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Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:37 am
by Hazard1325
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries The Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the Master of Mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.

Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in his name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defense forces, the ever vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few. But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens, heretics, mutants - and worse.

To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

Located in Ultima Segmentum was once a hub-world coordinating over a dozen mining colonies on nearby worlds. Lysara paid its tithes to Holy Terra on time at every cycle for over two hundred years without incident. Three months ago there was no shipment and the Adeptus Administratum tasked Lord Admiral Xeratan to investigate. The admiral arrived to find the system locked in civil war, millions had taken up arms against the system's government and the fighting has continued for three years. Even with the assistance of the Imperial guard called in shortly after the initial discovery, the 577th Cadian has had no luck breaking the stalemate. Both sides remain locked in trench warfare, unable or unwilling to commit the enormous amount of troops needed to gain ground. To make maters worse rumors circulate in the worlds shadier provinces, rumors of a new god to challenge the Emperor's claim to humanity. While few recognize the name Lord Admiral Xertan notified the inquisition at the first mention of the name 'Tzeetch'. The call for help has been ignored up until this point and the inquisition is on its way...

Onboard the Xenobane
Inquisitor Elizabeth Wyrax had assembled her entire staff into the large cargo bay of the 'Xenobane'. The massive room made for a suitable auditorium for the roughly two thousand men and women of various backgrounds that served the Inquisitor. Dressed in her dull silver carapace armor she stood before the gathering and spoke as the tech priest prepared a large tactical display behind her.

"Thank you all for assembling as quickly as possible. As most of you already know we are making our way to Lysara, an administration center for the Contarus mining system. We've been asked to assist the local government in maintaining control over its assets and personnel. However that is not why we are on our way to the planet. Roughly two days ago Lysara's astropath listening posts on the edge of the system went dark. Even the normal communications blackout caused by the rebel forces doesn't explain how a dozen stations could be silenced in the blink of an eye."

The display behind her flashed to an image of the Contarus system, there were around three dozen large asteroid belts in various sectors and three large nebula. The only planets were Lysara and a death world known as 'The Pit' several red X's apeared on the edge of the system representing the destroyed listening posts.

"Referencing the inquisitions extensive library's a research team concluded Lysara is in the path of a Tyranid hive fleet known as Incubus, a splinter of Leviathan fleet. Incubus escaped the Carpathian system and broke off from the hives main assault. Since then researchers have studied three other locations Incubus has struck and found one particular anomaly that differentiate it from other swarms. The hive doesn't always kill its prey. The hive fleet seems to prefer capturing females and using their bodies as live incubators for the lesser varieties such as rippers or gaunts. With males it mutates the hosts body to transmit Tyranid genes resulting offspring resembling genestealers, in addition the males sex drive is dramatically altered to seek out as many mates as possible doing whatever's necessary to breed. We're here to stop Incubus before it spreads any deeper into Imperial space. If the planet is not unified against a common enemy it is unlikely to survive the attack. As a last resort I've brought three hellfire warheads which can be used to wipe the planet clean of all life slowing the Tyranid advance."

There is a murmur through the crowd at the news of Tyranids. The image behind Elizabeth flickers changing to a planetary map which zooms into a region on the eastern continent, a large metropolitan area built into the mountains. Rebel markers highlight a majority of the mountain and its surrounding territories with battle lines miles away.

"This is our primary target for the moment, planetary fortress Arylian. Created with the intent of acting as a global bunker in case of planetary assault it can house nearly twice the population of a system in stasis to outlast any siege brought by a conventional enemy until the Imperial fleet can arrive. Unfortunately it was the first target for the rebels and is in their hands for the time being. It wont be able to stop the Tyranids by itself but its the most defensible position in the planet and the heart of the rebellion. We're still three days short of Lysara but the Adeptus Mechanicus have informed me the teleporters range can be extended dramatically for a short duration at the expense of the ships energy reserves. This gives us the opportunity to place three small Kill Teams on the planet before the rebellion even knows we've reached the system. Of course these kill teams will be cut off from any support and the Xenobane will be nearly useless in a fight once we reach orbit. If the Imperial Navy has fallen everyone on board with perish in seconds. I'll be hand selecting my teams from among you all, prepare whatever equipment you wish to take and meet in the teleportarium in three hours."

With that the inquisitor nods to the assembled crowd and returns to the bridge leaving her staff to return to their normal duties and prepare for landfall.


The Inquisition
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The Secret Police of the Imperium, the Inquisition was created by the Emperor of Mankind in the twilight hours prior to His internment within the Golden Throne. As Terra lay besieged by the traitor forces of Warmaster Horus, the Emperor commanded Malcador the Sigillite to seek out "men of character, skill, and determination" to be tested and trained so that an elite group of investigators might be tasked to discover the alien, mutant, and heretic. The inquisition serves mankind by uprooting the plots of its enemies and turning a critical eye inward at all aspects of life. Inquisitors are highly regarded and feared for their absolute authority over all branches of the government, with a word they can destroy whole planets if they deem it necessary to preserve the Imperium.

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Due to its relative isolation from prominent trade routes and the few inhabitable planets Lysara was left to govern itself. In the absence of frequent inspections from the Adeptus Administratum the planet's founders, a group of rogue traders, created a system similar to ancient Terra's feudal system. Each asteroid was governed by a lord who owned all personnel operating within their domain. In return for the personal power each passed whatever resources they did not need along to Lysara which in turn made the donations to Terra. It wasn't until a wandering Ministorum priest began to spread his teachings across the sector that there was any form of serious unrest. He convinced the working men to rebel against their masters and take Lysara for themselves. In reality this priest was truly a servant of Tzeentch who had come to spread the influence of chaos. The rebels struck first taking fortress Ayrlian, the planetary defense forces were quickly overwhelmed by the surprise attack and the rebels gained all the munitions they would need for a lengthy war.

The Forces of Chaos
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From within the warp countless entities known as Deamons haunt the dark places of space. Four gods rule over this realm, Khorne the god of blood, Nurgle Lord of decay, Slaanesh the dark prince of excess, and Tzeentch lord of change. These four vie for power in the material world sometimes working together or sometimes alone. Either way takes its toll on humanity as they seem to want nothing less than the destruction of the Imperium. Humanities only method of long range space flight constantly ventures through this dimension and risks contact with the monsters. Occasionally a foolish or perhaps insane human will bring a deamon into this world and it will wreak havoc while its here. Many humans worship these deamons and the gods in the hope that god will grant them favor in some way. These worshipers of chaos are often thought of as the worst of humanity, those that would sell out their fellow man for power, sex, or simple bloodlust are some of the most dangerous men of all.

The Eldar
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Unknown to both Lysara and Inquisitor Wyrax the Eldar have taken an interest in Lysara, and more importantly the oncoming hive fleet. Farseer Telanna of craftworld Ulthwé has forseen the approach of the hive fleet and its continued course should it continue. Trillions of lives would be lost, Eldar and Human alike if this beast is not stopped in its tracked. Taking a small advance force to Lysara Telanna has begun making plans to sacrifice this world to stop this thread before it moves on to the next craftworld.

The Tyranid
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Monsterous creatures from beyond our galaxy, the Tyranid have only one purpose, to consume. Tyranids move from planet to planet devouring all biomass available and creating horrific beasts that rival anything a planet could naturally produce. The hive mind guides the production, evolution and field tactics these beasts use when exterminating the life on whichever unfortunate planet lies in their path. Once the Tyranids have consumed all life on a planet they move onto the next. All tyranids are psychic to some degree, the lowly drones such as ripper swarms and guants only use it to receive orders form the much larger hive tyrants and warrior strains. Usually killing the larger Tyranid will send the smaller ones scurrying into hiding places or blindly attacking whatever creature crosses its path, without the hive mind Tyranids are little more than wild animals.


