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Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 5:31 pm
by MelissaB
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You started your adventure by leaving your friends and families behind to seek glory in the world and earn a name. The world is in turmoil as a war bands of Orcs and servants to dark fiends seek to destroy the alliance of Elves dwarf and men. The human's have been a war fighting on two fronts against Orcs and demons the elves are still untouched by this war and the dwarves no one has heard from in four seasons. Everyone is edgy and people on the outskirts run scared.

Basic Lore
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The world you know is called Aventious it is home to a large group of races ranging from humanoid to the more mystical. The main nations are the Elven nation of Wrillianion nested deep into a isolated part of the world surrounded by mountains on each side except for one entrance and exit. Their capitol Serleen lies with it's back to the mountain. It is a land of mirth and joy it's location making it avoid most conflicts as it being too difficult to invade without huge losses. This has given elves a light and almost care free way of living choosing only to fight when pressed. neighboring them and all other nations is that of the humans having the largest nation due to there numbers and constant wars with orc warbands and outlaw armies making there outposts heavily defended and manned. Humans due to their war like nature on the outskirts of their lands to the peaceful luxurious lifestyle to the inner most cities with their crowning achievement in their capitol of Deshen standing tall and proud visible for everyone in a thousand leagues to see. The Dwarves' under kingdom spans the entirely under the sets them as the richest nation but is constantly at war with monsters of the deep. making them a battle harden people who value marshal prowess above all. An other race has a kingdom but small villages and towns scattered throughout the land the anthro creatures spending their times in forests hunting as nomads in small tribes rarely breaking apart from to visit new lands. They are a simple people with simple ways but their naturally abilities have made them not to be lightly considered. The gnomes have been absorbed into the human lands some 100 years earlier and now only govern a few of their own cities within the biggest of which is Grindel.

Human - Extra Perk
Elf - +2 dex -2 con +2 beauty (Feat weapon focus longbow)
Half elf - +1 dex -1 con +1 beauty
Dwarf - +2 con -2 beauty (+2 ac verse giants +1 ab verse goblins and orcs)
Halfling +2 dex -2 Con
Gnome+ +2 con - 1 beauty
Half Orc +2 str +2 con -2 int -4 beauty
Anthro +1 dex +1 con +1 str -4 int +1 beauty (Feat Natural claws. Unarmed attacks do an extra 1 dam every 2 levels)
Kitsume -2 str - 1 con +2 int (feat Cunning as a Fox - Always gets first action unless flanked.)

Special Races
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For a more exotic race give me a brief idea of what you want to play and i'll approve it and add it to the list or i won't and i'll give you the reason why.

Ability scores
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all abilities have a base 10 with no bonus or weakness adding a total of 14 extra each stat creation maximum is 18 and minimum of 8. racial bonus will give you a plus or minus to the max and mins the only exception is beauty which base is 0 has no max or min you may make your the most disgusting creature to walk the land or the most beautiful both are costly for different reasons as this will judge how npcs see you not everyone is kind towards beauty after all. the reason i'll put this here instead of charisma is because charisma is based off your rp.

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Serlenthia - Goddess of War depicted as a winged fair skinned human with blonde hair wielding a great sword in golden fullplate. Serlenthia is the goddess of battle war and honour. She casts her eyes to all conflict of note judging the combatants to her own values rewarding bravery and honour but punishing the treacherous and cowardly. Worshiping Serlenthia grants you an increased chance to crit a foe as she bestows her followers with a hint of her skill.

Galerian - God of Wisdom and Magic is a shown as an old man holding a ball and scrying orb covered in long blue and grey robes that cover him almost entirely. He teaches respect of magic and to treat it with care. His followers are ones that use their magic as a last resort believing that a mage that uses magic last is the strongest and wisest of mages. Mages worshiping Galerian gain experience for every spell not use in a fight (1 spell not used =15 xp 2=30 3=45 and so forth)

Valeen - The Goddess of Death; Verleen is a woman in plain grey clothing with a list of names in one hand and a quill in the other. She is the keeper of the dead and vanquisher of the Unnatural. Her followers get a +1 to attack and damage against all unnaturally foes as a gift for aiding her work.(undead)

Thulith - Is the the God of War and direct enemy to Serlenthia. He teaches victory is the only truth and to win is the only virtue. He wields a pair of poison coated daggers veiled in black robes. Followers of Thulith gain +2 dam to flanking attacks.

