Alright time for the introduction:
The Davultan Dominion has been at war with the Galactic Coalition of Species (GCoS for the cool kids) for ten years. They had initial success, destroying a large part of the Coalition fleet in the opening hours of the war as they were overwhelmed and surprised. The Coalition had far more territory, manpower and resources at her command however, and managed to slowly but surely push back the aggressors. Now, ten years later, there has been a change of leadership in the Dominion, and both parties have pushed for peace. Today, the peace treaty is being signed. Jubilant festivities are being held everywhere in the known parts of the galaxy by people tired of the war. You are on Pax-Station, an old decommissioned space station made to protect the border between the two galactic superpowers. Instead of fighters however, there are luxury transports for the galactic leadership in the hangar bays, and the whole station is decorated for the festivities. Nevertheless, both sides have brought a protection detail, and several warships orbit the station, their captains nervously eyeing up their old enemies.
Character sheet:
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You can make your own species in the galactic coalition! I don’t want to limit your creativity! Anything might have happened to your species. Perhaps your only planet was scorched by the Dominion, and you forever hold a grudge, or you’re from a planet full of religious robots. Just run it by me, and I’ll probably approve!
Gender (if applicable):
Planet of birth:
Species description:
Character background:
Anyways, mechanics:
These are your core statistics:
Strength: Muscles and stuff
Dexterity: Your Agility and Reflexes
Constitution: Your Stamina and toughness
Intelligence: IQ, Deductive reasoning, that stuff
Knowledge: History, Astral Topography, Xenobiology, the likelihood that you know some fact.
Charisma: Persuasion, Bluffing, Reading someone.
Tech Skill: Your skill with computers, technology and the like.
Weapon Skill: Your skill and familiarity with weaponry
Every stat starts at two, and you get 20 points to divide amongst the stats.
Profession: Decide your profession, you might have something silly, like waiter or prostitute, as long as there is some creative way for me to put you over at the station!
I mean, you can be a pilot, a navy officer, an army officer, a soldier, a diplomat, an engineer who knows! I still have to think of bonuses you get for having your profession, but they are mostly roleplay-wise.
Traits: You can pick two traits. A trait may provide a +1 in a very broad skill (persuasion for example), or a +2 in something more specific. (Knowledge about Geology, who knows), or be more roleplaying than anything: Having a grudge against Davultans might give you no obvious benefits, but perhaps you get the option to ram a spaceship against them? Being Fearless, or Thriving under pressure, might allow you to succeed when otherwise people fail, again, use your imagination, and we’ll work something out. :3
Gear: Think of what your character might have normally, and what they might be wearing to such an occasion.
You can make your own species in the galactic coalition! I don’t want to limit your creativity! Anything might have happened to your species. Perhaps your only planet was scorched by the Dominion, and you forever hold a grudge, or you’re from a planet full of religious robots. Just run it by me, and I’ll probably approve!
Gender (if applicable):
Planet of birth:
Species description:
Character background:
Anyways, mechanics:
These are your core statistics:
Strength: Muscles and stuff
Dexterity: Your Agility and Reflexes
Constitution: Your Stamina and toughness
Intelligence: IQ, Deductive reasoning, that stuff
Knowledge: History, Astral Topography, Xenobiology, the likelihood that you know some fact.
Charisma: Persuasion, Bluffing, Reading someone.
Tech Skill: Your skill with computers, technology and the like.
Weapon Skill: Your skill and familiarity with weaponry
Every stat starts at two, and you get 20 points to divide amongst the stats.
Profession: Decide your profession, you might have something silly, like waiter or prostitute, as long as there is some creative way for me to put you over at the station!
I mean, you can be a pilot, a navy officer, an army officer, a soldier, a diplomat, an engineer who knows! I still have to think of bonuses you get for having your profession, but they are mostly roleplay-wise.
Traits: You can pick two traits. A trait may provide a +1 in a very broad skill (persuasion for example), or a +2 in something more specific. (Knowledge about Geology, who knows), or be more roleplaying than anything: Having a grudge against Davultans might give you no obvious benefits, but perhaps you get the option to ram a spaceship against them? Being Fearless, or Thriving under pressure, might allow you to succeed when otherwise people fail, again, use your imagination, and we’ll work something out. :3
Gear: Think of what your character might have normally, and what they might be wearing to such an occasion.