Imperial Armory

Las Weaponry
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The weapon of choice by the imperial guard Las technology fires short flashes of energy which are quite effective against most targets. Las weaponry is noted for its reliability and high ammo capacity making it the ideal choice for guardsmen. Lasguns range from handheld pistols to carbines, battle rifles, long range riles and powerful cannons. Hellgun variants sacrifice power reserves and range for increased armor penetration.

Lasgun - Standard Rifle of the Imperial guard, long range, reliable.
Lascarbine - Cut down version of the Lasgun, useful in close quarters.
Laspistol - Handheld version of the Lasgun, useful in melee fighting.
Hell Varients - Any of the above may be modified as Hellguns which consume more ammo but penetrate armor.
Lascannon - Heavy duty las weapon capable of punching through armored targets.

Solid Projectile
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Plentiful in lower tech sectors slug thrower weaponry propels small metal based projectiles at lethal speeds, typically these weapons are fully automatic, heavy reliable and cheap. Like lasguns they come in a wide variety and also include high powered crossbows and scatter guns.

Autogun - Typical Assault rifle.
Autopistol - Rapid fire handheld weapon better for close quarters.
Hand cannon - high caliber pistol, high damage in exchange for a small magazine.
Heavy stubber - Light machinegun usually used on a bipod but can be fired less accurately from the hip.
Shotgun - Fires slugs or pellets at high speed, effective against close unarmored targets.
Stub Automatic - Basic semiautomatic pistol.
Crossbow - Slow reloading with decent armor penetration and damage.

Bolt Weapons
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The sidearm of the revered Adeptus Astartes these weapons fire self propelled shells called bolts which explode shortly after penetration with nasty results. Bolters are unwieldy for normal humans but their versatility with ammo and sheer stopping power more than make up for the weight.
Bolt Pistol - Hand held version, effective in close ranges and melees.

Boltgun - Larger variant of the bolt pistol, fires explosive rounds at mid to long ranges.
Storm Bolter - A boltgun variant that spews twice as many shots down range as normal.
Heavy Bolter - Massive machine gun version of the Boltgun. Few humans can even lift one of these let alone fire it without a brace of some kind.

Melta Weapons
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Meltaguns are a series of weapons designed to project incredible amounts of heat in a short concentrated area. Effectively long range welders they can quickly tear apart the heaviest armor and breach the thickest blast doors given enough time. Portable pistol variants are also available though the ammo supplies for all variants are quiet short.

Inferno pistol - Hand held short range and lethal, only a few shots however.
Meltagun - Standard version, modest range and high powered.
Multimelta - Heavy weapons variant, one of these can cut a hole in a starship in a few seconds.

Plasma Weapons
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Bulky, hot and incredibly lethal plasma weaponry is the mid range between Melta and Las. It fires bolts of superheated matter which eat away at targets easily punching through armor and burning whatever on the other side alive. Plasma weapons are a double edged sword however, their design requires extreme cooling which infantry sized weapons can rarely provide often resulting in burns or immolation from its users. Experienced users know not to push the weapon beyond its limits lest they cause an explosion which is almost always lethal for the operator.

Plasma Pistol - Handheld variant for close range.
Plasma Gun - Standard plasma weapon, mid range and armor piercing.
Plasma Cannon - Heavy weapon variant, bolt of plasma explodes in a small radius frying anything it hits.

Flame Weapons
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Simple, violent and effective, flame weapons are any tool used to project sheets of fire at an enemy. The Imperium has mastered the art of crafting flamers in all shapes and sizes employing them heavily among the ranks of guardsmen. Handheld, rifled and heavy versions are available to suit the situation but like melta weaponry the fuel burns very quickly.

Hand Flamer - Pistol variant, not much ammo but portable.
Flamer - Standard flamer, can cover an area in flames in seconds.
Heavy flamer -Large heavy weapon capable of sustaining a sheet of fire longer than its counterparts.

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Both missile and grenade launchers are common in the Imperium. Both employ many different kinds of charges to fire explosives at much larger ranges than a human could match with a throw. Launchers typically lob explosive devices in a manner that the operator may bounce, or arc their shots to land the explosive precisely where needed even around corners. Missiles on the other hand are long range and highly effective against whatever is hit.

Missile - Long range, Direct fire, less ammo, Heavy.
Launcher - Flexible targeting, more ammo, lighter.
Chemical - These rounds explode releasing toxic gasses that burn away at a targets flesh or inflict horrible long term diseases.
Frag - Standard explosive of choice, effective against light armored personnel.
Krak - High explosive armor piercing rounds.
Anti Aircraft - Exclusive to the Missile Launcher, capable of tracking fast moving objects.
Plasma - Short radius plasma burst, not as effective as regular plasma weapons.
Melta - Fires a small charge that turns into a miniature sun, hard to use effectively.

Melee Weapons
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A wide array of melee weapons are available to the Imperium but the most common are typically swords and other similar blades. Powered weapons are those which project a disruptive energy field around the weapon causing it to dissolve armor and cause massive damage on impact. Usually the only thing that stops a power blade is another power blade. Chain weapons are also popular among the Imperium as a cheaper alternative to power weapons. Chain weapons as their name implies make use of a chain with sharp teeth that run along the blade of the weapon tearing apart anything unfortunate enough to be hit. Force weapons are exclusively used by Psykers who channel their willpower through the weapon.

One Handed - Can be used in a single hand, dual wielded or used with a fire arm or shield.
Two Handed - More damage than a one handed weapon but causes more damage.
Fist Weapons - Short range but brutal.
Any weapon may be upgraded to Chain or Powered. Chain does extra damage while Powered cuts through armor. Standard weapons do not need power sources.
Any Psyker may upgrade his weapon to a Force weapon.

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From Flak to Terminator Armor all servants of the Emperor typically use some form of protection in battle. Armor provides extra Toughness value at the cost of capping Strength and Agility when used to preform rolls. Combat statistics such as melee damage and parry value are unaffected while most other skill tests become quite difficult.

Mesh Armors +2, Synthweave and other Xenos materials provide light protection against attacks with no penalty to stats.

Flak Armor +4, The armor of choice for most residence of the Imperium Flack armor is cheap and extra effective against Blast damage. Strength and Agility are caped at d10 while wearing this armor.

Carapace Armor +6, Made using hard plates of protective material this armor greatly extends its users life expectancy. Strength and Agility are caped at d8 while wearing this armor.

Power Armor +10, Fully enclosed with thick ceramite plates capable of deflecting most small arms fire powered armor provide a large amount of protection without penalty to strength. Agility is caped at d6 in this armor.

Terminator Armor +16, Rare among normal humans this suit of armor is reserved for the most accomplished veterans. Essentially heavier power armor there is no strength penalty with this armor but agility is capped at d4, in addition the armor has no peripheral vision and your Notice skill is capped at d6.

Shield +2. Shields can add parry defense and adds penalties against incoming ranged attacks, they cost one accessory point at character creation.

Force fields - Small personal shielding can stop bullets but may not be reliable. The shield adds a temporary armor value against the first attack made against this character per turn. Shields cost one accessory point.

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A great many items are lumped together into this category, while useful they are generally utilities and not directly weapons or armors (though they may modify these).

Weapon Mods
Laser sight - Helps accuracy while hip firing.
Scope - Increases a weapons effective range while aiming at slow moving or stationary targets.
Tracking Module - Automatically adjusts ranging and movement speed for fast moving targets. Also allows 'lock on' function for missiles.
Modular - Modifies the weapon to be more easily concealed and quickly assembled.
Reinforced - Weapons made from these alloys are nearly indestructible.
Automatic Reloader - Loads a preset magazine into place when the previous one is emptied.
Silencer - Reduces the noise of the weapon.
Blessing - This weapon has been blessed by a ministorum priest and deals more damage against Daemons.

