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Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:26 pm
by CondorBoH
Ladies, gentlemen and everything in between, I give you the RP that not many people have been waiting for.
Little bit of a work in progress.

This will be a game based around the Fate series, with everybody's favourite Servants and such joining the fray! Maybe. Even if you have no personal investment with the Fate universe, I wont be bothering to apply the rules and backstory of that world to this game, just the primary premise and so on so forth.
There will be PvP elements, but there is nothing stopping the players from all working together. In addition, early enemies will be NPCs.

The Holy Grail War is a bloodstained ritual where seven Magi call forth seven Servants, Heroic Spirits from ages past, to fight. The winner of this crusade gains access to the Holy Grail, and have their wish granted by the artifact of divine power. The universal rules of each War are simple. The last Master and Servant left standing, wins.

However, this one will be different. We'll be ignoring that overarching plot and background that comes with Fate. Instead, this will be a Holy Fucking War! Or something less terribly titled.
You are Magi, whether young or old, you are all related by simply being at the same college, West Bank Extra Academy. Are you a teacher, student or something else? The majority of the campus aren't aware of the spellcasters that train within, but they certainly exist. By some twist of fate, you have been chosen to be a Master in the coming Holy Grail War. Though something seems different this time.
The lethality has been toned down, and losers must join the ones who defeated them as part of the victor's harem. The overall winner still gains a wish from the Grail, but everything has become so much more sexual. Even Servants who would normally be adverse to such things are twisted by this lewd contest! Not only that, but even if one loses, they can still return to battle on behalf of their new 'owner' or by betraying them and setting out once more.
Of course it wont be that easy.

Now then, where is this war being hosted? If you were thinking Japan, you're totally wrong. This one's set in Brisbane, Australia. Your characters can come from all over the world, but here something different will occur. Fight, love, win. Go forth, Masters and Servants, bring victory!
You will explore the city around you, investigate it and find secrets hidden within as you duel, discover things that weren't meant to be.

Each player starts with access to something called 'My Room'. Inside their home is an extra-dimensional space that only you and you allies can enter. It is huge, contains a huge bedroom and baths, hotsprings, everything you need to... relax with your Servant. Though you can't enter when being chased. That'd be too easy. Set about building your harem, make love and lots of sex as you advance through the Holy Grail War!

As part of this particular school, you've discovered that you're part of this version of the Holy Grail War. Normally a lethal death trap, it turns out that the powers that be are experimenting with a new version of the 'War', one seeped in love!
And sex, lots and lots of sex.
Upon game start, you'll be given a map of the surrounding city, key locations you can travel to and explore. Random encounters and other competitors await! Most monsters will try to fight you with lust-based attacks, making it very dangerous if you choose to abstain from love.

This game will be split into a series of Rounds. There will be 18 NPC-based Master/Servants. Every time Two Masters are defeated, whether player or NPC, a Round Ends. Until the GM dictates a new Round has begun, everyone exits combat and can interact without fear of attack. This invites the idea that partnerships can form.
If you are in the middle of combat when a Round Ends, then your combat also ends on a draw. Players who have already been defeated and are defeated again don't count as a 'Round Defeat'.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

This game will be using a D20 system.
For combat, for example: Player stats will effect the results of the roll.

Magi: If you roll a 13-19, that is a hit. You deal Damage equal to 1 + your attack Modifier. 11-12 is a Glancing Blow, you only deal 1 + half (rounded down) your attack Modifier. If you roll a 20+, that is a critical. You deal damage equal to 1 + Attack Mod + 2x Luck. Anything less is a Miss.

Servants: Pretty much the same except the base damage is 2 instead of 1.
For example, if I make an Attack and have a Strength score of B (+ 3), my result will be (d20 + 3). Anything non-combat that requires a roll basically follows the same premise.
Oh yes, stats will be using a numbered system to match the source material.

EX (+5)
S (+4)
A (+3)
B (+2)
C (+1)
D ( 0)
E (-1)
F (-2)

The benefits are, admittedly, rather small for each score but I wanted to keep things very simple. Each rank has a Plus version that acts as a middle ground of sorts as you rank up (with exception of the lowest ranks). So B+ offers the same benefit of a B rank, but is a stepping stone for the A Rank.
An individual skill's leveling goes: F, E ,D, D+, C, C+, B, B+, A, A+, S, S+, EX.
The Servant's starting stats depend on what class they are, but players have the option to spread some stats around at the beginning. After defeating an enemy or playing excellently, Master and Servant will level up, gaining the option of increasing their stats.
On level up, a Master may increase one of their stats by a stage, and a Servant may increase two of theirs by one stage (Or one stat by two stages).

It's generally assumed that a Servant is defending their Master from attacks. So in combat, a Servant will be the primary target of attacks, though through trickery and traps a Master may be caught unawares!
To hit a Master you have to beat their Servant's Attack Roll on top of hitting. Well, as long as their Servant is still standing.

Lust Attacks:
Oh yes, what you're all here for. A Magi or Servant can make a sexual attack, by using magic or by doing a quick tease. You use either STR, AGI or MAG for the attack. STR involve showing off the body in slow detail, AGI involve a quick tease - fast flashing and flirts, and MAG involves outright magical manipulation. Lust attacks follow the same rules for normal attacks, but affect another health bar.