Ragthor - Orc God and hailed as their creator, He only hears the prayers of his servants and those of their blood. He preaches that orcs are the strongest race and that when one of true strength leads their kind they'll be able to conquer the world leading them to their rightful place as the rulers of the known world. He is depicted as a huge orc wielding two greataxes in each hand.

Slaagul - The demon king that haunts the night as ruler of the realms of chaos. He isn't ever given a form and it only spoken of in whispers and curses. He rules as the demonic king but has power enough to grant to his followers that spread his word of destruction upon the land. His worshipers get corruption Aura. (perk that grants -1 to all enemies rolls)

Class List
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The classes govern your stating equipment and perks and abilities you are free to branch out afterwards
Fighter -
Starting Gear: piecemail, large shield,choice of a one handed weapon.
Barbarian -
Starting Gear: Breastplate, choice out of two handed melee weapon.
Peak - Rage 1 +2 str and con for fight
Cleric -
Starting Gear: chainmail, small shield and mace, 2 divine spells (two uses per fight per spell)
Mage -
Starting Gear: clothing, staff or dagger, 2 arcane spells (two uses each fight per spell)
Rogue -
Starting Gear: Leather, Short sword or duel daggers
Perk - Flanker 1 (+2 dam to flanking attacks.)
Archer -
Starting Dear: Choice of bow, chain shirt
Perk - Trackless step (Can't be tracked )
Paladin -
Starting gear: Chain mail, tower shield, choice of one handed weapon or choice of two handed and no shield, 1 divine spell
Perk - Fearless (Immune to fear magic or effects)

Weapon List
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One Handed Weapons
Dagger - 1 dam (can be duel wielded with no minus to attack) Only option for stealth kill.
Short Sword - 2 dam (can be duel wielded with half effects for attack)
Long Sword - 3 dam
Broad Sword - 4 dam
Morning Star - 3 dam
Mace - 2 dam
War Hammer 4 dam
Bastard Sword - 5 dam used with two hands gains +1 dam
Scimitar - 3 dam (can be dual wielded)

Two Handed Weapons
Great Axe - 7 dam
Great Sword - 7 dam
Maul - 7 dam
Double Sword - 4 dam (auto duel wield)
Heavy Flail - 7 dam
Shortbow - 4 dam
Longbow - 7 dam
Crossbow- 8 dam

Armour List
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Clothing - AC 0 dex bonus uncapped
Padded - 1 AC dex bonus 10
Leather - 2 AC dex bonus 9
Studded Leather - 3 AC dex bonus 8
Chain shirt - 4 AC dex bonus 4
Chainmail - 5 AC dex bonus 2
Breastplate - 6 AC dex bonus 2
Piecemail - 7 AC dex bonus 1
Full plate - 8 AC dex bonus 1
Small Shield - 1 AC
Large Shield - 2 AC
Tower Shield - 3 AC

Divine Magic
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Healing - heals 5 + wis mod + level
Cure Illness - cures poison and disease
Divine Wrath - +2 dam for the fight
Bless - plus 2 to all rolls for party
Divine Protection - +2 to all armour saves
Flames - 3 fire dam + wis mod + level
Divine Might - +2 str for fight only will wear off afterwards

Arcane Magic
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Magic Missile - 3 dam +int mod. one missle per level
Burning Hands - fire cone at multiple foes for 2 fire dam + int mod
Mage Armour - +4 to armour can't work on those with armour worn.
Protection - +2 to defensive rolls against foes
Draining Touch - 2 dam +int mod. total dam heals mage for half the amount
Fear - affects one target per caster level wisdom check against caster's int +4

Perks/Feats you get one not instantly granted to your class or race at creation
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Imposing (15 Str)- Your figure will inspire more fear or respect from NPCs while in combat you're the clear target.
Stealthy (15 Dex)- outside of combat most NPCs won't notice you while in combat you seem like less of a threat.
Point blank shot (14 Dex)- +1 dam at close range firing.
Rapid Reload (13 Dex)- crossbows now faire as fast as standard bows
Spell Power- +1 dam per time taken to spells max of 5
Call Shot (16 Dex)- Dex check to strike at weak spots +2 dam
Disarming Strike (13 Str)- Str check to knock weapon from hand
Dodge (14 Dex) - +1 ac in light armour (base of 3 or lower) flanking attacks ignore this perk
Weapon Focus - Pick a weapon and gain +1 to Attack rolls may be taken for multiple weapons.
Devote (15 wis)- 1 extra divine spell. to the max of 5
Weapon finesse (Dex > Str) - Melee weapons now use dex for attacking rolls instead of str.
Two weapon fighting (13 Dex)- duel wielding is now -2 -4 from -4 -8 short swords reduce this to -1 -2 and daggers to 0 -1
Thick Skinned (Beauty < 11)- Chracter gains -1 to all physical damage taken

