Battletech: Operation Revival

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Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby Gorbaz » Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:47 pm

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((This is a placeholder - for now!))

((Hello everyone! I'm back, because I have a lot of free time on my hands! So I felt like starting up an RP again, but this time a freeform one with very few players - no offence to everyone in my last RP, but the number of people joining up did lead to a failiure on my part to keep up. So, this will be a good ol' Battletech RP, set in 3049, because everybody loves massive invasions! Well, maybe not everybody, but enough do. As it is late right now, I will come back in the morning and actually put down some proper details, data rips, etc.))

((As it stands, the story will revolve around the famous Clan invasion of the inner Sphere, with players choosing if they want to be part of the IS defenders, or the Clan invaders. But before people start jumping on the Clanwagon, I will say this about them - they live in a VERY regimented military society, where procreation is forbidden. Instead it has become standard practice for particularly good warriors to donate genetic material for the next generation to be created from))

((Back in a few hours!))

The year is 3049. Humanity has spread out to encompass a dense pack of worlds, but is far from united. With government corruption, civil wars, and the re-emergence of the nation-state, the Humans of the Inner Sphere are in an almost continual state of organised war. At the front of that war are the Mech Warriors - men and women of skill, piloting huge mechs in order to overpower the enemy with speed, tactics, and a lot of firepower! Life in the Inner Sphere is one where escapeism is the key to survival in a time when worlds can change hands several times in a year. However, none of the Great Houses know that a new threat is coming. People who left 250 years before are preparing to return in force, sweep away the corruption, and rebuild humanity under their strict guidelines as a unified whole.

History of the Inner Sphere:

1950 - 2005
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Early Terran spaceflight using chemical-powered engines. The first artificial satellites are placed in orbit of Earth, manned missions into space, then onto the Moon fire the imagination of the populace. Scientific research starts to focus more on exploration than warfare, as shuttles and probes are limited to inter-planetary flight.

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The Martian colony is established. The asteroid belt is opened up for mineral mining. The wealthiest nations of Earth unite as the Terran Alliance. The very first FTL drive is created following the theories of Thomas Kearny and Takayoshi Fuchida, and propels the first extra-solar colony ship to Tau Ceti IV, setting up the first colony there in 2116. Private enterprise allowed for colony ships to be created very quickly, and more colonies started to appear. One colony ship went missing in 2128, leading to the requirement for colony ships to be provided with military ship escorts. By 2016, there were over 100 colonies.

By the early 23rd century, separatist movement had a number of their own colonies, as well as a sizeable population on Earth. Anti-corporate sentiments and anti-collectivist sentiments caused the outbreak of the Separatist Wars. The wars did not last long on Earth, and the planet was unified by force of arms under the Terran Alliance. By 2235, over 600 colonies existed.

May 2235, the first colony declares independence from the Alliance, and in 2236 the Outer Reaches rebellions begin. Military attempts to reclaim the rebellious worlds failed and, with other colonies following suit, the armies of the Terran Alliance returned to Earth. By 2242, legislation had been passed granting independence to all colonies over 30 light years away from Earth, regardless if they wanted it or not.

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For the rest of its life, the Alliance focused its attentions on Terra. Political instability and increasingly brutal government repression drove millions to emigrate from Terra, including its 'best and brightest' citizens. By 2315, the instability and corruption that had plagued the Alliance for decades finally brought about its collapse into civil war. James McKenna, leader of the Alliance Global Militia, deposed the remnants of the Alliance government and replaced it with the Terran Hegemony in 2315

Between 2271 and 2315, the Inner Sphere comes into being by the formation of the Great Houses, and their claiming of territory under their own banners.

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Border tensions between the various houses bring about the creation of house-specific militaries and a feudalistic system of warfare, where each world maintains its own armed forces under the command of the planetary ruler, who in turn is allied to one of the great houses. War is conducted in a formal fashion, with the Terran Hegemony acting as mediators. In 2439, the MSK-6S Mackie is constructed, resulting in the Hegemony military superiority over those of the other houses still using traditional infantry, tanks and jets. In 2455, Lyran Commonwealth agents stole the plans to it and begun construction of their own battlemechs.

From 2419 the Terran Hegemony was starting to fall apart under incompetent leadership until it was stabilised in 2502 by Deborah Cameron who, with the Federated Sons and Lyran Commonweath, formed in intergalactic peacekeeping military organisation - the Star League. Warfare was slowly replaced by diplomacy as the League sought to keep the Inner Sphere a place of peace, despite the continual border skirmishes that never really stopped.