Armor Mods
Environmental Seal - This armor comes with a self sustaining enclosed environment protecting against the vacuum of space and gas weaponry. Damage may ruin this feature.
Reinforced - An extra layer of protection stops more firepower.
Stealth treated - Either camouflaged or attached with a small chameleon field this armor is adjusted to be harder to spot.
Flexible - This armor reduces the strength and agility penalties by one step when wearing it.

Special Ammo
Explosive - Does high damage against unarmored targets, can be applied to Solid projectile, or Bolter weapons.
Witch Hunter Rounds - Highly effective against Psykers, can be applied to Solid projectile or Bolter Weapons.
Armor Piercing - These rounds are specifically designed to penetrate thick armor and carapaces, can be applied to Solid projectile or Bolter weapons.
Hellfire - Bolter shells containing viral payloads, effective against biological targets.
Hotshot Pack - These Lasgun packs are supercharged to deliver extra range and punch but run out quickly.
Blessed - This ammo has been blessed by a ministorum priest and is more effective versus Daemons

All of the available grenades in lauchers plus the following.
Photon Grenade - Briefly blinds and deafens enemies hit by it.
Proximity Grenades - After the grenade's fuse runs out the grenade becomes active working like a normal frag grenade as soon as movement is detected.
Sticky Grenade - Works like a normal frag grenade but an adhesive coating allows it to adhere to most surfaces.

Toolkits give small bonuses to a skill check. More circumstantial equipment will have higher bonuses. Virtually any skill may have a toolkit and can be represented by any portable device. Examples include Night vision Goggles for Notice checks, Jungle Survival kits for Survival, pheromones for persuasion, hacking programs for lock picking, and anything else you can think of.

Game System & Character Creation
Actions will be resolved using a cut down version of the Savage Worlds rule system, players need only familiarize themselves with the following: Attributes, Skills, Basic conflict resolution, edges and hindrances.

Attributes are expressed using dX, where X is the number of sides the dice use. All attributes start at d4 and can be upgraded for 1 point to the next highest die value, d6, d8, d10 and finally d12. Any further increases allowed simply add a +1 instead of raising the die any higher. d6 is considered human average. The five attributes are; Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, and Vigor. Agility pertains to how quick a character can react and hand eye coordination. Smarts determine your analytical skill and memory. Spirit represents wisdom and willpower. Strength his how physically powerful a character is. Vigor is a characters toughness or endurance.

Skills work similarly to Attributes only they start at 0 and must be raised to d4 with 1 point. Skills may only be raised as high as their parent attribute at normal price. Raising a skill above that point requires 2 points per die.

List of skills:
Climbing - Strength
Driving - Agility
Fighting - Agility
Healing - Smarts
Intimidation - Spirit
Investigation - Spirit
Knowledge Smarts
Lockpicking - Agility
Notice - Smarts
Persuasion - Spirit
Piloting - Agility
Repair - Smarts
Riding - Agility
Shooting - Agility
Stealth - Agility
Survival - Smarts
Swimming - Agility
Taunt - Smarts
Throwing - Agility
Tracking - Smarts

Conflict Resolution is most often determined with a roll of the die. When a conflict is presented the most relevant skill or attribute is rolled against a base difficulty of 4. Modifiers may change the value of the result or the target difficulty. Results 4 higher than the target are considered a raise and usually come with added effects. For combat melee strikes are rolled against an opponents Parry value while ranged attacks are against the normal 4. If the attack connects damage for the weapon is rolled, any armor penetration is applied to enemy armor and the result is compared to the enemies toughness value. These work like normal tests and a value of 4 is enough to cause a 'shaken' result which means the target is unable to act next turn in order to recuperate. Additional damage or a raise will inflict a wound. Characters have 3 wounds while most enemies have only 1. After loosing all your wounds you are incapacitated and possibly killed.

Edges and Hindrances are miscellaneous benefits that your character has based on their profession or past. Edges are positive while Hindrances are usually negative. In game terms these are represented by special rules. You may take one Edge at character creation for free, any additional Edges requires you to take a Hindrance to compensate. You may only have a maximum of 3 starting hindrances though you may gain more later.

As Kill team members complete objectives they will earn upgrade points which may be spend on the following.
1. Gain a new Edge
2. Increase a skill that is equal to or greater than its linked attribute by one die.
3. Increase two skills that are lower than their linked attributes by one die each.
4. Buy a new skill starting at d4.
5. Increase one attribute, this may only be done once every 4 upgrade points.

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Pskyers are dangerous channels of the warp. They can make all their will manifest causing horrific results to those who oppose them or bring back comrades on the edge of life. Using a power is always dangerous and has a chance to drain away at the Psykers health or worse attract deamons from the warp. If you wish to play as a Psyker one of your edges must be 'Psyker' This will grant you three starting powers and 10 Psyker points to activate them with.
There are two parts to any power, the Effect and the Trapping. The power is the desired result while the Trapping is the form it takes on. Usually Trappings are cosmetic but may provide in game use, feel free to create your own trappings, if a trapping does not seem suitable for a power you may just list the power. To activate a power the Psyker rolls his Spirit attribute and spends the points required.

Example Trappings
Armor 2 cost- Provides extra armor to you or a targeted ally.
Banish 3 cost- Attempts to banish a deamon back to its realm.
Barrier 3 cost- Creates a solid wall of the trapping that prevents movement or causes damage.
Blast 4 cost- A large blast of force that damages enemies as a grenade.
Bolt 1 cost- projects a bolt of energy, bolts may be fired up to 3 at a time for 1 extra cost each.
Boost/Lower Trait 2 cost - Raises or lowers a targets die by one step.
Burst 2 cost- Energy erupts from around the Psyker.
Confusion 1 cost- Disrupts an enemies mental state making them vulnerable to suggestions and lowers their defense.
Damage Field 4 cost- An area is coated in the trapping of your choosing damaging anyone who enters.
Deflection 2 cost- Raises a targets defense against ranged attacks.
Detect 2 cost- The Psyker may detect the trapping applied to this, Example Detect-Life would find nearby lifeforms.
Dispel 3 cost- Attempts to remove Psychic effects from an area.
Divination 5 cost- The Psyker looks into the warp and see past, present or future.
Drain Psychic points 3 cost- The Psyker siphons off energy from an enemy Psyker.
Farsight 3 cost- The Psyker may see over long distances and reduce range penalties with weapons.
Fear 2 cost- The target is struckwith sudden fear and attempts to flee from the Psyker.
Fly 3/6 cost- The Pskyer may hover or fly for 3 or 6 points respectively. He may not be wearing anything heavier than flak armor.
Havoc 2 cost- The target is struck by a random effect ranging from telekinesis, bolts of energy, bodily mutations or worse.
Healing 3 cost- The Pskyer may remove injuries or heal wounds.
Invisibility 5 cost- The psyker becomes undetectable from all other non Psykers, enemy Psykers must roll to notice him as if he were using stealth.
Mind Reading 3 cost- The targets mind is like an open book for the Psyker
Puppet 3 cost- Puppet may be used to control weak willed creatures and humans.
Raise Dead 3 cost- The Psyker may reanimate the dead using them as as he wishes.
Slumber 2 cost- The Psyker may attempt to put a group of targets to sleep.
Smite 2 cost- The Psyker may activate this power when wielding a force weapon to gain additional damage. Any power weapon purchased by a Psyker is considered a force weapon.
Stun 2 cost- The Psyker may stun a target with a bolt of mental force.
Summon Daemon Variable Cost- The Psyker may attempt to bind a Deamon from the warp to serve him, the demon will be powerful proportionate to the amount of Psyonic points spent.
Telekenisis 5 cost- The Pskyer may attempt to move an object. The psykers Spirit determines how heavy an object he may lift.