Character Sheet

Stats 10 and Racial bonuses
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 10
Beauty: 0
Reputation :0
Perk list:
Spell List:
Starting Equipment:
Level: 1

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:43 am
by BlueLight
Um...uh....duh....rrrrr. *waves hands frantically*kistune are well known for being cunning but nothing about strength. In fact they are know as theives and are thought to have traits relating to quick movement and thinking; most notable would be thoses of zorro. They're also know for sudecing men but lets be frank, that doesnt relate to super powes.

All in all i ask that the kitsune race have all the same stats except -4 str -1 con and int +2

Now to read the rest of the rp
Or since a kistune is more human than anthor why not allow them to be consider human

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 3:27 am
by MelissaB
Huh. fine fine. point made you'd likely know more than me in that regard. i'll edit... don't even recall posting this up yet anyway

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 4:00 am
by spriter1
It's a weird one, but what about a mimic trying to fit into normal life? I always imagined one as a wooden mannequin with it only features being huge eyes and tongue with a mouth full of Razor-sharp teeth, along with whatever gender it chose to mimic. I realise it would be a long shot, and would definitely get an immediate -4 to beauty...

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:28 am
by BlueLight
thats not ex.... you know what, close enough.

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 2:22 pm
by dndman997
Blue.....its her RP she can do it however she wants.

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 9:00 pm
by BlueLight
dndman997 Wrote:Blue.....its her RP she can do it however she wants.

I agree. However I'm still going to point things out that bug me as a philosopher

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 12:23 am
by MelissaB
Though a cool idea spriter not feasible. you'd be no different than a mimic except you'd end up at a tailors instead of a dungeon trying to lure women over to you with clothing instead of adventurers with treasure

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 12:35 am
by Urhr93
interesting, i'll probably join once it's up

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 12:57 am
by daxtinator396
I'll toss this out just because different anthros would probably have different stats but would you adjust the racial bonuses based on type? Like a bear anthro is probably gonna have higher strength bonus but a cat would have higher dex?

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 1:02 am
by MelissaB
yes a bear would be stronger than a feline. but since you could all be cruel and end up picking one of the multitude of creatures there are and ask for different stats i'm going to say no. as as anthro you'll still be humaniod so while possessing features such as claws fur animal strength and such. you'll only have a hint of such and since like all things you'll be varied in your stats and such then size. you can tailor your stats to match your anthro character.

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:21 am
by daxtinator396
Okkies hehe but little old me? I could never be cruel to you~

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:47 am
by BlueLight
Can we start creating our character

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:01 am
by The Blitz
Dibs on the Paladin. Lawful Good all day, heathens.

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:41 am
by BlueLight
The Blitz Wrote:Dibs on the Paladin. Lawful Good all day, heathens.

paladin where! I shall smite him by sticking a log up his ass.

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 7:07 am
by The Blitz
Keep your strange wood based fetishes under control, filthy heathen, lest you receive the wrath of the gods. :P

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 7:12 am
by I Love Big Tits
Is this a sex type thing or just running around adventureing kind of thing

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 7:13 am
by BlueLight
Wrath of God in my ass i bet. We all know you corrupt paladin just care about killing the common begger and fucking the nearest harlot!

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 7:27 am
by The Blitz
Assisting the poor and engaging in meaningful, consensual intercourse with the nearest maiden. You're looking for the Chaotic Evil wannabe Paladins. Or the Catholic Church. One of the two.

Re: Path to Glory OOC

PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 7:30 am
by BlueLight
The Blitz Wrote:Assisting the poor and engaging in meaningful, consensual intercourse with the nearest maiden. You're looking for the Chaotic Evil wannabe Paladins. Or the Catholic Church. One of the two.

You forgot