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Space travel:
The galaxy uses hyperspace-drives, which allow spaceships to travel at faster-than-light speed through the galaxy. They only work on spaces connected by hyperspace beacons, very expensive to build space stations that emit a constant signal a ship can lock on to. Sub-light speed constructor vessels are sent out to make new beacons in uncharted space to expand the reachable galaxy.
Cargo and liner ships exist to ferry goods and people between planets. Only the rich can afford their own spaceship, like only the rich nowadays can avoid their own airplane.
A large portion of the galaxy’s spaceships are a part of some sort of military. From small fighter-craft to capital-ships with crews of over a thousand and firepower beyond imagination.
The Galactic Coalition of Species:
The GCoS is an old institution, formed 832 years ago, when the two founding species, the Geruldians and the Intraki, met each other. Both races realised the vast differences in culture between themselves, and the danger that the lawlessness of space posed to peace. They formed an inter-species government, ruling from Gaia, a world with unique habitability and a gentle ecosystem. Rather than interfering in the politics of members, GCoS is committed to peacekeeping, trade laws, and foreign policy from the GCoS to other species. Each species pays a membership fee, from which the GCoS military and government is run. Species with a smaller empire usually benefit the most from this, as they can’t maintain a large military themselves. The GCoS doesn’t impose governing rules to its members, which means that species can have the strangest governments in power, and the strangest rules for its peoples. The GCoS council, which governs the Coalition, has one representative per species.
The Davultan Dominion:
The Dominion is a single-species empire of reptilians. Little is known of their history, but they are ruled by a single monarch in a hierarchical society with little individual freedoms. Whether they conquered the vast empire they control, or got lucky and found it empty, is unknown. When the Dominion and GCoS met 21 years ago, the initial contact was peaceful. However, the envoy sent by the Coalition apparently made some sort of faux-pas, and was never heard from since. The dominion closed of all communication, and was conveniently forgotten about. Years later, there full power was brought to bear against the Coalition. Only after ten years of war, and the death of the Davultan King, the new monarch is willing to sign a peace treaty.
Space travel:
The galaxy uses hyperspace-drives, which allow spaceships to travel at faster-than-light speed through the galaxy. They only work on spaces connected by hyperspace beacons, very expensive to build space stations that emit a constant signal a ship can lock on to. Sub-light speed constructor vessels are sent out to make new beacons in uncharted space to expand the reachable galaxy.
Cargo and liner ships exist to ferry goods and people between planets. Only the rich can afford their own spaceship, like only the rich nowadays can avoid their own airplane.
A large portion of the galaxy’s spaceships are a part of some sort of military. From small fighter-craft to capital-ships with crews of over a thousand and firepower beyond imagination.
The Galactic Coalition of Species:
The GCoS is an old institution, formed 832 years ago, when the two founding species, the Geruldians and the Intraki, met each other. Both races realised the vast differences in culture between themselves, and the danger that the lawlessness of space posed to peace. They formed an inter-species government, ruling from Gaia, a world with unique habitability and a gentle ecosystem. Rather than interfering in the politics of members, GCoS is committed to peacekeeping, trade laws, and foreign policy from the GCoS to other species. Each species pays a membership fee, from which the GCoS military and government is run. Species with a smaller empire usually benefit the most from this, as they can’t maintain a large military themselves. The GCoS doesn’t impose governing rules to its members, which means that species can have the strangest governments in power, and the strangest rules for its peoples. The GCoS council, which governs the Coalition, has one representative per species.
The Davultan Dominion:
The Dominion is a single-species empire of reptilians. Little is known of their history, but they are ruled by a single monarch in a hierarchical society with little individual freedoms. Whether they conquered the vast empire they control, or got lucky and found it empty, is unknown. When the Dominion and GCoS met 21 years ago, the initial contact was peaceful. However, the envoy sent by the Coalition apparently made some sort of faux-pas, and was never heard from since. The dominion closed of all communication, and was conveniently forgotten about. Years later, there full power was brought to bear against the Coalition. Only after ten years of war, and the death of the Davultan King, the new monarch is willing to sign a peace treaty.
- 92px-Reptilian_massive_15.png (14.93 KiB) Viewed 1804 times
Final notes:
I made this rp to give you the chance to make the character you want yourself! We’ll see wherever this leads us, it will be fun by the flavour of your characters!
