two or more parts, it can change back and forth from the primary and sub weapon modes.

Character Sheets:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: (First and last name, middle and/or nickname if desired)
Age: (18+)
Gender: (Are you a boy, or are you a girl?)
Appearance: (Picture is preferred, very detailed description also accepted)
Personality: (Give a description of your character's personality and mannerisms)
Background: (Give a comprehensive backstory for your character before joining the academy)

HP: 7(When this stat reaches 0, the character becomes Downed)
Aura: 20(Used for Semblance and Aura Skills)

Agility: 1(Used for evading attacks)
Strength: 1(Used for inflicting engaged physical damage)
Precision: 1(Used for determining ranged damage)
Dexterity: 1(Used for hitting targets)
Intelligence: 1(Used for determining the effectiveness of Dust)
Wisdom: 1(Used to defend against Dust)
Constitution: 1(Physical defense)
Spirit: 1(Used for Aura and Semblance stuff)
Charisma: 1(Used for interaction)

Stat Points: 17+2d7(Discard the lower dice result)

Semblance: (Player-selected)

Aura Skills:(Select 2 from the list in the next spoiler)

Equipment: (Your character starts with basic clothing that grant no bonuses)
Upper Body:
Lower Body:

Weapon:(Give a name for your weapon, and what type it is)
Sub-Mode:(Your weapon cannot yet transform)


Starting Aura Skill Choices:
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Recover(2A): Recover 1d4HP.
Boost Agility(2A): Increase your Agility by 25%.
Boost Strength(2A): Increase your Strength by 25%.
Boost Dexterity(2A): Increase your Dexterity by 25%.
Reinforcement(2A): Heal a piece of equipment by 1d2HP.
Aura Blast(4A): Fire a condensed shot of Aura at a target.
Aura Charge(1A): Recover 1d4 Aura after successfully landing your next physical attack.
Aura Transfer(1d4A): Target character(Cannot target the user) gains the skill cost multiplied by two as Aura.

Discord Server:
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1. This RP will be DM'd by mrblah and RandomRoninKitten.
2. Our minimum player count is 3, and our max is 8.
3. Discord server is mandatory for those wishing to play. It's where we'll do battles, as well as regularly talk to our players and discuss any changes made to the mechanics.
4. Expected size of the RP... uh, big? Probably. Hopefully.

Re: RWBY: Daylight Dies (OOC/Sign-Ups)

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 3:57 am
by Mark3000
Name: Lucilla Vavanova

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Appearance: ... 20original

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Personality: Lucilla is a very driven girl with a cool, reserved demeanor. She believes strongly in her own personal strength and prides herself on being independent. It would be a mistake to dismiss this confidence as cockiness or arrogance. Despite this confidence, she can be rather submissive when dealing with people she perceives as having a higher social standing then her. Lucilla will differ to authority figures with little pushback.

Background: Lucilla grew up in an impoverished family on the streets of Cirrus’s capital. Everyday her parents would go out in search of work. While they were out she would take to the streets to perform. With a small pan flute she would dance and play for all those who would stop.

While most people passed her by, there was always one person who stayed for the whole thing. His name was Victor Valentina . He was a rather young merchant with an expensive suit and a white fedora. When the performance was finished, the man would talk to Lucilla and ask her about her hopes and dreams. When she mentioned wanting to becoming a Huntress to provide for her parents, a light glimmered in the man’s eye. Soon, Lucilla found herself gifted with a new pan flute and dresses. Her parents were employed in one of his factories. He even sponsored Lucilla so she could attend a well-known Primary Combat School.

When Lucilla finally turned 18, she was invited to the Valentina estate to meet a few of Victor’s “Friends” She had known of Victor’s reputation an infamous lecher who’s offered young woman to rich clients. When his friends finally made their move, Lucilla didn’t resist. Mr. Valentina had given her so much that it was her turn to repay his kindness. By the end of the night, Lucilla was left a cum-soaked mess on the merchant’s lavished bed. Smoking a cigar, he looked down at Lucilla and made her an offer. He would provide her with the funds to attend Ixion Academy if she agreed to work for him as a prostitute. Still in a daze, she agreed.

