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Rise of the Horny Dead 2

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 1:10 am
by fragmasterson
Subtitle: The riseful rising of those dead that have horns in a metaphorical sense?

Anyway, I really enjoyed reading that rp on here, and would like pick it up in some sense or another. So, though pretty new to RPing, I'd like to try my hand at GMing. If it's not too tactless, I plan on following the mechanics as the original RP by Kura almost exactly, with some modifications, which will be noted with asterisks in my copy and paste of Kura's original intro and the "notes" section below. See that OOC here: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=3643 the RP: viewtopic.php?f=25&t=3653

"This game is currently full, having reached its player limit of 10. Also, while I am not saying its a requirement, it is a suggestion that the players characters be female.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

In this post-apocalyptic world, a group of survivors are trying to survive from the zombie pandemic that has spread through the world. These wayward souls have come across Highwood City, a major metropolitan area, in their search for supplies and temporary shelter. Their goal-to persevere in their attempted survival of the zombie threat. They all start at different corners of the city, in the Outskirts, the beginnings of this town, there are house scattered here and there, with roads leading deeper into the urban center

Character Sheet:
Skills***- Skills are to be listed on a scale of 0 to 5, 0 being terrible, 5 being awesome, with 9 [13] points to spend.
Choose three perks, which can be pretty much anything you want.[The bracketed stats are stats that are currently not in use]

Infected Stats (tentative) 13 points to spend.
Lure (works like tease in Coc):

Inventory***: Everyone gets an item "pouch" of usable inventory with 5 slots, certain items will have an unlimited ability to be stacked. So, theoretically (but certainly not actually) you could have a million bullets if you found that many, but not more than 5 different kinds of guns. As to starting quantities, I'd just say be reasonable, I'll let you know if I think it seems silly (at the moment I figure 24 rounds of pistol ammo, if you're starting with a pistol, would be a good starting amount). Feel free to ask about this, as I'm being intentionally vague here, since I'm not sure myself what would make sense at the moment.

Bullets can be stacked on top of guns.

Food and drink will not take up an inventory slot, but will have a finite amount. For now, we'll assume everyone has at least 2 days worth.

You can also have nonusable inventory, if you wish, which will not take up an item slot, but which will not have a direct in-game use. e.g., you're character's favorite novel, which they bring a long every place they go, good-luck charm, etc.

You may come across stock items in the city where you can stack some items and return to later, therefore "extending" your inventory a little. For example, you may find a chest in a house to store some inventory in, but they're ability to store will be limited, and they may be broken into by the undead....

Battle and skills will be decided by the use of a d20. 1-10 will be failure, 11-20 will be success(***see notes). Skills will give a bonus based on their point to die rolls. To keep things from getting horribly bogged down in numbers,

***Please keep track of your own items, especially ammo. I will keep a lose track of this stuff, and will refer through posts as necessary, but for the most part, I'm leaving the onus on the PC...I really don't see any reason why anyone cheat on this, as I make getting the supplies your PC needs pretty easy anyway, and "losing" the battle is part of the fun ;)

Getting screwed by a zombie will make the player infected, and will also have a chance for causing a pregnancy (if PC is female), which will result in new lovely enemies to worry about. Infection can be lowered by taking antibiotics found throughout the city. Infection will rise every three PC posts by 5%, while getting screwed by a zombie raises it by 15% (only counts if the zombie finishes.) Warning-Male players may get screwed as well. Females that reach 100% infection essentially become horny brood mothers. They will seek out anyone to have sex with to spread the infection and (in the case of males) gain sperm to breed more monsters. Males reaching 100% infection become zombies.

Antibiotics will reverse the rate of infection gain by -5% every three posts, and are stackable. However, be wary of taking too many at once, as they have side effects...

If a female player becomes fully infected, I will leave it up to the player whether they wish to continue playing as a Player Enemy or not. Once a player becomes fully infected however, a new player slot will become open."

