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Forsaken OOC (Fallout RP Looking for GM!)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:59 pm
by Noosie


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The year is 2073, and the world has gone through very much change. A nuclear war back in 2023, commonly known as the "Forsaken War", has taken place leaving behind a scorched earth with little left. In the years following the Forsaken War, the United States devolved into a post-apocalyptic environment commonly dubbed "the great ruin". The war and subsequent nuclear fallout severely depopulated the country, leaving large expanses of property decaying from neglect. In addition, virtually all food and water is irradiated, and radiation exposure, combined with a mutagenic bioweapon that was accidentally released into the atmosphere during the war, have caused mutation in nearly all forms of life. With a large portion of the country's infrastructure in ruins, basic necessities are scarce. Barter is the common method of exchange, trading with others for goods. Most cities and towns are empty, having been looted and deserted in favor of smaller, makeshift communities scattered around the Great Ruin.

Location: Maxten, United States. A state named after the president Charles Maxten (President on United States between 2017-2023), Maxten is located where former state Wyoming used to be. In the year 2020, during the Authoritarian War (the war that led to the Forsaken War), the United States made many enemies. To compete with other nation's industry, President Maxten made his very own state and turned it into a urbanized and industrial center. Withen only 2 years the state of Maxten was the number one manufactoer of military related goods in North America. However it didn't matter, as the next year brought great destruction. The city of Cheyenne (Capitol of Maxten) and the state itself were in ruin.

Main Factions (Players could have previously been with, want to join, or already be apart of any of these factions)

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1. The Salvation Army: A group seen by most people as "The Saints", The Salvation Army aim to rebuild what is lost. Their goals are with religious favor, and many Saints are descendants of the American military. Seen as xenophobic, The Salvation Army believes that they are the sole heir to pre-war technology, bringing them into conflict with other factions.

2. The Division: Division is seen as a very extremist group in the Great Ruin. They seek power and dominance in the chaos of what has happened. Shortly after the Forsaken War, they came along and started small, slowing growing in numbers. When they were large enough, they started attacking remaining governments and other rising groups, trying to become the most powerful organization. They succeeded. To this day they are still the largest group in the ruin, the second being The Salvation Army. The Division's main motive is power, they will do anything to have it.

3. Raiders: primarily nomadic scavengers and bandits that rely on violent tactics to sustain themselves and obtain valuable resources. There are many sub-factions of raiders, most of which express hostility towards the roleplayer.

4. Collectors: A very mysterious group in the great ruin. Nobody knows exactly what these, "scavengers", as some would call them, want. They build and use automated droids to do most of the dirty work of finding things of value in the ruin. Very few people have actually seen the Collectors. Since most collectors aim to get their hands on pre-war tech they usually engage in conflicts with The Salvation Army.

5. Merc Corp: The Merc Corp is a large group of mercenary and bounty hunters. Most of these individuals within the Merc Corp work for The Division, as The Division exploits them to do their dirty work. However, any person, faction. or group can hire somebody from the Merc Corp, usually these jobs are related to taking somebody out or protection an individual. Most people within the Merc Corp will do anything for items of value, and if the price is right, the job is never too difficult.

6. The Black Ties: A malicious group known for their elegant black suits, great bartering skills, and trading of sex slaves. They are the largest slaver group in the great ruin.

7. The Democrats: A smaller faction in the ruin. Most of the members of the Democrats have pre-war values and beliefs. They are sick of the religious idles of the Salvation Army, sick of the Division's lustful greed for dominance, sick of everything. They believe in the freedom and rights of every individual and want a new America, a true America!

These are the main and most heard of factions in the great ruin. Players can actually create their own factions within the ruin and gain fellow supporters. Their factions beliefs are up to them but everybody may not agree with you. You will make allies and enemies in the world, choose wisely who you associate with.


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Rare Wildlife/Mutants:

1. Bloodsucker- A type of rare mutant usually found in only in The Zone or underground. They seem vaguely humanoid, with a hunched stance and height similar to that of an average person. Their eyes are lambent and their mouths are surrounded by several powerful tentacles used for feeding on blood. Bloodsuckers are incredibly strong mutants, and they usually rely on their armor-puncturing claws to shred their prey. Very few types of body armor are capable of protecting a stalker from more than a few powerful strikes. Perhaps the most peculiar thing about Bloodsuckers is their optic camouflage, which allows them to temporarily become almost invisible to the naked eye. Bloodsuckers will often engage their camouflage upon discovering prey, and then become visible again when they are close enough to attack. Bloodsuckers have thick skin and are very durable, being able to sustain large amounts of damage before dying. After killing an enemy, Bloodsuckers will usually bite into the corpse to drain it of blood, which is what gave them their name.

2. Crocs- A former gecko or lizard mutant, Crocs stand at about 10ft high. The Crocs have armor-puncturing claws similar to the Bloodsuckers but their brute strength make them much more powerful. Some would say that Crocs and Bloodsuckers are relatives in some sense. Both have a similar ability to camouflage, and both have insanely sharp claws. With that said, imagine Crocs as ridiculously strong bloodsuckers, but instead of sucking blood, they will rip you apart and eat you.

3. Predhead- Nobody has really officially seen or confirmed the existence of the Predheads, but they are commonly rumored and discussed in conversation time to time. A Predhead is a plant like mutant that is only found an areas with foliage and trees. Therefore it would be nearly impossible to find these mutants. However, there is a rumor of a area deep in the great ruin that is a forest full of actually living tress and plants. The Predhead is said to have an armored head with a long body. On it's back it has a sharp and deadly metasoma that sort of acts like the tail of a scorpion. People say Predheads are rooted to the ground, unable to move, but even so they blend in with the foliage environments they inhabit. Even though, as mentioned before, there is no confirmed existence of them, most people would say for sure they are out there.

