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Planet of the Rapes: Referance

Postby banana » Thu May 05, 2011 6:31 am

Original RP description


Appearance: (image or description)
Gender: {Male|Female|Futa}
Species: {...}
Department: {Command|Security|Engineering|Science|Medical}
Position: (if you don't want to be chief, state that here)
Time Served on the Marion: (0-5 years)
Age: (if your species ages differently from humans, include the equivalent human age in brackets)

Ability Scores:
- Fitness: 0 + point buy + race + position + feat
- Alertness: 0 + point buy + race + position + feat
- Intelligence: 0 + point buy + race + position + feat
- Sexuality: 0 + point buy + race + position + feat

- Health: 100 + bonus + gender %
- Resistance: 100 + gender %
- Energy: 100 + gender %

- Engineering: 0 + position + feat
- Leadership: 0 + position + feat
- Medicine: 0 + position + feat
- Science: 0 + position + feat
- Seduction: 0 + position + feat

Feats: (pick two)
1st -
2nd -

Turn-ons: (pick three or more things that temporarily lower your Resistance by 10% when present)

Turn-offs: (pick up to three things that temporarily double your Resistance when encountered)

Fetishes: (pick three or more things that double your Pleasure damage taken during sex, and related Resistance damage when penetrated)

Clothes: (currently worn - this is important for when you start losing your clothes)
- Uniform Top
- Uniform Pants
- Bra (if haz boobies)
- Underwear (describe)
- Uniform Boots

Carried: (weapons, tools, sidearms, accessories, etc)
- (list and describe)
(Command and Security personnel get a blaster pistol sidearm - Security personnel must carry their sidearms while on duty)
(Medical personnel must carry a pair of disposable latex gloves while on duty)
(Personnel other than Security are expected to be unarmed when not on a combat mission or guard duty)
(The Captain can change any of these rules to match the demands of the situation, or people can just disobey if they think they know better)

Extra equipment: (stored in your quarters)
- Spare Uniform (top + bottom)
- Other Spare Clothing (underwear and off-duty clothes - list and describe)
- Extra tools, toys, and other possessions (list and describe)
(do not list extra weapons, medical supplies, or food/alcohol rations - they belong to the ship, unless you smuggled some away)

Background: (anything you want to add about personality, etc.)


Point Buy Chart:
Start with 5 points
A +1 bonus to an ability score costs 1 point
A +2 bonus to an ability score costs 2 points
A +3 bonus to an ability score costs 4 points

- Male :: +10% max Health
- Female :: +10% max Resistance
- Futanari :: +10% max Energy

- Human :: +1 to any ability score
- Elf :: +1 to Alertness, +1 to Seduction checks against non-elves
- Dark elf :: +1 to Sexuality, +1 to alertness when in the dark, -1 to alertness in bright light
- Vulcan :: +1 to Intelligence, +1 to skill checks made to diagnose hidden problems
- Klingon :: +1 to Fitness, +1 attack damage with blade weapons
- Sharpclaw :: +1 to Fitness, males cause Health damage to non-sharpclaw partners during sex
- Feline :: +1 to Alertness, another +1 to spot hidden creatures in the dark
- Fox :: +1 to Sexuality, +1 attack damage with unarmed attacks
- Squirrel :: +1 to Alertness, can climb trees easily
- Renamon :: +1 to Intelligence, +1 damage with projectile weapons
- Wolfman :: +1 to Fitness, get one extra unarmed counter-attack per round (effectively +1 combat speed, but with the last counter being unarmed)
- Turtle dude :: +1 to Intelligence, +20 Health and Resistance, -1 combat speed
- Horse furry :: +20 Energy, males get huge cocks (13-15), futas get large cocks (9-12), females get loose pussies
- Other :: Just ask

- Command (max 1) :: +2 int :: +3 leadership
- Security (max 5) :: +3 fitness, +1 alertness, +10 max health
- Medical (max 2) :: +2 int, +3 medicine
- Engineer (max 5) :: +1 int, +4 engineering
- Science (max 4) :: +3 int, +5 science

Feat List: (feats with the same bonus DO stack)
- Basic Combat Training :: +1 fitness, +5 max health (not available to security personnel)
- Advanced Combat Training :: +1 fitness
- Stealth Training :: +1 alertness
- Well Endowed :: +1 sexuality, increase cock size or tits size or any other attractive qualities
- Gifted :: +1 int
- Academic Minor :: +2 to Engineering, Science, or Medical, as long as that isn't your position's main skill
- Talented :: +1 to any skill
- Toughness :: +20 max health
- Stamina :: +20 max energy
- Discipline :: +20 max resistance
- Tight Pussy :: Vaginal penetration will follow the same rules as standard anal, with respect to chance to penetrate, pleasure for the penetrating creature, and damage taken by you
- Trained Ass :: Anal penetration will follow the same rules as standard vaginal, with respect to chance to penetrate, pleasure for the penetrating creature, and damage taken by you
- Jungle Girl :: +1 alertness and +1 sexuality when dealing with tentacles and vines
- Furry Lover :: +2 seduction vs. intelligent furry humanoids
- Other :: Just ask

Example Turn-ons:
- Big cocks
- Huge tits
- Small tits
- Blonde hair
- Purple fur
- Ripped clothing
- Shrunken heads (whatever floats your boat, mon)

Example Turn-offs:
- Dudes
- Blood
- Small dicks
- Scary animals/monsters
- Nice guys
- Snakes
- Sock puppets (???)

Example Fetishes:
- Fucking while wearing boots
- Tentacles
- Doing chicks up the ass
- Taking it up the ass
- Whipping someone
- Being whipped
- Wearing a kilt and singing Scotland the Brave at the top of your lungs (if you pick this one, you have to do it in game)

Original First Post

In this thread, we'll discuss the mechanics of the RP, and those interested in playing can discuss what their characters will look like.

Here's what I have so far:

Ability scores:
- Fitness (fit) :: Increases hp damage done to monsters, and reduces the hp damage you take when attacked
- Alertness (al) :: Increases your ability to hide from enemies, and also to spot hidden enemies before they can surprise you
- Intelligence (int) :: Increases the effectiveness of most skill checks
- Sexuality (sex) :: Decreases energy and hp damage you take from sex, improves your attractiveness and ability to seduce others

- Health (hp) :: How much physical damage you can take before falling unconscious
- Resistance (res) :: How much more arousal you can take before you willingly submit to having sex with others
- Energy (en) :: How much physical and mental activity you can still do before you're too tired to continue

- Being attacked by monsters lowers your health
- Health regenerates slowly over time, and can be sped up with the help of medical attention and certain drugs
- Seduction attempts, and other special sex attacks (like telepathic powers, drugs, toxins, and forced stimulation) lowers your resistance
- Resistance also decreases over time as inactivity makes you get horny
- Resistance decreases faster when doing mental tasks like research and repairs
- Resistance recovers slowly in the absence of arousing things, or quickly in the presence of unsexy things
- Resistance increases sharply after orgasm, but may not necessarily return to max, if it was an unsatisfying encounter
- Fighting, researching, and fucking all lower your energy
- Resting quickly regenerates your energy, and can be sped up by massages and comfy sleeping arrangements
- Certain drugs give you a temporary boost of energy that goes away after a short time
- Under dire circumstances, you can force a temporary boost of energy that goes away immediately after the circumstances are no more

- Leadership :: Improves the attack damage of allies when you're nearby, and decreases time needed to complete research and repair tasks of allies when you periodically check on them
- Medicine :: Use this skill to speed up the hp recovery of patients you treat, diagnose diseases and toxin effects in yourself and others, and manufacture known drugs and toxins (given the right tools and ingredients)
- Engineering :: Used to repair damaged ship systems, build and maintain weapons and vehicles, and diagnose mechanical problems and physical phenomena that would go unnoticed by others
- Science :: Used to study the properties of any plant/animal/mineral samples found on Nerim, interpret the output of advanced scanner systems, design new chemicals and tools, and decipher foreign languages
- Seduction :: Used to decrease the Resistance of intelligent creatures, usually for the purpose of persuading them to have sex with you, or sometimes just to get him to buy you drinks. Yes, this can be used on other player characters, though they may take offense or laugh at you if you fail your attempt.

When you attack a creature, the creature tries to counter-attack, if it's in a position to do so. If not, it just tries to evade your attack. I will roll a 10-sided die for both you and the creature, and then add your Fitness to the result, and a bonus based on the type of weapon you're using. The creature gets a fixed bonus based on its attack type. If your roll plus the bonuses is greater than the monster's roll plus bonus, the monster takes an amount of health damage equal to the difference. If the monster's result is higher, it counter-attacks and you take an amount of health damage equal to the difference. Or if it can't counter-attack, it simply evades your attack and nothing happens. On a tie, nothing happens. If there is a leader nearby, add her leadership bonus to the damage you deal from a successful attack.

On each turn in combat, you get three "attack points" (AP). You can only make one directed attack per round, which uses up one AP. When monsters attack you before your next turn, you use up another AP every time you counter-attack. In order to counter-attack a monster, the monster has to be in range of one of your weapons, or close enough for you to lunge forward and strike it. When you run out of AP, you can no longer make any counter-attacks until your next turn. In this way, a group of weak monsters can gang up on a PC who's engaged with stronger monsters, so that they won't run the risk of being counter-attacked. Or weaker PCs can support their stronger allies when ganging up on a single tough monster. Additionally, some weapons, usually heavy ones, will stipulate that they can only fire once per turn, or that they use more than one AP to make their attacks, creating a trade-off between offensive power and defensive versatility.

Since the use of a map is too complicated for play-by-post, we will break weapon range down into zones: Hand-to-hand, Close, Medium, Far, and Distant.
- Hand-to-hand: Fists, knives, swords, tentacles, etc.
- Close: A range of 10 feet to 50 feet (3m to 15m). On your turn, you can charge at monsters in this range to bring you into HtH range and allow you to punch or stab the monster. But you can't counter-attack with punches and stabs at this range. You can also withdraw from Close range to Medium range, instead of making a directed attack.
- Medium: A range of 50 feet to 50 yards (15m to 45m). On your turn, you can charge at monsters in this range to bring you into Close range, instead of making a directed attack. You can also try to run to Far range, making yourself more vulnerable to attacks until next turn. When running, you remain at Medium range from your enemy until you start your next turn, then you become at Far range (if the monster doesn't chase you).
- Far: A range of 50 yards to 110 yards (45m to 99m). On your turn, you can transition to Medium or Distant range instead of attacking, following the same rules as for going from Medium to Close or Far.
- Distant: Anything beyond 100m. Usually from this distance you can escape an encounter, or move in to engage one that hasn't started yet. Only rifle-type weapons can attack monsters at this range with any chance of hitting.

Grappling and rape attacks:
- I still need to flesh out mechanics for this, but it will probably be treated as a hand-to-hand attack that prevents the target from taking actions other than to try to escape
- Need rules for escaping (probably a successful counter-attack)
- Need rules for the forced removal of clothes (possibility to slip out of a layer of clothing to escape a grapple)
- Need rules for forced penetration and stimulation (a decrease in resistance should reduce the chance of escape)
- Need rules for orgasm (will probably track progress, as though it's a skill check)

Skill checks to complete tasks:
- For Medicine, Engineering, and Science checks to complete a task, I'll roll some dice (probably two 6-sided dice) to determine your progress on the task after each hour of working on it, adding your Intelligence and your skill bonus to the result. When your progress reaches a certain level, the task is complete.
- For complex tasks like ship repairs, multiple people working on the same task can add their results to the total progress on the task.
- For small tasks, like building a weapon or studying a goo sample, multiple people working on the same task will overlap, so only the higher result will go towards the task's progress.
- Every few hours, a leader can come by to encourage a task, adding her Leadership bonus to the progress for the next one to three hours. Any leadership intervention before the bonus wears out will have no effect.
- For instant actions, such as diagnosing medical conditions of problems with the ship, I'll roll some dice plus your Intelligence and skill bonus against a set value. If your result is higher than the value, you spot the problem. If not, you don't notice it. I'll do these checks in secret every time you encounter a secret condition or choose to examine something (like a patient, or a particular system on the ship), so you'll never know whether or not you've found everything.

- For Seduction, I'll roll a 10-sided die for both you and your mark, adding your Sexuality to your roll, and the mark's Intelligence to her roll. If your result is higher, her Resistance is reduced by the difference. If she rolls higher, she gains control of the interaction, and can no longer be seduced. But she can still make Seduction checks against your Intelligence, until you win (which is when you finally realize she's not going to put out).

- I still need to flesh out the mechanics for the loss of Energy, reaching orgasm, and also the possibility for Health damage when taking large cocks or when your Energy has run out

Pregnancy and Monster sex:
- You can only get pregnant from sex with members of the same species as you (exceptions are made for similar furry types, such as wolves/foxes/dogs, and cats/lions/tigers). You can, however, become infected by mutation viruses that live in the juices of some monsters. Until a scientist does some research on monster samples, you won't know for sure what the dangers are. You can assume that no STDs exist among the crew.

Character Building:
The following details all character options for which I have game effects attached. If you want to add a race, etc, make your suggestion in the thread, and I'll add it.

- Captain: +2 int :: +3 leadership
- Security Chief: +3 fitness, +2 alertness, +20 max health, +1 leadership
- Security Officer: +3 fitness, +1 alertness, +10 max health
- Chief Medical Officer: +2 int, +5 medicine
- Assistant Medical Officer: +2 int, +3 medicine
- Chief Engineer: +2 int, +5 engineering
- Junior Engineer: +1 int, +4 engineering
- Science Officer: +3 int, +5 science

Available Technology:
(suggestions are welcome, but I will reject things like lightsabers, that serve no practical purpose)
- Personal deflector device :: A belt that, when activated, fires low-power energy beams to shoot down incoming physical projectiles with low enough mass (like bullets and arrows). Runs on a power cell that requires recharge after 30 minutes of continuous usage. There are four of them on the ship.
- Blaster rifle :: A basic energy weapon, +4 to attacks, +2 to counter-attacks, good to Far range. It can shoot targets at Distant range with a -5 penalty to damage (damage less than 0 is a miss). The power cell is good for 50 shots until it needs recharge. Six of them rest in a rack on the wall of the security office. It can only be used to attack and counter-attack a single target each turn, and can't be used at Hand-to-hand range.
- Blaster pistol :: Basic energy sidearm, +2 to attacks/counter-attacks, good to Medium range. It can shoot targets at Far range with a -5 penalty to damage. The power cell is good for 10 shots until recharge. One is issued to the captain, and all security officers. It can only be used for one attack per turn.
- Combat Knife :: Basic melee weapon, +2 to attacks/counter-attacks, hand-to-hand range, but it's better than fists. The ship has a box of six of them locked away in the security office.
- Blaster turret: Mows down enemies at up to Far range, but needs to plug into the ship's power grid, or a portable generator, in order to have enough energy to operate. The ship has one of them stored away in the security office.
- Stimpack :: When injected into the bloodstream, it gives a +20 boost of Energy and +5 boost to Health for one hour, followed by a -30 loss of Energy and -5 loss of Health. Sickbay has a dozen of these in a first aid box, to be saved for emergencies, since the sudden jolt of energy can restart a person's heart after they've gone into cardiac arrest. Given the potential danger of foraging, it would be advisable for a foraging party to carry at least one of these along with them.
- Ship's cannon :: A powerful energy weapon that can vaporize people and objects in a small area of effect. It's attached to the top of the ship, and hard to aim at anything besides other spaceships.
- Long-range scanners :: Reveals the topology of the surrounding area for several miles, as well as energy sources and electromagnetic radiation, and concentrations of different chemicals, and also tracks the movements of airborne objects. If anyone other than a science officer tries to read the results, they only get a rough idea of the surrounding terrain until they complete a Science task check to learn how to read the rest of it.
- Anti-gravity landing system :: Pads located on the ends of legs that protrude from the bottom of the ship while in a planet's atmosphere. When activated, they repel gravity enough to slow the ship's descent and allow it to hover a few metres off the ground. In order to fly higher than that, a separate jet propulsion system is used.
Last edited by banana on Wed May 11, 2011 6:52 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Apocolyptia - Referance

Postby Gorbaz » Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:29 pm

Updated: Character creation process. Flavour text for traits and flaws. Slightly expanded description of Winnebego. SMG


The year is 2170, and the world as it has been, is over. A massive atomic, biological, and chemical global war has stripped the world of over half the life on it, and what is left scrapes survival from the soil. It is a harsh, and unforgicing world, where only the stong and the best adapted survive, and the rest are left to die where they fall. The wild things of the world have been given free dominion, and the few remaining groups of humans have banded together into makeshit tribes of scavengers and hunters, pooling their resources in order so survive

There are, however, a few pockets of humainty that survived the ABC war, sheltered as they were in various ways. Some established communities in remote areas prior to the war, others took to the seas in tankers and fishing fleets, others still were just plain lucky. The greatest concentration, however, reside in the Havens

Havens, originally, called Hives, were a project started in the later years by the American Alliance in an attempt to grant self-sustaining living space to it's citizens. The theory was that these underground cities would relieve some of the pressure of the available food supplies, and free up housing for the ever-increasing numbers of humans populating the continent. Massive amounts of contruction materials and resources were diverted into the project in the hope that the returns would be far greater than the investment. Unfortunatly, they never had the time to find out

Hundreds of people were assigned to the Havens, and most were filled to capactiy, in the rush to presever the culture and history of the American Alliance. Each one was given a few national treasures, and their mainframes had blueprints and schematics of all levels of technology downloaded into them, before, one by one, the Havens were sealed off, as the threat of war had passed, and actual war had begun

Safe in their havens, and cut off from the events of the outside world, the residents went about their daily lives, much in the way they had done before the war. Soon, each Haven had it's own economy, laws, and justice system. Those with a higher percentage of military personnel tended toward martial law and harsh punishments, while others with migher levels of technology tended to favour resocialisation. All had a reclemation vat, where the bodies of the dead would go, so that they could be recycled. In most Havens, only the wealthy could afford to have their loved ones interred in a vault

Now, after over a hundred years have passed, Haven 4, your home, is running out of resources. The Haven can't expand fast enough to keep up with the birth rate, and food and water supplies are stretched to breaking point. If the haven is to survive, there will have to be... sacrifices


Character Sheet:

Gender: (Male/Female/Other)
Physical description:

Strength: 1-10
Perception: 1-10
Endurance: 1-10
Charisma: 1-10
Intelligence: 1-10
Agility: 1-10
Luck: -5 - 5

--Small arms: Perx2
--Big arms: Per+Str
--Melee: Str+Agi
--Unarmed: Srtx2
--Science: Intx2
--Repair: Int+Agl
--Survival: Int+Per
--Stealth: Agix2
--Speech: Chax2
--Medical: Int+Cha

Inherrant traits:
--Ambidexterous - you're good with one thing in each hand. Double the fun!
--Sneaky - Nobody will see you coming. Unless they look at you. You're sneaky, not invisable...
--Fast Talker - The gift of the gab!
--Haymaker - POW! The ol' one-two tends to result in people hitting the floor after one. BAM!!
--Mechanical affinity - Break out the spanner and duct tape! If it's a machine, you can fix it! Or, at least, you stand a better chance than most
--Nerdly - Nyeeeeeh! When it comes to cracking codes or having an encyclopedic knowledge of TV shows, you're the one to see. You also have a tandancy to wear thick-rimmed glasses, and stick out your front teeth

Inherrant flaws:
--Big Boned - You're not fat, you're just bigger than other people. Unfortunatly, bigger people tend to make easier targets
--Wandering Mind - You're mind has a habit of... hey, what's that over there? Oh, just an old spoon. I had a collection of spoons, once...
--Monotonous - you have one of those voises that just drones on and on and on and has a habit of sending people to sleep or just getting real bored real fast
--Criminal - Once apon a time, you did something you wern't supposed to, and were caught doing it. People don't like you much
--Kleptomaniac - You just *have* to pick up *everything* that looks like it could be useful in *any* situation, even if it's in someone's pocket
--Phobia - Scared of something? It wouldn't happen to be that big thing heading this way, would it? It is? What are the chances!