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Zilch
Age; 25
Gender (if applicable): Male
Species: Zoarkian
Planet of birth: Davultan
Species description: Zoarkian's are amphibious beings with pale skin, and small fins protruding from each limb. They have the ability to generate electricity from their bodies similar to electric eels. (Basically just imagine a Zora from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time)
Character background: While Zoarkian's primarily live on the planet of Zoarko, a swamp like planet that fits their species' amphibious build, many Zoarkian's found themselves becoming captured as slaves to the Dominion. Zilch was born in to a life of servitude in the heart of the Davultan Empire, never having known his own family. He worked directly for the Davultan King, and only gained freedom at the time of his death. He left Davultan behind and never looked back on his past. Early on, he barely got by hitching rides on Cargo Ships as a Temporary Worker. He eventually found a steady stream of revenue when he found himself on a planet consisting of an all female species, and discovered that his ability to generate electricity made him a prime product for prostitution. Now he makes a steady revenue stream as a freelance prostitute, becoming a cult hit across the galaxy thanks to word of mouth of his unique electrical properties and being part of a species that is rarely seen around the galaxy. He was brought on to the Pax-Station with a famous Traveling Bordello that features some of the most exotic and sexy specimen from around the galaxy.
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Constitution: 7
Intelligence: 4
Knowledge: 5
Charisma: 7
Tech Skill: 5
Weapon Skill: 4
Profession: Prostitute
-Former Slave: Has a dark past that he is not comfortable talking about.
-Electrical Touch: Has the ability to generate electricity. Direct Skin-to-skin or skin-to-metal contact with anything can cause a +2 Stat Increase depending on the situation. For example, a punch or whack from a metal rod would get a stat bonus from being electrified, or being in the middle of a bedroom romp would increase Charisma. Also has a immunity to being a electrocuted, though it is possible to drain his power away.
Gear: Communicator, Credit Card, Breath Mints (6)
Name: Zilch
Age; 25
Gender (if applicable): Male
Species: Zoarkian
Planet of birth: Davultan
Species description: Zoarkian's are amphibious beings with pale skin, and small fins protruding from each limb. They have the ability to generate electricity from their bodies similar to electric eels. (Basically just imagine a Zora from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time)
Character background: While Zoarkian's primarily live on the planet of Zoarko, a swamp like planet that fits their species' amphibious build, many Zoarkian's found themselves becoming captured as slaves to the Dominion. Zilch was born in to a life of servitude in the heart of the Davultan Empire, never having known his own family. He worked directly for the Davultan King, and only gained freedom at the time of his death. He left Davultan behind and never looked back on his past. Early on, he barely got by hitching rides on Cargo Ships as a Temporary Worker. He eventually found a steady stream of revenue when he found himself on a planet consisting of an all female species, and discovered that his ability to generate electricity made him a prime product for prostitution. Now he makes a steady revenue stream as a freelance prostitute, becoming a cult hit across the galaxy thanks to word of mouth of his unique electrical properties and being part of a species that is rarely seen around the galaxy. He was brought on to the Pax-Station with a famous Traveling Bordello that features some of the most exotic and sexy specimen from around the galaxy.
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Constitution: 7
Intelligence: 4
Knowledge: 5
Charisma: 7
Tech Skill: 5
Weapon Skill: 4
Profession: Prostitute
-Former Slave: Has a dark past that he is not comfortable talking about.
-Electrical Touch: Has the ability to generate electricity. Direct Skin-to-skin or skin-to-metal contact with anything can cause a +2 Stat Increase depending on the situation. For example, a punch or whack from a metal rod would get a stat bonus from being electrified, or being in the middle of a bedroom romp would increase Charisma. Also has a immunity to being a electrocuted, though it is possible to drain his power away.
Gear: Communicator, Credit Card, Breath Mints (6)
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Name: Ak’tuul Yuvyumae (ak-tool yuv-you-may)
Age: 35GSY
Gender: Female
Species: Decipardus (slang: Displacers)
Planet of birth: Delimos (Svaratia 1)
Species description: Very cat like species with short clawed digits, calf length tails, a coating of short fur that comes in a monochrome rainbow from jet black to pure white, and a tuft of true hair on top of their head. Other coloring is extremely uncommon due to the dim lighting of their home world and it’s deep warrens of naturally lightless cave systems. Their ears swivel slightly and are certainly larger than those of humans, but they are placed similarly on the head rather than being perched on top like a true cat. Think big fuzzy elf ears. Their ancient ancestors were lone predators, and signs of this remain in their retention of a generally violent nature, an almost exclusively predatory diet, and an intolerance of large crowds. Large metropolis cities are almost unknown on Delimos, with the populace favoring small towns just large enough to support a factory or two.
