Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

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Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby exalted » Sat Feb 14, 2015 2:32 am

Background History: http://firefly.wikia.com/wiki/A_Brief_History_of_the_Universe


Who are you:

You are the crew of the Harmony, a demilitarized Series 3 Firefly class transport ship, formerly captained by Oscar "One Tooth" Salt.

Your Captain is dead, your ship is falling apart and your broke... pretty much situation normal, except for the dead Captain. In his will, the Captain left the Harmony and her cargo to his crew, in the hope they would keep the old girl flying and his reputation alive.


This is an open story, players will direct where the story goes (at times with the GM's meddling) as both a crew and individuals. It is advisable that the crew work together, but that does not stop you from doing some business on the side or under the table. The 'verse is a long wide place with plenty of chances to make your fortunes, legal, illegal or both.

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If in your post you perform an action that that warrants a dice roll a d20 will be rolled to determine pass/fail. Character stats and abilities, NPC and environmental effects will increase or decrease the value rolled. The adjusted value will then be applied to the below table to determine the outcome. A natural roll of 1 will always fail, a natural roll of 20 will always succeed.

The only exception to this rule will be actions like intimidation, which requires a charisma roll, a lower result will be more effective in this situation (you are trying to be scary instead of charming).

Result table:
1-3 Worst case failure with major consequence (Natural 1=always failure)
4-6 Failure with consequences
7-10 failure with minor consequence
11-13 Minor success with drawbacks
14-16 Success
17-20 Best case success with desired outcome (Natural 20=always succeed)

Character Sheet:
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Stats – ( Stats start at -4, you have 30 points to raise them, entry stats cap at +4)

Strength: (Used in HtH and physicality test)
Dexterity: (Used to hit things, run and to operate vehicles)
Toughness: (Pain tolerance, how long you can last without supplies)
Willpower: (How mentally tough are you? Panic resistance, pleasure threshold, willingness to submit)
Perception: (Awareness, reading people, vehicle repairs)
Charisma: (How well you can convince people, low score will help intimidating)

Skills/Perks: (3 player choices, these are here to flesh out your character and help define what they do, what they're good/bad at. Each skill/ perk adds or deducts points to related test, bonuses to be negotiated.


Inventory: 6 Slots (This is your "planet side" inventory (i.e. the ships mechanic probably has a full tool chest back on board the ship but they wouldn't be able to carry the whole thing around with them everywhere, so does not need to be listed) consumables and bulky items only need to listed, not the lint in your pocket. Characters will be able to carry more once you RP starts. Weapon reloads stacked on weapon, food and water fill one spot).

Cash: (How much money you have $50 to start)

Salvage: (How much you have to sell, will be randomly generated at RP start. Vendors will give different prices for Salvage)

Current Crew:

Pilot - Senyce Trynant (Vhexo)
Ship Mechanic - Jamie Kurana (Dracoslicer
Ship Technician - Niamh Kearney (Spriter)
Ship Medic - Samantha Mason (Spitfyre)
Gun Hand - Samantha Yeana

Current Cargo: Capacity 81/100
General Trade Good

5x Prostitutes en route to Badger on Persephone.

Contraband: Capacity: 7/20
2x Crates of High Explosives
5x Crates of Small Arms

The Verse
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The Harmony:
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Example Character:
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Name: Oscar “One Tooth” Salt

Gender: M



Oscar was a former Alliance pilot. Shot down during the battle of Serenity Valley, he survived the crash but lost all but one tooth and was left with chest pains for years to come. Medically discharged, Oscar first tried to drink, smoke and whore the nightmares away before giving up on society. He bought an old transport ship and drifted into the black, hoping to come to terms with the horrors that plagued his night.

Stats – ( Stats start at -4, you have 30 points to raise them, entry stats cap at +4 (Brackets to show totals, not needed on your chars))

Strength: 2 (6)
Dexterity: 1 (11)
Toughness: -1 (14)
Willpower: 2 (20)
Perception: 1 (25)
Charisma: 1 (30)


Hound Dog: Oscar thinks he’s down right charming when he starts drinking, sober people would disagree (+3 charisma for seduction if target is drunk, -3 if target is sober.

