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Ceiling of Blood OOC (Volunteers to Co-GM's Welcome)

PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 4:01 pm
by Reapergod36
With some recent videos I've been watching and just the overall love for the horror franchise for me. I would like to try to scare people in an RP with a lot of description and sudden abrupt changes or something that will just feel eerie. At this point, I don't plan for sex in the RP. It might happen it might not. Most likely not because I feel its hard to be horrified by something you can offer to fuck. But I would like to gather a few co-GM's to plan out how this could work. (if it could work) Although this is a difficult task, and could be an awesome task. I am going to be sure it will work before I drop an OOC.

Re: Horror RPG Type RP (Volunteers to Co-GM Welcome) Alpha v

PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:11 pm
by Icaelus
Eh..I could try, I guess? I want a bit of co-GMing experience before I try to start a RP of my own. Oh, I don't have Skype if you want to use it, though.

Re: Horror RPG Type RP (Volunteers to Co-GM Welcome) Alpha v

PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:52 pm
by Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz
sounds interesting.....I will join when we has a character sheet to go on

Re: Horror RPG Type RP (Volunteers to Co-GM Welcome) Alpha v

PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:57 am
by Reapergod36
Icaelus it would help a lot if you could do the 2 second download. Constantly responding via PM's is irritating.

Re: Horror RPG Type RP (Volunteers to Co-GM Welcome) Alpha v

PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 6:40 pm
by Reapergod36

Name (& pronunciation):
Date of Birth (& age):
Place of Birth:
Species/Racial Origin:
Social Class/Community Status:

Physical Description

Limb Dexterity:
Detailed Physical Description:
Typical Clothing/Equipment:


Most Hated/Dislikes:
Regular Routine:
Philosophy of Life:
Attitude Toward Death:
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values:
Education/Special Training:
Place/Type of Residence:
Place of Work:
Work-related Skills:
Past Occupations:

Additional Notes:

I guess i'm going to wing it. Lets see about who we get. Also as for the character sheet. Its up there and fill out what you want. (Not all fields required, i'll tell you if you miss one)

Re: Horror RPG Type RP (Volunteers to Co-GM Welcome) Alpha v

PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:21 pm
by Angel_Slayer_Alcatraz
Name (& pronunciation): May-Rin Kisaragi (Pronounced May-Rin Kesarage)
Date of Birth (& age): 18 5/28/1994
Place of Birth: The island of Okinawa
Gender: Female
Species/Racial Origin: Japanese
Social Class/Community Status: Middle class
Language: English and Japanese
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Pet: German Shepard named Koa, Orphan

Physical Description

Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 116 lbs.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Bree.jpg (41.55 KiB) Viewed 1460 times

Limb Dexterity: Average
Typical Clothing/Equipment: Glasses, Ipod, clothes in pic


Personality/Attitude: Keeps to self, Nice person
Skills/Talents: Incredibly smart
Favourites/Likes: Her dog, music
Most Hated/Dislikes: Anyone who dislikes dogs
Strengths: Intelligent
Weaknesses: Small, blind without glasses
Fears: The dark, unexplained noises
Hobbies/Interests: N/A
Regular Routine: Get up, go to school, eat out, go home and sleep
Philosophy of Life: There is someone or something always watching so keep an eye out
Attitude Toward Death: It happens, cannot be stopped
Religion/Beliefs: None
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors: Butlers outfits, tends to quote from old books on philosophy
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience: Most painful experience was her time at an orphanage
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Bi, Virgin
Education/Special Training: Just got out of high-school, passed with straight As, now in college
Place/Type of Residence: An apartment in Kyoto
Occupation: College student