Their most unique feature, by far, is a set of 2 arm length, articulated limbs (you could describe them as stalks or tentacles if you like) attached to their spines near the shoulder blades whose purpose (aside from being articulated limbs great for climbing) is to muddle the perceptions of nearby threats by projecting shadowy copies of themselves (visible from violet down through low IR spectrums) and/or simply throw static in the way to minimize the visibility of the Delimos depending on which version of the stalks an individual happens to have been born with. In the modern era, soldiers (and members of the public concerned with self-defense) of this species wear boosting devices on these stalks that improve the image quality of the copies to near-perfect replicas, and allow those without the innate ability to project such copies. No similar booster pods yet exist for improving their innate static camouflage, and most research was defunded with the advent of more effective and more marketable optical camouflage.
Character background:
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Ak’tuul was born blessed with an ideal set of displacement organs and uses them often when not alone or in trusted company. It is not uncommon to be talking to her only to suddenly realize she is standing two feet to the right.
Being cunning and agressive by nature Ak'tuul was an easy recruit to the military right after leaving school. She served 10 years in the Coalition Navy, starting as a single seater pilot and working her way up until leaving just a year after earning command of her own fleet ship. If asked she insists that she left over disagreements with naval policies, but it is nonetheless suspicious that only weeks after her resignation she had command of a cruiser under the private military corporation Federated Maine Militia (FMM).
Ak’tuul fully supports the peace talks underway and views peace as an ideal worth working toward, but she has difficulty reconciling her ideals with the relish she takes in combat. Hopefully, the border pirates are as tough as the stories about them or she may find herself bored stupid in a peaceful galaxy.
Strength: 4
Dexterity: 8
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 4
Knowledge: 2
Charisma: 5
Tech Skill: 3
Weapon Skill: 5
Profession: Captain of the “Dark Constellation” a 168 meter long cruiser with a solid hull, superior shielding, and two large aft mounted cannons. Her record of “conflict resolution” since receiving this command has been near perfect.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
(Going by the term “Kinetic barriers” from game clips, I’m taking it that energy shielding is a thing in mass effect. If not I can make that tweak.)
-Displacement organs: +2 to her ability to cause confusion about her exact location. (Maybe this can improve her concealment from being seen and/or reduce the likelihood that someone can differentiate between her and a copy. You tell me how you want to let it work)
-Loyal Crew: Captain Yuvyumae has been with the Dark Constellation for 6 years and knows 80% of her crew by first name. The ship may be owned by the FMM, but it goes nowhere without the say-so of her captain. Mutiny is not an option.
Gear: 9mm Pistol, 9mm Magazines (3/15), Secure Communications Device, Credit Card, Utility Knife, Beacon, Coalition Standard Currency (.55), lint
Name: Ak’tuul Yuvyumae (ak-tool yuv-you-may)
Age: 35GSY
Gender: Female
Species: Decipardus (slang: Displacers)
Planet of birth: Delimos (Svaratia 1)
Species description: Very cat like species with short clawed digits, calf length tails, a coating of short fur that comes in a monochrome rainbow from jet black to pure white, and a tuft of true hair on top of their head. Other coloring is extremely uncommon due to the dim lighting of their home world and it’s deep warrens of naturally lightless cave systems. Their ears swivel slightly and are certainly larger than those of humans, but they are placed similarly on the head rather than being perched on top like a true cat. Think big fuzzy elf ears. Their ancient ancestors were lone predators, and signs of this remain in their retention of a generally violent nature, an almost exclusively predatory diet, and an intolerance of large crowds. Large metropolis cities are almost unknown on Delimos, with the populace favoring small towns just large enough to support a factory or two.
Their most unique feature, by far, is a set of 2 arm length, articulated limbs (you could describe them as stalks or tentacles if you like) attached to their spines near the shoulder blades whose purpose (aside from being articulated limbs great for climbing) is to muddle the perceptions of nearby threats by projecting shadowy copies of themselves (visible from violet down through low IR spectrums) and/or simply throw static in the way to minimize the visibility of the Delimos depending on which version of the stalks an individual happens to have been born with. In the modern era, soldiers (and members of the public concerned with self-defense) of this species wear boosting devices on these stalks that improve the image quality of the copies to near-perfect replicas, and allow those without the innate ability to project such copies. No similar booster pods yet exist for improving their innate static camouflage, and most research was defunded with the advent of more effective and more marketable optical camouflage.