How to generate a character:

Name, age, gender and description are fairly obvious. Species will be either human or tank born, unless you have an idea for a different specie, in which case, tell me about it and I'll consider it :)

the SPECIAL stats - all but luck start at 1. Luck starts at -4. 35 points can be distributed amongst them, meaning you can be a little above average in everything, or significantly better in a few

skills sort themselves out dependant on your SPECIAL stats. Should range from 2 (really not very good at all) to 20 (absolutly flippin' amazing!). Mostly used as a guide, but can be roll-dependant in stressful situations or snap actions

one trait and one flaw must be chosen. The lists given are only guides. A trait is something that has a posative effect on your character (sharp eyes, natural diplomat, cybernetically enhanced, that sort of thing), while flaws have a negative effect (easier to hit, clumsy, easily distracted). These are mostly just for flavour, but can come into effect in cirtain circumstances. Again, if you can think of something that's not on the list, then let me know of it, and I'll decide if it's ok

again, gear and background are self explanetory. Unless you happen to be in the security forces, or have been outside already, you'll be unlikley to have a personal gun, but could probably wrangle one before going topside :)


Tech Level:
Comparable to near sci-fi, alot of the tech is the equivalent to what is available today, or currently known feasable technology.
Offensive laser technology is in it's infancy, and powered armour is limited to a couple of prototypes. Ballistic weapons are still the most commonly used by military personnel, with sonic weapons preferred by security forces. Common body armours tend to be made of kevlar, although there are tougher armours available

Civilian technology follows a similar vein. The Haven cities use nuclear fission engines to provide all their power needs, and have either one or two floors given over to hydroponics and botanics. All air is recycled through an easilly maintaained filtering system, and the industries revolve around practical technologies like computer construction, clothing manufacturing, and maintenance workshops. Water, like air, is reprocessed and filtered to remove impurities. Each Haven has a batch of reclemation vats, where unwanted materials can be broken down and reused. Nothing goes to waste

Above ground, it's a different story. Most of the buildings are of traditional brick or concrete construction, and a fair portion of them have suffered collapsed rooves, floors or walls due to a lack of maintenance for over a century. The level of technology contained in those buildings is comparable to those of the Havens, but again, due to lack of mainenance and active scavenging, very few of them are in operational condition. Anything heavy or sturdy tends to be used as a makeshift barricade, or to patch holes in walls. In areas where a scavenger tribe has settles, it's common to find a car propped up against a wall to cover a hole, animal skins bound together as a makeshift roof, and stacks of rubble, barrels, and wood cobbled together to form a watchtower. Weapons follow a similar design, with barrels getting replaced by pipes when they are no longer useable, housing being held together by rope, knife handles crafted from bone, and so on. Most weapons tend to be ballistic, as few tribes know how to maintain laser or sonic gear



Haven Humans - Homo Sapien Sapien, or the common human. Haven Humans tend to be inventive and practical, trying to get the most done in the least amount of space, and with the least resources used. Efficiency is the name of the game with these guys!
Lost Human - One of the poor souls who happened to be outside when the war started. Social skills arn't top of the list when you survive by hunting wildlife, and stealing other people's finds
Tribal - The tribes are survivors. Usually based in a particular area, they work together to maintain what they have, feed everyone, and fend off the more aggressive wildlife. Where there's one, there's usually three more hiding - picking a fight is not reccomended...
Deader - Someone so irradiated, poisoned, or mutated, that they are little more than a walking meal for something bigger and hungrier than they are
Tank Born - Tank Born (or 'Tanks', or 'Splicers') are Humans born in a lab, but with their DNA spliced with that of another species to create a 'better' human. They tend to share features with whatever aminal they were spliced with, but how noticably different they are from regular Humans varies
Insects - In a world without pest control, the insect is king! These blighters are everywhere, but tend to group around good sources of food
Giant insects - Just like regular insects, but bigger. Tend not to be too picky about the mobility of their food
Wolfbreed - The descendents of the canines that survived the war. Tend to move aorund in packs, and focus on prey smaller than they are. Unless, of course, the prey has alot of meat on them, and doesn't look able to defend itsself
Infector - An adaptive biological weapon left over from the war. The pinicle of genetic experimentation, it is a beast with adaptive DNA strands and an asexual nature. It was produced to destroy a terget's food supply by breeding with anything roughly the same size as it, producing hybrids, and eating everything else!
Infected - The offspring of an Infector. Not as voracious as the sireing beast, and with a tendancy to be sterile, they still tend to try it on with other creatures, and eat everything in sight. Infected tend to vary in appearance very little from the birthing species
Rattleback - The predominant herbivore of the post-war lands. Descended from the common armidillo, it's developed an extra stomach to deal with those pesky irradiated plants. Tend to move around in packs, and be about the size of a small dog


Weaponry - these are guidelines of the sorts of weapons available

-- 9mm - The standard sidearm of military forces everywhere. Styles and manufacturer may vary, but they are all good at putting a hole in something at short range
-- Machine pistol - Just like a 9mm, but throws alot more lead every second! Be careful not to empty your clip too fast
-- Magnum - 6 rounds of gunslingin' fun! Then you gotta reload the thing
-- Tasergun - The backup weapon of choice with security forces. A small pistol, easilly hidden, and great at taking down unarmoured targets with the minimum of mess
-- SMG - a bigger, better version of the machine pistol. Just remember to keep it loaded

-- Pipe rifle - A simple home-made, single shot rifle. Favoured by the Lost
-- Battle rifle - Generic semi-automatic assault rifle, commonly used by the armed forces of the Big Three
-- Sonic pulsar - Bullpup design sonic projection gun commonly found in use by security forces. Non lethal, and excellent at subduing anything without earplugs
-- MK1 Laser rifle - Rare experimental weapon that fires a stream of photons at whatver it's pointed at. Good at burning holes through almost everything (time varies depending on substance). Comes in red or blue!
-- Shotgun - Sawn-off, regular, or automatic, they all fling 12gague slugs a fair distance, and generally make a mess

-Big Guns
-- RPG launcher - A self-explanetory weapon. It launches rocket-propelled grenades. Finding ammo for it, however, can be a bit tough
-- Heavy laser drill - 8 gigawatts of laser death. Can take a while to charge up. Not compatable with mains power sockets.
-- Flamethorwer - two tanks of fuel, linked to a long pipe with adjustable nozzle on the end. Can be modified to throw almost any liquid or gas substance, and set it on fire
-- Heavy support gun - Belt or clip fed, excellent at cutting down your target and their friends from a nice, safe distance
-- Porable Gatling gun - Even better at cutting down groups of people that the HSG!

-Melee Weapons
-- Swords - Nothing special. A length of tempred steel with a sharp edge and a point at one end, a handle at the other
-- Knives - Just like a sword, but smaller
-- Club - Anything long and solid that is easy to swing
-- Chainblade - A combonation of sword and chainsaw. Experimental, and hard to wield
-- Shock Maul - Generally used by security personnel, it combines the shocking askpect of the taser, with the blunt force trauma of a maul to make sure that the target is well and truly knocked unconcious



Winnebego, Illanois. The small town doesn't look like it does today, having spent over 100 years being unattended to. Windows have fallen out, doors have fallen off rusted hinges, and weeds grow through nearly every crack. Still, it's relativly safe

--NOTE: I've never actually been there, so have no idea what it actually looks like. Google will be my guide! :lol:



Mostly a freeform RP. Any action where there is time to calmy and carefully perform it with the appropriate tools, will meet with success. Common sense is required here! Obviously, if you have trouble picking a common padlock, you're not going to be able to crack a safe. Opposed actions are entirely dependant on attributes and skills. Take, for example, an arm wrestle. The bigger and stronger person has a habit of winning them. Rushed actions will have dice rolled for them to see if they succeed. Take, for example, the untained person who is in a firefight. They are unskilled with their rifle, and fire at their foe while in a abit of a panic. It's down to what little skill they have, and blind luck, if the shot hits

Last edited by Gorbaz on Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chronicles of Fairy War Referance

Postby banana » Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:17 am

This is the Samus game.
To be updated later as I sort things out.
Please do not post character sheets yet - the rules will probably change.

This forum really needs a [spoiler] tag. Or if it has one, what's the damn code for it?

The Setting

Legend holds that centuries ago, the Androthi people were visited by angelic beings known as the Ancients. The Ancients sent flying warriors from the sky who could not be harmed by slings and arrows. They were eight feet tall and had the power to strike a man down with a look, or pick him up in the air with their mighty claws. The Ancients easily came to rule over the Androthi. They ruled benevolently for many years, using their awesome powers to help the Androthi people. But one day without warning they began to fight one another. The Ancient courts in each city were split into two factions under two supreme leaders. The Court of Loyalty was led by a powerful heavenly being known as Hajj'k, whose emblem adorned many of the Ancient buildings. The name meant All Heaven. The other court was the Court of Rebellion, and it was led by one of the flying warriors, named Rd'lih. His name meant Highest Ranking One.

The war devastated the land as they fought. They battled not just with the swords and magic of their warriors, but also called great columns of fire upon each other from the heavens. The Androthi cowered in caves and forests while their great cities were leveled. When there was no land left for the Ancients to rule, the two warring courts parted in opposite directions. The Court of Rebellion was the weaker court, and so they entombed themselves in darkness and fire below the surface, deeper than was possible for any mortal to venture, to await a day when it would be safe to emerge. The Court of Loyalty gathered their faithful and flew up into the sky in a single night, never to return. A plague befell the scorched land, and many died, but some Androthi became immune and survived to rebuild civilization.

In the ruined cities, the Ancients had left behind relics of their power. Some Androthi learned to harness this power and become kings. The Androthi clustered around the power within these skeletal cities, rebuilt them, and fought wars to capture and defend them. They trained a class of elite women in the ways of the Ancient flying warriors, for the power seemed only active in them. The attuned women were known as The Nobility, and their elite warriors were called Knights. The knights came to dominate the way that war was fought between Androthi cities. A church with all-female clergy was founded around this power, dedicated to training the less martially adept noblewomen to use their power to support the knights in battle. They were known simply as Priestesses, or Sisters.

The superiority of knights on the battlefield changed the nature of war. It became more like a ritual to the knights, who fought mostly to disable and capture their opponents as trophies, rather than kill them. Killing in war became discouraged altogether, considered dishonourable, and the mark of an inferior warrior. Tournaments sprung up, where knights tested their skill against one another for their own pride, as well as the ransoms they would get for their captured opponents.

Character Creation:
*This section is likely to change frequently as I hammer out the rules*

Select a gender, class, and ability bonuses.

- Androthi Knight (female only) :: Can generate a suit of armour out of force fields, complete with built-in energy weapons
- Androthi Priestess (female only) :: Can broadcast her own energy to restore the power of nearby energy weapons and knights
- Androthi Commoner :: Any androthi who does not have the power of nobility. Can choose from a list of positions below.
- Melded One (female only) :: Can grow and manipulate tentacles, and tentacle monsters
- Gargoyle Mercenary :: Can fly and use magic to attack, defend, and seduce
- Centaur Mercenary (male only) :: Can move very fast over flat land and absorb more damage than weaker races

Commoner Positions:
- Officer :: Commands a few squads of soldiers, and outranks the knights where this mission is concerned
- Sniper :: Trained to use sniper weapons to their full potential
- Grunt :: Trained to move and fight in the field as part of a squad
- Spy :: Trained to impersonate a civilian in order to get close to enemies without being attacked

Starting ability scores are based on your class. They'll increase as you level up. Ability scores have three modes of progression with level: Good, OK, and Poor. These reflect the rate at which your ability scores improve with level. Good progression advances at 80% of your level, OK progression is 60%, and Poor progression is 40%.

Step 1. Pick one ability score to be your top score. That score has Good progression and gains a +2 bonus.
Step 2. Pick another ability score to be your secondary score. That score has OK progression. The remaining three ability scores have Poor progression.
Step 3. Pick one of the remaining ability scores with Poor progression, and give it a +1 bonus.

Ability Scores:
- Power :: The rate of regeneration of your class-specific variable: Energy, Mana, Essence, or Stamina. This is class-dependent, and is unused by Androthi Commoners
- Skill :: A pool of points that can be spent to upgrade your proficiencies with certain weapons.
- Discipline :: Your ability to delay orgasm when fucking, most useful for males.
- Speed :: Limits the number and complexity of actions you can take each turn.
- Evasion :: Your ability to reduce the damage you take from being hit by attacks.

Your choice of class determines your base scores, then you add the bonuses from your selections, and then keep improving your stats as you level up
- Androthi Knight (3 Power, 2 Skill, 2 Discipline, 6 Speed, 0 Evasion)
- Andorthi Priestess (5 Power, 0 Skill, 2 Discipline, 5 Speed, 0 Evasion)
- Androthi Commoner (0 Power, 2 Skill, 3 Discipline, 7 Speed, 0 Evasion)
- Gargoyle (2 Power, 0 Skill, 4 Discipline, 8 Speed, 2 Evasion)
- Melded One (3 Power, 0 Skill, 2 Discipline, 5 Speed, 0 Evasion)
- Centaur (3 Power, 2 Skill, 2 Discipline, 6 Speed, 0 Evasion)

- Androthi Nobles have a reserve of personal Energy that they use for activating suit armor or embedded weapon attacks. Every turn, you recharge a number of Energy points equal to your Power score.
- Androthi Commoners have no use for the Power score.
- Gargoyles have a reserve of Mana that they use for casting spells. When you rest for at least 5 turns, every turn of rest after the 5th one restores Mana equal to your Power score. Gargoyles can also steal Mana from other gargoyles or androthi females, by raping them.
- Melded Ones have a reserve of Essence that they use to repair their personal tentacles and heal their minions. You gain Protein points when they consume meat, and Protein is converted to Essence every turn at a rate equal to your Power score.
- Centaurs have a reserve of Strength and Stamina. Stamina is used up when you run, attack, and rape, while Strength decreases at half the rate. After resting for one turn, every turn of rest after that recovers an amount of Stamina equal to your Power score, to a maximum of your Strength. Once per day, the first time his Strength drops below 50%, a Centaur catches a second wind to restore both Strength and Stamina to full.

Your Skill score is a pool of points you can spend to improve your ability with individual weapons (for example, you put a point in the beam cannon, then another point in the beam sword). Each point of Skill can be spent to improve a specific weapon, adding to the result of your attack and counter-attack rolls with that weapon. The improvement you get from putting a point into a weapon diminishes with each point, on a geometric scale with a ratio of 0.85, and with a starting value of 0.5. So it would follow the table below:
Pts => Bonus
0 => 0.5
1 => 1.35
2 => 2.07
3 => 2.69
4 => 3.21
5 => 3.65
6 => 4.03
7 => 4.35
8 => 4.62
9 => 4.85
10 => 5.05
Only the integer portion of the bonus is added to the result of attack rolls. However, some weapon upgrades might add fractional bonuses to your attack roll, which can combine with your fractional skill to bump it up to the next whole number. Having a fast Skill progression will mean you'll get more points to spend on your weapon skills as you level up.

When raping occurs, you have two variables, Resistance and Focus. Resistance is a percentage value starting at 100 and decreasing each turn you spend getting raped. Focus is a modifier that determines how quickly you lose Resistance. Focus decreases by one point with each turn you spend raping or being raped, and increases by one point each turn you spend not fucking. Your Discipline score is the max value of your Focus, so having a higher Discipline will allow you to hang onto your Focus longer and out-fuck your enemies. So:
- each turn not having sex, Focus increases by one to a maximum of Discipline
- each turn raping someone, Focus decreases by one.
- at zero Focus, each turn raping someone decreases your Resistance based on your Discipline according to the chart below
- each turn being raped decreases your Focus by one, and also decreases your Resistance based on your Focus according to the chart below
- at zero Resistance, you cum, and are therefore vulnerable to the mind control powers of Androthi, Gargoyles, and Melded Ones
Resistance Loss vs. Focus/Discipline
F/D => Res Loss
0 => 5d6
1 => 4d6
2-3 => 3d6
4-6 => 2d6
7+ => 1d6

Your Speed score determines how many actions you can take on a turn. Each action will use up a set number of Speed points. When you run out of Speed points, you can no longer take actions until your next turn. Note that on your turn, you can only make one move and one attack, but you can still use leftover Speed points to counter-attack enemies before your next turn starts. Some example actions:
- Move to an adjacent zone: 2 speed
- Evade an incoming attack: 1 speed
- Make a basic weapon attack or counter-attack: 2 speed
- Fire a burst with an autofire weapon: 3 speed
- Fire a precision weapon, like a sniper rifle or anti-tank weapon: 4 speed
- Charge up a beam cannon: 5 speed
- Rape someone: 5 speed

When you're hit by an attack, subtract half of your Evasion score from the damage you take, to a minimum of zero damage. The reason it's half is that I wanted a half-speed progression from the other stats, and this is the least clunky way to do it.

Roll dice based on the weapon you're attacking with. Your opponent either counter-attacks, and rolls for her weapon, or she evades and rolls a d6, or if she's out of speed, she takes the hit and rolls a flat zero. If you roll higher, the difference is the damage you deal (minus half your opponent's Evasion). If your opponent rolls higher on a counter-attack, the difference is the damage she deals to you. If your opponent rolls higher on an evade action, the attack is just ineffective.

- Androthi knights have Shield Energy in their suits that take damage for them, and can be recharged on the knight's turn from her store of personal Energy. When this reaches zero, the suit shuts down and leaves the knight naked and helpless.
- Androthi priestesses can throw up a temporary energy barrier to save themselves from attacks, if they have enough Speed and Energy to do so. The Energy cost is twice the damage taken. If the priestess fails to put up the energy barrier, she is hit by the attack and stunned.
- Androthi commoners are stunned if they take any damage at all.
- Gargoyles have Mana shields that protect them from damage. Damage taken from hits is subtracted from their Mana pool. When the gargoyle is out of Mana, the next hit will stun them.
- Melded Ones use their tentacles to shield themselves from damage. Damage taken from hits reduces the HP of her tentacles until they die or fall off her, leaving her defenseless, or until she uses Essence to repair them on her turn.
- Centaurs lose Strength when they're hit, eventually falling over in exhaustion when their Strength gets to zero.
- Many monsters follow the same rules as Centaurs for determining their reaction to damage, though smaller animals are usually stunned by a single hit, just as humanoids are.
- Only energy weapons will stun people on a direct hit. Physical weapons will kill them, as they would kill you or me. However, the use of physical weapons is discouraged by tradition for exactly that reason. Knights who carry ballistic weapons in addition to their suit's weapons are considered dishonourable. Soldiers found with ballistic weapons on them are usually beaten and then executed, instead of being taken prisoner. Or else their fingers are cut off to make the use of such weapons impossible.


Species Details

The Androthi:

This human-like race has the power to enslave the minds of others, but only when their mental resistance is defeated. The best known way to break an Androthi's (or anyone else's) mental resistance is to bring him or her to orgasm. Thus, when Androthi fight, they prefer to stun their enemies and then rape them into submission.

Androthi are the most populous of the intelligent species on the planet, and they dominate the open spaces. Some Androthi females, called Nobles, can use the techniques of the Ancients to summon body armour and weapons, or activate certain artifacts of Ancient manufacture that are unusable by ordinary mortals.

Androthi Nobles

Androthi nobility have a pool of Energy that they use to activate their powers. Energy is restored every turn by a value based on your Power ability score. If you're a knight, you can spend energy to recharge the shields on your suit, fire your weapons, or use special movement modes like speed boosting and flying. If you're a priestess, you can use energy to recharge the energy weapons of allied soldiers, recharge the shields of allied knights, or deplete the shields and energy weapons of your enemies.

Androthi knights have the following tools at their disposal:
- Suit Shields :: It has a set energy capacity. It loses energy when you get hit, and shuts off when it runs out. But you can recharge it on your turn from your personal energy
- Beam Cannon :: You can use different amounts of energy to fire a single shot at a good range, a burst of shots at shorter range, or charge up for a powerful splash-damage attack
- Beam Sword :: A close-range weapon that does more damage than the beam cannon
- Grapple Beam :: A whip-like beam of energy ensnares nearby enemies and prevents them from escaping
- Force Phallus :: A dildo-shaped projection of your suit that you can use for penetrating your enemies
- Speed Boost :: Spend energy to cover a greater distance in one turn, so you can rush far-away enemies
- Flight Mode :: Spend energy every turn to take to the air

Androthi priestesses have the following tools:
- Power Staff :: Swung normally, it's not so great, but it can be charged with energy to deliver powerful blows
- Energy Barrier :: Protect yourself from damage by creating a force field bubble around you - costs more energy than a knight's suit, but will save your life
- Regen Beam :: Focus your energy to partially restore a single ally's suit or weapon
- Regen Field :: Broadcast your energy to partially restore all energy devices nearby
- Drain Field :: Broadcast your energy to partially deplete all energy devices nearby

The Melded

The planet is host to a great number of tentacle monsters. They start as pods, and grow tentacles between four and ten feet in length, that they use to capture food and move around. Pods usually start with three tentacles and grow extra ones over time. When they have six fully grown tentacles, they split asexually into two pods of three tentacles each. Depending on environmental conditions, this might happen at seven or eight tentacles, or even at five (leaving a happy 3-pod that wanders off, and a deformed 2-pod that flops around and usually starves to death).

One amazing aspect of the tentacle pods is that they seem to be able to mate with females of other species. Sometimes animals will be seen wandering about with tentacles extending from their bodies, flailing about like extra limbs. This ability also applies to Androthi. If an Androthi female allows herself to be infested by the genetic fluids of a tentacle monster, her body will transform into what's called a Melded One. Melded Androthi retain their intelligence but shift their priorities around. No longer interested in their original cultures, they seek mostly to feed and lay eggs, which will become new tentacle monsters, augmented with the Melded One's genetic information.

Melded Androthi usually become hermits, or gather into tribes in the wilderness, but occasionally some of them have offered their services as mercenaries, to be paid in food. A Melded One always needs to eat, for her ability to produce new tentacle monsters depends on it. A Melded One tracks two variables: Protein and Essence. Protein is gained every time she eats a creature. It can then be used to produce eggs, which take several days to form, or it can be converted into Essence. Her supply of protein is converted to Essence as a rate based on her Power ability score. Essence is used to regenerate the Melded One's own body tentacles. When a Melded One is attacked, her tentacles defend her from harm, but are damaged in the process. As long as she has Essence available, she can regenerate them quickly.

A Melded One can also:
- Use her tentacles like whips to damage or grab enemies
- Control, through the use of pheremones, any tentacle pod that hatched from one of her eggs
- Fling her tentacle pod minions at great distances to attack far away enemies
- Use Essence to produce a healing goop that she can smear on her tentacle pod minions to heal them

If a Melded One runs out of both Protein and Essence, any eggs she is in the middle of producing will die, unless she cannibalizes some of her own body tentacles for protein.

The Gargoyles
Gargoyles are bat-winged humanoids who keep to mountainous areas and live in small clans. Contrary to popular myth, they do not turn to stone. But they are masters of magic. Every gargoyle, male and female, has a Mana pool that regenerates slowly with rest based on their Power ability score. Mana is used to cast spells, the most popular of which is the Mana Shield spell that protects the gargoyle from attacks. Other spells include fireballs and gas clouds to attack and subdue enemies.

Gargoyles are a very sexualized species. Their females have penises, like futanari, though they lack balls and can't shoot cum. Their males can fuck forever without cumming, or they can shoot their loads with a thought. The males are very sensitive in the assholes, though. Making eye contact with a gargoyle will cause you to think dirty thoughts, and like Androthi, they have a spell to control minds if the target's mental resistance is wiped out by an orgasm.

While gargoyles normally stay out of Androthi affairs, some look for work as mercenaries, where their natural flying abilities and magical attacks make them great mobile strikers. While they are capable of using Androthi weapons, they consider them distasteful and bulky, and prefer to rely on their magic spells to conduct battle. Thus, a gargoyle can never spend skill points on weapon attacks (but can spend them to improve spell attacks).

The Centaurs

Centaurs gather in the vast plains wherever cities aren't built. They travel around in small herds, hunting and grazing. Traditionally only the males involve themselves in the ways of war, with the females expected to protect themselves for the sake of their children. So the typical herd formation puts the females in the center, surrounded by males, with the strongest males riding some distance ahead and behind the herd to intercept and fight off enemies, and hunt down game.