Leaf on the Wind: Oscar still remembers a lot of his old moves and can make the Harmony dance when he needs to (+2 to evasive piloting)

Quick Draw: Oscar was always quick with his hands, hitting what he was aiming at is another thing (Oscar always draws before his opponent but is at -2 dex for his first shot)



Key to the pay safe
Service Automatic (2 reloads)
Bottle of Rum
1 days rations
3x Grenades

Cash: (How much money you have $50 to start)

Salvage: (How much you have to sell, will be randomly generated at RP start. Vendors will give different prices for Salvage)
Last edited by exalted on Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:29 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby exalted » Sat Feb 14, 2015 2:34 am

Character List:
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby spriter1 » Sat Feb 14, 2015 3:06 am

I would be interested, if it's possible to reserve a spot
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby Dracoslicer » Sat Feb 14, 2015 7:55 am

Name: Jamie Kurana
Gender: Female
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Jamie grew up with very little people around, and even less to actually have conversations with. She did however, have nothing but free time to figure out how machines worked due to the junkyard she was raised at. She wound up being able to make repairs for equipment using anything around, it didn't work like proper spare parts, but it did work properly enough to either be sold or used, but she would still need proper supplies to fix it perfectly. She learned to live with less food for extended periods of time.

Her time aboard the Harmony was mostly spent in either the engine room keeping everything up to as close to perfect as possible, or in the cargo bay looking for any scrap she could get a hold of for emergency repairs. She didn't talk much and had the bad habit of forgetting to go and eat due to the way she was raised, and falling asleep in some of the strangest places due to wanting to finish all of her work rather than sleep. She however did good work and tried to not let her timidness get in the way. It did seem a bit odd that she'd get stubborn if someone tried to say she did bad work but other than that she tried to minimize her conversations with people.

Stats – ( Stats start at -4, you have 30 points to raise them)

Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Toughness: +4
Willpower: 0
Perception: +4
Charisma: -4

Skills/Perks: (3 player choices, roll bonuses to negotiated)
Emergency Repairs: Jamie is able to use just about anything to repair equipment, albeit at a reduced effect. (Equipment functions as normal but is more likely to break again due to not using proper replacement parts.)

Gear-head: Jamie is better at repairing equipment, but has issues talking to people (+3 bonus to any repair rolls, but a -2 to any CHA based rolls)

Lasting Endurance: Jamie is able to last longer without food, but she still suffers from the effects of having not eaten. (Cumulative -1 negative for every day having not eaten)

Personality: Shy, Stubborn (Only when it comes to her job), Timid about practically everything else

Inventory: 6 Slots (This is your "planet side" inventory (i.e. the ships mechanic probably has a full tool chest back on board the ship but they wouldn't be able to carry the whole thing around with them everywhere, so does not need to be listed) consumables and bulky items only need to listed, not the lint in your pocket. Characters will be able to carry more once you RP starts. Weapon reloads stacked on weapon, food and water fill one spot).

Cash: $56

Salvage: 10
Last edited by Dracoslicer on Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:09 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby KnightVanilla » Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:47 am

Yay Serenity
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby KnightVanilla » Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:19 am

Name: Samantha Yeuna
Gender: Female
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Apparently Vex is our picture master

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Little is known about Yeuna or said about her besides that she has worked with salt for sometime. The most the captain would ever tell about her was that she was a mercenary during the war. Having made enemies on both sides for never sticking to one side or the other. It was this that caused strained loyalties to anyone she could have ever worked with again after all that had come to pass. However Salt had picked her up while they were both on one of the core worlds. At the time she only been able to must up a job as a bouncer.

Leaving with the captain she found a new home and maybe even a growing family on the Harmony. Having seen people come on board and gone their own way. It never really got boring while the captain was around and it felt right when she had a gun in hand and someone to point it at.

Strength: 2
dexterity: 3
Toughness: 0
Willpower: 4
Perception: -4
Charisma: 1

Skills/perks: Iron Will- With how determined she ensure her will enacted. She tends to push herself past her limits when she truely needs to. However pushing past her limits can have her become to exhausted to fight back.(Replace or add the strength and/or toughness roll with willpower. Draw back is I receive negatives equal to the bonus I received and lasts just as long as the bonus did.)
Experienced Negotiator- Having dealed in many illegal and legal transactions with the captain has provided her with much insight. Whether they were negotiating with a willing or unwilling participant. (Charisma bonus and Perception bonus only when negotiating or interrogating.)
Ol Faithful- When using her custom weapons she gets a bonus to either damage or aim. (Choice made for bonus sticks for a whole in game day.)
Personality: Strong Willed woman who has little to no patience for those who lie to her. Among any words that had to describe her it would not be patient or completely forgiving. Those that do her wrong will meet her bad side and those that earn her respect and trust she never forgets.

inventory: Hand Cannon(magnum), rations, military grade knife, thermal goggles, breather(face mask), Spare pistol.
Cash: 58

Last edited by KnightVanilla on Tue Feb 17, 2015 11:20 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby exalted » Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:19 am

Sorry, forgot to add the mechanics in (fairly basic system to allow freedom).

I'm going to say max stat at creation is +4.

Please no glass cannons, I do not take responsibility if it shatters.

Example character up
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby Vhexo » Sat Feb 14, 2015 3:44 pm

Name: Senyce Trynant
Gender: Female
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Senyce grew up along with her parents on the moon Beaumonde, where she lived her childhood on a farm. Her mother was a very cheerful person, always helping others out if it was needed, and quite optimistic about life in general. Her father, although now a farmer, was a captain of a battlecruiser in the army of the Alliance, and he was a very strict man, who had a habit of giving orders. Senyce had an interest in flying and spaceships since the early stage of her childhood, and her father used to tell her stories about his big ship and how he controlled it. He never told Senyce about his other experiences though, but he learned her everything she needed to learn to be a good pilot, training her to obey commands without hesitation , and he always told her she would grow up some day to be a great pilot.

Senyce helped her parents work the farm until she was old enough to leave her parents and venture to the city, where she quickly got work as a pilot for cargo loads. Sometimes she wasn’t so sure about the content she was transporting, but she learned to obey orders given to her, and not to ask questions. She found time between transportations, and with permission of her boss, to hone her skills with the cargo vessel, and she quickly became a known pilot in Beaumonde. She even participated in some races, told to do so by her boss, and won most of them.

Time had passed since she came into the city, and her job was beginning to get a bit dull. It wasn’t about the money that much, but Senyce felt like she could accomplish more with her skills, and so she set her visions past her home planet, and assigned herself to an intergalactic transport ship, owned by a man named Oscar Salt...


Strength: 0
Dexterity: 4
Toughness: -1
Willpower: -2
Perception: 4
Charisma: 1

Skills/Perks: (These are just examples.)
Skillful Pilot: Senyce has been flying with spacecrafts and vessels for as long as she can remember, and she has become very adapt at it. (+2 to any piloting maneuver.)

Obedient: Senyce has a knack for taking orders and finds it somewhat difficult to ignore them, and she is not gifted in the art of giving orders.(+2 to any taken order, -1 to any disobeyed order, -2 to any given order.)

Comfortable Companion: Senyce always tries to be on good terms with her friends, and she usually succeeds, however she does not do this with strangers. (+2 to Charisma rolls with people she knows, -1 to Charisma rolls with people she doesn't know.)


Personality: Dutiful, Friendly. She knows who her superiors are and can follow orders without hesitation when needed, but is most of the time friendly to almost anyone she meets. She is a great friend to any whom can call her a friend, and will usually always try to comfort and keep peace.

Inventory: 6 Slots


Salvage: 3
Last edited by Vhexo on Tue Feb 17, 2015 3:24 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby spriter1 » Sat Feb 14, 2015 4:13 pm

Name: Niamh Kearney
Gender: Female
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(Thanks for the pic Vhexo!)
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As far as Niamh could remember, she has been a part of the Harmony's crew ever since she was able to work as a mechanic, the ship docking within her first week of working and her being given the task of repairing the damage to the engines... Which any mechanic would know, is the equivalent of having to clean an entire station's toilets in five minutes. Luckily, she actually manages to get the repair done just before they are leaving, earning her an offer from One tooth that she can't refuse... Naturally she says yes, and has been on board ever since, spending her time making sure the Harmony is running like a dream, and sitting at her workbench making little pet projects.

