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Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2015 11:56 pm
by Gorbaz
Alright, so I know I don't have a good track record, and I said the last one was the last one and never managed to get anywhere with it (couldn't figure out how to transition the game system into this), but Daxy convinced me to give it another go.


The land of Crystellia has, for a long time been home to many different races both great and small, who have all shared a peace bought with the lives of generations past. Most nations still have small militaries of their own, but mostly the land it kept safe by the actions of brave adventurers. But, of course, there has been little to keep it safe from, and so technology had advanced unfettered by fear but not guided by war. That is, until recently. Off in a distant land, a darkness has begun to creep over the once-peaceful land, slowly corrupting those that it touched until they have twisted into evil and ravenous beasts. Even some heroes who stepped up to face it went missing, only to reappear years later following the will of the darkness, their bodies changed.

Now, a brave band have assembled in order to charge headlong into the darkness, their goal to find and destroy the source of the darkness and once again return the land to the way it once was. Each one know that, if they fail, not only will it be the land consumed, but their own selves twisted to follow and harm those they once protected.


And yes, this is based on a game system I have. It will mostly involve moving from dungeon to dungeon, battling through minions, champions, and lords in the goal of reaching the one who is in control of all the darkness - and beat him up! Or not, depending on hour corrupt you've become. Corruption will depend on how much you are defeated in combat (if at all)... or other things, as they come to me.

The sort of beasties you will encounter will be anything from kobolds, to animated plants, to dragons, and all will be gunning for you. Of course, some might take a bit more of a liking to you than just as a target. I'll tell you what kind of stuff you have coming up in each dungeon.

Actions will be diced-based (trying to keep it is close to the game system as possible) and use special dice. I will be physically rolling for you! Suffice to say it will basically be a D2, D3, and D4 being used, but multiple dice can be rolled at once. Yeah, I know it's like "wtf? D2?!" It's difficult to transition it into known die formats as each one gives the chance of getting health pots or special posts. Or both. I need to work out how to transition everything into workable user-created characters which will be a total ball-ache. Or just hand over the ones that I have here pre-made and just tell you to choose from the list. But I'm sure home grown heroes would be preferable, right?

So, basically the die rolling is split into 3 types - blue, red, and green. Green is better than red, and red is better than blue. Blue dice give a score of 0-2, red give 0-3, and green 1-4. But, the dice dictate if a monster had anything useful on them! Blue has a chance of healing items, red a chance of special potions, and green a chance of both! So, you see, it is best to have a mix rather than just plumb for all green. I think the self creation tool would go something like this:
4 stats - Strength, Armour, Willpower and Dexterity. Each would start as, say, 2 blue, with the option to add another blue for 1 point, red for 2, and green for 3, and you have... let's say 4 points to spend. But then there can be bonuses for race, gear, etc. Because there are not only Humans, but also elves, dwarves, undead, demons, centaurs and other stuff, as well as classes of knights, scouts, barbarian, mage, etc.

I'm just waffling now. I'll do the two options in more depth later. That means tomorrow.

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 3:59 am
by Grape_Drink
Sounds sweet.

EDIT: Placeholder I suppose since I won't get home for another 7ish hours.


Too much of a taco fest. Lets get a sausage in there.


Name: Durrel Urvir
Age: 156
Race: Duergar (+1 Health?)
Gender: Sausage
Class: Rogue/Scout (stealth)

Stats: (I think I did it right)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

STRENGTH 1 Blue + 1 blue
ARMOUR 1 Blue + 1 Red
WILLPOWER 1 Blue + 1 blue
DEXTERITY 1 Blue + 1 Green



Potion of astral step - One use - allows you to teleport a short distance

Stealth (rogue starter)

Backstab (Massive Damage)- Deal 2 damage per strike

Arcane Lore- Can read/use Magic items/wands/scrolls that would normally be race/class-specific, does NOT grant spellcasting capabilities beyond said items though (or if not acceptable as a skill, I can just take Lucky as the second skill)

Katar (1 handed)
Light Club (1 handed)
Two-handed Crossbow/20 bolts
Midnight Blue leather armor
Standard Adventuring necessities (bedroll, flint/tinder, water sack, etc.)


Duerrel Urvir was a fine young (well, approaching his middle ages) Duergar who followed the way of deceit and guile. He was not one to go into a fight directly, but would instead slip around and smack or stab an opponent with devastating force! There wasn't much motivation for him to go after the corruption, after all he was a pretty corrupt fellow himself (in the antihero sort of way), but there was treasure to be found! And possibly booty to be had (in more ways than one)!