4. Siren- A rare mutant seen near to the center of the Zone and sometimes in areas around the great ruin. It bears a superficial resemblance of a female human but with oddly colored eyes and hair. No Siren looks the same, they are all unique in appearance. Siren's are highly intelligent, they posses good perception and an ability to control the behaviors of less developed creatures. Mature Sirens are capable of taking control of a human's mind. This is a ferocious enemy, even the most experienced travelers are afraid of meeting it. According to some wanders, Sirens can make it seem that you are surrounded by your friends, but actually you are surrounded by creatures wanting to tear you apart, or it might seem that you are walking on a pathway, but actually you are about to fall off a cliff. The Siren's sole ability is to dominate the unfortunate prey's mind by seducing it. In addition, Sirens seem to generate a small psy-field that affects the victims to slowly lose their mind. Sirens themselves are beautiful and deadly creatures. Once seduced Sirens will usually start "fucking" the life out of you.

Common Wildlife/Mutants (Agressive)

Common Wildlife/Mutants (Harmless)

Areas of Importance (areas withen the rp which you will know and hear about often)

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1. Cheyenne- The Capitol city of Maxten. Most of the city has been left in ruin and totally destroyed, with only little infrastructure left. Most shops have been raided/looted of goods so finding necessities here can be hard, but they are out there. There are many raiders living in the ruins of the city as well as some wildlife/mutants. The Division however has a goal of taking over the city and making it their territory, slowly rebuilding it. Currently this is going with little to no success. Cheyenne can be an unforgiving place, the vast city can make the best explorer lost within a day, be careful.


2. The Zone- A highly irradiated area named "The Zone", is one of the most feared places in the great ruin. Although it has a large amount of supplies, items of value, and guns (+ammo), it's home to some of the most deadly creatures known to man. Food and drinks are impossible to consume without dying, they have been exposed to high levels of radiation in the area. The items of value, guns, etc... are still in "The Zone" because anybody who is in it usually dies within a few minutes. If the mutants don't kill you, the radiation sure will. People who come to The Zone need to have a suit able to withstand the radiation first if they even consider coming here.


3. The Great Ruin/Waste- The most common name of the post-apocalyptic America today.

4. Deliverance- The stronghold on the Salvation Army. This is their base of operations. It's located in an old abandon military base with a electric fence guarding the surrounding area. Watch towers are stationed around the base with guards on duty 24 hours a day.

5. Redhall- Probably the second most feared place in the great ruin next to The Zone. Redhall is the Division's base of operations. A former government building within Cheyenne, it has been given the nickname "Redhall" as it has been painted with blood of mutants, bandits, and wandering travelers. Unless if you have a good reputation with the Division it is wise to stay clear of here.

6. Fairtown- The largest and most populated town in Maxten. Started off as a makeshift community with most of the buildings being shacks, has now grown into a large area of trade. Fairtown does not have any laws, and accept anybody who comes in. Most of the people that come into Fairtown, not including the large amount of people living there, are raiders, wanderers, and the democrats. Once and awhile you may even see the Black Ties come in and try and sell a few slaves to the people. When there are no laws, crime usually lurks around every corner. Although some people or groups try to enforce their own system of rules (such as the Democrats), they usually don't last. Often you may get shoot outs in bars, gang fights on the street, just about anything you can think of that usually ends in lose of life. People enjoy living in Fairtown for it's abundance of shops and entertainment.


7. Ironmill- The former "Industrial Center of North America". Ironmill has large factories, most of them formerly manufacturing electronic and weapon based items. Although most of these factories are nonfunctional, Ironmill still provides decent amount of supplies.


8. Crawford- A former Division civilian outpost located inside the city of Cheyenne. It has long been abandoned by Division and now the civilians are barley maintaining it.


9. Parkway- A parking lot that has been turned into a makeshift community. Decently sized population and well defended. Located just outside Cheyenne.


10. The Crossroads- Located in the middle of Maxten, this is the biggest trading center in the whole ruin. You and buy and sell just about anything here. The Crossroads is run by The Black Ties, and they are often found here trading and selling slaves. The Black Ties enforce their rules here, but most people see them as quite fair. Anybody can come as long as they follow the rules. Many people come by the Crossroads for business, especially the caravans.


11. Metro Tunnels- The metro tunnels of the city of Cheyenne. Infested with mutants and hostile creatures. They are the fastest way to travel around the city, but one of the most dangerous.

Character Sheet:



Skills (what is your character good at?):

Inventory (what does your character currently have? please keep it related to your players skills and backstory):

Backstory (be sure to mention here if your character is associated with any factions currently):


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Your character needs to eat and drink, going too long without these necessities will get you killed. Your character can hunt to get food.

Sleep is important.

Radiation is out there. Be careful for what you eat and drink as some of it may be irradiated. Eating and drinking too much irradiated items can cause you to become severely sick and possibly die. Being in areas with high radiation will more then likely kill you within a few minutes, only be in these places for a short period of time and if you absolutely have to.

Wildlife is out in the ruin. Most of the animals are now mutated beasts though (imagine a sort of fallout or S.T.A.L.K.E.R sort of wildlife). Most animals out in the ruin will try and kill you, be prepared for a fight if you're their prey.

Hostile factions, mutants, wildlife, people, robots, etc... will try and kill you.

This is a survival rp, you can die and if your character does it's a perma death. I don't really want everybody's character to die but if they make a decision I see can only end with death, it will happen. You can, however, make a new character and continue.


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Tech has advanced over the years before the Forsaken War.

Most Guns and Weapons are the same but most have been made more deadly, precise, and overall improved. I leave it up to the player to basically come up with the guns in the game, relate them to guns we have currently in our world but how this gun might have some technological advances.

