Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 7:17 pm
Well, I have been having a little extra time on my hands, and a bolt of inspiration, that just would not leave me alone. The idea for this RP has been bugging me for several days, and I finally decided to give in and see what happens. First of all, I would like to note, that I am seeking a co-GM to help me with this, in case work delays my posts, and considering I also want a character to play with. Now to explain what has been bugging me.
Planet Hell, well that's the short hand version. No one really wants to say "Lupus Four" anymore. One century years ago, it was decided by all races, to send their prisoners to a single, garden world, and let them live away from the good and decent citizens of the galaxy. So, they all chose Lupus Four, as it is on the ass end of the galaxy. First this place was the sight of one giant prison. Then things got even bigger, as more planets wanted to send more criminals there. Soon the pace became the size of a town, yet still it grew. The planets then decided to make another prison for females, but found that they did not have the resources to support both prisons. So, they made a very controversial decision to put both genders in the same prison, in the hopes, that fear of what could happen in the prison now, would persuade many females not to commit crimes.
One hundred years later, the place is the size of a city. The cell blocks are the size of skyscrapers, and the cells now big enough to classify as apartments.The guards are now a small military force, the could rival the military of some of the lesser developed planets. The security group growing in fame and infamy for their efficiency and brutality soon earning their own name and reputation. Considering that the humans were the first ones to start this project, it was from their mythology that these guards got their name. They are the called the Cerberus organization. For they are the guardians of hell, ensuring no one enters or leaves. They have cameras everywhere, recording almost everything, and they have been known to sell some of those recordings for the right price. Several people have had their worst moments in prison recorded, only to be displayed by their enemies.
While the guards used to have to keep the prisoners in line, they now spend their time enforcing simple laws, as the prisoners now have more important things to worry about. To help line their pockets, the guards devised a simple plan to keep prisoners in line. Whenever a prisoner causes too much trouble, they get thrown in the arena, where they fight, most of the time, for their life. However, since both genders are stuck in the prison, many fights between genders end in both rape and humiliation. Cerberus records everything that happens, and sells the videos out on the galactic info net, letting the entire galaxy see what happens, if they so choose to pay.
The guards run the main prisons, but several gangs have popped up, all around the city, as they each fight for what they value. whether that be money, power, protection, or the right to live. They have sectioned every cell block by race for the most part. However, occasionally different races end up in a mixed block. And every block has several gangs fighting for control of the block, in the hopes of one day pushing the guards out of the block. Powerful gangs have done it before, and were allowed to rule their own lives for a time. However, Cerberus always struck back, hard, usually leaving piles of bodies.
The rumors of this place strike fear into many would be criminals, and ever since the videos of what happens began to circulate throughout the galaxy crime has slowly plummeted to an all time low, as the fear of Planet Hell, as it has become called, ever since one prisoner had his blood painted on the wall for the video to record. And now, you are on your way. You can only shudder to yourself and try to block out the video that gave the planet its namesake. Try as hard as you might, you still can't shake the image from your mind, all you can see, is the large wolf anthro, burying his claws into the orc males blood, and paint on the cold steel wall....
Welcome to Planet Hell
This game will have a simple battle system. Your clothing is your life, once your clothing has been removed, the next hit will end in your defeat. Your starting clothing will only take one hit to destroy per piece. You will be able to gain stronger clothing later. This game will also have a reputation and alignment system. Your reputation will be whether you are considered strong or a bitch. Strong prisoners will get more respect from others and may be helped more often. However, the stronger you are, the more likely you are to attract stronger enemies. A bitch won't be as respected and may be required to perform sexual favors for prisoners to avoid being raped. However, they will rarely attract a strong enemy. Each racial faction will also have some feelings toward you, based on whether you help them or not. For example, helping a bunch of orcs capture several elven woman to rape them would have the orcs like you, but the elves would begin to hate you. You also have your prisoner/guard alignment, as to which faction likes you more, helping the guards make a drug bust, would certainly have the guards on your side, and more likely to protect you, but the prisoners wouldn't trust you nearly as much and may be more hostile toward you. However, you should only really need to worry about the politics in your cell block first, before you worry about anything else.
Your character will not have levels or skills. Everything will be decided by a roll of 20d. However, your background can affect your rolls, by giving you a perk. The classes of criminals are as follows.
Violent: Stronger and more athletic, Bonus +2 to fighting rolls
Roguish: Cunning and agile: Bonus +2 to rolls for anything involving skill, such as hot wiring car, or picking someones pocket.
Political: Former leader of political party, nation, government. Bonus +2 to charisma, seduction, or intimidation rolls.
Innocent: You were framed! No bonus to rolls, but your family or friends will send you something every week, you might be able to trade for credits, or to save your ass.
Character Sheet: Here is the basic format for character sheets. I will have my own character sheet up, once i find a co-gm.
Name: (Obvious)
Age: (At least 18)
Gender: (Male or Female, to start)
Race: (Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Anthro, Orc, Goblin, Quarian, Turian, or any other fantasy/sci fir race. No guarantees I will know enough about them to do your character justice.)
Class: (See above)
Background: (The more you give me, the more I can work with.)
Appearance: (Paragraphs are good, pictures are better.)
