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Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:58 pm
by Albedo28

This game is primarily about eeking out a living within a hostile environment rife with both sapient and bestial enemies. There will be elements of town building, family rearing (At a vastly accelerated rate), scavenging/survival, mystery, occult practices, pagan deities, and should it reach the later stages war strategy. This is a game that will encourage teamwork among players and though PVP is an option it's not entirely beneficial to act as a player hunter for the sake of OOG fun. Such actions will be met with 'divine' retribution as I won't sacrifice a game's progress to let one person play murderhobo.

The rain forest:
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The setting that this game uses revolves around a continent wide rain forest. Technology is limited to tribal level gear. Blow darts, stone spears, primitive bows and such are the common weapons available to most. Metal instruments are considered rare and often looked upon with some level of awe by those that come across them. The rain forest itself is full of aggressive and lewd creatures that will attack most anything without much warning including but not limited to, tentacle beasts known as 'Ropers', jungle cats, massive snakes, harpies/bird-men, cockatrices, etc. There will be fantastical beasts and while not all of them will be interested in sexing up the players, many shall be. Within this fantasy rain forest exist several gatherings of sentient people, most of which stick together based upon familial bonds. Some are hybrids born from a human parent either willing seeking out an exotic partner or being taken forcibly by one. Such hybrids are not looked upon favorably by most tribes. Despite the dangers, the rain forest is filled with life that's not inherently dangerous too, making foraging, farming, and cultivating new plants a breeze. Birth rates are high among all creatures and thanks to the rain forest's strange aura of fertility, children of any species tend to reach adulthood rapidly within days and remain in this youthful state far longer than typical. Within the rain forest, conflict breeds change in a more extreme nature than usual. Creatures that are beaten are altered by the ether itself to be more prepared to accept such treatment, becoming more soft, fertile, and less prone to provoking hostile response. Creatures that instead dominate their opponents grow more virile, aggressive, and build muscle at an alarming rate to better prepare them for the fights they will encounter in the future.

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Inside of this hostile land that our game takes place, there are many groups each claiming land and lineage for themselves. Among those listed below are those known to ever player character as well as the starting options for each character's background. Obviously choosing different factions will determine starting race and the world's perception of that character at a glance. Feel free to be creative when using these factions as base to create your background.

Amazon tribes (Elysian)-
These amazons are a wide and varied clan, having many different settlements that each tend to keep to themselves and generally aren't the worst individuals to come across unprepared. While not generally outwardly violent, these amazons are very protective of their chosen family, going to great lengths to retrieve any capture warriors or breeders even at heavy costs to themselves. They expand rapidly, putting down new villages just outside the last's borders to attempt stop over foraging and hunting in one area. Despite this, some villages expand too fast for the land around them to handle without being prepared to create a new home to house their children. When this happens, the Elysian Amazons will choose a relatively new adult that shows the least promise and send them out to make their own way. These sort of emergency trimming measures are viewed as sacred as the story of their first grand Amazon warrior chief was said to start with their matriarch being banished from her own home only to create a utopia for her people in response.
Elysian Amazons are ruled by a council of elders within each village that all choose a single representative to send out when the tribe as a whole meets for matters of great importance. Within the tribe, foragers, hunters, warriors, breeders, and farmers are all treated as equals no matter their particular ability or bodily status. Like all amazons, these humans are born as female and through great effort can grow virile enough to sport male genitalia and impregnate their fellows. Given the nature of their rapidly changing genetic makeup, incest is not viewed as something taboo among any amazon tribe, given that there are no repercussions for such sexual activities. All amazon council representatives tend to take a feral creature as their pet as a show of strength to instill both pride and fear within their followers.

Amazon tribes (Tartarean)-
These amazons are not so progressive as their sisters. Having once been the only sort of tribe found within the rain forest, Tartarean amazons are violent, territorial and often plain rude. When a new amazon is born among these tribes, if they do not exhibit traits of a strong warrior from the outset, they are slated to be breeds for the warrior caste to take as they please regardless of who they were birthed to. Among the Tartarean clan there are three sorts of rankings. The first are the breeders, solely used for making new children and tending to those children and their needs, they are at the bottom of the totem pole, often not understanding that there is more to life than sex and child rearing. Above them are the hunters and gatherers. While still fairly impressive physical creatures, these amazons are not among the apex of the Tartarean tribe's virile and ruthless women so they are given tasks meant to sustain the villages they are from and are treated with no ill or favorable intent, simply living to continue providing and keep from slipping lower as new children are born and assigned a caste. At the top of the food chain are the warriors. These intimidating females almost exclusively possess male reproductive organs in addition to their female characteristics and tend to be aggressive and prone to violence as such action is encouraged among their tribe. They band together to protect what they consider 'theirs' and scorn most anything else with an arrogance that shows how self sure their upbringing has made them. Leading them is a single chief, the most powerful of the amazons physically and no slouch when it comes to cunning either. Given that within her own tribe the warriors will routinely attempt to dethrone their chief to take her place, it's a position that breeds a strong and nearly paranoid leader. These amazons are typically hazardous to any who would stumble across their village or foraging parties unaware. Some villages host shamans in addition to warriors. These occultist females bend the ether around them to perform miracles and sway the course of battle using little more than their minds. While shamans are not to be trifled with, they almost overwhelmingly tend to be of the breeder class. Amazons who decide not to conform to the strict caste system are exiled for life without exception.