Drones and Droids were invented in the later years right before the war, but were never massed produced as most were still prototypes and being tested. The Collectors however got their hands on schematics and pre-war gear to be able to create these machines, most being used for scavenging and fighting. You rarely see robots out in the ruin, but when you do, you can bet your ass they have something to do with The Collectors.

Will be adding more to this post soon. Much feedback is encouraged.

To do list:
1. Add more detail overall
2. Possibly add more factions or change some current ones
3. Add more information to -Technology-
4. Add more information to -Survival-
5. Possibly add more mutants and wildlife or change some current ones

Accepted Characters:

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Suraru Wrote:Name: Suraru
Gender: Male (omg I know right? I'm actually doing male this time)
Age: 21

Appearance: (Dammit biscuit! You stole my appearance! Now I have to be creative......)
okokokok, how about normal sized guy with a double stubble, a green field jacket, my awesome fishing hat, and a backpack.

Skills: Great shot and decent enough at strategies, tactics, and all that good stuff.

Inventory: Other then what he is wearing, in his backpack he mostly medical supplies, and of course those two plastic water bottles on his backpack, but lets be creative and say he lost one, and replaced the pocket with a combat knife holder thingy. Oh, and if I can have a weapon, I have a well maintained hunting rifle, and a .44 magnum for those close encounters. Ammo is scarce though, he has enough .30 06 ammo to have a nice shootout, but his handgun has a reload or two.

Backstory: Born and raised in a caravan, he helped protect his family by scouting ahead and taking out ambushes from a distance. They focused on teaching him how to plan ahead, which how his caravan lasted this long. His great aim seems almost genetic, and growing up in a caravan he learned some bartering skills from observation. Getting bored of the caravan life, he said goodbye to his family, and went his own way. Before he left, he was given a very large map, so he could find his way back if he wanted. With a great start, he has traveled with little difficulty for three years now, but he still thinks about his family now and then.

Garian Jorell
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That_One_Guy Wrote:Name: Garian Jorell
Gender: Male
Age: 30

Appearance: Short black hair, sky-blue eyes, scarred-tan skin, black overcoat, bandana over face for protection from the environment somewhat, gloved hands, cowboy hat.

Skills: Firearms, melee weapons, driving, repairing.

Inventory: Pistol (Solid Projectile), Machine Gun (SP),Watch, Ammo, Combat knives(on belt, in boots, and in his coat sleeves), extra clothes and jacket. All stolen from previous faction. Rations, clean water, and a single first aid kit.

Backstory: Garian was a lone scavenger before being picked up by the Salvation Army and helped them conquered some of their territory and raised somewhere through the ranks but he did not like their stance, their xenophobic nature, nor there Religious actions. He deserted from the Salvation Army and made sure they remembered him well by destroying one of their fuel depots and stole some valuables as well to give to those in need to use themselves, whilst stealing himself several weapons and enough ammo to last along the way. While traveling through the wasteland, he came upon The Democrats and, though weaker than the rest, he believed in their ideals of a free nation where everyone was equal and pledged his support, helping them gain at least a little edge by giving locations of the SA's depots, though he knew that the SA would surely have his head on a wanted poster by now, he decided to hide his features with gloves, bandana over his face, and a cowboy-esque hat on his head.

Dax Sierra
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daxtinator396 Wrote:Name:Dax Sierra


Skills:Adept with mechanics an avid scavenger and good at being quiet and sneaky.

Items: Cobbled together nail gun and a box of nails. His cloak and clothes underneath with the sign of the Gear Angels on the back of his cloak. A gear with wings in red. His other weapon is a on old Krag rifle that he has labored over and kept pristine. A box of ammo for that as well. He uses it sparingly as ammo is hard to find not like for his nail gun. He keeps several packs of tasteless MREs in the many pockets of his pants that every scavenger needs and 2 plastic bottles of water clipped to his belt on both sides to prevent clinkage.

Backstory: Born in the medical bay of Deliverance like most of the people of the Salvation Army he grew up in an isolated world inside the base as the tried to indoctrinate all those around him and succeeded with many. But not him. He liked helping people and he loved tech of all kinds but he could not with good conscience believe some kind of god watched over them in this hellish place and so he resisted all their attempts to bring him into the fold. His friends included. He had a few close friends of maybe 5 people. James the heavy who lifted a lot and had a gift for heavy weapons. Really tall and hair redder than Satan's mythical ass with eyes so green his family had to part of what used to be the country of Ireland. Chrissy the quiet girl who was an absolute wizard with a computer and was the best shot he had ever seen. She was skinny and assuming but pretty in a mousy way with her piercing blue eyes and long brown hair she kept in a pony tail. Next was Terri the outgoing eccentric girl who liked guns... a lot. She was the one you called when you wanted something fixed and had helped Dax maintain his prized Krag. She wss considered tye beauty of the group with slight curves and a cute face, red hair,green eyes. James and her could have been siblings.Over time they had grown kinda close. They all had of course. Finally the last member of their rag tag group,Will. The hardcore survivalist that is always finding ways to survive and a fascinated with the wildlife. His skill was was using the environment and its new wildlife and other things against enemies. Un assuming with his brown eyes and black hair as well as his simple skinny figure many right him off as some hopeless dreamer who is obsessed with how the world has become. They had all decided they were going to use their talents to help the Great Ruin and taking their possessions and supplies they left. They set up in a small abandoned building with a basement. They used the terminal outside the door to lock it with Chrissy's skills and James helped reinforce the place with his Engineering skills. Finally they had a home of their own and set out of their mission to help the people with their skills.