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The height of the Star League. The unified systems prevented war between the Federated Sons and the Draconis Combine, protecting their host systems, and using diplomacy backed up with the newest generation of battlemechs. Mechs themselves have become the go-to battlefield weapon, although traditional vehicles are still used as support troops. By this time, all the major houses were involved in some way with the League, maintaining their own military forces in addition to the Star League Defence Force.

Stagnation started to set in towards the end of the League's power, with forces in the Periphery worlds starting to rival the active military forces of the League, resulting in large numbers of fortifications being constructed along the Periphery to act as a deterrent. Forcing peace at all costs short of military action became the mandate of the League in the later years, resulting in houses Davion and Kurita withdrawing their support of the League in order to sort out greivences their own way. Finally, in 2751, eight year old Richard Cameron II was left as the successor to the Star League throne due to the death of his father. The five Houses convened on Terra and appointed General Aleksandr Kerensky, commanding officer of the Star League Defense Forces as Richard's Regent and Protector

The Rim Worlds Republic leadership became close friends with Richard, convincing him of the need to dispand House militaries, and the need for closer ties between the Republic and the League. Keresky convinced Richard not to go through with it and, in response, more wars started in and around the Inner Sphere. The Republic offered its support to the League and, under the guise of supporting garrison troops, Republic armies converged on Terra and murdered all of Richard's family, claiming the throne for themselves.

On January 23, 2777, soldiers of the SLDF on eight worlds moved towards Terra and finally captured the planet after a bloody battle and over 100 million total dead, on September of 2779. Republic leader Stefan Amaris and his family were executed soon after Kerensky heard of the fate of Richard Cameron and his family. A year later, on October 10, 2780, the Council Lords gathered and stripped Kerensky of his title of Protector, refusing an offer by General DeChavilier to help overthrow the House Lords. Ten months later, the Lords had still not reached a decision on a successor for the position of First Lord, each claiming the position for him or herself, the Council being dissolved by the Lords on August 12, 2781. As the spirit of the Star League began eroding, Kerensky gathered 80 percent of the SLDF forces, and they jumped out of the Inner Sphere.

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First Succession War

Lasting from 2786 to 2821, the First Succession War remains the bloodiest conflict in human history.

Following the departure of the remaining Star League Defense Forces, the five remaining Great Houses almost immediately started fighting each other over the position of First Lord.

After Coordinator Minoru Kurita's initial declaration of First Lordship, the First Succession Wars saw the destruction of countless worlds with atomic, biological, and chemical weapons, resulting in billions of lives and decades of technology lost. When the war petered out after 35 years, it was simply due to exhaustion, not from any desire of peace.

Second Succession War

Lasting from 2830 to 2864, the Second Succession War saw the technological decline back to the levels of 21st century Terra in much of the Inner Sphere.

Following the brief lull required to rebuild the battered forces of the Successor States, the Second Succesion War was no less bloody than the first. While the Successor States began the war with the last of their remaining WarShips, by the end of it, JumpShip theory and Hyperpulse Generators had become quasi-magical, and advanced military technology had become irreplaceable.

Third Succession War

Lasting from 2866 to 3025, the Third Succession War was a prolonged low-level conflict characterized by a steady loss of technology and the rise of neo-feudalistic traditions in all of the Successor States.

Started due to Operation Holy Shroud, the Third Succession War was fought with technology that was considered mystical. Technological regression had allowed the survival of scant high-tech factories, and the developing noble MechWarrior families were forced to repair their machines with the gutted remains of their enemies'.

Fourth Succession War

Lasting from 3028 to 3030 the Fourth Succession War was a short and brutal war between two emerging power blocks.

Declared during the marriage of Hanse Davion and Melissa Steiner, the Fourth Succession War was a conflict started by the newly formed Federated Commonwealth against the ComStar sponsored Concord of Kapteyn.

One of the few conflicts that had a clear winner, the Fourth Succession War saw the Capellan Confederation halved in territory and power and the emergence of the new Federated Commonwealth, the most powerful nation since the original Star League.


The Great Houses
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House Davion has ruled the Federated Suns since the nation's founding in 2317 by Lucien Davion, Prime Minister of New Avalon, who negotiated a mutual defense and assistance agreement with several nearby star systems. From their capital of New Avalon, House Davion led the Federated Suns to become one of the largest and most militarily powerful states in the Inner Sphere. The Federated Sun traditionally sees itself as the champion of freedom, democracy, and human rights, especially compared to its authoritarian neighbors, although the reality is not so clear-cut. Additionally, the state's economic growth was uneven, with a small number of overdeveloped worlds making up for the larger number of underdeveloped ones. To counteract this deficiency and recover lostech, the pursuit of scientific knowledge was strongly encouraged by Davion leadership, and the New Avalon Institute of Science quickly became the premier research and development center of the 31st century