Some centaur men crave battle so much that they leave their herds to join the endless Androthi conflicts as scouts and shock units. They are quite capable with the energy weapons that the Androthi soldiers use, but they also like to use portable Grapple Beams like lassos, taking advantage of their weight and stability to snare enemies and drag them out of position. While a centaur can easily support a rider on his back, they consider such an act to be very degrading, and so they refuse to bear riders except when necessary - for example, when rescuing an injured biped and bringing him or her away from danger. An enterprising Androthi ruler once tried to enforce as the terms of a peace treaty that a herd of centaurs work for her as a shuttle service to take wounded knights away from the front lines. The result was an extremely high rate of "accidents", where the wounded were repeatedly dropped on the way to the medic's tent.
Last edited by banana on Tue Jun 21, 2011 5:40 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Legend of the Seven Swords - OOC

Postby That_One_Guy » Wed Jun 15, 2011 1:12 pm

Synapse: In the land of Alrosia, many battles have been won and lost, civilizations rose and fell, and the world had gone from light to dark, until a group of swordsmen, wielding the elements themselves within them, rose up and defeated those that darkened the world, bringing peace to the land. Now the darkness has returned and the swordsmen must reunite and fight back before the darkness overtakes them all once more.

How it starts: 2-4 swordsmen have already met and they must find the others whom have been seperated, I will roll for turn order basically and chose the first 2-4 (not sure yet) to be the traveling ones. To find the others you must either have a high perception, roll high for perception, or be a seer.

Character Sheet

Attributes: (40 points, put them into each skill. Luck starts at -1)

Strength: (Hand-To-Hand and melee, also how much you can pick up and/or carry)

Perception: (Your ability to see things that others do not as well as your ability with ranged weapons)

Endurance: (The amount of Damage you can Resist as well as your strength against poisons)

Charisma: (Your ability to talk to people and persuade people to either see things your way or join you)

Intelligence: (Strength of your magic, the ability to understand text and lores and ability to see past lies [No rolls])

Agility: (Your ability to dodge attacks, run past obstacles, jump and survive long falls, etc)

Luck: (Governs the other abilities as well as helps you in gambling, add this to your other attributes when doing tests)

Fire: The most offensive Magic one can achieve, its powers tend to eliminate anything in its path with the most destructive force possible, weak against water. Garian
Wind: A mixture of offensive and support. It can conjure up blades of wind, stop arrows in its track, as well as help people reach higher areas, stop people from falling, and creating lightning. Weak against Earth. Mizuki
Water: A Mixture of offensive and defensive, able to conjure up mighty spikes of ice while also forming walls of both water and ice, able to create the Water Golem at high level. Weak against WindClaire
Earth: The all around, go-to magic. It has offensive, defensive, and support magic, It can create walls, spears, and a golem out of rock, Not really strong, but not really weak either. Kiwi
Light: Support Magic, heals the wounded, revives the dead, kills the undead, and purges the darkness in souls. It can blind those that use Dark Magic.Mikami
Dark: Dark Magic that is both Offensive and Support, it is able to conjure up the 4 Material Elements (Fire, Wind, Earth, Water) But weaker than them. What it is strong at is corrupting souls, destroying minds, and breaking wills. Serena
Death: Necromancy, able to cheat death numerous times but all at a cost, can raise the dead as zombies and decay the land around him to strengthen his magic at the cost of destroying the fertility of the land. Upon death, may roll to see if he can become a Lich, a leader of the undead. Luis

Traits and Flaws: Roll a 1d20 to see what Trait and Flaw your character recieves, only one person gets each trait and flaw, making that person unique to the others. Only one roll, if you roll the same number for flaw as you did trait, reroll for flaws. (I.E. If you roll a 1 for both trait and flaw, reroll for flaw)

Traits: (roll a 1d20 to find which feat you get, first 7 are attribute feats that will help if you roll on them, the rest are a mixture of attributes, but not as strong and the highest ones are the best you may or may not get)

1.Strong: You are stronger than any of the other swordsmen, able to lift boulders over your head with ease +3 to strength in combat and skill tests requiring strength are automatically completed if your doing it.

2.Fast: You run faster than any others, your a blur to the eyes of all and are only seen when you want them to see you. +3 to Agility and skill tests requiring Agility are automatically completed if your doing it.

3.Perceptive: You can see hidden objects that no others can see and your arrows always ring true. +3 to Perception and skill tests requiring perception are automatically completed.

4.Endurable: You have suffered the worst of weathers, the mightiest of hits, and the deadliest of storms. +3 to Endurance and skill tests requiring Endurance are automatically completed.

5.Persuasive: Your ability to talk your way out of any situation is amazing and can be seen as a powerful tool when needed. +3 to Persuasion ^

6.Smart: Your ability to harness the powers of your element as well as understand lore is groundbreaking. +3 Intelligence, you automatically gain level 2 magic and will automatically complete History tests

7. Lucky: You are a rabbits foot to the group, you find things that can help in the quest at hand, you win just about every hand in gambling, and you somehow wake up with a woman in your bed. +3 to luck, win easy money in gambling, but don't overdo it!

8. Alchemist: Your knowledge of potions and its ingredients are limitless. +3 Intelligence when making potions and drugs.

9.Swords-Mage: You have studied your life in learning your element and can just about destroy anyone with its powers. +2 Intelligence in combat, gain level 2 magic.

10. Unnoticeable: First your there, then your not. Your a shadow that is never seen for too long unless the person looks long enough or your stupid enough to hide in bright light. +4 Agility (Acts as Stealth) When in darkness or sneaking)

11.Seductive: Your ability to talk to the opposite sex is astounding and you can probably gain information out of them if need be or take them to bed with you. +2 persuasion when talking to someone of the opposite sex.

12. Couragous: When protecting the weak, alone, or the only injured swordsmen left against multiple enemies or one strong enemy, you show your true strength and virtue against them. +3 Strength when fighting multiple enemies or one really strong enemy alone.

13. Drug Resistant: Your body has created a immunity to drugs of all types, from sex drugs to painkillers. If taken, drugs are less effective to the point that they are useless on you. (Good and bad)

14. Heavy-Hitter: Just because you have a sword, doesn't mean you like to use it. Your fists of fury show no remorse. +2 strength when using your fists.

15. Lore-Master: You studied hard and learned the past, the legends, the myths, the lore. +4 Intelligence towards History Tests and auto-complete Lore Tests.

16. Swordsman: Your blade rings true and will slice through any and everyone. +4 Strength, but 0 level magic. (Unable to use magic)
17. Finesse: As Agile as a elf, without the lack of strength, your able to dodge arrows with ease and deal quicker damage, but you lack the strong arm. +3 Agility when dodging and attack -2 to strength for same reasons.

18. Seer: You can see the past, the present, and the future, you are able to pin-point where the other Swordsmen are, what they are up to, able to see the unaltered future, items that you will need and why. +4 Perception when looking for something/someone. WARNING! Use this ability too much will put you in a Seer's Shroud, which will make you temp. blind for a set amount of time. (Relevant)

19. Talented: You are good at doing two things at a time that the others cannot do. +2 to two attributes of your choice.
20. Immortal: You have lived knowing that you cannot die from anyone or anything. You bear the scars of your fights all over your body from where you were hit. Cannot die, will fall Unconscious instead, if decapitated, must roll 1d10 until you get a 10 to be able to revive.

1. Weak: Your not as strong as any others, your body is frail and unable to lift more than anyone else. -4 to strength.

2. Slow: Your slower than all others, and even clumsy to the point that you'll trip over your own foot. -4 to agility unless you got Fast Trait

3. Short Sighted: You cannot see far ahead in more ways than one. You tend to stay in the present and in the area around you, prefering to keep yourself centered, but unaware. -4 to perception
4. Fragile: You can't take as many hits as others can and can't survive from falls like others. If someone is going to jump, you prefer to be on their backs, when in a fight, you prefer to try and not get hit. -4 to endurance

5. Nervous: You were never a good talker, every time you try, you begin to stutter or lose focus. It has gone to the point of amazement that no one has tried to murder you for the stupid things you accidentally say -4 to endurance.

6. Absent-Minded: Trying to read books hurts your head and lores are nothing but scribbles to you, your magic is weaker than others and suffer -4 to Intelligence.

7. Unlucky: You tend to make the wrong bets, stand in the wrong places, and piss off the wrong people -4 to Luck.
8. Sex Addict: You have an unctrollable lust, a heat that never seems to go away, only dull. But when you finally get it, you find yourself at the top of your game. +3 Persuasion and Strength after sex, -3 Intelligence and Charisma if you go too long without it.

9. Failure: You have tried to harness the power of your magic at a young age and, because you failed, the magic flared out of you, taking refuge deep inside your body. -2 Intelligence and level 0 Magic.

10. Always seen: You try to be as stealthy as a ninja, but your as noisy as a one legged bear trying to get honey with metal all over him. -3 to Agility when trying for stealth.

11. Virgin: You have managed to keep away from the men that tend to destroy the pure, but it makes you the biggest target. +2 Intelligence, -3 to Charisma in persuasion attempts and both men and monsters will try to take you.
12. Coward: When alone, you tend to be more afraid to fight than others, you cannot handle groups of enemies and try to run at your first chance to find your friends. -4 to Strength when fighting multiple enemies alone.

13. Drug Addict: You have taken too much of a certain drug and have become addicted to it, you need to take it every few hours or you suffer from withdrawal. -4 to intelligence when on withdrawal.

14. Soft-punch: Your fists are as weak as cloth, you might as well stick with weapons. -3 to strength when unarmed.

15. Lazy: You are told to scribe things, but you don't feel like it, your told to find something, but its a hard task, your told to run a mile and you lay there, -5 intelligence.

16. Mage: Your lack of strength is made up for with the strength of the mind. +4 Intelligence and Level 3 Magic, but start with 0 Strength.

17. Ol' One Two: You lack the finesse to dodge arrows and slice quickly, but what you gain is that strength of hand to slice and kill anyone near instantly. +3 Strength when attacking, -2 Agility when dodging.

18. Blind: You cannot really see the world around you, it is a black abyss that you venture through. The only way your able to see it is by chanelling your magic through your body and into your blind eyes, allowing you to see the the outlines of your surroundings. 0 Perception, channeling Magic gives you 5 Perception, but no magic to use.

19. Rage: You suffer from extreme amounts of anger and tend to beat and kill anyone, male and female, who pisses you off. -5 Intelligence but +5 Strength when pissed off (roll 1d10 and anything above 8 is pissed mode)

20. Rapist: You are what everyone talks about at night, that person that rapes not only the other races but his/her own people as well, taking pride in your abilities and strength. +4 Strength and Agility against the opposite sex and no one is able to break out of your rape-grapple, must roll a 1d20 (higher than 18) to rape the other swordsmen.

Races: (What each race has to offer as enemies, allies, and what the swordsmen must deal with, Race Bonus if you pick them as well)

Alrosians: The Humans, most of them are racists, believing themselves to be superior than all, they are the largest race and own most of the land, they are so smug and self-concious that they named their country after the continent, Alrosia.
Strengths: Largest Race, many trade goods and good weapons/armor.
Weaknesses: Weak soldiers (No need to roll for swordsmen), rapists, racists, cruel-hearted.
Bonus Feat: One of Many - Your one of them, a human who happens to be the best of the best, you gain 25% Discount on all items, weapons, and armor in any store in Alrosia.

Elves: They live in Hiiden Forest, on the Western Border of Alrosia, they aren't the best when it comes to hand-to-hand, but they are the best archers and spellcasters the world has known.
Strengths: Excellent bows, Beautiful bodies, fast.
Weaknesses: Fragile, weak swordsmen skills, unable to break from rape-grapples.
Bonus Feat: two for one - Unlike the other swordsmen, the elves carry two swords that act as one, allowing for double the attack.

Saviants: Anthromorphs(furries) that once lived in a country called Salvia on the Eastern border of Alrosia, but the Orks had invaded and the Saviants were forced to retreat to Alrosia, where they were to become sex-slaves and servants.
Strengths: enhanced senses, seductive, strong hand-to-hand due to claws.
Weaknesses: Unable to disobey commands from their masters, seductive (both a strength and weakness here), Easily broken.
Bonus Feat: Sex Appeal - Because of how exotic they are, a Saviant can get what he/she wants just by seducing without persuasion.

Orks: Greenskinned Slavers and hunters that tend to think of themselves first and others later. They are all tribes, none of which are organized and will always fight themselves for no reason but sheer combat. They have many slaves, mainly Saviants who didn't escape in time.
Strengths: Thick Hide, Strong Arms
Weaknesses: Slavers, unorganized.

Dwarves: Short people who have a tendency to drink beer and create weapons and armor to sell to whomever. They live in their underground city within the Mountains of Norgoth. Though they live secluded, they are still pretty strong.
Strengths: Good with weapons, strong armor, fight better drunk it seems.
Weaknesses: Anger easily, Easily offended, They sober up once in awhile, their prices are extreme.

Lucres: (Must roll a 1d20 to be this, 18-20 only get 1 roll) Not much is known of the Lucres, it is said they come from beyond the Hiiden Forest, but the Elves have barred all access to there. The Lucres seem to be like the Elves when it comes to aging, but look exactly like Humans.
Strengths: Strong, Fast, hard-hitting, Seductive, excellent swordsmen
Weakness: Few in number, no skill in archery, hated by Alrosians if found out.
Bonus Feat: Hard to Put Down - The Lucres body can take massive amounts of damage and heals itself of the minor wounds, they are immune to weak attacks.

Your magic can only be used a limited time, depending on the spell.

To Cast magic, it is Intelligence + Strength/Perception(Divided by 2)

Here is the Current magic that everyone has and the limits to use them, NOTE: If you use it more than the limit entails, you will suffer from physical injuries as your body sucks life out of you instead of its element.
Fireball: limit of 5 a battle
FlameSword: once a battle

Rock Wall: 3 a battle
Spikes: 2 a battle
Boulders: 1 a battle(since they are quite large)
Golem: 1 a battle

Blind: 5 a battle
Touch: 3 a battle

Raise Undead: 6 a battle (meaning how many you can raise a battle)
Blight: 3 a battle

Blades: 4 a battle (Goes by quickly as you summon multiple blades in the wind at your enemies)
Float: 1 a battle, 5 out of battle
Speed: 3 a battle, 6 out of battle

Healing: 6 a battle (Things do get rough), 10 out of battle (a day)
Bow: 3 a battle

NOTE!!!! As you level up, your able to do the magic more and more until you can do the lower magics unlimitedly, but by then you'll be fighting creatures that are immune to the level ones (except a few)


Primary: These are the main quests that are given by the lords and Ladies of the kingdoms to do in order to gain their trust and help fight in the inevitable war that is to come.

Secondary: These are quests given by shopkeeps, Armorers and Weaponsmiths (More to come) That will give you discounts on their wares in that country.

Personal: These are quests that you yourself must accomplish in order to increase your powers and abilities. No one will know eachother's quests (I'll PM them to the players), as sometimes it may involve doing something to another swordsmen.

Map: (WIP)
Map of Alrosia.png

(Looking for people to do good map XD, will start naming names of towns at later date. Capitals will be named)
A: Where the Swordsmen are at right now.

1. Lucra: The unknown lands, Lucra has been blocked off by the Elves for unknown reasons. No one knows what was held within the country, why the elves blocked it from humans, or what it once was. Most of the stuff is now legends or myths about the country, which may or may not be true.
Capital: Unknown.

2. Orc Lands(South): Once known as the Southern Plains of Lucra, the Orks have slowly, and sneakily, went into it, making a large encampment there that is filled with hundreds, maybe a little more than a thousand orcs.
Capital: Ul-thak Tribe Camp

3. Hiiden Forest: The home of the elves, some call them Wood Elves, but they are the most ancient of people, vowing to protect the forest from poachers and woodsmen, the essence of their powers are bound within the trees, meaning that if they leave the forest, they will lose their strength, very few are able to leave and keep their powers (The swordsmen being one of them)
Capital: Senthig, the City above the trees.

4. Alrosia: The Country of humans and their slaves. They are the largest country, but tend to be weaker in one area or another, they are a smug, racist people and that shows as they, out in the open and in broad daylight, rape the women of other races and beat the men to near death states.
Capital: Otrenyu

5. Ork Lands (East): Once know as Salvia, Home of the Anthromorphs, the Orks had sense taken it over, establishing tribes all over the country. Those that didn't escape became their slaves to be used over and over again until their deaths or until they are useless to them. Those that weren't raped were sold into slavery to the Humans. But they are already planning another attack, and this time Alrosia is to know fear.
Capital: Unknown, as they are all different tribes and tend to fight eachother, the Largest Tribe is the Kul-Wak Tribe.

6. Koriln Mountains: The Dead Lands, Mountains that have nothing growing on them, It is said that an ancient force lives here, the Tundier in the Elven Language, but to others they are known simply as the Demi-Dragons.

7. Norgoth: Home of the Dwarves, these mountains house the largest Underground city on the Continent. Their weapons are strong and their armor is stronger. But no one goes into this city without the permission of its Dwarven Guards.
Capital: Thule-Grak.

Mechanics: Not many mechanics, mostly a 1d10 roll for Persuading, fighting, and reading. That's it.
When fighting humans, you do not have to roll as they are the weakest fighters there are.

Experience and Leveling Up: To increase your Magic and some of your abilities, you will gain experience with each fight and attempts of persuasion. How much? I won't tell you, as I will keep track of all the stats so that you all don't worry about them. And, before anyone says that this may break the game, I already gone over it. Experience is earned if you earned it, if you go looking for fights just to gain experience, then you will lose it instead. After 3 levels, I will submit a list of 5 feats for a person to pick that will differ with each player depending on how they go through the RP.

Secondary Weapons: These are weapons that your character may also carry, which is determined by your race as well.

Daggers: The quick weapon to use, easily hidden anywhere and can slice the vital areas of a person with ease. Used by Saviants.

Swords: The mainstay weapon of the continent, the Sword varies in size and length, but is strong none the less. Claymores are used by Alrosians, Longswords by Lucres.

Axes: The weapon that deals the most damage when brought down on a limb, slices through things like it was nothing. 1-handed axes used by Orcs, 2-handed used by Dwarves.

Bow and Arrows: The mighty bow and arrows used by everyone, but their strength is not within the person, but the materials used to make it. Golgin Bows (The strongest) used by Lucres, Redin Bows (second strongest) used by Elves. and regular Wooden boys used by Alrosians.

Meta-Gaming: Please don't do this. I will have this entire RP set within the forums, so I am trusting that you don't Meta and know what is going on somewhere else when you shouldn't.

Enemy Attributes: These are the main attributes and strengths/skills of the Enemies you'll fight. Note: The order is in from weakest to strongest and does not take into consideration of Wild animals (They all don't have the same attributes, so I'll post them on the fly when they attack) I will post in-game special character's attributes if they are either A)Bosses or B)mixed.

S: 4





More to come, more or less. Hope this is good for now. :D (Man that was alot of work >_<)

Character Sheet:
Name: Garian 'The Demon' Jorell
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Unknown
Appearance: Wears all black, Black boots, pants, shirt, a trench coat, gloves, and a golden cross around his neck. Sky Blue eyes and Short, black hair make up his handsome looks.
Element: Fire
Trait: Strong
Flaw: Sex-Addict
Bio: Unknown

Strength: 8(+3 Strength)
Perception: 7
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 6
Luck: 1

Post Order
1: Hurati
2: Luis
Last edited by That_One_Guy on Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:31 pm, edited 19 times in total.
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The Survivors Referance

Postby Goryokaku » Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:43 pm

The Survivors:

<start transmission> At 10:00 - this morning a meteor hit the in the out skirts of <insert city>, the strike has called untold damage and the world has been watching in anticipation to see if anyone has survived this horrendous disaster.

13:00 – Rescue teams were sent into <insert city>, in attempt to find survivors, at the moment there has been no word from the teams. It seems soldiers have started to erect a barricade around <insert city>.

14:00 – One of the rescue teams has made it back it looks like they have brought survivors with them. The Survivors they… Oh my god what the he…. <end transmission>

Basically this is a survival game, I’ve given you a brief idea of what’s going on with the news reports but this would be the story of your characters survival in a city that has been locked down. It will cover salvaging for food, water and what other useful items you can find, once the game gets into the end of the first day I’ll have a surprise for everyone who plays…

Game Rules:

1) 1 Post per Turn
2) Follow the Turn Order those who don’t will be removed from the game till they learn patience
3) What the GM’s Say is the final ruling no arguing the fact
4) Any OOC comments must remain in the OOC board, if OOC comments make their way to the IC board you will be removed from the game till you understand the difference between In-Character and out of Character
5) Any problem with the rules posted please refer back to rule 3.
6) If there is a roll we haven’t covered that you need, tell us in the OOC and we will work out what you need to roll against.

Game Masters:


Genders: Male +2 Strength / Female +2 Intuition

Health: <Endurance X 3>
Stamina: <Endurance X 5>
Infection Rate: <Start at 0%>

<40 Points to spend on attributes you must have at least 1 point in all attributes>
Strength: 1-10
Perception: 1-10
Endurance: 1-10
Charisma: 1-10
Intelligence: 1-10
Agility: 1-10
Intuition: 1-10

Trait: only 1 trait allowed - Mandatory
Flaw: AS many as you like but at least 1

Inventory: (What you have on you at the time)

Background Story:


Survivor’s rules system:

(All Rolls D10)

Enemies Dodge chance = Agility+d10 for whole mob rolled only once

Player Dodge = Agility + d10

Melee Combat = (Strength + d10) - (Agility + d10)

Ranged combat = (Perception + d10) - (Agility + d10)

Ranged Thrown combat = ((Perception + Strength)/2 +d10) - (Agility + d10)

Damage = the difference of the rolls.
Infection = 1% every time enemy causes damage.

Running Drains 2 Stamina per turn.