And thus the shady Duergar found a group willing to charge head-on into the corruption. Hell, worst case scenario he'd become a little more corrupt, that's not too bad of a bargain to make when the Duergar way is pretty monotonous most days anyways.

He hadn't really had any permanent lovers, having traveled from job to job, and honestly his childhood was pretty boring, just monotonous "survival" (E.G. work) day in and day out.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Turn ons: Consensual sexual intercourse between a married virginal man and woman in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation :lol:

Turn offs: (alright I'll be serious I guess) Scat and Piss kind of stuff

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 4:09 am
by HarleyLocal605
I'll keep my eyes open for the next post.

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 7:55 am
by Kankra
I'm in.

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 8:45 am
by MelissaB

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:38 am
by Tsai
I'll keep a look out

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 2:29 pm
by Gorbaz
I got the chance to do working out at work. Bugger all else to do today :P

So. If average is 21 points, start off with 1 blue in each (8 points)

Leaves hero with 13 points
+2 points per blue die added to a stat
+3 Points per red die added to a stat
+6 points per green die added to a stat
+1 point to replace a blue with a red, +3 points to replace a red with a green, +4 to replace a blue with a green

Each hero has 5 health, and one special potion (randomly decided or you tell me what you want and I will vet it). You will only ever take 1 health from any attack, unless it is special

Race Bonus
Dwarf gains +1 health, Elf/Half Elf gain +1 Dex, Celestians gain Fly, Demons gain Teleport, Centaur gains +1 STR, Undead gain Poison Immunity, and Humans gain an extra skill of their choice
Difference between +1 stat and +1 die is that +1 stat guarentees you at least 1 success. As such, an Elf will always hit with a bow, and takes less to go through armour, for example

Class Bonus
Barbarian - berserk skill, Mage - +1 potion, Paladin - heal spell, Ranger - surefoot skill, Druid - shapeshift, Rogue - stealth, Warrior - bonus gear!

Skills list (preliminary)
Tough - ignore 1 damage in each round of combat
Berserk - Enter a frenzy, attacking everything around you, but at the cost of defence
Fire (Mage only) - your spells set your terget on fire, in addition to any other damage
Ice (Mage only) - Your spells freeze an opponent solid, in addition to other damage
Hex (Mage only) - Your spells can sap a target's strength, rather than deal damage (target discards highest roll when attacking)
Surefoot - Crossing a prescipice or sliding past overgrown brambles are no problem for you
Lucky - You may well find better loot…
Shapeshift (Druid Only) - You can become a Dire Beast (bear, boar, duck…. Wait, duck?) - Make a shapeshifted character sheet in addition to your normal one, but do not have separate skills beyond what the animal would have
Cleave - Strike up to three critters at once
Massive damage (Fighter / Rogue) - Deal 2 damage per strike
Succubus (Demon only) - Heal yourself while hurting another while in a tender embrace - based off WILL stat
Hookshot (Celestian / Demon) - Guide your shots round corners to hit targets you cannot see
Minstrel - Play a tune to raise your companion's spirits (+1 WILL)
Poison - Blade poisons to cripple (-1 DEX), weaken (-1 STR), or befuddle (-1 WILL) your target. Can be used on bows, too!
Heal (Paladin / Celestian) - Instantly heal a friend's wounds (1 blue die per wound taken, each success heals a wound)
Lycanthropy (Counts as 2 skills) - You can shapeshift into a Ware-Beast, and it hurts! Like Shapeshift, only shifted form gains Regenerate (Heal, but only on self). Can pass along the curse
Holy (Never on Demons) - Reroll 1 dice each round vs Undead or Demons

You tell me what potions or potions you want to have to start with, but the ones gained in dungeon will be random.
Potions are generally one of 3 categories - Healing, Buffing, Curing
Healing potions heal some or all of your health. Most in dungeons only heal 1
Buffing potions grant +1 blue or red die to a stat
Curing remove status effects, such as soneform, poison, mental domination and the like


Hopefully the above makes sense for character creation. Of course, I'm not limiting to classes / races listed, as there's no harm having a rebel kobold, troll, or anything else (roughly) humanoid. Just do a sheet and I'll give it a thumbs up, or suggestions of change. Just tell me what is the result of what :)







I'll go into gear later. Probably on an individual bases, or something. Not decided yet. Maybe just put down what you want?