Example Powers
Warpfire: Bolt-Fire, Projects a bolt of flame at a target.
Nurgles Barrier: Barrier-Bone, Creates a solid wall of impassable bone.
Sense Hivemind: Detect-Tyranid, Allows the Psyker to pinpoint Tyranids.
Bolt of Change: Havoc-Fire

Creating your character
Your character must include each of the following, anything else is optional. You begin with 5 attribute points and 15 Skill points, 1 free Edge and up to two more accompanied by Hindrances, include brief descriptions of each or mechanical rules. You may select a primary and secondary weapon. You may choose a single set of armor from the armory. Finally you may choose any three accessories. Accessories may also be substituted for extra ammo for either weapon.

Race: Human
Description (pictures acceptable):
Bio(Optional but recommended):
Agility: d4
Smarts: d4
Spirit: d4
Strength: d4
Vigor: d4
Parry: (2+ 1/2 Fighting + Weapon bonus or shields.)
Toughness: (2+ 1/2 Vigor + Armor)

Example Character:
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Name: Kasrkin Veteran
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Agility: d8
Smarts: d4
Spirit: d6
Strength: d6
Vigor: d6
Fighting: d10 (5 points, 3 to d8, 2 for d10 due to agility)
Shooting: d10 (Same as above)
Stealth: d6 (2 points)
Notice: d6 (2 points)
Survival: d4 (1 point)
Edges: Feel no Pain - Ignores wound penalties, Ambush Tactics - First attack from stealth receives a bonus
Hindrances: Heroic - Always helps those in need
Parry: 7 (2+ 5 (1/2 fighting))
Toughness: 11 (2+3 vigor+6 Carapace Armor)
Equipment: Hellgun, Hellpistol, Carapace Armor, Frag Grenades, extra ammo, Personal Auspex (Notice Toolkit)

If you want something not listed above please send me a PM for special requests. If you have a special request for a character please PM the character sheet to me, special characters must have a bio, I will consider just about any character Imperial or not but there are no guarantees it will be accepted. For any questions ask them in a PM or in this thread. Every 4 characters will be grouped into a separate Kill Team.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:38 am
by Hazard1325
Reserved for Approved Character Sheets

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Name: Odessa Kraft
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Description (pictures acceptable):
OdessaKraft.jpg (33.47 KiB) Viewed 2864 times

Bio(Optional but recommended):
Odessa began her career as a police woman, on the streets of her home planet. During an Ork invasion, she joined the Imperial Guards, and fought with her comrades to secure the survival of the planet. During these battles, it was discovered that she had psychic abilities. For that, she was recruited to an Inquisitor's Stormtrooper company, partly to test her skills but also to keep an eye on such a psyker. After years of working for different Inquisitor's on different covert operations, she has grown wary of them, starting to distrust those that seem too extreme.

Despite her fighting abilities, she's ever since she was a child felt like some presence had helped her during her life. It is only now, after she is trained that she sometimes can hear whispers to her, trying to make her do the right thing. It has helped her a lot, and thus trusts the voice as a divine intervention from the Emperor. She has never spoken to anyone about it though.
The closer she comes to Lysara, the more frequent the voices become though. Odessa believes, it merely guides her to her destiny.
Agility: d6
Smarts: d8
Spirit: d8
Strength: d4
Vigor: d4
Investigation: D8 (3 points)
Knowledge: D10 (5 points, 3 to D8, 2 for D10)
Notice: D6 (2 points)
Persuasion: D8 (3 points)
Shooting: D6 (2 points)
Guidance – She is sometimes helped by a voice in her head, that has helped her guide herself to survival.
Disloyal – While she carries out her orders, the work she has done with the Inquisition has made her distrust her commanders and especially some of the Inquisitors.
Parry: 2 (2 + Weapon bonus or shields.)
Toughness: 10 (2 + 2 + 2 + 4)
Plasma Pistol
Flak Armor
Reinforced Armor
Explosive Ammo (for shotgun)
Extra ammo
Psyker powers:
Warpfire – Bolt-Fire
Mind Reading

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I would just like to note that I know absolutely nothing about Warhammer 40k, but I'm still interested in joining this RP.

Name: Alanis Tarda
Race: Human
Gender: F
Age: 25

Bio: Alanis was born into a poor family and bad circumstances, always struggling to make ends meet. However, there was always something off about Alanis compared to her siblings: she always seemed calmer than most of the people around her, and she seemed to look about as if she was seeing something different. At a young age, her Pysker powers manifested, and she was quickly taken in by the Inquisition as a prodigy Psyker. Glad to be away from her old life, she stuck with the Inquisition, and she didn’t hesitate to go when she was called to duty at Lysara. She has been molded into an anti-Psyker soldier, her link with the warp giving her an edge over other Psyker users in battle.

Agility- d8
Smarts- d8
Spirit- d10
Strength- d4
Vigor- d4

Shooting- d8
Fighting- d8
Notice- d8
Knowledge- d8
Persuasion- d10
Investigation- d6
Stealth- d6

Warp Sense- Alanis gains a +2 bonus when seeking out or identifying other Psyker users or daemons.
Prodigy Psyker- Alanis is less likely to harm herself or call daemons from the warp when using her powers.
Pskyer Adept(1)- Increase maximum Psyker Points by 5. Can be taken multiple times.

Warp Addict- Whenever Alanis goes below half her maximum Psyker points, she becomes less resilient against Psyker powers, daemon attacks, and more likely to concede to demands from Psyker users and daemons.
Crippling Loneliness- Whenever Alanis is alone in a place deemed unsafe, Alanis will begin to panic, lowering her Spirit stat by one die.

Parry: 2+ 4 = 6
Toughness: 2+ 2 + 6 + 2 (Reinforced) = 12

Stub Automatic
Force Gauntlets
Carapace Armor (Reinforced)
Witch Hunter Rounds

Psyker Powers:
Healing Aura (Light)- An aura of light surrounds a target, removing their injuries or healing their wounds.
Parasitic Cloud (Dark, Drain Psychic)- A dark cloud forms around an enemy Psyker, draining their energy.
Neutralizing Ray (Light, Dispel)- A ray of light beams down on an area, removing Psychic effects in that area.
Shadow Bolt (Dark-Bolt) - Fires 3 bolts of darkness, can blind enemies
Detect Tyranids - Grants the user higher levels of awareness against Tyranids of all kinds

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Sister Rosette
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Description (pictures acceptable):

Bio: Rosette came from a small convent, secluded from the Imperium and wickedness of the unfaithful, She was taught to be loyal, taught to be faithful, chaste and pure, to avoid temptation... her teachers had a hard time. Rosette was always inquisitive about things and often naive about her discoveries, not understanding the context.

Before she could join a Holy Order, her convent was ordered to lend aid to one Inquisitor Wyrax's acolytes. The acolyte was attempting to retrieve an item of great importance for the Inquisitor when he was attacked by Rebels. The untried and untested Sister's were rushed in to rescue. Only one returned from the operation, Rosette, carrying a young child with her, the bastard child of the planet's arch bishop. Without question she turned the child over to Wyrax, putting the bishop under her thumb, never knowing who the child was or the consequences of her actions.

Agility: d6
Smarts: d6
Spirit: d10
Strength: d6
Vigor: d6
Shooting: D10
Fighting: D10
Throwing: D4
Persuasion: D10
Intimidation: D8
Investigation: D6
Healing: D4
Survival: D4
Stealth: D6

1) Divine Guidance: The unfaithful may call it luck, but at times the action of Sister seem to directed from on high, achieving the impossible.
2) Faith: With her faith as her shield, a Sister is unwavering in the face of evil and corruption, for his light guides her path.
3) Loyal: Rosette is exceptionally loyal to her team, and is unlikely to betray them to the enemy.