Stealth = (Agility + d10) - (Perception + d10) = Your Agility vs Enemy Perception highest roll wins

Salvage Find = (Perception + Intuition)/2 +d10 anything over 14 successful

Salvage Use = (Intelligence + Intuition)/2 +d10 anything over 16 successful

Medicine Use (requires medikit)= Intelligence + d10 = amount healed

Climbing = ((Endurance + Agility)/2 + D10) - (Difficulty + d10)

Climbing the difference is equal to the number of turns needed to climb; difficulty is equal to +1 for every 4 meters. Climbing drain’s 3 stamina, per turn

Swimming = (Endurance + D10) = number of turns you can hold your breath

Health = Endurance X3 (for players)
Stamina = Endurance X6 (Stamina is restored after Sleep)


Jobs Available: Roll 1d10

1 Paramedic (+ 2 to intelligence, +1 to intuition)
2 Cop (Limited – Please pm me and request with a background story for your cop, because of starting equipment) (+ 2 Perception, +1 to endurance) (Start with a 9mm Berretta and 2 clips)
3 Office Clerk / Reporter (+3 to intelligence)
4 Athlete (+1 to endurance, +10 to stamina, + 1 to agility)
5 Fighter (+2 strength, +1 to endurance)
6 Labourer (+10 Health, +20 Stamina, +1 intuition)
7 Actor/Actress (+3 to charisma)
8 Thief (+Sneak Trait, +2 to agility)
9 Jack of all Trades ( +1 to 2 attributes of your choice, +1 to Charisma)
10 Other (May Re-roll or send a pm with a job idea plus +improvement)

Agent (GM’s only, +1 to 3 attributes of your choice)
Extra jobs (Pm me with request plus the stat bonus’s no projectile weapons to be given unless I agree)


Traits: Roll 1 D20

1 Strong: You are pretty strong, you weight lift often and can lift pretty heavy objects, weapons, and even people. +3 strength,
2 Ambidextrous - you're good with one thing in each hand. Double the fun! You can use two pistols, smgs, or even swords!
3 Fast: You ran in track and enjoyed the feeling of speed. After a lot of practice, you can outrun most other people. +3 agility
4 Perceptive: You can see items when most others would have missed them. Your eyes are trained to spot most things. +3 Perception,
5 Endurable: You have trained with your friends and brothers to be stronger. So many hits have made you tougher. +2\3 endurance
6 Persuasive: Your ability to talk your way out of any situation is amazing and you’ve never had a problem out talking your way out of any situation. +4 persuasion
7 Smart: Always spent your time studying and chose to exercise your brain instead of your muscles. +3 Intelligence
8 Gut feeling: You always had a sense when something was wrong, and that sense has never steered you wrong before. +4 Intuition
9 Unnoticeable: You’ve always pretended that you were a ninja and snuck around everywhere. You’ve learned through experience how to blend with your surroundings. +3 to sneak rolls
10 Seductive: Your ability to talk to the opposite sex is astounding and you can probably gain information out of them if need be or take them to bed with you. +2 persuasion when talking to someone of the opposite sex.
11 Courageous: You’ve always dreamed of being a hero and this is your opportunity. When fighting a mob, defending an injured person, or defending a position by yourself, gain +3 to attack and defense rolls.
12 Fencing: You grew up with fencing lessons. The lessons have taught you to move quickly and light on your feet, but you lack the power for a hard hit. +3 agility to attack and defense rolls, -2 strength
13 Talented: you have always been good at doing things that you never learned to do. +2 to two different stats
14 Handyman: When something’s broken, that’s when you shine. If you don’t have it, you can probably make it. +4 to rolls when trying to use salvage to make things.
15 Water lover: You have always felt at home in the water. You swim easily and have learned to hold your breath longer. +2 turns underwater
16 Outdoor junky: You love the outdoors and spent quite a bit of time out in the wilderness. +2 to climbing rolls, +1 turn when underwater
17 First Aid crash course: You loved working to help others. A passion for keeping others healthy is always good to have. +4 to healing rolls
18 Stingy: You have always used everything to it’s maximum usage. It’s easier for you to find useful things. +4 to finding salvage.
19 Immunity: For unexplainable reasons, you cannot be infected by any disease or illness. Even the widespread plague doesn’t affect you. You cannot be infected, not allowed any new traits or stat points, but can still gain health and stamina.
20 Psychic: You don’t believe in the supernatural, mostly because you are a part of it. It’s always been a part of you and you’ve never felt different. +1 intuition, +1 intelligence, (allows use of a psychic ability, confer with GM if this perk is rolled)

Flaws: roll 1 d20

1. Weak: You’re not as strong as any others, your body is frail and unable to lift more than anyone else. -3 to strength.
2. Slow: You’re slower than all others, and even clumsy to the point that you'll trip over your own foot. -3 to agility
3. Short Sighted: You cannot see far ahead in more ways than one. You tend to stay in the present and in the area around you, preferring to keep yourself centered, but unaware. -3 to perception
4. Fragile: You can't take as many hits as others can and can't survive from falls like others. If someone is going to jump, you prefer to be climbing down, when in a fight, you prefer to try and not get hit. -3 to endurance
5. Nervous: You were never a good talker, every time you try; you begin to stutter or lose focus. It has always been unable to really talk with others. It has left you an awkward and socially unstable. -4 to persuasion rolls.
6. Absent-Minded: Trying to read books hurts your head and you can’t read a map to save your life. -3 intelligence
7. Non-believer: You don’t believe in using that ‘6th sense’ You would rather die than admit that it exists. -4 intuition
8 Coward: When alone, you tend to be more afraid to fight than others, you cannot handle groups of enemies and try to run at your first chance to find your friends. -4 to attack rolls when fighting multiple enemies alone.
9 Closed-Minded: Pheh, hocus pocus magic. You absolutely refuse to acknowledge that anything supernatural is even present in the world. You firmly believe that everything can only be proved the facts or science. (Unable to take psychic perk, +2 to Will rolls when being attacked with psionics.)
10. Heavy handed: You lack the finesse to really dodge any blows or hit with any finesse, but you can hit pretty hard. +3 to strength attacks, -2 agility attack.
11 Grounded: You have a fear of heights, despite the efforts of your friends. You can’t go more than 5 feet off the ground without getting extremely nervous. -3 to climbing rolls
12 Dead weight: You can’t swim. You either never learned how or just refused to, you flail in the water and hope you get somewhere. (self explanatory, you can’t swim)
13 Arrogant: You have a firm belief in yourself that you can do anything, and you believe that others should see it your way, even if it’s wrong. -2 on rolls dealing with any person
14 Clueless: You think you are the best at this or at anything (regarding the stat). -3 to any stat (confer with GM
15 Non-creative: You’ve never tried to draw a picture, let alone jury-rig a simple shower. -4 to making things.
16 Big spender: Always used to the high life, the expensive life, with all the best things. You’ve never had to shop for a bargain deal or try to use anything for something it wasn’t intended for. -4 to finding salvage items
17 Noisy: Yeah, you’re not a ninja. You might as well stand in the middle of a football stadium with the lights on you while screaming, you’d probably draw less attention. -3 to stealth rolls
18 Squeamish: You can’t stand the sight of a broken leg, much less any blood. Just thinking about it has you feeling nauseous. -4 to healing
19 Sickly: Growing up, you’ve had almost no immune system, and caught a far too many illnesses growing up. You haven’t grown out of it and it’s unlikely that you will. (When bitten or scratched, double the amount that the infection gives.)
20 couch potato: You never really got into going outside much or into exercising either. -2 agility, -2 strength.
Last edited by Goryokaku on Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:02 pm, edited 4 times in total.
The sex offenders register... I don't even think they should be at school...
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Sins of the Pure Referance

Postby Taria » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:34 pm

The RP
This game is based in the future where mankind as we know it has been erased and all the old signs of its existance have been destroyed by war and time. As technology advance, man found how to create new life, with new possilities, combing the strenghts of both man and beast. Instead of soldiers, anthropomorphic creations were sent to war, slaughtered mercilessly by other similar creatures. Eventually weapons of total destruction were launched, countries caring neither for their enemies nor their soldiers. Now, centuries of time later, those creatures who were once exploited weapons now rule the earth. They survived where government did not, struggling to make lives for themselves. Now they have their own culture, their own villages. And you are one of them. But old wounds still reside. The ancestors of humanity arise from the shadows, calling themselves the Pureblood, the only ones without genetic manipulation. Some want to own us, some want to burn us, but one thing remains, the sins of the pure haunt this world like a ghost, and nothing shall ever be the same again.
P.S. even though this is set in the future, technology has gone back a bit. Don't think of it as a sci-fi space thing, think of it as an average Fantasy game setting.
The Stats
Stats will be mostly used for dice attacking/defending/checking. Your health is enduran time ten (this may be changed if it proves inadequate). All rolling will be done by GMs. The basics of rolling are as follows: Attacking- You roll the number of dice that the number of the stat you are using to attack with is, plus bonuses and penalties. This total is recorded as damage, and will continue to build until a limit is reached, whereupon a significant event will occur. For example, the person you're attacking dying. (note: attacking in a method you do not have "mastery" in, will result in a -1 to your total for every dice you rolled with) Defending- Defense rolls are the same as attack roll, except you subtract 5/6, rounded up, of the total from the damage you receive. Checks- A check is a one time roll. A number goal will be set, you roll with the stat number of dice based on the check, and if the number is met by the total you rolled, you succeed, otherwise you fail.
The Game
The goal of the game mainly depend on what totems (classes) you choose. It's set up to be a survival/fighter/resource management game. You will protect the town, collect resources like food, metal, and wood. You will also be capturing humans... and then have sex with them to produce Anima. Anima is a mysical and mysterious power, that only a few individuals can wield. It is an important goal in the game because if you collect enough, your leaders will discover more about your nature. (which means more skills and stuff, yay!) Note: Getting in over your head usually ends up costing Anima, one way or another.
Turn order/Posting
Any time players leave town they will be placed within groups, and a leader will be chosen by the members of that group. The leader decides where the group goes, and suggests how they spread their skills. Actions taken by each group is seperated into phases. Players will post an action; after all players in a group have acted, a GM will post the consequences, and then the phase is over (Players will be allowed one extra post per phase to do extra RP with another player, but please keep the more post filling RPs to just the town). There are five to ten phases each, and at the pharse marked with End, players should be heading back to town. Once all groups have finished their phases and returned to town, what's known as a tick has been completed. After every tick, a GM will post the resources cached thus far in the game, and possibly some major events that are occuring. If a player becomes inactive too long in the middle of a tick their actions will become controled until they get back to town, they won't rp much, but they will do what is expected of them. Also if there is an encounter (something special involing attack rolling) it will break the phase order and players of that group will post one at a time, followed by GM response, until the encounter is complete. Note: encounters my span over multiple phases. In between ticks, players will eat, gather Anima through captives and RP amognst themselve. The next tick begins when everyone going out has their group ready. (Players may not leave town until the begining of the next tick) GM's will try not to leave in the middle of a tick.
Well, that's the gist of it. Here's some more interesting stuff. :D

Strength- Physical power and the ability to affect objects of great size or density.
Endurance- Ability to withstand damage or continuous strain.
Finesse- Prowess in the utilization of one’s body to either move quickly, stealthily, or carefully.
Charisma- A measure of one’s power of persuasion and ability to communicate.
Allure- Physical attractiveness and the skill at which one may produce pheromones.
Perception- One’s natural awareness or the skill one has at utilizing their senses to gather data.
Intelligence- A measure of one’s ability to think rather than act. Is a defense against seduction.

Description- Winged and light/small. Talons on their feet. Four “arms”: a human-like pair on the foremost side of their body, and bat-like wings on their farthermost. Bat-like ears

S- 4
E- 3
F- 6
C- 5
A- 5
P- 7
I- 5

Bats are the special forces of the Anthro. Though their bodies are known to be weak and feeble, they have honed senses and can easily climb or fly into places other cannot normally reach. They also have specialized sense, able to smell or hear many things others miss.

Description- Medium and light. Cat-like ears. Claws on hands and feet. Slender tail.

S- 5
E- 4
F- 7
C- 6
A- 5
P- 3
I- 5

Jaguars are known for their elegant movements and speed on the battlefield. They are not as tough as other Anthro, and tend to miss things in their fast paced lives. However, they have great finesse are know how to be a clever converser.

Description- Medium all around. Wolf-like ears. Claws on hands and feet. Bushy tail.

S- 7
E- 5
F- 4
C- 3
A- 5
P- 6
I- 5

Wolves are the basic infantry in the Anthro army. They hit hard, and have the focus to pick out an enemy’s weakness. However, unlike their cousins of nature they tend to be lone wolves. They can also be somewhat klutzy.

Description- Large and heavy. Bear-like ears. Large, clawed paws. Thick protective fur.

S- 6
E- 7
F- 3
C- 5
A- 5
P- 4
I- 5

Bears are big and tough. Their bodies and fur protect them through the roughest weather, and their sheer size is enough smash enemies. They are not at all fast or coordinated, sometimes preferring to take things at a slower pace than others. Being so large, they tend to miss the small things in life.

Description- Medium and Heavy. Human upper body. Eight tentacles instead of legs.


Octopi are significantly human looking and strong. Their multiple appendages are quite powerful, and being quite human, any species can find something attractive in their looks. Despite heaving eight legs, they are not all fast, even in water. Having most of their mass below them, their bodies are not quite as sturdy as other species.

Totem of Zealotry
Description- Be a warrior of the Anthro. Defend against invaders and crush enemy forces. Burn our enemies homes to the ground.
Favored stat: Strength
Class Skills
-Armor proficiency
-Threatening (Enemies will naturally engage you before non-threatening targets)
-Charge! (If your first engagement of the encounter is successful, you roll +1 for attack)
-Hand-to-hand mastery
-Topple (Engagement roll. Success: Stuns for one move. Failure: Enemy flees or engages combat as normal.)
-Heavy handed (+2 Str when weaponless)
-One-hand weapon mastery
-Shield proficiency
-Riposte (After incapacitating an enemy, you immediately attack next enemy who is engaged with)
-Dual blades mastery
-Dervish proficiency
-Whirling Dervish (+1 Str in combat if nothing is engaged against you)
-Dagger mastery
-Stealth proficiency
-Underhanded (+1 Str against opponents you are engaged with, but are unengaged against you)
-Spear Mastery
-Entangle (Engagement roll, only effective against medium or small. Success: Incapacitates target. Failure: Enemy flees or engages combat as normal. Can only succeed once per encounter.)
-Crushing tentacles (Target a stunned opponent. If you succeed an agility check, opponent is stunned for another turn and you make an attack. Note: This can be repeatedly until unsuccessful)

Totem of Unity
Description- Be an ambassador of the Anthro. Make peace with other tribes and even persuade them to help us.
Favored stat: Charisma
Class Skills
-Negotiation mastery
-Missionary proficiency
-Leader (Cultures that trust you may agree to follow your lead in order to achieve something favorable)
-Intimidating (+1 Chr against Small or light sized)
-Vocal (Your voice travels, making you great for group speeches.)
-Bastion (Tribes that feel vulnerable will more likely trust your lead)
-Pack mind (+1 Chr against Wolf species)
-Serious (When people start listening to you, they take what you say seriously.)
-Inciter (Tribes that feel angry will more likely trust your lead)
-Sexual (+1 Chr against opposite sex)
-Pleasant (People like to hear you talk, and sometimes will listen just for that reason.)
-Enticing (Tribes that seek better relations with your own will more likely trust your lead)
-Deceitful (+1 to negotiation rolls that involve lying)
-Suspicious (+1 perception against someone who is lying)
-Mercantile (Tribes that seek material gain will more likely trust your lead)
-Disarming (+1 to negotiation rolls against an unfriendly target)
-Peaceful (People tend to underestimate you, and won’t as often attack without being provoked by violence.)
-Arbiter (Devout believes of the Anima will more likely trust your lead)

Totem of Prosperity
Description- Build and gather for the Anthro. Keep or tribe fed and well defended as we rise to glory.
Favored stat: Perception
Class Skills
-Gathering mastery
-Hunting mastery
-Crafting Proficiency
-Repair mastery
-Big job? (+1 to gather rolls based on Str)
-Smash (Make a strength based gather roll against and object you want to push, pummel, or otherwise destroy. *results may vary*)
-Heavy Construction (+1 to repair rolls based on Str)
-Watchdog (+1 to Per when gathering or amongst gatherers)
-Trapping proficiency
-Stalker (+1 Per when hunting)
-Nimble fingers (+1 to gather rolls based on Fin)
-Fast (+1 to hunting rolls based on Fin)
-Trinket finder (+1 to Per check that start item quests)
-Up there? (Can fly or climb towards most all normally out of reach resources)
-Nimble fingers (+1 to gather rolls based on Fin)
-Inventive (1:20 chance to add special effect after crafting an item)
-Multi-tentacled (Can make two gather rolls at once, as long as both targets are fairly near)
-Aquatic (Can gather and hunt underwater)
-Treasure hunter (+1 Per when underwater)

Totem of Savagery
Description- Utilize sexual powers to benefit the Anthro. Reduce weak willed armies to defenseless orgies and feed the Anima with the power of seed magic.
Favored stat: Allure
Class Skills
-Pheromone mastery
-Grappling proficiency
-Sexually perceptive (+1 Per when making rolls to check sexual preferences)
-Immovable (+1 to grapple rolls involving Str)
-Who’s next? (You may make a grappling roll against one other victim during the domination of another)
-Heavy hitter (+1 to domination rolls involving Str)
-Experienced predator (+1 perception when observing prey)
-Silent Killer (make an agility roll to see whether you dispatch a lust crazed target without disturbing others)
-Mating call (After successfully grappling a target for the first time in an encounter, you may howl loudly, giving all allies +2 to their next Domination roll, including yourself)
-Let’s cuddle! (+1 to grapple rolls involving Allure)
-Smooth moves (+1 to domination rolls involving Fin)
-Beckoning (You may call a lust-crazed individual towards you, causing them to follow you tamely until the lust-crazed state wears off)
-Ambush proficiency
-Aphrodisiacal bite (+1 to domination rolls involving Allure)
-Smooth moves (+1 to domination rolls involving Fin)
-Wriggly Tentacles (+1 to grapple rolls involving Fin
-Who’s next? (You may make a grappling roll against one other victim during the domination of another)
-Multi-Domination (Can make domination attempts against one other target that is currently grappled)

Totem of Sanctity
Description- Defend the spirit of Anthro by becoming vessel for the Anima. Bless and shield your allies, or smite the unworthy.
Favored stat: Intelligence
Class Skills
-Disposition proficiency
-(20W)Anima shield (target ally gains +1 defense. Does not stack.)
-(20B) Anima strike (Make an int based attack against enemy, ignores physical defense.)
-(25B)Force push (Enemy is thrown back. Make an int based attack against enemy.)
-(30W) Hale (target ally gains +1 end. Does not stack.)
-(25B) Anima claws (Make an attack based on str + half int)
-(30W) Incite anger (target ally gains +1 str. Does not stack.)
-(40B) Orbs of anger (Make an int based attack against two targets)
-(30W) Feather (target ally gains +1 fin. Does not stack.)
-(30B) Shroud (Make an int check to stun opponent until it receives damage. One target at a time)
-(30W) Intrigue (target ally gains +1 int. Does not stack.)
-(25B) Crack (Make an int base attack against opponent, if the total is higher than 17, opponent receive -1 defence after damage is resolved. Does not stack.)
-(30W) Enchant (target ally gains +1 allure. Does not stack.)
Last edited by Taria on Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:01 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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Proficiencies Page

Postby Taria » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:37 pm

The most common passive defense against physical damage is armor. It will defend you from attack from almost any angle by allowing you to roll as many die its number is in defenses (note: the total number you roll in defense is always halved, rounded up). Every suit of armor has a size and a weight. In order to be able to equip it, the size must match your character’s own size and the weight must be less than or equal to. Armor is provided for you in the beginning; however, better armors must be crafted by PCs later on in the game.

Shields work like armor, except they only protect from attacks made by the engaged opponent, and only if you aren’t stunned.

Allows you to choose to engage two enemies during your engagement move instead of just one. Normal engagement rules apply. If one enemy escapes or is incapacitated, you resume combat like normal with the other enemy, using both weapons. You do not receive the bonuses from both weapons while fighting two enemies in this manner, only one of them. One weapon goes toward one enemy, and the other the other.

Stealth is a combat ability that allows you to remain undetected on the battlefield. In order to stealth, you must be out of engagement, and you must succeed an agility check based on the opposing force’s perception. Using stealth you can select which enemy to engage at your leisure. Though, standing around and doing nothing for too long probably won’t make your friends happy. If you engage an enemy you are out of stealth, and if you manage to kill that enemy quickly you can go back into stealth, with a successful roll, before someone attempts to engage you.

Grappling is the first stage to domination. In order to attempt a grapple you must overwhelm your enemy through lust damage. When attempting grapple you must make a strength, finesse, or allure check, depending on the situation and target (sometimes it is random). Once a target is successfully grappled you will be able to make a domination roll. If the opponent is not overwhelmed then you will have to make another grapple check.

Ambush assists an ally in dominating a target. Simply choose any target that has been successfully grappled and begin making dominance rolls against that target. If your ally fails to make a grapple check, you will then have to make one to continue domination. If successful you gain control of the engagement. Note: Small targets cannot be ambushed, medium targets can only be ambushed by one character at any time, and large targets can be ambushed by up to two characters.

Knowledge of how to set traps to catch prey. Depending on what trap you set on where you put it determines if you catch anything. You start off with basic ones from the village, but players can craft better traps later on

Impress non-aggressive tribes with stories of the Anima. Must already have succeeded in making negotiations to attempt. Checks are based on rolls of charisma, increasing in difficulty the less tribes like us. A successful attempt will cause the tribe to believe in and respect the power Anima.

Create all sort of helpful items and equipment. You may only craft things within the town, and being a time consuming procedure, you may only craft 3 items per tick. Most creatable things are listed in the Armory. Some things may be crafted through an item quest; keep an eye out for rare materials!

Spend a move to summon energy. Disposition is infinite out of encounters, but using a skill counts as an action. Disposition is separated into two types, Black and White. Black is mainly offensive, and White is mainly defensive. To summon disposition, simply announce what type you are focusing on and a roll based on intelligence will be made.
Last edited by Taria on Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:37 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Character Sheet

Postby Taria » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:38 pm

Now accepting character sheets!

Name: (what people will call you)
Totem: pick two
Age: (all races based on human aging)
Description: (do not contradict what’s in the description of your race, and remember characters are capably human in form and function, they stand upright, have opposable thumbs, etc.)