Character background:
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Ak’tuul was born blessed with an ideal set of displacement organs and uses them often when not alone or in trusted company. It is not uncommon to be talking to her only to suddenly realize she is standing two feet to the right.
Being cunning and agressive by nature Ak'tuul was an easy recruit to the military right after leaving school. She served 10 years in the Coalition Navy, starting as a single seater pilot and working her way up until leaving just a year after earning command of her own fleet ship. If asked she insists that she left over disagreements with naval policies, but it is nonetheless suspicious that only weeks after her resignation she had command of a cruiser under the private military corporation Federated Maine Militia (FMM).
Ak’tuul fully supports the peace talks underway and views peace as an ideal worth working toward, but she has difficulty reconciling her ideals with the relish she takes in combat. Hopefully, the border pirates are as tough as the stories about them or she may find herself bored stupid in a peaceful galaxy.
Strength: 4
Dexterity: 8
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 4
Knowledge: 2
Charisma: 5
Tech Skill: 3
Weapon Skill: 5
Profession: Captain of the “Dark Constellation” a 168 meter long cruiser with a solid hull, superior shielding, and two large aft mounted cannons. Her record of “conflict resolution” since receiving this command has been near perfect.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
(Going by the term “Kinetic barriers” from game clips, I’m taking it that energy shielding is a thing in mass effect. If not I can make that tweak.)
-Displacement organs: +2 to her ability to cause confusion about her exact location. (Maybe this can improve her concealment from being seen and/or reduce the likelihood that someone can differentiate between her and a copy. You tell me how you want to let it work)
-Loyal Crew: Captain Yuvyumae has been with the Dark Constellation for 6 years and knows 80% of her crew by first name. The ship may be owned by the FMM, but it goes nowhere without the say-so of her captain. Mutiny is not an option.
Gear: 9mm Pistol, 9mm Magazines (3/15), Secure Communications Device, Credit Card, Utility Knife, Beacon, Coalition Standard Currency (.55), lint
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Name: Capt. Maria Basilone
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Planet of birth: Earth
Species description: ...
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Character background:
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Maria's family has always been in the Corp. for as far back as they trace. Born into a tough household, with one or both of her parents away on tour, she attended boarding schools that stressed discipline and duty, and she had little doubts about her future. Her mother was serving on PAX station when the war Davultan Dominion, the station being one of the first to fall in there invasion. Maria never found out what happened to her mother, communications to the station being blocked before the attack began, but no survivors have been reported.
When she heard about the news of the attack, Maria enlisted the next day, lying about her age. Her father, still serving as well was furious when he found out, but chose not to stop her when she said she would just run away and enlist again if he tried to stop her... or worse join the army. She saw her father a few times over the next years while on leave, but it there meetings were strained and difficult, though she knew he was proud of her. Her father was killed in combat during the fourth year of the war.
Maria excelled in her duties, receiving a battlefield commission after all the officers in her company were killed during a landing by a stray shot that devastated the landing boat. A part of Maria regrets the war winding up, part fearing what will become of her and part still yearning for blood. The Davultan Dominion burned countless homes and now that their own territory is at risk they are suing for peace before vengeance is returned.
While she was not involved in the liberation of Pax Station, Maria has pulled whatever strings she could find to get assigned to the Security Detail, hoping to find some evidence of her mother or get some closure.
Core Statistics:
Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 3
Knowledge: 3
Charisma: 4
Tech Skill: 3
Weapon Skill: 9
Profession: Captain, Colonial Marine Security detachment stationed to secure and garrison Pax Station.
Muscle Are Required Intelligence Not Essential - Maria prefers to brute force her way through things, taking direct action instead of waiting to think things out.
Survivor: Maria has led and survived countless combat missions during the war, learning valuable lessons in how not to get herself and her Marines killed or to lose heart when things are tough.
Gear: M41A Pulse Rifle (10mm Caseless Steel Jacketed Explosive tipped) with 30mm Pump Action Grenade Launcher, M3 Pattern Personal Armour, Service Side Arm, Ka-Bar knife
Name: Capt. Maria Basilone
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Planet of birth: Earth
Species description: ...