From then on, most of Lucilla’s time was divided between training and meeting clients. Sometimes things were as simple as acting as an escort. Other times Lucilla was fucked silly by large groups of men. Neither of her parents commented on the influx of money or the gifts she got from said clients. Whether or not they knew what she was doing, Lucilla couldn’t say. Word began to spread at the Primary Combat School about her sexual exploits. Young huntsman-to-be would approach her with whatever cash they had for even blowjob. She eventually earned the nickname ‘Easy-Lucy’. When she graduated and applied for Ixion, Lucilla looked to put that nickname behind her and focus in becoming a top notch Huntress.

HP: 7/7
Aura: 20/20

Agility: 6 (Used for evading attacks)
Strength: 3 (Used for inflicting engaged physical damage)
Precision: 3 (Used for determining ranged damage)
Dexterity: 6 (Used for hitting targets)
Intelligence: 3 (Used for determining the effectiveness of Dust)
Wisdom: 2 (Used to defend against Dust)
Constitution: 2 (Physical defense)
Spirit: 2 (Used for Aura and Semblance stuff)
Charisma: 5 (Used for interaction)

Stat Points: 23/23

Miasma: Lucilla converts her aura into poisonous gas that she can exhale to fill a small area. When mixed with small amounts of Dust, the gas takes on different properties.

Aura Skills:
Boost Agility: (2A) Increase your Agility by 25%.
Boost Dexterity: (2A) Increase your Dexterity by 25%.

Upper Body:
Lower Body:

Weapon: Revolving Rose (Pair of Red Chakrams, Bladed Weapon)



Re: RWBY: Daylight Dies (OOC/Sign-Ups)

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 8:11 am
by Littlemankitten
Name: Sicilia Moriell
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Personality: Sicilia is a shy and timid girl. She has always struggled with social interaction even from a young age. Not for a lack of trying either, she has tried many times in various stages of her life to try and make friends and companions, however each attempt has ended in failure and even if she did make a friend they drifted apart rather fast. This has led Sicilia to distance herself from others, and instead focused on gaining happiness from other sources. It would turn out this happiness would come from combat. While she struggles in social interaction, Sicilia revels in combat. She finds it simultaneously invigorating and therapeutic, something she can relieve stress with and enjoy. This creates a stark contrast in character between her day to day life and during battle.

Background: Silicia led a fairly boring life for most of her time on the world. She went to a normal school and did generally nothing remarkable except struggle to make friends until she was around 15. It around that time the grimm attacked the village she lived in, slaughtering all in their path. Unlike the rest of the town she lived in, Sicilia did not run or hide. Why she did not is not known even to herself. What she did instead was take the weapon of a downed guard and fight back. Unsurprisingly this didn't go super well for her. However, she stood her ground for a long time for someone that had no previous combat experience. Despite this, the grimm were beginning to overwhelm her, and she knew that she would soon die. But she didn't care. She had never felt so happy as when she was slashing at the Grimm, standing her ground and about to die. Before that could happen, a group of huntsmen and huntresses appeared. They saved her from the grimm that were about to kill her, as well as those that still lived in her village, which included her mother. Ever since that day, Sicilia trained in various forms of combat on her own and with the few remaining towns guard. Her goal was to become a huntress like those that saved her, and feel that happiness she felt in combat once again.

HP: 7(When this stat reaches 0, the character becomes Downed)
Aura: 20(Used for Semblance and Aura Skills)

Agility: 4(Used for evading attacks)
Strength: 6(Used for inflicting engaged physical damage)
Precision: 1(Used for determining ranged damage)
Dexterity: 5(Used for hitting targets)
Intelligence: 3(Used for determining the effectiveness of Dust)
Wisdom: 3(Used to defend against Dust)
Constitution: 5(Physical defense)
Spirit: 4(Used for Aura and Semblance stuff)
Charisma: 2(Used for interaction)

Stat Points: 0

Semblance: Sound Manipulation: Sicilia is able to manipulate sound waves with her semblance in whatever way she wants.

