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Hoards and Heroes

Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:50 pm
by Taria
The choking stench of sulfur fills the air as a hazy memory fills your mind, a recollection of your sudden death. Your life probably wasn't the best one... you've had to step on some people just to get by, but can you really be blamed? Life isn't easy when you're born without the gift, something strange that seems to turn certain individuals into mighty heroes capable of taking on mobs of monsters, whereas common folk like yourself would die in the single swing of a sword. Is it really fair that they get to be whatever they want and you're just a... non-player character! Whatever that means. Maybe you wanted to be a hero yourself at some point, only to fail miserable. It just wasn't meant for you. Now you're dead, and something strange hovers before...
You are first alerted to another presence with the sound of heavy breathing, but a fire lights up in the stranger's hand, revealing his twisted demonic visage. Thick red skin, festering with black oozing pustules, covers his half-rotten face, while exposed, spiky bone shapes his jawline. Very slowly, in a deep guttural voice, he asks you. "Are you afraid of death?" Seeing the hellish eternity stretching onward before you, you most undoubtedly are afraid. You don't want to go to hell, you never deserved this! Your pleading seems to fall on deaf ears. "You can return... at a price. You will become that which your kind hates most. A monster, vermin, something which is slain with little remorse or consideration. You must learn to survive as such creature..." The devil grins and gives a dark chuckle, "I won't say more, just that you will find yourself wanting vastly different things, but I will at least give you a home. So long as you protect your home, you will not know a permanent end."
"So then mortal, what say you?"
Creating a character:
Characters for this RP will be fairly customized, so in order to get yourself started, you'll need to first choose a racial path and then PM me with the following details about your character:
Gender, biggest/most practiced crime (or sin), cause of death.
I will get back to you, most likely with some other questions and choices, but will eventually give you the info you need to fill out the rest of your character sheet so you can join the game ^_^
[Currently Full]
Character sheet

Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:46 pm
by Taria
Name: (If you even want one)
Race: (see Races post for more detail)
Health: 10/10
Strength: Raw physical power, how hard you hit things
Spirit: Innate ability to project magical powers into the world
Agility: Dexterity and acrobatic prowess
Resilience: Defense against physical damage
Willpower: Ability to resist magical charms and direct magical damage. This included resisting your curse to some degree.
Blankety blank- Noob level +0 (not an actual skill, just an example of proper format)
An insatiable hunger for...
A consuming need to collect...
Undying rage against...
Unquenchable desire towards...
Debilitating fear of...

Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:39 pm
by Taria
Vermin (Early example: dire rat, giant snake. Later example: spider queen)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
The disgusting filth detested by civilized society. Often associated with pestilence and filth, the hardiness of vermin is unquestionable, as they are everywhere. The most powerful vermin are often some sort of hive leader, filling the world with more of their own kind in order to increase the odds of survival.
Strength: Fair
Spirit: Poor
Agility: Good
Resilience: Exceptional
Willpower: Abysmal
Infernal (Early example: imp. Later example: Incubus/Succubus, Pit fiend)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
The most common denizen of the underworld Infernals are a demonic race fell creatures. They are the most at home personifying the darkest desires and deepest fears of the human race, and often despise them for their imprisonment in the underworld. Infernals range from deal-making corrupters, to uncontrollable avatars of destruction. They are undoubtedly infused with magic.
Strength: Good
Spirit: Great
Agility: Poor
Resilience: Poor
Willpower: Good
Beastkin (Early example: Catgirl, Mongrel. Later example: Hybridized Lycanthrope, Skinwalker)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
An unholy fusion of man and beast, the beastkin often symbolize the fears of what would come if humanity freed their wild side. Creatures of both raw strength and mysticism, they are a strong offensive force. They are somewhat vulnerable to the very magic that made them.
Strength: Great
Spirit: Good
Agility: Good
Resilience: Fair
Willpower: Poor
Undead (Early example: Zombie, Skeleton. Later example: Lich, Wraith)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
The undead are the antithesis of the living. Brought into being by some foul ancient magic, possibly existing before life itself. They seek to propagate death as a living creature would attempt to birth life. While lacking in physical resistance, they harbor an incredible will that seeps into every fiber of their being.
Strength: Good
Spirit: Fair
Agility: Poor
Resilience: Abysmal
Willpower: Exceptional
Abomination (Early example: Ooze, Slime. Later example: Tentacle beast)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
The most warped of monsters, both in body and mind. Their anatomies and brains are alien, wholly unrecognizable to the layman adventurer. While they are slow and lack much magical ability, they are incredibly difficult to exterminate.
Strength: Fair
Spirit: Poor
Agility: Abysmal
Resilience: Great
Willpower: Great
Reptilian (Early example: Naga, Lizard man. Later example: Dragon, Medusa)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Hardy scaled monsters of great strength, but little magical ability. They are often quite large, using this as their advantage to overpower or debilitate the enemy before a more formidable offense can be risen
Strength: Exceptional
Spirit: Abysmal
Agility: Poor
Resilience: Good
Willpower: Fair
Re: Hoards and Heroes

Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:45 pm
by Taria
ok, I'm ready for the PMs now, so go ahead ad hit me up with em. ^_^ Also, feel free to suggest your own race if you have a particular compelling idea for the type of monster you'd like to be.
Re: Hoards and Heroes

Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:51 pm
by That_One_Guy
Name: Garian
Species: Imp
Health: 10/10
Strength: Infinitesimal (you are tiny)
Spirit: Lesser
Agility: Lesser
Resilience: Infinitesimal (Don't get smacked)
Willpower: Decent
Alchemy- Novice Level +3 Used in the concoction of poisons and potions. Spirit/knowledge based
Mesmerism- Inept Level +1 Possessing the minds of others through magical manipulation. Spirit based
Binding- Adept Level +5 General ability to use inanimate material to tie down or restrict the movement of another creature or object. Agility/Strength based
An insatiable hunger for human memories of hedonism
A consuming need to collect rare or unholy alchemical commodities
Undying rage against holy men
Unquenchable desire toward sexual activities with women
Debilitating fear of males, other than you, engaged in sex, with women or otherwise
Re: Hoards and Heroes

Fri Sep 19, 2014 5:53 pm
by Taria
remember, you're not supposed to feel out the sheet until I give you the right info =P
The curses aren't something you get to choose.
Re: Hoards and Heroes

Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:01 pm
by Earthsage
Name: Romala
Race: Vermin
Species: Lobe Scarab
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Health: 10/10
Strength: Lesser (enough to burrow your burrow into flesh or maybe pin a limb, but not shove an entire person)
Spirit: Infinitesimal (currently no magical ability)
Agility: Lesser
Resilience: Lesser
Willpower: Infinitesimal (avoid magic at all costs)
Exotic Domestication- Adept Level +5 Ability to tame and collect produce from wild monsters. Agility/Diplomacy based
Puppet Master- Inept Level +1 Controlling a living creature via access to it cranial cavity or spinal column. Strength/Resilience based
Brood Mother- Novice Level +3 Ability to produce offspring via sexual intercourse. Resilience based
An insatiable hunger for synovial fluid
A consuming need to collect works of art
Undying rage against asymmetry
Unquenchable desire toward controlling a host creature
Debilitating fear of magical curses or superstitions
Re: Hoards and Heroes

Fri Sep 19, 2014 7:24 pm
by venomouswings
Name: Hilda
Race: Undead
Species: Dried Zombie
Health: 10/10
Strength: Decent (average human strength)
Spirit: Minor
Agility: Infinitesimal (braaaaaaaains)
Resilience: Lesser
Willpower: Lesser
Earthmeld- Inept Level +1 You can move through the earth stealthily, and regenerate a bit faster while buried. Spirit/Agility based.
Mining- Adept Level +5 Your ability to tunnel through the underground to collect resources or expand the dungeon. Strength/Tool based.
Repair- Novice Level +3 You can restore function to broken equipment, or improve the glamour of certain treasures. Knowledge/Tool based.
An insatiable hunger for dirt, especially grave soil
A consuming need to collect priceless jewels
Undying rage against home intruders
Unquenchable desire towards bodily warmth
Debilitating fear of the open sky
Re: Hoards and Heroes

Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:11 pm
by RavenLord
Name: Maximillian
Species: Ghoul
Gender: Male
Health: 10/10
Strength: Lesser
Spirit: Minor
Agility: Minor
Resilience: Infinitesimal (avoid getting whacked)
Willpower: Lesser
Stealth- Adept Level +5 Ability to remain unnoticed in the shadows. Agility/Spirit based.
Mugging- Novice Level +3 Stealth attack with the added chance of capturing an item. Agility/Strength based.
Soul Forging- Inept Level +1 Infusing a weapon with part of your magical ability. Spirit/Strength based.
An insatiable hunger for human blood
A consuming need to collect unholy weapons
Undying rage against light, especially sunlight
Unquenchable desire towards winged flight
Debilitating fear of fire
Re: Hoards and Heroes

Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:38 pm
by thedude9351
Species: Lizardman
Health: 10/10
Strength: Decent
Spirit: Infinitesimal
Agility: Lesser
Resilience: Minor
Willpower: Lesser
Intimidation- Adept Level +5 Instigating your enemies or shaking their confidence through violence. Strength/Diplomacy based
Grappling- Novice Level +3 Disabling your enemy's movement and forcing them to engage you through physical strength. Strength/Agility based
Dismemberment- Inept Level +2 Physically removing a limb from its intended location. Requires a firm grip. Strength based.
An insatiable hunger for raw meat
A consuming need to collect severed limbs
Undying rage against people with fancy titles
Unquenchable desire towards female attackers
Debilitating fear of being surrounded, crowds
Re: Hoards and Heroes