1) Infighting: The Ordo Hereticus, the Ordo Malleus and Adeptus Mechanicus have a long history bad blood between them. Rosette is unlikey to work well with members from these organisation. - or 1) Break the Faith: Faith can be worn down like any shield, until it lays broken and discarded in filth and temple of comes crashing down without it's pillars of strength. (Giving to options as the first could cause problems with team cohesion and lessen the enjoyment for other players)
2) ... to a fault: Rosette is extremely loyal to her superiors, placing their orders above all reproach. If she is told to do something she will do it without question (assuming it is not obviously heretical, no "I order you to worship Chaos" stuff.)
3) The Devil on her shoulder: Since her capture, whenever Rosette gets angry she starts to hear a little voice encouraging her to go even further, to lash out and destroy. (When made angry Rosette must test her willpower or lash out violently.)

Parry: 6
Toughness: 15 (2+ 3 + 10)
Power Armour
Bolt Gun (Hell Fire rounds, Silencer)
2x Bolt Pistol (Laser Sights,

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Selena Strider
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Description (pictures acceptable):Image
Bio(Optional but recommended): Selena Strider was one of the harden soldiers of the Catachan Jungle Fighters. Serving her fellow soldiers as best as she could as a medic who's skills were surprisingly well used for the type of wounds one could sustain in the line of duty. Proud of her job as she saw to the survival of the wounded. Making their force an even more deadly. However she would not commit to orders when it came to abandoning her squad. Staying with her fellow Catachan fighters she did her best to fight off the surrounding forces. To her surprise her own medical skills were the most useful in that moment as they were ran out of ammo for their guns they ended up fighting with whatever blades or weapons they could use to kill. Healing those who were too injured to fight so they could stand back up and kill more than their fair share of victims.
Agility: d8
Smarts: d10
Spirit: d4
Strength: d6
Vigor: d4
Healing: d12
Knowledge: d8
Survival: d10
Edges: Collected Mind- Able to withstand the stress of combat; Surgical Pressure- Takes no negatives while healing under fire.
Surgical Precision- Using her knowledge on on medicine and the biology of humans and aliens alike. Selena knows what parts of a body to shoot to receive crippling results.
Hindrances: Bull headed- Once she sets her mind to doing something there is nothing that will stop her.
Parry: 4 (2+ 1/2 Fighting + Weapon bonus or shields.)
Toughness: 10 (2+ 1/2 Vigor + Armor)
Equipment: Flamer, Laspistol, Carapace armor, Toolkit (Healing), Modular(Flamer), shield

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Codename: "Ash"
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: -Classified by the Emperor's Holy Inquisition and Officio Assasinorum-
Appearance/description: Image
Callidus Temple Assassin in the service of Ordo Xenos
-Other informations are classified by the order the Emperor's Holy Inquisition and Officio Assassinorum-

Agility: d12
Smarts: d6
Spirit: d6
Strength: d4
Vigor: d6

Fighting: d12
Investigation: d6
Lockpicking: d6
Notice: d6
Persuasion: d6
Shooting: d8
Stealth: d12
Climb: d4
Knowledge: d4

Mistress of deception: Callidus assassins prefer to use trickery and deceit to fair combat. They are skilled at impersonating others with the help of the drug Polymorphine and staying unseen in the shadows.
Martial arts: As they often aren't allowed to bring weapons or armor into the vicinity of their targets, Callidus assassins are highly skilled in unarmed combat.
Dodge: –1 to be hit with ranged attacks.

Living weapon: Her rigorous training left its effects on Ash's psychology. She doesn't even remember her own name, she's got problem interacting with people outside the mission requirements and she's trained to obey any orders from her superiors without questions or doubts.

Parry: 7 (2+ 5)
Toughness: 7 (2+ 3 + 2)

Synskin: All Assassins use Synskin, a protective ”spray-on” second skin which also feeds the Assassin counter-toxins to counter balance any foreign substance which gets into his body, making him immune to all non-alien toxins and substances. In particular the Assassin is still vulnerable to Tyranid toxins. The Synskin allows an Assassin to survive in vacuum for a short time. It is airtight, watertight and proof against most gases and all gas-borne toxins. (Mesh Armor with Enviromental Seal)

C'tan Phase Sword: C'tan phase weapons are all based around a metal blade of unknown composition that, through the use of highly advanced Necron physics, is capable of slicing through any object irrespective of its physical properties. Energy shields, armour and even daemonic bodies are no defence against a Phase Weapon. However, as the C'tan Necrodermis is made of the same metal and has the same properties, attacking a C'tan with a Phase Weapon disarms the attacker, as the metal becomes a part of the C'tan's Necrodermis shell. (One handed melee weapon, ignores protection, doesn't work against Necron and C'tan (based on modified power sword))

Neural Shredder: As a weapon it does not damage its target in the conventional sense. Nor can it be "targeted" at a specific enemy. Rather, it projects a wave of electromagnetic energy in the direction of fire. This wave is of the same frequency of the central nervous system, overloading brain and nerve receptors resulting in rather catastrophic effects on the creatures within the area of effect. Symptoms undoubtedly range from seizures and convulsions, leading to unconsciousness or even death. As a consequence of its rather specific design, the Neural Shredder is obviously useless against unliving material such as equipment and vehicles, though it passes directly through such objects as if they were not there. Therefore armour is of no protection against a neural shredder, neither are the operators of heavily plated vehicles, or the inhabitants of buildings. (One handed ranged weapon, ignores and can't damage non-living objects, can stun instead of killing (based on modified hand flamer))

Suffer not the Alien to live


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Faye
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Description (pictures acceptable): Young, well toned body half-covered in gang tattoos. Right forarm has been amputated and replaced with a cybernetic arm tipped with an industrial saw. A single Lobo-chip stud sits above her left eye
Bio(Optional but recommended): Growing up in a hive city, Faye lived her entire life never seeing the outside world. She had always proved to have quick fingers as she had a habit of obtaining other people's things and, before long, she got involved with one of the local gangs. She spent two years with them, getting more and more tattoos on her body as she performed more gang activities - including sleeping with the gang leader. Then, on one job they ran afoul of the local Arbites, and Faye was taken into custody. She was quickly tried, found guilty of thievery and gang activities, and sentenced to repay her debt in the fighting pits. To this end she was cybernetically enhanced to make her more deadly, and cranial implants to maximise her aggression to make for better sport. Three years after, and with only her name left to her, she was finally released from servitude when another gang raided the pits, and she left in the ensuing chaos.
Agility: d8
Smarts: d4
Spirit: d4
Strength: d8
Vigor: d6
Fighting - Agility: d12+1
Intimidation - Spirit: d6
Shooting - Agility: d6
Throwing - Agility: d8
Repair - Smarts: d4
Survival - Smarts: d4
Impant weaponry - Her right forarm has been replaced by an industrial saw. It is impossible to disarm her without physically removing her arm
Pit Fighter - Bonus to combat when one-on-one in a confined area
Furious Charge - Bonus to strength die when charging.
One-hand - She only has one fully-dexterous hand, making any tasks that require two very difficult

Parry: (2+ 6 + Weapon bonus or shields.)
Toughness: (2+ 3 + Armor)
Primary: Industrial saw - single hand (chain) weapon
Secondary: Stub gun
Armour: Mesh
Accessories: Explosive Stub rounds, Mechanical repair kit, Reinforced industrial saw

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Brianna
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 30 [suspected]
Description :Image
Having no real memories of her time before the priesthood when she was fitted for her Mechadendrite connections. Viewed as a sign from the machine god she has devoted herself fully to her tasks and has not questioned her loss of memory.