The Lyran Commonwealth, largely under the leadership of House Steiner, has long been considered the Inner Sphere's greatest economic power. Formed in 2340 from the combination of several smaller defense pacts, its original capital was on Arcturus before moving to Tharkad, where it came under the stewardship of the Steiner family and gained its Germanic trappings. With many resource-rich worlds, shrewd business acumen and a strong industrial base, the Lyran Commonwealth prospered even during the worst of times: in spite of the destruction of the Succession Wars, overall industrial output and average standard of living exceeded that of any other Successor State. This vast wealth helped the Lyran state weather any military reversals - especially self-inflicted ones - by quickly replacing their materiel losses.

House Kurita is the ruling family of the fearsome Draconis Combine, the only Great House that proclaims unabashedly its right to rule all of the Inner Sphere. House Kurita has dominated the Draconis Combine since its founding in 2319 by Shiro Kurita, who imbued the state with its strong Japanese culture and made Luthien its capital. Embracing "the way of the warrior," the Draconis Combine has had a long history of antagonism with and aggression against its neighbors. Personal honor and a self-reliance bordering on xenophobia are also encouraged by House Kurita

The Capellan Confederation, and its ruling family House Liao, has long been considered the underdogs of the Inner Sphere. The smallest of the Successor States, the socialistic Capellan Confederation was the last to form, created on Capella by neighboring states in 2366 as a "temporary" alliance in response to Davion aggression. Tracing their lineage back to the controversial Elias Liao, House Liao gave the Confederation its Han Chinese character and ensured the survival of the realm through strong (if frequently erratic) rule from the Celestial Throne on Sian. Although popularly disparaged as a totalitarian police state, many citizens enjoy a high degree of personal freedom and willingly serve the State in return for the generous services it provides

The Free Worlds League, the oldest of all Successor States, was long ruled by House Marik as a matter of custom rather than decree. Founded in 2271 after the collapse of the Terran Alliance, the League was an open, multicultural state, consisting of many great and small realms loosely joined together. It was also the only one to lay claim to being (on paper at least) a true democracy, with Parliament meeting on Atreus. This same openness also left the state politically fragile and frequently riven with instability; throughout its history the League fought against itself almost as much as it did the neighboring Lyran and Capellan nations. House Marik relied heavily on free trade and technological advancement to keep pace with its rivals.

The Lesser Houses
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Free Rasalhague Republic
In 2330, House Kurita's expansionist Draconis Combine invaded the Principality of Rasalhague, subduing it after enduring more than three decades of guerrilla war. The Rasalhague Military District remained the most restive province of the Combine as its original Scandinavian inhabitants resisted assimilation into the Japanese-dominated culture of their Kuritan conquerors. In 3004, a Rasalhagian bodyguard assassinated Coordinator Hohiro Kurita. During the Fourth Succession War, many Rasalhagians greeted the Lyran Commonwealth troops as liberators and helped them to capture many Rasalhague worlds before the war's end in 3030. However, Lyran Duke Selvin Kelswa wanted to retain the conquered planets in his Tamar Pact, and his heavy-handed treatment of their people thoroughly alienated them. Both houses agreed to the formation of the FRR as a buffer between their two nations, and the inhabitants within settled on a strict neutral foreign policy.
St. Ives Compact
The Compact was formed in 3029 as a direct result of the Fourth Succession War. Duchess Candace Liao, firstborn of Chancellor Maximilian Liao and his heir, fell in love with Justin Xiang Allard, a Federated Suns spy who had infiltrated the Capellan Confederation's spy agency the Maskirovka. Rather than stay in the Capellan Confederation with a double-agent who helped conquer a third of her home nation, she fled and took the St. Ives Commonality with her. In addition, Candace feared the reign of her father, who was descending into insanity

The Invading Clans
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Clan Wolf
Clan Wolf was not only one of the original twenty Clans founded by Nicholas Kerensky, it was given the distinct honor of carrying forth Kerensky's name and his genetic legacy. This status as caretaker of the Kerensky Bloodname also served as a source of conflict with other Clans, especially Clan Jade Falcon, which felt slighted by the ilKhan's decision. Named for the massive wolves of Strana Mechty, which grow to nearly twice the size of their ancestors on Terra, the Wolf Clan has been a dominant force in the Clans since it's inception. Responsible for the Annihilation of Clan Wolverine and the Absorption of Clan Widowmaker, Clan Wolf was also instrumental in the development of Battle Armor. The leader of the Warden faction in the Grand Council, the Clan was nevertheless forced to participate in the Clan Invasion of the Inner Sphere.

Clan Wolf is also the patron of the Inner Sphere mercenary unit Wolf's Dragoons.

Clan Jade Falcon
Clan Jade Falcon is one of the original twenty Clans created by Nicholas Kerensky. It was named for the Jade Falcon, a genetically engineered mix of peregrine and gyrfalcon, which the Clan's founding Khan Elizabeth Hazen was the first to tame. A strictly traditionalist and ardent Crusader Clan, the Jade Falcons long viewed Clan Wolf as their most hated rival for their strength, ideological position, and (most of all) possession of the coveted Kerensky Bloodname. The Jade Falcons participated in the initial invasion of the Inner Sphere

Clan Ghost Bear
Powerful Clansmen, Clan Ghost Bear is one of the original twenty Clans founded by Nicholas Kerensky. Just like their totem animal, the ghost bear found on Strana Mechty, members of this Clan are known for their conservative nature and their strong sense of family. Amongst the strongest of the Clans and the most stable, their cautious nature ensures they never rush into a situation unprepared, but also makes them slow to change with their unofficial mantra being "wait and see." Originally of the Crusader mindset, they were one of the four original Clans to participate in the Clan Invasion in 3050

Clan Smoke Jaguar
Clan Smoke Jaguar was one of the original twenty Clans founded by Nicholas Kerensky. Members of Clan Smoke Jaguar took fierce pride in their namesake, a predator descended from the Terran jaguar whose genes were altered in the laboratory to enable it to survive in a harsher environment and then imported to Strana Mechty. They were also every bit as feral as the smoke jaguar was, believing that the Clans' revered founder modeled all of Clan society on their totem animal and basing their argument on an oft-quoted journal entry of Kerensky's which they revered second only to The Remembrance. The Smoke Jaguar Clan began the Crusader philosophy and was one of the four original Clans to take part in Operation Revival, the Clans' attempted conquest of the Inner Sphere.

Character sheet


Should be simple enough to put something together from this. As I said in the ramble, it is an open RP, so no need for stats and all that stuff - just common sense. Don't take a Commando and expect to be able to go toe-to-toe with an Atlas and come off better. The perks and flaws thing is mostly for me, but also to help you flesh out your character. Everybody gets one perk free, and it can be anything within reason. You choose what you want - skilled pilot, expert combat (medium range), Elemental pilot, rich, stuff like that. If you want more perks, just slap on a flaw. They can be things like rival, missing limb, destitute, nervous, criminal, unsocial, etc.

Affiliation will tell me where to put you - you can be associated with one of the Clans, an IS house, or even Solaris VII (meaning you'd be basically a well-paid mech gladiator). Merc companies are also fine, if you want to look up a few, or ask me about it.

Gear is what you have, obviously. Mech pilots will have a flack vest, neurohelmet, and probably some kind of sidearm. Want more stuff? Take a perk for having more stuff, then say what you have!

If you know Battlemechs, then I won't need to say much about them. If you don't know them, then ask. And Elemental armour would be classed as "mech" for the sake of this sheet.
Last edited by Gorbaz on Mon Dec 12, 2016 4:56 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby exalted » Wed Dec 07, 2016 12:57 am

Dead keen for this.
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby pornomancer » Wed Dec 07, 2016 10:43 am

what, so great clanners get impregnated as a reward so their genetic lines can be placed in the clan histories? rival clans settling disputes by stealing quality gene lines from other clans? a mating selection ritual where capable IS pilots are sought after to be captured and have their genetics put into clan databases?

fuck yes
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby Gorbaz » Wed Dec 07, 2016 5:51 pm

A brief history is up, currently gathering information on the Houses and Clans.

I wasn't planning on having that as the method of Clanner reproduction, but an idea is an idea!
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby dndman997 » Sat Dec 10, 2016 7:34 pm

i am so up for this!!!!!
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby Gorbaz » Sun Dec 11, 2016 11:07 pm

Before I put up the final bits of background on the Clans and character sheets, would you guys prefer to be Inner Sphere, or Clanners?