Everyone will start out in a waiting are, waiting to be booked their new cell block. You can then choose what kind of cell block you will be in.
Current characters: Sierra, Jane, Vala, Korian Vraxis, Rusi, Sixes, Cinayet, Malice, and Sasha.
Planet Hell, well that's the short hand version. No one really wants to say "Lupus Four" anymore. One century years ago, it was decided by all races, to send their prisoners to a single, garden world, and let them live away from the good and decent citizens of the galaxy. So, they all chose Lupus Four, as it is on the ass end of the galaxy. First this place was the sight of one giant prison. Then things got even bigger, as more planets wanted to send more criminals there. Soon the pace became the size of a town, yet still it grew. The planets then decided to make another prison for females, but found that they did not have the resources to support both prisons. So, they made a very controversial decision to put both genders in the same prison, in the hopes, that fear of what could happen in the prison now, would persuade many females not to commit crimes.
One hundred years later, the place is the size of a city. The cell blocks are the size of skyscrapers, and the cells now big enough to classify as apartments.The guards are now a small military force, the could rival the military of some of the lesser developed planets. The security group growing in fame and infamy for their efficiency and brutality soon earning their own name and reputation. Considering that the humans were the first ones to start this project, it was from their mythology that these guards got their name. They are the called the Cerberus organization. For they are the guardians of hell, ensuring no one enters or leaves. They have cameras everywhere, recording almost everything, and they have been known to sell some of those recordings for the right price. Several people have had their worst moments in prison recorded, only to be displayed by their enemies.
While the guards used to have to keep the prisoners in line, they now spend their time enforcing simple laws, as the prisoners now have more important things to worry about. To help line their pockets, the guards devised a simple plan to keep prisoners in line. Whenever a prisoner causes too much trouble, they get thrown in the arena, where they fight, most of the time, for their life. However, since both genders are stuck in the prison, many fights between genders end in both rape and humiliation. Cerberus records everything that happens, and sells the videos out on the galactic info net, letting the entire galaxy see what happens, if they so choose to pay.
The guards run the main prisons, but several gangs have popped up, all around the city, as they each fight for what they value. whether that be money, power, protection, or the right to live. They have sectioned every cell block by race for the most part. However, occasionally different races end up in a mixed block. And every block has several gangs fighting for control of the block, in the hopes of one day pushing the guards out of the block. Powerful gangs have done it before, and were allowed to rule their own lives for a time. However, Cerberus always struck back, hard, usually leaving piles of bodies.
The rumors of this place strike fear into many would be criminals, and ever since the videos of what happens began to circulate throughout the galaxy crime has slowly plummeted to an all time low, as the fear of Planet Hell, as it has become called, ever since one prisoner had his blood painted on the wall for the video to record. And now, you are on your way. You can only shudder to yourself and try to block out the video that gave the planet its namesake. Try as hard as you might, you still can't shake the image from your mind, all you can see, is the large wolf anthro, burying his claws into the orc males blood, and paint on the cold steel wall....
This game will have a simple battle system. Your clothing is your life, once your clothing has been removed, the next hit will end in your defeat. Your starting clothing will only take one hit to destroy per piece. You will be able to gain stronger clothing later. This game will also have a reputation and alignment system. Your reputation will be whether you are considered strong or a bitch. Strong prisoners will get more respect from others and may be helped more often. However, the stronger you are, the more likely you are to attract stronger enemies. A bitch won't be as respected and may be required to perform sexual favors for prisoners to avoid being raped. However, they will rarely attract a strong enemy. Each racial faction will also have some feelings toward you, based on whether you help them or not. For example, helping a bunch of orcs capture several elven woman to rape them would have the orcs like you, but the elves would begin to hate you. You also have your prisoner/guard alignment, as to which faction likes you more, helping the guards make a drug bust, would certainly have the guards on your side, and more likely to protect you, but the prisoners wouldn't trust you nearly as much and may be more hostile toward you. However, you should only really need to worry about the politics in your cell block first, before you worry about anything else.
Your character will not have levels or skills. Everything will be decided by a roll of 20d. However, your background can affect your rolls, by giving you a perk. The classes of criminals are as follows.
Violent: Stronger and more athletic, Bonus +2 to fighting rolls
Roguish: Cunning and agile: Bonus +2 to rolls for anything involving skill, such as hot wiring car, or picking someones pocket.
Political: Former leader of political party, nation, government. Bonus +2 to charisma, seduction, or intimidation rolls.
Innocent: You were framed! No bonus to rolls, but your family or friends will send you something every week, you might be able to trade for credits, or to save your ass.
Character Sheet: Here is the basic format for character sheets. I will have my own character sheet up, once i find a co-gm.
Name: (Obvious)
Age: (At least 18)
Gender: (Male or Female, to start)
Race: (Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Anthro, Orc, Goblin, Quarian, Turian, or any other fantasy/sci fir race. No guarantees I will know enough about them to do your character justice.)
Class: (See above)
Background: (The more you give me, the more I can work with.)
Appearance: (Paragraphs are good, pictures are better.)
Everyone will start out in a waiting are, waiting to be booked their new cell block. You can then choose what kind of cell block you will be in.
Current characters: Sierra, Jane, Vala, Korian Vraxis, Rusi, Sixes, Cinayet, Malice, and Sasha.