Stats (insert your races base stats and distribute five points of your own)
Part of the moderator team. Lover of roleplay, playing games, and story writing
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Star Wars: Knightfall - Referance

Postby Lady Foxy » Sun Jul 31, 2011 1:59 am

>GUEST: Access Override: ***************************.
>Access Granted. Welcome ****** *****.
>Loading Archives.
>Archives Loaded.
>Search through files?
>USER: Yes.
>Searching. Searching.. Searching…
>File found.
>File corrupted.
>USER: Access Override: ***** ******* *** **.
>File No. 01 Accessed.
>Start File? _______.
>****** *****: Yes.
>Recording starting…
In A Galaxy, Far, Far Away...

Fifteen Thousand Years before the Appearance of Lord Vader, The Republic is at ease with the galaxy at rest. What is secretly thought to be a small myth, is actually a plan to set the galaxy in turmoil again, as the Sith have now prepared to launch the Silent Strike into action. A massive fleet of undetected Sith cruisers have appeared on the orbit of Alderaan, ravaging the entire planet into shreds as it's inhabitants fell down in a couple of hours. The Silent Strike was the Flagship of this invasion, where the biggest threat known to the galaxy rests on it's command room.

Two Days Before the Attack:

Master Borris K'Jaan is settling a diplomatic offer to Alderaan to increase it's commerce with the planets in need that are recovering from the losses of the previous War.

One Day: Before the Attack:

Master Borris K'Jaan succeeds in the diplomatic offer, making Alderaan a very helpful ally to the most needed systems. What is about to happen.. However. Is out of his reach.

The Day Of The Attack:

The skies went dark as smoke filled the air, screams adding a grim sensation to it's surroundings. The Alderaan star fighters are ripped by the Sith fleet, as it's defenses are not even given the chance to fight back. Bombs cripple the mightiest buildings into space dust as they fall from the Sith Cruisers, leaving a trail of blood and screams behind.

Master Borris K'Jaan took his star fighter and fought his way out of the doomed planet, protecting the Council's vessel as he fought back. Alderaan's leaders and politicians on the planet suffered the same fate as their bethren, the vessel falling into dust into the once living planet. K'Jaan glanced back into the horizon, finding only smoke and shattered lives lying in it's place. The red dawn seemed to cover the planet in a dying state, leaving it to slowly die.

Within a week of harshly avoiding the hidden Sith fleet, he arrived in Dantooine, where the new Jedi Enclave was being built. A scream from a padawan brought the attention of the entire place, bringing sorrow to the peaceful men and women that were there.

How to form your Character Sheet: First of all Choose A Class as they are presented in this Order: Jedi, Smuggler/Bounty Hunter, or Republic Officer.
<Rank: (Jedi Padawan, Jedi Knight.) (Ask for Jedi Consular/Jedi Master if interested.)
<Light saber color: (Blue, Green, Purple, Yellow.)
<Techniques: (Choose from the List presented below the Character Sheets.)
<Bio: (Description of your Character.)
2.Smuggler, Bounty Hunter.
<Job: (Bounty Hunter, Smuggler)
<Weapons: (Choose from: DL481 Blaster Repeater, Ter’shaa Rifle, Modified Sniper Rifle, Small Wrist Rockets with grappling hook, Twi’lek Swords, Gamorrean Twin-Axe, Multi-Use Hacking Device.)
(You may choose TWO weapons, but the Small Wrist comes in as a bonus if you choose the Ter’shaa rifle. The Multi-Use Hacking device comes in if you choose the DL481 Blaster Repeater.)
<Bio: (You know.)
3.Republic Officer, Etc.
<Rank: (Republic Officer, Republic Soldier, Republic Spec Ops. Ask for Commander if you are interested.)
<Weapons: (Choose from: Republic Blaster, Republic Rifle, Republic Combat Knife, Republic Sword.)
(You may only choose ONE weapon, but the Republic Combat Knife is included as a bonus.)
<Bio: (The usual. Feel free to write your bio!)
Now before you post your Character Sheet, add these two options in it:
<Aligned to: (Dark Side, Dark Side-Neutral, Neutral, Light Side-Neutral, Light Side
<Perks: (Applies to Bounty Hunters or Smugglers and Republic classes ONLY)
-Ruthless and Cunning: You rather take your target down with a shot and a punch to the face.
-Hacker, Dealer, What else can I be?: Your love for being a kick-ass Smuggler earns you some things from time to time. As well as smart-ass comments.
-It’s a Jedi! Stay away from his saber!: Your knowledge of combat of Jedi and Sith gives you some advantages against them. That is, if you don’t get sliced in two.
-I happen to shoot first: Your abilities at firing guns isn’t just weird, it’s awesome.
-For The Republic!: Your war cry for Freedom rallies your friends for the good of the galaxy.
-And Stay Down!: Instead of continuing your fight against the surrounding enemies, you make sure your current rival is dead. No BONUS weapon, or one weapon of choosing off. Your choice.
-We’re going kick some Republic/Sith/Jedi Ass, Sir!: Your enthusiasm for war is quite known. Just don’t do something stupid please.
<Techniques: (ONLY FOR JEDI: Here are a list of techniques for you Jedi. Or if you’re secretly a half-Sith. Well, you get the message.)
San Shaan: Add a mix of fitness and grace to your combat.
Tsu’Ket: With the flow of the force around you, your saber is the best weapon.
Maro-K’Jaan: Following the teachings of Master Borris K’Jaan, you’ve learned a good technique. Or that’s what they think.
Custom Technique: Your way, your style. Who can blame you?
Natural Skill with the Lightsaber: That’s right.
Sith Style Techniques: You are dark and evil You’re techniques are of the Sith.
<Now add this Seven options to your Character Sheet, Distribute 45 Points between them.):
7.Force:(Only for Force Wielders ^^)
Jedi Master K'Jaan
Jedi Padawan Kraus Mazen, Jedi Padawan Satele
Jedi Master Ramona (Doubtful.)
Dark Lord Azrael
Dark Knight Raven
Dark Apprentice Shal'Kura
Lexas (Currently unknowningly working for the Sith Team)
Last edited by Lady Foxy on Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:18 am, edited 7 times in total.
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''
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Lady Foxy
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Fallout Tactics with rape OOC Referance

Postby thedude9351 » Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:17 am

here's the story you are in a raider group called the waste hounds this rp is set in the fallout universe in Canada the object is to make your band of raiders the most feared/respected powerfull band of raiders around you start off ina cave as your hq and take over town any way you seem fit killing everyone or taking over or keep them in fear and use them to do your bidding in order to not kill every one. As your group becomes more Famous/Infamous you will deal with different gourps of people i intend for this rp to have it all with a large selection of choice
you can rape pillage plunder kidnap whore out murder get addicted to chems and alcohol in any order and seperately or all togeather this applies what players can do to other players or people in the story

Character sheet
age(over 15 under 50)
appearance:what you wear
Bio:what you look like
Backround:how you became who you are

Traits pick one two or none
Heavy handed-your unarmed attacks do more damage but less critical damage
Cleyptomania-you still things without realizing you did witch will lead to some interesting conversations
Animal friend-animals will not attack you only if you attack first people don't like you as much as animals
Gun nut-you sacrafice 10 points from melee weapons and unarmed to add 10 points to your guns and energy weapons
witch button is the safety-you sacrafice 10 points from your guns and your energy weapons to add to your melee and unarmed
The right tools-If you have duct tape with you then +10 to repair if you don't -5

every trait has a max of ten you have 43 points to spend
Strength1-10 (your ability to over power someone rape them intimidate them and things acordingly)
Perception1-10 (your ability to see and know whats around you and your ability to notice the details)
Endurance1-10 (How much you can take on the battlefield and in bed or in public or in a motel room or wherever you wanna do it)
Charisma1-10 (your people skills and seduction skills if you wanna go the nice way about things)
Intelligence1-10 (your general knowledge hacking and repair ability)
Agility1-10 (how fast you move and your ability to escape certain situation like rape or an entire town chasing you)
Luck1-10 (the ability to make the impossible possible and apply to different things in the story)

skills each skill starts at 10 and you tag three of those skills with 15 to start with you gain more points dealing with settlements and random encounters)
Barter(will be used twice as much in the slave trade if your group goes that route )
Energy weapons(Pew Pew)
Explosives(Ka Boom)
Guns(Bang Bang)
Lock Pick(0-24very easy25-50average50-75Hard75-100very hard)
Medicine(ability to heal your self and those around you also see bottom)
Melee weapons(a fate sometimes worse than bullets)
Repair(skill not high enough smack it with a wrench)
Science(hacking0-24very easy25-50average50-75Hard75-100very hard)
Sneak(lets see whats in your pockets)
Speech(helpful if you want to be diplomatic in your travels)
Survival(knowledge of the world around you and how to survive and thrive in it)
Unarmed(punch kick punch again)

------>see here your character wont die he will pass out and be revived once the battle is over unless someone with high enough medicine will save you in time(let me know if you like this idea)
Also there will be perks after the first town is taken

this will be the first rp i gm any tips, questions, comments or suggestions for me or about the rp itself feel free to ask them
i wont get offended i'll get excited
Last edited by thedude9351 on Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:06 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Location: A little town in the middle of nowhere deep in the sunny Californian Desert

W40k: Autumn Soldiers RP Referance

Postby That_One_Guy » Wed Sep 28, 2011 6:52 am

Note: I will be turning this into a story, so what happens in the RP, will happen in the story I am/will be writing.

Plot Summary: The Imperium of Man, spanning thousands of planets, is constantly under siege by the Heretical Forces of Chaos and Xenos that wish to destroy all that we had worked for. Our mighty Emperor sits on the golden throne, his withering body helping our ships move through the warp safely and towards our destinations, our forces, though numbering in the trillions, are spread out all across the galaxy, fighting a battle many deem hopeless. The Imperiums Super-Soldiers, the Astartes, or Space Marines, have dwindled to a very few in
number. It is now our turn.
We, who have been founded by the Emperor himself 10,000 years ago, given the best weapons, armor, ships, and training that only we men of Terra herself can obtain. Trained to be absolute, to be thorough, to never fall back or give into the heretical thoughts that plague our minds. We are the Terran Autumn Soldiers, and, after 10,000 years of inactive duty, not since the Horus Heresy, we are finally being let off our chains and to do battle with our enemies that have plagued the Imperium since The Emperor went onto his Golden Throne...

RP Details:
Summary: The Autumn Soldiers are a strict, disiplined army, they will never fall back, they will keep charging even when wounded, their weapons do more damage than other Guardsmen, but they are still human, and are still prone to cracking under pressure... Especially when you are just a faceless soldier, whose only mission is to die for your Emperor.

Commissars: They are not like the other Commissars, who whip and scream while hiding behind the large mass of guardsmen, they tend to be up front, leading by example, inspiring courage and bravery in all guardsmen, Autumn Soldiers and otherwise.

Emperor: The Emperor is just a man, that is how the AS seen him, as they believe in the Imperial Truth, that there is no supernatural being that looks out for them. It is because of this that those that fight with the AS see them as Heretics, but can not do anything about it, since the Autumn Soldiers only listen to the Custodes, not even the Inquisition can touch them. They are Athiest through and through to the point that they do not worship neither the god-empeor or the Machine-God.


Mark V Lasgun - A more powerful variation of the standard lasgun given to all Guardsmen, this version can puncture armor of a Space Marine, burn through its flesh, and stop just short of melting through to the other side of its armor. Tested during the Horus Heresy, when the Traitorous Legions tried to take the main Autumn Soldiers Fortress in the Hive City of Chicagoa and failed.
Damage: 1d10+5
Range: 100m
Clip Size: 60
Rate of Fire: Single shot or 3-round burst
Reload Time: Half-Turn

Black-Wing Sniper Rifle - a large-caliber sniper that can destroy its target from very long range, created by the first Autumn-Soldier, Inquisitor-Commissar Edgard Trock.
Damage: 2d10+2
Range: 500m
Clip Size: 10
Rate of Fire: Single Shot
Reload Time: 1 full turn

Sacrat Las-Pistol - An Ancient Laser Pistol that does better than the standard Guardsmen laspistol. Able to blast through flesh with one shot, body armor in 3 shots.
Damage 1d10+3
Range: 40m
Rate of Fire: Single shot
Clip size: 30
Reload time: Dice-roll 1d10, 1-4, instant reload, able to fire again, 4-8, half-turn, 9-10, full turn

Solid Projectile Weapons:
Congra Auto-Pistol - Able to fire both Single shot and Automatic, this pistol is a short-range weapon to be reckoned with
Range: 40m
Clip Size: 18
Rate of Fire: Single or Automatic
damage: 1d10+3

Revolver - 6 shots, armor and flesh piercing, deadly, everything that can describe the gun and more
Range: 30m
Clip Size: 6
Rate of Fire: single
Damage: 1d10+6

Shotgun: Point Blank Mass Carnage(Or PBMC for short :P)
Range: 30m
Clip Size: 18
Rate of Fire: Single
damage:1d10+4(6 if point-blank[10m]

Melee Weapons:
Sword: The standard issue blade that NCOs are given, they don't do as much as a power-sword but are still sharp enough to cut through a carapace
Damage: 1d5+strength

Power-Sword: A blade harnessing enough power to allow it to cut through hard steel, given out to those proven worthy of it and commissars
Damage: 1d10+Strength

Bayonet: Standard Issue Guardsmen Bayonet, doubles as a knife, made out of the same materials that the Sword is, so that it is not all useless, and has the added ability to allow a guardsmen to stab his enemy and then shoot it from point blank.
Damage: 1d5+Strength


AS October-Class Chimera - Troop transport with 6 mounted Lasguns on it's side and a single lascannon on its top. can hold up to 12 soldiers in its Troop Compartment and 3 in its main cockpit, requires a driver, a gunner, and a re-loader/radar operator.
Damage: 1d100
Range: 600m
Rate of Fire: Single shot, 3-round burst, Automatic Fire
Reload Time: Full Turn
Move-turn: 40m/70m/100m/200m

AS Syndicate Class Leman Russ Tank - The backbone of all armies, it's the same in the Autumn Soldier Arsenal, and, in the right hands, a very devastating weapon of mass destruction, 4 lascannons on each side and 2 massive LasCannons (Dubbed the Autumn Soldier Mass Cannon) on the top. It wrecks serious havoc on the battlefield against all and, according to one story, it's cannon ripped a Daemons body in half, giving it a demoralizing effect on Traitor Guardsmen.
Damage 2d100+10
Range: 1000m
Rate of Fire: Single Shot
Reload Time: 2 full Turns
Move Turn: 20m/60m/95m/150m

AS Nomad Class Warhound Titan - The first titan to be built with the Autumn Soldiers in mind, taking a good 2,500 years to create. It embodies the Heart and Soul of the Autumn Soldier, with its massive weapons capable of destroying anything and everything in its wake, towering over many others and is just a hundred feet smaller than a Emperor-Class Titan. Has yet to be used and many are still being trained in using it.
Damage: 5d100+100
Rate of Fire: Single
Reload Time: 5 full turns
Move Turn: 10m/40m/80m/120m


Stress: As the Game goes on, you will encounter mass amounts of serious firepower aimed towards you, because of this, you will become more stress as the battle rages and people die around you, here is how things go:
first 20 turns of battle: Follow the stress loss below
20-30 turns: X2 Stress Loss
30-50: X4 Stress Loss
50-Higher: x5 Stress Loss
There will be ways to regain stress both on and off the battlefield, here are the ways:
Off Battlefield -
-Sex (+100%)
-Gambling(Luck plays in this)(Varies on winning from 25% to 100%)
-Sleeping(Depending on Stress, may have nightmares)(+75% if dreaming, +25% If nightmares)
-Training(May or may not increase Strength, Endurance, or Agility)(+10%
On Battlefield -
-Hiding out during a break in combat(+20%)
-Camping behind lines after being relieved(+50%)
-Quick Sex before next fight(Usually meaning Oral, since that is as quick as you can get)(+75%)
-Gambling(Luck plays in this)(Varies between 25% to 100% depending on winning or losing)
What happens if you lose too much stress? Well:
at 150% - Start to hyperventilate
at 100% - Teeth begin grinding against each other
at 75% - Start rambling
at 50% - Scared of Shadows (Fire at anything that moves, including shadows)
at 25% - Freaking out, believe there is no hope, roll a 1d20 outside of battle, if its above your charisma, then you attempt to rape the nearest attractive person to you. If successful, then increase Stress Percentage by 50%.

Armor: Black Overcoat(Or Trench coat) that either keeps the wearer warm or cool depending on weather and planet, black Flak Armor on arms, legs, feet, and body, and black gloves. No armor on head. Each piece has +7 armor.

Character Sheet:


Age:(Conscripts are 18, Guardsmen are 20, Veterans are 30)



Rank: roll 1d10, roll 7-10 and the rank is Guardsmen, 1-6 is Conscript.

Stress:400%(Conscripts suffer 40-WP Stress-loss, Guardsmen suffer 30-WP)

Wounds: S+E+3(how much damage you can take)

Fate: 1d10 (If ya get a bad roll in which you will suffer seriously or didn't win something, you can burn a Fate Point to re-roll. They will come back after each battle zone.

Trait: (Roll 1d10)
1- Ancestor: Related to a Guardsmen that fought in the Horus Heresy, +2 in all stats, and, when rolling for stats, you will have a minimum of 3(Meaning, if you roll under 6, it will automatically be 3.)
2- Lasgun Proficiency: When wielding a lasgun, your Perception increases by 3(New guns on the way, reason for this one)
3- Pilot in Training: With this Trait, you are more likely to become a Pilot starting with small fighters and working up to the large Imperial Battleships, or Vehicles Starting with Chimeras and working up to Titans
4- Tactician: Smarter than the average soldier, Intelligence is up by 3 and have a bigger chance of becoming a ranked officer/adviser, allowing you to stay just behind enemy lines
5- Dual-Wielding: Wield 2 pistols instead of one and suffer no perception hit when using them.
6- Hardened: Your skin is rough and hard, +2 Endurance(adds to Wound)
7- Reformed: Once a Vicious Criminal, you have reformed and joined the AS, Strength is +2, Endurance is +2, and you loss 4 less stress.
8- Commissar's Kid: You were taught at a young age to handle stress, you lose 10 less stress
9- Enhanced: You don't feel pain due to the augments you decided to get in preparation for joining the AS, +2 wounds, natural armor of 3
10- Veteran: You were part of the Planetary Defense Force, fighting back against the Emperors enemies hiding on Terra, Stress loss goes down to 20(not counting the Will Power)

Stats(Roll 1d20, then divide by 2, if you roll a 1, then you'll have a 0.5, so, try not to roll a 1. If you get a .5 at the end of one of the rolls, round up)
Strength: (Ability to lift heavy objects, weapons, etc. As well as punch with the fury of a thousand beat-downs)
Perception: (Ability to shoot accurately and to spot things that others can't.)
Intelligence: (Ability to understand things that people are saying in the heat of combat, understand hand-signals, and to understand different languages)
Endurance: (The ability to withstand much of the damage done to you)
Will-Power: (Affects the amount of Moral and Stress Loss)
Charisma: (Ability to talk to the locals/other soldiers)
Luck: (Affects the other Stats, may add in your luck if you rolled low.)
Agility: (Affects how far you can run in a certain amount of time)
Movement: Ax3/Ax6/Ax10/ax20
(EXAMPLE!!: Got 3 agility, so my Movement would be 9/18/30/60

Appearance:(Your looks outside of battle)



Example Character Sheet(My Character Sheet)

Name: Garian Jorell
Age: 19
Rank: Guardsmen
Wounds: 20
Fate: 5
Trait: Commissar's Kid(10 less Stress loss)

Strength: 10
Perception: 4
Intelligence: 9
Endurance: 7
Will Power: 7
Charisma: 7
Luck: 6
Agility: 7
Movement: 21/42/70/140

Appearance: Short Black Hair, sky-blue eyes, tanned skin, white T-Shirt, the Autumn Soldier black pants, a ring on his right hand with a ruby in it.

Bio: Garian was raised on Terra, in the hive city of Chicagoa, known for being the son of Commissar Duran Jorell, who is part of the 101st Autumn Soldiers, dubbed 'Fighting Bastards of Terra'. Garian strives to be like his father but ultimately failed at becoming a Commissar, he regained his family honor by being able to join the 9th Autumn Soldiers, the best regiment the Guardsmen can make.
Turn Order:
1. Reapergod36
2 Sinkable Moon
3. That_One_Guy
4. Gorbaz
5. Dndman997
8.The Big Lebowski(TheDude)
New Rules :D
1) Perma-Death: If you are unlucky, you can be killed quite quickly and painfully. But if you enjoy the RP, you can make a new character and, since I am nice, I will go through stats with you so that you are on par with the other players, as if your character had been fighting since the first battle

2) On-Battle Rape: The only one I have so far that this would be allowed for is if you are fighting Followers of the Chaos God, Slaanesh, who happens to be the Chaos god of Pleasure. His followers will steal away into camp and capture men and women to be used and turned.

3) Romance: This is the biggest risk-reward factor for anyone. If your guardsmen falls in love with another guardsmen, eliminate Stress Loss altogether AS LONG as you two are near each other. The Risk factor comes into play when one of you dies. If either one dies, the other one will have a major reaction, his stress goes down 200% and has a chance to either commit suicide or go berserk (a roll of 1d10 with evens being Suicide and odds being Berserk).