Aside from the human amazons, there are other sentient creatures that possess their own communities and livelihoods. First among them are the Saurian. Once again a nearly fully female race, the Saurians are lizard-like humanoids that tend to prey upon the amazons for their reproductive needs. There are a scant few saurian males born every few generations but these creatures are held in a extravagant captivity, made to reproduce every day for their short lifespan to produce a new generation for whatever village they belong to. The short lifespan of their males is brought on directly by the species' strange relation to sexual activity. Saurians, unlike amazons, grow more aggressive and potent the longer they abstain from sex. This prompts a rotating change of guard where some of the tribe vow to abstain and instead protect their fellows and hunt, while the others are made to breed and enjoy the spoils of the captured humans brought back. Every time a Saurian mates their bodies are made soft and fertile in response, leaving them vulnerable to outside attack. For this reason, they rarely mate outside of their village unless it's been a far too long string of sexual drought for them to handle. The matriarch of these villages tend to be an individual who among the tribe retrains the most potency after mating, making them the least vulnerable of the bunch at any given time. These creatures tend to be incredibly dangerous when celibate and are spoken of as bogeymen to scare amazon youths into behaving. A lone saurian may occasionally wander away from their tribe to start one anew when resources are scarce, taking it upon themselves to act for the betterment of the tribe as a whole.

Children born from bestial or monstrous couplings with the more civilized species are looked upon universally with a downward gaze. Even among the Elysian amazons, such hybrids are treated as special and fragile given their origins. Among these creatures, humanoid-feline mixtures are the most common given the large jungle cats predatory nature and typical virility. While almost always treated differently than their pure bloodline sisters, not all are exiled or run off though most choose to eventually leave, feeling more attached to the forest than their homes. All hybrid creatures tend to be more fertile than their counterparts thanks to their unique genes though they don't sacrifice potency to earn such a trait. While not a true faction, hybrids don't really fit into any of the prior mentioned groups and as such usually treat each other with more familiarity than they do their own family.

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Conflict within this game is decided by a singular stat known as Dom. All Dom scores start at zero for player characters and increase or decrease based on the conflict results each character earns. Dom is a sliding scale of -100 to 100. The negative earning said character more desirable sexual traits for submissives and non-confrontational resolving of conflicts while positive earns a character more desirable sexual traits for a dominant and aggressive conflict resolution.

Special characteristics earned through Dom score:
When a player character reaches 25 points in either direction they gain access to a special characteristic based around the path they've taken. Those who grow into the negatives earn access to shaman magic which can affect the minds of their opponents to make them more agreeable or at high levels, turn them to the side of the shaman. Shamans also possess abilities to commune with nature and beasts more readily though any attempts to use these powers usually comes with a sexual price. Shamans, much like their negative dom trait suggests, are prone to sexual activity whether its on their own terms or not. They're seen as more desirable by anything 'male' and usually lack the physical power to stop such aggression. The more a shaman embraces her sexuality, the more powerful her magic becomes, drawing upon the ether to even begin to physically change the world around her, changing the wind and potentially even calling the forest itself to her aide if she were to reach the status of legends. While a shaman is powerful, she is not one capable of fending off the might of a warrior single handed and will almost universally seek to escape a fight when there are more opponents than allies or face defeat.

If a character instead finds themselves at 25 positive Dom points they gain access to a more 'male' characteristics taking the form of a male organ (not required for those against playing a futa), a more muscled body, a fierce aura, the ability to craft and handle weapons from their environment as well as the power to reroll any one failed conflict check per encounter. These characters are warriors, fighters, scouts, and guards. They build a family unit, protect it and work to expand their chosen village to earn glory for their line. They can call upon their mental reserves to push their bodies beyond their limits, snatching victory from the jaws of defeat even when the battle seems far lost. The powerful aura of a predator surrounds such characters, allowing them to tame or subdue feral beasts to work at their side, earning them an edge in battle against lone opponents. Gaining these pets requires hunting one down and engaging it in single combat before exerting your might over it (said creature may have a Dom stat of its own exceeding the player's but nothing ventured means nothing gained). Such characters tend to be more boisterous, and self sure, ready to trust in themselves and their allies while disregarding the peril ahead. Amazons tend to idol such people from an early age, given these sorts usually end up as the chiefs of their tribes and villages.

Conflicts are decided by simple d20 rolls. Each opponent is given a roll with a modifier equal to their Dom score divided by ten. Positive dom score is used for physical confrontation while negative is used for mental confrontation. Any action performed counter to your current path is done at a minus one. In essence if a shaman with a score of negative thirty tries to strike a warrior with a score of twenty the rolls would look like this: (Shaman= 1d20-1 vs Warrior= 1d20+2). Conflicts are resolved when one side has succeeded in this contested roll three times (Players may request single roll conflicts but the GM can deny such requests depending on the importance of said conflict). Each side of a conflict gets as many rolls as they have participants while each character loses out with three failed rolls. This makes it a good idea to always bring a buddy into battle or risk being steamrolled.

Critical rolls:
Rolling a natural 20 on any conflict check counts as two successes in that scenario. On the other hand, any natural 1 rolled is an automatic failure on that roll regardless of bonuses from dom points. Winning with a critical success typically adds no additional bonuses but if two successes pushes you past the number required to win the scenario, the character earns an additional roll for dom point increase or loss and the result is significantly more in their favor role play wise.

Gaining or losing Dom points:
Every enemy beaten gives 1d6 dom points that is divided up (rounded down) and split evenly to all still standing victors involved. Conversely, for every enemy that remains standing when you've been defeated the victims lose 1d6 divided among all that have been downed. If your character is taken down and the party still prevails, you will still lose a singular 1d6 dom points. If you want to go up or down one particular path, be patient, travel in groups and be prepared for the outcome having repercussions. Losing a battle without people there to back you up could mean getting dragged off and having to make your way through the hostile world of the rain forest to find your new home once again. While an effective way to lose Dom points, it might make you miss out on other benefits the rest of the party could be enjoying.
Saurians gain and lose Dom points differently than other creatures, starting at zero, they earn 1d6 per 3 GM posts to a maximum of 100 points. Upon having sex, a saurian is knocked down fifty Dom points to a minimum of zero. As such, a Saurian can never become a shaman though if handled with care, can become incredible fighters. In addition to their strange Dom point gain, a Saurian sitting at 100 dom points becomes more and more sexually aggressive as the urge to mate grows. For every two GM posts a Saurian stays at 100 Dom points they lose one point from their conflict bonus to a minimum of three, making it ideal to keep a saurian at least partially sated.