Just so there is no confusion over "dice", here's what each has:
Blue dice has 1 health, 2x0, 2x1, and 1x2 faces
Red dice has 1x potion, 1x0, 2x1, 1x2, and 1x3 faces
Green dice has 1x potion and health, 2x1, 1x2, 1x3, and 1x4 faces.

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 3:20 pm
by Firehead
Cool I'm interested so here's what I got. Let me know if you have any input or if I missed anything.

Name: Kryth' sas
Race: Lizard-folk (+1 Armor [Scales])
Class: Druid
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Background: Abducted from her tribe when she was young she spent some years as a curiosity in a circus before she was freed by a group that was outraged by her enslavement. The group educated her teaching her that hers and many other peoples were once noble but had been corrupted by darkness. It was discovered that she had power to commune with nature and that she would likely have been a shaman of her tribe. Teaching her to utilize her powers to the best of their abilities she now seeks to use her powers to free her own and many other peoples from the corruption that plagues them.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Strength 2 Blue
Armor 1Blue plus 1
Willpower 1Blue plus 2 Red
Dexterity 2 Blue plus 1Red

Health: 5
Potions: Barkskin (+1 Armor for 15 min)

Gear:Hide Armor and Javelin

Skills: Shapeshifting

Shapeshifted CS
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Race: Dire-Puma

Strength 1 Blue + 2 Red
Armor 3 Blue
Willpower 1 Blue
Dexterity 1 Blue + 1 Red

Gear:probably none

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 3:40 pm
by MelissaB
Name: Liel
Age: 24
Race: Celestial
Gender: Female
Class: Paladin
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Background: Committed to destroying evil wherever it could be found. For years, Liel fought tirelessly for her people, wielding her golden sword. She shielded her delicate features beneath her armor. Though a beautiful, striking creature war has taken a terrible toll upon her spirit. In her quest for victory, she sometimes would try to lift the wicked up from their morass of evil, but more than often she instead purged those she herself deemed beyond redemption. To Liel, justice can so often be an ugly thing.

STRENGTH: 1 Blue + 1 Green
ARMOUR: 1 Blue + 1 Red
WILLPOWER: 1 Blue + 1 Red
DEXTERITY: 1 Red(replaced blue)

POTIONS: 1 Angelic Touch

Skills -

GEAR: Great sword, piece mail(partial plate)

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 4:38 pm
by HarleyLocal605
Name: Callista
Age: 19
Race: Human (Plus 1 skill)
Gender: Female
Class: Mage (+1Potion class bonus)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Born the daughter to a mage, Callista caught interest at a young age, and was trained by her father, who disappeared ten years ago. Trying to learn from what writings her father had, and what she remembered him do, she eventually grasped that which had impressed her so much during her childhood. Now she was a woman, determined to make a name for herself. Restoring peace to the land presents her with a great opportunity to do so.

ARMOUR: 1 Blue + 1 Blue
WILLPOWER: 1 Blue + 1 Green
DEXTERITY: 1 Blue + 1 Red



Black High Quality Robe

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 6:25 pm
by Gorbaz
Ok, so I missed the bit about skills out. Basically, you can have two skills, unless you are a Human, in which case you can have 3. Please not that the "fire", "ice", and "hex" powers do not mean you "only" have those attacks, but can use them. This is because some beasties are immune to certain elemental powers, and it would be a dick move to say "sorry. Your spells have no effect and there's nothing you can do".

I'll get to reviewing the characters in a mo :)

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 7:04 pm
by Gorbaz
Right, so... I should probably put in an "appearance" thing, as well as a "background" - Thanks to Firehead for putting that bit in! If you can find a picture, please include, otherwise a short description is fine.

Also, clarification required on dice. The whole "heart" and "potion" thing is a result on a D6 that I roll to determine success of attacks against monsters, rather than generation. So, if I roll 2 blue dice and get a heart and a 2, that attack has a power of 2 and, if it kills, will generate a "heart" (healing potion). I have not yet got a progression system written up (beyond giving gear), so health may increase over time. Special potions are just found laying around.


Firehead: Looks good. Just adjust the health / potions thing to the basics. And yes, the shapeshifted form has the same health and potions as the main form. If you are badly hurt and shapeshift, you won't become healthy again. As a Dire-Puma, I'd say you can have Surefoot in that form as cats (even very big ones) are very steady on their feet. I'm fine with the lizard scales giving +1 Armour over anything else. Also (another oversight which comes from writing stuff while at work), you get another skill on your main form.