Autumn Soldier's Doctrine

Rule 1: Do Not Show Fear In Combat - fear leads to making mistakes, and mistakes lead to your death.
Rule 2: Do Not Show Pain In Combat - Pain makes you lose sight on your goal, and leads to accidents that can get you and many others killed
Rule 3: There is no god - The God Emperor is just a man, so is everyone else. Those that worship gods must be taught the errors of their ways, if they worship Chaos Gods, then they must be put down without remorse.
Rule 4: There is Only The Truth - Those that must learn must know, the Imperial Truth is the only way to go. There is no god, only technology. When we stop praying and throw away religion, our Technology will thrive and become stronger.
Rule 5: We are above all others - The Commissariat, the Inquisition, and the Adeptus Astartes do not hold any command over us, We listen to only the Emperor of Mankind and his Loyal Custodes, everyone else is either below or on equal levels to us. Never Bow To Them
Rule 6: Lead By Example - Commissars are in front, the Guardsmen are never retreating, the Tanks are holding ground or pushing forward. Show the other coward Guardsmen of the Cadians or Tallarns how real soldiers do it.
(More to Come)
Last edited by That_One_Guy on Wed Oct 12, 2011 3:13 am, edited 9 times in total.
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The Capital Wasteland Referance

Postby thedude9351 » Thu Oct 27, 2011 11:10 am

Welcome to the Capital Wastelandthis is another fallout rp (couldn't leave well enough alone i know) so you've decided to join up with a mercenary group called Empire merc company. because it's getting decent amount of contracts and it's getting hard living with the supermutants and the brotherhood of steel which has made a fools out of the enclave, but your biggest threat is the talon company who seem to be getting all the good contracts.so it's a constant battle for contracts so Empire is recruiting in hopes to keep a float and mercenary life seems pretty satisfying. Empires base is outside of the Mall so it can take contracts from all over it has even taken contacts in The Pitt and Point Lookout, so now it's time to make a name for yourself (this takes place a year after the event's of fallout 3.(this will work like my previous rp so sex is possible i've also refined the lvl system)

Character sheet
age(over 15 under 50)
appearance:what you wear
Bio:what you look like
Backround:how you became who you are

Traits pick one two or none
Heavy handed-your unarmed attacks do more damage but less critical damage
Cleyptomania-you still things without realizing you did witch will lead to some interesting conversations
Animal friend-animals will not attack you only if you attack first people don't like you as much as animals
Gun nut-you sacrafice 10 points from melee weapons and unarmed to add 10 points to your guns and energy weapons
witch button is the safety-you sacrafice 10 points from your guns and your energy weapons to add to your melee and unarmed
The right tools-If you have duct tape with you then +10 to repair if you don't -5

every trait has a max of ten you have 43 points to spend
Strength1-10 (your ability to over power someone rape them intimidate them and things acordingly)
Perception1-10 (your ability to see and know whats around you and your ability to notice the details)
Endurance1-10 (How much you can take on the battlefield and in bed or in public or in a motel room or wherever you wanna do it)
Charisma1-10 (your people skills and seduction skills if you wanna go the nice way about things)
Intelligence1-10 (your general knowledge hacking and repair ability)
Agility1-10 (how fast you move and your ability to escape certain situation like rape or an entire town chasing you)
Luck1-10 (the ability to make the impossible possible and apply to different things in the story)

skills each skill starts at 10 and you tag three of those skills with 15 to start with you gain more points dealing with settlements and random encounters)
Barter(will be used twice as much in the slave trade if your group goes that route )
Energy weapons(Pew Pew)
Explosives(Ka Boom)
Guns(Bang Bang)
Lock Pick(0-24very easy25-50average50-75Hard75-100very hard)
Medicine(ability to heal your self and those around you also see bottom)
Melee weapons(a fate sometimes worse than bullets)
Repair(skill not high enough smack it with a wrench)
Science(hacking0-24very easy25-50average50-75Hard75-100very hard)
Sneak(lets see whats in your pockets)
Speech(helpful if you want to be diplomatic in your travels)
Survival(knowledge of the world around you and how to survive and thrive in it)
Unarmed(punch kick punch again)

------>see here your character wont die he will pass out and be revived once the battle is over unless someone with high enough medicine will save you in time(let me know if you like this idea)
Also there will be perks after the first town is taken

i'm gm any tips, questions, comments or suggestions for me or about the rp itself feel free to ask them
i wont get offended i'll get excited
The Dude abides
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Desperate Succubi Thread Referance

Postby BlueLight » Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:17 pm


banana Wrote:Game Premise

In a gloomy fortress atop a rugged obsidian hill in a less appealing corner of one of the many little backwater planes that sprinkle the Abyss, rules Gargamel, a demon lord most unhappy with his inferior real estate. Frustration at his low station combined with a limited intellect to make him even more irresponsible a leader than usual, such that when the group of concubines he had drawn from the harem one night failed to bring him to climax, he flew into a rage and immediately banished them to the Gray Waste, so that they would never speak of his limpness to anyone in his plane.

The Gray Waste is a seemingly endless expanse of barren jagged rock under a perpetually dim sky, and it acts as a gravitational backbone to which all other abyssal planes adhere. Despite its omnipresence, it is completely devoid of resources, and is considered inhospitable even by demon standards. Only undead creatures populate its valleys and plateaus, with demons only going there as armies on their way to attacking neighbouring planes.

Everybody knows that succubi love to fuck, but a little known fact is that if they go for too long without fucking, lust begins to consume them; they can't concentrate, and their powers diminish as a result. And while some of the undead inhabitants of the Gray Waste do indeed have working cocks, there's a price to be paid for fucking an undead creature, in the form of a type of corruption that weakens the life force of the unlucky recipient of any gooey undead wad. Simply put, if you let the zombies fuck you, you get weaker, and if you do it too much, you die. Gargamel held this as an ideal punishment for misbehaving concubines, exiling them to a world where the only men they can ever fuck are poisonous to them.

But, it's not all doom and gloom for our succubus heroines. They will soon discover that the particular section of the Gray Waste they just happened to warp into, is actually quite full of living demons who one would think have no business there. Out there, a mystery is waiting to be unraveled, and some dicks are waiting to be taken care of. So basically, the game is about fighting various types of undead, seducing/negotiating with various types of demons, and exploring the reason why there's so much activity here in the wasteland.

Succubus rules:

- You can capture living males by fucking them, and then you can use them as minions in battle
- You can use your powers of seduction to make your enemies try to rape you instead of killing you
- You can fly with a pair of bat wings on your back
- You can fight with claws, or with simple unarmed combat techniques
- You can try to summon lesser demons to help you in a pinch, but this takes a lot of energy and doesn't always work
- You can adjust your snatch to fit a range of dick sizes, but you still have trouble with any that are horse-sized or bigger
- Succubi come as varied as humans. Some are tall and busty, others are short and cute. All that's required is that you're hot.
- You, and all other demons, are resistant to fire, diseases, extreme heat, and extreme cold. So you don't have to worry about burning up if you step into a jet of flame, or freezing to death at night.
- Electric shocks still hurt demons, so you might see a lot of weapons enchanted with electricity.
- Undead resist damage from electricity, heat, and cold, but contact with fire hurts them, so you might also see flaming weapons for the purpose of killing undies.
- Every undead that fucks you causes a point of corruption, which reduces your ability to fight and control minions. Corruption will naturally go away by one point every 24 hours, but if you accumulate too much of it at once, you'll die. The limit is based on your power level, which starts at 6, but goes up as the game progresses.
- Your fighting ability can also be reduced by fatigue, and by lust buildup. So you need to sleep from time to time, and fuck something from time to time.

This is the second thread of a RP started by banana and i've just kidnapped it.
Original thread can be found here
Last edited by BlueLight on Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:28 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Desperate Succubi

Postby BlueLight » Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:17 pm

Capturing Minions:

To capture a minion, you have to do is be within a few feet of him when he orgasms, to establish control. Demons more powerful than you will get a chance to resist this control, though, and lesser minions might also break the spell if forced to act against their nature. Essentially, the control is based on disabling the minion's reasoning capabilities, so he believes anything you tell him, as though he were hypnotized. But if you contradict yourself or otherwise cause him to need to engage the reasoning centre of his brain, he might clue in that he's being controlled, and the spell will break. So when capturing a minion, you need to establish a narrative that you want him to believe, and then stick to it, reinforcing his beliefs verbally when needed. If not broken, the control wears off after 24 hours, but you can refresh it by bringing your minion to orgasm again before it wears off - he'll be happy to remain in your service if he's getting some regularly! Undead creatures can't be captured. Females can be captured, but they have a higher chance to break your control if they're not lesbian. Where your minion collecting will get interesting is in the use of unique skills that each type of demon has, which can be used to counter the threats posed by certain types of undead. For example, some undead are invisible, but if you capture a hell hound or werewolf minion, he can sniff them out for you and fight them off. Some undead can fly, but you can capture flying demons as minions to fight them off while you fly across chasms and the like. Furthermore, minions whose natures are opposed to each other are likely to use that conflict to break your control, unless you split them up between players. So it's not just gotta catch em all, but gotta catch the right ones for the job.


Naturally, you're evil. But I have my own alignment system that influences how your lust builds up and goes away. It generalizes what you want when you fuck, so every time you get what you want, you satisfy your lust, and when you get the opposite, your lust continues to increase as you feel unsatisfied by the encounter. Further, it can have an effect on your control of minions, cementing your control of minion types who complement your alignment, and allowing incongruous types a chance to break free. My alignments work a bit like D&D, using two axes: Dominant vs. Submissive, and Physical vs. Emotional.

Physical Dom: You like to torture and hurt people
Balanced Dom: You just like controlling people
Emotional Dom: You like to humiliate people and break their egos
Physical Plain: You prefer wild porn-star sex in many positions with many partners
Plain Old Girl: You're not picky about what you want, or you're into everything
Emotional Plain: You prefer intimate actions, such as kissing and cuddling
Physical Sub: You like being tortured, spanked, etc
Balanced Sub: You just want to please the people you respect
Emotional Sub: You like being humiliated and used

Power Level:

You have a "level", like in many RPGs. Your level will increase as you progress the plot. Whenever you level up, you can select one of four skills to boost by 1:

Fighting - your ability to kill monsters, and not get killed
Athletics - your ability to run, fly, climb, etc. Used for escaping battles or chasing down fleeing enemies.
Intelligence - your ability to convince other demons to talk instead of fight
Will - your ability to capture minions and direct their actions

When using any of these skills, you'll be comparing (Level + Skill - Fatigue - Lust - Corruption) vs the appropriate skill of the enemy. This means:

Fighting is resolved by: (Level + Fight - Fatigue - Lust - Corruption) vs (Enemy Fight)
Escaping or chasing an enemy: (Level + Athletics - Fatigue - Lust - Corruption) vs (Enemy Athletics)
Negotiating with an enemy: (Level + Intelligence - Fatigue - Lust - Corruption) vs (Enemy Intelligence)
Capturing a minion: (Level + Will - Fatigue - Lust - Corruption) vs (Enemy Will)

Fatigue is a measure of how tired you are. Exerting yourself in combat, or in casting spells will cause this to increase from zero, and you can reduce it by resting.
Lust is a measure of how pressing your need to fuck is. It slowly increases as time passes, and goes away when your needs are satisfied.
Corruption is an effect of getting raped by undead, and it goes away slowly over time. If it ever equals your Level, you die and turn into an undead creature.


Compare (Level + Fight - Fatigue - Lust - Corruption) vs (Enemy Fight)
If your number beats the enemy's Fight by 3 or more, you quickly beat up the enemy.
If your number beats the enemy by 1 or 2, you struggle in battle for a while, and eventually you beat up the enemy, unless he tries to escape, or another enemy helps him.
If your numbers are the same, you struggle in battle for a while, and then can choose to either exert yourself to overcome the enemy, or you can try to run away. Exerting yourself increases your Fatigue by 1. If you do neither, then you lose the fight, unless one of your allies or minions helps you.
If the enemy's Fight beats your number by 1 or 2, you struggle in battle for a while, and then lose, unless you try to escape first, or one of your allies or minions helps you.
If the enemy's Fight beats your number by 3 or more, he quickly KOs you, and then either kills you or rapes you depending on his mood, unless one of your allies or minions stops him.

If two people gang up on the same enemy, merge the Fight checks of the attackers into a single value, by taking an average, then add a +2 bonus. With three attackers, add a +4 bonus to the average.
With more than three attackers, there is no extra bonus.
If the merged Fight check is the highest, the enemy loses.
If the enemy's fight check is still higher, he knocks everyone away and can pick one individual to strike 1 on 1.


Compare (Level + Athletics - Fatigue - Lust - Corruption) vs (Enemy Athletics)

If you're trying to escape, and you beat the enemy's number, you break free and fly away.
Otherwise, you can't escape.
If the enemy is trying to escape, and he beats your number, he breaks free and starts running or flying away.
Otherwise, he can't escape.


Compare (Level + Intelligence - Fatigue - Lust - Corruption) vs (Enemy Intelligence)

If you encounter a sentient creature, you can try to negotiate with it instead of fighting. During negotiation, you can take one of the following approaches:

Posturing - try to act tough and scare him away or bully him for items or services ( such as agreeing to fight for you, or eat your pussy or whatever )
Diplomatic - try to part on good terms
Teasing - try to trick him into giving you an advantage
Playful - try to get him to fuck peacefully, giving you control of what happens

If your number beats the enemy by 3 or more, you get the best result
If you beat him by 1 or 2, you get the good result
If you tie, or are lower by 1 or 2, you get the not so good result
If you're lower by 3 or more, you get the very bad result

Possible results are:
- Best: He agrees to give you items to leave him alone, or if he has no items he agrees to serve you for a short time
- Good: He backs off
- Not Good: He gets pissed off and fights you
- Very Bad: He makes demands back at you. You become too scared to fight, so you can either give into his demands, or run away
- Best: He gives you useful information
- Good: He goes away
- Not Good: Sensing weakness, he threatens to fight you unless you give him items or services. If you refuse, he fights you.
- Very Bad: He just fights you, the jerk
- Best: He puts himself in a vulnerable position, giving you +2 to your Fight check against him if you decide to attack him, or +2 to your escape check if you fly away. He may also give you something, expecting it back (one born every minute).
- Good: He lets his guard down momentarily, giving you +1 to your Fight check if you attack him, or +1 to your escape check if you decide to take off.
- Not Good: He sees through your ruse and decides to fight you to put you in your place. He'll probably rape you if he wins.
- Very Bad: He suddenly attacks when you're not ready, giving him +1 to his Fight check against you.
- Best: He fucks you however you want it
- Good: He fucks you, but tries to maintain a dominant position
- Not Good: He attacks you, trying to rape you
- Very Bad: He's having none of it, and fights you, just to rough you up and show you who's boss

Creatures that can't speak will not negotiate, and will always either attack or run away.


When you make a monster cum, who isn't undead, compare (Level + Will - Fatigue - Lust - Corruption) vs (Enemy Will)
Female monsters get +5 to their check to resist being captured by you, and vice versa.

If you win by 3 or more, the enemy becomes a loyal minion, believing anything you say and doing anything you say.
If you win by 1 or 2, the enemy thinks he's in love with you, acts on his own to help and protect you, but breaks free if told to act against his nature.
If you equal the enemy's check, he believes you to be one of his friends, and will fights your enemies. But he breaks free if you act inconsistently with who he thinks you are.
If you lose by 1 or 2, the enemy believes that you've hired him to fight for you (and already paid... with sex). He breaks free if faced with a stronger enemy, or if anyone points out to him that you're a succubus, or calls him "minion". He believes himself to already be free of mind, not realizing your subtle control is guiding him to your ends. Anything that puts doubt in his mind will break your control.
If you lose by 3 or more, you fail to capture him. He thanks you for the hot sex, and wanders off.

Undead creatures can never be captured.


Fatigue has 5 states:
- Fine (0): You're full of energy
- Winded (1): You need a few minutes to catch your breath
- Tired (2): You need to rest for a couple hours and let your body recover
- Exhausted (3): You need sleep badly, like right now
- Out like a light: You're down for the count

When you finish fighting a battle or finish fucking someone, you become Winded, so you take a -1 penalty to all your checks from then on.
While Winded, you can rest for a few minutes to return to the Fine state, removing the penalty.
Any of the following actions will put you into the Tired state, giving you a -2 penalty to all checks:
- Exerting yourself to win a close fight
- Trying to summon a demon
- Being chased a long way, running or flying
- Being raped in a rough or violent manner
Being Tired lasts until you rest for two hours, then you go back to being Fine.
If any of the above things happen while you're already tired, you become Exhausted, taking a -3 penalty on all your checks.
Being Exhausted lasts until you get a full night's sleep, then you go back to being Fine. Or you wake up Tired, if you didn't get enough sleep.
If you're Exhausted and any of the above actions happen, you pass out unconscious after it's over, and wake up Tired after four hours.


Lust has 5 states:
- Fine (0): What a beautiful morning, don't you think?
- Antsy (1): It's been a while, and the juices are flowing
- Horny (2): You're in serious need of dick
- Desperate (3): You're ready to jump on just about anyone's cock
- Mindless: You no longer have control over your body

Go a full day without action, and you'll become Antsy, taking a -1 penalty to your checks because it's hard to concentrate.
Go a week without any fun, and you'll become Horny, taking a -2 penalty to your checks. Your hands and knees are starting to shake, and your vision blurs sometimes.
Go another week without being satisfied, and you become Desperate. Thoughts of sex fill your mind all the time, even during a battle, and you take a -3 penalty to all checks.
Go a third week, and you fall into a hypnotic state where you mindlessly try to fuck the first creature you see. It might be one of your allies, or even an undead creature. You don't care anymore at this point - you can't fight or do anything else until you've been satisfied.

To be satisfied, you need encounters that roughly match your alignment (within one step). So if you're a Physical Dom, you need to beat someone, or at least control someone's junk (as a Balanced Dom), or fuck in some way (as a Physical Vanilla). If you're an Emotional Vanilla, you can be satisfied by being intimate with someone, as per Emotional Vanilla, or by humiliating someone (as an Emotional Dom), or by being humiliated (as an Emotional Sub), or by just having normal sex (as a Plain Plain). Other activities just don't seem to cut it. So you'll find that if you're a Submissive, it should be easy to satisfy your lust by finding monsters to rape you, while if you're Dominant, you can satisfy your lust by abusing your minions. You can also try to satisfy your lust with the help of the other players, but they may not be into the same kinks as you are, so you might have to bargain to get what you want, depending on the urgency of your lust at the time.

That said, if you're Antsy, masturbation can take care of the problem and put you back to the Fine state for the rest of the day. But if you go for a week doing just that, you'll end up Horny anyways.
While Horny, masturbation only reduces your state to Antsy, and only for the next 8 hours.
Likewise, you become Desperate after two weeks of using just your fingers, and while Desperate, masturbation only reduces you to Horny, and only for the next 3 hours.
Sex that satisfies your alignment within one step will reset the clock.
Sex that does not satisfy your alignment within one step will do nothing for you.


If any undead creature fucks you, you gain a point of corruption. Corruption accumulates with each zombie fuck, causing a penalty on all your checks equal to your corruption value.
If your corruption equals your power level, you die and come back as a zombie, influenced by whatever creature corrupted you most, or corrupted you last.
Corruption decreases by 1 point every 24 hours after the last time you were corrupted, as your demon soul works to expel the outside influence like one's immune system destroys an infection.

Denizens of the Abyss

The following undead creatures are common to the Gray Waste:
- Vargouille: Flying head with wings and tentacles. It panics you with a horrible shriek (Will check or be stunned, automatically losing Fight checks, for a few seconds), and then tries to attach to your face, where it will tentacle-fuck your throat for a while and then lay eggs in your stomach. The eggs will later hatch into large maggots that will crawl up your throat and out your mouth. It's very painful and very gross.
- Choker: Little gray critter the size of a chimp, with really long rubbery arms. It hides in shadowy holes and crags, camouflaged to be almost invisible as long as it doesn't move. When you pass by, it lashes out and grabs your neck, and starts choking you. If it grabs you like that, it gets a +2 bonus to its Fight check against you. It will choke you until you pass out, and then rape you while you're unconscious. It's best to have a dog handy to sniff these critters out if you need to go anywhere with a lot of tight spaces and shadowy corners.
- Bodak: Man-sized, like zombies, but they don't rot. Their skin is smooth and gray, like a choker, and they have human-sized wangs. They make horrible shrieking noises like the vargouilles, but they're much better in a fight. They just wander the wasteland aimlessly, looking for something to rape.
- Gargoyle: They range in size from 3' tall to 7' tall, have bat wings, claws, and tough skin. They're hard to fight, and hard to escape, since they can fly after you. Their cocks are as hard as stone, and every bit as uncomfortable. Their only weakness is that they turn into statues whenever a very bright light shines on them, equivalent in intensity to daytime. But the Gray Waste is too dim for that to ever happen, unless you bring your own light source.
- Shade: They're like men, but surrounded by unnatural darkness. They have one foot in another dimension, making them visible, but not completely there, not fully interacting with objects and not fully blocking line of sight. Physical weapons can't hurt them, and they're impossible to spot in dark areas. Only when they enter lit up areas, can you see them coming. If one touches you, it draws you into its dimension, leaving all of your clothes and equipment behind to fall to the ground while the shade wrestles with you and tries to rape you. The only way to beat a shade is either to fight it unarmed on its own turf, or to shine a bright light on it. Shades react to bright light as though being hit by water, and so they'll be physically pushed out of areas of bright light, and they'll move slowly and be weakened in areas of dim light. But in areas of total darkness, they're very powerful and dangerous. So the point is, stay in the light if you think one is around! Corruption caused by shade-rape has a side effect of dimming your vision and making you sensitive to bright light, as each point of corruption draws you a little bit deeper into the shade's dimension.
- Vampire: One of the few intelligent undead creatures, a vampire can disguise himself to look like other humanoid demons, to trick you into fucking him. They're very powerful too, so it's best just to stay away from them unless you have an army of minions to back you up. They also like to snack from your neck when they fuck you, but there's no in-game penalty for losing blood like that - just the awkwardness of having to wear turtleneck sweaters for a while.
- Death Knight: Extremely powerful undead creature, and intelligent too, but very rare. He's a huge armored figure riding a zombie horse. Any opponent he deems unworthy he gives to his horse to rape. Best to just run away...