Each servant will have a stat called Loyalty that will go up once a Master and Servant grow closer. Each Servant starts at Loyalty level C, with the exception of Berserkers and Avengers who start at Level D. A Servant's Noble Phantasm is unlocked at Servant Level A. Servants are often prideful individuals who wont reveal their true identities unless they trust their master. At Servant Level A, they reveal to their Master their true identity and the full extent of their abilities. Ranks S and EX merely strengthen the bond between the two of you. This will result in a visual change of the character.
The ranking goes:

Servants are living individuals that have their own agenda separate from their Master's. This ranking doesn't serve a purpose of stat increase or additional numbers, merely a reward for good RPing. This rank goes up not through battle, but through character interaction and conversation. There is a mechanical bonus from A onwards, as a Servant starts to grow stronger than normal and unlocks their strongest attack.

Servant Matrix:
When you interact with an enemy Servant, you gain a 'Servant Matrix' directed towards them. This represents how much you know about the enemy servant. Each level in the Matrix adds a modifier to your actions towards that Servant as you formulate a plan to use against them. Knowledge is power. A Master who spends their time studying an enemy, to the point of having an EX, will have a huge advantage over a Master who knows nothing of their opponent.
The ranking goes:
EX (+3): You know the true identity of the target Servant and what their Noble Phantasm is. You have access to knowledge on all of their Skills.
A (+2): You know the abilities of the target Servant through studying them/piecing together information on them based on what you have seen.
B (+1): You know the class of the target Servant, giving you a vague idea of their abilities.
C ( 0 ): You know nothing of the enemy Servant.

So if I have an EX Matrix against my opponent, my attack is d20 + Attack Mod + 3.
If both Masters have an equal Servant Matrix against each other, the bonus is negated.
Noble Phantasm:
An NP is a powerful artifact that is the embodiment, or symbol, of the Servant's power and heroism. It is the name of both the object and their strongest attack. The NP can be a concept or a physical object. Some examples would be King Arthur's Excalibur, Gilgamesh's Treasury, EMIYA(archer)'s Unlimited Blade Works ability, Hercules' God Hand - Twelve Labours, Lancelot's honour or Cu Chulainn's Gae Bolg.
Unless the Noble Phantasm is a passive ability, a Servant will only reveal their ability to their Master if their Loyalty is at Rank A. At which point they can use it in battle. A Noble Phantasm Attack is an extraordinarily powerful attack, each one somewhat unique.

Instead of a rivaling attack roll, any who are targeted by such a strike make a roll to avoid or block it. Let's use Gae Bolg as an example. When thrown, the spear immedietly pierces the target's heart, then warps time and space so the strike hit in the first place. The victim makes a Magic roll, add their modifiers and try to beat their opponent's attack roll. If they do, the spear misses their heart and deals damage equal to 2x a normal attack. If it succeeds, the victim suffers 4x a basic attack + the user's AGI and the victim's LUK.

Being stabbed through the heart might not kill a Servant, but it will hurt a lot.

Noble Phantasms, specifically their mechanical effect and the specifics of the attack will be revealed/displayed when they are unlocked. They are unique and based on the Servant.

Command Seal
Masters have a mark called a Command Seal on them. This is the symbol of their bond with their Servant. The Command Seal has three 'stocks' of sorts, that can be consumed to do a bunch of things. However, they cannot be restored by any means. In this game, the seal's usage will be as brief but powerful buffs to your Servant. However, you may also consume a stock to order a Servant to do something they normally wouldn't. This can range from having them teleport to your side even if they are bound and sealed away, having them attack someone they would normally refuse to, order them to stab themselves in the chest or... well, you get the picture. It's an order that the body will obey even if the mind refuses.
A Seal can be used to: Empower an attack, guarantee a hit, increase a servant's durability briefly.

Health and Arousal - Losing
Upon sustaining a certain amount of damage, a player falls unconscious and loses to their opponent.
They can also be aroused to the point of begging for release, which involves having their Arousal maxed out. They still lose to their opponent, of course, but things get fun right away.
Servant HP is equal to 10 + twice Endurance. Magi HP is equal to 10 + Endurance
Servant A is equal to 10 + twice Luck. Magic A is equal to 10 + Luck.

After a Master loses, both Servant and Master are added to the victor's Harem. You are no longer a participator of the War, but are simply a subsidiary of your Owner. Servant's can lose separately to their Masters. As long as the Master wins or gets away, they can re-summon their Servant. While you are Owned, all of your attributes are decreased by two stages and your Owner can use a single Command Seal on you. You can rejoin the game as a full-on player by getting permission from your owner, defeat them in a contest or outright fight, or some other series of events.
But if you lose to that individual again, you can't escape. Unless you're an Avenger.

If your Owner loses, you transfer to whoever beat them.

Basically this keeps you in the game, but your victories are for another. You can fight back, backstab them or undermine them as you go, or obey them. Ultimately up to you!

Servant's cost their Master Mana. Each Master will have at least 100 Mana at the start. Servant Attacks cost 10 Mana each, Magic attacks cost 15. Using special skills costs 20-30 (depending), while a Noble Phantasm costs 50-60. You regain 10 mana per turn normally.
If you run out of Mana, your Servant can no longer make attacks. They can still act, but they begin to fade away until you have enough mana to attack again. You can spend a turn Charging to regain mana, which deals arousal damage equal to how much you gain (eg, 1 damage = 10 Mana restore). How much you restore is up to you.
Cause, like, in Fate's canon semen and sexual fluid is used to charge mana. The series was an eroge originally. On that note, having sex fully recharges your mana. It doesn't charge in between fights otherwise.

A Magi's spells/attacks cost 5 mana and their specials use 10-15.

Strength: Physical strength, the main attack stat of the Saber, Berserker and Rider(Riders may use STR or AGI) classes.
Agility: Speed and precision, the main attack stat of the Lancer, Assassin and Archer(Archers may use STR or AGI) Classes.
Magic: Magic power and defence, the main attack stat of the Caster class.
Endurance: Durability. Affects Health and some other results.
Luck: Affects a whole bunch of things, mainly damage reduction, mini games and crit damage. Primary attack stat for the Avenger class (Avengers may use LUK, STR or AGI).

Certain stats are used by certain classes for attacking, but circumstances may force them to use another stat. These situations could be checks, reacting to traps or defending against magic.
Servants are assigned a class, which grants them a specific ability. Some are RP focused, others are stat focused.

Saber: Battle Hardened - If you are damaged by a target that you also have damaged on the same turn, you take half damage.
Archer: Independent Action - You can act separate to your Master for longer periods of time, act without consuming mana or partially resist orders.
Lancer: Greater Magic Resist - You have a minimum Magic Resist A (+3).
Rider: Greater Riding - You may pilot any vehicle/animal with great skill, including divine and sacred beasts. Riders summon or call upon the powers of other beings or vehicles in combat, this ability adds half of your attack stat to theirs. What the Rider summons depends on the individual.
Caster: Territory Creation/Item Creation - You may create an area of special terrain that is advantageous to you and your Master. You gain + 2 to Magic related rolls while within your Territory. Item Creation allows you to spontaneously create mundane items, or spend time crafting enchanted/magical items.
Assassin: Presence Concealment - An invisibility cloak. Until you attack, you are nigh impossible to detect or notice, even granting you passage into sealed and protected places. Your Master is shrouded in a weaker version of this ability when you activate it.
Berserker: Madness Enhancement - Exchange sanity for power. Endurance and Strength are increased by Two Stages, but Luck and Magic are decreased by two stages too.
Avenger: Oblivion Correction/Mana Surge - Your unforgettable resentment and hatred gives you strength. You immedietly break free from defeat, freeing yourself from a victor's Harem at your whim and gain + 3 to all rolls against them. - You endlessly regain mana until your vengeance is dealt, gaining 30 per turn. Take Double Damage from all other Servants who you are not targeting for Vengeance.
Ruler: God's Resolution - Take half damage and deal double damage to all other servants. You have two Command Seals for each servant in the game and can freely negate their Noble Phantasms. Take double damage and deal half damage to Avengers, who are immune to the effects of your Command Seals and negation abilities.

This link leads to a list of skills for the Fate games, the first ones being class skills. You may read over them at your leisure.

Character Creation:
Now this will be a little different than normal. Players can be either a Magi or a Servant. Players can be matched with Players of the opposite type, or failing that they will get an NPC. I'll try to keep preference in mind, but again I'm aiming to get everyone partnered up with another player.
Magi will get to decide what type of Servant they want, but not specifically. You can either go full on random, or specify a class as well as gender.
Servants players can make up a Servant for themselves. Look over the Servant List from one of the games for some reference and for uh... what names are already taken.
Loli/child characters will be either skipped or aged up.
A Master will not know the identity of their Servant at the start of the game.

Additionally, all Magi use magic. So your Strength Attribute is pretty much you using enhancement magic to buff yourself up.

Please note that Avenger is a special class that is outside of the normal boundaries of the game. Avengers cannot win the Holy Grail, but they can steal it. For an Avenger to win, they will have to kill the NPC Ruler. Upon doing so, they become the Ruler and gain all of their abilities and can thus use them to win. Players cannot play a Ruler normally. Avengers are at a huge disadvantage against other players and need to seek the, pretty fucking strong boss, Ruler and take them down. Similarly, Avengers can't gain a Harem. You are playing a different game than everyone else.

Here is a (Partially complete) list of Servants existing within canon already. Use them for reference.
Magi Creation:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Age: (18+)
Appearance: (Pic if applicable)
Sex: (Male, Female, Futa/Herm)
Background: (Paragraph or two about your character and their personality)

Turn Ons:
Turn Offs:

Servant Preference:
Gender: (Male/Female/Futa - OK with genderbending the character if your roll lands on one that you don't like?)
OK with Player: Yes/No


HP - 10 + Endurance
Arousal - 10 + Luck
Mana - 100 + 10x MAG or LUK

You may have one B ranked skill, two C+ ranked skills, one C ranked Skill and one D ranked skill.
Strength: Physical strength and the stat used for heavy weaponry, like hammers and swords.
Agility: Swiftness and the stat used for light weaponry, like daggers and bows.
Magic: Magic power and defence. Affects Mana.
Endurance: Affects durability and HP.
Luck: Affects a lot of things kinda.

Signature Spell:
Magi focus on different types of spells, such as traps or buffs or fireballs. Pick from the list below, you will be able to cast it as a special ability.
Enhance (Stat): Temporarily increase a target's chosen stat by two stages.
Lay Trap: Set a trap in a particular area on the map. It detonates and deals damage.
Enhanced Strike: Deal an extra 2 damage on an attack.
Lust Mist: Everyone in the same area as you takes 1 Arousal damage each turn.
Twist Luck: You and your Servant's next attacks critical on a 19.
Lewd Ray: Temporarily implant your fetishes and desires within the target. Antics ensue.

Command Seal (3), Summoning Catalyst, Weapon (Make it up), Any other equipment or items your character would have on them normally.

Servant Creation:
You have the same stat spread as a Magi, but your class effects your stats.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Saber: +2 Ranks in STR and + 1 in END
Archer: + 2 Ranks in AGI and +1 in STR
Lancer: + 2 Ranks in AGI and +1 in MAG
Rider: + 1 Rank in STR, MAG and END
Caster: + 2 Ranks in MAG and + 1 in LUK
Assassin: +2 Ranks in AGI and +1 in LUK
Berseker: + 1 Rank in STR, END and AGI. Stacks with Madness Enhancement.
Avenger: + 2 Ranks in LUK and + 1 in END.

Age: (18+, but as a spirit you're probably WAY older than that anyway)
Appearance: (Pic if applicable)
Sex: (Male, Female, Futa/Herm)
Background: (Paragraph or two about your character and their personality)

Turn Ons:
Turn Offs:

Prefer Player Controlled Master?
(Avengers can play without a Master)


HP - 10 + 2x Endurance
Arousal - 10 + 2x Luck

You may have one B ranked skill, two C+ ranked skills, one C ranked Skill and one D ranked skill.
Strength: Physical strength and the stat used for heavy weaponry, like hammers and swords.
Agility: Swiftness and the stat used for light weaponry, like daggers and bows.
Magic: Magic power and defence. Affects Mana.
Endurance: Affects durability and HP.
Luck: Affects a lot of things kinda.

You have your Class Skill as well as two skills unique to your character. Read over the skill list and entries on existing servants of your class to get a good idea of what you want. These are Passive Abilities.
Basically you can sum it up like this: Saber (Artoria Pendragon) Has the following Skills: Battle Hardened, Invisible Air (Makes her sword invisible, rendering it impossible for an opponent to gain EX Matrix against her until she uses her Noble Phantasm) and Draconic Resistance (Her dragon's blood gives her Magic Resistance EX (+4), but that is ignored if the attack would be an anti-dragon one).
Something like that. Just think simple and balanced - fitting to your character. If you can't think of something, message me and I'll help you.

You have one Ability, an active attack that is decided based on your class, character and stats.

Noble Phantasm: This skill is locked at the start of the game.

Inventory: Base clothes, Modern Clothes, equipment and weaponry your character would logically have on them at all times.
Note: Servants can magically swap between outfits freely.

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 7:38 am
by Reaver
Name: Clarrisa the Crimson Carver
Age: 29
Class: Assassin
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Sex: Female
Background: The legend of Clarissa who's moniker would eventually be the Crimson Carver started off rather unambitiously in the in the beginning of the 18th century. Born in 1696 in England, Clarissa decided rather early on that she had no desire to stay within her own country. From a poor family, she had nothing to lose by leaving and sought out new adventures and sights. This led her to become a privateer, serving the Crown on the Caribbean sea and protecting merchant ships and hunting pirates. It was the adventure Clarissa was looking for but the pay was bad enough that she'd take up bodyguarding and bounty-hunting whenever the ship she was assigned to was in a port. Eventually, it snowballed into killing people that others paid her to, coordinating it with wherever the privateer ship she was working on would be porting next. To be fair Clarissa wasn't too good at assassinating in the beginning, but it helped that back then most of her targets were debtors or men that wooed wives away from their husbands. Clarissa wasn't trying to get famous for her works so oftentimes she'd frame or rat out her clients after the job was done and she received payment, using them to cover up her crimes and have enough time to skip port, taking a different privateer ship if necessary. Skipping town was usually just a precaution though, as most were unwilling to believe that a woman could have been that skilled with a blade and Clarissa never ever left behind witnesses in addition to usually covering her face.

There were many times where her gender allowed her to get close to targets surrounded by guards, and those were the times that events became bloodbaths. While she was proficient with a sabre, Clarissa preferred to work with multiple daggers as they were easily concealable and reduced the chances of successful parries on her while giving her an edge when fighting in alleyways. She could become a whirlwind of deadliness, using her speed and flexibility to create a confusing battleground for enemies to fight her on as she leaped over heads and ducked between legs, often delivering lethal strikes in between movements. While she'd never admit it, the English woman had a natural talent for killing. Rather she preferred to see her current profession as temporary and a current means of making money until a better one came along.

Despite her bad habit of selling out most of her clients after being paid, Clarissa did eventually attract the attention of a particularly ambitious man who wanted a Lord from England dead. The catch was that he needed to die at sea and it needed to look like an accident, and in return, she'd receive enough gold to put this cold career behind her. Obviously, the man expected her to fail or at least get caught after the deed, but the joke would be on him once she sold him out for a reward. The joke almost ended up being on her however as the Lord ended up being on a Ship of the Line, complimented by 1,250 sailors and soldiers. It took several days of skulking and meticulous murdering but by the end her knives had gone dull and the sharks wouldn't stop following the ship. The beginning had been the hardest part, figuring out whether to start with the guards on deck during the night shift or cull the ones that slept in their beds then work her way up. In the end, she had started on deck, slitting sentries' necks then tossing them overboard, killing off as many as possible, but always leaving just enough to not rouse suspicion from the next shift. She kept it up until the last night, when she decided that another night of culling would certainly tip them off and butchered everyone on board, starting with the sailors and soldiers in their bunks before cutting up any that crossed paths with her. Because of the size of the ship, it took a while for the whole ship to go on full alert as at first she only encountered small groups not expecting to be fighting for their lives against an assassin out to murder a whole ship full of people. Once the ship did go on high alert, Clarissa hid, taking advantage of the many nooks within the ship and using the time to get some sleep while the remainder of the crew fruitless scoured it for her. Then she went back to work, carving her way through the few fortified areas they had set up to hopefully last them the rest of the journey.

Afterward, it was just a matter of scuttling the ship when it was close enough to a colonized island so Clarissa could take a rowboat to civilization after a day or so of rowing. While she wasn't any kind of boat expert, she did a good enough job that the history books labeled the boat as one that had sunk from rough waters and probably a storm. It was good enough for her client so it was good enough for her, and as such got her paid. The small fortune was enough to buy a small plot of land on the countryside of England, something that would suit her fine as she was 34 and ready to have a quiet life, of course after tying up one last loose end....

It turned out that her client was another Lord that had a rivalry with the one she had whacked before. There were some other details in there as well but Clarissa truly could have cared less. He was a noble but he died like everyone else, what else was there to it? With a small fortune in the form of a banknote, Clarissa boarded a vessel bound for England, to finally settle down and live the rest of her days in relative peace. Or rather would have if she hadn't drowned at sea after being tossed overboard by harsh winds during a storm. It was quite the unexpected way for Clarissa to die, almost ironic that on her way to a peaceful life she had been put to rest. However, to her it was just unfair and cruel of fate to do. As the lights slowly faded away to nothingness she wished that she could have had a life of peace instead of violence.

Turn Ons: Everything else pretty much
Turn Offs: Scat

Prefer Player Controlled Master?: No preference

HP - 12
Arousal - 12

You may have one B ranked skill, two C+ ranked skills, one C ranked Skill and one D ranked skill.
Strength: D
Agility: A
Magic: C+
Endurance: C+
Luck: C+

Presence Concealment - An invisibility cloak. Until you attack, you are nigh impossible to detect or notice, even granting you passage into sealed and protected places. Your Master is shrouded in a weaker version of this ability when you activate it.
Opportunity for bloodshed- In life Clarissa strove to end her targets when they were most vulnerable, whether that be when sleeping, bleeding out or trying to negotiate with her. Oftentimes they wouldn't even know they were a target until after the first strike. Attacking targets that are unaware, stunned, disarmed, not hostile, or fighting a different opponent increases the damage done to them on landed hits.
Fading Fighter- Back when she was alive Clarissa's fighting style revolved around first landing a strike then dodging until an opportunity to strike again presented itself. If it took too long, she was known to simply retreat then attack again once they were vulnerable. After landing an attack, retreating and evading becomes easier for Clarissa to do. Once her first attack in a fight lands, the chance to successfully retreat increases and don't change for the rest of the battle, only resetting after a successful retreat. In congruence, after her first attack lands her evasion chance rises every time her opponent doesn't land a full blow, stacking up to more two times before Presence Concealment activates the next turn. Once Presence Concealment activates the stacks reset; if Clarissa attempts to retreat before Presence Concealment is ready then the stacks will also reset.

You have one Ability, an active attack that is decided based on your class, character, and stats.
Mimicry- With no magic of her own for the grail to realize and manifest, instead it drew from the fear and stories of a red-haired butcher terrorizing the Caribbean with enough skill to kill whole ships worth of people. Surely a single person couldn't manage to do all of that and in time the stories depicted a gang of Irish gals that killed any and all men that slighted them or refused their advances. As the Assassin Class, this is personified by Clarissa being capable of creating a single indistinguishable clone to attack and distract for her. With her never putting to use the rumors of doppelgangers during her life, a single one is the maximum amount she can sustain at any given time. But that doesn't take away from the situational edge her fake can supply her with as it does possess all the skills and lethality that Clarissa does. Even though it does not possess her durability, capable of being slain in one blow if the opponent does guess which one is the fake or real one, she mostly only uses it to confuse her enemies rather than overwhelm them with a temporary number advantage.

Noble Phantasm: Scapegoat- Passive. Of all the impressive feats that Clarissa managed to do during her lifetime, probably her most impressive was never being discovered as the killer of any of the targets she murdered in her life. While that had in part to do that she oftentimes disguised herself while on jobs, it usually had to do with the fact that Clarissa often had a fall-guy ready and planned to give her enough time to skip port before they could figure out that they had either imprisoned or killed the wrong person. As a "heroic" spirit this feat manifests when Clarissa is in imminent danger of being incapacitated or killed, switching her location and condition with the closest non-hostile stranger in the area, effectively restoring her health and removing her from the battlefield, allowing her to completely flee or re-engage at her leisure. Temporarily she possesses the appearance of the stranger whose place she's taken and vice-versa, allowing her to avoid almost all forms of detection. Her own appearance that was put on the person, will remain even if they are killed for as long as Clarissa continues to wear theirs.
Inventory: Base clothes, Modern Clothes, equipment, and weaponry your character would logically have on them at all times.
Note: Servants can magically swap between outfits freely.

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:42 am
by KnightVanilla
Is this still up cause I'd love to make this work again?

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 1:18 pm
by CondorBoH
I mean if more than one person is interested in making this a thing, I'm down to try.

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 7:50 pm
by KnightVanilla
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name:Emile Grant
Age: 29
Appearance: Image
Sex: Male
Background: (Paragraph or two about your character and their personality)

Turn Ons:
Turn Offs:

Servant Preference:
Type: Character wants Lancer (Player wants Assassin)
Gender: Female
OK with Player: Yes


HP - 12
Arousal - 10
Mana - 120

You may have one B ranked skill, two C+ ranked skills, one C ranked Skill and one D ranked skill.
Strength: C
Agility: C+
Magic: B
Endurance: C+
Luck: D

Signature Spell: Enhance (Stat): Temporarily increase a target's chosen stat by two stages.

Command Seal (3), Summoning Catalyst, Staff, Any other equipment or items your character would have on them normally.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Reyna Valla 'The Blood Soaked Ogre'
Age: 30
Class: Avenger
Appearance: Image
Sex: Female
Background: Valla wasn't known for being a woman seeking solitude or even for her peaceful life... She was remembered for her desire for revenge. Within her village she grew as a mother to two children and a chivalrous knight who was fond of their life together. Unfortunately with her lineage of mages and her practice within mage craft. Although, the price of death was paid for by her family. In her sorrow and anger she vowed a blood oath of revenge on those that had done her family wrong. In her attempts to seek justice she had left a bloody trail of bodies that many mistook the atrocious deeds to be done by an Ogre or beast of myth. Her tale ends when her final attempt of revenge was on the noble her husband had sworn fealty to. The end of her myth is a blur as many iterations show either the righteous noble either defeating the beast or falling prey to it's bloodlust.

Reyna, despite her legend is quite a caring person. Very motherly and protecting to those she cares for, but is more than willing to set the world ablaze if it meant the protection of her loved ones. Outside of family she is quite a loner, but is attentive to those that earn her trust and friendship. Even so she would prefer solitude a majority of the time. In a fight her bloodlust shows through her humor... having gained a rather dark sense of humor after witnessing the deaths of her loved ones. Being summoned into this holy grail war has brought the desire of new life for both herself and her family... once she wins this war

Turn Ons:
Turn Offs:

Prefer Player Controlled Master?
Without if possibe.


HP - 14 Endurance
Arousal - 16 Luck

You may have one B ranked skill, two C+ ranked skills, one C ranked Skill and one D ranked skill.
Strength: C
Agility: D
Magic: C+
Endurance: B
Luck: A


Oblivion Correction/Mana Surge - Your unforgettable resentment and hatred gives you strength. You immedietly break free from defeat, freeing yourself from a victor's Harem at your whim and gain + 3 to all rolls against them. - You endlessly regain mana until your vengeance is dealt, gaining 30 per turn. Take Double Damage from all other Servants who you are not targeting for Vengeance.

Burning Blood: The closer to death the Avenger is the more dangerous she becomes. Her blood grows in heat till the point it hurts to be standing near her. This allows her to even use her own blood as a long range weapon. Her strikes while in a damage state seem to give off small explosions. Increases damage done once hurt and scales the closer to death Avenger is.

Coagulation: Her legend and title described her as an ogre... A beast... Flesh made harder than most weapons. There was some truth to this aspect of legend. In her days of understanding bloodmagic she has found ways to imbue blood with elemental properties. As such when wounded or having wounded another, Avenger pulls in the blood surrounding and reinforcing her skin. Many who underestimated her spread tales of her stone like skin. Inpenetrable from the blades that seeked to do her harm. Mechanics wise this works in tandom to the blood stacking. The more blood accumalted whether hers or her enemy's is used to reduce damage. The amount of damage reduced is aligned with the amount of blood stacked.(see noble phantasm for blood stack)

Ancestral Ink- Unlike most heroic spirits, the history of her lineage is etched into her skin. Overtime though the painted history was distorted by her anger and hate. If she had allowed her rage to blind her she would had made the perfect beserker... However her mental focus to alter her tattoos into a shapeshifting weapon that remains attached to her body. A unique ability to manipulate her tattoos to be either as sharp, hard, sticky, and soft as she wants them to be. Her normal used in combat allow her to throw the ink as a tether to pull herself to a destination, pull objects/enemies to her, or push objects/enemies away. As the ink is a physical extension to herself. All of her skills including her NP can be used within her ink.

Noble Phantasm: Blood Ties(active/Passive)- Within her legend as well as her lineage, the presence of blood was always the strongest presence that laid before her. As the Bloody Ogre, she draws strength upon spilled blood of her foes. Instead of feeding off of it like the ilk of Dracula, the Ogre was known to always be drenched in either her own blood or the blood of her foes. Once enough blood stacks up(I'll let you decide how much needs to be stacked to use active) the Ogre can either heal her wounds or use to empower an attack. Levels of stack heal and empower avenger to varying degrees.

Inventory: Base clothes, Modern Clothes, equipment and weaponry your character would logically have on them at all times.
Note: Servants can magically swap between outfits freely.

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:05 pm
by Reaver
I'm still willing to give this a try as well.

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:07 pm
by CondorBoH
I was actually just about to PM you about it. If we get one or two more players, I'll start working on NPCs and get the game started.

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:27 am
by Reaver
Sounds good to me. Also is the one ability, the active attack something different than the Noble Phantasm?

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:31 am
by CondorBoH
Yes. If I remember correctly (sorry, been a while since I wrote this) I think it was meant to be sort of a 'special' move. So you've got a normal attack order (hitting someone), a special attack (say, shooting a fireball or shadowcloning or whatever), and your super (The NP).

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 9:06 am
by KnightVanilla
Alright I edited some of Avengers abilities to better fit her theme. So we're just waiting on one more player?

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:18 pm
by Gorbaz
I'm willing to drop in to fill in that extra minimum slot, but I need to research Fate fist. I know next to nothing about it.

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:28 am
by CondorBoH
KnightVanilla Wrote:Alright I edited some of Avengers abilities to better fit her theme. So we're just waiting on one more player?

Yeah, pretty much

Gorbaz Wrote:I'm willing to drop in to fill in that extra minimum slot, but I need to research Fate fist. I know next to nothing about it.

Basically: Summon spirits of old heroes to fight for you in a contest to win a wish. Semen is also rich with magical energy, APPARENTLY.
Fate was an eroge originally iirc

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 12:52 pm
by Gorbaz
Whelp, I've watched a bit, and have two ideas. The one I think I'd be able to run with better would be that of a servant, if that is fine?

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Wu Chunhua, the black pilgrim.
Age: 27
Class: Berserker
Appearance: Image
Sex: Female
Background: Chunhua was born during the second century in Western China, but abandoned at birth in a flowering field. The motivations of her mother and father are unknown, possibly removing her because she was not what they wanted, but it matters little as she was found by a wandering monk. With no other family with which to place her, the kindly man took her back to his monastery, naming her Chunhua, or Spring Flower. While it was strange for them at first, the resident monks cared for the child and, as she grew, taught her the tenets of their faith. But as the roads were beset by demons and men, she was also taught the arts of combat that she could defend herself when she began her own pilgrimages.

When her time to leave came, she donned the traditional robes and collected her monk's spade, bid everyone farewell, and stepped out onto the roads that, 16 years earlier, she had been found upon. Her journey took her far and wide, visiting many villages and granting them blessings of good harvests, health, and appeasing the spirits of nature. Bandits were few and far between, but those that did approach her often demanded a "suitable alternative" to coins in order to allow her to pass. More often than not, she would seek an alternate path so that she would not have to confront them, but on occasion she had to exercise self-restraint to a far greater degree, letting the men quench themselves, and appease the spirits later. She continued on this way for the next eight years, before eventually returning to the temple in order to share what wisdom she had learned.

The monestary had been burned down and the monks massacred on the orders of the local warlord. Chunhua tried to equate what had happened with the tenets of her faith, but the sheer violence of it all was too much for her. She moved through the ruins to find each and every monks, affording them a proper burial so that those who has not achieved nirvana the chance to come back and try again, rather than be doomed to roam endlessly as a raging spirit. Her tasks complete, she took her monk's spade and gathered everything that would aid her, before once more leaving the monestary. This time, her heart was heavy, and her mind set on retribution.

She moved through the country for the next three years, mercilessly attacking any bandit that she found. Dark spirits flocked to her as her as her pilgrimage of death continued, the spade once used to bury the dead and fend off wildlife having transformed into a tool of murder. She initially prayed for each life she took, knowing that each step taken down her path took her further away from enlightenment and ensured her the pain of rebirth for centuries to come, but the more she killed, the lass she cared for the souls of the slain. Towns that had once welcomed the female monk now recoiled as the mention of the Black Pilgrim moving in their direction, fearing for their own lives should they give shelter to the instrument of death that she had become. It was in one of these towns that she met her end.

Having been woken in the dead of night by the very warlord she had been hunting, Chunhua emerged ready for battle. Her sharpened monk's spade flashed left and right, raiders lives taken with each swing, but there were so many of them. Still, she pushed on, her goal in sight and attacked without remorse. But the warlord was wise, and had archers fire at her as she dashed forward. Shafts found their marks, causing her to drop her weapon as her left arm and chest were pierced by multiple shafts. The dark spirits raged around her, and she pushed forward, mouth drawn tightly so as to show no sign of pain or fear. Her fists became her next weapons, lashing out to strike vital points to disable more menbut her clothes were already staining red and her energy ebbing. She pushed forward... but could not reach her foe. Three men moved to block her slowing form, spears thrusting out to pierce her body, yet she did not cry out. Even as her lifeblood soaked into her clothes and ran down the hafts, her every locked with that of the smug warlord, before life slipped from her and she slumped forward.

It was a whole day before her limp body, held in that final pose by spears now wedged into the ground, was finally taken down.

Turn Ons:
Turn Offs:

Prefer Player Controlled Master?
either / or


HP - 10 + 2x Endurance (14?)
Arousal - 10 + 2x Luck (10?)

Strength: A
Agility: B
Magic: C
Endurance: B
Luck: D


Madness Enhancement - Exchange sanity for power. Endurance and Strength are increased by Two Stages, but Luck and Magic are decreased by two stages too

Skin of Sin - Legends surround her death, and how she was pierced by several arrows and still continued onward with her assault, only getting defeated by multiple spears. Once she had a goal, her single-minded attitude toward obtaining it allowed her to twist the spirits that surround her to dull the pain and lessen the impact of ranged attacks, even at the expense of her own soul's torment. Chunhua gains a bonus to her ranged resistance from the spirits of pain and vengeance

Beacon of Shadows - In the last years of her life, having forsaken her vows in exchange for the power and will to bring merciless and uncompromising death to her foes, Chunhua was surrounded by evil restless spirits of the slain. She perverted her monk's training so that she could tap into these spirits to curse those who crossed her path. With her death, she became a beacon to the lost and wandering spirits. Chunhua can guide the spirits of fear and anger to increase the effects of magical debilitating effects.


Weapons of Peace: During her life as a wandering monk, Chunhua carried a "monk's spade" with her as a tool for self defence and to bury the dead. One end was a blunt, flat head for shovelling earth while the other was a crescent for keeping wild animals at bay. However, after the deaths of all her fellow monks and her descent into vengeance, the simple tool became refined into a weapon equally adept at bringing death to the body as well as piling earth on top of it. Her training with the tool made both her and it a deadly combination

Noble Phantasm: Summoning the restless souls of the slain seeking vengeance and pain upon the living, the Black Pilgrim allows them to manifest around her before sending them launching at her foe where they tear at her hapless target's mind and soul, stripping away their essence to add it to her own as another wailing phantasm.

Inventory: Simple Bhuddist monk's robes, 1st century lacquered battle dress and pauldrons, modern full-length conservative dress, monk's spade, sharpened chopsticks, various holy icons
Note: Servants can magically swap between outfits freely.

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:43 pm
by CondorBoH
Gorbaz Wrote:Whelp, I've watched a bit, and have two ideas. The one I think I'd be able to run with better would be that of a servant, if that is fine?

Just PM me your ideas and we can go over them~!

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 6:42 pm
by mrblah
is this still open, and a thing. i'm a fan of type-moon's works, and this seems like it's right in my range of interests.

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 9:40 pm
by Earthling
Name: Chloe Yamakaze
Age: 18
Appearance: But cleanshaven
Sex: Female
Background: Chloe is the daughter of a Japanese businessman and an Austrailian woman, who just happened to be a Magus, but her father died shortly after Chloe was born, leaving her and her mother with a virtual fortune. As such the girl has taken a lighthearted and shallow approach to life, seemingly becoming what many would think a bimbo. She drinks hard, parties hard, shops hard and fucks with whomever she wants, and that is quite a few. She even takes drugs sometimes, but has enough sense to stay away from the most dangerous ones. In private thought she is quite a good student, studying the magic books her mother has given her and just enough to pass her high school, she's a wealthy heiress and witch, why should she care about getting a good job? besides, if she needs money she can just whore herself out.
She goes to the gym regularly to keep her shape

Turn Ons: Public, Gangbangs, Prostituion, Bondage, Orgies. Pretty much anything not in Turnoffs
Turn Offs: Gore, Snuff, Scat and Vomit

Servant Preference:
Type: Random
Gender: Fine with anything
OK with Player: Yes


HP - 10 + Endurance
Arousal - 10 + Luck
Mana - 100 + 10x MAG or LUK

You may have one B ranked skill, two C+ ranked skills, one C ranked Skill and one D ranked skill.
Strength: C
Agility: C+
Magic: C+
Endurance: D
Luck: B

Signature Spell:
Magi focus on different types of spells, such as traps or buffs or fireballs. Pick from the list below, you will be able to cast it as a special ability.
Lust Mist: Everyone in the same area as you takes 1 Arousal damage each turn.

Command Seal (3), Summoning Catalyst, Weapon (Make it up), Any other equipment or items your character would have on them normally.

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:00 pm
by Reaver
This is still very much a thing and open.

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 12:34 am
by Lord Butts
I'm sort of a noob at forum roleplay, but I did watch all of Fate/zero and F/SN:UB so is there a spot for me?

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:57 am
by Reaver
I'd advise making a CS then

Re: Fate/Sexual Order (OOC and Recruitment)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:04 am
by KnightVanilla
Yeah we're still open for more players