***Rolls will work like this: If you have high speed, and your action is to escape from an enemy, I'll roll my online virtual d20 die, and whatever that comes out to be, I'l add whatever your stat is to it. So, supposing you chose to try to run from a zombie encounter, I rolled a 6, I'd add 5 points to that, turning the failure into a success. The same with trying to overpower an enemy/strength stat, out foxing an enemy/intelligence stat, etc.. However, I don't think I'll make the results all or nothing; 11 roll, depending on the situations, might work out to barely a success (e.g., escaped, but highly exhausted from encounter, leading to a roll penalty if you encountered another enemy withing the next few turns). 20 is perfect (can't be higher) and 1 is perfect in the negative sense (can't be lower).

As a disclaimer, I will most likely (but not saying as a final word) avoid direct, guy on guy action, so you may not want to join if you're looking for that.

Hope people join, and do ask questions/offer suggestions, as I'm new at this.

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2??

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 2:04 am
by Tsai
i'd like to reserve a spot

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2??

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 2:15 am
by Motoko
Me too I'll have my sheet up tommorrow! <3

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2??

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 2:54 am
by Shura
I'll grab a spot.

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2??

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 3:41 am
by fragmasterson
cool. I've edited the first post a little and I added an intro. Still fleshing out some of the game mechanics in my head. Right now, I'm thinking of doing it like a text-based game, where it will be rolling intensive-each turn would have a role for a random encounter , different areas will have different rates of encounter, a search option that will have a certain chance of success, perhaps depending on which area you in (for example, Outskirts would have a low enemy encounter rate, but also a low search success rate). It'll take a firmer shape once it gets underway, and I can actually see what's practical.

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2??

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 5:29 pm
by Starchilde2
First time playing a Roleplay like this, but I would love to get a spot as well.


Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2??

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 6:46 pm
by Starchilde2
Character Sheet:

Name: Gloria Marthonas
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Dark hair and dark eyes, fairly slim and athletic, pensive, and a slight loner. She is 5'6"


Speed/Agility: 4
Strength: 2
Intelligence: 3
Toughness: 2
Aim: 2

Choose three perks, which can be pretty much anything you want.

Perk 1: Runner- Before the outbreak she ran 5 miles every morning before school. as well she was a long distance runner in high school.

Perk 2: She is good with problems, and tends to take leaps in logic, though she may not know where she got the information.

Perk 3: She knows the basics of first aid having spend the last four summers as a lifeguard, and nurse at the local pool, and was going to school for nursing before the outbreak hit.

She currently has one a black tank top multi-pocketed vest tan (the type used by fishermen) in the pockets are some misc gear. (most of the items in her vest I was deeming as non usable. would be items that when she got food would either help her eat it, or package it up. As I am pretty sure she is not going to attack a zombie with a small swiss army knife. I did make the list more clearly however)

Non usable
some twine (3 ft)
fishing line (3 ft)
some hooks (6 small fishing hooks),
a small mirror
She is wearing a set of leggings, and her running shoes on. She has a light rucksack over her shoulder that she used to carry her books carrying
Usable Items:
one bottle of antibotics (8),
one bottle of pain killers (10),
bowie knife,
12 shot pistol 3 shots in current clip (3 extra clips)
baseball bat
Added: water purifier

Gloria was in school when the outbreak began, she hid out in school for a few weeks, but with all the zombies in the area she knew she couldn't stay. She took some stuff from her room mates and boyfriend after they hadn't turned up for a few days, and she is trying to get back home to her parents. She is stopping by the town hoping to get some more food and supplies before continuing on her way.

(OOC: I hope this is good enough, let me know if you need any other information)
(Edited information as requested)

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2??

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 11:08 pm
by fragmasterson
Starchild: I think your character sheet is fine, I just have an issue with the inventory bit, you're character seems much more heavily equipped than I was thinking. This isn't a bad thing though, now I see there is something I didn't think of.

Food in-take. Let's just assume for now that everyone has packed at least two days of food and water. This item won't take up an inventory slot.

I'm also going to make a distinction between usuable and nonusable inventory. Nonusable inventory would be (I think) something like the books you mentioned, which you can't use in battle and have no "usable" effect. There kind of just there as maybe a story telling mechanism. These will not take up slots, but they probably won't help you search or fight off zombies, so if you want hitting a zombie in the head with a book to be a possible attack, it would have to take up an inventory slot.