The following types of demons are known to you:
- Tormented: Fresh souls (relatively speaking - they died within the last 100 years or so). They look like the human bodies they used to inhabit, but they're always freaking out from some kind of unseen pain as they run around randomly. They can talk, but they're always way too strung out to listen. Because they haven't grown demon bodies yet, they're easy to cut down with a swipe of one's claws. Then you can watch them wriggle on the ground in pieces as they slowly come back together.
- Dretch: A short ugly creature with big claws, a big mouth, and a big fat gut. It's the weakest of the demons, aside from the tormented, easily beaten, and easy to summon. They're cowardly, too, easy to bully around with threats.
- Hellhound: A big black dog, somewhat like a German Shepherd, but it has red eyes and breathes fire. It's good at sniffing out hidden enemies.
- Goatman: A goat shaped like a man, or a man with the face and hooves of a goat. They hang out in clans and try to beat more powerful demons using greater numbers.
- Toad: A big fat toad, about 6 feet tall, and just as wide. He can't fight too well at close range, but can spit big balls of sticky goo over long distances, like a catapult. If the goo hits you, you'll be stuck to the ground for a good hour, unable to defend yourself until it dissolves. Toads can talk, but they normally don't let you get close enough to negotiate unless they have minions to protect them, or unless you sneak up on them.
- Succubus: That's you. They can fly, they can claw at their enemies, and they can manipulate the minds of those they fuck.
- Imp: The ones from DooM, that would throw fireballs at you but go down easy with a shotgun blast.
- Wolfbeast: A big 8 foot tall werewolf. Toe to toe, they'll shred you to bits in a hurry. They also have a keen sense of smell for finding hidden enemies. They can't talk, but they're not stupid either.
- Bebilith: A giant 12 foot tall spider-like thing that eats demons. It can't talk, it's just a bug. It doesn't want to rape you, only to eat you.
- Vrock: A big nasty vulture-like demon with a big nasty knobby cock, and also intelligent. It flies, it destroys cities, it does whatever it wants with relatively frail succubi like you.
- Overlord: Ten foot tall red dudes with wings. You wouldn't stand a chance going up against one of them, that's why you served as concubines to one of the weakest among them.
- Mecha-Hitler: Hitler in a mecha suit. Gatling guns and rocket launchers. You've never actually seen him, of course, but the stories are widespread.
- Rofl Mao: A deranged spirit that sends you into fits of uncontrollable laughter while causing your body to rapidly starve to death.

A subset of the Abyssal planes have been occupied by a fascist empire of demons calling themselves the Hell Knights. The planes they occupy, nine in total, have been nicknamed the Nine Hells (originally the Seven Hells, each one named for a different Deadly Sin, but then they annexed two more and that broke the theme). They seem like they mean to conquer the entire Abyss one day, but most demon lords don't really pay attention to them, knowing that the empire's forces are currently far too small to invade anywhere without stretching their borders impossibly thin. However, their scouts might be found wandering the Gray Waste here and there. The types of Hell Knights are:
- Homunculus: Little flying reptilian monster the size of a cat. It's like a little dragon. The empire uses them to locate enemies. They're pretty easy to take in a fight, but if one ever does manage to knock you out, they love dipping their tails in demon punani.
- Hell Minion: Imps, upgraded with some fancy armor, more powerful green fireballs, and trained for war.
- Hell Knight: Big armored dudes with swords
- Infernal Baron: Bigger armored dudes with bigger swords. And maybe tentacles? Someone said they saw tentacles once.
- and it goes on like this
This is the second thread of a RP started by banana and i've just kidnapped it.
Last edited by BlueLight on Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Desperate Succubi

Postby BlueLight » Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:18 pm

Character Creation

You're Level is 6. Your Fighting, Athletics, Intelligence, and Will scores are all zero. You're effectively inexperienced at everything when you start the game, and will need to improve your skills as you go.
You each start off equipped with a leather collar, and that's it. Gargamel didn't feel like banishing you with any of your other belongings attached.
What makes you different from each other?

Tell me what your succubus looks like (or link/attach a picture)
Tell me what her alignment is
Tell me about her personality
Maybe she grew out of a very slutty mortal soul; tell me about that
Or maybe she was born in the Abyss; tell me how she grew up

Then figure out the relationships between each player character. You all fucked the same overlord, sometimes at the same time, so how did you get along with each other? Friends? Rivals? Stuck together like comrades? Or always fighting and making drama?

BlueLight Wrote:Name: Julvia
LvL: 6
Fighting: 0
Athletics: 0
Intelligence: 0
Will: 0

leather collar.

What makes you different from each other: Her strange habits of desiring magic looking items... oh pointy hat. *STATUS BONUS*

Body description:

Petite body, long red hair reaching to her heels, pinkish red eyes because all demons need red eyes and i don't want red, B size cups, light skin.
Alignment: Emotional Plain (Emotional crybaby!)
Personality: Prankster, Scheming and loyal. (I can see tons of ways this could go wrong for everyone around me and lets not forget revenge)
Origins: She was a student of a highly known college for the magically gifted and one night(Okay more than one) she and her friends were playing a game of Tim-ar-thin-mak-zak-um and it's kinda wizards spin the bottle. Anyways you got wizard messing around with spells, do i need to tell you what happened?

Character name : few words on Juvia of said character : UserName
Ally 1 Me : Myself : I
Ally 2 Ra'dis Cupidi : Tease bag *shiny eyes* :Inflectrum
Ally 3 Angela Renault : slutty slut slut :Oroboros1337
Ally 4 Elza : Meanie: MiscChaos

Inflectrum Wrote:Stats
Level: 6
Fighting: 0
Athletics: 0
Intelligence: 0
Will: 0

Leather collar

Name: Ra'dis Cupidi
What makes you different from each other? She is obsessed with animals, not in a bestiality kind of way (But she isn't afraid not to), but as in a love of cute kittens kind of way. The only one thing she likes more then animals is sex.

Tell me what your succubus looks like: She is quite tall, at about 5 foot 11, a sexy hourglass figure with D cup breasts. She has long, dark brown hair, which goes down to the top shoulders, and light but slightly tanned skin. She blood red eyes, like all of the other demons.
Tell me what her alignment is: Physical Sub
Tell me about her personality: She was born in the abyss, as a pureblood demon. She has quite a bubbly, friendly personality and is always willing to help a friend in need. She hates making enemies, and prefers to talk things out, or fuck things out. However, if push comes to shove, she is always willing to fight, but she tries to avoid it most of the time. When she speaks, she has a tinge of a French accent.
She Maintains a good relationship with Juvia, despite her constant pranks, but she is usually open and friendly to her.
She enjoys the compay of Andrea, they are good friends (with benefits) and enjoys her tips on how to please gargamel.
Ra'dis knows Elza more then any of the other of the succubi, because they would spend most of thier time together pleasing Gargamel with S&M shows
When she was with Gargamel, it was either alone, or with Re'vera for some BDSM or with Elza for shows. But there is no relationship between Re'vara and herself, even though she tries to start a conversation, Re'vara usually keeps her mouth shut.

Oroboros1337 Wrote:Angela Renault, level 6 Succubus

Fighting 0
Athletics 0
Intelligence 0
Will 0

Alignment : Physical Plain
Fatigue : Fine (0)
Lust : Fine (0)
Corruption : 0

Leather Collar

Raven haired, green eyed, shapely as all hell with wings and tail of black leather that match the colour of her hair.
Andrea Portrait Shot.jpg

(NSFW) http://cdn-w.glamourtryouts.com/mpromo/ ... le_010.jpg

Angela is incredibly self confident when it comes to her own sense of worth and her entitlement. There is nothing in this world, or any other, she doesn't deserve to have. She tends to get annoyed when people ignore or dismiss her, and loves it when people lavish attention on her. She finds life as a succubus very much to her liking. She's eternally youthful, people love giving her gifts, and there is no shortage of people paying attention to her.

Angela used to be a college student back in her mortal life. She was a student of the occult and a bit of a geek, loving moving amongst social circles where every guy at the anime convention, D&D game, or sci fi movie premier would be able to measure how fast they went from zero to boner when she walked into the room. It all worked very nicely until she one day decided to lead a pack of her admirers down to a bar for some drinks. While there, another woman showed up with long flowing red hair, a shapely body to die for, and a wicked smile. She managed to lure away her admirers, and seemed to take great joy in leaving Angela at the bar all alone. Angela was furious, and try as she might, she was unable to lure them back for nearly a week. They all just talked about how great the redhead was, for unknown to them all, they had fallen under the spell of another succubus. Angela did her research though, finding a tome describing the demons in all their power and detail. What she found there was power, as well as a method for getting that power. She underwent a ritual to become a succubus herself. It worked, and she not only managed to recover her lost herd of geeky ducklings, but ended up swimming into wider circles, maintaining networks of up to fifty mortals at any time. Though it was impossible to keep them all under her power, it was amazing how far they'd go for her anyhow just to maybe get another chance to sleep with her...

This all came to an end when one of the other geeks, attempting to impress her, conjured the attention of Gargamel. Gargamel recognized a free range succubus and immedately recruited her. Even as a low ranking demon lord, he was still a fuck beyond mortal ken and when he told Angela to come with him, she obeyed. As one of his favoured concubines, it's no surprise she was in his bed when he got angry and threw everyone out. She blames it on the succubus between her thighs eating her out, keeping her distracted from pleasing Gargamel. If she were on him at that time, he'd surely have been satisfied.

Angela doesn't dislike Juvia so much as she does look down on her a bit. She doesn't understand the woman's facination with props, it is people that are important. Her insistance on intimacy with her partners also confounds Angela, who always had too many partners to bother to get to know them. Andrea always enjoyed playing with Ra'dis as the succubus would let Andrea play at managing her, either guiding her on how to pleasure Gargamel, or enjoying playing with the girl while she 'offered' her to some of her pets. Angela has always been pleased that Elza has remained a bit of an outsider, as it means she hasn't had to go head to head with the dominant woman. While Angela expects her place in the sun, she isn't eager to fight for it, and she might have to fight for it more if Elza made a play. She's way happier to let bygones be bygones. Angela mostly just doesn't think about Re'vera at all. The woman stays out of her way and Angela is fine with that. She's amused by the antics of Juvia, Elza, and Re'vera, regarding them like an amusing mid day TV show, and is glad they keep the three busy and out of the way between Angela and Gargamel.

MiscChaos Wrote:Name: Elza
Lvl 6
Fighting: 0
Athletics: 0
Intelligence: 0
Will: 0
Alignment: Physical Dom
Stuff: Leather Collar

Description: She has light blue hair that goes down to the bottom of her shoulders but is usually kept in a ponytail, red eyes, coffee color complexion, C-cups, 5'9''

Personality: She is cool and calculating to a fault, even to the point of changing her personality outwardly in order to get her desired results. But behind that bubbly personality she may be sporting for you, she's thinking about how best to use you, how long you'll be useful, and just what to do with you after you stop being useful or at the very least entertaining. Despite her high intellect, it's the basest, most violent things that get her off. She loves to dominate, to break, to stretch someone beyond their limits, sometimes literally, and if they happen to die... well at least they died ensuring Elza would orgasm tonight. With this kind of kink, she was rarely used by Gargamel unless he wanted to get off on someone being broken or destroyed. As such, she wasn't in the room when Gargamel flipped out and she has no freakin' idea why she's in Gray Waste. One of the other succubi better be able to tell her.

Origins: Imagine one of those librarians you see in your high school library. The hot one. The one you'd spend the better part of a day fantasizing about. Now imagine that same librarian kidnapped you and would do horrible, painful things -usually involving leather, a whip, and/or your poor, virgin anus- to you while she masturbated over you and took pictures. Then imagine she dumped you in front of your house and threatened to release the pictures, without her in them obviously, to all your friends, that boy/girl you liked, and every last member of family you have if you so much as thought of squealing on her. That was Elza when she was human. Eventually, she made her way through the desirable boys and girls in the school for the year and after a number of years, getting hornier and hornier as time went by, became a succubus to do much the same thing on a much grander scale. As they're wont to do, the law caught up to her after a couple of her toys decided they'd much rather face humiliation than let her get away. At that point, it was either sell herself to Gargamel, of whom she found a spell to summon the image of, or go behind bars for a very long time. She decided Gargamel's lot was a lot more fun than she could have in a jailhouse.
Elza knows passingly of Angela, but since they both have pretty dominate personalities, they didn't really work together unless Gargamel wanted someone torn to the ground. So she respects Angela's ability to almost literally fuck someone into submission, but doesn't know much about her.
Elza has been the butt of more than a few of Juvia's pranks, but she was a high school librarian so it doesn't bother her so much as remind her of the good ol' days. Good ol' days she'd like to relive with Juvia if at all possible.
As Ra'dis is a Physical Sub, she and Elza were actually paired together more often than not if Gargamel wanted an S&M show. That makes Ra'dis one of Elza's favorites, if only by virtue of knowing the most about her. Her personality type can wear on Elza's nerves occasionally though.
Elza positively adores Re'vera as Re'vera was always around, always submissive, always a good sport. Well, unless Juvia was involved. Elza has slight suspicion about Re'vera since she knows that not all subs are truly subs, but her suspicion is nowhere near enough to outweigh her adoration. Re'vera is deeply in her good books.

Reapergod36 Wrote:Name: Re'vera
Lvl 6
Fighting: 0
Athletics: 0
Intelligence: 0
Will: 0
Alignment: Emotional Sub, (Secretly Emotional Dom)
Posture: Playful
Stuff: Leather Collar

She has a foot fetish and it goes both ways. (female)

Somewhat large feet, and she has a tail like a whip. Green eyes, and mid C breasts. Around 6.2ft tall

She never really showed much of her personality to her fellow succubi. She would usually hold her tongue, because Elza or Gargamel had a use for it. Mainly Elza.....

She grew up in the Abyss, always someone to be feared. But her fellow sisters, never found out about that. As she always was very sneaky. No self respecting demon would approach her unless given permission. But now she would have to change that.....

Then figure out the relationships between each player character. You all fucked the same overlord, sometimes at the same time, so how did you get along with each other? Friends? Rivals? Stuck together like comrades? Or always fighting and making drama?

She was prominently Elza's bitch. Always obedient, and acting very weak. In turn she always fantasized if Elza would let her lick her feet, but never got the chance. She always behaved, and did as Elza or Gargamel said. She would often get in trouble with Juvia. Mainly because she would never take the pranks in good humor. But then she would often run to play the part of Elza's bitch as she hid at her legs. Elza protecting her.... She tried to avoid being around Andrea, but not physically. She finds Andrea to be a bit too loose for her tastes.. No telling what she might have. (Undead Corruption lol) Ra'dis to Re'vera, was nothing more than competition. But when she did try to talk to her, she would give her a smirk but not much else. Well a bit of fluids, but that was only Gargamel's or Elza's wish...

Fawkes Wrote:Emilia

Level 6
Fight: 0
Athletics: 0
Intelligence: 0
Will: 0

Equipment: Light silver chain colour.

Appearance: Kind of short at five-foot three, she has shoulder-length golden blonde hair, snow-white skin and blue doe-eyes that combine to give an impression of pure innocence. She's got D-cup tits and a slightly smaller ass, giving her a sexy hourglass figure, as well as a pair of huge white wings she uses to cover herself.

Pic: (without wings) Image

Alignment: Plain sub, leaning towards emotional. Although she can certainly get off on being beaten and raped, what really makes her wet and horny is being humiliated, dominated and demeaned.

Personality: She's extremely shy and modest, always trying to at least hide her tits and pussy with her wings if she's got nothing to wear. On the other hand, she's a complete sub, and she's meek enough to listen to anyone who starts ordering her around, as well as getting off on being controlled and humiliated.

Background: In her human life, Emilia was a member of a nominally virgin sisterhood of priestesses to the god of virtue. Unfortunately, she was really not up to the task of staying in her pants her entire life and ended up fucking half the "celibate" order of knights ordered to protect them. Eventually she was captured by a group of bandits in the wilderness, who kept her around as their personal cumdump for years before they killed her.

When she arrived in hell, her slutty life pretty much locked her in as a succubus, but the shame she felt over her life meant she was an odd one, with an extreme sense of shame and modesty (when she wasn't horny anyway). The demon-lord who owned her enjoyed using this and her submissive tendencies to humiliate her over and over again, until one day he simply got bored and tossed her out.

Fetishes: Being publicly humiliated and dominated, especially painfully; being utterly owned by someone and being marked to show it.

Hates: Anal, having her sluttiness being talked about and laughed at.

Projected Relationships:

Juvia: Irradiating Prankster
Ra'dis Cupidi: Looked down on for being so wanton and slutty (yeah, Emilia's a bit of a hypocrite)
Angela Renault: No idea
Elza: Terrified of and submissive to
Re'vera: Again, no idea.
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Ulanor Tales of the Marked Ones Referance

Postby RavenLord » Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:07 am

Before i start i want to tell you this. İ am completely using a new setting and my main goal here is to encourage your characters learn more about lore ingame so i will give you very limited info. You need to learn more by talking to NPC's, listening to gossips etc. Because of this go for a balanced group. Putting that aside Marks can add some unwanted features to your character. Dont worry i wont turn them into grosteque monstrosities but the main idea here is the more you use your mark the you turn into the creature whose mark you use. So if you want to avoid this and keep your character humanity intact dont use marks too much, otherwise use the heck out of them.

Ehairion is the name of the continent you character will start the game. İts based on egypt mythology. Each of your characters will come from a pocket plane where arcane beings followers are reborn after they die. You characters will be son or daughter of these people meaning they wont be dead but in the mean time they wont know much about Ulanor.

Mark of the Anubite: Good close combat fighters and moderate spells(mostly close combat.) Good all round. Bonusses to diplomacy, penalty to bluff. Also +3 to str,
Starts with ability: howl(Simply reduces the combat effectivness and moral of enemy. At later levels can cause them to outright panic.)

Aspect of Anubis +1 willpower Will gain mostly close combat abilities, limited spells. Physical damange oriented.
Starts with ability iron will( greatly increases resistance against fear and mind control effects, stun etc. also +1 damange to attacks.)
Aspect of Nasus +1 spellpower Can learn most spells. Magic oriented. Limited abilities.
Starts with spell slow time ( Gives you chance to make two attacks in one round also adds greatly to your dodge roll. Lasts 1 one round.)

Mark of the Scarab: Great endurance and good close combat, weak spells. Can sacrifice his close combat for a stronger spell tree. Penalties for bluff, diplomacy with races other than Voxillians. Bonus for intimidate. Can fly at higher levels. + 3 cons,
Starts with ability Toughen (Boosts armour of the character for one round by +3)

Aspect of Anub-arak +1 strength Nearly no spells. The ones you get will be very weak. Strong close combat. Can take tremendous amount of punishment. No spells.
Starts with ability Crushing strike ( +5 damage to your current attack.)
Aspect of Qiraj +1 spellpower Strong spells weak physical combat abilities. Can take large amounts of punishment though somewhat more frail then Aspect of Anub-arak. Spells are mostly for utility thought there are some good spells.
Starts with spell Swarm ( blinds enemy and inflicts 1 damage for each round sustained. Sustained spells.)

Mark of the Serpent: Excellent at spellcasting.Can excel in healing or dark arts. Agile. Bonusses for bluff, diplomacy, seduction. +3 charisma,
Starts with ability acid bolt:(inflicts 5 damage to target and lowers its armour point by 1. Continues to inflict 1 damage for next 5 turns.)

Aspect of Dark mistress +1 spellpower. Excels in dark magic. Can learn necromancy spell and black spells. Good utility and damage.
Starts with spell Pain (İnflicts pain on target. İf target fails his will check he feels immense pain and immobilized. Sustained spell.)
Aspect of Light priestess +1 spellpower. Excels in holy magic. Can learn healing spells and great utility spells. Effective against undead. Somewhat low damage.
Starts with spell Healing prayer (Heals target for 8 points of damage)

Mark of the Feline: Great close combat. Very agile. Can sacrifice close combat for a good spell tree, otherwise cant learn spells. Bonusses to seduction, inspire. +3 dexterity,

Aspect of Sekmeth + 1 strength Close combat oriented. cant learn spells. Excellent at physical combat. Espcially 1 vs 1.
Starts with ability Fury strikes ( When used you can attack two times in a round.)
Aspect of Bastet +1 spellpower Excels in holy magic. Can learn healing spells and great utility spells. Effective against undead. Somewhat low damage.
Starts with spell Healing prayer (Heals target for 8 points of damage)
Aspect of Leona +1 strength. +3 to accuracy rolls. Able in close combat but excellent at Ranged combat. Can learn utility spells and have some good abilities.
Starts with ability blazing shot (enchances your next ranged attack. İt will inflict fire damage and will take a +5 bonus)

Mark of the Phoenix: Best elemental spells. Can learn black arts. Low endurance. moderate close combat. Bonusses to diplomacy, seduction(for females) and intimidate. Can fly at high levels (Earlier than mark of scarab and more profficent.) +3 spellpower
Starts with ignite ( inflicts 3 damage on a target and continues to inflict 1 damage per round for next 6 rounds.)

Aspect of Fuegan +1 willpower. Can learn elemental spells (Primal.) Excellent damage and some utility.
Starts with spell Flame blast ( inflicts 12 damage and knockdown on target.)
Aspect of Maugan Ra +1 charisma Can learn necromancy and black arts. Great crowd control and good damage.
Starts with Shadow bolt (inflicts 7 damage and blinds target for 3 rounds.)

These marks basically lets user use the power of an arcane being. Using Marks greatly enchance you. But at the start of the game your ability to use Marks will be limited. As you continue using Marks you will get more attuned to it. Letting you use Marks longer, and giving you access to stronger spells but when you use Marks the power you channel starts to change your characters body. At first its not something visible but if as game goes on characters body will show features of the arcane being (they cant be ereased.) and after some point it permenantly transforms player into a anubis, voxillian, phoenian, lamia or a felinoid depending on mark. Also to make this clear Marks make you stronger and using them gives you great advantages but dont expect all changes that effects your character to be pleasant. So its a choice more than a balance system. You can decide to transform into an arcane being or you decide that your humanity is more precious and rely on your marks only in dire situations. But i warn you that i will make you use your marks so you will at least gain one or two inhuman features.

After the marks system comes aspect system. Each mark has 2 aspects of its own thus even the players of the same mark can fill different roles.

As you play the game i will encourage you to learn more about the world. At start what you know will be limited so you will also need to gather information. Also the acts you do will have consequences. And as game progresses i wont chain you to a main plot and will give you freedom, meaning; expect to compelete the mission keeper of time gave you before getting to higher levels.

Also there are two kind of levels levels. First one is your standard level. Gain experience, level up, new traits etc. Other one is your Mark level and to improve it you need to use your marks. More you use your marks faster you improve your mark levels.

Tecnology is equal to old times meaning, no gunpowder but sword and spears will be common though there will be some magical tech.

For deciding stats remember you have 5 base points for them and 9 points to distrubute as you wish. After that apply the bonuses you get and you are done.

-Gifted with magic: +2 spellpower.
-Seductress: You are more talented at using your charms and beauty and you enjoy toying with others. . +6 to seduction attempts.
-Silver tongue: You have been always good with words and its easier for you to convince others. +3 to diplomacy, bluff, gather info, etc.
-Strong willed: You were always been more determined compared to others. +3 to willpower
-Giant: You are bigger than a normal human, Much bigger. +2 str, +2 cons (Also cant be smaller than 2.15 cm) -3 to dodge rolls.
-Nimble: Your reflexes and hand-eye coordinations is exceptional. +2 dexterity

Pick only one trait at the start.