Character sheet-
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Description: (Image or written)
Background: (Include how they left or were forced out of their previous home, aspirations, enemies, and views on the other races)
Dom: 0/100

Accepted players-
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RussianTitan Wrote:Name: Minerva
Race: Human (Tartarean)

Background: Minerva was born for greatness, or that was what she told herself as she grew up in a constant struggle to not be turned into a breeder. Fighting against the oppressive caste system her stay in the village ended when she removed the eye of the head hunter in a panic not to get fucked, (literraly and figuratively). Now she is stuck on her own, kicked out in exile to survive how she may. Well, this ain't gonna be pretty.
Dom: 0/100
Kinks: Excessive Cum, Futa, Pregnancy, Group Sex, Etc.
Anti-kinks: Humiliation, Heavy Bondage, Extreme Body Distortions, Vore, Toiletplay, Guro, Strangulation, Insects, Worms, Children (Loli/Shota), Death

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Name: Alsvid
Race: Elysian

Description: Unusually tall even for an amazon, and with a naturally somber expression, she looks far more dangerous than she actually is.

Background: While certainly capable of it, Alsvid never had a taste for violence and tried to avoid it when she could. Instead she preferred to use her mind and her charms to get the job done. She like taking a more supportive role with the mentality that a bundle of arrows are stronger than just one. While this probably would have condemned her as a breeder had she been born a Tartarean, she was given her fair shot as an Elysian. One she took full advantage of when her hunting party brought back more food than the next two combined. She may not ever get the glory, but none could dismiss her tactics and wisdom.

When word hit that a surprisingly large Saurian raiding party had completely taken out a nearby village, Alsvid plead to the elders that they seek the aid of other Elysian tribes. Unfortunately, Amazonian pride got in the way, and the village decided that they were responsible for protecting their own. The Saurians overwhelmed the village's defenses. Everyone, including Alsvid, were rounded up and captured by the raiders. They were forced to watch as their buildings burnt to the ground, making sure that if they thought of escape they had no where to go.

Before they were hauled back to wherever the Saurians called home, the raiders had their way with the amazons over and over again. Alsvid was forced to orgasm so many times that she nearly passed out from pleasure. Finally she was lucky enough to escape using the confusion of the orgy, but had no choice but to watch as everyone she knew were hauled away, never to be seen again. She cursed the pride that had been the downfall of her village, and made a vow. She would gather other misfits like herself and form a village of her own. She would then do what ever she had to to unify the tribes under a single banner, so that something like this never happened again. With fortune, maybe she would be able to amass enough power to one day rescue her people.

Dom: -6/100

Kinks: Submission, Size Difference, Humiliation, Oral Play, Anal, Feet, Excessive Cum, Saurians, Orgies, Pregnancy, Music, Corruption, Exhibition, Hypnosis, Pet Play, Tickling and is willing to at least try anything not on the Anti-Kinks at least once.

Anti-kinks: Scat, Guro, Oral Vore, Cock Vore, Death, Anything More Violent than Light BDSM.

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MASigma Wrote:Name: Alka
Race: Human (Elysian)
Description: Image
Background: Alka stood out amongst those of her clan, both in skill and personality... this coming to a head when it came time to choose one of their own to be sent out on her own that she willingly volunteered to be the one to do so. Having been raised on the stories of the first grand warchief since she was young, how could she not wish to take such a challenge herself in eventually forging her own Village in turn? The creatures both lewd and deadly would fall to her might and in time she would become well-known through the land. Of course her biggest issue comes from one single thing... her dislike of cocks in general. Though such things are seen as a sign of dominance, the idea of having one of her own just fills her with revulsion, thus causing conflict with her own desires to build her own village... but she is sure she can find a way without having to "disfigure" herself. Alka desires battle, glory, and the rewards that come with both. Alka personally has no enemies as of yet, but has quite the dislike for those Tartarean Amazon, seeing them as little more than beasts given their own ways. Alka see Saurian's as a possible challenge she'd love to take on given what she's heard of them, while Hybrids honestly just interest her... having had a few ideas of defeating one and claiming her reward via a "pet" of her very own.
Dom: -2/100

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VintageBass Wrote:Name: Siatli
Race: Alligator (Saurian)
Description: Image
Background: Siatli is viewed to be a rather lazy individual, not really getting out of her village all that often and found lounging by the local pond her village claimed. Partly in truth she doesn't see much out in the world for her to do, never finding that perfect opportunity to join her sisters in the hunt or found and males that come by that pleasing. It didn't take all that long for her village to kick her out, ordering her to learn the ways of the forest and only to come back once she has truly learn the ways of being a warrior of her people. This really struck a chord with Siatli, but it did get her interested in exploring around to find a way to show that she is truly capable in her own rights while still having the chance to lounge around.

Some time out in the wild got Siatli thinking about her place. While the sex was pleasing, she never partakes in her village's orgies but likes the concept. She doesn't get how one sticks to one path when there are plenty of other places that she can slip into and cover away. After all, while lounging around, Siatli does like to study the landscape, taking in the beauty that her land provides and figure out good places to not only lie back from the intense heat at times, but to watch people from afar. After all, part of the beauty also comes in the form of the wildlife and seeing all sorts of exotic creature past by her, taking a part in similar acts like her own village... it's titillating.