Ziba Devorka
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Noosie Wrote:Bit immoral, and defenitely not very nice, but hopefully this character works for the story.
Name: Ziba Devorka
Gender: Female
Age: 19

Appearance: Image

Keen senses
Skilled in hand-to-claw combat
Highly agile
Able to make use of Croc camouflage (Short duration)
Rad resistant
Mutant empathy
Psychic drain (close range, helpless target)

(Food and water numbers are based on reptiles of comparable size)
Three days dried rations (Salted meat, 18 lbs.)
Six days water ( 19 pounds, 1 two-gallon container, two .15 gallon flasks)
Thermal blanket

A subject of occasional campfire conversation is the terrifying possibilities of the appearance of mutants upon the gene pool, and in what ways they may further evolve and interbreed. Generally, the speakers are less articulate, instead saying things like; "What if'a siren and one of those croc things had a kid? That'd be freaky.". For better or worse, that particular question has been answered with the birth of Ziba. The product of a siren seducing a croc then having been knocked out (and up) before the brute was finished dying, Needless to say, hers was an unusual upbringing. With her father dead (Having been drained the rest of the way when the siren re-awoke), Ziba was left with only her mother as an example. Admittedly, the mutant took surprisingly good care of its offspring, but the fact remains that a murderous nymphomaniac does not make a stable parent.

It was in a nomadic environment filled with constantly replaced "caretakers" that the young abomination developed, learning the basics of survival from the occasional unlucky man or woman captured by her mother's illusions. It was through these temporary mentors that she learned of the outside world, and it was they who fed and clothed her as her siren mother knew nothing of feeding through physical means, and still less of why anyone should wear clothes. Her education was lacking in many ways, lacking any consistent or reliable academic teaching, but she soon learned enough to survive independently. When one of her many instructors broke through the deceptions of the siren, she got her painful first lesson in how to fight. By the time she was ten, she'd killed three men in single combat and had learned from her mother how to consume the minds of other living beings. When she was fifteen she'd begun to wander out on her own with regularity, hunting man and beast alike when she grew hungry. It was on her way back from one such adventure, now seventeen years old, that she discovered not only her father's brand of camouflage, but also that the world didn't like mutants.

When she finished killing the small band that had hunted down her mother, she struck out on her own. It's been two years since then, and she still practices at being civilized with the occasional traveler she captures. One day, she plans to find a way to make humanity pay, but she can wait. She needs to learn more about civilization before she can properly destroy it.

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napsii Wrote:Name: Cae
Gender: Female
Age: 19 (designed age of her body)


Skills: As an android, Cae's biomechanical body is talented at marksmanship as her synthetic muscles do not quiver and her senses are acute. She has come to mimic some martial arts techniques through observation, though her talents are rudimentary at best. She is, of course, also predisposed to mechanics and can cobble together solutions easily if her body is damaged. Lastly, Cae's familiarity with intelligent androids and droids such as herself is unmatched – an encyclopedia of knowledge seems to have been programmed into her synthetic brain, although she is uncertain why. But Cae's greatest skill of all is that she can learn: Cae was never formally trained in any subject, but her tendency to soak up knowledge like a sponge is what has let her adapt to this new world.

Inventory: Cae travels light, preferring to store her meagre necessities inside a sleek messenger bag crafted from animal hide, slung crosswise over her back:

Spare Mechanisms – A variety of cherry-picked mechanical components and scrap compatible with Cae's internal mechanics, complete with a slim bundle of tools to install them to replace damaged parts. If she was severely damaged, she would use these to heal her “injuries”, much in the way of a medkit.

Crimson SMG – A relatively primitive gas-operated, pistol-caliber submachine gun patterned after Pre-War firearms. Features iron sights, a 20-round magazine, flash hider and non-functional underbarrel flashlight. Judging from its construction, it has obviously been fabricated by an expert gunsmith. Thanks to its long barrel and tight construction, it provides decent range and firepower. It is obviously named due to its unusual red paint scheme. Semi-automatic.

Antique Rations [x2] – Probably not how one wants their food described, but Cae doesn't complain. These decades-old square tins of mediocre food were designed by the US military to weather a nuclear war, and they have. Although hardly appetizing, they provide energy Cae requires to function.


There was once a time on Earth when sentient machines were merely a dream in fiction, and the idea of a computer whose intelligence matched that of a human's was both a nightmare and a dream to humanity. In the present, robots – although rare – are still a fact of life for some, and their capabilities are menacing and great. And yet many decades before the world was reduced to a cinder, there were men and women who would build great machines for peace and for progress, not for war. Before the nuclear apocalypse, the android Caecilia was one of these machines: a walking, green-eyed revolution.

As a servant to progress, the quiet American doctor and engineer Kiralise Veyen was always intrigued by the possibilities of artificial intelligence. As the 21th century slogged on, humanity's interest in computers that could be seen as their intellectual equals began to peak. Phones, television and video games became more intelligent, and yet the few cutting edge robots that wore the shell of a human were seldom and reviled. Their stiff-legged gait, pale flesh and monotone voices betrayed the absence of their souls. Those that could pass for a human were tools of war, designed by the military to serve the selfish interests of their government.

It changed in the year 2022. If Dr. Veyen had known of the nuclear apocalypse, perhaps her ambitions would have been different, but having spent the last twenty years of her life, staking her professional career and her livelihood on her research, Veyen's hope to produce a line of machines – androids, as they were known – with all of the traits and faults of human beings had culminated. UK-based Sterling Industries, an international authority in computer hardware and more sophisticated niches in the industry such as artificial intelligence, had for years stocked Veyen with the resources to achieve her goal. The international renown of producing such an android so revolutionary was a tempting prize for so many years of labour.

It was a simple prospect to make a machine to perfect. But humans, as Veyen knew, were far from perfect. They had their flaws: bias, opinions, emotion, politics and the simple shortcomings of their organic bodies. Her androids would not be constructed of harsh metal: they would be built of the most advanced nanosynthetic materials, with biomechanical tissue and a synthetic skeleton that would interact with pain, pleasure, hot, cold and other sensations just as a human's would. If the android was cut, it would bleed a resin, only for the biomechanical skin to heal, just as a human's would. Their power core would beat like a heart in their torso, and the mechanisms with which they sensed the world – sight, smell, hearing – would mimic a human's.