Her devotion to the machine god borders on heretical in some eyes, though like many others of the order this is overlooked for the skill that the Adeptus Mechanicus provide. Brianna has been trained to show equal parts devotion to the spirits and to the emperor.

While she shares the devote hatred of xeno gear, considering them abominations, and not hesitating to destroy them, she is of the opinion that the equipment subverted by chaos and some xenos can be redeemed.

Sent in initially with the 577th Cadian the current events have her separated from her squad and holed up in a now abandoned building.

Agility: d6
Smarts: d8
Spirit: d4
Strength: d4
Vigor: d6


Climbing – Strength 0
Driving – Agility d4
Fighting – Agility d 6
Healing – Smarts 0
Intimidation – Spirit 0
Investigation – Spirit d4
Knowledge Smarts d6
Lockpicking – Agility 0
Notice – Smarts d6
Persuasion – Spirit 0
Piloting – Agility d4
Repair – Smarts d8
Riding – Agility 0
Shooting – Agility d6
Stealth – Agility 0
Survival – Smarts d4
Swimming – Agility 0
Taunt – Smarts 0
Throwing – Agility 0
Tracking - Smarts 0

Mechadendrite- You have an additional mechanical limb which allows an extra action a round depending on what the limb is equipped with. [ She has two but this only applies to one Per round]

Multidexterios – You suffer no hindrances from utilizing all your limbs.

Appease the Machine Spirits – May spend turn in minor ritual to the machine spirits in any one item of imperial construction to improve something by one die for a number of turns equal your spirit. [ Example d6 weapon becomes a d8, durability of powered armor increases, vehicle handling improved etc etc ]

One woman crew.- Repairs or maintenance time length is reduced considerable. In addition repairs that would require multiple individuals can be preformed solo though they will take longer.


Machine head- fairly emotionless and unable to connect properly to normal people. May cause issues with those not of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Heart of the Machine. -The devotion to machines is excessive. Is more likely to save a rare bit of tech then a fellow human.

Xenophobia [tech]- Will refuse any action requiring the use of xeno tech, be it a weapon, or a method of transport, no matter the situation. If possible will also attempt to destroy said device at first available chance.

Parry: 5 (2+ 1/2 Fighting + Weapon bonus or shields.)
Toughness: 9 (2+ 1/2 Vigor + Armor)

Weapons. Bolt Pistol, Servitor Arm Mounted Lasgun

Armor . Flak armor +4


ToolKit. Repair
Armor upgrade reinforced
Extra ammo , boltpistol

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Krisora Milner
Race: Human
Gender: Female

Bio: Krisora, or Kris, grew up in a military home. her father had strict discipline and rules for the household. Naturally Kris had to disobey the rules at every turn. Her parents quickly realized that to curb her wild side they had to send her away. Upon arriving at the military base she was immediately selected to join the assassins corp. Someone somewhere thought that they could turn her crazy energy into a fear inspiring cold blooded killer, and they did. In her specialized training they emphasized assassinations while performing difficult acrobatic stuns. The only problem about her training is that she tends to literally leap right into trouble, even if it gets her and her allies killed. While her mentors noticed this they did nothing to stop it, because it would only enhance her abilities to kill quickly and easily.

However once her family heard about her special training they were not pleased. Her father always thought that stabbing a man in the back was dishonorable, and so he refused to talk to her and all but disowned her. Kris decided then that she would do anything she could to win her father's approval, even if it meant assassinating the leader of the rebellion herself.
Agility: d10
Smarts: d4
Spirit: d6
Strength: d6
Vigor: d4
Skills-Stealth: d10
Shooting: d6
Fighting: d10
Tracking: d4
Riding: d6
Throwing: d6
Edges: Mini-me- Both small and skinny, allowing her to fit into smaller spaces and be less noticeable
Flying Squirrel- Excels in high altitudes and can do some acrobatics.
Hindrances: Daredevil- likes to do reckless things, that might endanger her and her fellow soldiers
Parry: 7(1/2 fighting +2)
Toughness: 4(1/2 vigor +2)
Equipment: Stealth Treated mesh armor, dual chain daggers,crossbow with a scope

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 11:49 am
by exalted
Name: Sister Rosette
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Description (pictures acceptable):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Bio: Rosette came from a small convent, secluded from the Imperium and wickedness of the unfaithful, She was taught to be loyal, taught to be faithful, chaste and pure, to avoid temptation... her teachers had a hard time. Rosette was always inquisitive about things and often naive about her discoveries, not understanding the context.

Before she could join a Holy Order, her convent was ordered to lend aid to one Inquisitor Wyrax's acolytes. The acolyte was attempting to retrieve an item of great importance for the Inquisitor when he was attacked by Rebels. The untried and untested Sister's were rushed in to rescue. Only one returned from the operation, Rosette, carrying a young child with her, the bastard child of the planet's arch bishop. Without question she turned the child over to Wyrax, putting the bishop under her thumb, never knowing who the child was or the consequences of her actions.

Agility: d6
Smarts: d6
Spirit: d10
Strength: d6
Vigor: d6
Shooting: D10
Fighting: D10
Throwing: D4
Stealth: D6
Persuasion: D10
Intimidation: D8
Investigation: D6
Healing: D4
Survival: D4

1) Divine Guidance: The unfaithful may call it luck, but at times the action of Sister seem to directed from on high, achieving the impossible.
2) Faith: With her faith as her shield, a Sister is unwavering in the face of evil and corruption, for his light guides her path.
3) Loyal: Rosette is exceptionally loyal to her team, and is unlikely to betray them to the enemy.

1)Break the Faith: Faith can be worn down like any shield, until it lays broken and discarded in filth and temple of comes crashing down without it's pillars of strength. (Giving to options as the first could cause problems with team cohesion and lessen the enjoyment for other players)
2) ... to a fault: Rosette is extremely loyal to her superiors, placing their orders above all reproach. If she is told to do something she will do it without question (assuming it is not obviously heretical, no "I order you to worship Chaos" stuff.)
3) The Devil on her shoulder: Since her capture, whenever Rosette gets angry she starts to hear a little voice encouraging her to go even further, to lash out and destroy. (When made angry Rosette must test her willpower or lash out violently.)

Parry: 7+ (2+5+ Weapon bonus or shields.)
Toughness: 15 (2+ 3 + 10)
Power Armour ?
Bolt Gun (Hell Fire rounds, Silencer) ?
2x Bolt Pistol (Laser Sights)?

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:19 pm
by Valtiel
Name: Odessa Kraft
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Description (pictures acceptable):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Bio(Optional but recommended):
Odessa began her career as a police woman, on the streets of her home planet. During an Ork invasion, she joined the Imperial Guards, and fought with her comrades to secure the survival of the planet. During these battles, it was discovered that she had psychic abilities. For that, she was recruited to an Inquisitor's Stormtrooper company, partly to test her skills but also to keep an eye on such a psyker. After years of working for different Inquisitor's on different covert operations, she has grown wary of them, starting to distrust those that seem too extreme.