Maybe being kicked out of her village wasn't such a bad thing after all...

Dom: 3/100

Kinks: Females, Herm/Futa, Males, Anthros, Beasts, Muscular, Chubby, Cunning & Smart, Tattoos & Piercings, Group Sex, Orgies, Bathing, Food, Oils and Lotions, Sweat, Cum, Lactation, Slime, Pregnancy, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Leather, Plants, Tail-Pegging (especially when her own tail is being used), Feet
Anti-kinks: Humiliation, Heavy Bondage, Extreme Body Distortions, Vore, Toiletplay, Guro, Strangulation, Insects, Worms, Children (Loli/Shota), Death

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Nescafe Wrote:Name:Mildred Áslaug
Race: Human (Tartarean)



Mildred was a curious case for a Tartarean Amazon, well, not so much as never unheard of before, but, you know, unusual. Though she was assigned as a breeder at birth, as she grew up, it quickly began to become more and more obvious that she was not following the caste rules as she should and was starting to act and behave much as if she was a warrior, even though she lacked the proper "tools" for it. The last droplet was when Mildred provoked and later refused a low-ranking warrior caste, when the warrior tried to take her then and there to establish her dominance, Mildred flipped the tables on them ended up being the one doing the raping instead. Word of the event eventually reached higher ups and Mildred was exiled from the rest of her clan, being delivered a swift kick to the behind as she set off on her lonesome to figure out a new life for herself out in the wilds.

She's been out by herself for a short while now and has a newfound life goal, she intends to form her own clan. With blackjack and hookers. Then use that clan to retake her original home and set off to reconquer the entire forest, making the Tartarean amazons be once again the only ruling clan in the entire jungle! Then she'll continue exploring, expanding, making her clan bigger and mightier, until it takes over the entire WORLD...But first, she's currently trying to figure out how to make a makeshift tent out of wood and leaves that doesn't fall over...And failing.

Courteous: Sometimes
Risk-Taking: Often
Ambitious: Rarely
Curious: Typically
Self-Controlled: Generally
Nurturing: Never
Trusting: Often
Honest: Sometimes
Loyal: Never
Affectionate: Sometimes
Romantic: Sometimes
Flirty: Often
Sympathetic: Typically
Altruistic: Rarely
Optimistic: Always
Observant: Sometimes
Logical: Never
Social: Fairly outgoing
Emotions: Very controlled

Dom: 0/100

Kinks: Excessive cum in general (Cumflation, Gokkun, etc) and blowjobs.
Anti-kinks: Scat, guro, non-sexual torture and vore.

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MelissaB Wrote:Name: Karla
Race: Hybrid
Description: Image
Background: Karla born from her breeder mother from the Tartarean tribe when a certain beast got past the warriors and mated with her, she was strong though considered smaller and weaker she was strong enough to fight back, she was fast too able to pounce and hunt better than most and while she would never be a warrior in the tribe's eyes she was a fine huntress and could scout out areas quicker and faster than her full blooded human kin. Striving to be better and faster than those she lived with she finally left, no longer able to see anything of herself in any of them, too many leers, too many distrusting stares as she was made to feel an object or a threat, moving quickly she left heading into the wild to be her own being no longer tied to their castes and ways but her own and the way of the forest around her, and perhaps one day repay her father by hunting him and killing him for siring her.
Dom: 10/100
Kinks: futa, multiple partners, corruption, body mods bondage. etc etc etc
Anti-kinks: scat, watersports.

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jondude Wrote:Figured I might as well throw myself in here if its still okay! Why not?

Name: Adora Aurelius
Race: Feline Hybrid
Background: Born after her Elysian Amazon mother had a foul encounter with a wild jungle cat while hunting on her own, Adora grew up in the relatively friendly confines of their village though never felt quite fully accepted by those around her due to the rare occurrences of hunters being bested by jungle beasts. There had only been one other like her in the entire tribe, who had been significantly older then her when growing up at around ten years her senior, but Adora tended to look upon her as an older sister. She was one of the few that fully accepted her as what she was even if the others were polite about it, but soon enough came the sad day when the population came to be trimmed to maintain stability with the surrounding environment. Her unrelated sister was picked to leave and go on her own way, for the good of the village, leaving her alone among the more pure humans.

Feeling relatively alone with only her mother fully accepting her, Adora found it difficult to grow up despite always being treated relatively kindly, but never exactly found herself invited to play with the rest of the children, other families trying to limit the contact their children had with her due to perhaps some innate distrust of her anthropomorphic nature. That was fine though, she spent the time with her mother, learning to hunt with knife and spear.

Eventually though as she grew into an adult the time swiftly came to for another culling, an lo and behold it was her chosen this time, just as her sister had been. Although it was sad to part from her dear mother, it was actually kind of a relief for her. Perhaps she could find somewhere more... real, to call home. Other humans, other races, perhaps even more feline hybrids like herself? It was an exciting thought, one she hoped to achieve one day. She left the village with only a stone spear and knife, clad in just a loin cloth and chest wrap and given a simple water skin and dried rations to start her off, plus a warning: be wary of Tartareans and Saurians. She took it to heart, but had to admit she was curious about them. Surely they couldn't be all that bad could they? She'd like to at least see some before talking judgement anyway.

Dom: 10/100
Kinks: Anal, big breasts, lesbians, rapid preg, bestiality, oviposition, pretty much anything not in turn offs
Anti-kinks: Scat, gore, gaping holes, character death, genital piercings(nipples are alright), permanent mind breaking, and long-term enslavement(Like not the whole game kind of deal)

Edit: the img feature is being silly, so thats the best I can do sadly.