Although they had never solved the issue of synthetic hearing, and were forced to build their android with two metal grey antennae in place of human ears, she was perfect.

Her name was Caecilia – Cae, as she would come to call herself – and she was human from the very moment she was first activated. She was naive and clumsy at first, and yet she learned. When she tripped, she would pick herself back up. And unlike many other androids, she could harvest energy from eating food, just as the human body would. After just a few short weeks of experimentation, the android – built in the likeness of a young woman once dear to Dr. Veyen – was even taught to ride a bicycle, skateboard, swim and even produce paintings and sketches of locale and people that were interesting to her. But Cae was far from perfect: she was stubborn and opinionated, and gave Veyen and her researchers no end of trouble when they tried to persuade the android to comply with more tests and experiments to analyze her personality.

There were no other androids quite like Cae, but she was built in the likeness of a young woman: she made friends – human friends -- as she would have if she were a human. It was not easy to miss her vested interest in politics and her opinion on hopeful presidential candidates, nor her fancy for rollerskating and soccer at the local playing field in the city where she was researched and created: a city whose name she has forgotten in the present. But most of all, she enjoyed the science behind herself, and androids like her. It was curious to Veyen – whom Cae saw as a close friend – that although she was aware of her existence as a manmade machine, the android still considered herself as human as the men and women who had created her, and the countless generations of humans before them who had dreamed of such a machine being real.

Then, in 2023, the Forsaken War ravaged the country. Cae does not really remember the last few days leading up to it. She has bare glimpses of Dr. Veyen with a frantic look on her face, and the sensation of being locked in a cold, dark space where she could not move. And then a loud droning noise as the world vanished.

Cae awoke 48 years later, and pushed her way out of the frozen metal pod that she had been sealed inside to a world she did not recognize. The small science building in which she had lived and developed was in ruins. She thought it was a nightmare – she had been visited by them before, she remembered – but as she stepped out into the musty rubble of the world, she knew that her life as a revolutionary android – and as a human – was now just a distant memory, forgotten over the years. Confused, Cae proceeded to a nearby ramshackle settlement. They were curious of the antennae on her head, but answered her questions: It was the year 2071, and the world had long since been ravaged by nuclear war. Mutants and bandits stalked the land, and few places were safe.

For days, the android sat still against the wall of a rusty building. Even her machine brain needed time to digest the shock. Dr. Veyen and the people she had known were gone. There was no more coherent civilization, no more conveniences of the modern world. Her body felt stiff and pained: it had been so many years since she had powered on, her components had degraded somewhat. But Cae knew, ultimately, that one of humanity's strongest traits was that they could adapt – change. And so she did. The android walked the path of so many others in this post-apocalyptic society, and set off as a wanderer, scavenging, trading and working for the few necessities she needed as a living machine, fighting where it was necessary, and running when it would save her life. Many months passed, and although Cae felt alone, she knew she wasn't.

She had always been aware that there were people following her. Strange people, who hid behind their ramshackle machine and watched her from afar as she travelled the wastes. It was only a matter of time before she knew their names: the Collectors. Their motives were uncertain to Cae, but it was that very uncertainty that made her wary of them. But she quickly found that where the Collectors were, there was also Pre-War technology: something she valued. She skirted them numerous times on her travels and even witnessed their droids in combat with rival factions, but had never even held a conversation with a member of the strange group. More months passed in this manner.

A short two years later, in the present time, Cae was familiar with the ups and downs of the wastes. Even as a machine, she was not immune to the dangers it posed. Her biomechanical skin, fashioned to be like organic tissue, burned and blistered in the contact of radiation and scrambled the biomechanical components of her metallic ears, and her degraded power core required food more than ever to function. The scent she had acquired after so much time around humans made wild animals a threat to her just as they would to anyone with real meat on their bones. And then there were the Collectors: she does not know what they wish of her, but she knows that she is being watched.

But her only true enemy is the enigmas of her synthetic brain. Her memory is impeccable, and yet there are things she cannot remember, as if a barrier were placed around parts of her mind. Her memories of the Pre-War world are fading by the year, and she knows that unless she pursues the mysteries of her conscience, she will never truly know the depth of her personality. What had been programmed into her that she did not know of?

What secrets did she hold?

Katherine "Cat" Drelken
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[Brand_Name] Wrote:Name: Katherine "Cat" Drelken
Gender: Female
Age: 25

Appearance: 5'7" brunette with long dark brown hair either in one or two braids. C cup breasts, wide hips and a big butt. Skinny but with relatively muscular legs. Black leather cuirass with a hood that gives her face a mysterious shadow. Black synthetic leggings tucked into black leather boots. Each article of clothing holds countless pouches and slots for weapons and goods.

Essentially what she looks like:

demon hunter.jpg

Skills: Stealth, thrown weapons, small melee weapons especially daggers, yet her favorite weapon is her father's crossbow.

Inventory: Cat is armed to the teeth with daggers for throwing as well as two on her hips for melee fighting, and of course her father's crossbow, "Viper," on her back with the accompanying quiver of bolts held steadfastly to her side. the quiver opens and closes, allowing Cat to roll around without worrying about losing her bolts. Nevertheless, her weapons are well concealed (disregarding her crossbow). Her short and small "mousey" stature lures many to believe that she is easy prey, however these drunkards and thugs always end up with a broken nose or a cracked rib.

Backstory: On Cat's 18th birthday, bandits invaded her home in Fairside, brutally murdered her father and mother and raped her for hours on end. Luckily, they did not take much, but Cat swore to rid the earth of evil from that day. She has spent years alone, mainly in and around Freeside as a lonesome wanderer, honing her skills as a thief and murderer. However, she has realized that one girl can only do so much in a world so large. So she has decided to travel more distantly than solely Fairside.
Additionally, the few brief friendships she has made have only been with individual wanderers like herself.