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Character background:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Maria's family has always been in the Corp. for as far back as they trace. Born into a tough household, with one or both of her parents away on tour, she attended boarding schools that stressed discipline and duty, and she had little doubts about her future. Her mother was serving on PAX station when the war Davultan Dominion, the station being one of the first to fall in there invasion. Maria never found out what happened to her mother, communications to the station being blocked before the attack began, but no survivors have been reported.
When she heard about the news of the attack, Maria enlisted the next day, lying about her age. Her father, still serving as well was furious when he found out, but chose not to stop her when she said she would just run away and enlist again if he tried to stop her... or worse join the army. She saw her father a few times over the next years while on leave, but it there meetings were strained and difficult, though she knew he was proud of her. Her father was killed in combat during the fourth year of the war.
Maria excelled in her duties, receiving a battlefield commission after all the officers in her company were killed during a landing by a stray shot that devastated the landing boat. A part of Maria regrets the war winding up, part fearing what will become of her and part still yearning for blood. The Davultan Dominion burned countless homes and now that their own territory is at risk they are suing for peace before vengeance is returned.
While she was not involved in the liberation of Pax Station, Maria has pulled whatever strings she could find to get assigned to the Security Detail, hoping to find some evidence of her mother or get some closure.
Core Statistics:
Strength: 5
Dexterity: 5
Constitution: 5
Intelligence: 3
Knowledge: 3
Charisma: 4
Tech Skill: 3
Weapon Skill: 9
Profession: Captain, Colonial Marine Security detachment stationed to secure and garrison Pax Station.
Muscle Are Required Intelligence Not Essential - Maria prefers to brute force her way through things, taking direct action instead of waiting to think things out.
Survivor: Maria has led and survived countless combat missions during the war, learning valuable lessons in how not to get herself and her Marines killed or to lose heart when things are tough.
Gear: M41A Pulse Rifle (10mm Caseless Steel Jacketed Explosive tipped) with 30mm Pump Action Grenade Launcher, M3 Pattern Personal Armour, Service Side Arm, Ka-Bar knife
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Name: Nellie Samotara
Age; 26
Gender: Female
Species: Shrelling
Planet of birth: Aurahtoth (Desolate)
Species description:
A race of colourful squid-humanoids with a venomous bite, their hue reflecting what type of venom they carry, which can vary heavily. This can be forcibly milked like any snake venom, or obtained in trace amounts through the females' breast milk, thus milked literally in a weaker and impure state.
Their heads typically have two long tendrils in the shape of tentacles hanging down, which can be moved about and has powerful suction cups on the end. Their 'hair' is kind of spongy to the touch, if not a bit slimy. They can change shape into a strange gooey substance, which they're seemingly in control of.
They have odd triangular ears, three fangs (Two top, one bottom), and are typically not taller than 5'9". The Shrelling are excellent swimmers, and their fingers are slightly webbed (to the first joint), and can stay submerged for a while due to gills along their sides, which are only easy to see whilst submerged.
Their biggest weakness is acid, as not even their gooey form can save them from more intense pain and/or disfigurement than most other species - This is speculated to be because of their heavily PH-basic oceans.
Character background:
Born into a typical family of mechanics and engineers, Nellie spent her years growing up by jumping around on practically everything, eventually starting to get involved in parkour.
She ended up taking an interest in firearms, space, as well as tinkering with ship parts here and there.
During the start of the conflict, her planet's oceans were evaporated, as hostile forces obliterated the ozone layer of Aurahtoth. The culprit was The Davultan Dominion.
She was into some dubious environments through the 10 year conflict, losing her right forearm after an incident with some less favourable people.
She has since replaced it with a cybernetic prosthetic. It could probably be tuned to increase performance, but she hasn't touched it yet.
Nellie is 5'6".
She got her tattoos to commemorate the ocean (the one on her hip), and sea life (on her shoulder) of her lost home world.
She is still very bitter about her home world, and extinction of a large portion of her species.
Since her 'hair' is pink, she carries paralytic venom.