Aura Skills:
Recover(2A): Recover 1d4HP
Boost Agility(2A): Increase your Agility by 25%

Equipment: (Your character starts with basic clothing that grant no bonuses)
Upper Body:
Lower Body:

Weapon: Crimson Maw (Broadsword, bladed)


Re: RWBY: Daylight Dies (OOC/Sign-Ups)

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 3:13 pm
by MiscChaos
Name: Emma Nightingale
Age: 21
Gender: Female

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Personality: Emma is used to leading. It’s become something of a default state of being to her. Because of this, she is bossy since she’s used to commanding her troops and making sure they aren’t being dumb fucks. At the same time, she realizes that troops despise leaders who do NOTHING but boss them around even if it’s for their own good. So she’s used to using the carrot and the stick. Build her people up, make them the best they can be, give her orders in a tactful way, and then show no mercy if they fuck up. So she is bossy, but hopefully in a way where the person being commanded doesn’t have a problem doing so. Due to living on the streets for all of her life, she’s also quite vulgar since she never had any kind of manners instilled into her.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Emma grew up on the streets of some no-name town out in the middle of fucking nowhere. It was one of those places where there’s very clearly a class divide, where you can see the “haves” and the “have-nots”. Emma was very clearly one of the have-nots. And by the time she was 6 she was fucking sick of it. The thing about making people so broke that they’re forced onto the streets is you give the angry a lot of people to network with. And those people you find are usually very willing to do whatever the hell it takes to get a meal. She started small. She grabbed some of the other kids she saw starving on the streets and said “You wanna live? Or you tryin’ to die here?” Surprisingly enough, all of them wanted to live. So she set it up: couple kids acted as a distraction, one or two to be the lookout, and then one or two to raid one of the posh ass shops with all the food. Then when she got a few successes under her belt, she drew the adults into it, starting with her own parents. The distractions got more effective as ladies can offer so much more to the shopkeepers to keep them occupied, so they could take more. But they had to be smart so that their theft was not noticed right away. That shit was likely to get the distraction hurt or killed. Besides that, there was another play in action: Either the distraction gave themselves up for food so that was another food source coming in or the distraction got knocked up by the shop keep and got off the streets as they were forced to take responsibility for the kid. No one wanted what happened to those who left bastards laying around and the only way to conceal it would be to kill the mother. Given the amount of people who knew that the distraction was pregnant, this wouldn’t be possible.

Eventually this created new problems: people started beefing up security around the shops and the keepers stopped being tricked into skipping contraception. So she started targeting rich households instead. Since this was a whole new set of dangers, she starting training everyone in combat as best she could so that when things got heavy, they could work their way out and hide. She didn’t expect anyone to win, just to survive to fight another day. Eventually this blew up into full on class warfare with her have-nots committing guerrilla warfare on the haves and the haves roping law enforcement into taking them out or just dirtying their own hands.

She’s still not sure how it would have ended, but it didn’t matter anyway. One day Grimm, attracted by all the negativity brewing in the area, ran through the town and destroyed it. They slaughtered everyone in their way. By the time the dust had settled, there were no more haves and have-nots, just a small group of battered survivors. There are few things Emma finds unforgivable. The murder of those under her is at the top of that list. First thing was to relocate everyone to somewhere that was at least semi safe. Then she made her way to Ixion Academy, one of the best academies out there from what she was told. What she wasn’t given, she stole to be able to travel to it. Having stolen a weapon, boots that she dubbed Innocent Monster, from one of the former haves before leaving, she was armed and ready to learn how to destroy the Grimm and avenge her fallen.

HP: 7
Aura: 20

Agility: 3
Strength: 3
Precision: 2
Dexterity: 3
Intelligence: 4
Wisdom: 3
Constitution: 3
Spirit: 5
Charisma: 4

Semblance: Territorial Protection- Emma is fiercely protective of those she considers hers and firmly believes in keeping them as healthy as possible. Her semblance reflects this, healing all comrades in range while she uses it. Her semblance leaves a sort of residue on those it affects, marking them as hers. If those marked are harmed, bad things happen for those who did the harming. Extra effects can be added based on the dust she currently has loaded into Innocent Monster

Aura Skills:
Aura Charge(1A): Recover 1d4 Aura after successfully landing your next physical attack.
Aura Transfer(1d4A): Target character(Cannot target the user) gains the skill cost multiplied by two as Aura.