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Aledria Wrote:Name: Kaelani (or Kaela to some)

Race: Hybrid (Plant-Human Hybrid)

Description: Kaelani has the dark, tanned skin of the local jungle women. Her body is a plant-human hybrid and her body chemistry is a little different, containing the chlorophyll, like a plant would. This gives her hair the color of a crisp green apple. Her eyes are dark shining onyx that seem to soak up the sunlight. Kaelani has grown into a beautiful woman and her unusual appearance along with her curvy body are bound to draw attention wherever she goes.

Appearance Image:
In case the above doesn't show:


Kaelani was born to Okalani, a warrior of the Tartarean tribe. Okalani had gotten lost during a scouting run and had been raped by some of the sentient plant life nearby. The tribe came in and cut and burned these plants but the damage had been done. Okalani was pregnant. When her daughter was born, she named her Kaelani. Kaelani was obviously different from the others with her vibrant green hair. But people didn't seem to mind this. It wasn't until she was five when she fell and got a scrape on her leg. Her blood was green and this was enough for the village to shun her.

Okalani took care of Kaelani until she was old enough to fend for herself, but Kaelani was forced to leave until she could prove she was not a threat to the tribe.

Kaelani had learned of the existance of the Shamans and started to try to learn more about them. Eventually, she stumbled upon a naked human performing a ritual. The woman motioned for Kaelani to come closer and held out her hand. This woman was a shaman named Wanika and she allowed Kaelani to participate in a ritual rain ceremony. Seeming pleased with Kaelani's efforts, she took pity upon her and took her in as a student.

Kaelani has mostly kept to herself. Despite being kicked from the tribe, she harbors no ill will toward them and hopes to prove herself one day. Truth be told, she's a little naive.

Her unnatural origin has been explained to her but Kaelani doesn’t know what to expect from her body’s physiology. One thing that is perfectly clear is that her sexual appetite seems higher than a normal human woman.

Dom: -17/100

Kinks: Submission, forced sex, beast and monster, male dominance, degradation, messy blowjobs, excessive cum, tattoo & piercings, group sex, orgies, bathing, oils, public use and humiliation, tentacles, corruption, coercion/blackmail, magical/hypnotic manipulation, bondage, slavery (short term. Long term can get boring)

Anti-kinks: Water sports, scat, non-sexual torture, and vore

Neutral: I don’t mind a little female or futa interaction in a shared story like this, but I’d prefer it to not be the focus of my RP. If there is too much it starts to get less fun for me.

Meep Meeperson:
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Meep Meepersons Wrote:Name: Luupa
Race: Amazon
Description: Image

Background: Luupa was the daughter of her villages Chieftain. She lived only for a year before her 'father' was overthrown and cast out by the sinister usurper. After defeating the chieftan the Usurper banished her and her children into the forest. Many of her sisters were killed or captured by the creatures and other sentients during there exile, leaving only her somehow unscathed though very very alone. With anger and vengeance in her heart, she 'grew up' in the forest, avoiding conflicts as much as possible until her enemies were sure she was dead or breed. Unfortunately, this caused her to soften and lose her Unit. This meant that she'd have to fight and win many battles before she could return to her old village, and exact her revenge on the one who ruined her life.

Dom: 6/100
Kinks: Excessive cum, cumsluttery, lactation, breeding, harem play, urethral play, etc etc.
Anti-kinks: Spiders, toilet play, sex injury, death of partner during, male on male action.

Unradical Dude:
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Name: Nesia
Race: Hybrid
Image from
Background: Nesia's life was hard from the word go. Her mother, part of an Amazonian tribe, was kicked out when she gave birth to not a human child, but a weird fish/lizard thing. The elders took one look at the large feral lizards roaming the area, put two and two together, and booted the poor woman out of the village. Nesia spent her early years with her mother learning all about survival in the jungles, and although she never grew much beyond her impish size due to her heritage, she became a capable survivalist and soon managed to deal with the general problems of living on the edges of society. When her mother eventually died, she struck out on her own.

Nesia, right now, has two problems - due to the circumstances of her birth, she hates organised camps and the breeder/warrior system, and wants nothing to do with it. But her love of sex - and her natural fetility - make her an ideal breeder. She has to fight tooth and nail to avoid being captured by tribes of Amazonians or Saurians, but doesn't mind quick flings with other hybrids or the beasts of the jungle. She is fiercely individualist, suspicious of strangers, and is fond of sarcastic quips and biting commentary.

With no real end goals, Nesia has wandered the jungle for some time with no home of her own. But lately, the idea of gaining power in some fashion - a tribe for her own, perhaps - has been at the back of her mind. Whether or not she intends to go down this path is up for the whims of fate to decide.

Dom: -4/100
Kinks: Futa, orgies, beastiality, hypnosis/mind control, anal, shortstacks, group sex, gang-bangs, exhibitionism, size difference, corruption, incest, tentacles
Anti-kinks: Scat/watersports, gore, death, torture, bdsm, feet, vore

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 6:02 am
by Creedawar
Race:Human (Elysian)
Description: ... id=3216788
Background: Suffering from amnesia, Lillian does not remember what village she is from, or if her village still exists at all. She cannot remember that her village was destroyed, but she focuses primarily on her immediate survival. Her goal is simply to find somewhere new to call home, and wants to help out her new tribe members however she can. The jungle and all its inhabitants are her adversaries, as she tries (and is very likely unsuccessful) to resist becoming impregnated. Her views on other races is a mix of caution and fascination. Due to the amnesia, she is seeing the jungle and its races for the first time again, she knows on an animalistic level of their threat, but wants to know more. As the saying goes, curiosity raped the cat.
Dom: 0/100
Kinks: She is clumsy, curious, and subconsciously has a sizable lust. While she may resist, she will feel pleasure at being mated by the various life forms of the jungle.
Anti-kinks: She is turned off by water sports, scat, brutality, and vore.