Despite her fighting abilities, she's ever since she was a child felt like some presence had helped her during her life. It is only now, after she is trained that she sometimes can hear whispers to her, trying to make her do the right thing. It has helped her a lot, and thus trusts the voice as a divine intervention from the Emperor. She has never spoken to anyone about it though.
The closer she comes to Lysara, the more frequent the voices become though. Odessa believes, it merely guides her to her destiny.
Agility: d6
Smarts: d8
Spirit: d8
Strength: d4
Vigor: d4
Investigation: D8 (3 points)
Knowledge: D10 (5 points, 3 to D8, 2 for D10)
Notice: D6 (2 points)
Persuasion: D8 (3 points)
Shooting: D6 (2 points)
Guidance – She is sometimes helped by a voice in her head, that has helped her guide herself to survival.
Disloyal – While she carries out her orders, the work she has done with the Inquisition has made her distrust her commanders and especially some of the Inquisitors.
Parry: 2 (2 + Weapon bonus or shields.)
Toughness: 8 (2 + 2 + 4)
Plasma Pistol
Flak Armor
Reinforced Armor
Explosive Ammo (for shotgun)
Extra ammo
Psyker powers:
Warpfire – Bolt-Fire
Mind Reading

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 6:11 pm
by KnightVanilla
I'd like to save a spot.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 7:18 pm
by dndman997
same here id love a spot saved for when im able to make a character.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:59 pm
by Hazard1325
exalted Wrote:Name: Sister Rosette
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Description (pictures acceptable):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Bio: Rosette came from a small convent, secluded from the Imperium and wickedness of the unfaithful, She was taught to be loyal, taught to be faithful, chaste and pure, to avoid temptation... her teachers had a hard time. Rosette was always inquisitive about things and often naive about her discoveries, not understanding the context.

Before she could join a Holy Order, her convent was ordered to lend aid to one Inquisitor Wyrax's acolytes. The acolyte was attempting to retrieve an item of great importance for the Inquisitor when he was attacked by Rebels. The untried and untested Sister's were rushed in to rescue. Only one returned from the operation, Rosette, carrying a young child with her, the bastard child of the planet's arch bishop. Without question she turned the child over to Wyrax, putting the bishop under her thumb, never knowing who the child was or the consequences of her actions.

Agility: d6
Smarts: d4
Spirit: d8
Strength: d6
Vigor: d6
Shooting: D6
Fighting: D6
Throwing: D4
Persuasion: D8
Intimidation: D8
Investigation: D6
Healing: D4
Survival: D4

1) Divine Guidance: The unfaithful may call it luck, but at times the action of Sister seem to directed from on high, achieving the impossible.
2) Faith: With her faith as her shield, a Sister is unwavering in the face of evil and corruption, for his light guides her path.
3) Loyal: Rosette is exceptionally loyal to her team, and is unlikely to betray them to the enemy.

1) Infighting: The Ordo Hereticus, the Ordo Malleus and Adeptus Mechanicus have a long history bad blood between them. Rosette is unlikey to work well with members from these organisation. - or 1) Break the Faith: Faith can be worn down like any shield, until it lays broken and discarded in filth and temple of comes crashing down without it's pillars of strength. (Giving to options as the first could cause problems with team cohesion and lessen the enjoyment for other players)
2) ... to a fault: Rosette is extremely loyal to her superiors, placing their orders above all reproach. If she is told to do something she will do it without question (assuming it is not obviously heretical, no "I order you to worship Chaos" stuff.)

Parry: 5 (2+3+ Weapon bonus or shields.)
Toughness: 15 (2+ 3 + 10)
Power Armour (Environmental seal... if she remembers to wear her helmet :lol: )
Bolt Gun (Hell Fire rounds, Silencer)
2x Bolt Pistol (Laser Sights, tracking modules, Blessed Ammunition - increased damage against daemons)
Frag grenades, Melta Bomb
Blessed Chainsword

Everything's good except for weapon choices and accessories, I'll allow 2 boltpistols, or a boltpistol and chainsword to act as a second weapon choice but you'll need to drop the other.
Accessory wise a Blessing would count as An accessory so you'll need to choose 3 among the 9 you've taken. In case its not clear Enviormental Seal, Hellfire rounds, Silencer, Laser Sight, Tracking Modules, Blessed Ammunition, Frag Grenades, Melta bombs and the Blessing on the chainsaw all require 1 Accessory point. This does not mean however you cannot acquire these things after the mission commences if you stumble upon a box of frag grenades for example.

Valtiel Wrote:Name: Odessa Kraft
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Description (pictures acceptable):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Bio(Optional but recommended):
Odessa began her career as a police woman, on the streets of her home planet. During an Ork invasion, she joined the Imperial Guards, and fought with her comrades to secure the survival of the planet. During these battles, it was discovered that she had psychic abilities. For that, she was recruited to an Inquisitor's Stormtrooper company, partly to test her skills but also to keep an eye on such a psyker. After years of working for different Inquisitor's on different covert operations, she has grown wary of them, starting to distrust those that seem too extreme.

Despite her fighting abilities, she's ever since she was a child felt like some presence had helped her during her life. It is only now, after she is trained that she sometimes can hear whispers to her, trying to make her do the right thing. It has helped her a lot, and thus trusts the voice as a divine intervention from the Emperor. She has never spoken to anyone about it though.
The closer she comes to Lysara, the more frequent the voices become though. Odessa believes, it merely guides her to her destiny.
Agility: d6
Smarts: d8
Spirit: d8
Strength: d4
Vigor: d4
Investigation: D8 (3 points)
Knowledge: D10 (5 points, 3 to D8, 2 for D10)
Notice: D6 (2 points)
Persuasion: D8 (3 points)
Shooting: D6 (2 points)
Guidance – She is sometimes helped by a voice in her head, that has helped her guide herself to survival.
Disloyal – While she carries out her orders, the work she has done with the Inquisition has made her distrust her commanders and especially some of the Inquisitors.
Parry: 2 (2 + Weapon bonus or shields.)
Toughness: 8 (2 + 2 + 4)
Plasma Pistol
Flak Armor
Reinforced Armor
Explosive Ammo (for shotgun)
Extra ammo
Psyker powers:
Warpfire – Bolt-Fire
Mind Reading

Everything's fine here, I'll go ahead and add the +2 bonus armor for being Reinforced to your toughness value when I put it in the approved section but you may edit your post to include it if you wish.

Regarding reserved slots I'll run up to 3 separate kill teams if there is enough interest, each team will have 4 characters so there are plenty of spaces still available.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 10:20 pm
by Nobudi
I kind of want to join in, but I'm still mentally scarred by my Rogue Trader run with my friends.
My captain/ DM tossed me out the airlock ;_;

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 12:42 am
by DomJoe
I would just like to note that I know absolutely nothing about Warhammer 40k, but I'm still interested in joining this RP.

Name: Alanis Tarda
Race: Human
Gender: F
Age: 25
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Bio: Alanis was born into a poor family and bad circumstances, always struggling to make ends meet. However, there was always something off about Alanis compared to her siblings: she always seemed calmer than most of the people around her, and she seemed to look about as if she was seeing something different. At a young age, her Pysker powers manifested, and she was quickly taken in by the Inquisition as a prodigy Psyker. Glad to be away from her old life, she stuck with the Inquisition, and she didn’t hesitate to go when she was called to duty at Lysara. She has been molded into an anti-Psyker soldier, her link with the warp giving her an edge over other Psyker users in battle.

Agility- d6
Smarts- d8
Spirit- d8
Strength- d4
Vigor- d4

Shooting- d6 (2)
Fighting- d6 (2)
Notice- d8 (3)
Knowledge- d8 (3)
Persuasion- d8 (3)
Investigation- d6 (2)

Warp Sense- Alanis gains a +2 bonus when seeking out or identifying other Psyker users or daemons.
Prodigy Psyker- Alanis is less likely to harm herself or call daemons from the warp when using her powers.

Warp Addict- Whenever Alanis goes below half her maximum Psyker points, she becomes less resilient against Psyker powers, daemon attacks, and more likely to concede to demands from Psyker users and daemons.
Crippling Loneliness- Whenever Alanis is alone in a place deemed unsafe, Alanis will begin to panic, lowering her Spirit stat by one die.