Note- I lied- I haven't really read the actual rp, only the ooc. Anything really important that could affect me? Sorry...

also- if you couldn't tell, Cat can handle herself pretty well. Nonetheless, I come her for some amusement. So: gangrape/punish the f**k out of her! Well, when it's realistic of course. I don't want her to be in constant sex, but I'd like you to go pretty hardcore with her, yeah? Cool.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Voff Wrote:Name: Mack

Gender: Male

Age: 27


Skills: Foraging, tracking, basic flora and fauna knowledge, knife proficiency, some crossbow proficiency

Inventory: Canteen of water, herb pouch containing basic healing herbs, hunting knife, crossbow, quiver with 10 x bolts, a box of cigars, ?? money.

Mack spent his younger years scowering the wastes in close proximity to settlements. Learning how to scavenge and hunt by trial and error, which left him either hungry or sick several nights. Eventually he got the knack of tracking, putting out snares, and learning what plants to stay away from and which could help out in a pinch. Selling what he didn't need he managed to scrap together enough money to pay for passage from settlement to settlement. One of the merchant caravans he took up passage with had a crossbow that caught Mack's eye. It was a special two handed repeater model holding three bolts in the magazine. He bought it and a quiver of bolts, but it cost him most of his money leaving him stranded at the destination. He used the crossbow to hunt for bigger game gaining some proficiency with the weapon and some pocket change.

Just let me know if there is something to change. Didn't know what would be a fair amount of bolts to start of with so 10 is just a guess, and don't know what to do about the money, currency and amount...

Reserved Characters:

Serena Slovei
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

whatdontlookaatme Wrote:Name: Serena Slovei
Gender: Female
Age: 31

Skills: Manipulation, seduction, unarmed combat. Decent with a gun, specifically a sidearm.
Inventory: Canteen of water, backpack containing lettuce, canned fruit and beans, chemically enhanced perfume that attracts mutants to her, sometimes does not work against larger ones, Modified M9 pistol with ironsights and laser pointer taped to the bottom, and a knife.

Serena's early life was nothing but sex and brutaility. She was once owned by the Black Ties, who captured her when she was merely 14 years old. She was sold to multiple owners for a great amount of currency, for her services outdid any of the other slaves. When she was 24 a mercenary group raided the shelter she was enslaved in, the mercs killing her owner and raping her until sun down, except it wasn't necisarrily rape. After they finished with her and left she scavenged her owners hidden supplies and set out on her own. When she was 29 she seduced a division guard to take her to his facility, providing him the services she provided to her past owner. After he climaxed and fell asleep she sneaked into a laboratory and found a container that looked a perfume container. She wasn't that bright and thought it was purfume and sprayed it all over herself. A mutant in a cage broke out and to her dismay, engaged in sexual intercourse. After an hour she was found in a pool of cum, moaning after the long experience. She took the bottle and ran, being marked down on the Division's wanted list. She has since traveled across the ruin, getting by through manipulation and seduction.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

SugarCookie Wrote:Name: Millie
Gender: Female
Age: 19

Appearance: Wears a very worn brown coat, and very worn jeans with some rips and tears in both, over some nice soft pajamas pants (which can be seen through the holes, by her ankles and waste, because they are longer then the jeans) that keep her legs warm. Under the coat is a dark brown jacket, which supplies her hood. Over the coat she has straps that hold ammo pouches, re-purposed and modified to hold supplies, another one inverted that holds shotgun shells, and attached to it is a satchel bag with the rest of her gear.

She has longer dirty blonde hair which she keeps tucked in her coat, and normally wears her hood. Around her neck is a bandanna with a small gas mask attached. She wears some old gloves and boots, so the only part of her olive skin you can see is her face. Her body is nimble, so no over sized ass or breasts (your pervs), in fact they are a bit smaller then average, so with her coat on, her gender is well hidden. I would say she is about 5' 3", and a bit skinny, but with some meat on her bone (borderline seeing her ribs)

Skills: Survival sense, stealth, agility, and perception.

Inventory: Winchester 12 Gauge shotgun (holds 6 shells) held together with duct tape slung on her back,
30ft Rope,
2 cans of baked beans (left from her last scavenge),
about 80 shells, (18 of which are easy to get to),
three bottles (one half filled with clean water, one filled with dirty water, and one empty),
a coat, a hoodie, jeans, PJ pants, boots, gloves, scarf with small gas mask, satchel bag, about 6 smaller bags on her chest (crossing the ones with ammo on them),
a almost white leather belt (because it's so worn),
and a large kitchen knife wrapped in makeshift sheath, attached to her belt.

Backstory:Born in a sheltered community (who's name she'd forgotten), she was raised to what would be equivalent to a sophomore's education before she ran away after a fight with her parents. She returned a week later to find out her old home was gone, everyone just gathered their things and left. There were no new blood stains, no bodies, no food left for her. There was, as she found out the next day, a new group in town that was hostile.
She then discovered the importance of staying hidden, what not to do when stealing things, and what a group of horny men would do to a 17 year old girl with no weapons. Three years later, she has moved far from that location, learned skills in stealth, grown more agile, and keeps a paranoid stance most of time. So far, she has only killed one person her entire life, and doesn't plan to do it again.

Claire Jones
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

TheDaughterOfHades14 Wrote: Name: Claire Jones
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Appearance: 4'9, black hair with red highlights, double d cup breasts, skinny, red eyes.

Skills (what is your character good at?): Parkour, flexibility, good aim (All that sorta shit)

Inventory (what does your character currently have? please keep it related to your players skills and backstory): A double handed sword that can split into two single handed swords. 5 throwing knives. Smoke Pellets. Throwing Axe?

Backstory (be sure to mention here if your character is associated with any factions currently): Claire was born into the destruction of America. She was also born into The Merc Group. When she was old enough to walk and hold an object, she was taught to fight. She has learned many forms of combat. Armed and unarmed. Her parents are rarely around.Claire usually keeps to herself. She does any job that she is told to do, to some certain exceptions. She is extremely loyal.

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:16 pm
by Icaelus
*Waves hand* I propose a change in the Salvation Army's name! Cause..well..yeah, it sounds kinda ridiculous from my viewpoint, no offense x.x

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 3:17 pm
by Grape Me
Icaelus Wrote:*Waves hand* I propose a change in the Salvation Army's name! Cause..well..yeah, it sounds kinda ridiculous from my viewpoint, no offense x.x

lol any ideas

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:17 pm
by SugarCookie
Name: Millie
Gender: Female
Age: 19

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Wears a very worn brown coat, and very worn jeans with some rips and tears in both, over some nice soft pajamas pants (which can be seen through the holes, by her ankles and waste, because they are longer then the jeans) that keep her legs warm. Under the coat is a dark brown jacket, which supplies her hood. Over the coat she has straps that hold ammo pouches, re-purposed and modified to hold supplies, another one inverted that holds shotgun shells, and attached to it is a satchel bag with the rest of her gear.

She has longer dirty blonde hair which she keeps tucked in her coat, and normally wears her hood. Around her neck is a bandanna with a small gas mask attached. She wears some old gloves and boots, so the only part of her olive skin you can see is her face. Her body is nimble, so no over sized ass or breasts (your pervs), in fact they are a bit smaller then average, so with her coat on, her gender is well hidden. I would say she is about 5' 3", and a bit skinny, but with some meat on her bone (borderline seeing her ribs)

Skills: Survival sense, stealth, agility, and perception.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Winchester 12 Gauge shotgun (holds 6 shells) held together with duct tape slung on her back,
30ft Rope,
2 cans of baked beans (left from her last scavenge),
about 80 shells, (18 of which are easy to get to),
three bottles (one half filled with clean water, one filled with dirty water, and one empty),
a coat, a hoodie, jeans, PJ pants, boots, gloves, scarf with small gas mask, satchel bag, about 6 smaller bags on her chest (crossing the ones with ammo on them),
a almost white leather belt (because it's so worn),
and a large kitchen knife wrapped in makeshift sheath, attached to her belt.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Born in a sheltered community (who's name she'd forgotten), she was raised to what would be equivalent to a sophomore's education before she ran away after a fight with her parents. She returned a week later to find out her old home was gone, everyone just gathered their things and left. There were no new blood stains, no bodies, no food left for her. There was, as she found out the next day, a new group in town that was hostile.
She then discovered the importance of staying hidden, what not to do when stealing things, and what a group of horny men would do to a 17 year old girl with no weapons. Three years later, she has moved far from that location, learned skills in stealth, grown more agile, and keeps a paranoid stance most of time. So far, she has only killed one person her entire life, and doesn't plan to do it again.

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:02 pm
by napsii
oh man, i so want to use a character here who is an android, but i am not sure if machine technology has advanced to that point yet

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 11:06 pm
by Suraru
Name: Suraru
Gender: Male (omg I know right? I'm actually doing male this time)
Age: 21

Appearance: (Dammit biscuit! You stole my appearance! Now I have to be creative......)
okokokok, how about normal sized guy with a double stubble, a green field jacket, my awesome fishing hat, and a backpack.

Skills: Great shot, given the time and range, and decent enough at strategies, tactics, and all that good stuff, while picking up some bartering skills.

Inventory: Other then what he is wearing, in his backpack he mostly medical supplies, and of course those two plastic water bottles on his backpack, but lets be creative and say he lost one, and replaced the pocket with a combat knife holder thingy. Oh, and if I can have a weapon, I have a well maintained hunting rifle, and a .44 magnum for those close encounters. Ammo is scarce though, he has enough .30 06 ammo to have a nice shootout, but his handgun only has a reload or two.

Backstory: Born and raised in a caravan, he helped protect his family by scouting ahead and taking out ambushes from a distance. They focused on teaching him how to plan ahead, which how his caravan lasted this long. His great aim seems almost genetic, and growing up in a caravan he learned some bartering skills from observation. Getting bored of the caravan life, he said goodbye to his family, and went his own way. Before he left, he was given a very large map, so he could find his way back if he wanted. With a great start, he has traveled with little difficulty for three years now, but he still thinks about his family now and then.

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:16 am
by SugarCookie
napsii Wrote:oh man, i so want to use a character here who is an android, but i am not sure if machine technology has advanced to that point yet

Well this does seem really Fallout-y. And there were androids in Fallout. But like any sane person would do, I would wait for Losdiablo's response.

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:58 am
by That_One_Guy
Name: Garian Jorell
Gender: Male
Age: 30

Appearance: Short black hair, sky-blue eyes, scarred-tan skin, black overcoat, bandana over face for protection from the environment somewhat, gloved hands, cowboy hat.

Skills: Firearms, melee weapons, driving, repairing.

Inventory: Pistol (Solid Projectile), Machine Gun (SP),Watch, Ammo, Combat knives(on belt, in boots, and in his coat sleeves), extra clothes and jacket. All stolen from previous faction. Rations, clean water, and a single first aid kit.

Backstory: Garian was a lone scavenger before being picked up by the Salvation Army and helped them conquered some of their territory and raised somewhere through the ranks but he did not like their stance, their xenophobic nature, nor there Religious actions. He deserted from the Salvation Army and made sure they remembered him well by destroying one of their fuel depots and stole some valuables as well to give to those in need to use themselves, whilst stealing himself several weapons and enough ammo to last along the way. While traveling through the wasteland, he came upon The Democrats and, though weaker than the rest, he believed in their ideals of a free nation where everyone was equal and pledged his support, helping them gain at least a little edge by giving locations of the SA's depots, though he knew that the SA would surely have his head on a wanted poster by now, he decided to hide his features with gloves, bandana over his face, and a cowboy-esque hat on his head.