Head: Bog Standard Hairband
Upper Body: Strapless Crop Top/Jacket Combo
Lower Body: Hot Pants

Weapon: Innocent Monster (Boots)
Sub-Mode:(Your weapon cannot yet transform)


Re: RWBY: Daylight Dies (OOC/Sign-Ups)

PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 10:30 am
by Blue56
Name: Amelia Picton
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Personality: Amelia is a rather timid and shy woman. She is definitely more of a follower than a leader and as a result of her upbringing, she is very lacking in confidence as well as a formal education. Amelia tends to be a very hard worker, but she usually does so in the background and avoids taking the spotlight. That all changes once she takes hold of her weapon however, her personality almost does a complete 180. Amelia becomes incredibly sure of herself, almost to the point of overconfidence, and tends to take point in battle, putting herself in the forefront of the fight to act as a shield for her allies.

Background: Amelia is the daughter of a pair of slaves who met and fell in love while in service to the Goldwin family. Her mother was a thief, who stole a great deal of valuables before she was finally caught and sentenced to slavery for her crimes, while her father was a merchant, and a particularly unlucky one who's failures in business led him to incur a large debt to the Goldwins that he is still working off to this day. Though technically not a slave herself, Amelia has been working in service to the Goldwins as well from a very young age, in order to earn her keep. There are far worse things in the world that being the servant of a powerful family, but it was not without its own set of challenges. Amelia was looked down on by just about everybody, the upper class and her fellow servants alike, as there is little more lowly than the child of slaves. She quickly learned that the best place for her was to stay productive, but out of sight and out of everybody's way. No one could berate her if they couldn't see her, and they couldn't complain if she did her work after all.

As Amelia grew up, it became obvious to her parents that this was not a healthy way of life for their daughter. They wanted her to live a happy life, even if it was somewhere that they could not follow. The Huntsmen would accept Amelia, regardless of her social status, but she was incredibly lacking in combat training. Her mother tried to pass on some of her thieving skills to her daughter, but Amelia lacked the knack for it. Instead, her father traded in a few favors with some of the household guards, who agreed to train Amelia in their free time. Of all the weapons they had her try out, Amelia felt the most comfortable as long as she had a shield in her hand. Her timid nature led her to seek out extra protection whenever she could. Amelia trained ceaselessly whenever she wasn't performing her duties as a servant, and for the first time in her life, she started to feel a little more sure of herself whenever she held her shield and fought with it. The stronger she became, the more she began to believe that she really could be a Huntress after all, although that confidence quickly left her the moment she let go of her shield, and she became her usual timid self outside of training. That belief was the key to discovering the Semblance that lay dormant within her. With her training complete, Amelia applied to enter Ixion Academy. Her funds were lacking to say the least, so her shield was made from only basic materials and they couldn't afford any dust enhancements, and her education was a bit lacking as well, but through her persistence and hard work, she managed to get accepted. Her parents wanted her to live freely and on her own terms, but unbeknownst to them, Amelia had another goal in mind. She wanted to use the money she earned hunting Grimm to pay off her parent's debts and earn their freedom at long last.

HP: 7
Aura: 20

Agility: 2
Strength: 5
Precision: 2
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 2
Wisdom: 5
Constitution: 6
Spirit: 4
Charisma: 2

Stat Points: 24

Mind Over Matter: Amelia's belief in her own strength is made manifest by her Aura, further enhancing her physical abilities, helping her shrug off status effects and damage as well as hit harder. The effect is lessened as her health, and thus her confidence in herself, is lowered.

Aura Skills:
Recover(2A): Recover 1d4HP.
Aura Blast(4A): Fire a condensed shot of Aura at a target.