Fri Sep 19, 2014 9:00 pm
by VintageBass
Name: Megaira
Race: Beastkin
Species: Catgirl
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Auburn hair, not a blonde
Health: 10/10
Strength: Lesser (slightly smaller in stature than an average human)
Spirit: Minor
Agility: Lesser
Resilience: Minor
Willpower: Infinitesimal
Seduction- Adept Level +5 Increase the level of lust in your target through mystical gyrations. Spirit/Agility based
Elude- Novice Level +3 Moving from way point to another through indirect means, avoiding enemy aggression. Agility based
Fell Embrace- Inept Level +1 Incapacitate an enemy through sexual intercourse. Spirit/Resilience based
An insatiable hunger for sexual fluids
A consuming need to collect shiny objects
Undying rage against loud noises
Unquenchable desire towards those crippled in pain
Debilitating fear of restricted movement
Re: Hoards and Heroes

Fri Sep 19, 2014 9:34 pm
by Reaver
Name: Razajin
Species: Mongrel
Health: 10/10
Strength: Decent
Spirit: Infinitesimal
Agility: Minor
Resilience: Lesser
Willpower: Minor
Deforestation- Adept Level +5 Cut down trees in order to gain resources for building. Strength/Tool based
Intimidation- Novice Level +3 Instigating your enemies or shaking their confidence through violence. Strength/Diplomacy based
Tackling Charge- Inept Level +1 By charging an enemy before attacking, you add a chance of stunning. Strength based
An insatiable hunger for bone meal
A consuming need to collect gold and coins
Undying rage against the color purple
Unquenchable desire towards mythical creatures
Debilitating fear of reflective surfaces
Re: Hoards and Heroes

Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:12 pm
by Goryokaku
Name: Kal
Gender: Female
Species: Imp
Appearance as Imp:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Health: 10/10
Strength: Infinitesimal (you are tiny)
Spirit: Lesser
Agility: Lesser
Resilience: Infinitesimal (Don't get smacked)
Willpower: Decent
Heresy- Adept Level +5 You duplicate an enemy's spell against them. More effect when you are the target. Willpower based
Inscription- Novice Level +3 Your able to read and write in arcane script. Used in crafting scrolls for spell traps. Spirit/Knowledge based
Succubus Kiss- Inept Level +1 Heal a creatures wounds, at the cost of making it lustful. Spirit based
An insatiable hunger for mind altering drugs
A consuming need to collect smutty books
Undying rage against pure maidens
Unquenchable desire towards sexual activity with men
Debilitating fear of masturbation
Re: Hoards and Heroes

Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:51 pm
by spriter1
Name: Gael
Race: Undead
Species: Floating Skull
Health: 10/10
Strength: infinitesimal (you're just a head)
Spirit: Lesser
Agility: Lesser
Resilience: infinitesimal (again, no bod)
Willpower: Decent
Possessed Persistence- Adept +5 You have a chance to shake off the shock of death and reanimate immediately from a suitable corpse. Willpower based
Insanity- Novice +3 Fill target's mind with maddening images. If successful they will either panic, attack themselves, or attack the nearest creature. Spirit based
Head bomb- Inept +1 Smash your head into the head of the enemy's, destroying both in the process. Spirit/Willpower based
An insatiable hunger for tea and tiny cakes
A consuming need to collect pots and pans
Undying rage against anything that resembles an elephant
Unquenchable desire towards people holding containers your head would be safe in
Debilitating fear of fear itself
Re: Hoards and Heroes

Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:34 pm
by Harcin
Name: Harcin
Race: Abomination
Species: Sparkling Oozling
Health: 10/10
Strength: Decent
Spirit: Infinitesimal
Agility: Infinitesimal
Resilience: Lesser
Willpower: Lesser
Camouflage: Treasure- Adept +5 You are able to appear to be a pile of treasure, luring in would-be looters. Resilience/Environment based
Engulf- Creatures that walk into you unaware are automatically grappled. Strength based
Sudden Density- Inept +1 You normally organic form suddenly becomes a solid statue, constricting grappled creatures and making it harder to break free. Strength/Resilience based
An insatiable hunger for precious metals
A consuming need to collect empty boxes
Undying rage against lock picks and keys
Unquenchable desire towards noblewomen
Debilitating fear of oil
Re: Hoards and Heroes

Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:12 am
by Earthsage
Okay, so how does Broodmother actually function? Does the beetle have to have sex with someone, does it have to be a host having sex with someone, or via some other method?
Re: Hoards and Heroes

Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:15 am
by Taria
I'd say either way could work, having awkward bug sex on top of a questionably willing male, or, since your monster's goals in life is basically to emulate a more human creature by possessing something, a well bonded host could be injected with your eggs as a surrogate.
Re: Hoards and Heroes

Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:16 am
by Earthsage
Just curious, because awkward bug sex would be awkward.

Re: Hoards and Heroes

Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:28 am
by Suraru
I'm in!
Re: Hoards and Heroes

Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:59 am
by Harcin
The posts, they happen so fast!