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:42 am
by Grape Me
So everybody who wrote done their character sheets so far have been accepted.

@Suraru I don't know how i feel about your skills "Great shot and decent enough at strategies, tactics, and all that good stuff." I mean it seems ok but maybe add a bit to your backstory. Maybe you were a caravan guard and on your travels you learned to become a great shot as well as learn good bartering skills from the traders.

@napsii Well I could add some sort of androids in the rp and I think it's a cool idea but how will their survival system work? I think radiation won't effect them and they wont have to eat or drink but maybe they have to scavenge for electronic parts as well as some sort of power to be able to function. If you have an idea for a good system of survival for them tell me. I'll consider this but for now I'm not so sure.

@That_One_Guy I saw laser rife in your inventory. I don't think I want to have laser or plasma guns in this rp, too much like fallout and I don't think weapons have had time to advance that much. Maybe the collectors were able to create their own weapons as such and you found one on your travels but as I said, its too similar to fallout in my opinion. I like your backstory though :)

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:58 am
by napsii
sadly S2 engines probably don't exist in this universe so i gotta assume that androids need some kind of power source to keep themselves running. i also feel like the biomechanical components would indeed be affected by radiation, although not nearly as much as it would a human

i believe in occam's razor, so i would go for the simplest solution: the power core of the sophisticated pre-war androids have degraded so that they are no longer self-sustaining and need to drain external fuel cells to sustain. androids built post-war, however, did not have the advanced power cores of their predecessors due to a lack of technological expertise and resources, so they have always required some means of external power. i imagine the varying quality and age of androids means that they all need these fuel cells in differing amounts though

there are also more sophisticated solutions, like solar cores that can refresh through sunlight absorbed through the android's skin. *shrug*

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:01 am
by SugarCookie
Well you can bring android power into question. I've seen a few android movies that make them have to eat food in order to stay powered. Basically they'd be exactly like humans except a few mechanical organs. Or she can be a cyborg android, as in when they made her they used mostly human parts. The only things that have to be different are the brain and digestive system.

But this is just me thinking without info on Napsii's character or the full lore of Forsaken.

And Napsii just posted, but I'll keep what I said here just for reference.

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:05 am
by napsii
oh, no, that can work too. i'm just trying to think up ideas that would apply to most of them

the character i might use originally had an advanced fusion core that could operate indefinitely, but i did have an idea in there for her to be able to eat food as a human would to regain strength.

come to think of it, that may actually be more convenient because it doesn't require the creation of additional items or anything.

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:16 am
by Grape Me
I'll allow androids, I'd prefer your post on their survival, more machine then human. I would like to radiation to effect them but not as much as humans.

Is your android made before or after the war?

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:22 am
by napsii
before. i think she would have been in stasis for decades, though, so she would have been up and kicking in the post-war world for maybe a few years

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 5:35 am
by Suraru
fixed, hows that?

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:57 am
by Grape Me
Suraru Wrote:fixed, hows that?

It's good, I like it :)


You can post your character sheet as an android whenever. I can't help but to say that I would recommend your character being associated with The Collectors or have been awaken from stasis because of them. Weather your character still is apart of them or not is up to you. This is YOUR character however so don't let what I say change your current idea of whatever your planning for your character's story, I'm just giving suggestions.

Oh and @everybody, if you want your character to be a human, android, part cyborg, or mutant I'll allow it, but they will have different perks and weaknesses which I'll list later in the survival spoiler.

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:27 am
by BlueLight
losdiablo Wrote:I'll allow androids, I'd prefer your post on their survival, more machine then human. I would like to radiation to effect them but not as much as humans.

Is your android made before or after the war?

Electronics can and do get harmed by radiation. For instants we're launching 386's up into space because they use ram that wont as likely get corrupted. Basically the problem is that you the radiation hits your ram and changes values at random.

One solution to this is to shield the ram.
You could also you a a program that redoes a calculation 3 or 4 times and each time stores it in a different part of the ram, then if the two version don't match you re do the calculation.
Also all radiation is, is well energy; for instants heat is a type of radiation. Taking this concept into consideration, you could claim it's a radiation that cause strange effect on computers/electronics like randomizing there skills a bit. Back in the old days when my dad was still working with electrics, they would take broken parts that worked but not totally and use them to get a randomizer. A broken part wont function at a set speed so it might be slower or faster than what you expect which is why they'd use them. This could give a player an advantage of getting a better skill level for a skill check than what normally happens. Now a days computers do a randomize function by using the clock time and a seed number.

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:37 pm
by Grape Me
Interesting, napsii, if you wish to make your android react to radiation similar to how blue described it then by all means do so. I'm still unsure how to do the survival gameplay for the androids and based off your post I'll use that to determine how all androids will function or how most will.

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:39 pm
by napsii
indeed. blue said what i was really thinking. i knew that radiation affected electronics but i wasn't really sure how

i'll figure something out. not sure when i'll end up producing a bio

Re: Forsaken (OOC)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:42 pm
by Suraru
losdiablo Wrote:Interesting, napsii, if you wish to make your android react to radiation similar to how blue described it then by all means do so. I'm still unsure how to do the survival gameplay for the androids and based off your post I'll use that to determine how all androids will function or how most will.

When most people say radiation, they think of nuclear energy that is very harmful to biological processes and shit. Solar radiation messes up computers and stuff because it's slightly magnetic (magnetic light, I know right? it's actually electromagnetic (EM) radiation from the UV rays), however nuclear radiation is more based around ionizing radiation that creates more malfunctions instead of frying.

What? just google it, I have no idea what I am saying