So, please edit your usable inventory so that it has only five items. I'm relisting them here, and I put in parenthesis where I think you should be more specific, if you want to use the item. If some of this is to be nonusable inventory, please specify by making a separate list.

pocket knife
some twine (1 ft? 20ft? Can use metric too. On this particular item I don't care about the amount, as long as you specify so I know)
fishing line (the length can be vague here)
10 antibiotic pills
10 pain relievers
10 water purifiers (I guess this would mean that you could purify a unpurified drink 10 times)
bowie knife
pistol w/clipw/12 rounds + 2 extra clips
1 baseball bat

Everyone: For usable and nonusable inventory, please just make an easy to read list with the amount and name of item, rather than full sentences. Since I can't guarantee every item you pick will actually be useful to you, ya'll can stack ammo on top of your guns.

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2??

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 11:17 pm
by fragmasterson
Inventory bit in first post has been updated, so you probably will want to glance at it before making a character sheet.

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2??

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 11:37 pm
by [Brand_Name]
Reserve spot :D ?

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2??

PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2014 11:41 pm
by fragmasterson
Alright, right now, it looks like 5 of 6 (current) spots are reserved, tallying up everyone who asked so far in this thread.

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2??

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2014 12:18 am
by Tsai
Character Sheet:
Name: Alison Murphy
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Bio: Everything seemed to be going right for her, track star through highschool, college, and was on her way to the Olympics, but this damn apocalypse ruined it all for her. She's been wandering the country side for a few months after her home town was over ran. Her superior speed allowed her to get quickly out of most sticky situations, if not her dad taught her how to take care of herself with a gun. She wanted to hit the jackpot and just stop running away from everything.
Speed/Agility: [5]5
Strength: [1]1
Intelligence: [2]
Toughness: [2]
Aim: [3]3
Runner: Extremely used to running long distance as well as sprinting, theres not much that can beat her in a foot race.
Pistol proficiency: Good with all sorts of pistols, rifles not so much.
Stealthy: Used to sneaking around and avoiding people, like paparazzi.

Inventory: 9mm pistol, 3 loaded clips. Pocket knife, sterilized bandages, bottle of water.

Let me know if there was anything i need to change or edit.

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2??

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2014 12:26 am
by Sanaki
I'd like to reserve a spot if you don't mind, i'll have my character sheet up as soon as i find it.

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2??

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2014 12:32 am
by fragmasterson
Tsai, I think your character sheet is good, except you can add two more inventory items, since ammo for a particular gun can be stacked on top of it, and water does not take up a slot (we're assuming everyone has at least two days worth atm).

Alternatively, you can leave two spots empty, in case you find items along the way.

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2??

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2014 12:33 am
by fragmasterson
Okay, all spots currently reserved. I think as soon as three approved character sheets are up, I'll make the first post.

If you wanted to reserve, depending on how things go I may increase the player limit. It just depends on whether I feel I can keep track of/will be able to write good response posts for whatever number of people in the rp. And of course, some people may change their minds and drop out/take a break from it.

I will post here if a spot opens up. Wouldn't hurt to express interest in this thread, that way I'll send a pm when it happens.

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2??

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2014 12:47 am
by fragmasterson
Also, unless you are specific with the private bits, I will either choose not to specify (like boob size for example) if I'm writing a description, or assign whatever specification I think is appropriate as it comes up. So, if you have something specific in mind (virginity, each breast is the size of a city bus, etc.) you should include it on the character sheet.

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2014 12:53 am
by [Brand_Name]
^ha. bus.

um, from previous experience, I just want to warn you- six is a lot. Take your time before upping the player cap.

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2014 1:04 am
by fragmasterson
[Brand_Name] Wrote:um, from previous experience, I just want to warn you- six is a lot. Take your time before upping the player cap.

Thanks for the advice, will do.

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2014 2:22 am
by Tsai
I'll leave her with two open slots if that's alright then.

Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2014 2:39 am
by fragmasterson
Tsai Wrote:I'll leave her with two open slots if that's alright then.

Sounds good. That makes it one approved sheet so far.