Also, I have no issue with people having multiple characters, if they so wish
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby dndman997 » Sun Dec 11, 2016 11:09 pm

i like both really so its hard.
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby exalted » Sun Dec 11, 2016 11:44 pm

As long as I get a Timber Wolf or Mad Cat I'm happy, (though I'd lean towards a clan character if you need s decision )
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby exalted » Sun Dec 11, 2016 11:44 pm

As long as I get a Timber Wolf or Mad Cat I'm happy, (though I'd lean towards a clan character if you need s decision )
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby dndman997 » Mon Dec 12, 2016 12:18 am

those are the same things silly :P
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby Gorbaz » Mon Dec 12, 2016 12:26 am

Indeed they are! The Timber Wolf is the clan designation of the Mad Cat. And if you want one of those, you'll need to either be a Clanner, or engage in one of the few conflicts that the Clans came out worse in
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby dndman997 » Mon Dec 12, 2016 12:31 am

i myself am not sure what i would want.
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby exalted » Mon Dec 12, 2016 2:31 am

Gorbaz Wrote:Indeed they are! The Timber Wolf is the clan designation of the Mad Cat. And if you want one of those, you'll need to either be a Clanner, or engage in one of the few conflicts that the Clans came out worse in

Which is why I said I'dbe happy either way 8-)
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby dndman997 » Mon Dec 12, 2016 5:56 am

it would also depend on what time period too, i mean one of my favorites is a later mech the Vulture MKIV D
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby pornomancer » Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:30 am

elemental. fuck all you big stompy shits. doubleflamer heat aink annihilation bitches
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby Gorbaz » Mon Dec 12, 2016 4:59 pm

Well, there's more information for you. It's 3049, so the end of the 4th Succession War, and the beginning of the Clan Invasion. I don't think much more information is required, unless you guys want to ask stuff.

And yes. You want to be an Elemental, you can. It means that you can only take a couple of weapon hits before going down, but you can physically beat the shit out of practically anyone.
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby exalted » Wed Dec 14, 2016 10:02 pm


Name: Aesa Kerensky
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Clan Wolf
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Perks: Genetically Superior, Ace Pilot, Markswoman, Martial Artist
Flaws: Priceless Bloodline, Rival, Arrogant
Mech: Timberwolf/Madcat


Aesa was born and bred to be a warrior, drawing her genetic lineage to the very founder of the clans. Aesa has been pushed and has pushed herself to be the very best, outstripping many of her sibko to top any class or course she has undertaken. This of course has gone to her head, Aesa thinks she the best and anyone that does no measure up is inferior and is evident in her attitude, however, it is not entirely untrue. Aesa has risen through the ranks quiet quickly by initiating a challenge or trial of Positions at the first opportunity.
Last edited by exalted on Fri Dec 16, 2016 5:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby pornomancer » Thu Dec 15, 2016 8:12 am

Name: Tyra
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Clan Ghost Bear

Perks: Superior reflexes, superior physicality, tactical awareness, elemental pilot
Flaws: lousy pilot, low social status, inferiority complex, unintelligent
Gear: standard
Mexh: Elemental + Phantom
Bio: Tyra was a trueborn elemental warrior who rose quickly to become an Elemental Star Commander. Her ambition from then was to secure her place in the clan annals and earn a bloosname. Unfortunately, in one heated battle with Clan Wolf during the trial of refusal, Tyras entire Star was destroyed, and she clambered onto a wrecked scout mech to relay tactical information to her superiors. Her tactical ability resulted in her being impressed into a recon and support specialist for a Binary. Tyra feels her time to earn a bloodname growing shorter, and her opportunities limited now that she is in a rear support role. She longs for an opportunity, any opportunity to prove herself, and to go back into the thick of combat again.
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby exalted » Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:20 pm

Gorbaz Wrote:RAMBLE!!
... But before people start jumping on the Clanwagon, I will say this about them - they live in a VERY regimented military society, where procreation is forbidden. Instead it has become standard practice for particularly good warriors to donate genetic material for the next generation to be created from))

Found this on a Battletech wiki when I was revising background:

"The use of in-vitro fertilization was also partially responsible for the casualness of love and relationships within Clan society, especially as the act of sex became divorced from reproduction. Whereas in the Inner Sphere such acts are considered a sign of intimacy in a relationship, among Clan warriors it is merely a normal part of friendship. The idea of sexual fidelity is completely lost on them as coupling with friends, usually members of the same sibko, is completely natural. They also see the act of courtship as completely unnecessary and, if they bother to perform any type of seduction, are as likely to simply walk up to a complete stranger and ask if they are interested in coupling.[24][25] As per the eugenics program civilians are matched together based on their genetic compatibility, though the only purpose of these sanctioned matches is for the production of children; as a result promiscuity is also prevalent among the castes. A blind eye is turned to these "unofficial" couplings so long as birth control is used."
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Re: Battletech: Operation Revival

Postby Gorbaz » Sat Dec 17, 2016 12:26 am

Well, that will be a bonus for everyone involved, eh!

I plan to get the IC up next week. Since both of you have chosen to be part of different clans, would you prefer to follow separate paths? That is how it will likely go, however I can arrange for joint operations to occur
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