Anyways, mechanics:
These are your core statistics:
Strength: 2 (+0)
Dexterity: 7 (+5)
Constitution: 4 (+2)
Intelligence: 3 (+1)
Knowledge: 4 (+2)
Charisma: 5 (+3)
Tech Skill: 6 (+4)
Weapon Skill: 5 (+3)
Profession: Engineer & Tech Modder
Easily angered (+2 intimidation(Cha)
Tinkerer (+2 to repairing/fixing(tech)
[2x Self-modded laser handguns /w improved heat sink
[Her own toolbox
[Cybernetic right forearm
Name: Nellie Samotara
Age; 26
Gender: Female
Species: Shrelling
Planet of birth: Aurahtoth (Desolate)
Species description:
A race of colourful squid-humanoids with a venomous bite, their hue reflecting what type of venom they carry, which can vary heavily. This can be forcibly milked like any snake venom, or obtained in trace amounts through the females' breast milk, thus milked literally in a weaker and impure state.
Their heads typically have two long tendrils in the shape of tentacles hanging down, which can be moved about and has powerful suction cups on the end. Their 'hair' is kind of spongy to the touch, if not a bit slimy. They can change shape into a strange gooey substance, which they're seemingly in control of.
They have odd triangular ears, three fangs (Two top, one bottom), and are typically not taller than 5'9". The Shrelling are excellent swimmers, and their fingers are slightly webbed (to the first joint), and can stay submerged for a while due to gills along their sides, which are only easy to see whilst submerged.
Their biggest weakness is acid, as not even their gooey form can save them from more intense pain and/or disfigurement than most other species - This is speculated to be because of their heavily PH-basic oceans.
Character background:
Born into a typical family of mechanics and engineers, Nellie spent her years growing up by jumping around on practically everything, eventually starting to get involved in parkour.
She ended up taking an interest in firearms, space, as well as tinkering with ship parts here and there.
During the start of the conflict, her planet's oceans were evaporated, as hostile forces obliterated the ozone layer of Aurahtoth. The culprit was The Davultan Dominion.
She was into some dubious environments through the 10 year conflict, losing her right forearm after an incident with some less favourable people.
She has since replaced it with a cybernetic prosthetic. It could probably be tuned to increase performance, but she hasn't touched it yet.
Nellie is 5'6".
She got her tattoos to commemorate the ocean (the one on her hip), and sea life (on her shoulder) of her lost home world.
She is still very bitter about her home world, and extinction of a large portion of her species.
Since her 'hair' is pink, she carries paralytic venom.
Anyways, mechanics:
These are your core statistics:
Strength: 2 (+0)
Dexterity: 7 (+5)
Constitution: 4 (+2)
Intelligence: 3 (+1)
Knowledge: 4 (+2)
Charisma: 5 (+3)
Tech Skill: 6 (+4)
Weapon Skill: 5 (+3)
Profession: Engineer & Tech Modder
Easily angered (+2 intimidation(Cha)
Tinkerer (+2 to repairing/fixing(tech)
[2x Self-modded laser handguns /w improved heat sink
[Her own toolbox
[Cybernetic right forearm
[Ship /w room for 4-7 crew
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
ID: Shadow
Name: Jan Nailo
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Planet of birth: Earth
Species description:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Character background: Jan is a pilot and a sometimes a soldier for the GCoS. Shes a great pilot, be it a fighter craft or a cruiser she can fly just about anything. her combat specialty is in Zero-G were she can leap of the walls and use her twin blades to slash at her enemies.
Anyways, mechanics:
These are your core statistics:
Strength: 4
Dexterity: 6
Constitution: 4
Intelligence: 3
Knowledge: 4
Charisma: 3
Tech Skill: 8
Weapon Skill: 4
Every stat starts at two, and you get 20 points to divide amongst the stats.
Profession: Pilot and Zero-G combat soldier.
Traits: Thriving under pressure. Gutsy Pilot [willing to do things with a ship others would see as crazy]
Gear: black zero-g suit, comlink, and twin blades.
ID: Shadow
Name: Jan Nailo
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Planet of birth: Earth
Species description:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Character background: Jan is a pilot and a sometimes a soldier for the GCoS. Shes a great pilot, be it a fighter craft or a cruiser she can fly just about anything. her combat specialty is in Zero-G were she can leap of the walls and use her twin blades to slash at her enemies.
Anyways, mechanics:
These are your core statistics:
Strength: 4
Dexterity: 6
Constitution: 4
Intelligence: 3
Knowledge: 4
Charisma: 3
Tech Skill: 8
Weapon Skill: 4
Every stat starts at two, and you get 20 points to divide amongst the stats.
Profession: Pilot and Zero-G combat soldier.
Traits: Thriving under pressure. Gutsy Pilot [willing to do things with a ship others would see as crazy]
Gear: black zero-g suit, comlink, and twin blades.