Character sheet:
Age:( can vary from 15-23)

Strength: (Char physical strength. Also used for intimidate roll. Effects your close combat attacks. )
Constitution: (You characters vitality. Determines your chars hitpoints.
Dexterity: (Speed and reflexes of your char.
Spellpower: (You chars affinity for spells. Higher spellpower means stronger spells. Also gives you acces to higher level spells.)
Charisma: (Your chars ability to inspire, convince or seduce others...)
Willpower: (Your characters determination. Resistance against seduction, fear and etc. )



Mark level:(starts from 1)
Normal level:(starts from 1)



Starting equipment choices:
-Spell book, empty glass bottles, a scarf, a backpack, a leather robe, choose between focus gauntlet or staff blade.
-Backpack, leather armour, a scarf, a shot sword, choose between a bow and quiver of arrows(35 arrows) or a crossblade (a bommerang like thrown weapon made from metal)
-Backpack, chainmail shirt, shoulderguard, a scarf, choose between two handed mace, two handed greatsword, two handed axe, sword and shield, axe and shield, mace and shield.
-Backpack, a scarf, leather armour, choose between 2 shortsword, 2 handaxes, handaxe and a shortword.
-Spellbook, a silk robe, a silk scarf, a backpack, a magic staff, and a medallion.
Last edited by RavenLord on Mon Jan 16, 2012 6:48 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Legend of the Seven Swords Referance

Postby That_One_Guy » Thu Nov 17, 2011 2:20 am

I am recreating Seven Swords, so I expect people who will be active, and we will start outside of the city after everyone has met (Just remember that Garian was imprisoned for attacking Guards and has no memory. I have also lost the map (my computer crashed) so I will explain the directions, I guess.)

Map of Alrosia.png

Synapse: In the land of Alrosia, many battles have been won and lost, civilizations rose and fell, and the world had gone from light to dark, until a group of swordsmen, wielding the elements themselves within them, rose up and defeated those that darkened the world, bringing peace to the land. Now the darkness has returned and the swordsmen must reunite and fight back before the darkness overtakes them all once more.

How it starts: 2-4 swordsmen have already met and they must find the others whom have been seperated, I will roll for turn order basically and chose the first 2-4 (not sure yet) to be the traveling ones. To find the others you must either have a high perception, roll high for perception, or be a seer.

Character Sheet

Attributes: (40 points, put them into each skill. Luck starts at -1)

Strength: (Hand-To-Hand and melee, also how much you can pick up and/or carry)

Perception: (Your ability to see things that others do not as well as your ability with ranged weapons)

Endurance: (The amount of Damage you can Resist as well as your strength against poisons)

Charisma: (Your ability to talk to people and persuade people to either see things your way or join you)

Intelligence: (Strength of your magic, the ability to understand text and lores and ability to see past lies [No rolls])

Agility: (Your ability to dodge attacks, run past obstacles, jump and survive long falls, etc)

Luck: (Governs the other abilities as well as helps you in gambling, add this to your other attributes when doing tests)

Fire: The most offensive Magic one can achieve, its powers tend to eliminate anything in its path with the most destructive force possible, weak against water. Garian
Wind: A mixture of offensive and support. It can conjure up blades of wind, stop arrows in its track, as well as help people reach higher areas, stop people from falling, and creating lightning. Weak against Earth. Mizuki
Water: A Mixture of offensive and defensive, able to conjure up mighty spikes of ice while also forming walls of both water and ice, able to create the Water Golem at high level. Weak against WindClaire
Earth: The all around, go-to magic. It has offensive, defensive, and support magic, It can create walls, spears, and a golem out of rock, Not really strong, but not really weak either. Kiwi
Light: Support Magic, heals the wounded, revives the dead, kills the undead, and purges the darkness in souls. It can blind those that use Dark Magic.Mikami
Dark: Dark Magic that is both Offensive and Support, it is able to conjure up the 4 Material Elements (Fire, Wind, Earth, Water) But weaker than them. What it is strong at is corrupting souls, destroying minds, and breaking wills. Serena
Death: Necromancy, able to cheat death numerous times but all at a cost, can raise the dead as zombies and decay the land around him to strengthen his magic at the cost of destroying the fertility of the land. Upon death, may roll to see if he can become a Lich, a leader of the undead. Luis

Traits and Flaws: Roll a 1d20 to see what Trait and Flaw your character recieves, only one person gets each trait and flaw, making that person unique to the others. Only one roll, if you roll the same number for flaw as you did trait, reroll for flaws. (I.E. If you roll a 1 for both trait and flaw, reroll for flaw)

Traits: (roll a 1d20 to find which feat you get, first 7 are attribute feats that will help if you roll on them, the rest are a mixture of attributes, but not as strong and the highest ones are the best you may or may not get)

1.Strong: You are stronger than any of the other swordsmen, able to lift boulders over your head with ease +3 to strength in combat and skill tests requiring strength are automatically completed if your doing it.

2.Fast: You run faster than any others, your a blur to the eyes of all and are only seen when you want them to see you. +3 to Agility and skill tests requiring Agility are automatically completed if your doing it.

3.Perceptive: You can see hidden objects that no others can see and your arrows always ring true. +3 to Perception and skill tests requiring perception are automatically completed.

4.Endurable: You have suffered the worst of weathers, the mightiest of hits, and the deadliest of storms. +3 to Endurance and skill tests requiring Endurance are automatically completed.

5.Persuasive: Your ability to talk your way out of any situation is amazing and can be seen as a powerful tool when needed. +3 to Persuasion ^

6.Smart: Your ability to harness the powers of your element as well as understand lore is groundbreaking. +3 Intelligence, you automatically gain level 2 magic and will automatically complete History tests

7. Lucky: You are a rabbits foot to the group, you find things that can help in the quest at hand, you win just about every hand in gambling, and you somehow wake up with a woman in your bed. +3 to luck, win easy money in gambling, but don't overdo it!

8. Alchemist: Your knowledge of potions and its ingredients are limitless. +3 Intelligence when making potions and drugs.

9.Swords-Mage: You have studied your life in learning your element and can just about destroy anyone with its powers. +2 Intelligence in combat, gain level 2 magic.

10. Unnoticeable: First your there, then your not. Your a shadow that is never seen for too long unless the person looks long enough or your stupid enough to hide in bright light. +4 Agility (Acts as Stealth) When in darkness or sneaking)

11.Seductive: Your ability to talk to the opposite sex is astounding and you can probably gain information out of them if need be or take them to bed with you. +2 persuasion when talking to someone of the opposite sex.

12. Couragous: When protecting the weak, alone, or the only injured swordsmen left against multiple enemies or one strong enemy, you show your true strength and virtue against them. +3 Strength when fighting multiple enemies or one really strong enemy alone.

13. Drug Resistant: Your body has created a immunity to drugs of all types, from sex drugs to painkillers. If taken, drugs are less effective to the point that they are useless on you. (Good and bad)

14. Heavy-Hitter: Just because you have a sword, doesn't mean you like to use it. Your fists of fury show no remorse. +2 strength when using your fists.

15. Lore-Master: You studied hard and learned the past, the legends, the myths, the lore. +4 Intelligence towards History Tests and auto-complete Lore Tests.

16. Swordsman: Your blade rings true and will slice through any and everyone. +4 Strength, but 0 level magic. (Unable to use magic)
17. Finesse: As Agile as a elf, without the lack of strength, your able to dodge arrows with ease and deal quicker damage, but you lack the strong arm. +3 Agility when dodging and attack -2 to strength for same reasons.

18. Seer: You can see the past, the present, and the future, you are able to pin-point where the other Swordsmen are, what they are up to, able to see the unaltered future, items that you will need and why. +4 Perception when looking for something/someone. WARNING! Use this ability too much will put you in a Seer's Shroud, which will make you temp. blind for a set amount of time. (Relevant)

19. Talented: You are good at doing two things at a time that the others cannot do. +2 to two attributes of your choice.
20. Immortal: You have lived knowing that you cannot die from anyone or anything. You bear the scars of your fights all over your body from where you were hit. Cannot die, will fall Unconscious instead, if decapitated, must roll 1d10 until you get a 10 to be able to revive.

1. Weak: Your not as strong as any others, your body is frail and unable to lift more than anyone else. -4 to strength.

2. Slow: Your slower than all others, and even clumsy to the point that you'll trip over your own foot. -4 to agility unless you got Fast Trait

3. Short Sighted: You cannot see far ahead in more ways than one. You tend to stay in the present and in the area around you, prefering to keep yourself centered, but unaware. -4 to perception
4. Fragile: You can't take as many hits as others can and can't survive from falls like others. If someone is going to jump, you prefer to be on their backs, when in a fight, you prefer to try and not get hit. -4 to endurance

5. Nervous: You were never a good talker, every time you try, you begin to stutter or lose focus. It has gone to the point of amazement that no one has tried to murder you for the stupid things you accidentally say -4 to endurance.

6. Absent-Minded: Trying to read books hurts your head and lores are nothing but scribbles to you, your magic is weaker than others and suffer -4 to Intelligence.

7. Unlucky: You tend to make the wrong bets, stand in the wrong places, and piss off the wrong people -4 to Luck.
8. Sex Addict: You have an unctrollable lust, a heat that never seems to go away, only dull. But when you finally get it, you find yourself at the top of your game. +3 Persuasion and Strength after sex, -3 Intelligence and Charisma if you go too long without it.

9. Failure: You have tried to harness the power of your magic at a young age and, because you failed, the magic flared out of you, taking refuge deep inside your body. -2 Intelligence and level 0 Magic.

10. Always seen: You try to be as stealthy as a ninja, but your as noisy as a one legged bear trying to get honey with metal all over him. -3 to Agility when trying for stealth.

11. Virgin: You have managed to keep away from the men that tend to destroy the pure, but it makes you the biggest target. +2 Intelligence, -3 to Charisma in persuasion attempts and both men and monsters will try to take you.
12. Coward: When alone, you tend to be more afraid to fight than others, you cannot handle groups of enemies and try to run at your first chance to find your friends. -4 to Strength when fighting multiple enemies alone.

13. Drug Addict: You have taken too much of a certain drug and have become addicted to it, you need to take it every few hours or you suffer from withdrawal. -4 to intelligence when on withdrawal.

14. Soft-punch: Your fists are as weak as cloth, you might as well stick with weapons. -3 to strength when unarmed.

15. Lazy: You are told to scribe things, but you don't feel like it, your told to find something, but its a hard task, your told to run a mile and you lay there, -5 intelligence.

16. Mage: Your lack of strength is made up for with the strength of the mind. +4 Intelligence and Level 3 Magic, but start with 0 Strength.

17. Ol' One Two: You lack the finesse to dodge arrows and slice quickly, but what you gain is that strength of hand to slice and kill anyone near instantly. +3 Strength when attacking, -2 Agility when dodging.

18. Blind: You cannot really see the world around you, it is a black abyss that you venture through. The only way your able to see it is by chanelling your magic through your body and into your blind eyes, allowing you to see the the outlines of your surroundings. 0 Perception, channeling Magic gives you 5 Perception, but no magic to use.

19. Rage: You suffer from extreme amounts of anger and tend to beat and kill anyone, male and female, who pisses you off. -5 Intelligence but +5 Strength when pissed off (roll 1d10 and anything above 8 is pissed mode)

20. Rapist: You are what everyone talks about at night, that person that rapes not only the other races but his/her own people as well, taking pride in your abilities and strength. +4 Strength and Agility against the opposite sex and no one is able to break out of your rape-grapple, must roll a 1d20 (higher than 18) to rape the other swordsmen.

Races: (What each race has to offer as enemies, allies, and what the swordsmen must deal with, Race Bonus if you pick them as well)

Alrosians: The Humans, most of them are racists, believing themselves to be superior than all, they are the largest race and own most of the land, they are so smug and self-concious that they named their country after the continent, Alrosia.
Strengths: Largest Race, many trade goods and good weapons/armor.
Weaknesses: Weak soldiers (No need to roll for swordsmen), rapists, racists, cruel-hearted.
Bonus Feat: One of Many - Your one of them, a human who happens to be the best of the best, you gain 25% Discount on all items, weapons, and armor in any store in Alrosia.

Elves: They live in Hiiden Forest, on the Western Border of Alrosia, they aren't the best when it comes to hand-to-hand, but they are the best archers and spellcasters the world has known.
Strengths: Excellent bows, Beautiful bodies, fast.
Weaknesses: Fragile, weak swordsmen skills, unable to break from rape-grapples.
Bonus Feat: two for one - Unlike the other swordsmen, the elves carry two swords that act as one, allowing for double the attack.

Saviants: Anthromorphs(furries) that once lived in a country called Salvia on the Eastern border of Alrosia, but the Orks had invaded and the Saviants were forced to retreat to Alrosia, where they were to become sex-slaves and servants.
Strengths: enhanced senses, seductive, strong hand-to-hand due to claws.
Weaknesses: Unable to disobey commands from their masters, seductive (both a strength and weakness here), Easily broken.
Bonus Feat: Sex Appeal - Because of how exotic they are, a Saviant can get what he/she wants just by seducing without persuasion.

Orks: Greenskinned Slavers and hunters that tend to think of themselves first and others later. They are all tribes, none of which are organized and will always fight themselves for no reason but sheer combat. They have many slaves, mainly Saviants who didn't escape in time.
Strengths: Thick Hide, Strong Arms
Weaknesses: Slavers, unorganized.

Dwarves: Short people who have a tendency to drink beer and create weapons and armor to sell to whomever. They live in their underground city within the Mountains of Norgoth. Though they live secluded, they are still pretty strong.
Strengths: Good with weapons, strong armor, fight better drunk it seems.
Weaknesses: Anger easily, Easily offended, They sober up once in awhile, their prices are extreme.

Lucres: (Must roll a 1d20 to be this, 18-20 only get 1 roll) Not much is known of the Lucres, it is said they come from beyond the Hiiden Forest, but the Elves have barred all access to there. The Lucres seem to be like the Elves when it comes to aging, but look exactly like Humans.
Strengths: Strong, Fast, hard-hitting, Seductive, excellent swordsmen
Weakness: Few in number, no skill in archery, hated by Alrosians if found out.
Bonus Feat: Hard to Put Down - The Lucres body can take massive amounts of damage and heals itself of the minor wounds, they are immune to weak attacks.

Your magic can only be used a limited time, depending on the spell.

To Cast magic, it is Intelligence + Strength/Perception(Divided by 2)

Here is the Current magic that everyone has and the limits to use them, NOTE: If you use it more than the limit entails, you will suffer from physical injuries as your body sucks life out of you instead of its element.
Fireball: limit of 5 a battle
FlameSword: once a battle

Rock Wall: 3 a battle
Spikes: 2 a battle
Boulders: 1 a battle(since they are quite large)
Golem: 1 a battle

Blind: 5 a battle
Touch: 3 a battle

Raise Undead: 6 a battle (meaning how many you can raise a battle)
Blight: 3 a battle

Blades: 4 a battle (Goes by quickly as you summon multiple blades in the wind at your enemies)
Float: 1 a battle, 5 out of battle
Speed: 3 a battle, 6 out of battle

Healing: 6 a battle (Things do get rough), 10 out of battle (a day)
Bow: 3 a battle

NOTE!!!! As you level up, your able to do the magic more and more until you can do the lower magics unlimitedly, but by then you'll be fighting creatures that are immune to the level ones (except a few)


Primary: These are the main quests that are given by the lords and Ladies of the kingdoms to do in order to gain their trust and help fight in the inevitable war that is to come.

Secondary: These are quests given by shopkeeps, Armorers and Weaponsmiths (More to come) That will give you discounts on their wares in that country.

Personal: These are quests that you yourself must accomplish in order to increase your powers and abilities. No one will know eachother's quests (I'll PM them to the players), as sometimes it may involve doing something to another swordsmen.

(Looking for people to do good map XD, will start naming names of towns at later date. Capitals will be named)
A: Where the Swordsmen are at right now.

1. Lucra: The unknown lands, Lucra has been blocked off by the Elves for unknown reasons. No one knows what was held within the country, why the elves blocked it from humans, or what it once was. Most of the stuff is now legends or myths about the country, which may or may not be true.
Capital: Unknown.

2. Orc Lands(South): Once known as the Southern Plains of Lucra, the Orks have slowly, and sneakily, went into it, making a large encampment there that is filled with hundreds, maybe a little more than a thousand orcs.
Capital: Ul-thak Tribe Camp

3. Hiiden Forest(west, between Lucra and Alrosia): The home of the elves, some call them Wood Elves, but they are the most ancient of people, vowing to protect the forest from poachers and woodsmen, the essence of their powers are bound within the trees, meaning that if they leave the forest, they will lose their strength, very few are able to leave and keep their powers (The swordsmen being one of them)
Capital: Senthig, the City above the trees.

4. Alrosia(center): The Country of humans and their slaves. They are the largest country, but tend to be weaker in one area or another, they are a smug, racist people and that shows as they, out in the open and in broad daylight, rape the women of other races and beat the men to near death states.
Capital: Otrenyu

5. Ork Lands (East): Once know as Salvia, Home of the Anthromorphs, the Orks had sense taken it over, establishing tribes all over the country. Those that didn't escape became their slaves to be used over and over again until their deaths or until they are useless to them. Those that weren't raped were sold into slavery to the Humans. But they are already planning another attack, and this time Alrosia is to know fear.
Capital: Unknown, as they are all different tribes and tend to fight eachother, the Largest Tribe is the Kul-Wak Tribe.

6. Koriln Mountains(south-east, between Orks and Alrosia): The Dead Lands, Mountains that have nothing growing on them, It is said that an ancient force lives here, the Tundier in the Elven Language, but to others they are known simply as the Demi-Dragons.

7. Norgoth(south): Home of the Dwarves, these mountains house the largest Underground city on the Continent. Their weapons are strong and their armor is stronger. But no one goes into this city without the permission of its Dwarven Guards.
Capital: Thule-Grak.

Mechanics: Not many mechanics, mostly a 1d10 roll for Persuading, fighting, and reading. That's it.
When fighting humans, you do not have to roll as they are the weakest fighters there are.

Experience and Leveling Up: To increase your Magic and some of your abilities, you will gain experience with each fight and attempts of persuasion. How much? I won't tell you, as I will keep track of all the stats so that you all don't worry about them. And, before anyone says that this may break the game, I already gone over it. Experience is earned if you earned it, if you go looking for fights just to gain experience, then you will lose it instead. After 3 levels, I will submit a list of 5 feats for a person to pick that will differ with each player depending on how they go through the RP.

Secondary Weapons: These are weapons that your character may also carry, which is determined by your race as well.

Daggers: The quick weapon to use, easily hidden anywhere and can slice the vital areas of a person with ease. Used by Saviants.

Swords: The mainstay weapon of the continent, the Sword varies in size and length, but is strong none the less. Claymores are used by Alrosians, Longswords by Lucres.

Axes: The weapon that deals the most damage when brought down on a limb, slices through things like it was nothing. 1-handed axes used by Orcs, 2-handed used by Dwarves.

Bow and Arrows: The mighty bow and arrows used by everyone, but their strength is not within the person, but the materials used to make it. Golgin Bows (The strongest) used by Lucres, Redin Bows (second strongest) used by Elves. and regular Wooden boys used by Alrosians.

Meta-Gaming: Please don't do this. I will have this entire RP set within the forums, so I am trusting that you don't Meta and know what is going on somewhere else when you shouldn't.

Enemy Attributes: These are the main attributes and strengths/skills of the Enemies you'll fight. Note: The order is in from weakest to strongest and does not take into consideration of Wild animals (They all don't have the same attributes, so I'll post them on the fly when they attack) I will post in-game special character's attributes if they are either A)Bosses or B)mixed.

S: 4





More to come, more or less. Hope this is good for now. :D (Man that was alot of work >_<)

Character Sheet:
Name: Garian 'The Demon' Jorell
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Unknown
Appearance: Wears all black, Black boots, pants, shirt, a trench coat, gloves, and a golden cross around his neck. Sky Blue eyes and Short, black hair make up his handsome looks.
Element: Fire
Trait: Strong
Flaw: Rage
Bio: Unknown

Strength: 8(+3 Strength)
Perception: 7
Endurance: 6
Charisma: 6
Intelligence: 5
Agility: 6
Luck: 1

Alrosian Lore:
Climate: The climate of Alrosia differs depending on the area you are in, the middle are of Alrosia, where the capital is, is the most soothing zone, hot in the summer, cold in the winter. The Northern part of the Country is cold and frozen with few cities, the south is mostly desert with nomadic people and few cities, though more than in the Northern Tundra.

Military: Alrosian Military is well-rounded, with both heavy and light soldiers, cavalry, and archers. But the morale of them all is severely weak due to them never seeing combat in this age, and are likely to retreat if things go sour for them.

Education: They are taught to hate all other races, that the Alrosians are far superior than them all, other than that they are given good education, though not the greatest.
(Gotta unlock more, especially for the ones you all know now)
Last edited by That_One_Guy on Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby thedude9351 » Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:28 am

This is set in a small town in Oregon it's called silverwood, now there is a city in Canada called Steel port advertising on all radio frequencies safety and Healthcare to any and all who need it . It seems like the best choice of survival right now your community is pretty much empty. you get the occasional undead here and there and that would be fine except your resources are dangerously low, Supplies won't last long so it's time to move are you up to the challenge

Character sheet


Backround:(this will also have an affect on your skills)you can pretty much come from any where you don't have to be from the the starting town you could be passing through.

Equipment:(bring what you want but i will be advising this)

Vehicle:(Unless you plan on walking)
29 points to distribute





Skills 5 to all 9 points to distribute

small arms(pistols smg's etc)

Med arms (shotgun (cross)Bow assault rifles)


First aid(obvious)

Survival(how to react to your surroundings)

Search(your ability to find things and pay attention to detail)

Questions? I've got answers Suggestions? Bring em' on Complaints?Well fuck you
Last edited by thedude9351 on Wed Nov 23, 2011 1:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
The Dude abides
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Joined: Tue Aug 02, 2011 7:22 am
Location: A little town in the middle of nowhere deep in the sunny Californian Desert

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