Mel: As above - you decide what skills you want for your character. All races have two skills, Humans get 3 to compensate for not having any other kind of racial bonus

Harley: Looks like a "glass cannon" type. Blast stuff down quick so you don't have to engage in combat, right? As with Firehead, health and potions description was an oversight on my part. Please adjust back to basic. Plus, you get to give yourself another skill.

I'll updated here once I've decided on what gear to give you. Send a PM if you have a preference. Think of high fantasy style gear, with the addition of early steampunk weapons (cog-axes, rifles, etc. Not as deadly as modern gear, so bows / crossbows are still viable tech)

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 7:11 pm
by MelissaB
Done! i think.

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 7:31 pm
by dndman997
ill see later about making a character

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 7:37 pm
by HarleyLocal605
Definity glass cannon. Edited post to incorporate the third skill, and set health and potions to basic. Appearance will come later.

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 8:43 pm
by Kankra
Name: Sheera
Age: 25
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Barbarian
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Sheera was born and raised in a barbarian clan who's name was so old, it already had been forgotten by it's members due to their pastime of constant brawling and battling and the amnesias resulting out of these fights. The barbarians lived for the glory of the fight alone and for an honorable death that would bring them to their ancestors to finally learn the name of the clan. Thus, she is pretty stubborn and usually rushes head first into any kind of conflict. And if none exists, she creates it.

STRENGTH: 1 red + 1 green
ARMOUR: 2 blue
DEXTERITY: 1 blue + 1 red

POTIONS: 1 Healing

Massive damage

Two longswords.

Potion of swiftness - Brief burst of double speed... and double to strikes

Turn ons:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

BDSM, forced sex, rape, gangbang/-rape (being the only female), lesbian, straight, public humiliation, tentacles, pregnancy, oviposition, cervical penetration, stomach inflation, bukkake, deepthroat, cum swallowing, anal, double penetration, bestiality, light vore

Turn offs:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

scat, watersports, heavy gore (small cuts and scratches are ok)

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:07 pm
by Tsai
Name: Rowena
Age: 97
Race: Elf
Gender: Female
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Class: Ranger
Bio: Despite being the ripe old human age of 97 Rowena was still considered an adventurous child to her Elven brethren. She still has much to learn and see about the world and still had much to prove as she hasn't even reached her first milestone of 100 years. As with all elves she was born with a bow in her hand picking up the gracefulness of using this rather primitive tool with finesse and skill. She was never much for fights, but never backed down from a challenge either.
ARMOUR 1 red (replaced blue)
WILLPOWER 1 green (replaced blue)
DEXTERITY 1 blue +1 green


SKILLS: Surefoot (Ranger starter), Lucky, Poison

GEAR:leather armor, Sturdy bow, Hunting knife, Potion of sharp sight.

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 1:50 am
by Grape_Drink
edited into my first post.

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 11:48 am
by Gorbaz
Review Time!

Grape: You have a fine sausage there. The stats are done correctly, and an invis potion is cool by me. Let's say it lasts for... 15 minutes? (I always think the "invis for 60 seconds" thing is way too short). You'll have to explain to me what a tenglefoot bag is, tho.

Firehead: Gear for you. Hmm. Well, your shapeshifted form would have none beyond claws and teeth, but as a druid, you'd have sturdy hide armour and a simple weapon of your choice (staff, club, spear, javelin, sling... something along those lines)

Mel: I accept your flying healing heroine who can bash things. For gear, there's nothing wrong with having a stonking big sword! Armour would need to be light to enable flight, so... chain or partial plate would probably be the heaviest.

Harley: As a mage you would have a quality robe, for sure. Stereotypically then a staff, but knives (throwing ones to work off dex rather then strength?) would be fine instead.

Kanks already has approval due to creating it over Skype :D

Tsai: stat calculation looks fine to me, and yes the skills are done correctly. You have 1 potion - how about Sharpsight (+1 DEX for 15 mins)? Gear would be simple and functional leathers or hide armour, sturdy bow and, as per the image, a solid knife. Hows that?

I need to go do stuff now, but when I'm back I'll edit this for the other special potions. Then, in theory, by the end of the day I can get an IC done


Potion time!

Grape: Potion of astral step - One use - allows you to teleport a short distance
Fire: Potion of bark skin - +1 Arm for 15 mins
Mel: Angelic Touch - splash potion of banishment
Harley: Potion of gliding - short distance flight
Kanks: Potion of swiftness - Brief burst of double speed... and double to strikes

Re: Dungeon of the doomed king

PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 3:39 pm
by Tsai
That works for me