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 8:14 am
by lilbooth
Are you looking for more players? If so I'd been interested in making a character.

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 5:31 pm
by Albedo28
Not particularly looking for more players, Lilbooth, given I've gotten a few PMs and Creedawar's submission as well. Was wanting to keep this to a more manageable number and I'm about at my max given I've just hit seven potential players. Keep an eye out if you still hold interest and should someone drop we can work things about.

Creedawar, get yourself ten posts to no longer be considered "newly registered" and I'd be willing to give you a shot.

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 7:04 pm
by Nicoffee
Name:Mildred Áslaug
Race: Human (Tartarean)



Mildred was a curious case for a Tartarean Amazon, well, not so much as never unheard of before, but, you know, unusual. Though she was assigned as a breeder at birth, as she grew up, it quickly began to become more and more obvious that she was not following the caste rules as she should and was starting to act and behave much as if she was a warrior, even though she lacked the proper "tools" for it. The last droplet was when Mildred provoked and later refused a low-ranking warrior caste, when the warrior tried to take her then and there to establish her dominance, Mildred flipped the tables on them ended up being the one doing the raping instead. Word of the event eventually reached higher ups and Mildred was exiled from the rest of her clan, being delivered a swift kick to the behind as she set off on her lonesome to figure out a new life for herself out in the wilds.

She's been out by herself for a short while now and has a newfound life goal, she intends to form her own clan. With blackjack and hookers. Then use that clan to retake her original home and set off to reconquer the entire forest, making the Tartarean amazons be once again the only ruling clan in the entire jungle! Then she'll continue exploring, expanding, making her clan bigger and mightier, until it takes over the entire WORLD...But first, she's currently trying to figure out how to make a makeshift tent out of wood and leaves that doesn't fall over...And failing.

Courteous: Sometimes
Risk-Taking: Often
Ambitious: Rarely
Curious: Typically
Self-Controlled: Generally
Nurturing: Never
Trusting: Often
Honest: Sometimes
Loyal: Never
Affectionate: Sometimes
Romantic: Sometimes
Flirty: Often
Sympathetic: Typically
Altruistic: Rarely
Optimistic: Always
Observant: Sometimes
Logical: Never
Social: Fairly outgoing
Emotions: Very controlled

Dom: 0/100

Kinks: Excessive cum in general (Cumflation, Gokkun, etc) and blowjobs.
Anti-kinks: Scat, guro, non-sexual torture and vore.

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 7:40 pm
by VintageBass
Name: Siatli
Race: Alligator (Saurian)
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Background: Siatli is viewed to be a rather lazy individual, not really getting out of her village all that often and found lounging by the local pond her village claimed. Partly in truth she doesn't see much out in the world for her to do, never finding that perfect opportunity to join her sisters in the hunt or found and males that come by that pleasing. It didn't take all that long for her village to kick her out, ordering her to learn the ways of the forest and only to come back once she has truly learn the ways of being a warrior of her people. This really struck a chord with Siatli, but it did get her interested in exploring around to find a way to show that she is truly capable in her own rights while still having the chance to lounge around.

Some time out in the wild got Siatli thinking about her place. While the sex was pleasing, she never partakes in her village's orgies but likes the concept. She doesn't get how one sticks to one path when there are plenty of other places that she can slip into and cover away. After all, while lounging around, Siatli does like to study the landscape, taking in the beauty that her land provides and figure out good places to not only lie back from the intense heat at times, but to watch people from afar. After all, part of the beauty also comes in the form of the wildlife and seeing all sorts of exotic creature past by her, taking a part in similar acts like her own village... it's titillating.

Maybe being kicked out of her village wasn't such a bad thing after all...

Dom: 0/100

Kinks: Females, Herm/Futa, Males, Anthros, Beasts, Muscular, Chubby, Cunning & Smart, Tattoos & Piercings, Group Sex, Orgies, Bathing, Food, Oils and Lotions, Sweat, Cum, Lactation, Slime, Pregnancy, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Leather, Plants, Tail-Pegging (especially when her own tail is being used), Feet
Anti-kinks: Humiliation, Heavy Bondage, Extreme Body Distortions, Vore, Toiletplay, Guro, Strangulation, Insects, Worms, Children (Loli/Shota), Death

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 8:41 pm
by cryosabre

Hybrid (Feline)

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Nifa had been brought into the world after her Tartarean mother had been cornered and raped by a notorious wild jungle panther, one that had already killed, maimed and raped many others in her tribe, during what was supposed to be a routine excursion outside the village walls to forage for food. By the time aid arrived it had already been too late, the jungle cat had had it's fill of it's victim and had long since retreated to the safety of it's jungle, leaving Nifa's mother sprawled on the ground with her impregnated stomach already beginning to swell with life. When it was discovered that some of Nifa's human genes had given way to those of her father's (In the form of the calico fur covering her body and twin tails trailing down from the bottom of her spine), two things happened: Firstly, her mother was ridiculed by the others in her tribe for allowing herself to be mounted by a wild beast before the chief of the village decreed "If you'll bear a single beast's child then surely you will have no problem bearing a thousand of our own!" Sentencing Nifa's mother to fall in status and claim her new place in the tribe as a breeder. The second thing that happened was Nifa's immediate exile from the tribe due to her "Impurity". True to her Tartarean heritage, Nifa did not cry or beg for the decision to be overturned, she simply spat in her mother's direction for being weak before exiting the gated village with nothing but the cloths on her back and her head held high.

You see, Nifa didn't see this as a punishment, she seen it as a challenge. A challenge to prove she was not only worthy of the mighty Tartarean blood flowing within her, but also to prove her tribe had made a mistake when they banished her for her fur and tails. She would everything and anything she could to make her own tribe of savage cat-women, claw her way to the top of the jungle, take over her old tribe and, eventually, assert her feline dominance over the whole of existence, making all bow down before her. Whether that was achieved through force or leadership, Nifa didn't care. All she had to do was survive the infant stages of he rise to power and somehow manage to not become breeding stock to some bigger, stronger force.


Rape, Beastiality, Bondage, Slavery, Group Sex, Huge cocks, Lesbian, straight, futas, Insemination, BDSM, Forced Orgasms, Submission/Domination, Humiliation, Body Modification, cum bath, bukkake, choking, inflation, tentacles, gangbangs, corruption, anything that isn't in turn offs

Excessive wounding, Age play, Toilet play, Non-sexual torture, death.

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 9:19 pm
by Creedawar
Okay fair enough, I will find a way to get 10 posts. Your game sounds fun, interesting, and sexy and I would love to play. I am as you noticed new to LOK forums, not new to RPing but am new to this format.

But also though, so many good concepts coming in!

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 9:54 pm
by cryosabre
Honestly you're best heading to the creative part of the forums and leaving reviews, feedback or comments on the awesome work people do over there! Quick way to get your last 8 posts in before you're given that sweet, sweet freedom ;p

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:06 pm
by VintageBass
cryosabre Wrote:Honestly you're best heading to the creative part of the forums and leaving reviews, feedback or comments on the awesome work people do over there! Quick way to get your last 8 posts in before you're given that sweet, sweet freedom ;p

There's also the General section, which have topics you can easily make posts in, and I'll get those approved as fast I can!

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:15 am
by MASigma
Name: Alka
Race: Human (Elysian)
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Background: Alka stood out amongst those of her clan, both in skill and personality... this coming to a head when it came time to choose one of their own to be sent out on her own that she willingly volunteered to be the one to do so. Having been raised on the stories of the first grand warchief since she was young, how could she not wish to take such a challenge herself in eventually forging her own Village in turn? The creatures both lewd and deadly would fall to her might and in time she would become well-known through the land. Of course her biggest issue comes from one single thing... her dislike of cocks in general. Though such things are seen as a sign of dominance, the idea of having one of her own just fills her with revulsion, thus causing conflict with her own desires to build her own village... but she is sure she can find a way without having to "disfigure" herself. Alka desires battle, glory, and the rewards that come with both. Alka personally has no enemies as of yet, but has quite the dislike for those Tartarean Amazon, seeing them as little more than beasts given their own ways. Alka see Saurian's as a possible challenge she'd love to take on given what she's heard of them, while Hybrids honestly just interest her... having had a few ideas of defeating one and claiming her reward via a "pet" of her very own.
Dom: 0/100

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:39 pm
by RussianTitan
Name: Minerva
Race: Human (Tartarean)
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Background: Minerva was born for greatness, or that was what she told herself as she grew up in a constant struggle to not be turned into a breeder. Fighting against the oppressive caste system her stay in the village ended when she removed the eye of the head hunter in a panic not to get fucked, (literraly and figuratively). Now she is stuck on her own, kicked out in exile to survive how she may. Well, this ain't gonna be pretty.
Dom: 0/100
Kinks: Excessive Cum, Futa, Pregnancy, Group Sex, Etc.
Anti-kinks: Humiliation, Heavy Bondage, Extreme Body Distortions, Vore, Toiletplay, Guro, Strangulation, Insects, Worms, Children (Loli/Shota), Death

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 8:46 pm
by jondude
Figured I might as well throw myself in here if its still okay! Why not?

Name: Adora Aurelius
Race: Feline Hybrid
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Background: Born after her Elysian Amazon mother had a foul encounter with a wild jungle cat while hunting on her own, Adora grew up in the relatively friendly confines of their village though never felt quite fully accepted by those around her due to the rare occurrences of hunters being bested by jungle beasts. There had only been one other like her in the entire tribe, who had been significantly older then her when growing up at around ten years her senior, but Adora tended to look upon her as an older sister. She was one of the few that fully accepted her as what she was even if the others were polite about it, but soon enough came the sad day when the population came to be trimmed to maintain stability with the surrounding environment. Her unrelated sister was picked to leave and go on her own way, for the good of the village, leaving her alone among the more pure humans.

Feeling relatively alone with only her mother fully accepting her, Adora found it difficult to grow up despite always being treated relatively kindly, but never exactly found herself invited to play with the rest of the children, other families trying to limit the contact their children had with her due to perhaps some innate distrust of her anthropomorphic nature. That was fine though, she spent the time with her mother, learning to hunt with knife and spear.

Eventually though as she grew into an adult the time swiftly came to for another culling, an lo and behold it was her chosen this time, just as her sister had been. Although it was sad to part from her dear mother, it was actually kind of a relief for her. Perhaps she could find somewhere more... real, to call home. Other humans, other races, perhaps even more feline hybrids like herself? It was an exciting thought, one she hoped to achieve one day. She left the village with only a stone spear and knife, clad in just a loin cloth and chest wrap and given a simple water skin and dried rations to start her off, plus a warning: be wary of Tartareans and Saurians. She took it to heart, but had to admit she was curious about them. Surely they couldn't be all that bad could they? She'd like to at least see some before talking judgement anyway.

Dom: 0/100
Kinks: Anal, big breasts, lesbians, rapid preg, bestiality, oviposition, pretty much anything not in turn offs
Anti-kinks: Scat, gore, gaping holes, character death, genital piercings(nipples are alright), permanent mind breaking, and long-term enslavement(Like not the whole game kind of deal)

Edit: the img feature is being silly, so thats the best I can do sadly.

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 8:49 pm
by VintageBass
Jon, your pic isn't showing... Can you fix it, please?

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:00 pm
by Albedo28
Haha! Nice character, Jondude. I've got a weakness for that artist too :3

While it may strain me a bit, I'll try doing an 8 man game to start (assuming our newly registered player is still about.) first post shall be going up today and I'll edit in Aledria's character sheet into this post in a few.

Aledria Wrote:Name: Kaelani (or Kaela to some)

Race: Hybrid (Plant-Human Hybrid)

Description: Kaelani has the dark, tanned skin of the local jungle women. Her body is a plant-human hybrid and her body chemistry is a little different, containing the chlorophyll, like a plant would. This gives her hair the color of a crisp green apple. Her eyes are dark shining onyx that seem to soak up the sunlight. Kaelani has grown into a beautiful woman and her unusual appearance along with her curvy body are bound to draw attention wherever she goes.

Appearance Image:
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Kaelani was born to Okalani, a warrior of the Tartarean tribe. Okalani had gotten lost during a scouting run and had been raped by some of the sentient plant life nearby. The tribe came in and cut and burned these plants but the damage had been done. Okalani was pregnant. When her daughter was born, she named her Kaelani. Kaelani was obviously different from the others with her vibrant green hair. But people didn't seem to mind this. It wasn't until she was five when she fell and got a scrape on her leg. Her blood was green and this was enough for the village to shun her.

Okalani took care of Kaelani until she was old enough to fend for herself, but Kaelani was forced to leave until she could prove she was not a threat to the tribe.

Kaelani had learned of the existance of the Shamans and started to try to learn more about them. Eventually, she stumbled upon a naked human performing a ritual. The woman motioned for Kaelani to come closer and held out her hand. This woman was a shaman named Wanika and she allowed Kaelani to participate in a ritual rain ceremony. Seeming pleased with Kaelani's efforts, she took pity upon her and took her in as a student.

Kaelani has mostly kept to herself. Despite being kicked from the tribe, she harbors no ill will toward them and hopes to prove herself one day. Truth be told, she's a little naive.

Her unnatural origin has been explained to her but Kaelani doesn’t know what to expect from her body’s physiology. One thing that is perfectly clear is that her sexual appetite seems higher than a normal human woman.

Dom: 0/100

Kinks: Submission, forced sex, beast and monster, male dominance, degradation, messy blowjobs, excessive cum, tattoo & piercings, group sex, orgies, bathing, oils, public use and humiliation, tentacles, corruption, coercion/blackmail, magical/hypnotic manipulation, bondage, slavery (short term. Long term can get boring)

Anti-kinks: Water sports, scat, non-sexual torture, and vore

Neutral: I don’t mind a little female or futa interaction in a shared story like this, but I’d prefer it to not be the focus of my RP. If there is too much it starts to get less fun for me.

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:05 am
by Albedo28
Forgive the double post, but the IC is up:

Edit: Added in mechanics concerning critical successes and failures in the first post. Sorry they weren't in there initially. Hadn't thought to include them until they were brought up to me by one of the players.

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 9:19 am
by Albedo28
Triple posting at this point? Jeez, how lame of me.

Regardless, I want to let Creedawar know publicly that he's got until the end of Saturday to post or give a good reason for his lack of activity and tell us when he will be posting. I've given a chance and not only did he not get to 10 posts on the forums but he's gone silent since, despite visiting the forums actively. I'll take the character and use them as an NPC until I can phase them out should nothing be done.

Sorry to be a hardass, but I'm not interested in holding up multiple people for someone who's given me no communication or effort. A shame since I enjoyed the character sheet.

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:34 pm
by MelissaB
Name: Karla
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Background: Karla born from her breeder mother from the Tartarean tribe when a certain beast got past the warriors andmated with her, she was strong though considered smaller and weaker she was strong enough to fight back, she was fast too able to pounce and hunt better than most and while she would never be a warrior in the tribe's eyes she was a fine huntress and could scout out areas quicker and faster than her full blooded human kin. Striving to be better and faster than those she lived with she finally left, no longer able to see anything of herself in any of them, too many leers, too many distrusting stares as she was made to feel an object or a threat, moving quickly she left heading into the wild to be her own being no longer tied to their castes and ways but her own and the way of the forest around her, and perhaps one day repay her father by hunting him and killing him for siring her.
Dom: 0/100
Kinks: futa, multiple partners, corruption, body mods bondage. etc etc etc
Anti-kinks: scat, watersports.

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:02 pm
by Meep Meepersons
Name: Luupa
Race: Amazon
Description: Image

Background: Luupa was the daughter of her villages Chieftain. She lived only for a year before her 'father' was overthrown and cast out by the sinister usurper. After defeating the chieftan the Usurper banished her and her children into the forest. Many of her sisters were killed or captured by the creatures and other sentients during there exile, leaving only her somehow unscathed though very very alone. With anger and vengeance in her heart, she 'grew up' in the forest, avoiding conflicts as much as possible until her enemies were sure she was dead or breed. Unfortunately, this caused her to soften and lose her Unit. This meant that she'd have to fight and win many battles before she could return to her old village, and exact her revenge on the one who ruined her life.

Dom: 0/100
Kinks: Excessive cum, cumsluttery, lactation, breeding, harem play, urethral play, etc etc.
Anti-kinks: Spiders, toilet play, sex injury, death of partner during, male on male action.

Re: Jungle Fever: Struggle for Survival

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 3:38 am
by jondude
Last post was over a day ago, and I'mma just sitting here like...
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... annnny minute now