Parry: 2+ 3 = 5
Toughness: 2+ 2 + 6 + 2 (Reinforced) = 12

Stub Automatic
Force Gauntlets
Carapace Armor (Reinforced)
Witch Hunter Rounds

Psyker Powers:
Healing Aura (Light)- An aura of light surrounds a target, removing their injuries or healing their wounds.
Parasitic Cloud (Dark, Drain Psychic)- A dark cloud forms around an enemy Psyker, draining their energy.
Neutralizing Ray (Light, Dispel)- A ray of light beams down on an area, removing Psychic effects in that area.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:28 am
by exalted
Character sheet edited.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 3:03 pm
by Hazard1325
DomJoe Wrote:I would just like to note that I know absolutely nothing about Warhammer 40k, but I'm still interested in joining this RP.

Name: Alanis Tarda
Race: Human
Gender: F
Age: 25
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Bio: Alanis was born into a poor family and bad circumstances, always struggling to make ends meet. However, there was always something off about Alanis compared to her siblings: she always seemed calmer than most of the people around her, and she seemed to look about as if she was seeing something different. At a young age, her Pysker powers manifested, and she was quickly taken in by the Inquisition as a prodigy Psyker. Glad to be away from her old life, she stuck with the Inquisition, and she didn’t hesitate to go when she was called to duty at Lysara. She has been molded into an anti-Psyker soldier, her link with the warp giving her an edge over other Psyker users in battle.

Agility- d6
Smarts- d8
Spirit- d8
Strength- d4
Vigor- d4

Shooting- d6 (2)
Fighting- d6 (2)
Notice- d8 (3)
Knowledge- d8 (3)
Persuasion- d8 (3)
Investigation- d6 (2)

Warp Sense- Alanis gains a +2 bonus when seeking out or identifying other Psyker users or daemons.
Prodigy Psyker- Alanis is less likely to harm herself or call daemons from the warp when using her powers.

Warp Addict- Whenever Alanis goes below half her maximum Psyker points, she becomes less resilient against Psyker powers, daemon attacks, and more likely to concede to demands from Psyker users and daemons.
Crippling Loneliness- Whenever Alanis is alone in a place deemed unsafe, Alanis will begin to panic, lowering her Spirit stat by one die.

Parry: 2+ 3 = 5
Toughness: 2+ 2 + 6 + 2 (Reinforced) = 12

Stub Automatic
Force Gauntlets
Carapace Armor (Reinforced)
Witch Hunter Rounds

Psyker Powers:
Healing Aura (Light)- An aura of light surrounds a target, removing their injuries or healing their wounds.
Parasitic Cloud (Dark, Drain Psychic)- A dark cloud forms around an enemy Psyker, draining their energy.
Neutralizing Ray (Light, Dispel)- A ray of light beams down on an area, removing Psychic effects in that area.

Character sheet looks fine, adding it to the approved section.

exalted Wrote:Character sheet edited.

Now your down to five accessory slots, frag grenades, Melta bombs, Laser sights, hellfire rounds and silencers all count as accessories, you'll need to choose 2 more to discard.

Nobudi Wrote:I kind of want to join in, but I'm still mentally scarred by my Rogue Trader run with my friends.
My captain/ DM tossed me out the airlock ;_;

That's why I always choose to be captain in that game. The Warhammer 40k universe is supposed to be rather brutal so anyone going into this has the potential to be maimed horribly or murdered in unique ways. That being said I try not to kill my players.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:32 pm
by Valtiel
Yeah, it is pretty brutal. And when we're going up against Nids, I hope to god that the Genestealers and Lictors will stay far away from us. Which they probably won't. :(

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 10:23 pm
by exalted
Crap, sorry, miss read what you said. Re-edited.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Sun Aug 03, 2014 11:08 pm
by Hazard1325
Valtiel Wrote:Yeah, it is pretty brutal. And when we're going up against Nids, I hope to god that the Genestealers and Lictors will stay far away from us. Which they probably won't. :(

Well if you know anything about the cycle Tyranids go through when consuming a planet those two are the first species the natives encounter. Good luck.

exalted Wrote:Crap, sorry, miss read what you said. Re-edited.

Its fine now, it will be added to the approved section.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 3:56 am
by KnightVanilla
Name: Selena Strider
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Description (pictures acceptable):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Bio(Optional but recommended): Selena Strider was one of the harden soldiers of the Catachan Jungle Fighters. Serving her fellow soldiers as best as she could as a medic who's skills were surprisingly well used for the type of wounds one could sustain in the line of duty. Proud of her job as she saw to the survival of the wounded. Making their force an even more deadly. However she would not commit to orders when it came to abandoning her squad. Staying with her fellow Catachan fighters she did her best to fight off the surrounding forces. To her surprise her own medical skills were the most useful in that moment as they were ran out of ammo for their guns they ended up fighting with whatever blades or weapons they could use to kill. Healing those who were too injured to fight so they could stand back up and kill more than their fair share of victims.
Agility: d6
Smarts: d10
Spirit: d4
Strength: d6
Vigor: d4
Healing: d12
Knowledge: d8
Survival: d8
Edges: Collected Mind- Able to withstand the stress of combat; Surgical Pressure- Takes no negatives while healing under fire.
Hindrances: Bull headed- Once she sets her mind to doing something there is nothing that will stop her.
Parry: 4 (2+ 1/2 Fighting + Weapon bonus or shields.)
Toughness: 10 (2+ 1/2 Vigor + Armor)
Equipment: Flamer, Laspistol, Carapace armor, Toolkit (Healing), Modular(Flamer), shield

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:16 pm
by Hazard1325
KnightVanilla Wrote:Name: Selena Strider
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Description (pictures acceptable):
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Bio(Optional but recommended): (To be worked on)
Agility: d6
Smarts: d10
Spirit: d4
Strength: d6
Vigor: d4
Healing: d12
Knowledge: d8
Survival: d8
Edges: Collected Mind- Able to withstand the stress of combat; Surgical Pressure- Takes no negatives while healing under fire.
Hindrances: Bull headed- Once she sets her mind to doing something there is nothing that will stop her.
Parry: 4 (2+ 1/2 Fighting + Weapon bonus or shields.)
Toughness: 10 (2+ 1/2 Vigor + Armor)
Equipment: Flamer, Laspistol, Carapace armor, Toolkit (Healing), Modular(Flamer), shield

Approved pending the bio, after you finalize that and its acceptable I'll move the sheet to the approved section.

With Knights character that should be enough for a single kill team though I have 2-3 others who have expressed interest in creating characters. Once I have those in I'll decide who will be in which team to hopefully balance out each group in terms of mechanics. Since we'll most likely have two teams I'll briefly sketch out how the two groups will interact. First everyone will be considered as having a squad range micro-bead(40k version of headset or earpiece) unit with safe range of about 50m. Contacting the other squad will required long range Vox(40k equivalent of radio) units unless the two actually meet at some point. Its risky using any form of long range communication since people outside the kill teams have a chance of listening in so choose any messages carefully. If both teams meet at the same time your welcome to trade personnel or form one large unit.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:09 pm
by Valtiel
Hazard1325 Wrote:
Valtiel Wrote:Yeah, it is pretty brutal. And when we're going up against Nids, I hope to god that the Genestealers and Lictors will stay far away from us. Which they probably won't. :(

Well if you know anything about the cycle Tyranids go through when consuming a planet those two are the first species the natives encounter. Good luck.

Yeah, I've had a Tyranid tabletop army for years. I never wanted to be on the receiving end, the stories of them are crazy. Here's to our Kill Teams getting eaten by Lictors! :lol:

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:26 pm
by Nobudi
Or one of the random npcs is a Genestealer

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 7:31 pm
by Hazard1325
Nobudi Wrote:Or one of the random npcs is a Genestealer

Nah I'd just make it one of the players secretly so you can all be paranoid.

Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 8:16 pm
by Valtiel
I swear, if people start getting infected by Genestealers, everything must burn! Death by fire! :shock: