Miner inconvenience (now accepting)

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Miner inconvenience (now accepting)

Postby LillyMacow » Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:02 am

I am working on a project called "corruption" among other things. and I decided I would run a few tests on pvp and other mechanics in rps to see what flows the best and creates the most interesting content, expect more of these small projects in the future.
Last edited by LillyMacow on Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:09 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Lilly's rp Worksop

Postby LillyMacow » Fri Dec 16, 2016 10:15 am

Miner Inconvenience:
Google doc with lore and map: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/ ... sp=sharing


Players: An odd number of players is needed to function properly the most ideal would be 7 but 5 works fine, 3 wouldn't work but there is an alternate I can make work with 4 if nesscary.
Teams: All players but one are on the team SAM, a mercenary group for higher. Each will get there own personal load out of weapons and gadgets, there back up, a small army of npc soldiers, automated turret defenses and robots. The other tea consists of one person, a single sentient alien whose one goal is to pray upon the humans who have disturbed its rest, his back up? Lots and lots of aliens.
movement: There are numerous buildings on the map, each connected by a trail. You may enter a trail after every encounter, then you will encounter one or more things on the trail (good or bad) then after its resolution you will arrive at your destination which will cause another encounter.
Infestation: It is inevitable that during the game you will lose ground to the alien swarms. As this happens they will take buildings over, infesting them. Once infested any bonus that structure gives will be lost, see more under buildings. You may reclaim infested structures, however your odds of successes are not in your favor. You will need at least a majority of the players to work together in order to take reclaim an infested building. Be warned, any pathways connected to an infested buildings will then become common place for alien activity.
Combat: Fighting is a simple metric, everyone has an combat stat ontop of that is also a dice roll for variation, both sides (all members of that faction, so for example if you are on a wall and fighting it would be your combat stat plus all the npc's. Double side note it will be uncommon for me to roll dice for NPCs, unless they are particularly important.) attack stats are compared, whoever's is higher gains the advantage in the fight. If a team gets double the other teams combat stat then it is an instant victory. Otherwise getting advantage three times, does not have to be in a row, is a win. There is a lot of rp specfic stuff that happens in between but that is all fluf that the rules arnt concerned with.
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Benefit: while functioning, the reactor will restore power to an area after an emp 4 turns early, so rather than after 6 turns, only 2.
Loss: reserve power, emergency lights only, greatly darkening the cave.
Bio Lab
Benefit: While in the bio lab you may attempt to train an alien, if successful you can control it, using it to fight for you. It must remain in the same area as you, if you leave it another building for a turn then it will revert to feral.
Loss: if the lab is lost all of the alpha aliens inside will rejoin the alien forces, adding new alien types to fight.
Benefit: While active all friendly npcs get +1 combat stat
S.A.M. Base
Loss: all robotic units shutdown.
Benefit: Cure, if you take an infected player/Npcs into the SHIVA lab they can be cured, returning them to normal.
Mining Site
It's your only ticket out of this damned cave, if the drill is shutdown all hope is lost. Game over.
Last edited by LillyMacow on Sat Dec 17, 2016 7:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Miner inconvenience

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Fri Dec 16, 2016 3:35 pm

Alright. How is it with the character creation? Is it the same as in the Corruption RP or is there another character creation system here?
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Re: Miner inconvenience

Postby LillyMacow » Fri Dec 16, 2016 11:52 pm

I am not that far into development yet. I am still working out exactly what mechanics i should keep and which I should remove. I want it to be as simple as possible. The less mechanics the more rp. But there does have to be a balance, no mechanics and it loses all its suspense. I will have a big update to this later today.
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Re: Miner inconvenience

Postby LillyMacow » Sat Dec 17, 2016 7:32 am

Charcter Sheet:
Gender: (M or F)
Image or description:
Backstory: (entirely skip able, if you make one, members of the Solar Arms Mercenaries are largely ex-criminals, war vets, and other people who arnt exactly proud of thier work but could use the money. That being said they are certainly well trained. You are the kind of people that companies, such as SHIVA, higher because you are entirely expendable. Outside of that think generic sci fi setting, so high tech space faring humanity, however there are no known living sentient aliens, so dont be an alien)

Weapon (pick one):
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Sniper - +1 combat stat, you may attack across one path, so for example if you are at the building reactor you can add your combat roll to the fight at wall alpha.
Assault rifle - +3 combat stat
Shotgun - +0 combat stat, roll 2 dice instead of one, rolling a one on either leaves you vulnerable, same as energy blade, for one turn.
Energy blade - +5 combat stat, leaves you vulnerable, far easier to be grabbed and shot etc. if your team gets advantage lose vulnerable this turn.
Dual Pistols - +2 combat stat. roll an extra dice if you get a one (repeatable).

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Light armor - +1 combat stat, light armor is allowed one small attachment, cloaking device, sonar dart, grappling hook, maybe even a jet pack.
Heavy armor - +3 combat stat, heavy armor is allowed one large attachment, such as a place able energy shield, a shoulder mounted rocket, etc. note heavy armor cannot use small attachment like items and of course vis versa.
For the attachments, dont worry what there mechanics are, just give a quick description of what it does in universe, and i will tell you what it does in engine. For example, cloaking, it makes me invisible. To which its mechanics would be enter an area with proceeding a fight, and run from a fight without proccing an enemy retaliation.

Opt in as alien: Yes/No
(No reason to hide this, unlike corruption, the enemy doesn't hide as another player, his trickery works in more... hands off ways. I will have a full explanation of the alien player posted soon, but be warned he will be more complicated, it will involve managing the feral army of aliens and the odds will be against you at the start, you will have to hide in the shadows and plant attacks within the walls of the bases, with things like hidden alien nests, emps, mind controlling NPCs etc. it will be more of stealth/strategy game instead of a shooter survival game. If you opt yes, you will be put in the "bowl" so to speak, and i will pick one of you at random.)
Last edited by LillyMacow on Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Miner inconvenience

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:07 pm

Charcter Sheet:
Name: Sylvia Grug
Age: 21
Gender: Female
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Backstory: Sylvia practically grew up around guns and violence, seeing as both her parents were mercenaries. As a young girl Sylvia always aspired to be like her parents and worked hard to become a part of the team consisting mostly out of guns for hire. And while shooting guns and killing people for money made them a lot of enemies, the end for the team wasn't as you'd expect it to be on the front lines of some war, but rather in docking accident. While not the only survivor of the accident, most of the other survivors retired afterwards, leaving Sylvia drifting from place to place looking for a job without her team. Be it to uphold her parents legacy, for the thrill or for the cash, no one but herself knows.

Weapon: Assault Rifle +3 combat stat. Sylvia's weapon of choice is a trusty assault rifle.

Armor: Light Armor +1 combat stat.
Light armor Attachment: Sonar Goggles. Let's her see everything in an area, preventing any surprises from sneaking up on her.
Flavor text:
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By emitting sound waves undetectable by normal devices or creatures, the sonar goggles can get an accurate 360 degrees view of the surroundings. With the help of a small computer and two video screens, the sonar goggles allow the wearer to see their surrounding in perfect clarity and in a 360 degrees perspective. The different view is however completely green (since sonar cannot determine color and since humans see differences easiest in green) and takes a lot of getting used to since humans don't usually see 360 degrees around themselves. While it takes years to learn how to properly use them, they are lifesavers for those who can use them. And since the surroundings are shown using sounds, there is no risk of getting blinded from looking into a light with night vision.

Opt in as alien: No
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Re: Miner inconvenience (now accepting)

Postby Reaver » Sun Dec 18, 2016 12:18 pm

Name: Yasker Ruvenlily
Age: 28
Gender: Male
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Backstory: A disgraced special operations member that was brought down by his own squad after his corruption and betrayal was discovered, Yasker spent a few years in prison before being brought out by a government official in a power play. Calculated, self-serving and ruthless, Yasker spent more years working as a blacklist agent for various government officials and hunting down his former squadmates that had turned on him in his spare time. He's a man motivated by simple things like pride, wealth, influence and power, placing the lives of others he works with beneath those things and even going as far to sacrifice them to secure the success of the mission and by extension his paycheck and reputation. He prefers to act casual and aloof, only preferring to break the facade right before ending someone that has grievously slighted him. Yasker isn't known for fighting clean, usually preferring to strike when the odds are most in his favor and his enemies are already down. Laws and conventions of war are simply suggestions to him and he won't hesitate to exploit his enemies weaknesses or use their own methods against them if they're viable.

Weapon (pick one): Shotgun +0

Armor: Heavy Armor +3 - Gravity Amplifier~ increases the gravity around the user making it harder for others to advance, flee, and move in general.

Opt in as alien: Yes
Last edited by Reaver on Thu Dec 22, 2016 2:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Miner inconvenience

Postby devilbird » Wed Dec 21, 2016 8:32 pm

Charcter Sheet:
Name: Audrey Winters
Age: 26
Gender: F
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Backstory: Audrey joined the mercenary group after having been discharged from the military for insubordination. Her skill set left her with few options. In battle she is tough, hot headed, and mean. She can strike fear into the hearts of many foes. However, those that get to know her soon learn that she can be quite sensitive. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and is very protective of the people she cares about. This is the reason she was discharged. Not wanting to leave someone behind, she defied orders and rescued her comrade, putting the mission at risk. She will always be the first into a fight, and the last to leave, all in order to make sure everyone makes it home.
Energy blade - +5 combat stat, leaves you vulnerable, far easier to be grabbed and shot etc. if your team gets advantage lose vulnerable this turn.

Heavy armor - +3 combat stat - Stun Barrier- Audrey's armor is outfitted with a small energy field. While she's wearing her armor at full charge, she can stun any creatures that touch her in the same round. Afterwards, it takes a minimum of 4 rounds to recharge again. The stun last for one round.

Opt in as alien: Yes
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Re: Miner inconvenience (now accepting)

Postby LillyMacow » Thu Dec 22, 2016 8:32 am

Hey thank you all for showing the intrest. I plan a big update on either Friday or Saturday which should put this game in full launch state (all details properly formatted and filled out etc.) however, while working on the mechanics I have come to a fork in the road that I would like feedback on.
Would you guys like more stats dictating fights or more abilities? The ability route would remove stats, such as combat points, and instead every weapon would be gone an ability. Note that going with abilities will put more focus on rp then numbers and dice rolls. I personally think this would be better but I am not sure how the players who have already expressed intrest as it is now, dislike this change or encourage it.
My idea for this is to remove stats, instead make the pop a mind game, attempt to out play the opponent by taking advantage of your own versatile gadgets while exploiting weaknesses founding there own, this also allows for more rp to take place.
This idea of a vastly simplified combat came from a big mechanic change to be detailed in the near future which will lean the game to be more tactical, which requires is policing of mechanics and complexity of play, which I think abilities would fit well with. Feedback and questions would be loved thanks!
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Re: Miner inconvenience (now accepting)

Postby devilbird » Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:08 am

I think I'd prefer there to be rules in a competitive game. I've played versions without rules in the past, and it just leads to arguing. Rules allow for fair rulings. Additionally, constraint breeds inspiration. It is human nature that when we have more limits, the more we try to expand in and work around them.
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Re: Miner inconvenience (now accepting)

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Thu Dec 22, 2016 10:29 am

I believe that it would be a good idea to change over to abilities. If everything just relied on combat power, the build with most combat power would always be the best build, making each other build nearly pointless.
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Re: Miner inconvenience (now accepting)

Postby Reaver » Thu Dec 22, 2016 12:47 pm

With this being a pvp oriented rp with managing of units I'd say having stats is crucial to having a good experience in which everyone feels that the wins and loses are happening fairly. That being said you can't relying soley on stats, otherwise people will just pick the builds with the most potential for damage in a straight-up fight and least amount of drawbacks. I'd suggest a hybrid where there are stats but also abilities that have potential to shift a fight in your favor. I think the armor abilities do a good job of that to a degree, so I guess similar to your idea of countering opponents' gadgets but not wholly reliant on them.
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Re: Miner inconvenience (now accepting)

Postby daxtinator396 » Fri Dec 23, 2016 11:30 pm

Am I too late? Love to make a sheet :3
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Re: Miner inconvenience (now accepting)

Postby UNdead63 » Sat Dec 24, 2016 6:34 am

Charcter Sheet:
Name: Steven "Mishap" Mallow
Age: 37
Gender: M
Image or description:
Backstory: Cpl Steven Mallow served in 34th Regiment on one of the many Earth's Colonies named Providence when his Squad was ambushed during patrolling by Colonial Separatist.
Although Steven's Squad has won this engagement his team has suffered great casualties and it's leaved it's marks on him and not just psychological...
The battle was fierce and brutal during the combat Steven's Grenade-Launcher exploded in his hands tooking his right hand and left eyes with that explosion.
His hand and eye were replaced by cheap cybernetic implants.
After returning to Home he couldn't find any stable job and the war reparations reparations aren't enough to sustain his new "parts" so now he always looking for job that would cover his expenses.

Weapon: Shotgun(he loves taking thngs all close and personal)

Armor: Heavy Armor with a shoulder mounted Rocket it's a very devastating weapon that requires time to aim and stable position to shoot and this could leave user vulnerable if not covered by team-mates.
Opt in as alien: No

P.S: I'm sorry for any and all grammatical errors.
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Re: Miner inconvenience (now accepting)

Postby LillyMacow » Sat Dec 24, 2016 9:06 am

Definitely not to late, there is just barely the absolute minimum for players right now. However I would recommend waiting a bit, I am almost done with the mechanical update, and once that happens it is possible the character sheets will be altered.

----Stats and abilities response----
Thank you for the feedback, I think the point of unit management stats is very valid, as for the rest it seems to be a bit more unclear so I will try to find a middle ground. I think I will be removing combat stat, I liked the idea of a simple one stat system but it would appear I may have to complicate it a bit.
Here is the proposal for the new stats, affectionately named ASS... I'll probably change the acronym later:
Agility: add your agility stat to dodge rolls, movement rolls (any movement other then walking and simple running within combat).
Strength: All gear and equipment brings a weight, you may carry weight equal to your strength, for each weight over max strength, it is minus two agility.
Stability: All guns have a proficient and advanced number, roll a D-6 then add your stability, if you are at or above a number gain its benefit, if you are below proficient shot is missed.
The idea behind this system would be stats are what show your proficiency to handle the equipment, and then the equipment itself would be more ability based.
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Re: Miner inconvenience (now accepting)

Postby Fantasy Fanatic » Sat Dec 24, 2016 12:44 pm

That sounds like a good way to balance it.
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Re: Miner inconvenience (now accepting)

Postby daxtinator396 » Sat Dec 24, 2016 7:33 pm

Perfecttt~ I'll still work on it and edit if I need to :3 I have been itching for a fun sci fi game.
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Re: Miner inconvenience

Postby Biles » Thu Dec 29, 2016 11:22 am

Name: Zoey Neidig
Age: 24
Gender: Futanari

Image or description:
Standard Outfit:
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Alternate Outfit: (NSFW Warning)
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Zoey comes from an independent galactic nation hidden deep in the impassible Tixin Nebula. As a Tixinese, she's easily identifiable with having tanned skin and platinum blonde hair. The Tixinese are an equivalent to the modern version of Amazon warriors and they excel in infantry combat, especially melee and hand-to-hand combat. Zoey herself was a high guard member but all that changed when she was sent on a covert ops mission to probe a dangerous faction that threaten the Tixin Hegemony itself. The mission almost became a disaster and it resulted with her self-exile from the hegemony. Zoey vowed she'd return until she regain her honor. Until such time would come, she became a freelance mercenary until she eventually joined up with the SAM.

Weapon (pick one): Tixin Star Saber
Armor: Bio Composite Suit (Light Armor)

Apport Gauntlet - A Tixin tech that allows users to teleport any object or anyone to any place in a radius of up to a single kilometer. However it does not allow the user themselves to be teleported and its power consumption is high, thus restricting its number of uses before it requires a recharge.
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Re: Miner inconvenience (now accepting)

Postby Reaver » Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:54 pm

So basically Agility is chance to dodge, Strength is how many gadgets you can carry and Stability is chance to land shots. I'm not 100% on board with this system since you could easily just sink points into Agility or Stability to give oneself an extreme advantage. Unless these gadgets have the ability to be extreme game-changers I doubt they'll be used often, which would suck because I love the idea of the gadgets playing pivotal roles in combat.
Renegade, Mercenary, Wielder of the Shaft of Justice, Angel-Rapist, Rp Contract Killer
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Re: Miner inconvenience (now accepting)

Postby LillyMacow » Mon Jan 02, 2017 10:23 am

Hey, sorry for disapearing for awhile, 'twas the time of holidays and such, but I am back now. I havnt gotten any work on this game done, I was working on other projects but I will be coming back to this now as I don't want to leave you all hanging.
The alien is complete in all regards except actual mechanics as tose arnt set in stone yet and to tack me onto the alien now would be a bit of a waste of time, but nice I get those on it I will be sure to show you all.

Re: reaver. I agree with you. I made a mix of strength (which would garner activated abilities which some people wanted) and had agility and stability for people who thought raw stats would be more valuable. In retrospect it was sloppily done and i will rework it. I do really like gadgets, so the first step in completing the game I think will be to get them to a state where I can easly present them so players can understand there value. Followed by tweaking the stat types, and maybe adding one or two.

An update should come by this Thursday to Friday, I apologize for my lack of work on this rp. There isn't really an excuse, I have just invested intrest in two diffrent projects, I promise to get back not this and have a working rp soon.
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