Strength: 0
Dexterity: 4
Toughness: -1
Willpower: 0
Perception: 4
Charisma: -1

Enter the Matrix - +2 to a task involving software.
Has the technology - +2 to tasks involving hardware.
20/20 vision - +2 to spotting problems, including those not immediately noticeable.
Will usually spend and enjoy time on her own, but isn't against being with others. Inventive, creative, and can have a one-track mind and obsessive over some things, especially a pet project or a repair job. Logical, but can be quite chaotic in the heat of battle, or when working with pet projects.
Inventory (6 slots):
Cash: $52
Salvage: 8
Last edited by spriter1 on Tue Feb 17, 2015 5:45 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby spitfyre » Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:43 pm

Name: Samantha Mason
Gender: F
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(100% thanks to Vhexo who found this pic for me. My favorite now!!!!)

Role: Medic

Bio: Sammy was always the little healer child. She grew up in a household with four other brothers, so they often got into fights and injured themselves. Instead of joining them, she would patch them up with her cute little band-aids and send them on their way. Her parents of course enrolled her in a medical school as soon as she was old enough. First aid was always her forte, but she also excelled in surgery, because her photographic memory allowed her to remember the body scans so she could operate proficiently. She worked in a large medical station in Ariel until she was forced to move her work into the field, performing surgery and first-aid on crew members of an Alliance ship. She didn't mind it, no one told her how to do her job and she was left relatively alone. However the ship she was on was attacked my browncoats and destroyed. Before it blew Sam was able to get out via an escape pod, but she lost her arm in the process. Because she was a Surgeon for the Alliance she was able to get the best technology to replace it, and she was able to continue her work. However because she was injured in battle she was rejected from most hospitals, saying that she couldnt perform at 100% which was preposterous, but she couldn't get work at any hospital. So instead she found a job as a ship's medic on Harmony.
Stats –
Strength: (0)
Dexterity: (+1)
Toughness: (0)
Willpower: (+2)
Perception: (+3)
Charisma: (0)

Skills/Perks: Healers touch- When it comes to dealing with illness, treating wounds, or comforting those on death’s door, you have instincts that came before any sort of formal training. (+2 to healing-Basic Surgery)

Photographic Memory- You have the ability to recall information and material that you have studied for at least 30 seconds. (+1 to recalling something studied)

Ambidextrous- You possess a high degree of manual dexterity, and can write, type, or perform other fine actions with either hand at no loss of skill (no off-hand penalties)

Personality: Attempts to get along with everyone, and while may succeed more at scaring them away she wants to make friends. Speaking to people was never her forte, but that's what the nurses were for in the hospitals. She also hates it when people interrupt her, at least when she is trying to work. When it comes to work however, she doesn't mess around. If a difficult job presents itself she focuses on that more than anything else. Prefers to help people survive wounds, instead of causing them, but knows how to hold a gun and how to use it.

Inventory: 6 Slots (food & Water, Portable Med Kit, Pistol+ammo, Knife (Standard Issue), Radio/communicator, Flare Gun, extra disposable masks and gloves).

Cash: 54$

Last edited by spitfyre on Tue Feb 17, 2015 11:15 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby Vhexo » Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:39 pm

Also, just a suggestion, we might need a doctor?
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby spriter1 » Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:54 am

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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby spitfyre » Mon Feb 16, 2015 6:29 am

hmmm I might just have to change my character then... a medic sounds fun
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby exalted » Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:10 am

I'll give you some time to think about changing roles, but I'd like to get this rolling before we loose too much momentum.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby exalted » Tue Feb 17, 2015 11:01 am

First IC post it up.

If you still want to change roles on the ship/traits I'll still allow it for a short time.
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby Soru » Tue Feb 17, 2015 11:51 am

Can I still join this?
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby spitfyre » Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:25 pm

What exactly are the differences between the mechanic, engineer, and technician, if any?
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby exalted » Tue Feb 17, 2015 12:45 pm

The words sound different.

(Captain Salt wanted all of you to feel special in your own way (also you all had slightly different takes on the mechanic role with your character's so I thought I'd reward that.))
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby spitfyre » Tue Feb 17, 2015 6:19 pm

changing my role, if thats alright. Will work on it more after classes
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Re: Dis-Harmony (A Serenity themed RP) OOC

Postby KnightVanilla » Tue Feb 17, 2015 10:37 pm

Just realized there are two samantha characters hmmm ah well I'll just have my character be called by her last name.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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