Upper Body:
Lower Body:

Weapon: Liberation's Bulwark, Shield Type
Sub-Mode:(Your weapon cannot yet transform)


Re: RWBY: Daylight Dies (OOC/Sign-Ups)

PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 7:33 pm
by cliffracer
Name: Hunter Sleiper
Age: 20
Gender: F
Appearance: [GALLERY LINK, NSFW WITHIN] Hunter is a short and athletically-built girl with a half-shaven head, any potential for "being tall" or "having tits" getting funneled straight in to leg strength and a big butt for her build. She's got a constant sharp look in her brillaint blue eyes that gives her a resting bitch face, but she's usually smiling often enough to offset it. She dresses light and casually, preferring to wear things that make her look like a delinquent that she can still have freedom of movement in. This leads to her favorite 'tanktops' actually being t-shirts with sloppily torn-off sleeves, and if she's forced to wear a uniform, she always finds a way to toe the line of the dress code.

Personality: Hunter is an excitable punk of a woman, all of that potential height she could have had being converted in to hotheadedness and disrespect for personal space. She's definately a bit of an idiot and doesn't educate easily, but she's fantastic at thinking on her feet and learning through doing. Her simple nature makes her quick to form grudges and quicker to trust, but she's at least honest about her thoughts and her feelings. Hunter has a notable weakness to attractive women, especially strong ones, or ones that don't respect HER personal space.

Background: Hunter is one of the daughters of a quite wealthy family, but never really took to the wealthy elite lifestyle. She found herself constantly cramped by the whole affair, her folks owning slaves felt strange to her, being doted on annoyed her, and she couldn't stand the idea that she'd be viewed certain ways because of the family she was born in to. So, at 13, after retaining practically none of her expensive education so far, she ran away from home with plenty of cash to survive and took up the current name she's known by. It wasn't the... quietest getaway, literally or socially, but she managed to vanish from her family all the same. Much to their embarassment.

She found a solo life among the poorer folk of Cirrus to suit her more. What she learned on her own she saw as more valuable, more practical. She ended up finding a way to make a livable income by helping an older shopkeeper stock and sort goods, her Semblance giving her an easy time with the high shelves that neither would've been able to reach on their own. He ended up becoming a new father figure of sorts for her, a healthy dose of her positive morals coming from her time working for him.

Throughout her life though, Hunter knew how much of an issue the Grimm were, and she always felt restless not being out there participating in the fight against them. When she turned 20, she decided she'd enroll with a bit of endorsement from her basically-adopted-dad, and ended up creating Jet Cyclone with some materials he kindly sourced for her. She wouldn't be around to help him, but he had other young folk lining up for a job thanks to some pushing from her, so enrolling was nearly guilt-free. She just had to hope she wouldn't run in to anyone who'd recognize her from her time as an upper-cruster and everything would be fine!

HP: 7
Aura: 20

Agility: 6 (Used for evading attacks)
Strength: 3 (Used for inflicting engaged physical damage)
Precision: 1 (Used for determining ranged damage)
Dexterity: 6 (Used for hitting targets)
Intelligence: 1 (Used for determining the effectiveness of Dust)
Wisdom: 4 (Used to defend against Dust)
Constitution: 3(Physical defense)
Spirit: 3 (Used for Aura and Semblance stuff)
Charisma: 5 (Used for interaction)

Stat Points: 17+2d7 (Discard the lower dice result) (dice results: 1 and 6.) TOTAL STAT POINTS TO SPEND: 23

Semblance: Gale Force - Hunter is able to generate gusts of wind and small tornados on her own, either to throw them as a weapon or use them for propulsion or protection. If she's got a lot of momentum behind her the potential strength of her winds increases dramatically, but she can't overdo it without getting dizzy. Able to mix with Dust.

Aura Skills: Boost Dexterity, Boost Agility

Head: A not-so-sensible haircut
Upper Body: Practical tanktop
Lower Body: Spats, an athletic skirt, thigh-high socks, and sneakers

Weapon: Jet Cyclone (Polearm Type) (A beautiful white telescopic staff)


Re: RWBY: Daylight Dies (OOC/Sign-Ups)

PostPosted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 4:18 am
by Nobudi
Still taking any more players?